Useful properties of mango butter. Monounsaturated fatty acids

Mango butter is one of the most beneficial for the beauty of curls. It is obtained from the fruit of the tree. Usually, the cold pressing method is used to obtain it. Oil can be found in several forms - liquid, solid or semi-solid.

It has a neutral taste and a barely noticeable smell, but its properties are simply magnificent. Pure oil mango has no smell, but light aroma will appear if any ingredient is added to it. The benefits from it are enormous.

It is important to know what exactly mango butter has unique composition fatty acids. Such a substance will not succumb to oxidation, and its emulsion abilities are simply excellent. As for hair care, masks using mango butter can perfectly nourish and moisturize hair.

Beneficial properties of mango butter

The product contains vitamins C, A, E. They are responsible for the beauty of hair and nails. Respectively, Mango butter has become quite widely used in cosmetology. It is also used for skin. Included in many creams and face masks. In addition, the oil has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. It helps tissues regenerate and repair. It can perfectly soften the skin and make it soft. Many people use oil for pain in muscles and joints.

Restorative properties help solve the problem of dry and depleted hair. The oil is used in shampoos, masks, conditioners. You can buy ready-made products using it, or add oil yourself.

It contains both sterols and tocopherols. And masks with mango butter are a popular option for hair restoration. The oil contains fatty acids:

  • linolenic;
  • palmitic;
  • oleic;
  • arachine

Where to buy oil?

Obtaining mango butter may be a problem only in remote parts of the country. The substance can usually be found in large pharmacies or cosmetic stores and shops. Online stores also offer it. You can also look for oil in shops selling essential oils. If the search ends in vain, it can be ordered. The cost will vary depending on the company that produces it. The highest quality and most expensive oil will be from India. This is where the fruit grows, which is involved in the production of oil. As for the cost, you can buy mango butter at a price of 560 rubles.

One of the effective and popular options for using mango oil for hair is combing. Experts in this matter advise mixing jojoba and mango oil in equal proportions. Afterwards they should be applied to the comb and combed through the hair. Thanks to this, the hair will grow faster and more actively. Additionally, work will be improved blood vessels. If you do this combing a couple of times a week, then after a month you can notice a significant improvement in the condition of your hair and accelerated growth.

Curly, dry and damaged hair. It is best to approach their restoration comprehensively. In addition to shampoos, masks and conditioners, the oil can be used for body wraps. Moreover, it doesn’t even need to be diluted. When working with oil, it is worth remembering that it melts at a low temperature.

For washing your hair, mango butter shampoo is made by adding a few grams of the substance. The same can be done with air conditioning. This will be the easiest way to beautiful and healthy hair. Mango oil for hair is a real storehouse of nutrients.

Hair masks with mango butter

Of course, there are very well-known recipes for masks that have a great effect on hair. This product should be used 1-2 times a week. Everything will depend on general condition hair.

Complex oil hair mask

One of the most effective and it got its name not because of the complexity of preparation, but because of the amount of oils that it contains.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 100 gr. mango butter;
  • 20 ml. castor oil;
  • 20 drops of lemon oil;
  • 10 ml. coconut oil;
  • 20 drops of ylang-ylang ether;
  • 10 drops;
  • 20 drops of palmarosa ether.

All of the above components are thoroughly mixed in one vessel until smooth. At the very end everything is added essential oils, and vitamin E itself. This consistency will be used only once a week. You need to apply it about 20 minutes before you plan to wash your hair. This composition will help your hair look soft, strong and strong. Curls will become more manageable. For very dry hair, you can leave the mask on your head for the whole night and only wash it off in the morning.

Mango butter mask recipe

You can make a simpler mask that requires fewer ingredients.

To make it you need to take:

  • 50 gr. coconut oil;
  • 50 gr. mango butter;
  • 10 ml. jojoba oils;
  • 10 drops of orange or lime oil.

This mask will be used less often. It is applied to the hair after every three shampoos. After thorough mixing, the components will be applied to the entire length of the hair, from roots to ends. It should stay on your head for about an hour. After using it, the hair is thoroughly washed with a mild shampoo.

Hair strengthening mask

You can try making another mask. Its advantage is that it is simpler, but no less effective composition. Anyone can do it at home.

To prepare it, you need to take:

  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of coconut oil;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • 20 gr. mango butter.

The consistency is mixed very thoroughly and brought to a homogeneous mass. It's good if you can foam the mixture. This mask, unlike the previous ones, will be applied to clean, washed hair. On top you need to wear a special cap. If it is not there, then you can wrap your head cling film. You need to wrap your head with a towel on top. The mask will remain on the hair for half an hour. Afterwards, the hair is washed with plenty of water and shampoo.

These masks can be used for normal and dry hair. Damaged hair will also respond well to restoration. Masks for oily hair Using mango butter is best avoided. This can lead to even greater and faster hair contamination.

Mango oil for hair: reviews

Mila, 25 years old

After using a mask using mango butter, I simply did not recognize my hair. They became healthy and shiny. Now it’s not scary to straighten them.

Ira, 34 years old

I have been using the small mango masks for a couple of months. My hair has completely changed, although before it was very dry and brittle.

Nina, 41 years old

Mango butter hair masks have become my favorite. Constantly dyeing and highlighting has worsened the condition of my hair. And this one simple mask I was able to save my hair.

Mangoes are native to the tropics; the fruits of the plant are aromatic and sweet and have a single color (yellow, red, green) or multi-colored. The oil is extracted from the seeds of Mangifera indica. Currently, mango grows in the countries of Central, South, North America, in Asian countries, in the tropics of Africa, and Australia. There are plantations of this tree in Europe (Spain, Canary Islands).

Mango butter is classified as solid oils having plant origin - butter. This group of oils is characterized by a semi-solid consistency. At a temperature of 20-29°C, the oil looks like softened butter, and at 40°C it begins to melt. Despite the aroma of the fruit, the oil has a neutral aroma, the color ranges from white to light yellow.

Mango butter contains monosaturated fatty acid such as: linoleic, arachidic, linolenic, stearic, palmitic, oleic. In addition to the above, the oil contains many vitamins A, C, D, E, as well as group B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, potassium, folic acid, iron. The content contains components responsible for the renewal of the epidermis (such as tocopherols, phytosterols).

Beneficial features

Let us describe the beneficial properties of mango butter and its use. This oil has anti-inflammatory, regenerating, moisturizing, softening, and photoprotective effects. It helps well in the treatment of many skin diseases, for example, dermatitis, psoriasis, skin rashes, eczema. It also helps in eliminating muscle pain, spasms, and relieves fatigue and tension. The valuable properties of mango butter allow it to be actively used in the content of various cosmetic products which are intended for massage. In addition, the oil is used to relieve itching from the bite of blood-sucking insects.

It manifests itself in the following. Mango seed oil promotes recovery lipid barrier skin, and therefore the skin regains its ability to retain moisture. Due to of this property the oil is appropriate to use after bathing and water procedures, and also to eliminate the consequences of impact on skin drying factors (for example, sunburn, chapping, frostbite and much more).

Despite its many abilities, the main purpose of this oil is daily care for skin, nails, and hair. This oil is suitable for all skin types: normal, combination, oily, sensitive, and dry. With the systematic use of oil, the skin of the face and body becomes moisturized, soft, velvety, and this state is saved throughout the whole day. Oil returns healthy color, and is also capable of eliminating pigment spots. Rough skin located on the heels, elbows, and knees can be softened by using it. Effectively this oil and in the prevention of stretch marks. The beneficial properties of mango butter are innumerable and the scope of its application is wide.

Due to its properties such as oxidation resistance, rich composition, high viscosity, it is often used in the formulation of many cosmetic products. The vast majority of manufacturers add it to many products (lotions, shampoos, creams, balms and much more) in a 5% volume.

Quite often, oil obtained from mango seeds is used in sunscreens and tanning care products. The oil has many unsaponifiable fractions that help protect the skin from sun rays.

Uses of mango oil

It can also be used in pure form, and in combination with other oils, preferably essential. Apart from this, this oil can be enriched in cosmetic products. Just add it to a cream or balm for your face or body.

Masks and applications containing this oil give a good effect. Lubricate areas of the body that require additional care with mango oil, or apply napkins pre-soaked in oil to these areas. If necessary, carry out this procedure twice a day, but for preventive purposes once a week is enough. Apart from this, you can alternate the use of mango oil in its pure form with its combination with other oils. Simply add 5 drops of any oil of your choice per ten milliliters of mango butter.

It will also be useful to take baths with the addition of mango seed oil. These baths make the water soft and well moisturize the skin of the body. You should just quit small piece oils in warm water and lie in it for 10-15 minutes.

To strengthen your nails, systematically rub mango butter into your nails. nail plates. This procedure is carried out at night.

Benefits of mango butter for hair care

To make your hair shiny, manageable and have healthy looking, enrich your conditioner with this oil. Add mango seed oil to it in a ratio of 1:10. And then apply and distribute the balm through your hair, rub into the roots. Leave the mixture for 7 minutes. After the time has passed, simply rinse with water.

You can also massage the hair roots using a mixture of mango and jojoba oils mixed in a one to one ratio.

The ingredients contained in mango butter completely envelop each hair, nourishing, smoothing and restoring the structure. After regular use of cosmetic products with the addition of mango oil, your hair will become shiny and easy to comb.

The oil should be warmed slightly before use as it is hard and will not spread easily, and when heated it is easily absorbed by the skin, nails and hair.

What are the benefits of mango butter for our beauty and health?

Mango is an exotic fruit for our region that grows in the tropical zone. It has a very pleasant sweetish aroma and juicy taste. Mango butter is obtained from seeds called Mangifera Indica, which literally means “mango tree”. Sunny India is considered the birthplace of this fruit, but today it is quite a large number of These trees grow in the region of North and Central America, as well as in a number of Asian countries. This also includes Australia and Africa. There are also mango plantations in some areas of Europe (for example, the Canaries, Spain).

When the fruit is fully ripe, it has a uniform color (it can be green, red or, for example, yellow tint) and an attractive aroma.

Features of the composition

Mango processing products are usually classified as so-called solid oils, which are distinguished by their vegetable origin (another name is butter). Oils of this type are characterized by a fairly solid consistency. For example, at a temperature of 20-29 degrees it resembles a slightly softened brick butter, and if the mode is increased to 40 degrees, then it will begin to rapidly melt. Probably the main difference between mango processing products is that the oil does not have a pronounced aroma; rather, it can be defined as neutral. The color is the same in this case ranges from white to, respectively, light yellow.

If speak about chemical composition product, it should be noted that the oil has a large amount of monosaturated fatty acids: linoleic, palmitic, oleic, etc. Vitamins C, A, D and E, group B, magnesium, folic acid, iron and potassium are also present here. The cosmetic product contains components that improve the process of renewal of the upper layer of skin (phytosterols, tocopherols).

Unique properties of mango butter

If we nominally list the features of mango oil, then these are regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects, softening and moisturizing, as well as a photoprotective effect. This is one of the most effective means for the treatment of all kinds of skin ailments and diseases. For example, psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, skin rash, etc. For some, using it helps cope with muscle pain and also significantly reduce spasms. It can reduce overall body fatigue, tension, etc.

The unique properties of mango oil have determined its widespread use in the production of various cosmetic products and products, especially massage complexes.

This product enhances the regeneration capabilities of the natural lipid barrier of the epidermis, supports required level skin hydration. Actually, thanks to this feature mango butter will be an excellent solution after taking a bath or visiting a sauna.

Of course, the main purpose of mango oil is complete care for skin, hair and nails. The product is ideal for those whose skin can be called combination, normal, sensitive, dry and even oily. If you regularly use this product, the skin acquires extraordinary softness and tenderness, becomes firmer and more elastic.

Today, mango oil is also actively used in many cosmetic and prophylactic agents. Many manufacturers add it to lotions, creams, balms, etc. But the consistency in this case, as a rule, does not exceed 5%.

The use of mango oil in cosmetology

Mango based butter is very actively used in cosmetic industry, in particular, cosmetology. And all because he unique properties can make your skin soft and radiant, and your hair strong and manageable. The product can be used either alone or in combination with other care products. Of course, it's best to stick to essential oils.

The effectiveness of masks increases significantly if you add a little mango butter to the mask. You can also simply lubricate with this product those areas of your body that need additional care: feet, elbows, etc.

  • Brand: AROMASHKA
  • Latin name: Mangifera indica
  • Retrieved from: bones
  • Origin: India
  • Method of obtaining: cold pressing

Mango butter (batter)
The homeland of mangoes is India. This is an evergreen tropical tree, up to 45 meters high, the popularity of its fruit is so high that it is now grown in many countries, from Central America to Africa. Mango fruit is often used in home medicine in India and other Asian countries. For example, in India, mangoes are used to stop bleeding, strengthen the heart muscle and for better work brain In addition, regular consumption of ripe fruits improves immunity and protects against colds.
The pulp of the fruit seeds contains an oil that is amazing in its cosmetic properties. Mango butter - pale - yellow color, solid consistency, practically odorless, with a neutral taste. It has a limited melting point, is resistant to oxidation, has high viscosity and good emulsion stability. It is considered non-greasy and is well absorbed into the skin without leaving a greasy film.
Neutralizes oxidative reactions due to fat-soluble vitamins - antioxidants.

Fatty acid composition of mango butter

Saturated fatty acids

Palmitic acid C16:0 5.5%
Stearic acid C18:0 40.0 - 45.0%
Arachinic acid C20:0 2.0 - 2.5%

Monounsaturated fatty acids

Oleic acid C18:1 40.0 - 46.0%

Polyunsaturated fatty acids

Linoleic acid C18:2 3.0 - 4.0%

Mango butter is used in all cosmetics- creams for the face, hands, feet, body, massage creams and mixtures, protective equipment after sun, lip balms, hair care products (balms, shampoos, masks), in the production of soap. Mango butter in cosmetic products acts as a humidifier, is used for different types skin. By retaining moisture and stabilizing cellular respiration, the oil provides intensive hydration throughout the day, and also softens and makes the skin elastic. Fights wrinkles and age spots, tightens pores, eliminates flaking, helps damaged skin recover (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, rashes, sunburn), returns a healthy complexion. Oil is also suitable for children's delicate skin. Thanks to its restorative, anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, it heals small wounds, cracks, promotes the disappearance of small scars, spots that remain after some skin formations. During pregnancy helps fight stretch marks, improving skin elasticity.
For hair- this oil will also be very useful. It nourishes, moisturizes, restores, smoothes cuticle scales and envelops the hair with an invisible film, thereby reducing hair fragility. Adds shine, improves combability and makes hair manageable.
Mango butter is suitable and for nail care- strengthens, moisturizes, relieves inflammation of the nail fold and cuticle.
For massage used in pure form or as an additive with any other oil.
Usage: in creams 5 - 20%, for hair 5 - 10%, lip balms 10 - 100%
Contraindications: individual intolerance.

Attention! IN summer time There may be some slight leakage from under the cap.

All information provided on the site is for reference only and should not be considered a treatment guide or call to action. For any health problems or diseases, you should consult a doctor and perceive aromatherapy as additional help for the body. In this case, consultation with an aromatherapist is mandatory.

Mango butter is obtained from the seeds of the tropical plant Mangifera, which is more often called simply "mango". This is a solid vegetable oil - butter, the melting point of which is 40 degrees Celsius. Mango butter has virtually no odor, and its color can vary from pure white to yellowish, pinkish or even cream.

Mango contains unsaturated fatty acids, a number of vitamins (A, E, D, C, group B) and microelements (Fe, K, Ca, Mg), as well as plant sterols, which improve the condition of the cell membranes of the epidermis.

Mango butter effectively relieves muscle pain caused by fatigue, so this butter can be used to enrich the composition of various massage mixtures.

When applied to the skin, mango butter restores the skin's natural oil barrier and helps retain moisture. It is especially useful to apply mango oil to the face and body after visiting the pool, sauna, bathhouse and beach.

Mango butter will help quickly tidy up rough, chapped, frostbitten and burned skin, eliminate itching from insect bites, improve complexion, age spots and prevent stretch marks. It can successfully replace aftershave cream: the oil will not only soothe the skin, but also prevent irritation.

Another positive attribute mango butter is that it is equally suitable for different skin types: dry and oily, young and mature. This oil can be a real salvation for people with overly sensitive and flaky skin. It is even recommended for the treatment of certain forms of skin diseases, namely dermatitis, psoriasis and dry eczema.

Before using, the mango butter must be melted until liquid. This can be done using a microwave or water bath. 20 minutes after applying to the skin, any remaining oil should be blotted clean. paper napkin. But in general, mango oil is perfectly absorbed by the skin and does not leave unpleasant sensation fat content

Mango butter is also used in hair care. It smoothes, moisturizes and restores hair, making it healthy, manageable and shiny. Mango butter can be used both in pure form and in mixture with other cosmetics. vegetable oils, for example jojoba. Melted mango butter or its mixture with other butter should be applied to clean hair and scalp, leave for at least 30 minutes, and then rinse with warm water and a small amount of shampoo.

You can strengthen your skin with mango butter. To do this, it must be regularly rubbed into the nail plates and not washed off for several hours. It is most convenient to carry out this procedure at night.

This valuable oil You can add additional beneficial properties by adding a variety of essential oils to it. Rosemary oil, for example, will help quickly improve hair condition and dandruff, oil tea tree– cope with acne, lemongrass oil – cleans clogged pores, and lavender oil– heal small wounds and cracks. You can add 1-2 drops of essential oil to 5 ml of melted butter.

Thanks to your valuable properties, mango oil is actively used in the cosmetics industry and is often included in many popular products: body lotions, sunscreens and after-sun skin care products, as well as hair balms and shampoos. In cosmetic products it is usually referred to as mangifera indica (mango) kernel oil, mangifera indica (mango) seed butter or mangifera indica (mango) seed oil.
