Consequences of improper use of depilatory cream. Means that stimulate regeneration Lumi Balm "Rescuer" - "Burn from depilatory cream ?! fixed in one night! and a few other uses."

Depilation cosmetics contain synthetic components that destroy the hair structure. With prolonged contact with the skin, they damage soft tissues. A depilatory cream burn is classified as a chemical injury. They are especially susceptible to people with fair and sensitive skin. Burn wounds are more likely to occur in areas with scratches, sores, microcracks. Treatment methods depend on the depth of penetration of the depilatory cream into the skin. For superficial injuries, they are limited to local therapy using anti-burn agents.

Composition of depilatory cream

Depilation is a simple and painless way to remove hair that does not affect the hair follicles. Areas of the body with excessive hairiness are treated with a special cream. It breaks down the keratin in the hair shafts, reducing their strength. At the time of removal of cosmetics, the hairs break off and fall off. This method of dealing with unwanted vegetation on the body is called chemical depilation.

  • Thioglycolate is an essential component that breaks down protein in the hair shafts. Salts of thioglycolic acid literally corrode the reinforcing components of the hair, causing them to become brittle and fall off.
  • Calcium and sodium hydroxide are alkalizing components that accelerate the destruction of keratin scales. With prolonged contact with the skin provoke irritation, allergic reactions.
  • Strontium and barium sulfides are weakly acidic substances that act like thioglycolate. They quickly penetrate deep into the hairs, splitting the protein components.

Why burns may occur

A burn after depilatory cream is a household injury that 3 out of 10 women experience. To achieve the desired effect, they overexpose the cosmetic product on the skin, which leads to its damage. The severity of the injury increases if:

  • before depilation, a hot bath was taken;
  • before the procedure, the skin was not treated with baby cream or powder;
  • cosmetics were applied to areas with microdamages.

To reduce the aggressive action of thioglycolate and sodium hydroxide, emollients are added to cosmetics - emollients. These include essential oils, herbal extracts, etc. Over time, the organic substances in the cream are destroyed, due to which its aggressiveness increases. Therefore, doctors prohibit the use of depilatory products after the expiration date.

The pH of a healthy person's skin is 5.5, while the pH of depilatory cream is in the range of 11.5-12. The use of such cosmetics leads to a violation of the acid-base balance. Increased acidity is fraught with:

  • destruction of the protective layer of the skin;
  • decrease in local immunity;
  • colonization of the affected areas by staphylococcus aureus and propionibacterium.

Therefore, burns caused by depilatory cream are often complicated by purulent inflammation.

First aid for burns from depilatory cream

Chemical burns from depilatory cream often occur due to non-compliance with the recommendations for its use.

If blisters appear at the site of the burn, liquid oozes from the wound, it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor.

When skin is damaged

If pain and redness occur after application, you should:

  • Rinse off the depilatory. The remains of cosmetics are removed with running water. To prevent blistering, flush the affected area with water for at least 10 minutes.
  • Neutralize acids. To reduce the destructive effect of thioglycolate, the damaged area is treated with a 5% soap or soda solution. For this, 1 tsp. soda is dissolved in 100 ml of boiled water.
  • Drink an analgesic. With superficial burns, the victims experience severe pain. To improve the condition, you need to drink a tablet of Ibuklin, Naproxen or Ketanov.
  • Treat the wound. Injured skin is lubricated with an anti-burn preparation. It is better to use ointments and sprays with provitamin B5 - Pantecrem, Bepanten, Dexpanthenol.
  • Put on a bandage. If blisters appear on the arms or legs, they are covered with a sterile bandage. Previously, an antiseptic is applied to the dressing - Lassar paste, Miramistin, Zinc or Boric ointment.

In case of eye contact

In 98% of cases, depilatory products provoke superficial burns. When the cells of the epidermis are destroyed, painful sensations arise, which makes it necessary to remove the remnants of cosmetics. Burns caused by the cream on the mucous membrane of the eye are of great danger. In such a situation it is necessary:

  • Rinse your eyes. To remove the depilatory cream, the affected eye is washed with saline or running water for 10 minutes.
  • Anesthetize. Local anesthetic drops are instilled under the eyelid - Oxybuprocaine, Proparacaine, Dikain. If drugs are not at hand, analgesics are used in tablets - Paracetamol, Dipiron.
  • Put on a bandage. The injured eye is covered with sterile gauze or a bandage.

What not to do

Illiterate provision of first aid is fraught with deterioration of the condition of burned tissues. Therefore, when receiving burns with a depilatory cream, it is prohibited:

  • wash off the remnants of cosmetics with a washcloth;
  • rub damaged tissue;
  • treat wounds with vegetable oil, egg white;
  • apply other cosmetics to the skin.

In case of damage to the eyes, they immediately turn to an ophthalmologist. Clouding of the cornea or vitreous body indicates tissue necrosis. Such injuries are treated only by a doctor.

Restoration of the skin after a chemical burn

Superficial chemical burns are treated at home with local anesthetics, antimicrobials, and wound healing agents.


To prevent infection of wounds after depilation cream, use:

  • Miramistin is an antiseptic ointment that destroys the cellular structures of staphylococci and propionibacteria. Prevents purulent inflammation of burnt tissues. It is applied to dressings or openly 3-4 times a day.
  • Irikar is a homeopathic remedy with anti-inflammatory properties that eliminates burning and itching. Used as an adjunct to antiseptics.
  • Ranostop - ointment with povidone-iodine, which has a disinfectant effect. With burns, depilatory cream prevents the reproduction of staphylococci in the wound. It is applied 2-3 times a day with a thin layer only on damaged areas of the body.
  • Streptocide is an antimicrobial ointment that heals infected wounds. For burns, depilatory cream is used twice a day.
  • Inflarax is an anesthetic, antimicrobial ointment that prevents the infection from penetrating into the wound surface. Effective against purulent complications with burns of 1 and 2 degrees. Apply under a bandage or openly twice a day.

With bacterial inflammation of the skin, drugs with antibiotics are used - Levosin, Gentamicin, Zinerit, Erythromycin ointment.

Wound healing agents

After the destruction of the infection, tissue healing agents are used:

  • Dexpan is a combined regenerating and anti-inflammatory cream. Accelerates cellular metabolism, stimulating the restoration of the skin.
  • Acerbin is a wound healing antiseptic intended for the treatment of chemical burns and trophic ulcers. Accelerates the formation of granulation tissue in the wound.
  • Sudocrem is a drug with antiseptic, emollient and wound healing properties. It has a moderate analgesic effect, eliminates wounds with superficial burns.
  • Glue BF-6 is a wound healing liquid that forms a protective film on the wound surface. Prevents the penetration of infection into the skin, accelerates scarring of tissues.
  • Dermazin is an antimicrobial agent that heals infected wounds. Prevents the growth of bacteria, stimulates the regeneration of the epidermis.

Folk methods

To speed up the healing of the skin after a chemical burn, folk remedies are used. Pronounced wound healing properties have:

  • Aloe applications. Several leaves are sent to the refrigerator for 1-2 hours, after which they are crushed. Apply to the burn for 30 minutes three times a day.
  • Turmeric mask. Milk and turmeric are mixed in equal proportions. 1 st. l. the mixture is mixed with 10 ml of olive oil. Apply a mask to injured skin 2 times a day.

Sea buckthorn oil is used as an antiseptic.

Folk remedies are used only for superficial injuries that are not accompanied by weeping.

When not to use depilatory cream

Depilatory cream contains components that provoke not only burns, but also allergic reactions. Therefore, dermatologists do not recommend using it for:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • sensitive skin;
  • abrasions and scratches;
  • exacerbation of skin pathologies;
  • intolerance to the components of the agent.

Aggressive cosmetics are not applied to areas with moles, papillomas or condylomas. You should refrain from chemical depilation in case of relapses of bronchial asthma. Ignoring contraindications and restrictions is fraught with bronchospasm, suffocation.

Depilatory Cream Precautions

A chemical burn from a depilatory cream will not occur if you follow the rules for working with aggressive cosmetics. To prevent injury, consider the following precautions:

  • before depilation, neutralizing agents are applied to the skin - fatty creams, massage oils;
  • you should not visit the bath for 3 days before and after depilation;
  • a week before the procedure, you need to stop using locally irritating ointments;
  • do not keep cosmetics on the skin longer than the time specified in the instructions for its use;
  • scrub gels are not used for 3-5 days before hair removal;
  • it is undesirable to apply cosmetics to the deep bikini area due to the risk of irritation of the genital mucosa.

Often burns occur in women who use depilatory cream for the first time. This is due to the side effect of the cosmetics themselves. After chemical depilation, the hair grows into the skin, which is why it is not completely removed. Therefore, some women decide to increase the duration of the procedure. Because of this, allergic reactions, chemical injuries often occur.

Unfortunately, any method of hair removal due to various reasons can lead to certain troubles. As a rule, this is one of three: an allergic reaction, ingrown hairs and burns. The last option is perhaps the most unpleasant, as it can lead to irreparable damage to the skin.

That is why you need to know exactly what and how to do before and during hair removal in order to avoid possible negative consequences. After all, no one wants to hide from prying eyes for several weeks while the burns go off, and even more so, no one wants to go to the hospital because of this.

Burns after depilation cream

Depilation with creams is a relatively new method of hair removal, which has recently become very popular due to the simplicity and painlessness of its application. In addition, this method does not require much time.

In essence, any depilatory cream is a “solvent”. It contains strong synthetic acids, which, when it comes into contact with the surface of the skin, corrode (thinn) the hairline located there. Of course, the cream also affects the skin (negatively), although not so much. However, if you neglect the instructions and contraindications, then problems cannot be avoided.

Important! Pregnant women should not use depilatory creams, as their increased acid-base balance (pH), which is 12 for most products, can negatively affect the skin pH (the norm is 4-6). This will either complicate pregnancy or make this period even more uncomfortable for the expectant mother.

What should be done when a burn occurs? If you experience severe pain, blisters or ulcers, go to the doctor immediately, self-medication in these cases can only worsen everything. But if the burn is mild (redness, increased sensitivity of the skin), then you can deal with it yourself.

For treatment you need:

  1. Clean the burn area from cream and other substances, including dirt.
  2. Place the affected part of the body in cool water (warm or hot will aggravate discomfort).
  3. Wait until the pain and irritation have decreased to an acceptable level, after which it is necessary to treat the burnt area with an anti-burn ointment or aloe-based cream.
  4. Repeat the process several times a day until everything is gone.

If we talk about folk remedies, then these can be:

  • Mask of milk and turmeric. Milk is responsible for moisturizing, and turmeric is responsible for the antiseptic properties of the mixture. This mask is prepared very simply - by simply mixing milk from the refrigerator with this spice.
  • Leaf of aloe plant. It must be cut in half and applied to the burn.

What should not be done with a burn after depilation cream:

  1. Do not use the same cream again.
  2. Sunbathing is prohibited.
  3. Tight clothing must not be worn.
  4. It is also impossible to scratch the place of the burn.
  • do not use the cream if the skin is very sensitive;
  • do not depilate on tanned skin;
  • it is forbidden to perform epilation in the bikini area and on other sensitive areas of the skin, including the face.

Burns after waxing

The burn in this case is the result of using too hot wax without proper protection (treatment). What basically happens when epilating at home, since in salons this method rarely leads to something bad. As a rule, a burn on the skin after waxing manifests itself in the appearance of age spots.

Treatment in this case also depends on the level and nature of the damage:

  • if strong - go to the doctor;
  • if weak - use a cream (for example, Panthenol).

Panthenol is a thermal burn remedy that relieves pain and promotes healing. In addition, you can use walnut oil and aloe juice compress.

To avoid burns:

  • do not use excessively hot wax and do everything according to the instructions (comes with wax):
  • do not epilate with a strong tan and if the skin is already burned;
  • after the procedure, avoid tight clothing;
  • the more sensitive your skin, the less hot the wax should be.

Burn after laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is a procedure for removing hair by exposing them to a concentrated beam of photons (light). In other words, burning them out. In this case, burns appear for the same reason as with sunburn - too much exposure to light.

Laser hair removal can lead to problems if:

  1. faulty equipment is used;
  2. the procedure is carried out by an inexperienced master;
  3. too high power laser selected;
  4. the skin is already damaged - there are burns, sunburn, severe irritation, various skin diseases.

In the 3rd case, we are talking about the power of a single installation. For example, ruby ​​lasers use red photons with a long wavelength, which is why their beams are stronger than others, therefore, they are easier to damage the skin. While alexandrite installations release small photons at short wavelengths, so they are weaker, and therefore safer.

To avoid burns from laser hair removal, follow these simple tips:

  1. Contact only proven salons with high-quality equipment and experienced craftsmen. They are best looked for by customer reviews.
  2. During the consultation, ask to see certificates confirming the qualifications of the master.
  3. Find out in advance the features of the procedure - the sequence of actions of the master, contraindications, duration, what is used, etc.
  4. Do a test epilation on a small area of ​​​​skin and see the result.
  5. Do not perform the procedure after or before tanning.

What to do when the burn still appears? First inspect it, then consult with the master. He usually knows what to do. In most cases, if the burn is minor, you will be advised to use the previously mentioned Panthenol or another burn cream. You will also be advised to avoid open spaces and/or use sunscreen.

  • rip off or destroy the crust that appeared at the site of the burn;
  • use various scrubs or other products with a strong physical or chemical effect on the skin (for example, when hand washing and / or cleaning);
  • visit solariums or sunbathe in the sun;
  • if the burn is large, you should not do something that causes heavy sweating on the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

In cases where the burn is severe enough or occupies a significant area of ​​​​the skin, it is imperative to consult a doctor. Otherwise, serious problems may arise.

Epilation and depilation without consequences

As you can see, hair removal is not an easy task. This procedure has its own contraindications and must be carried out in full accordance with the instructions. We strongly do not recommend neglecting this, otherwise a burn or other skin problems are very likely.

If you make a choice between sugar hair removal and laser hair removal, then definitely sugaring has more advantages. Sugar hair removal gives a longer effect, and the risk of burns and irritation after this procedure is reduced to zero. However, there is an important condition - shugaring must be performed by an experienced master who knows the rules for handling hot wax!

It is always better to turn to professionals who know what and how to do in order to get the maximum result and avoid negative consequences. It is these specialists who work in our salon "Epil Salon" in Moscow. We invite you to a safe and

Women always strive to improve their attractiveness, to achieve smooth, flawless skin in various ways, which sometimes leads to burns after depilation or epilation.

The modern cosmetology industry offers procedures using different methods: creams, wax, electro- and photoepilation services.

The effectiveness and occurrence of undesirable consequences directly depends on the chosen method and the experience of the master. Before performing a particular procedure, you must carefully study the rules, contraindications and subsequent recommendations for care.

Provoking factors

Burns after depilation or epilation may appear for the following reasons:

  1. Delicate female skin can be very susceptible to the materials used in a cosmetic procedure. To avoid unpleasant consequences, owners of sensitive skin should first consult with a specialist.
  2. An incorrectly selected product can cause a burn after depilation, an allergic reaction.
  3. The inexperience of the master, attempts to independently carry out the procedures leads to unpleasant consequences. This is more about removing unwanted hairs in the bikini area, where the skin is especially sensitive.
  4. Ignoring the precautions for performing a cosmetic procedure, non-observance of the time for applying the mass (cream, wax).
  5. The use of aggressive products to wash off the remnants of cosmetics. After epilation, you can not use hard washcloths, scrubs, otherwise the epithelium is irritated, the burn intensifies after depilation.

Drug therapy depending on the type of procedure

Treatment of damage to the skin after epilation depends on the chosen initial method of hair removal.

Cream depilation

Due to the ease of use, low pain sensations, this type has gained great popularity. A significant advantage is the fact that depilation with a cream does not take much time and can be carried out anywhere, even when traveling or on business trips.

The principle of operation of a special composition is based on the "dissolution" of the hairline due to synthetic acid. The cream is quite safe, but if you neglect the rules, problems cannot be avoided.

If there is a severe burn from a depilatory cream with blisters and ulcers, you should immediately contact a professional specialist and do not self-medicate.

With a slight injury, when redness appears, burning sensation, the following measures must be taken:

  • Free the skin from the remnants of the product.
  • Rinse the area with running cold water to relieve discomfort and pain.
  • After that, treat the wound with a disinfecting ointment, an antiseptic, for example, "Rescuer", "Pantestin".

Subsequently, do not use this drug again to remove unwanted hairs on the skin. Try not to scratch the site of the injury.

Experts do not advise using creams for depilation immediately after tanning.


In this case, you can get burned during waxing by applying too hot material. This happens when a cosmetic procedure is carried out by an inexperienced master or independently at home. A symptom of an injury after waxing is strong pigment spots in the area of ​​​​application of the product.

In case of deep damage, you should consult a doctor, but if the wax burn is insignificant, it will be enough to treat the area with Panthenol cream according to the instructions, a specialized aerosol improves healing, eliminates pain and redness.

To prevent damage to the skin as a result of a cosmetic procedure, the following rules must be observed:

  • Do not wear tight clothing immediately after waxing.
  • Strictly follow the instructions and take into account the recommendations on the temperature of heating the wax.
  • Carry out a sensitivity test.

Laser and electrolysis

The principle of the procedure is based on the effect of a concentrated beam of light on the hairs, due to which it is not simply burned out. Burns from laser hair removal most often occur as a result of too much exposure to photons.

Sometimes burns after laser hair removal are formed due to damaged, old equipment or previously present lesions on the skin (dermatitis, wounds, cuts, irritation, etc.)

Important! If laser hair removal has caused burns of the second or deeper degree, you should not perform treatment at home, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In the first few minutes, when a burn appears after laser hair removal, Bepanten can be used to reduce pain, further treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

Traditional medicine recipes

If burns develop after electrolysis or depilation with a cream, alternative medicine recipes effectively help in the treatment:

  • A good remedy is aloe juice, which can be used to lubricate the damaged area 4-5 times a day. This method helps to normalize the water balance on the skin, activate tissue regeneration.
  • Compresses with sea buckthorn oil will help relieve redness, reduce pain from burns after electrolysis. It is necessary to carry out applications at least 2-3 times a day.
  • A strong decoction of chamomile flowers, in the form of compresses, helps relieve inflammation, reduce discomfort, and burning sensation.
  • Damage can be treated with a tincture of milk and turmeric (100 ml of milk and 2 tsp spices). Apply a thick paste in a thick layer to the damaged area. The recipe helps in the speedy recovery, prevention of inflammation.

Damage prevention

To prevent a burn from a depilatory cream and the development of other adverse effects, several basic rules must be observed:

  1. Carry out hair removal only in proven professional salons with experienced craftsmen.
  2. Before deciding on the procedure, undergo a consultation, familiarize yourself with the relevant quality certificates.
  3. To study in advance the subtleties of the event, possible consequences, features of post-procedural therapy, etc.
  4. Preliminary carry out the removal on a small area and look at the reaction of the skin.
  5. Do not do the procedure immediately after natural or artificial tanning, otherwise red spots may appear.
  6. Also, experts do not recommend taking cosmetic measures while taking antibacterial or sulfa drugs.

Immediately after the procedure, there comes a very important period when it is necessary to pay special attention to the condition of the skin. To prevent the development of complications and injuries, you should follow a few simple rules, know what to do in the first 2-3 days:

  1. Do not wear synthetic clothing, materials such as linen, silk, cotton are preferred.
  2. Do not do peeling procedures, it is strongly not recommended to use scrubs. Mechanical impact on the skin can disrupt tissue regeneration and lead to scarring.
  3. In no case should you visit the solarium, sunbathe on the beaches.
  4. Experts advise to refrain from a sauna or a bath complex. At high temperatures and air humidity, the likelihood that burns will appear after photoepilation or the use of cream, wax increases.

If the injury has already formed, in order to prevent even greater localization and the development of severe pain, it is not recommended to rip off the scab (crust). In case of complications, it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

The procedure for removing unwanted hairs, such as photoepilation, shugaring, the use of creams is a rather difficult task. It has its own subtleties and contraindications that must be considered before execution.

Using depilators to remove unwanted body hair is a fairly simple and seemingly non-traumatic method. However, this is not quite true.

When using such means, one should be very careful, because the apparent safety can be leveled by a negligent attitude to the study of the rules of procedure.

Below we will consider situations in which you can get a burn with depilatory cream, and we will tell you what to do in such cases.

First, let's talk about security rules. To protect yourself from possible negative consequences, such as burns after depilation with a cream or irritation, follow the main rule - follow the instructions exactly.

Basic precautions for all such products:

  • always test for sensitivity before use;
  • do not exceed the exposure time specified in the instructions;
  • do not use the cream on areas prohibited by the manufacturer;
  • do not apply the depilator to damaged or irritated skin;
  • skin care after hair removal procedure.

Did you know? The main active ingredient in depilatory creams is calcium thioglycolate, which destroys keratin, the protein that makes up hair.

Complications after the procedure and their causes

In most cases, all complications occur due to non-compliance with the above recommendations and rules. However, sometimes the individual feature of the skin has an influence.

Let's take a closer look at possible complications.


Everyone knows that all depilatory creams have a far from natural composition. Due to the presence of aggressive substances, there is a possibility of getting a chemical burn from the depilatory cream.

The following factors may increase your risk:

  • very sensitive skin that reacts to any means;
  • exceeding the recommended exposure time;
  • rinsing off the depilator with a hard washcloth.

Did you know? A doctor who specializes in the treatment of burns is called a combustiologist, from lat. "combustio" - burn and Greek. "logos" - doctrine.


The consequences in the form of irritations from the depilatory cream are not as dangerous as burns, but nevertheless cause discomfort and aesthetic unsightliness. Manifested by redness, itching, rashes, burning.

Irritation can occur for the following reasons:

  • soft skin;
  • an allergic reaction to the components of the product;
  • excessive efforts when removing the product with a spatula;
  • improper skin care after depilation.

Irritation after depilatory cream can be minimized by carefully moisturizing the skin after the procedure with special products after depilation.

Features of complications

Let's focus on two sensitive areas. The consequences on them from improper use of the depilatory cream are especially dangerous due to the fact that the skin in these places is thin and vulnerable, and there is also a mucous membrane nearby.

On the face

When choosing a product, always pay attention to the marks for which zones it is intended. If you use a product intended for the legs, the chances of getting a burn on your face from a depilatory cream increase significantly.

Facial products have a lower concentration of strong chemicals and are more gentle on the skin.

In the intimate area

The same applies to . You should choose a cream designed for this area. In addition, regardless of the chosen means, it is forbidden to carry out the “deep bikini” procedure with this method.

Important! Depilatory creams are prohibited for use on mucous membranes!

What to do?

If the burn after the depilatory cream could not be avoided or irritation appeared, especially on the face, the question arises: “What should I do?”. First you need to immediately remove the remnants of the product from the skin, and hold the damaged area under a stream of cool water for 15-20 minutes.

Pharmaceutical treatment

After cooling the damaged area, anti-inflammatory and healing drugs must be applied to the skin. The most popular pharmacy remedies for this problem:

  • "Panthenol";
  • "Rescuer";
  • "Bepanthen".

Important! If blisters appear at the site of the burn, liquid oozes from the wound, it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor.


Folk remedies for treating burns include wiping the affected area with aloe vera juice. A homemade milk and turmeric mask has moisturizing and antiseptic properties.

You need to mix these ingredients to a thick paste-like state and apply on the burn, hold for a while and rinse.
Sea buckthorn oil has a healing effect. Make applications with it twice a day. Depending on the degree of damage, 5 to 10 procedures can be performed.

Contraindicated actions

Photos of burns, especially of the face, with depilatory cream are unpleasant. In order not to aggravate the negative consequences, it is necessary to remember a number of contraindicated actions:

  • you can not take sun baths and go to the sauna;
  • do not wear tight and tight clothing to the damaged area;
  • scrubs, peels, washcloths should not be used on the burn area;
  • do not use in the future a cream that has had negative effects on the skin.

This article is intended for those who monitor their health and study in detail the information about them before various cosmetic procedures. If you still burned your skin with depilatory cream, there is a chance to minimize the consequences by applying the methods outlined above.

From this video you will learn how to get rid of irritation and make the skin soft and tender.

Despite numerous warnings and warnings about the use of depilatory creams and their effects, many people continue to use these creams because they are considered the fastest and most painless form of hair removal. However, this type of hair removal is one of the most dangerous, especially for those with sensitive skin. The fact is that the action of the depilatory cream is aimed at dissolving the hair due to the action of strong chemical acids contained in the cream. These acids can cause serious damage to your skin, including severe allergic reactions and chemical burns.

If, nevertheless, you decide to use a depilatory cream, and chemical burns appear on your skin, our tips will help you alleviate the consequences and heal the damage. However, keep in mind that these tips only apply if your burns are mild. If your skin has ulcers oozing with lymph, blisters, and the slightest touch of the skin causes severe pain, then the burns on your skin have become moderate or severe. And in this case, it is strongly not recommended to try to undertake any treatment on your own. You must immediately consult a doctor. Do not throw away the label and instruction sheet from your cream so that it is easier for the doctor to determine which substances may have caused the burn.

How to cure a chemical burn caused by depilatory cream

  • First of all, get rid of clothing in contact with the affected area. Place the affected area under running cold water for 20 minutes. This will help to relieve the burning sensation and help to avoid worsening of the skin condition.
  • Another way to treat a chemical burn is with an aloe vera gel. Apply the gel to the affected area every few hours. The gel should be stored in the refrigerator and applied to the skin cold. This will help relieve the burning sensation and reduce redness. If you have an indoor aloe flower growing, then you can apply aloe leaf juice to the burn site, and your skin will thank you.
  • Medicated ointments for the treatment of burns can also be used in the case of a chemical burn. Drink plenty of water while treating a chemical burn. This will help hydrate your skin from the inside out and speed up skin regeneration.
  • Mix cold milk and turmeric powder into a thick paste. Apply this paste on the affected area. Turmeric is an excellent antiseptic. And milk helps to maintain the balance of moisture in the skin. As soon as your burn starts to heal, you can apply vitamin E oil to your skin. This will help to avoid scarring.
  • If your skin begins to bleed or a foul-smelling liquid begins to come out of your skin, contact your doctor immediately. This may mean that you have introduced an infection into the wound, and if you do not receive medical attention, the condition may worsen.

When treating a chemical burn from depilatory cream, it is very important to remember that:

  • It is strongly not recommended to use scrubs or rub the damaged area with a washcloth, as this can worsen the skin condition and contribute to infection.
  • You can not wear too tight clothes or allow friction of the damaged area, cover it with a plaster, apply a tight bandage. Ideally, it is necessary that there is constant access of air to the affected area. This will help the skin recover faster.
  • The sun must be avoided. A burn wound will get worse if you expose the affected area to sunlight. If you can't avoid the sun, then loosely cover the affected area with a light cotton cloth and apply sunscreen around the affected area, but not directly on the affected area.

In addition, any type of home hair removal, including depilation with a cream, can be unsafe if you are not a certified hair removal specialist. To learn more about the dangers that may lie in wait for you when epilating with any home hair removal method, read our article: Dangers and Risks of Different Hair Removal Methods. You should not save on your own health and risk harming yourself with unprofessional actions. If you are determined to use only depilatory creams, be sure to test on a small area of ​​​​skin.
