The most romantic holidays that not everyone knows about. Gaining experience: romantic ideas

Do you want to be romantic, but think it costs a lot of money? We give you 33 ways to be romantic without breaking the bank. To please your loved one, all you need is your desire.

Of course there are different expensive methods spend time with your loved one - ride around the city in a limousine, go to a French restaurant, visit a romantic resort. It is too good ways spend time together, but few people will be able to do this regularly, so you can take advantage the following ideas to embellish your life together more often.

Before we get into the list, let's look at some notes on how to use it:

2. Communicate. Communicate regularly, discuss your goals and dreams, your plans for the future, and don’t forget to give compliments.

3. Inspiration. This list contains a lot of obvious things - you can come up with twice as many good ideas on one's own. However, the list does not pretend to be original - it aims to be a source of inspiration.

4. Forget Valentine's Day. People think they have to be romantic on special days. No need to wait special days to give joy to yourself and those around you.

Okay, enough talk. Let's look at ways to be romantic:

1. Write a poem

2. Have a romantic dinner at home

3. Get a massage

4. Have a picnic at sunset

5. Collect flowers/yellow leaves on the way home

6. Record a CD with love songs

7. Read poetry together

8. Write love notes or SMS

9. Send a love letter by email

10. Take a moonlit walk through the park

11. Watch it together romantic movie

12. Take a bath together

13. Take a walk around the places where you met in the first days of dating

14. Prepare a beautiful dessert

15. Make an album with memorable photographs, provide them with captions and drawings

16. Kiss in the rain

17. Spend the evening by candlelight

18. Have a slow dance to romantic music

19. Kiss long and slow

20. Have an evening of shared dreams

21. Create a list together of everything you like or would like to do and from time to time do something on the list

22. Go to a movie or an exhibition

23. Try to look good for your partner

24. Feed each other grapes/strawberries

25. Play a romantic scene from a movie together

26. Imagine that you are going on a first date - buy flowers, dress well, look after your partner, do everything as if it were the first time

27. Paint each other with scented paints

28. Throughout the day, remind him/her with different words and actions that you love him/her.

29. Have dinner on the roof

30. Confess your love in different forms and in different words

31. Play blindfolded with feathers

32. Confess your love publicly

33. Order any song on the radio

Usually, in my articles on the topic of family we talk about children, but today we will talk about something else no less important aspect: about a couple in love. If your relationship is more than just a dream, I would encourage you to keep the sparkle alive and find a way to show how much you appreciate each other. Every week or even every day if possible.

Why inexpensive? Well, you can rent a limousine and take your girlfriend to the most fashionable French restaurant. Or take her or him on a hike to the snow-capped mountain peaks, or rent a stadium and perform some heart-warming song for your other half with the support of the P.I. Big Symphony Orchestra. Tchaikovsky. I don’t know about you, but I can’t afford it more than once a year. The rest of the time you have to resort to something less expensive.

Before diving into the list, let's take a look at a few things:

  1. Weekly dates. I recommend meeting with your partner at least once a week. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on this, just spending at least a couple of hours together is enough. If you, like me, have children, find someone to leave them with.
  2. Communication. None romantic actions will not replace real communication. Spend time talking about life goals, your dreams, plans for the future, about the things you like, about what you like in other people, what you would like to do, what or who you are grateful for.
  3. Inspiration. The list contains a lot of obvious things - you might think twice as much. great ideas. This list is not intended to be original - it is intended to inspire you. Take some good ideas or let them inspire you to make your own own ideas. Sometimes we just need a little nudge.
  4. Forget about the holidays. Ignore Valentine's Day. It is because of such holidays that people believe that they should be special only on some special days. There is no need to wait for the right moment, instead be a romantic any day of the week.

Well enough talk. Let's take a look at ways to have a romantic time without breaking your budget (note to my mom: don't read any further as there are some... uh... juicy tips):

  1. Write a poem.
  2. Prepare a romantic dinner.
  3. Get a full body massage.
  4. Have a picnic at sunset.
  5. Pick some wild flowers on your way home.
  6. Record a CD with love songs.
  7. Give me some chocolate.
  8. Read poetry together.
  9. Prepare strawberries with chocolate.
  10. Snuggle up to each other on a rainy day.
  11. Keep it short love notes everywhere.
  12. Send daily Love letters by mail. Possible by email.
  13. Take a walk along the moonlit beach.
  14. Watch a romantic movie cuddled up together (one of my favorites).
  15. Take good wine and contemplate the falling stars.
  16. Take a bath together (lots of bubbles!).
  17. Bring home good coffee or sweets.
  18. Commit memorable walk– visit the places of your first meetings. You will have pleasant memories.
  19. Make hot chocolate for dessert.
  20. Make a scrapbook of newspaper clippings, photos, and little reminders of your life together.
  21. Kiss in the pouring rain.
  22. Ride the Ferris Wheel.
  23. Sneak out of the party and kiss passionately.
  24. Bring home the good proceeds from any transaction and light a few candles.
  25. Fix something or clean up the house to please your partner.
  26. Slow dance to romantic music.
  27. Take a nap together.
  28. Kiss slowly, touching her or his back, neck and nape
  29. Make a list of the things you like about her or him.
  30. Write a love letter.
  31. Send letters every day that make her (him) think about you.
  32. Go to the movies, not for the sake of the movie, but to kiss passionately like teenagers.
  33. Get yourself organized and try to look great.
  34. Spend some time in silence and just talk about your day.
  35. Write small notes, one for each thing that drives you crazy.
  36. Feed each other grapes.
  37. Act out a romantic scene from your partner's favorite movie.
  38. Imagine that you are going on a first date - showing up with a bouquet of flowers, in a brand new suit, in a washed car, looking smart. Recreate the first time.
  39. Make a small box with your partner's favorite things.
  40. Paint each other with paints. Be creative!
  41. Try some sex games. Dress up, be bold, have fun.
  42. Make small comments about your partner's clothes throughout the day to constantly remind her/him of your love.
  43. Sing her/him your favorite song. Only if you sing really well.
  44. Have a candlelit dinner on the roof. It won't work if the roof has a sharp slope.
  45. Hold hands and take a walk somewhere along an alley illuminated with cute lights.
  46. Talk about your love. Any day, every day.
  47. Blindfold your partner. Tickle him with a feather. Slowly.
  48. Declare your love publicly.
  49. Fruits or berries with whipped cream.
  50. Play the role of the Marquis de Sade. Do what feels natural. Do not hurry.

Valentine's Day is the most romantic day of the year. Many people use it as an opportunity to confess their feelings and show love to their significant other, as well as to please loved ones with valentines, flowers and gifts. But how many of us know what the origin of this holiday is and why it is celebrated on February 14?

In fact, Valentine's Day has deep historical roots. The holiday takes us back to the times of the Roman Empire. Every year on February 15, the Romans held the festival of Lupercalia in honor of the god of fertility Faun (Luperec is one of his names). On this day, young men took notes with girls' names out of the box to celebrate the holiday together. Very often such a draw ended in a wedding.

The festival survived the initial rise of Christianity, but was declared illegal at the end of the 5th century. At the same time, Pope Gelasius I declared February 14th Valentine's Day.

Source: pixabay

What did Joseph Chaucer do?

The medieval poet was one of the founders of English national literature. The tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day as the day of all lovers was consolidated under the influence of Chaucer's poems. His famous poem "The Parliament of Birds" describes popular belief, according to which on February 14, birds look for a mate for life.

Who is Saint Valentine

There are many speculations about who Saint Valentine really was. The most common version says that during the late Middle Ages, on the orders of Emperor Claudius II, a priest named Valentine was beheaded. He was executed because he secretly married couples in love.

The cruel and domineering ruler Claudius II came to the conclusion that a warrior burdened with a woman and children fights poorly in battle. Soon the emperor issued a decree prohibiting men from marrying and having a family. Priest Valentin understood that this was wrong and unfair to the lovers, so he married them secretly. When the authorities learned about the priest's activities, he was thrown into prison and sentenced to death.

In the early 1800s, the skeletal remains of Valentine were discovered near Rome. Today his skull, decorated with flowers, is in the Roman church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin. His bones became a sacred relic. They are divided between several countries: the Czech Republic, Ireland, Scotland, England and France.

The name Valentine was very popular in the 2nd–8th centuries new era, so there are actually a dozen famous Valentines, several martyrs with that name, and even Pope Valentine.

Nevertheless, no matter who Saint Valentine was, today he is considered the patron saint of couples in love and happy spouses.

Source: pixabay

Valentine card - a symbol of the holiday

Heart-shaped card – main attribute Valentine's Day. It is believed that the author of the first Valentine was the priest Valentin himself. Already in prison, he wrote to a young girl Farewell letter with a declaration of love and signed it “From your Valentine.”

Why is the holiday celebrated on February 14

There are several versions associated with the date of the celebration. According to the first, Saint Valentine was executed in mid-February. Others claim that Christian church decided to replace the pagan festival of Lupercalia with Valentine's Day.

Roses are a symbol of love

The beautiful rose became a symbol of love in the early 1700s, when King Charles II of Sweden introduced Europe to the poetic art of Persia, also known as the language of flowers. In the 13th century, court ladies read a flower dictionary that described the symbolism different plants. In addition, the red rose is the flower of the Roman goddess of love, Venus.

There is a lot of pragmatism and commercialism in our lives, but so little romance! And even if it is not entirely appropriate in everyday situations, but in matters of the heart, in marital relations You can't do without lyrics. That's why we try to find the most interesting romantic ideas to please your loved one.

There are a lot of ideas for spending time together - the main thing is that you two enjoy it

If you have been invited to a romantic event, such as a bachelorette party, an anniversary celebration, or even a wedding, then you will have to seriously prepare for the celebration. And even more so, if you yourself wanted to arrange something romantic, such as a date or a birthday dear person. The main thing, of course, is to buy worthy gift, decorate it and wait for the exciting hour. But we always want to do something like that, to show our affection for to a loved one, express your creative impulses, create something memorable and special with your own hands. But it turns out that there is nothing difficult in creating a romantic and, at the same time, cheap gift for a loved one. Today you can even collect a real bank of romantic pleasant surprises.

Romantic bank... sorry, bank :)

And this is love mail :) Pin this sheet on the wall and add to it every day love messages to your soul mate

You can build these cones and arrange them in the most unexpected places Houses

And this idea is far from absurd. Leaves with notes on ideas for holding a date or party, creating romantic surprise, some nice details are added to the text related to the essence of the idea. Moreover, both partners should fill the container. The lovers periodically take turns taking note-ideas from the jar, on the basis of which they organize various ventures. When embodying romantic ideas conceived together, you will definitely want to do something for your loved one. unexpected surprise. The mini-scenario is replenished with new ideas of its own as it progresses in order to please your friend even more. Believe me, you won't be bored!

Arm yourself with a camera and take tons of selfies together!

Cinema lovers and home comfort Can you have an old movie night?

Another idea for homebodies :)

You shave him, and he paints your nails or does makeup. It's funny, isn't it?

Surprise ideas

  • Start diary of your relationship. To do this, you can write down your favorite poems in a beautiful notebook, glue joint photos. You can also add ideas for new romantic fun there, complementing them beautiful pictures, photographs, games, paste notes, memories and so on.
  • You can make it out of paper boats and send them on a “round the world” voyage.
  • Make it a habit to go out together confectionery for your favorite treats.
  • Create a “mail” for appointments. To do this, you need to pick up a small box and decorate it. Place objects in it that hint at desired look activities on a future date. This could be CDs, popcorn, an ice cream wrapper, roller skates, or a camera. At the end of the date, the box can be given to your partner, as it will be his turn to schedule the rendezvous.
  • Looking for an idea for romantic dinner you can suggest to your friend to write verified by her recipe delicious dish , but at the same time ask to skip some words or even sentences in the note. For example, knowing that a dish contains tomatoes, you will not be told what they should be: pickled or fresh, with skin or peeled, stuffed or added to minced meat. The complete recipe must be folded in an envelope and after dinner, check whether you did everything correctly. Missing information will help you shine brighter individual tastes and preferences will make you think more creatively, and a dish prepared in a new way will be no less tasty than according to a standard recipe.
  • Seems funny hot chocolate evening. It is especially appropriate on cold winter days. After a walk in a snow-covered park, making a huge snowman, having played enough snowballs, you will return to a warm apartment. There, wrapped in a warm blanket and looking New Year's tale or a romantic movie, it will be very successful to have a cup of hot chocolate drink. But don’t just make instant chocolate mash from a bag, but real traditional melted chocolate and spices. Shortbread cookies, ice cream, marshmallows or nuts go well with hot chocolate. And to add a touch of celebration to the atmosphere of the evening, you can pour chocolate into mischievous cups, lay out a red tablecloth, decorate the room with snowflakes pre-cut out of paper and turn on a Christmas clip.

Nothing brings people closer together than cooking together. Tested by our editors in practice!

If it's warm outside, take your bikes and go for a bike ride

You can have one bike - it’s even more fun :)

Ideas for a romantic evening

  • You can choose many others funny ideas For romantic evening. This way you can buy cool umbrellas - in a similar style for both partners. Having chosen several specialized shops that sell umbrellas, you can walk through them together. And by opening and checking the umbrellas, you can plunge into childhood memories.
  • New things are very important in romance. So you can choose new ones together computer games for two, CDs, books or sports equipment. While enjoying life, you will learn new things and develop.
  • You can buy postage New Year cards, sign them all manually and mail them to all your friends and family. This tradition is a little old-fashioned, but receiving and sending cards is always so pleasant and touching!
  • It is useful to periodically have picnics, for example, in the forest, by the river, in a park nearby, or at least in your own apartment. You can pick up things associated with a picnic: a wicker chair, disposable plates, tent, blanket, badminton. For such an impromptu picnic, you need to prepare sandwiches, bake potatoes in the oven and even “fry” kebabs (at a nearby kebab shop). And the Internet will always suggest new ideas for a romantic evening at home in the form of a picnic.
  • To spend wishing day, you will need to collect a bunch of coins and go together to the fountain, where you will take turns making wishes out loud, throwing coins into the water.
  • On the day of the thrown word, the partner must think of the word offhand. And it doesn’t matter what it turns out to be: long or short. The word must be broken down into letters and a task must be created for any of them, for example: to wear something, to eat something, or to do something. So, if your friend says, for example, the word “sauce,” then you will be forced to wear something starting with the letter S, sit together in a cafe whose name begins with the letter O, go to a movie with a name starting with the letter U, find something to do in C or make a gift for the same letter.
  • It is always useful to capture romantic ideas for two on camera. You can organize special “Documentary Home Cinema Days”. Or you can, having prepared a video camera, ask each other intimate and not so intimate questions, filming everything “for the story.” This will be a precious gift for your children, and it will be very interesting for both of you to revisit it from time to time.

Go to the cinema for a late night screening. It's very unusual to be just the two of you in an empty room.

Have you ever launched sky lanterns?

Watch the sunrise on the beach. Or even stay there overnight - weak? 🙂

Questions could be:

  1. Tell us about your home: how do you remember it from childhood?
  2. What was your relationship like with your sister (brother), friends or teachers?
  3. What would you change about the past if you could?
  4. Remember yourself in kindergarten, in senior or junior school.
  5. Tell us about your happiest childhood memory.
  6. List three of your dreams: the most practical, the most frivolous and the most cherished.
  7. Are you afraid of anything in life?
  8. Name your favorite type of breakfast or, in general, your favorite dish.
  9. Tell us about your hobby.
  10. Remember the two most characteristics your dad and mom.

Take dance lessons! Couple dancing brings you closer together and allows you to better feel your partner

If choreography lessons are not your thing, you can fool around at home - no one will see anyway!

Rain is not a reason to stay at home. Grab an umbrella and go for a walk

For a date

Listing ideas for romantic date, we can’t help but remember ABC Day. Yes, yes, no matter how childish it may sound, but in practice it turns out funny. So, to choose an idea for an impromptu holiday, you need to indicate some letter of the alphabet and build your day on those words that begin with this letter. For example, if you choose the letter C, you will have to prepare sushi and sorbet for lunch (this will give you an opportunity to improve your knowledge original recipes these dishes), drink juice or go to the Seychelles restaurant. Which activity to choose starting with the letter C? Yes, at least sports, go to the stadium or gym, watch a series about the Middle Ages. Remember the myth of Sisyphus, do scrapbooking or read fairy tales.

Try to get out into nature together more often

In general, you can come up with endless ideas for a romantic surprise. The main thing is that the event should not be over-organized, which is why you yourself will no longer have the strength to rejoice and enjoy the romance. Funny pleasant impromptu - here best friends lovers!

If all the conditions are met: you are not alone, you really love each other, and both don’t mind devoting time to romance on February 14, then later this holiday can become one of the warmest memories for both. That's how it goes.

Electronic surprise

This was a very long time ago, when we had just had this holiday and the Internet was still primitive, no social networks and personal pages, everything was just beginning. My boyfriend was interested in programming at the time, and in the morning - I even remember that it was Saturday - he asked me to go to the computer, check his email, look at something, and he would do breakfast while he did so. I go to his mail, and there is a letter with the title “For the most beloved woman in the world,” well, of course, I go into it, there is a link, I follow it, and there a page opens with our photographs, with music, all that bright, with declarations of love coming out from all sides. Of course, my delight knew no bounds, I was literally jumping with happiness. I, of course, understand that this will not delight anyone now, when everyone has hundreds of albums on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, and then only the most advanced knew about email, well, of course, I’m old it was not enough. Oh, there was a time when hearts and emoticons moved me to tears.
Larisa, 35 years old

Little imp with an angel

My husband and I once walked along Arbat, and great amount artists offering to paint our portrait gave me the idea of original implementation Valentine's Day.

We signed up for a photo studio and on February 14th we had a romantic photo session there, I was in the form of an angel, he was in the form of a little devil, with a bunch of hearts and surroundings. It was very cool, although we were tired, because they painted us there, dressed us, took photographs for a long time, and exposed the light.

We received the photographs themselves a week later, it was very interesting to see. This Valentine's Day was the most romantic for us, and we usually have dinner by candlelight, since we don't have enough time for anything else. But still, this year I also want something romantic, I’ll think about maybe ordering our portraits and giving them to my husband.
Svetlana, 42 years old

Everything is in hearts

We went to the amusement park. We rode on the carousel, can you imagine, I haven’t been on the carousel for almost 30 years, and then suddenly at 40. They rode on cars and trains, fought with hammers and swords, and even climbed onto a trampoline.

Then we ate too much ice cream and cotton candy. And the sweetest thing is that we were practically alone in this park. We went to the suburbs in the morning. I didn’t want to get up so bad, it was Sunday. But he persuaded me. In general, now I understand how important romance is, how important emotional nourishment and positive nourishment are for relationships.
Albina, 44 years old
