Romantic date for two, ideas for an unusual date with a girl. Romantic Date - Ideas that do not require special costs and are free Long live the extreme

Sometimes a couple gets tired of banal dinners at a restaurant and going to the movies. Lovers want something original and interesting. There are many ideas for an unusual romantic date that will be remembered for a long time and will give a lot of bright positive emotions. In such a situation, you can not only enjoy pleasant communication, but also relax and get real pleasure. It is only necessary to choose the place in which it will be most cozy and comfortable.

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Original options for a romantic meeting

Even if the couple knows their city perfectly, there is an opportunity to diversify a banal walk, making it fun and interesting. Partners are only required to have a basic knowledge of a foreign language. It is necessary to take a camera, dress as if the guy and the girl flew in from abroad as tourists, and enter the role of foreigners. You need to ask passers-by for directions to the nearest monuments, take photographs, explore various establishments. Such a walk will bring a lot of positive impressions.

People who like thrills will appreciate dining in the dark. There are restaurants that specialize in this pastime.

first date

The first date is an important milestone in a nascent relationship. To interest and surprise a girl, you need to think about the options for an unusual romantic date, which will leave only pleasant impressions. If the lady has a sense of humor, you can invite her to a humorous show. The art galleries are ideal for those who wish to explore art, while the aquarium is a great place for people who love fish.

If the couple knows each other's preferences, you can go to specialized courses (cross-stitch, origami, etc.). Going to a magic show will make your date magical and unusual.

How to organize a creative first date:

Place Description
Motor shipIt is necessary to book an evening boat trip. Meeting on the water will be more romantic and interesting
UndergroundSuch a date is extreme and bold. It will appeal to lovers of mysticism and secrets. The couple can go through underground tunnels and passages, and the guide will talk about the mysterious events that took place there
wind tunnelIf you want to feel the feeling of free flight, you need to arrange a date in a wind tunnel. This attraction is quite safe and at the same time will give the couple unforgettable emotions.
horseback ridingThose who like nature and animals can be surprised by horseback riding
PlanetariumA date under the stars is what romantic natures need. Here the couple will be told about the planets, the universe and constellations
Amusement parkSuch a meeting will allow you to relax and get a thrill.
KartingActive and sports-loving people will enjoy a race in small cars. The couple will feel the adrenaline and the spirit of competition
Evening with live musicEven if the relationship does not develop into a serious one, it is unlikely that anyone will forget a cheerful and bright evening with live music
PicnicMany people are afraid of winter picnics, but if the weather allows, you can make a fire, make a barbecue and fry marshmallows
CinemaQuite trite, but if you choose an institution with an unusual setting or a summer cinema where you can take soft, cozy ottomans or pillows, it will turn into a bright and unusual date

Ideas for a married couple

Married couples quite rarely arrange romantic dates and walks under the moon. At such moments, a woman should take the initiative, as she is more emotional and can add the necessary romance to family life.

You can awaken an extinguished passion with the help of an unusual date in a hotel room. It is necessary to write a note to your husband in which there will be an invitation to attend a private party in a suite in a good hotel and put it in your jacket pocket. Then you should wait for the man in the room with a martini or wine, in lace underwear and with accessories for intimate games.

You can invite your husband to compete in billiards. In any relationship, there must be unpredictability and play. This meeting option is only suitable if the woman knows how to play at a fairly decent level. The necessary attributes of such a romantic meeting are: high-heeled shoes, a short skirt and cognac.

A man can arrange a date for a lady on the roof of the house. It is necessary to find any open roof of the house with a beautiful view that is not under protection and has free access to the roof, prepare a warm blanket and bedding, drinks and a variety of snacks. It is worth knowing the weather information in advance and choosing a cloudless day. For safety, you should take an umbrella with you.

Unusual dates in winter

The nature of dating at this time of year suggests that the couple will either be indoors or have no problems with hypothermia outdoors.

That is why ice skating is one of the most relevant ideas. With the help of outdoor activities, warm coffee and constant touching, the couple can get closer.

Cooking classes are a fun option for a winter date. This is an unusual, funny and informative meeting that will teach you how to work in a team.

Original winter date ideas:

  • Hot tub with chocolate and candles. Good for those who have been dating for a long time. Such a date is the best option for lovers in the winter.
  • Ice sculpture exhibition. An original pastime that will allow the couple to enjoy the expositions that amaze with their beauty.
  • Meeting in the fireplace room. In winter, people lack warmth and comfort. You can use the fireplace room in the restaurant and make the date warm and atmospheric.
  • Attendance at an interesting theatrical performance. Guaranteed great pleasure from a good story and the skill of the actors. Literary readings or an evening of poems by a good poet will appeal to lovers of literature and poetry.
  • Shopping quest. Everyone in the couple should take an equal amount of money and raid the shops, and then see who bought more useful and beautiful things.
  • Photo shoot on the street. It will allow you to experience a lot of new experiences and leave behind a lot of pleasant memories in the form of good photographs. It is necessary to dress warmly, take warm tea or mulled wine with you and enjoy the winter weather.
  • Hike to the dolphinarium. Suitable for people who love nature. Communication with dolphins will benefit the couple: the date will turn out to be extremely positive. You can invite a friend to a night show, where only couples in love tend to go.

You may have heard the phrase “romantic date for two” often! The most interesting thing is that each person will present something of his own. Someone is rose petals, someone is the chamber atmosphere of a restaurant, and someone is climbing a mountain. That is the point of organizing a date for a loved one or a loved one, taking into account the nature and individual characteristics of a particular person.

This is very important given that we live in the 21st century, when everyone is in a hurry and in a hurry to go somewhere. When we are so busy that we forget to diversify relationships with romance, therefore, any relationship runs the risk of becoming insipid, losing its brightness and sharpness. By organizing a creative date, you can bring back old feelings or ignite new ones. If you met recently, good, you can make any meeting look like a fairy tale.

Before we offer ready-made scenarios for organizing a date, let's outline a few useful tips and tricks:

  • If you have already arranged an original date, then do not be late, only if this is not included in the evening plan. Punctuality is above all, if a person is late, this indicates that he does not respect himself and his chosen one or chosen one. By the way, if a girl is late on a first date, in some cases, this is also considered disrespectful.
  • You need to plan your itinerary ahead of time. Do not stand still and ask your partner about the plan. You also need to look at the weather. Even the most wonderful surprise, the partner is unlikely to appreciate if he freezes from the cold or sweats from the heat, losing consciousness.
  • Remember that the date is for the two of you, so double-check that what you are doing will please the girl. If she, for example, loves animals, then it would be the height of recklessness to invite her to some exotic restaurant, where they offer to cut the carcasses of animals on their own.
  • If everything turned out great, you organized an original date with a girl, then forget about conversations about exes or the opposite sex, even if you are very nervous and worried.
  • If you have planned an unusual date, give up any other plans for this day, because the situation looks very strange and ugly when a man declares that he has little time, and he came on a date for an hour. This suggests that he has other plans for today, or other dates. The whole atmosphere will be irrevocably spoiled.
  • It’s best to think through the different storylines for the date ahead of time so you’re prepared for all sorts of surprises by reviewing our ideas for a first date.

Ideas for a date with a girl

If you dig into the net, you can find a variety of ideas for a date, but, again, there is a very important nuance here - each romance has its own. You can study different articles in encyclopedias, but the essence is usually the same. This is a feeling of the world, in which the main role is assigned to lyrical and dramatic dreams, emotions, ideals, it is logical that each person will have their own.

Recall that romance was most clearly expressed at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century, focusing on the aspiration for unlimited freedom and spiritual perfection, coupled with an unattainable ideal. Many young men and women, imagining the most romantic date in their dreams, do not always remember Lermontov and something like that. That is why it would probably be true to say that a romantic meeting of lovers is such a meeting that remains in the memory for a long time, resonates with emotions and experiences.

We offer you up-to-date ideas for a date with a girl or a young man, which can and should be changed, modernized and added something of your own, based on what desires your partner has.

Home Sweet Home

If you have known each other for more than a day, then you can draw ideas for dates at home. Of course, if you are dating for the first time, then inviting a lady home will simply be inappropriate, since, most likely, she will refuse, at least if you want something serious. Such a classic of the genre can be quite boring. Well, what's new can be in a candlelit dinner? However, you can cope with this seemingly overwhelming task:

  • Try to cook a delicious dinner together according to some intricate recipe, creating a dish with an intricate name, like from a love story. However, it can be the simplest scrambled eggs or pasta, the main thing is that both of you are as involved as possible in the process, turn off your phones and other gadgets, and do not look at the TV with one eye, tracking the News of the Hour. And as an idea for a date, we suggest putting on something very sexy (if you are that close), for example, translucent underwear.
  • You can try to negotiate with the house committee and ask him for the keys to the attic. Just imagine, you can organize a wonderful dinner under the light of the stars, looking at the sleeping city. Make the surprise truly unusual and memorable by tying a blindfold on your girlfriend so that she understands what is happening only when she is on the roof.
  • Remember that a romantic meeting for a girl involves an appropriate entourage. Take care of the classic attributes: candles, rose petals and other "pretty things" that will allow you to discover something new every minute. If your “finances don’t sing romances”, then you can fill the bath with champagne and enjoy swimming, drowning in bubbles.
  • Another important point when you are thinking about how to arrange a date for a young lady is to choose the appropriate music. It is best if it is something harmonious and soothing, such as the sounds of nature or compositions for relaxation. They will not distract you from the process of spending time together, while creating a pleasant background.

Romance in nature

A date in nature will never lose its relevance, however, remember what we already wrote above: the weather should be conducive to this. You can take the good old and proven scenario, like, say, a picnic at the edge of a forest or on the seashore, but you can try other solutions of the original date:

  1. Horse riding - communication with horses is very interesting, it is no coincidence that these animals are used so that people can get rid of stress. Such an unusual date with a girl will definitely become a hit, adding a lot of fresh impressions for both parties.
  2. Flight in a hot air balloon. Immediately make a reservation that such a walk will work only if the girl is not afraid of heights, otherwise, she will either refuse, or she will experience not pleasure, but horror. In addition, right on board you can organize a small picnic to refresh yourself in the sky.
  3. Traveling by boat, however, sometimes fishing with picking mushrooms can turn into interesting dates.

Make sure the weather forecast is in your favor and go for it!

Long live extreme

In this case, there is a great way out, provided that you both love an active lifestyle and cannot imagine your existence without extreme sports:

  • Go bowling and arrange a tournament where the strongest and most accurate will win.
  • Experience the popular zorbing activity as you rappel down the hill in a transparent balloon. The most important thing is that there is a minimum of risk, while there are a lot of positive emotions, as well as adrenaline.
  • Go skiing or ice skating, then have a tea party.
  • Of course, skydiving, jumping from a bridge, yes, anything, as long as you like it and remember it for the rest of your life, can be added to unusual dates!

Such ideas of interesting dates can be continued for a long time, and such decisions should not be discounted:

  • Go to a good restaurant.
  • Walk in a carriage or retro car, in extreme cases, in a limousine.
  • Visiting petting zoos and so on.

1. Cook each other your signature dishes.

2. Have a nostalgic movie night. Watch your favorite movies that you enjoyed in school.

3. Watch a free improv show.

4. Cook delicious food and go on a picnic.

5. Go to a farmer's fair, sip on freshly squeezed juice and try delicious snacks.

6. Go to museums that neither of you have been to (preferably on days when admission is free, for example during the international "Night at the Museum" campaign).

7. Go to a free karaoke night and open your hearts to the song.

74. Write a list of things you want to do before you die and share with each other.

75. Climb to the top of a tall building and enjoy the view. Take sparklers with you.

76. Enjoy the architecture of your city.

77. Watch the play together. There are many affordable places to watch performances at budget prices. This applies to productions by amateur and beginner theater groups.

78. Sit with each other's pets.

79. Go to a bar with darts or billiards and compete with each other.

80. Attend an open workshop. They are often free or cheap at various kinds of fairs.

81. Visit the climbing wall.

82. Build a snowman, make a snow angel, go sledding and have a snowball fight.

83. Go see a local band perform.

84. Buy some promotion at a discount on a discount service and sell it together.

85. Visit a pastry shop or cafe and just talk while enjoying sweets.

86. Watch sports games.

87. Go to poetry readings.

88. Play war games with toy guns.

89. Launch a sky lantern during an evening walk.

90. Go to an evening film screening of a foreign film taking place in the building of the school or library.

91. Find and explore the haunted house.

92. Take a random bus or train and get off in an unfamiliar place. Study it.

93. Make pizza together with your favorite toppings.

94. Take part in a competition together.

95. Volunteer in an archaeological dig.

96. Arrange an early morning walk or picnic on the banks of the river to meet the dawn.

97. Start learning a new language together.

98. Play the geocaching travel game.

99. Show each other baby pictures.

This is an opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city, constant affairs, the flickering of many faces that we meet daily, and of course, this is an opportunity to get rid of the burden of the past days, talk, relax and just be alone with your loved one.

Many mistakenly believe that the organization of romantic dates is needed only in order to make an offer. In fact, a lot of events organized by our agency helped couples start beautiful relationships, reconcile or simply refresh relationships that have faded over many years of living together.

We can organize the best romantic date for two in Moscow, which will allow you to enjoy each other's company in a fantastic atmosphere. We have a huge number of ready-made scenarios, and the wizards of our agency are ready to work to fulfill your every whim. All the wishes of our clients will be taken into account, and on the day of the event there will be no overlaps or troubles.

Organizing romantic dates can be a great alternative to the traditional movie or restaurant experience on the first date. Such meetings often leave their mark. Because of the excitement and ignorance of the interlocutor, the conversation does not stick, and the evening, which promised to be a great start to a relationship, can most likely be the last.

In order to surely impress your loved one, an extreme date is suitable, which our specialists will organize for you. It will help remove the psychological barrier, and after a great time - there will be a topic for conversation and exchange of impressions, which will allow you to immediately start communicating without making any special efforts.

Suitable for these purposes and master classes with the continuation of the evening in a romantic atmosphere. Joint affairs bring together, allow you to get to know each other better, and then exchange impressions in an appropriate setting.

These types of dates are also great for those who want to return passion to the relationship. Everyday routine is the first step to the destruction of even the strongest relationships. From time to time, you need to warm up the feelings with pleasant moments, romantic meetings and evenings away from children, home and other everyday affairs. The organization of romantic dates in Moscow is what will allow you to return your first meetings, romance, warmth and happiness to your relationship again. This can be a wonderful gift for an anniversary, for reconciliation, or simply to make a loved one pleasant and diversify their life together.

The organization of romantic dates is also necessary for those who want to make a fabulous proposal, turning a confession into magic that will charm the chosen one (ka). Our agency will help you to realize any dreams, whims and fantasies, making the best day even more beautiful, romantic and without your personal participation, wasting time and effort on organizing the evening.

The best way to cheer up or get rid of depression caused by life's adversity or problems at work is a romantic date prepared just for the two of you.

Fortunately, with a strong desire to plan interesting leisure activities, you can do it on a modest budget. Let's figure out how to please a loved one and organize leisure so that the memories of the time spent together warm the soul for as long as possible.

Much depends on the time of year: outdoor recreation will be interesting for those who are in love during the summer months, in winter many people try to visit the ice rink. It is important to consider the partner's temperament: calm people are unlikely to appreciate if you plan a date on the rides, and active lovers will be bored lying in a hammock and listening to birds.

If you are used to secular leisure, it is worth evaluating the financial possibilities - a romantic date sometimes requires immodest investments. It is better to choose a more modest option right away than to embarrass a loved one at the last moment. We have selected the most interesting ideas for spending time together.

#1 Romantic dinner

This event can have several variations: you can spend time at home, or you can organize a small intimate trip on a yacht or ship. Among the advantages of the first option is the familiar atmosphere. An important step will be the preparation of dinner and the design of the room. It can be cute balloons, favorite flowers, candles. Dinner organized on water transport will be completely different. This event breathes romance and freedom.

Romantic candlelight dinner for two

Young hearts will love a ride on a fast boat. A leisurely splash of waves on the ship and frank sounds of a saxophone will help refresh your feelings for mature lovers. Your loved one will be sincerely grateful to you if you order your favorite dishes or those products that were on your menu at the time of early love.

#2 Outdoors

This is the best option for summer, when a romantic date for two is accompanied by natural and pleasant sounds for a person - the sound of water and the singing of birds. City dwellers are so rarely in nature that a trip to a river or a forest becomes a pleasant and memorable event for them. Surrounding a spouse or just a loved one with care and love, you can turn an ordinary weekend into an enchanting event.


There may be several options. Fans of outdoor activities can be advised to take a bike ride through the picturesque area. The singing of birds, a slight breath of the breeze will be excellent decorations. The second option is an evening by the fire. You can cook your favorite vegetables or kebabs, sing songs with a guitar, grab a warm blanket and your favorite movie. The evening promises to be unusually touching.

Animal lovers believe that horseback riding will help to truly bring loving people together. These cute calm animals create a positive atmosphere around themselves and encourage people to look for compromises.

#3 Date on the roof

Do you want a romantic date for two to be perfect? You are an extraordinary person, so you can safely invite your soulmate to the roof. In every city there is a place where you can observe the life of the city at night from a height. Native places will open to you from the other side. Quiet music and good wine will contribute to a pleasant pastime. You can read poems about love, remember the first meeting.

#4 In a balloon

You will be even more appreciated if you help realize the old dream of your soul mate. Invite her to fly in a hot air balloon. As you get closer to the Universe, you will be able to be more sincere with each other, and your relationships will become more pure and uplifted.

Thanks to the photo session, your joint flight can be shown to loved ones: parents or children. Usually they try to capture the time before the flight: frightened or confused faces will become the property of your family archive.

#5 On the bridge

The spirit of freedom and romance emanates from the next idea. We want to propose a date on the bridge. You can organize everything and offer your soulmate a walk around the city. He will be pleasantly surprised if you "stumble" on a festively cleaned table and an orchestra. No one will remain indifferent to such a sign of attention.

#6 At the cinema

Why not organize a romantic date for two at the cinema? You can invite your soulmate to your favorite movie or choose a new cinematic product based on your general preferences.

Today, closing shows are especially popular with wealthy lovers: who wouldn't be flattered that the huge hall is at the disposal of only two. You can choose the appropriate entourage: rose petals, champagne ...

#7 In the hotel

A good option for spending intimate leisure time in winter is to book a hotel room. Both men and women will be happy with such a gift. Neutral territory helps to take a fresh look at the omissions in the relationship, a meeting in the camps of such an institution can accelerate the development of relationships.

In a hotel

Some stores offer coupons that give away certificates that allow you to spend time in the above indicated way. Those who have used them say that a date in a hotel contributes to the positive dynamics of relationships.
A variation of this leisure can be a date in a country house.

A joint trip to the greenhouse will make an indelible impression on all women. Affectionate words of love and beautiful surroundings will raise a woman's self-esteem and mood. This place is great for a marriage proposal, it is appropriate to spend an anniversary here.

#9 At the skating rink

If you prefer an active pastime in the winter, do not change yourself. You can go to the skating rink together in the morning, so that curious visitors and noisy children cannot interfere with your rest.

Man and woman meet at the rink

#10 Spa for two

Do you want your soul mate to relax and get distracted from existing problems? Take her to the spa. Relaxing massages and invigorating treatments can be offered. A well-chosen aromatherapy will help you achieve the desired mood.

What to do if you are used to pampering your spouse or lover in these ways? Then the above ideas may seem bland and too banal to you. In this case, a yoga date can be recommended. Yoga studios, represented by experienced teachers, offer you to try to understand each other better, relax during couple yoga or relax in a secret room for two. Such leisure will help put your thoughts in order, make your body stronger.


We tried to mention the well-known and original ways that both young lovers and spouses who have been living together for more than one year can use to strengthen and develop relationships. It's worth saying. That all of them will work if the partner sees your sincere interest.

No need to invite your soul mate to a restaurant or to the roof for the sake of "tick". Any person needs emotions, kind words. It is important to be attentive to the little things: in the morning and in the evening, do not let external stimuli take over and make you unrestrained in relation to the main person. We will be glad if our ideas help you make a romantic date for two an unforgettable event.
