The creepiest Halloween makeup ever. Easy Halloween makeup at home for girls

Every year in last night October people celebrate Halloween. According to legends, on this night evil spirits roam the streets and people dress up in monster costumes and create horror images so that evil spirits do not recognize them (and for fun). For most modern girls It’s quite possible to do your own Halloween makeup with your own hands. All you need is a couple of brushes, long-lasting cosmetics and detailed instructions for creating the image of Dracula's bride, corpse bride or zombie nurse.

For many years now, the most popular images for girls on Halloween have been the witch and the vampire. The peculiarity of these images is that they allow beauties to be both intimidating and flirtatious, feminine.

In addition, if you don’t have the time, energy or desire to bother with a Halloween character, there are standard images of freshly baked corpses. The most popular is the corpse of the bride from the Tim Burton cartoon of the same name.

To do simple makeup for Halloween with your own hands, girls just need to follow simple instructions and they will look luxurious in the photo from the holiday.

Let's get started:

  1. We prepare the skin for applying the festive make-up using a primer (this will allow the deathly pale tone to last longer).
  2. For suitable shade mix snow-white and bluish skin tones (on the eve of Halloween, buying colorful makeup is not a problem).
  3. Using special sponges and makeup brushes, the resulting pale bluish tone must be evenly distributed in a dense layer over the entire face (including eyebrows), not depriving attention of the neck, chest and all parts of the body that will be visible from under clothes (the image should be complete) .
  4. The wings of the nose, temples and cheekbones should be highlighted using matte dark blue (you can use a shade bordering on black) shadows. Apply shadows using a wide flat brush using straight, bold (but not thick) lines and blend thoroughly.
  5. White cream shadows or kajal will help to visually make your eyes more rounded and larger (with their help you need to paint over the mucous membrane and the lower eyelid itself). We outline the resulting new contour in a circle (we designate both the upper and drawn lower eyelids) with black kajal or shadows.
  6. For upper eyelid Shades of dark purple, blue, black and maroon are suitable.
  7. The final touch to eyelid makeup is long, spectacular eyelashes. It is better to use false eyelids (and stick the lower ones not along the contour of the actual eyelid, but along the contour of the drawn eyelid), but if artificial eyelashes It didn’t turn out that it was enough to paint the upper eyelashes with several thick layers of black mascara (it’s even good that they stick together and have an unkempt appearance).
  8. Natural eyebrows are filled in tone, and for a tragic expression it is necessary to draw new ones with a black pencil or eyeliner, with a sweeping bend almost from the very bridge of the nose (drawn eyebrows should be thin, there is no time for fashion trends, the main thing is compliance with the original image).
  9. An additional touch is the “corpse” spots painted in dark purple and blue shadows. The spots are placed in random order (neck, collarbone, forehead, shoulder, wrist, etc.). It is important to blend the shadows thoroughly.
  10. Lips can be painted to match the face or made a pale pale pink (and no glitter or gloss - only matte lipstick).

DIY Halloween makeup without a tutorial can be challenging for some girls. Therefore, master classes from those who know exactly how to do horror makeup can help.

Cute witch

Few images on Halloween night can compete in popularity and femininity with a charming witch.

Pros advise girls to try creating a witch's makeup for Halloween with their own hands. There is nothing difficult in creating such an image.

  1. We start with a primer (this way the tone will last longer).
  2. The complexion should be pale. Therefore, we choose a porcelain shade (also known as “ivory” or “very light” in most cases) and apply a generous thick layer to the face and neck. Don't forget about the lips (they also need to be covered with a thin layer foundation).
  3. We fix Foundation a layer of light powder (you can use a matte light shade or mineral mattifying transparent powder).
  4. We cover the area of ​​the moving eyelid with pink shadows, shade them under the eyebrow (you need to apply and shade a little pink eye shadow on the lower eyelid to create the effect of sore eyes).
  5. To mobile upper eyelid and apply black shadows under the eyes and shade them a little casually (the layer of black shadows should be quite dense).
  6. Using paint, liquid eyeliner or kajal dark purple or burgundy color make “splashes” around the eye contour.
  7. On the moving eyelid, apply a layer of purple pigment over black shadows.
  8. Additionally, you can use purple sparkles or rhinestones.
  9. The finishing touch is long and fluffy false eyelashes.

This kind of makeup can be done not in pink and purple, but in burgundy, dark blue or emerald-swamp colors.

Meet Countess Dracula!

Thanks to the film industry, the image of vampires has become incredibly attractive in the last few years. It's no wonder that thousands of girls try to make their own for Halloween. spectacular makeup and create a stylish vampire look.

It is not necessary to have artistic skills to make the image successful. Enough to stock up on long-lasting cosmetics the right color, several brushes (they will help to shade the tone and shadows well) and a couple of bottles of fake blood. In the lead-up to Halloween, you can buy it in most stores or make it yourself (from maple syrup and coloring).

Girls, to create their own vampire-style makeup for Halloween, just look at any photo of Dracula’s bride on the Internet.

First, you need to prepare your face with a primer for applying a thick, even layer of a dead-pale tone (you can use either a very light shade of foundation or special makeup).

The tone must be applied to the entire face, neck and parts of the body that will not be covered by clothing.

Then we highlight the cheekbones with burgundy or terracotta blush, creating the effect of sunken cheeks.

The best option for eyelid makeup is smoky eyes. Only in addition to black shadows can you use scarlet and burgundy shadows on the lower eyelid and under the eyebrow. Colored lenses (black or red) will help add some zest to your look.

It is advisable to use false eyelashes (rich black, thick and long).

The vampire's lips can be sickly pale or deep red (from scarlet to burgundy), but in any case fake blood should be smeared on them.

The finishing touch is the fangs. Snow-white teeth can be bought before Halloween in almost any joke store, costume store, and even in a regular supermarket.

You can complement the look with scarlet or black nail polish. long nails(invoices can be used).

For girls who will be creating their own makeup at home, it is advisable to stock up on time (especially if self-creation horror image will occur for the first time).

It’s a good idea to have a friend nearby who can immediately evaluate the result from an outside perspective and, if necessary, will help you carefully glue on eyelashes, carefully shade eye shadow and blush, do your hair, put on a suit, etc.

It is advisable to take at least with you to the party minimum set for makeup correction. If you use non-professional makeup and even without special fixatives (available in the form of powder or spray), the makeup may smear or be partially erased.

In order for the Halloween look to be realistic and effective, you need to pay attention to details. In addition to makeup, hairstyle, costume, manicure and accessories must match the chosen image.

For the image of a corpse of a bride, the following are suitable:

  • veil (torn, stained);
  • wedding dress or white floor-length dress (in the same condition as the veil);
  • bridal bouquet of wilted flowers;
  • decor in the form of cobwebs, artificial spiders, etc.

Suitable for the image of a witch:

  • pointed hat;
  • fishnet stockings;
  • dresses with the hem torn into tatters;
  • corsets;
  • broom;
  • long false nails.

For the image of a vampire, the following are suitable:

  • seductive revealing outfits with corsets or décolleté;
  • high-heeled shoes;
  • Gothic style decorations;
  • scarlet or black veil, etc.

It is advisable to think about how the selected character behaves (gait, facial expressions, gestures, etc.). A zombie briskly running will look unconvincing and will not contribute to creating an eerie festive atmosphere.

Photos from parties prove that girls can do cool Halloween makeup with their own hands without resorting to expensive services professional makeup artists. The main thing is imagination and attention to detail.

On the very last day of October, people all over the world celebrate ancient holiday Halloween. Celebrations on this day are dedicated to the completion of the harvest. In ancient times, the soil was deified and considered the nurse of people. And therefore, giving the land due respect and blessing it for the next harvest was accepted everywhere.

At the same time, people were afraid of the powerful land. She was prescribed the ability to resurrect those who died and were buried. That's why Halloween is called the "holiday of all the dead."

To protect themselves from the resurrected dead, people from ancient times tried to scare them off in every possible way. The traditional way to do this was to dress up in scary costume and put on a dead man or zombie mask. It was believed that wearing such an outfit, people would remain unrecognized by aliens from the other world, and they would go home.

What now?

Creating similar image, make your face as pale as possible, since a healthy blush does not go well with such a mystical creature as a witch. Choose the whitest powder and rub it thickly over your cheeks with a powder puff, preferably without leaving any lumps. Convey the texture of your face not with blush (no blush is needed!), but with dark-colored powder.

The dark brown color will visually sharpen the chin, highlight the cheekbones, and applied to the wings of the nose will lengthen it. Shade your eyes along the contour with a thick black pencil; to enhance the effect, you can use purple or black shadows; false eyelashes won’t hurt either.

It is best to choose a lipstick that is as light as possible - white, purple or lilac, but also without pearl. It is these colors that make lips incredibly lifeless.

The cheeks are painted with spiders or a mesh of cobwebs using a black contour pencil. Such a “tattoo” will add originality to the image and make it truly stylish.

Playing with dolls

Another popular Halloween character among girls is the doll. It is not simple scary makeup. The doll's image is at the same time unusual, beautiful and sexually attractive to men. Her costume may consist of a polka dot dress with full skirt, lanterns on the sleeves, flounces or ruffles. They are sewn onto a regular dress, assembled from any decorative ribbon.

You can put a cap on your head, or you can make a couple of braids or ponytails with bows. The doll's hairstyle should be curly and fluffy. Therefore, it is better to curl the strands into ringlets.

The face should be perfectly aligned with foundation, the shadows should be chosen as bright as possible - to match the color of the dress. Feel free to apply them to both the upper and lower eyelids, as well as the area under the eyebrow. Remember - this makeup has nothing in common with the classic holiday option. The face should be exaggeratedly doll-like, a little vulgar and scary. Eyelids are thickly lined, if possible, stick on eyelashes.

More complicated options

Perhaps the scariest makeup for Halloween is vampire makeup. How to make it? A more complex application technique will be required, as well as certain tools and additional accessories, for example, an insertable plastic jaw with fangs, which can be purchased at a souvenir shop.

The painfully lifeless appearance is conveyed by the lightest foundation or white powder. Required dark circles under the eyes. They are made in black, purple or deep blue. With such flowers, the face immediately takes on a lifeless expression.

Then the eyes are thickly lined with black contour pencil, and if a girl does her own vampire makeup, she should glue on her eyelashes or thickly tint her own with mascara. Lips stand out matte shadows either herself light lipstick. In the female version, again, one can allow bright colors the color of blood.

Using a red contour pencil, draw a thin stream of blood supposedly flowing from the corner of the mouth. Apply bright red lipstick. Now it will become clear to anyone that you are a vampire who feeds on blood. The cheekbones are highlighted using a blush brush and a dark shade of powder or gray shadows. You can sharpen your chin in the same way.

Win-win image

Another very scary Halloween makeup is the super popular image of a zombie, that is, the walking dead. Here you will need to achieve maximum resemblance to a corpse. Disgusting? That's what we're trying to achieve! As in the case of a vampire, the face is greatly bleached light powder or foundation. Try to apply the tone as evenly as possible, without the slightest lumps.

Bruises and bags under the eyes, as well as all over the face, can be done with any dark shadows. The eyes are thickly outlined with a black pencil; girls do not need to paint their eyelashes - it will be even more expressive.

Similar to the previous version, bloody streaks and streams of blood are drawn, supposedly dried in the mouth area.

Almost a pro

It should be noted that some fans of dressing up for Halloween, transforming into various characters, have reached almost professional heights in the art of makeup. They wear makeup so scary that created images the uninitiated can be driven into a stupor or at least scared half to death. Some fans of the holiday have reached unprecedented heights in creating scary and realistic images of werewolves, witches, ghouls and other evil spirits.

Of course, if children are participating in the celebration, the makeup should be light and relatively harmless. It is unlikely that you want to “disfigure” or scare your child or his peers. In addition, small children are not yet able to appreciate the beauty of the mystical horror that seizes the uninitiated when looking at monstrously painted faces. Therefore, scary makeup is not suitable for kids - it should be as harmless as possible and more funny than scary.

Themed parties are now in fashion, and, as you know, any themed party cannot do without an appropriate costume and suitable makeup.

On Halloween, for example, you should definitely try on the image of a zombie or the walking dead from horror films. There should be no problems with clothing for such an event - making a festive costume is quite simple. You just need to thoroughly shred the clothes that come to hand with scissors, not forgetting to sprinkle them with ketchup or tomato juice, which will imitate blood very realistically. But creating a “corpse” makeup is a more difficult task. If you can’t do the zombie makeup yourself, don’t give up. You can always sign up for plastic makeup and special effects courses

Apply scary makeup on the face with your own hands is almost as difficult as making it funny and cool makeup clown at home. But if you really want to, and put in some effort, you can, without resorting to the services of professional make-up artists, on our own create a spectacular and completely realistic zombie makeup that will truly scare those around you. True, the main thing here is not to overdo it, because not every girl wants to make a repulsive impression with her appearance. That is why you should very carefully select scary makeup on your face, so as not to disfigure a girl’s appearance beyond what is necessary.

Now let's try to answer the question: how to do zombie makeup at home? What will you need for this? Where to start?

The classic image of the living dead suggests the presence of ugly scars and wounds and scabs, gray skin with traces of rotting, red eyes, dirty tangled hair and a lot, a lot of blood. However, this does not mean that you need to apply all these effects at once. To create a bright and memorable image of a zombie, a few nuances will be enough. For example, you can limit yourself to black lipstick, slightly whitening your face, and draw a small scar on your cheek. However, if your goal is to produce indelible impression on everyone present at a carnival or theme party, then you will have to use more complex components to apply makeup.

Before you apply scary makeup, think and decide how complex the makeup should be, how much time, effort and money you will need to spend on creating a monstrous appearance for the holiday. By the way, the zombie image is equally good for both girls and guys. If you have a couple, great idea will make the same, aged in uniform style makeup for two. In any case, to apply makeup you will not be able to do without the following components:

  • Dark eyeliner
  • Black lipstick
  • Dark eye shadow
  • Set of cosmetic brushes
  • Face paint
  • Liquid latex or gelatin
  • Food coloring

Any makeup is applied only to clean skin, so it is necessary to remove dirt from your face with a cleanser. Guys are advised to shave before applying makeup. After this, you should get rid of everything that could interfere with your work. Remove your hair, secure it with a hairpin, remove earrings or piercings, if you have them. It is difficult to apply plastic makeup with your own hands, so it is better to make the work space as free as possible from all unnecessary things.

To create a full-fledged image of a zombie, first of all, it is necessary to create a deathly pale complexion, depict cadaveric spots, artificial lesions on the skin. Wound makeup is easy to do. You can use theatrical wax, or, in the absence of such, take paper napkins and household glue. Wounds can also be made from gelatin. To achieve the lumpy effect, you need to tear napkins into small pieces, stick them to the skin in several layers, and then tint them with foundation.

Deadly pale skin on the face is done like this. The face is first covered with a thin layer of white paint, and when it dries, several more ultra-thin layers of green, gray or purple paint are applied. The more shades, the more pronounced and realistic the decomposition effect will be.

Black bruises under the eyes are an integral part of the image of the living dead. They are made using dark eye shadow, which needs to be thoroughly smeared, blurring the boundaries of the transitions with a cosmetic brush. You also need to line the mucous membrane of the eyelid with a red pencil, which will allow you to achieve the effect of sore eyes.

Zombies are characterized by being extremely emaciated and exhausted. appearance. To give this effect to your appearance, you should draw in your cheeks, cover them with shadows, and also smear your lips with black lipstick.

Scars with the effect of sewn skin are made using silicone. You can purchase it at special store, or order online. Silicone must be applied to the face, forming a scar, and after the silicone mixture has hardened, create the appearance of seams using a regular needle and thread. This effect It’s not complicated at all, but at the same time it looks very spectacular and very natural.

To create a complete look, you will definitely need artificial blood. There are several ways to make blood. First way: use food coloring, after mixing it with concentrated solution glycerin, and thoroughly coat your lips with the resulting mixture, making picturesque bloody streaks on your forehead and cheeks. Method two: use red lipstick to draw blood in in the right places, then sprinkle glycerin on top. You can also use ketchup or tomato juice as a blood substitute. The result will be approximately the same.

To complete the look, it would be a good idea to purchase special colored lenses for the eyes, which will make your terrifying appearance even brighter and more relevant.

In general, you can create makeup at home without special costs- quite possible. Of course, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort on the monster’s makeup. However, it makes sense to tinker, devoting as much as possible to the process of creating makeup, so that when you go to a party, you feel like a real star. However, you don’t have to try to stand out, but simply add a few nuances to your usual evening makeup, for example, add a drop of blood flowing from the corner of your lips, and such a little thing will be quite enough.

Anyway, check it out simple tips How to do makeup at home will be useful and interesting.

Every girl dreams of being a beauty, but not on Halloween. The more terrible the appearance, the better! This is the motto of this holiday. And you can't do without scary makeup on Halloween. In this article we tried to collect the most interesting ideas, as well as detailed instructions how to “beautify” yourself on this holiday.

Step-by-step instructions for creating Halloween makeup

To do original makeup on Helloween, you don't have to be a makeup artist. Detailed master classes and step by step photos will help in creating an exciting image. We also need shadows, cosmetic pencils, can be used children's makeup water based.

Another one of necessary elements The scary makeup is blood. Don't try to replace it with lipstick, which looks unnatural and will instantly ruin your entire look.

What can you use to make blood for Halloween?

  1. Made from sugar syrup colored with food coloring.
  2. From colored jelly cooked with starch.
  3. From a gelatin solution with dyes.

Regardless of the recipe, the mass should not be too liquid. In addition to red, you can add a few drops of blue, so the color will be much more believable. And black paint will help make pieces of dried blood.

How to Do Zombie Makeup for Halloween

Zombie is one of the easiest Halloween makeup options that can be easily done at home. It suits both girls and boys equally well.

Step-by-step zombie makeup:

  1. Zombies are characterized by pale skin, so you need to start with that. Apply light foundation and blend with a sponge.
  2. Cover your face with a thin layer of powder. Also light in color.
  3. We take light brown shadows and with a brush we draw bags under the eyes, shading the hollows.
  4. With the same shadows we cover the upper eyelid and the area above it up to the eyebrow.
  5. Drawing bruises. For this you will need dark gray or brown shadows. Shade them under the eyes. Paying Special attention inner corner.
  6. Similarly, draw with dark shadows top part from the eye to the eyebrow.
  7. Using a brush and light gray shadows we create a “blush”.
  8. Cover your lips with foundation.
  9. Apply a little lipstick, but without affecting the contours of the lips. You need to create the effect of a mouth carelessly stained with blood.
  10. Apply fresh blood with a brush. Place a little caked mixture on top.

Halloween makeup is ready! The photo shows an example of what should happen. But you can always experiment. For example, add drops of blood, scars and other interesting elements :)

Makeup with cartoon inserts on Helloween

Interesting and very beautiful make-up for girls on Halloween, which is made in a comic style. Before performing it, you need to carefully prepare the skin of not only the face, but also the neck and décolleté. We even out the tone with a thick, light-colored product, then apply a layer of powder.

Makeup steps:

  1. Use a black liner to draw eyebrows and line the eyes.
  2. We outline an oval, draw the line of the nose and sinuses.
  3. Cover your lips with red lipstick. On the left side we draw in black. You can use the same liner. On lower lip on the left side we draw white highlights.
  4. Using white paint we draw light stripes of peas on the face and body.
  5. We use blue paint to depict tears. For clarity, we thinly outline with a black liner.
  6. To add mystery to the image, we use self-adhesive rhinestones. We place one pea at a time.

As you can see, such a charming and unusual makeup for Halloween is not at all difficult to do with your own hands. If you try a little and follow the instructions, everything will definitely work out!

How to Do Witch Makeup for Halloween

This Halloween witch makeup is done in purple and pink tones, which makes it unique. Similarly, it can be made using red, blue, green paints.

How to do witch makeup for Halloween step by step:

  1. We take pink shadows and begin to paint over the moving eyelid.
  2. Apply over the entire surface, right up to the eyebrows.
  3. Apply black shadows over the pink shadows. We also paint the area under the eyes. Lightly blend.
  4. We wet the brush in purple paint and make splashes on the painted areas.
  5. We tint the moving eyelid with purple paint.
  6. We prepare the eyelashes and straighten them with a brush.
  7. Glue on the upper and lower eyelashes.

Makeup is ready! The result was a scary, but very charming witch. And she is already ready to celebrate the holiday!

How to do scary makeup for Halloween

Of course, this drawing can hardly be called makeup. This is real makeup, so it is better to use the appropriate paints.

Step-by-step makeup for Halloween:

  1. You will need a white base for the tone. You can use makeup paint.
  2. Cover the face evenly with tone.
  3. Draw eyebrows with a pencil.
  4. Use black paint (you can use brown or graphite) to paint the area around the eyes on all sides, depicting a circle.
  5. We draw the nose using the same paint, and make two arrows on top.
  6. Let's start drawing the mouth. Using a pencil, we continue the smile line until the size of the mouth is needed.
  7. Along the entire line we draw lips from teeth and cover them with black paint.
  8. To give the skull relief, we make the semblance of eyebrows one centimeter higher than ours. Shade well.
  9. Powder your forehead.
  10. We begin to draw a crack on the side of the skull.
  11. We make several thin branches in the form of a branch.
  12. Draw the skeleton on the neck. To do this, take a brush and dark paint, better than gray.
  13. Draw the lines. Simulating vertebrae.

Ready! To give the image a special tragedy and fear, you just need to wear dark cloak with a hood and get a braid.

Scars for Halloween

A scar is a great face decoration for a holiday. It can be used alone or in addition to other makeup. Moreover, they are made very simply.

How to make scars on Helloween:

  1. Draw a line for the future scar. We do this with a pink pencil.
  2. For the scar you will need viscous collodion glue. It is sold in makeup departments, as well as in pharmacies.
  3. Mix the collodion well. Remove excess from the brush.
  4. Carefully apply over the previously drawn line.
  5. Using foundation, we correct the shape.

The scar is ready! It turned out to be embossed and looks very natural.

Halloween Makeup Ideas (20 Photos)

In fact interesting ideas for Halloween makeover great amount. And to choose suitable option, you just need to turn on a little imagination and look at our photos!

Dolls: creepy and adorable

Doll makeup is one of the most popular holiday ideas. Still, not all girls are eager to transform into witches and prefer the image of creepy beauties.

To create these cute looks, all you need is ordinary cosmetics, consisting of bright lipsticks and a few pencils. But if the cute image doesn't impress. Then you can do makeup creepy doll for Halloween. Scars, blood and red eyes are exactly what you need. But, of course, we should not forget about themed clothes with hairstyle.

Vampires and vampire girls

Vampires are one of the most frequent guests of the holiday. What could be more wonderful than meeting a charming bloodsucker tonight? Vampire makeup for Halloween can be done in both women's and male image. The main thing is bright skin, expressive eyes and lips.

By the way, you can use regular smokey makeup. If desired, add a few drops of blood and snow-white fangs. But the image will not be complete without the appropriate attire. Retro style is perfect.

Looks no less interesting children's makeup vampire for theme party. It turns out that bloodsuckers can be incredibly cute and even slightly glamorous. The child will be delighted with the transformation, as will those around him.


Cat makeup for Halloween is a great way to brighten up the crowd of evil spirits from vampires and witches. A cute and fluffy animal will definitely amaze you with its attractiveness.

For creating festive look it is enough to make an expressive make up with arrows, use bright lipstick Well, draw a mustache. And if you want to look even more like a fluffy charm, you can use special lenses with elongated pupils.

In this video you can see what a charming cat beauty blogger Irene Vladi has turned into. The makeup was created from improvised products and mineral cosmetics.

Skeletons at the festival of evil spirits

What would a holiday be without skulls and bones? Halloween skeleton makeup is considered one of the most difficult and requires certain abilities.

You will have to try hard to depict shadows, voluminous bones and believable teeth. And first of all, take care of perfect tone. But nothing is impossible!

Video bloggers are also preparing for the meeting happy Halloween. And MakeUpKaty has already come up with an extraordinary skeleton makeup and shared the technique for creating it.

Halloween is the day when you can try on a creepy look and still look cute. Interesting images They will add charm to the holiday, make it mystical and unforgettable.

Universal choice gift ideas for any occasion and reason. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

DIY Halloween makeup photos for girls and girls

Although makeup is predominantly a female activity, masquerade erases all boundaries, so let’s not forget about men either. However, first we will still consider options for the weaker half of humanity.


The makeup here should not be so much bright as it should emphasize the doll elements: various kinds seams, buttons, plump lips, and so on.

The most important thing is to highlight the eyes. They must be big and naive. Eyebrows are also worth drawing.

As you understand, it will be difficult for guys to use this particular type. But if you don’t put pressure on your painted lips, then everything will be ok. Although I doubt that guys will want to appear as a scary Ken for Halloween.

Most simple option I think like this step-by-step master class. You will need: white base(you can use foundation), PVA glue, paper napkins, shadows bright colors, lipstick, dark eye and eyebrow pencil.

  1. Using PVA, carefully apply paper napkins as shown in the photo.
  2. Apply foundation (you can also powder it)
  3. Next we use shadows and pencil. The most important thing is to outline as large an area as possible, simulating the eye line (to enhance the effect, you can fill the area under the eyes with white shadows).
  4. Fill your eyebrows, paint your lips.

If the idea of ​​a doll’s image haunts you, and this step-by-step explanation seems too simple to you, then I advise you to watch the tutorial on doll makeup in video format:


This look is classic, very pretty and not as scary as many traditional Halloween ideas. For it you will need face painting or simple gouache. You can also use ordinary cosmetics like black eyeliner, eye shadow and mascara - that's quite enough.

The most important thing is to stock up on ears that suit you and a choker that will complement your Halloween look. By the way, in this form you will be able to play the famous catwoman. All that remains is to get the suit.

The second option is even simpler.

In order to make makeup the most interesting, I advise you to watch this master class:


Everything is very simple here, you don’t even need napkins with glue. Prepare: black and red pencils for eyes and lips, white or very light makeup base and red lipstick.

To create the effect of a transition of colors on the lips: apply red lipstick, and in the corners of the lips - a black pencil and blend.

By the way, with this makeup you can also create the image of the cat mentioned earlier.

Sugar Skull

About male version I already wrote about the skeleton in a previous article about Halloween costumes. And now is the time female version entitled " sugar skull" This unusual makeup came to us from a holiday related to Halloween - the Day of the Dead, celebrated in Mexico (by the way, it takes place on November 1-2, that is, almost on the eve of All Saints' Day).

It is better for him to use not only usual means make-up, but also masquerade face paints (can be purchased at stationery stores). By the way, in its simplest variation, this makeup can be done as a child’s makeup.

A dead bride

This does not mean, of course, living bride, and the bride is a corpse (as can be understood from the title). The highlight of the makeup is in the black lines near the eyes, imitating deep depressions, and in the black spot on the lips, applied with a pencil.

The application principle is similar to the previous options.

Do you remember Emily from the cartoon “Corpse Bride” from Tim Burton? Makeup with it is easy to recreate if you watch this master class from YouTube:

Demon (she-devil)

The shadows here extend beyond the eyebrows. After applying them, create sparkles of fire using black and red eyeliners.

pay attention to interesting way coloring the Demon's cheekbones: holding a handkerchief, paint the line of the cheekbones with red eye shadow or blush.

The lips are painted in a similar way to the witch. The result is a bright fiery devilish makeup, which is quite easy to repeat yourself.

Even cooler (and even somewhat simpler, except for the horns) was made holiday makeup here:


The main focus of zombie makeup, in my opinion, is the characteristic spots and scars. You can make them like this: apply PVA glue, as in the photo. Gently apply on top toilet paper. Paint it properly with red paint and powder it. Then take red lip gloss and highlight the hollows.

Guys can also use this method.

And to find out how to paint your face to match this body makeup, I advise you to look at this tutorial:


A popular image that is easy to reproduce at home. For him, the most important thing is the surroundings, which is achieved through proper makeup and various simple attributes. Medical mask and a robe is enough to make you a real scary nurse.

Focus on the lips and eyes for a complete look. Unusual lenses will also help you achieve results.

You can see a step-by-step video of transformation into a nurse below:

Mickey Mouse (Minnie Mouse)

For Mickey's girlfriend you will need to make a bright one evening make-up with the addition of a black nose and use the heroine’s traditional round ears. Don't forget to stock up on some gorgeous false eyelashes to complete your beautiful Minnie look.

If you want your face to look more like a cartoon character, then try experimenting with arrows and pay special attention to lip makeup.

And a completely different vision of Minnie awaits you in the video below. This is perhaps the closest bow to the original.

Cobweb (Spider Queen)

You can create this look using black eyeliner and dark shadows. Mark with dots the places through which the lines of the web will pass. From the upper eyelid, draw several spider lines (one to each point) at the same distance from each other. Don't forget about the transverse lines to make the pattern complete.

You can complement the character with pale lip gloss.

The web can be made in a slightly different way, without using the eyelid itself.

Queen of Spades

For the first option of this halloween makeup it will be enough to apply white makeup and attributes of the card ruler. Maybe you'd like to make the queen of hearts? Decide on the color and boldly apply the pattern, seasoning it with sparkles or rhinestones. Use the color of your lips to highlight your eye color.

An interesting vision of the bloody Queen of Spades is presented in this video from detailed master class by creation.

Harley Quinn

The popularity of this character was due to the incredibly promoted film “Suicide squad” with accompanying comics. At one time, there were even memes on the Internet about Harley and Halloween: they say, all the girls will now transform into her for this holiday. Whether this is true or not is up to you to judge, but the makeup of this young lady is detailed description see below.

Make-up paints will be used; in the absence of them, you can use simple gouache.

It's not surprising that Harley Quinn has had more than one make-up video done.

Video on how to create Halloween makeup at home

In the video master classes you will see some more interesting ideas on how to do very scary makeup: eyes on lips, a vampire and some other characters. Again, ordinary cosmetics are used for them.

Eye on lips

It’s more of an element of make-up – but what a make-up! With him, the rest of your appearance is not important.

A vampire

I saved the classics of the genre for last. Vampire in to a large extent similar to a witch in the way it is performed. Can be used for a child's or woman's look.


The adorable little mermaid may not be the most common character for Halloween, but it is very appropriate. You can make it very creepy if you want, but I suggest paying attention to a cute interpretation of such a Halloween idea.

Ideas for the worst men's makeup

So that guys don’t worry, here are a few rules for masculine makeup that will definitely look like makeup and not like girly evening makeup:

  • Do not use mascara under any circumstances (only for streaks and patterns on the face)
  • If the makeup involves painting lips, then draw fangs, evil grins, etc.
  • Leave the glitter to the girls. Only matte colors for you.

And here are specific ideas that you can implement yourself.


Great and terrible! Famous Hero comics and films, which is difficult not to recognize. For boys, the idea is simply perfect. You will need makeup or gouache and a little hair gel to make the Joker look truly scary.

Evil clown

Although the master class is shown by a girl, this cool Halloween makeup is more suitable for guys due to its scary nature

Billy from the movie "Saw"

This cool look couldn't be more perfect for Halloween. Although very often they forget about him for some reason. Try it, your friends will just be horrified)

This concludes the article. There is still a lot of time before the holiday, but who knows when a masquerade will happen in your life?)

See you soon! Come again!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva
