Scenario of joint entertainment with parents for children of the younger group. Scenario of entertainment in the second younger group with parents “My friendly family

Joint event with parents “Let’s help you find a friend” in 2 younger group.

Integration educational areas. Socially - communication development, cognitive, speech, artistic - aesthetic, physical.

Goals and objectives. Make children want to help, develop communication skills (be polite, say kind things to each other, pleasant words). Promote unity as children's group, and the team of parents. Give children pleasure from communication and interaction with parents and peers.

Materials and equipment. Shapoklyak costume, soft toy crocodile Gena, Cheburashka, ball, tape recorder, CD with songs, Whatman paper with a yellow daisy center, petals with words written on them, balloons, heart with photographs of the children of the group, chest, oranges.

Progress of the event.

The music “Let them run clumsily” plays. Crocodile Gena appears.

Hello guys! Hello, dear adults! You recognized me? Yes, I am Gena the crocodile, the best crocodile in the world! What is your name?

Acquaintance. Children and parents pass the ball to each other along the chain and say their names.

Guys, I'm looking for my friend Cheburashka. Haven't you seen him? Let's call Cheburashka together, in unison.

Children: Che-bu-rush-ka!

Music sounds " Good deeds you can’t become famous,” and it turns out


Why are you so noisy here? I, old woman Shapoklyak, had a headache. The hair on my head stood on end!

Gena says: “Hello, grandma! Don't be angry, please, my best one is lost best friend, and the guys helped me call him. Cheburashka will hear us and find us.

Hee hee hee! And why do you need a friend - such a funny, big-eared one? I don't understand why friends are needed at all?

Guys and you, mothers and grandmothers, please explain, Shapoklyak, why a person needs friends.

Answers from adults and children: “It’s interesting, fun with friends, friends always help in trouble, etc.”

And you will never find your Cheburashechka! I hid it well.

Dear Shapoklyak! Let go of Cheburashka. I feel very bad without him.

Gena is crying.

Stop it now! How I don’t like these crocodile tears. So be it! Only I have tasks for you all. Show me how you can play together - then I’ll let Cheburashka go!

Task 1. “Compliment.”

I must say kind sweet words sitting next to him. Crocodile Gena begins, says Shapoklyak: “You have a very nice smile!”

Shapoklyak continues, addressing next child or an adult.

Task 2. “Say hello to mom.”

Mothers and children stand opposite each other. Shapoklyak asks everyone to say hello in pairs (touch each other with certain parts of the body): only right hand, left hand, nose, lips, etc.

Task 3. Game "Touch".

The players stand facing each other and close their eyes. While simultaneously feeling each other, they name all the parts of the body that are touched, using diminutive words. At the end of the game they thank each other and hug.

Task 4. Outdoor game “Fly to the house.”

Parents stand up in twos, raise their hands up and form a house. Children-birds run on their tiptoes and flap their wing-like arms. At the signal “Cat!” the birds fly up to their mothers.

Task 5. “Polite flower.”

Among the scattered petals you need to find the petals on which are written polite words and phrases (please, thank you, hello, good afternoon, be kind, be healthy, goodbye). Children collect petals and bring them to adults, who read and say polite words and phrases out loud. Then a chamomile is made: adults glue the found petals to the yellow center.

Task 6. “Repeat the movement for Shapoklyak.”

Children stand in a circle and repeat the movements shown by Shapoklyak.

Task 7. “Game with a balloon.”

Standing in a circle, children quickly pass each other balloon, and Shapoklyak tries to take the ball for himself.

Shapoklyak: “Oh, guys, how great you are! Do you know how to play together? I had fun with you. I also want to be friends with you. Will you take me as your friend?

Children: “Let’s take it!”

Gena: “Dear Shapoklyak! You promised to let Cheburashka go. We have completed all your tasks. Really, guys?

Shapoklyak takes out the chest containing Cheburashka and gives the chest to Gene.

Gena opens the chest and joyfully exclaims: “Hello, my dear friend! I missed you. The guys helped me free you."

Cheburashka: “Thank you, guys, very, very much. I was very scared in the chest.”

Shapoklyak: “Forgive me, Cheburashka, I won’t do this again. Why was I so harmful? Yes, because I had no friends at all. And now I’ve become friends with the guys!”

Cheburashka gives to the guys a big heart with the inscription “The friendliest guys” with portraits of the children of the group and treats them with oranges.

Kazantseva Marina Aleksandrovna
Entertainment in the second junior group with the participation of parents “Sports Family”

Entertainment in the second younger group with the participation of parents« Sport family» .

Progress of the event.

Begin entertainment

There will be games, there will be laughter,

And fun and games

Prepared for everyone.

We have to travel on a train that will stop at various stations, and I will be the driver. Each station has its own name, and everyone passing through one or another station must complete the proposed tasks - only then will it be possible to move on.

So, attention, our train is leaving, passengers are requested to take their seats. Go! Music is playing "Locomotive from Romashkov".


Presenter: Is everyone here?

Is everyone healthy?

Are you all ready to run and jump?

Then let's start the fun workout!

(Warm-up is carried out against the background of music) Let's nod our heads...

Presenter. You completed the warm-up "Great"- we can move on. Go!

Attention attention! Our train arrives at the station « Sports» .

Now we have fun competitions ahead of us.

Presenter: I propose to divide into 2 teams. The first team is Krepyshi, second – Daredevils. Guess before you start riddle:

If you hit the wall, I'll bounce back.

If you throw it on the ground, I’ll jump up.

I'm flying from palm to palm,

I don’t want to lie still.

That's right, it's a ball.

1. Our first relay race "My funny ringing ball".

Children run to the blocks and back with balls in their hands, passing parents, A parents roll the ball back and forth across the floor with their hands.

2. Competition "Unload the car and build a town".

Parent and the child must together transport the blocks in a large truck from one place to another and build a town, passing the baton to the next pair.

3. Competition "Happy Centipedes" or "The friendliest team".

First pair participants(parent and child) they run to the pin, come back, take the next pair by the hand and run to the cone, run up, take the next one, and so on until the whole team is in the chain.

4. Competition "Perfect hit".

Parent holding a basin, and the child must throw the ball and hit it.

5. « Kindergarten» .

They play in pairs (mother (dad) and child). The first couple takes the hat and scarf. Every mother (dad) dresses the child and goes to "Kindergarten" to a landmark, undresses him there and leaves him. Passes on clothing attributes to the next pair. The winner is the team that is the first to send their children to "Kindergarten".

6. "Flag in a hoop" (checkbox for each participant) .

You need to run to the hoop, put a flag in it, return to the team (everyone participates) .

And now all the guys will play the game "Carousel" (with hoop).

The players stand in a circle. There is a rope on the ground forming a ring. (the ends of the rope are tied). The guys lift her from the ground and, holding onto her with their right (or left) hand, walk in a circle with words:

Barely, barely

The carousel spun, and then around,

And then around and around,

Everything is running, running, running.

Children move slowly at first, and after words "running" are running. At the command of the leader "Turn!" they quickly take the rope with their other hand and run in the opposite direction.

Hush, hush, don't write it off!

Stop the carousel.

One and two, one and two,

The game is over!

The movement of the carousel gradually slows down and with last words stops. The players put the rope on the ground and run around the court.

Presenter: Well done, both adults and children. And our little train moves on. Go!

Attention attention! next station "Surprise"- final.

Presenter: Well done to our teams,

Strong, skillful,

Friendly, cheerful,

Fast and brave!

An adult in a suit appears "surprise" and everyone dancing to the music participants distributes balloons.


Presenter: On this joyful note our gaming journey ends.

We wish continued success to moms and dads!

Let your family starts be remembered,

May all your wishes come true,

And physical education will become your home!

Health, joy, fun,

Tireless optimism, good luck,

Everyone earthly goods We all wish you!

Music is playing "We wish you happiness."

We wish you happiness,

Happiness in this big world,

May there be happiness in the morning

Comes to everyone's house.

We wish you happiness,

And it should be like this

Publications on the topic:

“Dad, mom, I am a sports family.” Sports entertainment for children and their parents"Dad, Mom, I - sport family» Goal: - instilling a love for sports; - formation of a healthy lifestyle; - joint holding time of children and parents.

“Dad, mom, I am a sports family.” Sports activities for children of middle preschool age with the participation of parents Preliminary work: preparing teams of children and parents (emblems of participants, motto, emoticons, conversation with the group teacher. Attributes:.

Entertainment with the participation of parents “Sports family” Game entertainment with children from two years old “Mom, Dad and I - a sports family” (with the participation of parents) Purpose: 1). Introduce children to new things.

Entertainment with the participation of parents in the first junior group “At the New Year’s Tree” Educator: Vasilyeva I. N. MBDOU d/s No. 12 Under New Year's song The kids and their parents enter the hall and stand around the Christmas tree. Teacher (congratulates.

Scenario for the Mother's Day holiday in the second junior group with the participation of parents Entertainment with the participation of parents and children of the 2nd junior group “It’s so good to be close together!” Description of material: this material directed.

Scenario of a sports festival together with parents “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family” in the second junior-middle group Scenario sports festival together with parents “Mom, Dad, I – a sports family” in the second junior-middle group. Purpose of the holiday:.



"Merry Musicians"

(“Our baby in the world of music”)



(“Our baby in the world of music”)
(joint entertainment with parents for children of the younger group)

GOAL: to consolidate children’s knowledge about musical instruments,introduce children to a variety of activities musical activity, forming the perception of music and simple performing skills in the field of singing, rhythm, and playing children's instruments. To promote the initial development of musical taste. Foster a love and interest in music;involve parents in development musical abilities children.

Equipment: screen, characters - Parsley (parent), doll characters (parents): bear, bunny, cockerel, cat; musical instruments: rattles, tambourine, bell, spoons.

Children, together with their parents, enter the hall to the Russian folk melody “Barynya” in a recording.

Leading (seats the guys in front of the screen). Dear guys, dear adults, today Petrushka was going to visit us. Haven't you seen him?

Children . No!

Leading . Have you really forgotten? Let's try clapping our hands and ask them to play fun music for us. He will hear and come to us!

Kids clap their hands to the music “Oh, birch tree.” Petrushka enters singing along.

Parsley . Hello guys!

Everyone knows me, I'm Petrushka.It took me so long to get to you.

Now try to guess what I was driving when you hear the music.

The teacher performs musical excerpts: “Train” by N. Metlov, “Airplane” by E. Tilicheeva, “On a Boat” by E. Makshantseva, etc. Children listen and respond.

Parsley . I am cheerful Parsley! I always have a rattle with me!

I brought a lot of them here. Are we going to play now?

Children . Yes!

Kids play the game “Orchestra” (Ukrainian folk melody).

Parsley . Well done boys! I really liked your game. I didn’t come to you alone, my friends are with me!

bear (appears on the screen).

IMisha bear,

I love music

Listen up, little ones,

How loudly I hit the tambourine.

I hit the tambourine loudly, loudly,

I don’t give you peace, I knock cheerfully.

He plays the tambourine and a bunny appears.

Bunny . And I'm a bouncing bunny, give me my drum!

Boom-boom-boom, tra-ta-ta,

I'm a cheerful bunny, it's time for you to clap!

The bunny plays the drum, the kids clap, then sing the song “Drummer” (music by M. Krasev).

The bunny hides and the cockerel appears.

Cockerel . I'm a cheerful cockerel

I play all day

My bell is ringing -

Ding, ding, ding!

The cockerel rings the bell and the children clapclap your hands, the cockerel hides.

The nursery rhyme song “The Cockerel is a Golden Comb” is sung (together with the parents). The Cat appears.



And I am the Little Gray Cat,

I'll play spoons for you!

Knock-knock, knock-knock!

Knock-knock-knock knock!(Plays spoons to music.)

Parsley: Guys, do you want to play with Kitty? Get up in a round dance!

Children and their parents stand in a circle and perform a round dance.

"The cat was caught."

Parsley . Guys, did you like how the animals played? Now guess who plays what.

Appropriate music plays. If the kids guess right, the animals appear and give them musical toys.

The presenter invites the children to organize an orchestra and please Parsley and the animals with their performance.

Kids play, animals dance.

Parsley . Well done guys, you play very well, I still have a lot musical toys, but I'll bring them another time. And today we say goodbye to you. Goodbye!

Animals . Goodbye!

The children say goodbye to the dolls, the curtain closes.

Entertainment for children of the 2nd junior group together with their parents

"My Friendly family»

The song "About My Family" is playing. Children enter the hall to the music and sit on chairs

Hello my friends!
I am glad to meet you.
This time we gathered
To listen to your story,
Do you have many relatives?
Children, I know for sure
Everyone has a family!
With a mouse and a kitten,
The elephant and the pig...
Why should I list everyone?
You should know about this.
On the entire planet Earth
Everyone has a family!

(you can hear sobs and crying outside the door)

What's happened? I don't understand!
Children, didn’t it seem to me?
Someone is crying, there behind the door.
We need to help him!

(Bunny enters, he is crying)

Bunny! Hello, what's wrong with you?
Are you very sad?
Tell us quickly
You are among your friends!

I came to you from the forest
And I didn’t see my family.
I don't have anyone.
Children, where is my family?
What is the word dear?
Do you pronounce it, “family”?
Maybe she will be found
Is that family for me too?
Don't cry, dear Bunny! Of course, we will tell you what this means dear word- "family". Tell me, children, what is family? How do you think?

(Children answer something like this: A family is when everyone lives in one house. A family is when there is a mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister. They live together, everyone in the family takes care of each other.)

Family photos.

Today for the holiday the children brought family photos and now they will tell you what is shown in these photographs.

( The photographs are played back on a screen by a projector.

Well done, children, you talked about your family very interestingly. Now, let's play. Bunny, you too come and play with us.

Physical exercise.

(Perform movements according to the text)

I live with my family.
I help as best I can.
Mom cooked cabbage soup in the morning,
And my father was chopping wood,
Grandma knitted socks.
My grandfather was fishing in the morning.
Although I am very small,
But he helped as best he could.
Cook cabbage soup for mom in the morning,
And for my father to chop wood.
Knit socks for grandma.
Grandfather dig worms.
The whole family is very happy
What a glorious helper I am!
We moved around a little. Take your seats. The children have prepared poems about their relatives, let's listen.

1 child

Family is joy, warmth and comfort,

Family is a home where you are always welcome!


Family is mom, dad, and grandfather,

Granny is preparing us a delicious lunch.

There are also brothers and sisters in the family.

3 child

Family is me

And they call me:

Kitten and sweetie, bunny, bird.

Someone is my brother, and someone is my sister.

Family - where everyone loves me and caresses me,

AND better than FAMILY nothing happens!

4 child

Mom fussed for a long time:

All business, business, business

Mom was so tired during the day,

She lay down on the sofa.

I won't touch her

I'll just stand next to you.

Let her sleep a little -

I'll sing her a song.

5 child

My dad is funny

But strict and honest,

My dad is a wizard.

He's the nicest

It instantly turns into whatever you ask for.

6 child

He can be a clown

Tiger, giraffe

But it's better to be a dad!

I'll hug him and whisper quietly

My daddy, I love you dearly!

2nd child:
There are many mothers in this world.
Children love them with all their hearts.
There is only one mother,
She is dearer to me than anyone else.
Who is she? I will answer:
This is my mom!
(Author V.Russu)

3rd child:
Very much my grandmother
I love my mother's mother,
She has a lot of wrinkles
And on the forehead gray strand.
I just want to touch it,
And then kiss.
(E. Blaginina)

4th child:
We are with you, grandfather, friends,
Where you go, I go too.
We go fishing together
I'm running, and you're waddled.
We collect raspberries:
You are from the bush, I am from the basket.
Only you have no doubts
The best grandfather in the world!
(A. Gromova)

5th child:
My brother was born.
I am, of course, very happy.
Only this brother
Doesn't get out of bed.
Time is passing slowly.
My brother has been growing for a long time,
But I already know -
I love him!
I'm not rushing him!
I love him so much!
He is so good.
He's a little bit like me...
Looks like me.
(G. Solomatin)

Ved 1: Come on, kids, guesspuzzles !

Well, who adores us?

Never offends

Who bakes delicious pancakes?

Did you guess it? This…grandmother.

Who took me hunting?

Who worked at the dacha?

Gave me a bicycle

well of course it is...grandfather

The oldest and most respected family members are grandparents. They may be nearby or live far from you. But you should always remember that grandparents gave life to your moms and dads, and therefore to you.

9th child:

My grandmother is with me, and that means I am the head of the house,

I can open cabinets, water flowers with kefir,

Play football with a pillow and clean the floor with a towel.

Can I eat cake with my hands and slam the door on purpose!

But this won’t work with mom, I’ve already checked.

10th child:

We are with you, grandfather, friends, where you go, there I go.

We go fishing together, I run, and you waddle.

We pick raspberries: you from the bush, I from the basket.

We painted the fence together – our hands are still covered in paint!

Only you, no doubt, are the best grandfather in the world!

11 child

Very my grandmother

I love my mother

She has a lot of wrinkles

And on the forehead there is a gray strand

I just want to touch it

And then kiss

12th child:

Our grandfather is very businesslike:

Walks around the house, forgot about peace

He helps his grandmother all day,

He is not at all lazy to do this

Then he constantly loses points,

Either he will break something, or he will break something,

Always in a hurry, but tired of work,

He sits down with a newspaper and is already snoring.

Thanks guys! Very good poems you read to us. Now let's do some finger exercises.

Finger gymnastics
This finger is grandpa
This granny finger
This finger is daddy
This finger is mommy
But this finger is me,
Together a friendly family!

Presenter: And when your fathers and mothers were very little, your grandmothers sang lullabies to them.

In the old days in Rus' they said, “Where many songs are sung, life is fun.” I invite everyone to dance.

Round dance “We will go to the right 1,2,3”

Presenter: And so that our adults don’t get bored, we’ll play with them too

Game “Say the Word”

(The beginning of the proverbs is read, and the adults read the ending)

You don't need treasure when you're in the familyokay .

As it is at home, so is ityourself.

When the family is together and the hearton site .

A guest on the doorstep is happinessin the house.

Without an owner and a house -orphan.

Lead the house without a beardshake.

An apple from an apple tree, not farfalls.

The richer they are, the moreglad.

It's good to be away,but home is better.

The house is not big, but liedoesn't order.

Building a house is not a hatput it on your head .

When you come home -you will find bread and salt .

Living at home - about everythinggrieve.

The corners of the hut are not red, and red with pies.

Presenter: I invite all the children to stand in a circle, turning around, facing each other.

Game "I am your friend."

I am a blackbird, you are a blackbird

I have a nose, you have a nose

My cheeks are smooth, your cheeks are smooth

I am your friend, you are my friend

We love each other (hug)

Presenter: Thanks guys! Now, bunny, do you know what family is? We accept you into our family. And the children, I’m sure, will take turns inviting you to visit them and introduce you to their relatives.
This is where our fun came to an end. May our families be strong, friendly and healthy!

We go out into the yard as a friendly family.

Let's stand in a circle and do exercises in order in the morning.

Mother raises his hands,

Dad squats cheerfully.

Turns right - left,

My brother Seva makes it.

But, I jog and shake my head.

I love my family

I love mom, dad

I love my grandfather and grandmother

And the puppy and the cat Musya

Everyone I love so much

They have the right to a family!

Sports activity

in the 2nd junior group

« Fun walk»

Teacher of MBDOU No. 16

Art. Lukovskaya

Nikitina E.N.

North Ossetia-Alania

Mozdok district

2017-2018 academic year.

Fun walk"


Formation of a value-based attitude towards classes physical culture.


    Develop the ability to throw the ball.

    Improve your climbing skills.

    Continue to teach how to push off energetically with both feet when jumping over an obstacle.

    Develop coordination and dexterity of movements, ability to navigate in space, attention.

    Involve parents in joint activities with kids.

    Create a joyful, cheerful mood in children and adults.

Material and equipment:

Bunny hats, a basket, a letter, a carrot, stumps, circles - hummocks, fir trees, streams, a basket with balls, arcs, a bunny toy or a bunny costume for an adult, a tape recorder, audio recordings with music.

Participants : children, parents, teachers.


Organizing time.

A teacher with the right to teach physical education comes to the group with a letter from a bunny and a basket containing bunnies’ hats, and invites everyone to the forest.

Gym decorated: forest, fir trees, stumps, trees, music sounds.

Educator : Hello everyone! Let's all greet each other:

In the morning the sun rises,

He calls everyone to the street,

I leave the house:

"Hello my friends!"

The teacher draws attention to the tree, there is a magpie sitting there with a letter.

Educator : Guys, a magpie brought us a letter from a bunny, I’ll read it now:

"Hello guys,

I'm a bunny, I live in the forest.

Went far from his home

And got lost.

Please help me".

Well, do you guys want to help the bunny? Now you will put on magic hats and turn into funny bunnies, your mothers will be bunnies, and your dads will be hares.

“We all put on our hats

And we turn into bunnies

Dads and moms and kids

And cheerful kids!”

A teacher with the right to teach physical education distributes bunny hats to everyone, children and parents put them on.

Educator: I invite you for a walk in the forest.

Holding hands, children and parents go to the gym.

Educator :

One, two, three, four, five, the bunnies went out for a walk.

Here they are walking straight along the path.

(Holding hands, children and parents approach the Christmas trees)

Then they go around the trees and stumps.

(They walk like a snake between the tree stumps)

To make it more fun, go for a run – faster.


You walk along the path and you will come to a clearing.

(normal walking)

Little gray hares are jumping and jumping in the forest.

Jump-jump, jump-jump, the little bunny stood on a stump.

I built everyone in order,

Began to show charging.

Once! Everyone walks in place.

Two! They wave their hands together,

Three! They sat down, stood up together, scratched everyone behind the ear,

We reached four.

Five! They bent over and bent over.

Six! Everyone stood in a row again and walked like a squad.

Educator: (leads the children to the basket with balls)

Look how big the basket is! They live in it funny balls. (overturns the basket). Oh look, they're running away! Catch it, bunnies!

Children catch up with balls. Their parents insure them. Teachers lay out on the floor on long distance circles and bumps, one apart from the other.

Educator: The rabbits caught the balls and stood on the hummocks, and the mothers - the bunnies and the fathers - the hares - stood opposite their bunnies. Let's play with balls.

General developmental exercises with a ball in pairs.

Parents and children in pairs stand facing each other, holding a ball together.

    I.p. Feet width apart, hands with the ball below. 1- raise the ball up; 2- lower the ball. (5 times)

    I.p. Feet width apart, hands with the ball below. 1 – bend your back; 2- straighten. (5 times)

    I.p. Feet width apart, hands with the ball below. 1 – look at each other, sit down; 2 – stand up. (5 times)

Educator: Let the balls rest (put the balls on the floor), and all the hares are jumping like balls.

Music game"Ball"

Pairs jump on two legs (2 times 10 jumps alternating with walking in place)

Main types of movements.

Educator: We continue to play with balls.

Children and parents in pairs throw the ball to each other from below. (10 times), the distance between the child and the adult is 1.5 m, cheerful music sounds.

Educator: We played with the balls and put all the balls into the basket.

Children return the balls to the basket, parents supervise. The teacher lays out streams for jumping, removes circles and bumps and places arcs.

Educator: The balls rest, and we take a walk. Look: there is a stream ahead. Let's jump over it.

Children jump over streams with their parents.

Children and parents crawl under the arches.


Well we had a walk

And not at all tired.

Can we still ride?

Can we still play?

Let's all gather in a circle

And let's sit down, my friend.

The teacher, children and parents stand in a circle and squat.

Educator : Bunnies sit in the clearing and wiggle their ears.

A teacher with the right to teach physical education conducts a musical and active game “The gray bunny is sitting” (E. Zheleznova)


The bunnies had fun playing! And now everyone reached out and smiled at each other! Did you enjoy the walk? (children's answers)

Oh, little bunnies, can't you hear anything? Someone is crying. Let's find out who it is?

Sedentary game"Find the bunny"

Children, together with their parents, look for and find a toy bunny or an adult in a bunny costume under the Christmas tree.

Hare : Thank you my good bunnies for finding me, but can I ask you to help me find a carrot, I’m so hungry.

Sedentary game “Find the carrot”

Children and their parents look for and find a carrot garden.

Game "Hares and Carrots"

The teacher, children and parents stand in a circle, and a garden “Scarecrow” is selected to catch hares. To the music, the hares run into the garden and steal carrots, and the “Scarecrow” catches them. It can only catch hares in the garden.

The bunny plays the round dance game “If you like...”

Round dance game"If you like..."

Hare : Well done, we had a lot of fun, I really enjoyed playing with you, and did you like it? (children’s answers) For this I prepared you a delicious treat... Help yourself...

The bunny distributes sweet treats to the children, and cheerful music plays.

Children and parents return to the group.

Introductory part:
The group is designed according to the plot of the fairy tale “Teremok”. Children and parents enter the hall to the music.
Hello dear,
Small and big!
Does everyone in the world love fairy tales?
Do adults and children love it?
Fairy tales teach us kindness and hard work!
They tell you how to live
To be friends with everyone around you!
There was a teremok-teremok in the field!
For someone he was tall,
For some it is low.

Instructor- How are our friends, the heroes of the fairy tale, doing? I suggest you go into the forest to visit them; just recently they built themselves new house- teremok.
Let's line up in pairs.
Everyone lines up in pairs (child - parent).
Together with mommy
We will go along the path.
We raise our legs higher,
We walk together and have fun.
We came out to the forest meadow.
Through bushes and hummocks,
Through hummocks and stumps.
We'll walk on our toes,
And then on your heels.
Let's run after each other.
Let's hide under a bush -
Everyone ran around.
Take a sniff!
Apparently Little Mouse is baking pies!
Breathing exercise “What the forest smells like” (4 times)

One two three four five,
It's time to show the fairy tale.
Turn around three times
And turn into the heroes of a fairy tale.
Parents put on mouse, frog, hare, fox, wolf, and bear hats.
Instructor- Here is the tower,
(addresses parents)– We came to you to play:

Main part:
Complex of general developmental exercises “Teremok”:
Children and parents line up in a large circle.
Instructor- In an open field there is a teremok, a teremok,
He's not low, he's not high, he's not high,
I. p. - Hands on the belt, feet shoulder-width apart - raise your arms up (4 times).
-Who, who lives in the little house,
Who, who lives in a low place.
I. p. - Hands on the belt, legs together, slight deflection (4 times).
I, Little Mouse,
Yes, yes, Little Mouse.
I. p. - Hands down, running on tiptoes - image of a “mouse”.
I, Frog - croak,
Yes, yes, the Frog is a frog.
I. p. - Arms to the sides, heels together - squats, imitation (4 times).
I, Jumping Bunny,
Yes, yes, Jumping Bunny.
I. p. - Jumping on two legs in place (8 times).
I, Foxy - sister,
Yes, yes, little fox-sister.
I. p. - Image of a “chanterelle” - walking in a circle.
I, Top - a gray barrel,
Yes, yes, Volchok is a gray barrel.
I. p. - Image of a Wolf” - walking in a circle.
And I, Teddy Bear,
Yes, Mishka is clubfooted.
I. p. - arms to the sides - imitation.

Main types of movements:
In an even circle,
One after another
Our guests are coming,
What the Mouse will show us
Let's do it together.
Game exercise “Guess the movement”
Mom playing the role of Mouse shows physical exercises which children perform together with other adults.

Instructor- The frog - the frog - is a big housewife.
She will wash all the dishes and wash the clothes!
Let's help her:
We will wash the clothes
Let's rub it really hard.
And with the top we squeeze,
Let's squeeze it very hard.
And now we're all underwear
Shake it off very well.
Game exercise “We will wash the clothes”
Children and parents perform finger warm-up - imitation of “washing”.

Instructor- The bunny is jumping - hop, hop, hop.
To the green meadow,
Having fun, dancing,
He waves his paws.
The bunny jumps deftly,
But Bunny wants a carrot.
Game exercise “Treat the hare”
Children, on command, must wind the ropes around the sticks, parents help.

Instructor- Here is the red fox,
Master of running,
There is no finer fur coat in the forest,
There is no more cunning animal in the forest.
You, Foxy, wait.
Here's the basket, look!
We doubted something:
Fruits and vegetables mixed.
Take them apart quickly.
You can treat your guests later.
The instructor brings out two tables with trays on them.
A basket of vegetables and fruits is placed between the tables.
Game task “Sort out vegetables and fruits”
The fox sorts out the vegetables and fruits, all the children fix the names, colors, shapes, and compare the quantities.

Instructor- But the Wolf clicks his teeth. You and I will play catch-up.
Sedentary game "Catch up"
Everyone lines up in a large circle, “Wolf” in the center of the circle. Participants pass each other Stuffed Toys(bunnies -2), hide behind the back from the “Wolf”.

Final part:
Instructor- Here comes the “Bear-toed Bear”, winter will come soon, he is going into hibernation until spring,
Bear - we won’t let you sleep,
There are many of us, and you are alone,
Bear, Mishenka, get up,
And catch up guys.
Outdoor game “Bear” (3-4 times)

Thank you, friends,
It’s good in your little mansion,
Let's all stand in a circle
Let's hold hands and start a round dance:
Sedentary game “Animals lead a round dance”
There is a tower in a field, a tower, they walk in a circle
It's not low, no, it's not low
Not tall, not tall, raise your hands up
Animals live in it together and go to the center
They invite us to visit us, they return to the big circle
The game is played 2-3 times.

Instructor -
There is a teremok in the field, a teremok.
He is not short, not high, not tall.
Friendly animals live in that mansion.
And, friends, treats await us!
Children and parents go to tea party.
