How to clean enamel paint from clothes. How to remove paint from clothes at home

Paint stains on clothing can be caused by careless handling of a painted item or as a result of repair work. Try scrubbing, scrubbing, or staining with our tips on how to quickly remove paint from clothing before throwing it away. First you need to decide which substance. And also the material and its composition matters. The method that you choose thanks to our recommendations will help the stain disappear without a trace without much effort.

First aid for things with stains of fresh paint

The faster the stain is detected, the more likely it is to be removed completely. Don't take the first one you see and use it. Any substance must be applied to the fabric from the inside, placing the paper to the front. Napkins or paper towels are perfect for this purpose. This will prevent the ink from penetrating deep into the fabric. The stain should be removed from the edges towards the center to prevent it from spreading and dripping.

To select the best way to get rid of the stain, you should set the type of dye. Types of dyes that can get on clothes:

Do you wash by hand?

Oh yeah!No

Having determined the type of substance, you can begin the procedure to eliminate the stain. It is important to follow the correct sequence of actions to ensure maximum results:

  1. Preparing a home work surface. Often, hazardous solutions are required to remove paint from things: acetone, kerosene, gasoline, white spirit, and others. Certain safety rules must be observed: operate in a well-ventilated area, for example, on a balcony or loggia.
  2. The place to work should be covered with oilcloth or cling film. It is desirable to put a white dense fabric on top.
  3. Material processing should not be carried out on surfaces that have been painted (a layer of paint may come off). Parquet and laminate are also excluded: stains remain on these materials.
  4. Before removing a trace of paint, test the selected product on the corner of the clothing and evaluate the reaction of the fabric.

Removing old stains

It is not always possible to find the problem right away. And then methods for removing old stains come to the rescue. Turpentine softens old paint well, so it should be tried first.

In the fight against dried-on dirt, dishwashing detergent is effective. In its composition, you can find substances - fat thinners, which can dissolve a trace of paint. The first step is to soak the desired item in a mixture of water and detergent for at least 11 hours. Then the mark will need to be rubbed with the hard side of the sponge.

Removing oil enamel

There are several ways to remove oil contamination. The most popular of these is the use of vegetable-based oils. It must be gently applied to the stain and wiped with a cotton swab. If the contamination does not lend itself, you should leave the oil on it for at least half an hour. Residues can be removed with dishwashing detergent.

Laundry soap often helps out if we decide how to wipe various types of dirt with high quality. It is most effective to use it to eliminate fresh stains. Laundry soap interacts well with alcohol. The mixture is left on the contaminated area for 10-15 minutes, then the jeans or jacket are sent to the washing machine.

Perfectly removes such pollution solvent, kerosene, refined gasoline or white spirit. You need to use any of these products like this: the substance is applied to the stain, and held for 15-20 minutes. Solvent residues are removed using laundry soap. If it was not possible to remove the product the first time, you need to apply a stain remover with oxygen in the composition to the pollution.

Without acetone in the composition, together with warm glycerin, they interact well and help wash off dirt and paint.

Removal of acrylic and water-based paints

The water base does not interfere with their durability. Some acrylic and water-based paints are used to decorate facades. How can such contamination be removed? A fresh mark can be wiped off with a hard-bristled brush and warm water.

Dried stains are first soaked and then cleaned. When fresh, dirt can also be dissolved by placing a soiled suit or blouse in warm water with the addition of powder and rinsing.

Consider another option for cleaning water-based paint. The place of contamination can be wiped with alcohol using a moistened cotton swab. And also to eliminate the trouble, many prepare a solution: two tablespoons of vinegar, two tablespoons of salt and two glasses of water. Place clothes in the solution, and then wash them with your hands.

Removal of hair dye

Often, when dyeing hair, part of the dye inadvertently gets on clothes. A fresh stain can be removed with hydrogen peroxide or varnish. The first agent is not recommended to be applied to colored fabrics, as it corrodes the color. Will help eliminate pollution and vinegar, glycerin, ammonia.

If you notice the stain late and it has already dried, it will be difficult for things to return to their proper appearance. In this case, you should not experiment, but you need to seek help from a dry cleaner. Remember: do not use hot water to remove the dye. This will provoke an even deeper penetration of the substance into the fibers of the fabric.

Elimination of the consequences of the holiday colors

Special paints that are used to decorate faces and clothes are called holi. It can be difficult to wash them off a jersey T-shirt after a holiday. And if such dyes are washed off from the body simply with soap, then they need to be removed from things in a different way.

"Holi" are powders with bright pigments of plant origin - turmeric, corn, sandalwood and others. How to remove special paint from clothes? To remove such stains, use a machine wash with a strong stain remover.

If at least once in your life you have had a chance to sit comfortably on a freshly painted bench in the park and, against the background of birdsong, suddenly realize with horror that you are now striped behind and, most likely, green, then this article is for you. Or if you are doing repairs right now and accidentally dripped paint on yourself, then don’t pass by either. And if you are a happy mother of a child who perfectly mastered finger paints, and then mastered a sofa, a cat and a Persian carpet, then you definitely need to read this article to the very end.

Right now you will learn the 11 most effective ways to get rid of paint stains!

Method one - turpentine, kerosene or acetone

As you guessed right from the name, you will need turpentine, kerosene, acetone and ammonia (you can buy it at any pharmacy). To remove a paint stain, first moisten it with turpentine, kerosene, or acetone, and then rub it with a cotton pad soaked in ammonia until the stain is completely gone.


Before removing the stain, make it a rule to check on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric how all these liquids act on it. It will not be very pleasant if it suddenly fades or some other irreversible changes occur to it.

Method two - for old stains

To remove an old paint stain, turpentine and ordinary baking soda, which you can easily find in any grocery store, will help. Dampen the paint stain with turpentine, and then clean it with a solution of soda and rinse in warm water. This is how you can easily and effectively remove an old paint stain, try it!

Method three - water-based paint

Vinegar solution does an excellent job with stains from water-based paint.

Recipe: mix vinegar and water in equal proportions.

To remove the stain, take a cotton pad or cloth, soak it in the resulting solution and rub the stained area. Right before your eyes, the stain should disappear.

Method four - latex and acrylic paint

Here you have to work hard. To remove the stain from these types of paints, you will need a whole arsenal of different tools and tools: a toothbrush, stain remover (or bleach), washing powder and water.

Step 1.First, turn the garment inside out and soak it liberally with cold water, then wring it out and machine wash it on the longest program at 30 degrees.

Step 2If the stain does not disappear, repeat the procedure a second time.

Step 3If this time the stain remains in place, then sprinkle it with tooth powder and try to remove it with a toothbrush in a circular motion (for these purposes, of course, it is better to take an old brush that no one needs). Rinse the remaining powder with hot water and send the item to the wash again, already at the highest possible temperature for it (check the tag).

Step 4If all this does not help, then feel free to move on to heavy artillery - stain remover or bleach.

Method five - alkyd enamel

The main enemy of stains from alkyd enamel is white spirit, which can be purchased at any hardware store. Turn the item inside out, soak a cotton swab in white spirit and treat the stain. If the fabric is very delicate and capricious, then be sure to place paper towels or white napkins before processing to reduce the aggressiveness of the product. Then send the item to the laundry or wash it by hand using laundry soap. The washing step is required here, because you are unlikely to like the fragrance of white spirit.

Method six - oil paint

Oil paint stains take first place in the hit parade of the most unpleasant and difficult to remove. Therefore, if you nevertheless sat down on a painted bench, and the thing is dear to you and the newly acquired strips do not paint it at all, then it is better to contact a dry cleaner, where professionals will take care of the stains.


Everything depends on the speed of the reaction. The dry cleaner will only be able to help you for 3-5 days while the stain is still fresh. If you didn’t have time, then most likely the thing will have to be thrown away or put up with stripes.

But while the stain is fresh, before you run to the dry cleaners, try the old time-tested method. Pour liquid soap generously directly onto the stain, wait until it is absorbed, then take a cloth and try to gently wipe it off, then rinse in cold water.

The whole truth about turpentine and oil paint stains

If you treat the stain with a sponge dipped in turpentine, then the paint itself will disappear, but, alas, it will leave a greasy stain .

Method seven - for wool, synthetics and cashmere

All the methods listed above are very effective, but they are completely unsuitable for such fabrics as wool, synthetics and cashmere. Powerful solvents for them are certain death, along with the stain, the fabric itself can disappear. Therefore, a more delicate approach is required here. Soak a cotton swab in any vegetable oil and remove the stain in a circular motion. As the tampon becomes dirty, it must be changed. After all the manipulations, wash and dry the item as usual. Most likely the stain will disappear.

Method eight - acetone

You don't have to buy acetone to remove paint stains. The classic nail polish remover is perfect, which contains it in abundance, and the liquid itself is likely to be in your home. Soak a cotton swab in it and work on the stain until it disappears. Then wash the item as usual.


Acetone, like any other solvent, is a very aggressive substance. Therefore, before removing the stain, check the effect of acetone on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric so that there is no situation that there is no stain and the color of the fabric too.

Method nine - stain removers

Antipyatin soap is a real hit among stain removers. If the paint stain is not strong and fresh, then it will quite help to cope with it. But be careful, check if the soap corrodes the paint of the fabric itself.

There are also a huge number of different special stain removers that you can easily find in any housekeeping department. For example, there are a lot of good reviews about removing Amway stain remover. If the stain remover does not work immediately, then try leaving it overnight, and only wash the thing in the morning. And this procedure must be repeated until the end. Very often, stains are not removed the first time, but after a couple of attempts they disappear without a trace, so never immediately despair.

Method ten - hot

It happens that regular washing does an excellent job with paint stains, but at sufficiently high temperatures - at least 60 degrees. But before you try this method, be sure to check the tag on the clothes to find out if it is acceptable to wash at such a high temperature.

Eleventh method - watercolor and gouache

If a gouache stain flaunts on your clothes, then it is important not to wait until the paint is completely dry, but, as you see the stain, immediately remove it, then apply a dry stain remover on it and wet it with cold water. After all these manipulations, add washing powder and wash the item as usual.

And it is enough to wash the watercolor stain under running cold water or soak in the powder and then just wash it.

We are sure that now you are a real expert when it comes to removing paint stains from clothes. But, nevertheless, it is better not to sit on the painted benches, no matter how invitingly they shine with fresh green paint and no matter how calming the birds sing.

Lidia Lunkova

Walking through the park, you decided to take a break and sat down on a bench. But by a "happy" accident, it turned out to be painted, and, of course, you did not find any warning label. The thing is damaged, you think? Is the stain likely to come off? But still, there should be ways how and with what to remove the paint stain from clothes at home. It all depends on the fabric itself, from which the thing is made, on the time spent in the soiled state, and on the type of paint with which the stain was applied.

How can you get paint out of clothes?

To begin with, it is worth determining what kind of paint you "got". Perhaps the children tried to decorate your things in order to improve their appearance. This paint can be easily machine washed as it is water based. First you need to apply the stain remover for 15-20 minutes, and then send it to the wash. But if suddenly you didn’t immediately notice this “surprise”, some time has already passed, then how to remove old dried paint from clothes at home?

To wash dried paint from clothes, you will need aggressive components: gasoline, white spirit, solvents, alcohol.

What should be done? Apply one of the selected products to the fabric with cotton wool, no need to pour. Only this option is not suitable for delicate fabrics, they will immediately become unusable. Rub the stain, trying to rub it off with your fingers. The procedure should be carried out in the open air, so as not to be poisoned by harmful fumes. After that, wash the item in the washing machine on a normal cycle, hang it out to dry.

To clean old acrylic paint from clothes at home, you will need powders, stain removers and laundry soap(something one from this list). These funds suitable for both woolen and silk fabrics. Pour the stain remover on the stain, but do not rub the fabric, send the clothes directly to the washing machine at 30 degrees. Woolen clothes are washed as follows: rub a little laundry soap into a bowl of cold water to make the water cloudy, put a thing in it until the stain disappears. Then comes the washing in the machine. Now you know how to remove acrylic paint from clothes.

Laundry soap will help remove acrylic paint from clothes

Boiling is suitable for cotton fabrics they withstand high temperatures. However, this method does not apply to colored items, only plain, dim clothes. To do this, put a basin with laundry soap rubbed into it on the stove, add a couple of tablespoons of soda to enhance the effect. Dip the item in boiling water for 5 minutes, if the stain does not go away, continue the procedure. After it, stains may appear, in order to remove them, you will have to use bleach and wash the clothes in the machine on a regular basis.

How to remove old paint from clothes at home?

The faster you react to the appearance of stains and begin to eliminate them, the easier they will be removed. If it is possible to remove the stain immediately, run for the powder, turn on the water and try to wash the stain off by hand. In a day, the paint will already eat in tightly, which will require more powerful measures.

If the question arose of how to wipe dried oil paint from clothes, you will need the following tools:

washing powder,
means for removing fat (you can Fairy),

Apply 2 of these products to a cloth and rub with a toothbrush until the top layer of paint is rubbed off. The bottom layer is removed with a stain remover. Apply it for half an hour, and then repeat the procedure with a brush again. After that, wash the item in the machine. Now you know how to remove oil paint stains from clothes at home.

A toothbrush can help clean clothes from paint

What else can you do to remove paint? Here are some options.

For an old stain, a mixture of gasoline and alcohol is suitable. Wipe the fabric with this liquid. This procedure must be done with gloves. The paint from this treatment will become soft and pliable, it can be easily removed with a brush and a knife edge. If the composition does not work, strengthen it with turpentine (hellish mixture!). Put on a protective gauze bandage and do everything outside or at least on a balcony with open windows. Apply liquid to the stain on a cotton pad and leave for a couple of hours, use a brush or knife, and then a stain remover. Then wash the item in the machine to remove the smell.

How do you get paint off a jacket? This issue is quite solvable, although the fabric of these clothes is often thin. You will need warm alcohol(warm up beforehand). Place paper or a cotton rag on the stain, wipe the stained area on the reverse side with warm alcohol. As a result, the stain should be reprinted onto paper or fabric. It will not be possible to completely remove the paint from the jacket fabric in this way; additional washing in the machine using a delicate liquid detergent will be required.

Paint stains on jacket

There are days when you are unlucky, so at least once every person has the question of how to clean dried paint from trousers if sat on a painted bench. You will need gasoline or white spirit. Take only purified gasoline, otherwise the item will be completely damaged. Apply the product to the stain with a cotton pad, then a burst of glycerin, apply it to the contamination and rub. The next step is to soak the clothes in a soapy solution from laundry soap, as described earlier. In this way, most likely, it will be possible to remove the paint from the thing. To get rid of odors, wash your clothes in the machine using fabric softener.

How to get hair dye out of clothes?

Usually, for home dyeing, girls dress in old clothes: a bathrobe, a T-shirt, so as not to be afraid to get dirty, but what if you suddenly forgot about this safety measure, how to clean clothes from hair dye?

If you caught yourself in time and noticed stains, then treat them with regular hairspray.

Almost every girl has it! What's the secret? It contains solvents that will help reduce the paint. If that doesn't work, here are a few more methods to get hair dye out of clothes.

Hydrogen peroxide

Apply it to the stain. Leave for a couple of hours to soak the stain and soften. Try to scrape off the paint with something sharp (knife, brush, angle). If you can’t get rid of the paint, add more peroxide and leave for another half hour. Machine wash with bleach (only applies to white items).


Heat the liquid without boiling. Moisten the cotton and smear it on the stain, trying to wash the hair dye off the clothes in this way. Then use a sharp object.

stained glass paints

The question of how to remove stained glass paints from clothes arises most often among mothers whose children are fond of drawing. Common solvents will cope with them. Apply it on the stain, leave for a while and machine wash on the appropriate setting.


It is not necessary to immediately apply the most stringent measures and spoil the fabric even more with solvent or gasoline. Especially if the stain is fresh and has not yet dried. Try using regular laundry detergent first, if that doesn't help, then take the stain by storm.

Removing paint is not a quick process, but do not despair that you can say goodbye to a thing, but still try to overcome the pollution yourself. After the powder, try laundry soap, stain removers, if they didn’t do it, then move on to heavy artillery in the form of caustic solvents.

Determine the type of fabric. If it belongs to the delicate, then these funds are definitely not suitable here. Also check the safety of the product on your clothes: will it corrode it. To do this, put a small drop on the thing from the side invisible to the eye, wait at least half an hour.

If none of the above methods has passed the test, contact the studio. Perhaps the only way out for you is to apply an appliqué or patch to the stain.

January 25, 2014, 04:48 PM

The world is full of surprises and sometimes unpleasant ones. Just now you were walking down the street cleanly and smartly dressed, and suddenly such an opportunity! Yes, it is truly not necessary to work at a construction site as a painter or do repairs in an apartment in order to stain decent clothes with paint and never wear them anywhere else, except to work in the garden. You can often get dirty right on the street in the spring, when tireless janitors paint benches, fences and panels in the porches. You can get such an unexpected blow from your own child, who decided to take up painting. What to do, how to remove paint from clothes without loss? Let's look at all the possible methods.

To save a good thing from disaster, you can contact the dry cleaners. But most often, employees in it are reinsured and about the possible result they answer very vaguely, and at the same time they ask for a lot of money. So, it remains to adopt the famous motto about saving the drowning and get down to business ourselves.

To achieve this goal, you need to reliably know two things: what kind of paint got on the clothes and how old is the pollution. And with proven methods that tell you how to remove paint from clothes without much effort and money, we will introduce you in this article.

To achieve this goal, you need to reliably know two things: what kind of paint got on the clothes and how old is the pollution.

First of all - do not remove the subject of your frustration until better times. The older the stain, the less it can be removed. But fresh dirt can often be removed with ordinary laundry soap. Especially if the paint tends to dissolve in water.

Watercolor, tempera, gouache

These types of paints are water-soluble. If you get dirty with watercolor, first rinse the stain under a strong stream of cold water, or soak it in cold water with the addition of powder, and then just wash it - this will be enough.

The paint called "tempera" is oil-based and is often used for painting on clay. It will be somewhat more difficult to get rid of its stains - you can use the same cold water with the addition of a detergent that breaks down fat (for example, dishwashing detergent). By the way, if you are going to use tempera paint for creativity, then possible difficulties with removing stains from it can be warned in advance - just drop a few drops of liquid soap directly into a jar of paint, and subsequently removing a stain from such a composition will become possible with a simple laundry soap and water.

Stains from latex and acrylic paint

The question of how to remove paint from clothes, if this paint is latex or acrylic, and the stain is completely fresh, can be removed in no time. To do this, you only need a few simple household items:

  • Toothbrush;
  • bleach;
  • washing powder;
  • cold and hot water.

And here is a step-by-step instruction that will definitely help save your dear thing:

1. Turn the garment inside out and dampen thoroughly with a stream of cold water under strong pressure.

2. Wring out the clothes with your hands, and then load them into the washing machine.

3. Set the settings on the machine - the longest mode at a water temperature of 30 degrees.

4. If the stain is still visible after washing, restart the machine and wash again.

5. If the stain does not want to give in even after repeated treatment, then the procedure should be continued until the stain is completely defeated.

6. Apply a little powder to the stain, take a toothbrush and try to remove it with gentle circular motions.

7. Remove powder residue with hot water.

8. Load your clothes into the machine for the third time, but now wash at the maximum temperature allowed for this type of fabric.

9. If the stain still persists, try again with a stain remover or bleach.

Personal experience

Alkyd enamel

It is believed that white spirit works best with this type of paint. On the wrong side of the fabric, apply a little of this solvent with a cotton swab and gently process. If the fabric is light, be sure to place paper towels or something else during processing so as not to damage the clothes. After that, wash the item in the machine or by hand with laundry soap.

Oil paint

If the stain is still fresh, try the tried and true method with cold water and soap first. Only now you need to pour a sufficient amount of liquid soap on the fabric, wait until it is absorbed and then try to wipe it off with a clean cloth. If nothing worked out for you, and by this time your stain has only eaten into the fabric more, take a non-sharp knife and try to remove the top layer of the stain with it. Dampen the sponge in turpentine and work the fabric - the paint itself will be removed immediately, but the oil stain will remain. You can remove it in two ways:

  • take two sheets of white paper, attach to the stain on both sides and iron it;
  • Dissolve a teaspoon of any detergent in a glass of water and thoroughly wipe the stain with the resulting mixture. Then rinse in warm water.

A separate topic is how to remove paint from clothes, if these are clothes made of wool, leather, synthetics, cashmere. Such materials will not withstand treatment with powerful solvents. Therefore, try to do it differently: take a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil and remove the stain with slow circular motions. After that, wash the item as usual and dry it on the balcony or outside to remove all unnecessary odors.

There are a few other products that will help get rid of oil paint stains: kerosene, refined gasoline (bought in stores, not at gas stations!), alcohol, acetone, ammonia (only for plain fabrics).

There are other ways to remove paint from clothes without resorting to dry cleaning. But we told you about the most proven and popular of them. The main thing is that when treating the stain, do not damage the fabric so as not to spoil your favorite clothes even more; do not save on cotton swabs and try to solve this problem as early as possible, before the paint dries.


Many women, seeing that the fabric is stained with dye, immediately begin to panic. However, the thing does not have to be immediately sent to the garbage chute. There are many ways to clean clothes from paint - depending on the composition of the substance. You can try to remove any stain yourself if you know some of the secrets of the procedure.

How to get paint out of fabric

First of all, you need to determine the type of pollution. All dyes are conditionally divided into groups:

  • water-soluble (watercolor, water-based solutions, gouache, tempera);
  • other dyes that dissolve in different substances (oil, acrylic, latex, enamel).

Fresh watercolor stains on children's clothes can be washed off with cold water. Old traces of dyes are recommended to be pre-soaked for 15-30 minutes. Gouache contains an adhesive and oil base, so it takes longer to wash than watercolors. How to remove paint from clothes made of thick fabric? It is not difficult, and improvised means can be found in every home. For example:

  1. you can prepare a solution of oxalic acid and ammonia;
  2. no less effective is a mixture of glycerin, technical alcohol and ammonia.

Tempera in composition refers to intermediate compositions between water and oil dyes. In this regard, removal should be carried out in the same way as getting rid of fat stains. Water-based mortars can be easily removed from work pants with soapy water. How to remove paint from clothes made of delicate fabrics: it is better to use special stain removers, such as Bos or Vanish.

Acrylic or latex dyes are water-soluble, however, over time, the stain will not be able to be removed after one wash. Fresh dirt should be carefully blotted with absorbent material so that the composition is not absorbed into the fabric. How to remove acrylic paint from clothes? It is recommended to rub the old stain under running water and load the item into the machine. Wash at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees.

Oil and enamel dyes are the most difficult stains for fabric. Before deciding how to remove paint from clothes, you need to make sure that the material does not suffer. Serious solvents can damage fabric, so test them before use. How to remove oil paint from clothes? Use solvents (eg 646 or 647). If the case is very complex and neglected, try acetone. To reduce gasoline pollution, get the compound from the hardware store, not the one that fills cars.

Several ways to wash paint off clothes:

  1. Dishwashing liquids will help you if you have just stained your clothes. The stain just needs to be rubbed with a sponge and rinsed with water.
  2. Scouring powder with butter also helps to solve problems with such stains. Mix the substances in a ratio of 1/1, rub the dirt for some time, rinse with water. After that, wash the item.
  3. Vegetable oil is suitable for cleaning things made of synthetics, cashmere or leather. It is applied to a cotton pad, the place of contamination is rubbed until the paint disappears. When the procedure is over, you will need to remove the oil stain (for this, salt is poured on it and washed).
  4. White spirit is suitable for dealing with different types of stains, but it is better to choose it for removing enamel. It is necessary to wet the swab with this substance and rub the cloth.
  5. Gasoline is used in extreme cases. They are flooded with pollution for a while. The disadvantage of this method is that traces of gasoline may remain on the fabric.

How to remove paint from clothes with solvents

If you get dirty, then do not rush to throw away clothes. Try to remove the dirt. Acetone, which is part of many solvents, does an excellent job of removing traces of dyes. To remove, you need to drop a little product on contamination, and rinse after 10 minutes. Before using this method, remember that acetone can leave marks on colored material, and silk fibers will dissolve this aggressive substance.

How to remove paint from clothes with alcohol

In the construction industry, water-based solutions or latex paint are increasingly being used. If your trousers, jacket, jeans, or scarf are stained while painting the ceiling, then try cleaning the stain with alcohol. To do this, the fabric is pulled a little, moistened with this substance, wiped with a cloth. Some housewives get rid of stains by rubbing the fabric with soap and moistening with alcohol. After 10 minutes, you need to wash everything in the traditional way. This method also helps to get rid of the stamp-type pigment.

How to remove paint from clothes with vinegar and ammonia

Acrylic or latex dyes are easy to clean with ammonia and vinegar. This method will help save new jeans from unwanted dirt:

  1. Mix ammonia and vinegar with salt (2 tablespoons each).
  2. Apply the compound to the stained area of ​​jeans.
  3. When the composition is absorbed, wipe it off with a toothbrush.

How to remove dye from thick fabrics

How to wash things if the fabric is very dense:

  1. Contamination with gouache or watercolor, even if they have had time to dry, leaves well after washing.
  2. Try removing oil dye stains with acetone. Saturate a cotton swab with the substance and wipe off the stain.
  3. Refined gasoline also removes old stains well, but it eats heavily into fabric fibers. This causes the material to lose color.

How to remove ink from lightweight fabrics

It is difficult to remove dirt from delicate fabrics. It is recommended to use dry cleaning services. Before trying folk remedies, make sure you don't ruin your thing. What can be used:

  1. A cotton swab dipped in alcohol is a good way to remove fresh and old stains from delicate fabrics. Rub the dirt from the edges to the center.
  2. Try to remove completely fresh pollution with laundry soap.
  3. Nylon or nylon can be washed with alcohol and salt. Pollution is cleaned with alcohol, then washed off with saline.
