Gel polish aquarium. Shepart or wet aquarium - a new trend in nail design

Aquarium nail design, the photo of which you will find in this article, is a relatively new trend in the nail industry. However, many girls have already appreciated unusual beauty and attractiveness of this design. You will learn about what "aquarium" nails are from this article.

3D effect

First of all, it is worth saying a few words about what they are aquarium nails. Your name this species got a manicure due to the fact that the nail plate resembles a glass vessel in which various decorative elements are placed, such as mica, tiny feathers or sliders. If in childhood you made “secrets”, which are flowers, beads and other beautiful objects hidden in the sand and covered with a piece of glass, you can imagine what nails look like after an aquarium design specialist works with them. True, the role of glass during manicure is performed by the gel.

Advice! The design to which this article is devoted is suitable for both short and long nails. True, you should not get carried away too much. Of course, there is a temptation to make the nails as long as possible in order to place all the decorative elements that you like on them. However, in some cases, a manicure can turn out to be vulgar and too catchy. Better try to find golden mean and make a design on nails of medium length.

Key Benefits

What is the secret of the popularity of design? The answer is simple: it has a number of advantages. Let's highlight the main ones:

  • unusual look. The nails are almost three-dimensional, you can look at them endlessly. In addition, such a manicure will surely allow you to attract the attention of others;
  • the nail plate remains absolutely smooth despite the abundance of decor, which is hidden under the gel layer. Therefore, you can not be afraid of puffs on pantyhose or mechanical damage nails;
  • manicure is suitable for both extensions and natural nails.

Advice! Aquarium design, as mentioned above, will not allow you to go unnoticed. Therefore, the hands must be perfectly well-groomed. Do not forget to regularly use a protective or moisturizing cream!


The design also has some drawbacks. The main one is that the creation of an aquarium effect on the nails requires the master the highest level qualifications. Naturally, it is not always possible to find such a specialist. An inexperienced master can make the nails too thick and rough. Therefore, to find a master who has the skills of not only an artist, but also a sculptor, you can only rely on the advice of friends or on a portfolio.

Another disadvantage can be long time required to create beautiful nails. A manicure can last more than two hours, so you should carefully plan your time so as not to rush the master.

Finally, aquarium manicure is quite expensive. However, in any case, the effect will turn out to be simply amazing and you will not be disappointed with the result (of course, if a real professional gets down to business).

Advice! Aquarium design will become great idea for wedding manicure. It is worth choosing light decorative elements, as well as jewelry that will be combined in shade with your dress or jewelry. In the photos, your hands will look just great!


To create an unusual effect, masters use a whole arsenal of all kinds of nail decorations, these can be rhinestones, foil, real thin lace, as well as microscopic beads called bouillons. The design, which was created using real dried flowers, looks very advantageous. By the way, if you wish, you can reproduce the effect of a real aquarium on your nails: this will require sand and tiny shells. Also, the master can resort to drawing.

Advice! A manicure made using the aquarium technique is very easy to correct. It is not necessary to remove the old gel layer: it is enough to complement the pattern with various elements and cover them with a new layer.


Creating a design includes several stages. At the first stage, you need to prepare the nail: process the plates, degrease them, and, if necessary, do a manicure. After that, nail extension is carried out on tips or templates.

The master needs to create a kind of canvas on which the drawing will be applied. Selected materials, such as rhinestones or lace, are applied to a thin layer of the frozen gel. At this stage of work, it is necessary to carefully consider the future design: it can be an abstract pattern, a geometric pattern or a jacket, in which lace is located on the free edge of the nail instead of white varnish.

When the pattern is ready and satisfies both the master and the client with its appearance, you can cover the nail with a layer of gel. After the gel hardens, the master proceeds to polish it. The masterpiece is ready. Now you just have to show off your manicure to your friends and admire the magical three-dimensional effect.

Advice! Don't like overloaded manicure? Then you can make an aquarium design as an accent on two or three nails. The rest of the nails can be decorated using the french technique. At the same time, the free edge of the plates can be not only white, but also matching in color with the decorative elements used to create the design. This solution looks quite restrained and stylish, besides, a manicure will cost much less.

How to choose a master?

Naturally, not everyone can do the work described above on their own. Therefore, the question arises as to how to choose experienced craftsman. You should pay attention to the following factors:

  • having a portfolio. Any master has an album with pictures of his work. Check out the photos. If the manicure seems sloppy or too clumsy, it's best to keep looking;
  • customer reviews. Reviews will become the best source information when choosing a specialist to whom you entrust the beauty of your hands;
  • having a certificate. The master must take special courses before offering an aquarium manicure to clients. Ask to see a certificate indicating a sufficient level of qualification.

Don't try to save money! Aquarium design requires the highest skill from the master. True specialist always knows the value of his work. If you find a master who offers to make an aquarium design at a very low price, while the pictures in his portfolio look perfect, most likely they are trying to mislead you.

Advice! If you don't want to spend a lot of money on a manicure, take a look at the service offered by some of the larger salons. Sometimes a manicure is done at a big discount, however, its students do it under the supervision of an experienced master. Of course, there is a certain risk, but usually the result is quite good.

Working with two types

You can reproduce an aquarium manicure at home using transparent tips. You will need tips, sculpting gel, and decorative elements. Tips should be different sizes, while the small one should, as it were, lie on the large one. Glue a small one on a large tip, while there should be a space between them that you fill with decorative elements. The resulting preform should polymerize in ultraviolet lamp. After the process comes to an end, place decorative elements between the tips, using a thin needle. Now fill the space between the tips with gel and seal it in the lamp.

Advice! Before making an aquarium design, do a manicure. The best thing to do hardware manicure: the cuticle will not grow longer, and your nails will keep an attractive, neat look for a long time.

Works on natural nails

Not all girls like to walk with extended nails. However, the aquarium design is also suitable for natural nails. It's pretty easy to do this:

  • the master does a manicure and polishes the client's nails;
  • a thin layer of gel is applied to the nail plate;
  • selected decor elements are placed on top of the gel;
  • the decor is covered with a final layer of gel;
  • the polymerized gel undergoes a polymerization process and is polished.

It is worth noting that the result will look no worse than on extensions. nail plates Oh! By the way, you can try to make such a manicure at home (of course, if you have necessary materials and appliances). Naturally, you will have to spend some time and familiarize yourself with numerous lessons. aquarium design nails, photo step by step creation which can be found on the global network. If you do not want to take risks, buy a special "chamomile" that imitates the nail plates, and practice on it for a while. This will allow you to "fill your hand" and get a basic understanding of the described technique.

Advice! Do you want to grow your nails? Then you should pay attention to the technique to which this article is devoted. The gel is removed very simply, that is, your own nails will not be damaged. At the same time, during the time during which you walk with a manicure, your nails will have time to grow. Well, the gel will protect them from all kinds of damage.

Form of the nail plate

If you decide to make 3D aquarium nails, it is important for you to consider the shape of your nail plates. A manicure immediately draws attention to the hands, and it depends on the shape of the nail whether your fingers will look elegant or lose their harmonious look.

If you have long thin fingers, you can choose almost any shape of nails. Nails with a square free edge are especially popular. On such nail plates, the master can create real masterpieces.

For owners short fingers worth paying attention to oval nails or stilettos. Such a manicure will give the hands a delicate, fragile look. True, you shouldn't get too carried away. When the stilettos are too long, it looks vulgar and defiant.

Advice! Tired of the design of your nails, but there is no time to get rid of it? Just cover your nails with a layer of opaque polish! So you can mask the patterns, while the gel will not suffer even when exposed to nail polish remover.

Fashion trends

Glitter aquarium nail design never goes out of fashion. Using glitter of various sizes and shades, masters create real masterpieces worthy of being exhibited in best museums peace. Decor with dried flowers is very popular. These nails look unusual and very stylish. When designing nails with gel, an aquarium effect can be achieved by using small flowers and “dandelion umbrellas” (the latter looks especially delicate and stylish). By the way, you can collect dried flowers yourself.

Do not limit your imagination. The main thing to avoid is vulgarity. The principle of "all the best at once" is not good: it is better to show restraint than to look vulgar. Do not get carried away with excessive length of nails: too long plates long gone out of fashion.

Advice! Before you go to the salon, read about the aquarium nail design: you can show the photos of the latest in design that you find on the Internet to the master. This will help you choose the right effect.

Incredibly beautiful and luxurious aquarium nail design has become a real work of art in nail art. Volumetric stained glass glitter of iridescent patterns flaunts on thin female fingers. Despite all its complex construction, stained glass design is quite simple to make at home. The master does not need to have artistic skills. Best Examples aquarium manicure are presented in the photo in our album.

How beauty is created

A unique manicure is done after building up the free edge and applying the base. The length and shape can be absolutely any. But what longer nail, the more varied the picture will be.

Aquarium nail design is a real layer cake, somewhat reminiscent of design. Materials are laid out on each layer one on top of the other. Everyone must be dry. The thicker the material, the lower it is. At the very top, there should be the lightest materials so that the nail is not heavy.


To create a three-dimensional stained-glass window, most manicure materials are suitable. It can be:

  • sand and powder;
  • mica;
  • foil (see);
  • sequins (see);
  • marble chips;
  • beads and broths;
  • rhinestones (see);
  • beads;
  • multi-colored threads;
  • mesh and lace;
  • dry flowers;
  • photographs and pictures.

The first place among materials is occupied by sand. No aquarium design is complete without it. Colored particles come in different sizes and shades: plain and holographic. They shimmer in the sun and create an unusual effect.

Mica is used together with sand of the same color. They work in tandem to give the design a 3D volume. Multi-colored foil is responsible for the texture. A thin layer is superimposed on the nail and brings a little gloss to the nails.

small pearls different colors(beads and broths) cover the nail and dilute the whole composition.

Dried flowers (dried flowers) are different shades and sizes. They are used for arranging decorative stained glass paintings on nails.

Aquarium nail design is very popular among girls, examples can be seen below in the photo or in our album.

Execution technique

Before creating original design the nail must be prepared for work. The technique is performed using a non-liquid medium-viscosity gel, a flat brush and dots. You can also use a single-phase or sculpting gel. Every new level design is laid out on a non-polymerized nail. Thus are created three-dimensional paintings.

  • extended free edge coat with gel using a flat brush.
  • Put on it colored mica, cover with gel and send to the lamp for 20 seconds.
  • Then fill another layer in the same way: lay out broths or beads, cover with gel again.
  • Send into the lamp for 15-20 seconds.
  • Arrange and supplement the drawing with any elements you wish.
  • The remaining gaps can be filled with some beautiful accessories or holographic foil.
  • Paint the nail plate with camouflage gel for contrast, forming beautiful area smiles.
  • Cover the entire nail with structural gel and send it to the lamp for 2 minutes.
  • File the nail and add shine with top.
  • Dry each finger in the lamp for about 4-5 minutes.

Manicure aquarium design is in great demand among customers especially during the New Year period. Fabulous stained glass paintings look great on any fingers.

Aquarium design technique.

Nail design masters continue to delight fashionistas with their creations, and this year they offered to create an incredible manicure in the form of a “wet aquarium”. It's hard to imagine, but it's real! Let's take a closer look at what kind of manicure it is.

Aquarium manicure with water or shepart

Remember the popular heart-shaped keyrings that had liquid and holographic designs inside? Now such an "aquarium" can be created on the nails! Here's what it looks like. We look at the video of a manicure with water inside.

In order to make such a manicure, the master needs to glue two tips together so that a small cavity forms between them. Various decorative elements are poured into this cavity - rhinestones, sparkles, bouillons, holographic figures, etc. To create an aquarium effect, the master, using a syringe with a thin needle, introduces a small amount of distilled water or glycerin into the cavity (without filling the cavity to the end). The edge of the tip, through which the cavity was filled, is sealed with gel or acrylic. Only then does the master carry out manipulations, as during the usual extension procedure.

Of course, this type of manicure is quite difficult to perform at home, and it will take 2-3 times more time than with regular extensions, but the result is worth such work. It is impossible to take your eyes off the manicure with the effect of a wet aquarium.

Such a manicure can be done without the use of distilled water or glycerin, this kind of design is called "shepart".

Now that aquarium nail design has become more popular, many online stores that sell manicure tools and materials offer craftsmen blanks for a “wet aquarium”, i.e. tips with a cavity, "aquarium" tips. So this will significantly reduce the time for creating a manicure.

How to make an aquarium manicure with water inside

As you can see, aquarium manicure and shepard have gained more popularity than, which looks too cumbersome, and sometimes even ridiculous.

Below you can see another short master class how to make aquarium nail art.

A professional manicurist will help to embody any fantasy and desire of a woman with the help of all kinds of nail art materials, such as feathers, multi-colored sand, sea pebbles, shells, lace, etc.

If you properly care for your manicure, a well-done aquarium design will last approximately three months.

When the nails grow back, the original design can be tweaked - paint the background, decorate with new elements, etc.

aquarium design

Aquarium nail design - the main advantages:

Aquarium design, or it is also called aqua design, is a practical and durable type of manicure. What are its advantages over other types of nail decoration?

Aquarium nail design with modeling

1. Durability. Such a manicure can last approximately three months.

2. Versatility. If you have a situation that requires a drastic change of image, where you need to hide a bright design, then you can easily cover the surface of your nails with a discreet shade of varnish. Then you can always return original view manicure, simply by removing the varnish you have applied.

3. High security pattern. Since the aqua design is covered with a transparent gel, the drawing is reliably protected from damage.

4. Three-dimensional effect. Manicure, thanks to the gel, has a three-dimensional picture.

5. Practicality in everyday life. Despite the fact that volumetric elements can be used in aqua design, thanks to the gel, the surface becomes even and does not interfere with everyday activities.

6. Interchangeability. Thanks to the magnificent design, you no longer need to decorate your hands with rings and bracelets, because all attention is focused on beautiful nails.

Aquarium nail design photo

What is used in aquarium design?

Some of the elements that can be used in aqua design have already been listed above. Here is a more detailed list: rhinestones, beads, dried flowers, beads, marble chips, silver or gold threads, feathers, pebbles, mica, mesh, foil, etc.

Also, for aqua design, you can use any image - a picture or a photograph that will decorate a manicure for a long time.

Aquarium nail design requires a lot of skill, accuracy and time, but the result is worth it!

How to make an aquarium design

Watch the video on how you can make such a wonderful design:

Aquarium nail design photo

If you want to somehow decorate your hands in an unusual way, consider the option of an aquarium manicure. If you understand the technology, it turns out that even the most unusual design quite realistic to do at home. The main thing is to have everything you need and follow the instructions.

Aquarium manicure - general information

The described method of decorating nail plates provides for their finishing with transparent gel polish, acrylic. This provides an unusual effect, to be more precise, it seems that the drawing, the decorative elements are under the glass. What is most important in this design is that the pattern always remains bright and protected.

Many women prefer this particular method of artistic decoration of nails, because it allows the use of a variety of patterns, patterns, and even modeling. Under protective colorless varnish can:

  • make flowers,
  • make paint sketches
  • glue imitation gems.

In a word, fantasy is not limited to anything, you can make yourself the most suitable design.

As you can see in the aquarium nail photo, the shape can be completely different, it all depends on individual preferences. Don't forget to consider the shape of the brushes. The technology provides that after applying the final layer of the gel, it is polished with a special nail file, which makes the nails perfectly smooth.

If you do a manicure yourself, you should take into account the fact that the key to an unfashionable-looking and high-quality manicure is competent modeling of the plates. talking plain language, certain patterns do not look good on all forms. Recommended to preview various photos aquarium nail designs and already decide on the right option.

Positive aspects of aquarium manicure

  • Your sketches will be saved until the moment next correction. If the image gets bored, then you can just cover your nails ordinary varnish, which is safely removed from the gel polish.
  • There is no need to worry about the fact that the pattern may be erased, and the decor elements simply fall off.
  • The aquarium on the nails looks good in the photo, it is practical, convenient, durable.
  • Result of use this method decoration is not subject to washing out, wear. The secret is in the strong protection provided by the layers of clear gel coat.

As for who suits or does not suit, as we see in the photo of the aquarium on the nails, it is done both on long and short plates. If there is a desire or need, you can lengthen the nail plates by building up with an acrylic compound. When the area of ​​​​the nail allows, drawing or sculpting on the nail is not problematic. Do not forget that a manicure should be appropriate in Everyday life and not be overly pretentious, carnival. Otherwise, you will quickly get tired of all this variegation, brightness. Do not neglect the photos of the aquarium design manicure, it is useful to look through them for the overall development.

Aquarium nail design step by step, photo

Before you start creating aqua design, you should prepare the tools. Do not forget about decorative elements, improvised materials. Below is a photo and description of the step-by-step creation of an aquarium nail design. Please note that you will have to spend money on purchasing quality materials, but the result, its strength and durability are worth it. Difficulties cannot be avoided, but if you show patience and perseverance, then everything will work out for you.

  1. Preparing for classic manicure consists in degreasing the surface of the nail plates with the help of special means. This is necessary to ensure good adhesion of the decorative coating to the base.
  2. An ideally fat-free nail is treated with an adhesive, this is necessary if you plan to perform nail extensions. To do this, using soft nail file the glossy sheen is removed, and then the tips are glued, its edges are sawn off.
  3. The next step is to cover the elongated nail with a transparent gel or acrylic.
  4. The fourth stage is one of the most responsible. It consists in applying drawings, sparkles, foil, rhinestones, etc. The advantage of the aquarium manicure design is the absence of restrictions in the selection decorative elements absolutely everything is allowed to be used. The boundaries are set only by the skills and imagination of the craftswoman. If desired, you can additionally draw with a brush in the form of patterns of an abstract type, inscriptions.
  5. The final step is to cover the decor with a modeling agent. It fulfills protective function and also creates the illusion of glass. Applying a top coat in several layers makes the resulting image more voluminous.

As you can see, everything is very simple, the main thing is to follow the instructions. You can see with your own eyes how this is done in the aquarium manicure video. Do not neglect the advice of professionals, they certainly know a lot about these matters.
