Name day of Valeria. Angel Valery's Day according to the church calendar

In the Orthodox church calendar there are many holy names that are especially revered, but these names, with a difference in dates, are often repeated.

But the Day of the angel, the name day of Valery and Valeria, are rare, only 2 anniversaries for men and woman's name.

Saints with these rare names only four, and until the 20th century, they were called, for the most part, ministers of the Church. Only much later did these names gain their popularity among the population of Russia.

Patron Saints Valery and Valeria in Orthodoxy

AT Orthodox Saints at the carrier male name Valery has several patron saints:

  • Valery Melitinsky, who was martyred for Christ through torture and beheading;
  • Valery of Sevastia, who was martyred through torture on Lake Sebastia, in severe frost, and died on its shore.

Holy Martyr Valery of Sebaste

Women in Orthodoxy bearing the name Valery also have two patron saints:

  • Valeria of Caesarea, who was martyred for her religion;
  • Valeria, a queen forced to marry a pagan Emperor Maximilian, was executed for her faith in Christ.

Life of St. Valery Melitinsky

The life of Saint Valery of Melitinsky falls on the time of the bloody early Christian persecutions, during the reign of the pagan emperors of Rome, Maximilian and Diocletian. The saint lived on the territory of Cappadocia, and was one of the soldiers of the squad of Diocletian, led by Hieron.

When the mass destruction of believers by pagans began, Diocletian ordered the cruel and crafty Lysias to go to Cappadocia so that he would solve the problem with the Christian mood of the inhabitants of this city. And he zealously set to work, gathering pagan squads around him, who diligently dealt with the children of Christ.

Having found out that Hieron and his retinue were very strong, Lysias wanted to get his favor, but news awaited him that the entire retinue was of the Christian denomination. This served as a fierce persecution of all 33 soldiers, among whom was Valery Melitinsky.

Valery, together with his brothers in Christ, fleeing from arrest, hid in a cave, where he had to fight with pagan warriors, who could not manage to take them by force. Then the pagans came up with the idea to lure out his commander, Hieron, leaving his friend and mother to influence his mind. But Hieron only said goodbye to them, saying that he would never change his faith, as well as his soldiers. He returned to his squad, which agreed to surrender to their enemy and be martyred for Christ.

Saint Valery, like his brothers, was taken into custody, and he was taken out only for severe torture, so that he would renounce the Christian faith and perform pagan sacrifices. The saint's steadfastness only irritated and intensified the ongoing torture. Neither flattery nor terrible torment could break the will of the saint. Lysias sentenced them to death by beheading.

Stepping to the place of his death, Valery, together with his brothers, joyfully sang the words from the psalms, and then, kneeling down, prayed to God to take his soul to himself. At these words, the head of Saint Valery was cut off.

Life of Saint Valeria of Caesarea

Very little is known about the life path of the early Christian Saint Valeria of Caesarea, and the data that are present in the Lives of the Saints are very scarce.

One thing is known for certain that Valeria lived in the Palestinian city of Caesarea, at the turn of the 2nd and at the beginning of the 3rd centuries, during a particularly fierce persecution of Christians, under the reign of Emperor Diocletian. He fortified the borders of his country and restored peace to the Roman Empire, but he could not cope with the influence of the spreading Christianity.

Together with Galerius, his co-ruler, Diocletian issues decrees prohibiting the Christian religion, and fierce persecution of the children of Christ takes place everywhere, Christian books are destroyed and churches are closed, under the guise of various threats, renunciation of faith in Christ was required, and those who did not agree were executed.

Valeria, together with her sisters in Christ, at that time lived away from worldly fuss, leading a righteous life, in prayers for the people, for the forgiveness of sins and an end to persecution. They also helped all those who were suffering, and enlightened people about the benefits new faith before faith in paganism. Furious zealots of the pagan faith found out about their activities and reported to their ruler.

The captured Valeria and her sisters were arrested, and in all various ways, from exhortations and terrible torture, tried to force to bring sacrifices to a pagan deity. Valeria was the first to refuse to take the required actions, followed by her friends, which served as an immediate death penalty.

Name day at Valery

In Orthodoxy, the dates of the holy great martyrs are annually celebrated:

  • Valery of Sevastia - March 22;
  • Valery Melitinsky - November 20.

Saint Valery is asked for help in gaining confidence, in resisting temptations and in search of lost things.

Name day at Valeria's

Name day of the holy great martyrs in Orthodoxy:

  • Queen Valeria - May 6;
  • Valeria of Caesarea - June 20.

They turn to Saint Valeria for help in worldly affairs, to resolve issues and difficult situations.

Every Christian, in addition to his birthday, also has a name day. Name day is the day on which the memory of the saint is honored, whose name was given to a person during the Sacred Sacrament of Baptism. In the church calendar, almost every day is dedicated to the name day of a saint, sometimes several saints at once. Usually, the day of remembrance is the day of the death of a saint on earth, that is, his transition to eternity.

The name that a person is called at baptism not only remains with him for life, but also remains with him after his death, serves as a guide for a person in better world. Name days are also called Angel Day: earlier human patrons in heaven they were called angels. However, this is not entirely correct, since at baptism each baby has a Guardian Angel who stays with us all his life and helps us, protects us from troubles, but we do not know his name.

Name days according to the church calendar

The name Valery is from the Roman Valeo - strong, strong, vigorous. This word has another interpretation: "to surpass", "to influence". Valeria is a female name derived from a male one.

The day of the angel Valery according to the church calendar is celebrated twice a year:

  • May 6 - they remember the Holy Martyr Empress Valeria;
  • June 20 - they remember the holy martyr, known as Kaleria, who was killed in the 4th AD for her faith.

On this day, you can give girls gifts that symbolize faith, for example, personalized icons, holy calendars, vessels with holy water, consecrated rings with church inscriptions, beautiful consecrated wax candles. useful gift will also church book or a disk with spiritual records.

Orthodox men celebrate Valery's name day on the following dates:

  • March 22 - in honor of the martyr Valery of Sebaste;
  • November 7 - Martyr Valery;
  • November 20 - Great Martyr Walery Melitinsky.

On the day of the angel Valery, a man can be congratulated simply with words or presented with a personalized sample that will protect him throughout life. The congratulation must be sincere and not contradict God's seven commandments.

Adult Christians visit the temple on this day, you need to confess and take communion on the name day. After communion, it is important to protect yourself from all worldly fuss so as not to waste the festive grace. In the evening, you can invite relatives to a meal, if the name day falls on fasting days, then the treat should be fasting.

A girl named Lera early childhood may be impulsive and impulsive. Her mood can change extremely quickly from cheerful and cheerful to gloomy and sad. Growing up, Valeria remain the same impetuous and windy.

In Lera's relationship with the opposite sex, this is clearly seen: having many fans, it is very difficult for them to decide and choose one. As a companion for a woman, a man with iron nerves and great patience is suitable. But having chosen one and only, the girl completely dissolves in him and sees in him not only her husband, but also best friend . Often the fate of a woman named Lera develops in such a way that by the age of 30 she has one or two children from different husbands, and by the age of 40 she may have many lovers behind her back. The older a woman gets, the younger her lovers are.

In the team, Lera takes root easily, loves communication and noisy fun. Women bearing this name often good housewives, love their home and enliven it, create comfort, easily keep it clean.

The meaning of the name Valery

The name Valery is translated as “strong, healthy”, often men with this name have really good health, despite the fact that the lifestyle can be completely opposite. Men with this name have a complex, wayward character, they are very stubborn and have trouble making friends and networking.

For family life, a man bearing this name is not adapted, he loves himself very much, and can often offend his wife and children. That's why family life Valeriev often ends in divorce.

In life, men with this name are quite purposeful, often achieve their goals, but they are absolutely not risky. They are good performers at work, they like to perform complex tasks.

Even Silouan the Athos wrote that the holy angels will see our life, know all our sorrows and hear all our prayers. The saints, in whose name we were baptized, always remember us, pray for our sins. They see all our suffering on earth. The Lord gave them great grace, they embrace the whole world with their love.

The veneration of one's saint consists not only in praying to him, it is important to know his feat and imitate him. From the words of St. Ambrose of Optina: "According to your name and your life will be." That is why it is very important to carefully choose a name for a child, because the martyr saint, whose name is given to a person, is not only a patron, but also an example to follow.

Rules of veneration

  1. Know about his deeds and honor them.
  2. Turn to the saint with prayer and always remember that you have an intercessor in heaven.
  3. Try to follow his example in life.

According to the nature of the exploits in the Christian faith, the saints are divided into faces: prophets, apostles, martyrs, saints, reverends, holy fools and faithful. The name Valery refers to the face of martyrs, therefore a person with this name can fearlessly confess his faith, always and everywhere follow the Christian commandments, without looking back at danger. First of all, martyrs should please God in everything, and not people, not pay attention to their ridicule or threats.

A short prayer to the holy martyr Valery for every day

Pray to God, our Savior for me, holy saint Valery, as if I zealously ask you, I resort to your help, a quick helper and prayer book to the saint for my soul.

We all bear the names of saints who have lived their lives and left their calling on earth, and each person should think about the meaning of his name, that person that is accessible only to his life. Because the saints are not only our heavenly intercessors and intercessors, but also the image of what kind of life we ​​need to live.

Attention, only TODAY!

Valeria is a female name derived from male Valery. Valery is a Roman generic name derived from lat. "valeo" - "to be strong, strong, healthy." This root also has other interpretations: sometimes it is translated as “to have superiority”, “to be influential”, “to have meaning, significance”.

What date is the day named after Valery?

Name days or the day of the angel Valeria are celebrated twice a year on the following dates: June 6 and 20. On May 6 (23 according to the old style), the martyr Queen Valeria is remembered, and on June 20 (7) the martyr Valeria, also known as Kaleria, who was killed for her faith in the 4th century AD. It is usually customary for girls on their name day to give various attributes of faith that speak of the triumph of the spirit. For example, personalized icons, vessels for holy water, rings with the inscription "Save and save", as well as various beautiful candles. A good gift would also be a book of spiritual content (for example, with the lives of saints) or a disc with recordings of sacred music.

The meaning of the name Valeria

Girls named by this name are often impetuous and impulsive in childhood. Their mood changes from gloomy to cheerful and cheerful and vice versa. Valeria, growing up, remain the same impulsive and often unpredictable. In their relationship with the opposite sex, this frivolity also manifests itself very clearly. Having many fans, they cannot choose one for a long time, they are always in search the best options. At work, Valeria loves the team and communication, although they rarely go to visit and noisy parties. They are good housewives, they love comfort and order and try to equip their home as comfortably as possible. FROM strangers Valeria is wary and distrustful, however, if you managed to gradually win her over, she will trust you, protect you and see only the good.

The name is common among the Russian people. It symbolizes courage and strength. Orthodox Christians have patron saints named after this name. All men and boys with a name can celebrate name days 4 times a year:

  • March 22 - Martyr Valery of Sebaste;
  • 06.05 and 07.11 - Martyr Valery;
  • November 20 - Martyr Valery Melitinsky.

The church and worldly names are identical - Valery.

The name Valery is very sonorous and strong, which is justified by its meaning. The name came to us from Ancient Greece, where the name Valerius meant "to be strong", "to be healthy". In Russian, the name appeared only in the 19th century. The name began to gain popularity in the post-revolutionary period, when the people wanted something new and gave newborns uncommon names. And by the 60s, the name was in the top 10 popular names in the country.

Valery is growing restless child which causes a lot of problems for his parents. He cannot sit still, but loves to play pranks and make some noise. For successful studies, he lacks patience and perseverance, preferring instead of boring classes to drive the ball with the boys in the yard. From a young age, he shows his organizational and leadership skills. However, it is important for parents not to overlook that these qualities are directed to right direction otherwise problems cannot be avoided. They need to show love and patience to their son, because he rarely listens to someone's opinion and becomes independent early.

He suffered for his faith in the Lord during the reign of the Roman emperor Diocletian, the most cruel persecutor of Christians. He ordered that all his subjects worship pagan cults, and those who disagree were tortured and executed. One day, Diocletian ordered the death of believers living in Cappadocia and Armenia, where the Christian faith was rapidly spreading. Among the soldiers who received the order to exterminate the infidels was the martyr Valery, who refused to obey the order of the emperor. Like other Christians, he was thrown into prison, and after interrogations and torture, his heads were cut off.

Since the name day of Valeriev is 4 times a year, the one named with this name honors his patron on the day that is closer to his birthday.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

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