How to determine the character of a woman by the cut of lipstick. The spy in the lady's handbagLipstick will tell about your character

As soon as they try to determine the character of a woman: by style, manners, behavior, and even by the shape of lipstick. It was on the basis of different ways of grinding lipstick that scientists created an original classification of female character types. We see our lipstick every day, but do not pay attention to the fact that we use it in different ways. What a lipstick cut can tell you, PEOPLETALK will tell you.

flat shape

You are a true optimist and take only good things from life. Straightforwardness is the main feature of your character, but sometimes it can offend people dear to you. You are smart and purposeful, and most importantly, you can always rely on you.

flat and concave

You have a huge number of friends, and you are the real soul of the company. If one of them solves a crossword puzzle, he will ask you a question, because you are the most erudite in the company. You are a multifaceted person, and you have many different interests, you always have something to talk about. But there is also a negative side - this is your absent-mindedness and wild inconstancy. Something in your life has to change all the time.

pointed shape

Psychologists don't say anything good about you. You are selfish, arrogant and dismissive of the opinions of others. It's hard to communicate with you, but you consider yourself perfect. I would not want to be friends with you, because at any convenient moment you are ready to trip. But you are a person of mood, you can have a lot of fun with you, but it’s better to say goodbye.

Beveled at an acute angle

You are cheerful, cheerful, but you think that you should not reveal your soul to anyone, it is better to silently draw conclusions. You always know what you want, and never trade for little things. Confident, but also quite conservative.

notched angle

Melodramas are your weakness, although you can sob while watching a comedy. In the evening, you usually arrange a council, where a huge number of your girlfriends gather and you wash everyone's bones. You may be offended that little attention is paid to you. Very sociable, easy-going, energetic and you fall in love at first sight. Your only negative is the problem with time management, because you are always late.

Beveled on both sides

You are a talker, and everyone should listen only to you. A true careerist and heartbreaker. It's easy for you to start new relationships. Always trying to find a workaround. You are quite selfish, but devoted. You enjoy your life and try to add a spark to it, finding new interests. It is difficult to recognize you, it will take a lot of time, because you are a mysterious girl.

rounded shape

For the sake of achieving your goal, you are ready to go over the heads. You can stand up for yourself and always plan ahead. No one helps you in anything, and you don’t need it, because you achieve everything yourself. As for the sense of humor - this is not for you, you are rather Princess Nesmeyana. You avoid conflicts and, according to psychologists, you are a friendly, generous and romantic woman.

The tip is obliquely erased

If you are an observant person, then you probably paid attention to the fact that every girl or lady has a different lipstick, which they regularly use. This is not about color or brand, but about what shape the lipstick rod takes in the process of use. We, of course, are not Hercule Poirot, but there is a certain theory that proposes to determine character traits by the shape and appearance of the lipstick used. Shall we try?

1 - The shape of the lipstick rod has a slightly pointed shape similar to the original appearance of the newly purchased lipstick. The owner of such a lipstick is a neat woman, leads an orderly life, calculates everything one step ahead, but at the same time she is quite conservative and not prone to romantic experiments. It can be picky about everyday trifles, but at the same time, in big cases, it is not exchanged for small details.

2 - The shape of the lipstick rod has a uniform rounded crown. Despite the softness of this form, the owner of such lipstick is a purposeful and responsible lady. She can achieve success, while not letting herself be offended. Good worker, tidy. However, she is not only not funny, but generally not very friendly with a sense of humor, her look is often strict. I wish she smiled more sincerely.

3 - The shape of the lipstick rod is uneven, has blurry contours, the rim of the case is often stained with lipstick. Before you is a rather nervous person who does not control emotions well. Even with external self-confidence, one can notice a restless look and trembling in the fingers, an exaggerated reaction to seemingly trifles. Her actions are not always predictable, she is touchy and not very pragmatic. But at the same time, she can be artistically gifted and even talented in creating images. He gravitates towards beautiful clothes, household items, but not towards great art. Always wants attention.

4 - The shape of the lipstick rod is “worn off” evenly on both sides, pointed, the top looks like a thin line. The mistress of such lipstick is categorical and proud. Her arrogance, combined with selfishness, wins over softness, femininity, a pleasant image that suits the fair sex so well. In communication, a note of neglect or superiority is always heard, practically does not enter into a trusting relationship. Canny. In marriage, she is practical, commands her husband, considering herself an irreplaceable wife.

5 - The shape of the lipstick rod looks like a horizontal plane. Such an almost even circle, like a cross section of lipstick, is obtained if it is placed perpendicular to the lips. The owner of such lipstick considers herself eternally youthful. She is easy-going, optimistic, does not know how to be offended and mope for a long time. In communication, she is easy and even windy, she does not climb into her pocket for a word. It can often be superficial in judgments, and its spontaneity and directness can unintentionally offend a person.

6 - The shape of the lipstick rod has a pointed tip, but the top itself is smeared (like a pencil with a broken lead). You don't see this shape very often. The image of the owner of a cosmetic bag with such a non-standard way to paint her lips can be very extravagant and changeable. She draws attention to herself without trying to achieve it on purpose. A man of moods, up to extreme states. Contradictory, including in friendship and family life. It can be interesting in communication, a ringleader in a team, but is not capable of deep reciprocity and responsibility to obligations.

7 - The shape of the lipstick rod has a pointed appearance, like the leg of a right triangle. Using lipstick, its owner always uses only one side. This is a lady with an artistic taste, very energetic and organized, without any special claims to everyone. True, she is not always practical and far-sighted, but she is also tolerant of the shortcomings of others.

8 - The shape of the lipstick rod is cone-shaped with a slightly smoothed top. Such a form may belong to a balanced person who succeeds in almost everything in life. She knows how to assess the situation, knows about human strengths and weaknesses, knows how to find an approach. Accustomed to a certain amount of luck, she can envy someone else's success. It is worth learning to control this feature.

All these are the observations of psychologists. They don't have to match reality. However, for introspection or observation of the fair sex, it can play a role.

I suggest you learn about some qualities of your character by the cut of lipstick.

pointed shape lipstick for women who are not afraid of the unknown, who value independence and freedom, who prefer expensive outfits and bright surroundings. They are capable of recklessness and easily part with money - shopping is a pleasure for them.

Oval- a sign of a gifted mind, charm, creative activity and mystery. Such women understand all the details of relationships, have a delicate taste and are naturally endowed with the gift of finding a compromise, negotiating.

round outline- an interesting personality, independent, able to achieve his own through manipulation and his own personal efforts. She is well versed in the rules of this life, is not embarrassed in difficult situations and always imagines the ultimate goal of her activity.

flat cut- a sign of an even character - calm and reasonable, the ability to keep secrets.

Flat cut with a hollow- a sensitive, romantic nature, keenly feeling all sorts of sharp edges of relationships, striving for harmony, possessing a simply magical gift to win over almost anyone.

Diagonal- decisiveness, purposefulness, assertiveness, can use any methods to achieve goals. Such women are not unreasonably self-confident, act clearly, and have great potential for leadership qualities.

And here's more-

For optimists, the top of the lipstick is cut horizontally. Its owner is cheerful, spontaneous, insensitive to everyday trifles. Know that sometimes she can tell you the truth in the eyes.

If the top of the lipstick is sharpened evenly, rounded off - the owner knows how to stand up for herself, does not tolerate carelessness, is hardworking and accurate, but she may lack a sense of humor. Therefore, before you joke, think about whether she will understand, whether she will be offended.

The shapeless top of the lipstick speaks of the imbalance of the owner. Most likely, she is a distrustful person, hiding her insecurity under the guise of energy. Any little thing can piss her off. But if you compliment her about her appearance or abilities, everything will be fine.

The fantasist has a column of lipstick obliquely erased. She is adventurous, but not always practical. He can forgive a lot to his close friends, but still prefers a male society.

If the top of the lipstick is pointed like a pencil, this is a sign that his mistress is arrogant, does not take into account the opinions of others too much. She does not easily converge with people, but she considers herself an ideal worker.

When lipstick is cut in the most natural way - with a blunt cone, it means that a woman has a calm, cheerful character and is happy with her fate.

On the advice of fashion magazines, some women apply lipstick with a brush. And, of course, the form here is simply indefinable. However, this only speaks of the femininity of its owner, the desire to keep up with fashion and even artistry. In any case, this will not tolerate a nearby rival.

If the cut of lipstick after the purchase does not change, and the column only decreases, then you have a practical, solid, unhurried woman who knows her own worth.

And finally, about those who do not use lipstick or apply it once - in the morning, forgetting to touch up after lunch. Her thoughts are focused on anything but feeling like a woman. She can be passionate about work, worry about her children or her husband for 24 hours, scroll through her favorite series or book in her head. This one is the last to know about all the gossip, and your arrival may not be immediately noticed. In general, it can be feared in the least.


Unbelievable but true! Every woman wears her lipstick differently. It is with this that a woman, quite unconsciously, expresses her own inner world, which is closed from everyone.

British scientists began to study this fact and created a classification of female characters and types based on a lipstick cut:

Lipstick cut #1- If lipstick retains a slightly pointed shape, then this is evidence that this woman is a practical person, moderately conservative and self-confident. She almost always knows what she lacks and what she wants.

Lipstick cut #2- If the top of the lipstick is rounded evenly, then the woman is a cold-blooded and purposeful person. First of all, she owes all her success to accuracy and diligence. The only thing such a woman really lacks is a sense of humor.

Lipstick slice #3- Lipstick top of an indefinite shape - a woman of an unbalanced character. Absolutely any trifle can cause her discontent, but she very cleverly hides it under the eternal mask of energy and self-confidence. Such a woman treats most people with some distrust. But she really likes beautiful things, loves romance and princes in white limousines.

Lipstick cut #4- The end of a lipstick column is pointed like a pencil - such a woman is prone to selfishness and self-contemplation. She is distinguished by a dismissive attitude towards the opinions of others and arrogance. Due to her inflated self-esteem, she is very difficult to converge with people.

Lipstick cut #5- Lipstick with a flat top - an optimist woman, despondency and blues are alien to her. Such a woman very easily finds a common language with others and is direct in relations with people, however, with her directness, sometimes she can unconsciously offend.

Lipstick cut #6- Lipstick has the shape of a sharpened pencil with a missing lead - a woman is a person of mood. Her character is unbalanced, impulsive, she easily comes both to delight and to despair. As a rule, a cheerful beauty, who is almost always in the spotlight.

Lipstick cut #7- A column of lipstick erased from one side - a woman with a rich imagination. Such a woman is responsible and businesslike. She is able to gracefully and easily express her thoughts, very loyal to any shortcomings of other people. She is alien to the whims of any kind.

Lipstick cut #8- Lipstick in the form of a truncated cone - a calm woman with a light disposition. This woman is great with people. Her only serious flaw is that she has a pronounced tendency to envy someone else's good fortune.

Unfortunately, many women today use lip glosses and this has made it very difficult to define the female character. But, I think in the near future, scientists will come up with a solution to this problem!

Who would have thought that such a familiar and uncomplicated little thing as lipstick can reveal many secrets of its owner? It will seem strange to some, but the color and cut of this cosmetic product will indicate the characteristics of temperament and the inner world of the individual. So, let's figure out how to recognize the character by lipstick?

Color tells a lot...

Do you want to know the character of lipstick? Then take a closer look at your makeup bag!

  • Red color. Of course, shade plays a role here. For example, if you are wearing dark red lipstick, chances are that you are focusing on attractiveness and sexiness. You know how to soberly assess the situation and judiciously benefit from it. Well, lovers of a brighter and richer scarlet shade most often turn out to be artistic, refined natures who love to be in the spotlight. Interestingly, unlike women who use dark red lipstick in more calm tones, scarlet fans often turn out to be not completely sure of their sexuality. The game is not alien to them, and the eye-catching color of lipstick becomes a way to prove to the world that they really want to be fatal beauties, but are not too sure of their success.
  • Brown and its shades. Brown lipstick supporters usually turn out to be slightly conservative ladies, self-confident and persistently moving up the career ladder. Often they are in leadership positions.
  • Pink. As in the case of red, the shade is important here. If you like the warm tones of floral pink lipstick, most likely, those around you consider you a sort of dandelion girl - a little windy and frivolous, perky and sweet. However, it may turn out that in fact you are not as superficially cheerful as it may seem. Usually lovers of pink lipstick turn out to be true girlfriends of life for their men. But if you like cold transparent pink shades, slightly reminiscent of whitish, you may not have a very high opinion of what others think and say. Very fans of light cold shades of pink, when choosing a life path and career, rely on their appearance. With luck, they can become prominent figures in the fashion industry or cinema.
  • Natural shades of lipstick (peach, caramel, beige). Usually they are to the taste of women who are calm, confident in themselves and in their appearance. Their owners are not afraid to accept themselves as mother nature created them, and do not seek to attract increased attention to themselves. Often such women turn out to be reliable friends and good employees.
  • Unnatural lipstick color. Blue, purple, black, purple and other shades are often an indicator of the creative potential of a woman. The use of lipstick of such colors can be afforded by nature, whose life is based on creativity. Most often these are young women and girls with non-conformist views.

How to recognize the character of lipstick, given its cut?

If you look closely at the shape of the top edge, you can very easily recognize the character from the lipstick.

  • If you wear lipstick in a way that keeps it looking like it's slanted for a long time, it's possible that you're reserved, organized, and know what you want out of life.
  • If the lipstick has the same flat cut on both sides, its owner is most likely very fond of communication, will not refuse the attention of others and is slightly curious.
  • When lipstick becomes like a pencil evenly sharpened on all sides, it often turns out that its owner is dismissive of the opinions of others, relying more on her own conclusions. This can be a barrier to communication.
  • The flat edge of the lipstick indicates directness and optimism. Women with such lipstick are most often surrounded by friends, but sometimes they can be expressed too categorically and harshly.
  • The rounded edge of the lipstick speaks of the diligence, responsibility and accuracy of its owner. Most often, she is balanced and principled.
  • If the top of the lipstick is slightly concave inward, its mistress is most likely inquisitive, sociable and surrounded by friends.

Every woman wants to remain a mystery, but it turns out that it is quite difficult if her lipstick is visible, because she can tell a lot about her mistress. So, psychologists believe that you can find out the character of a woman by a cut of lipstick. They identified 8 ways to grind it (see their characteristics below in the pictures), on which it depends on what temperament its owner is. Picture characteristic means

1. Slightly pointed

Before you is an organized, practical and confident woman. She is comfortable only when she has order everywhere, from the wardrobe to the plans for the future. It does not take much effort to achieve this for her, as she is energetic and practical. People around are only surprised how she succeeds: the house is a full bowl, the children and husband are always full and satisfied, friends are happy, the figure is perfect, the career is excellent. All these are her merits, but she doesn’t know how to make a plan and follow it clearly - that’s her motto. Although sometimes this woman goes astray - the culprit -!

2. Uniformly rounded

This woman has a restrained character. She is amiable, sympathetic and courteous, quickly finding a language with people, even strangers. Diplomacy is her forte, she skillfully avoids sharp corners and finds a compromise. Her sense of tact helps in both work and personal life. She always has many friends, because she will not only listen, but also give good advice, and also help financially if a person needs it. This girl is punctual, for which she is respected at work. She always keeps her promises - friends appreciate her for this quality. However, this sweet and beautiful lady can get angry if she has a careless and careless person in front of her.

3. Indefinite form

This type of women is fussy and unbalanced. She is always in a hurry somewhere and does not have time. Any trifle can unsettle her, often they say about such a woman - hysterical. But these are not sincere tears, but a game for the public to regret. Although there are such girls among the owners of lipsticks with an indefinite cut, which have a sentimental character, crying from scratch. This lady is spoiled and oversatiated with life, not used to enduring rejection. However, sometimes she herself does not know what she wants. The strength of this type of character is an innate sense of beauty.

4. Sharpened pencil

Purposeful women most often grind off lipstick according to the principle of a sharp pencil. They will achieve what they want at any cost, even walking over corpses. Such a lady has one correct opinion - hers, while the rest are constantly mistaken. She does not get along well with people because of her arrogance and selfishness. Although such behavior is only a mask put on to protect against an unjust world, inside it is white and fluffy. And the one who can remove the prickly scales from her will not regret it, because under it there is a kind, sympathetic, passionate and economic girl, ready for anything for her beloved.

5. Flat shape

This woman is an optimist who never mopes, even when cats scratch her soul. She is like a breath of fresh air, like the sun, which illuminates everyone with its warmth and faith in the good. And even if the problems make her bend, she will do it, and then spread her wings again to fly and do good deeds. Although she has one drawback - she is a fighter for justice. For her sake, she is ready to make many sacrifices - to part with her loved one if she finds out about his even petty deceit, to quit a highly paid job when a good colleague is offended. She can even hurt by telling the truth directly, but no one is offended by her, since this sun will immediately warm her with her rays of kindness.

6. Sharpened pencil without lead

Before you is an extraordinary person. She is smart, beautiful and talented, but with "cockroaches in her head", so she first attracts, and then alarms. This woman always follows the rules of being carefree, witty and easy to communicate, but she does all this only for the sake of her loved one. Everything else is vanity for her. However, in love, everything is not going smoothly for her - she is easily carried away, but just as easily and disappointed as soon as she encounters a difficulty in relations with her beloved. Despite her controversial nature, thanks to her mind, she always catches the breeze, which helps to disperse any obstacles to achieve her goal.

7. Beveled at an acute angle

Such a girl has such character traits as daydreaming and love of life. Quite often she looks at life with irony, but this does not prevent her from building castles in the air. She is very curious and attentive, but she never shares her observations with anyone, only when she wants to answer the offender. Here she will show her claws in full growth. Although these women are quiet and peaceful people, secretive, they trust only those close to them. They are excellent listeners, not traitors, but they still shouldn’t reveal much, they can use information against the interlocutor if he turns out to be on the side of the enemies.

8. Truncated Cone

A cheerful and calm girl, she does not like to be upset, so it is hard to piss her off. She accepts life as it is, and people with their shortcomings, for which they love her. By the way, she immediately feels and sees the interlocutor. She always gives good advice, but if she is asked about it. However, she also has a drawback - envy of the success of others. It is the desire to be more successful that makes her a purposeful person who easily conquers new heights.
