How to eat properly during pregnancy: advice for expectant mothers. Regime is the basis of health

Proper nutrition During pregnancy, the number of theories, versions, myths and discussions left far behind proper nutrition for weight loss and exercise.

Why? People have been giving birth to other people for an immemorial number of years, and perfect option nutrition should have already become obvious. At the same time, every year there are some new studies, prohibitions, indications and horror stories.

  1. Pregnancy is not a disease. There will be changes in your diet, especially if you weren’t eating right before. But there is no separate dietary table for pregnant women (without pathologies).
  2. No stress over food. The more you think about every little thing, the more stressed you become. Stress provokes the appearance of the hormone cortisol, which the child still hardly knows how to digest, and this has a bad effect on his development. internal organs. By the way, the same cortisol destroys muscles and promotes the rapid accumulation of fat. So goodbye fast recovery after childbirth!
  3. Pregnancy is not a reason to turn off your head. Let your hormones flow like a fountain, and you want to enjoy in recent months, when you can not be especially responsible for anyone and demand attention. Don't turn off your brain. You yourself understand that most food additives harmful, right? When your baby is born, you'll be feeding him milk and formula, not chips, right? Inside you, this is the same child, even less adapted to life than the one who will be “outside”. Why feed him rubbish? The same goes for the quantity and frequency of food. The child’s body inside will respond much better to 5-6 meals in small portions than to 2-3 full-fledged “feasts”.

Total - healthy adequacy, normal nutrition without “junk-food” and a minimum of obsession and stress. We will further string dietary changes onto these three principles throughout the entire 9 months.

Before pregnancy

By the way, if you are planning a pregnancy, and not “solving problems as they arise,” then you need to start eating right even before conception. If possible, both you and the child's father.

  1. Reduce to a minimum, or better yet eliminate, alcohol consumption. From myself I will say - don’t overdo it. It’s better to drink a bottle of non-alcoholic beer, even if it contains a small degree, or even 0.3 of regular beer, than to break out and polish your whiskey with three cocktails.
  2. If necessary, reset smoothly excess weight. None strict diets and hunger strikes, no “protein-carbohydrate” alternations. We calculate our balance of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates and try to fit into it. This skill will come in handy during pregnancy.
  3. Smoothly reduce your intake of salt and salty foods. When you get pregnant, you will swell quite a lot. One of the reasons is the body’s inability to remove the required amount of fluid. Salt retains liquid very well, get used to unsalted food now.
  4. A month and a half before the planned conception, it is good to start taking folic acid. She has a good effect on full development nervous system of the embryo. In principle, it is good to drink about 400 mg of folic acid per day during the entire period of pregnancy, this will help prevent fetal pathologies.

Attention! You don't have a scale or vitamin sensor built inside. Therefore, for the most responsible, I recommend the method by which we pulled out my friend’s difficult pregnancy without unnecessary “chemistry.” You write down everything you eat, then analyze it and add what's missing. Then you start planning your meals in advance. It's boring. But extremely effective. “Don’t mess around, don’t eat” and “let a pregnant woman eat whatever she wants” are relics of the pre-revolutionary past. If we knew how to listen to our body, we wouldn’t have extra pounds, cellulite and rashes.

Beginning of pregnancy

1 - 2 week

Particular emphasis on folic acid and general normalization of nutrition. Learn to eat small portions and often. Say goodbye to mayonnaise, ketchup and factory-made crackers for good. Fatty and fried foods during this period can give severe irritation on the face and neck, because the metabolism begins to change and the body cannot cope with the excess carcinogenic load. Doctors also say that giving up sweets at this stage will help avoid early manifestations of toxicosis. Of course, you can use a little honey from a trusted seller or homemade honey.

3 week

We begin to load the body with well-absorbed calcium: dairy products and green vegetables rich in fiber, for example, green beans or broccoli. We count how much we need, how much we ate. Add if necessary.

Important! Of course, recommendations about proper nutrition in the first 2-3 weeks sound great, but very often during this period we do not yet know that we are pregnant. Therefore, it is better to listen to the recommendations above and start eating right, not drinking and not getting nervous in advance. The first weeks are very important for the formation of the fetus. Your task is to do the maximum for the birth healthy child and pregnancy without complications.

4 - 5 n.

Hello first toxicosis! If at earlier stages you gave up fried and sweet foods, then, most likely, now you are not as bad as more stubborn girls. If nausea is very painful, start replacing animal protein with plant protein. Milk can cause heartburn - replace it with sour milk. Add more carrots and, when in season, apricots to your diet.

6 - 7 n.

Problems of this period - the appearance of enough severe swelling and gas formation. We fight swelling with a lot of clean water(at least 0.4 ml per kg of weight) and an even greater reduction in salt. We exclude from the diet foods that may cause increased gas formation- legumes, milk, cabbage.

8 - 10 n.

We continue to fight swelling, eliminating salt. Don't worry, you get enough of it from other foods, you'll see it when you count your daily nutrients. Salt is sodium. Of course, it is better to discuss any refusal of a specific product with your doctor. At this stage, you can be saved from bloating and gas by excluding simple carbohydrates from your “pregnant” diet - white dough, pasta, refined rice, sweets, cookies, and so on. Replace this with baked goods and pasta made from whole grain flour and unpolished rice, preferably brown.

11 - 12 n.

No innovations

12 - 16 n.

In consultation with your doctor, begin to increase your daily diet by 150 - 300 kcal per day. Add one snack of whole grain toast with cheese, a handful of almonds, two bananas, or any other healthy food within these calorie limits.

17 - 24 n.

Sense organs are developing. Particular emphasis is placed on group A vitamins. Try to get the maximum of microelements and vitamins from regular food, and not from tablets.

25 - 28 n.

The period of the most severe heartburn. Keep the same nutritional balance, but even with strong desire Do not consume anything spicy, carbonated or caffeinated.

29 - 34 n.

The best dietary supplement during this period is fatty acids. Maximum quality sea and ocean water oily fish. This one is almost the only case when “there won’t be much.”

35 - 40 n.

Maximum complex carbohydrates And fatty acids, a minimum of foods that contribute to heartburn and gas formation.

“The Right Office” is a series of materials on how to organize your work day and workplace so that the daily eight hours in the office are beneficial not only for your resume and bank account, but also for your body and health. In four materials, we will take a detailed look at all aspects of the office dormitory and, with the help of experts, will tell you how to eat, what to pay attention to and what to do in between solving work tasks in order to make your office truly correct. The special project was prepared jointly with VELLE - healthy snack for office employees.

The attractiveness of a company for employees has long been determined not only by high salaries. Modern leaders strive to attract the best talent, including through the design of office space, flexible working hours, corporate courses or sports, and in recent years they have also used the trend for this healthy eating. Eating on the go has long been unfashionable, but drinking a smoothie in the morning and bringing eight containers of food for each day is on the contrary, if only because it directly affects the amount of personal time, efficiency and, accordingly, appearance. What kind of nutrition does a proper office require, how to create a menu for the day, what is the best snack, what to eat for breakfast and dinner, where to store food and how to make the kitchen at work a place of power, said Dream Industries chef Ivan Dubkov and interior designer Ivan Proskurin .

Ivan Dubkov

company chef
Dream Industries

About fractional meals and daily menu

We spend a lot of energy if we eat rarely and heavily. Hence, for example, the tradition of sleeping after lunch. I myself worked in an office, so I have a great idea of ​​what kind of mood you get after a hearty lunch. In this situation, fractional meals can certainly be a useful and correct solution.

If you have such an opportunity, you should eat small portions every three to four hours.

But, living in a big city, every day we face emergency situations, business meetings, moving from place to place. As a result, fractional meals turn into snacks, and healthy food turns into bars, sweet coffee and kozinaki. This has nothing to do with a healthy lifestyle. Good alternative liver and bagels - dried fruits and nuts, but eating only them will be incorrect and even harmful.

I'll tell you how a day works in our office kitchen. From 10:00 to 12:00 - breakfast. We cook millet or oatmeal porridge in water with bananas. All the sweetness in it comes from bananas; we don’t add sugar. We put out plates with grated dark chocolate, nuts and homemade nut butter. Everyone can come up and prepare their own dish from different ingredients.

It is for breakfast that you need to eat food,
rich in sugars.

We are, of course, talking about the right sugars, found mainly in fruits and honey. Firstly, such food helps you wake up, feel cheerful and get to work. Secondly, this way we eliminate fermentation processes that can begin in the stomach if you eat sweets at night. Moreover, fruits are full set elements necessary for life: fiber, minerals and vitamins.

At 10:30 we prepare freshly squeezed vegetable juices. For those who like fruit, there is a manual citrus press and a whole basket of oranges in the kitchen. At the same time, we offer employees a smoothie made from berries and bananas and another green smoothie made from spinach and mint.

Fractional nutrition - the basis of ancient Indian medicine

The trend for fractional nutrition arose along with the fashion for traditional and alternative medicine. Eating according to the body clock is advocated in Ayurveda, which comes from Hindu philosophy. Following the teachings of the ancient sages, the day is divided into several periods, synchronized with the location of the sun in the sky and our biological clock. It is precisely by relying on these periods that adherents of Ayurvedic practices propose to build both the menu and their daily routine.

So, when the sun rises and a person is just waking up, his body requires a lot of energy. The time between 6:00 and 10:00 is best for a hearty, rich breakfast that will energize your body for the day's accomplishments. This period is called “Kapha time”. It is followed by “Pitta time” - from 10:00 to 14:00, when the sun is at its zenith. According to Ayurveda, at this time the body absorbs best useful material. Then comes the evening cycle, during which you need to have dinner before the sun sets on a new circle at 18:00.

Lunch must be complete, so Dream Industries prepares salads, soup and hot dishes. Of course, we are not talking about Olivier or herring under a fur coat - only fresh natural ingredients. Our team adheres to the principles plant nutrition. This means we don't eat meat or cheese. The basis of hot dishes is cereals and vegetables. We also use tofu, soy asparagus, and prepare mixtures of curry pastes, nut urbechi, and hummus. We like to make replicas of traditional dishes - for example, we serve borscht with sour cream made from cashews and apple cider vinegar.

Lunch must be accompanied by whole grain bread, which is rich in healthy elements.

Even if a person is not a vegetarian, I would recommend eliminating preservatives and processed foods from food. A healthy diet is always based on organic and fresh ingredients.

Particular attention should be paid to food preparation methods. Fried food is not the healthiest, as during frying the oil releases carcinogens and other harmful substances.

If you decide to treat yourself to a fried dish, choose coconut or olive (but be sure to unrefined oil) - they have the highest combustion temperature.

The beneficial substances of foods are well preserved if they are stewed or baked. But most of the vitamins are found in raw foods, so my main tools in the kitchen are a blender and a food processor.

6 products that
best for snacking


They contain essential fatty acids, such as omega-3, without which our body cannot function normally. Nuts support brain function and are rich in protein and vitamins like E, B6, selenium, iron and zinc. Almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, hazelnuts and walnuts are especially recommended for regular consumption. True, you can’t overdo it with them: all nuts are very allergenic and high in calories.


It is best to add berries to the diet in summer and autumn, when they are available in our region and not imported from distant countries. Doctors recommend raspberries because they contain acetylsalicylic acid. Raspberries will be a salvation for those who suffer from headaches. It also contains a lot of vitamin A, C and pectin.


Product containing great amount vitamins A and E, beneficial for hair and skin. It is believed that frequent consumption of olives reduces the possibility cardiovascular diseases, and its high nutritional value helps to quickly restore strength when overworked at work.


This is another product for the brain, because bananas contain phosphorus. Despite the fact that they contain quite a lot of sugar, the body absorbs bananas well thanks to the fiber that this product is also rich in. By the way, it is believed that the smell of bananas can suppress appetite. So, if you want to eat, but there is no lunch in the near future, a banana is a good choice.


It contains a lot of carotene, which is easily absorbed by the body. True, eating carrots without additives is almost useless; it is better to combine them with a couple of drops of olive oil. This way the nutrients will be better absorbed. In addition, carrots contain calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and a whole list of vitamins.

Dried fruits

If it's winter or early spring and there is no opportunity to purchase truly fresh fruit; a dry substitute will do. Dried fruits are especially recommended for those who are engaged in intellectual work, as they contain a lot of sugars. Dates, dried apricots, and prunes are suitable for snacking, but you should be careful with portions, otherwise you can quickly gain weight.

About corporate vegetarianism

We have many foreign employees working in our company, and sometimes we prepare dishes together according to their recipes. national cuisines. During this time, we became convinced that if you approach the matter with imagination and taste, you can incorporate even the most “meat” recipes into the principles of vegetarianism.

Yes, vegetarianism is fashionable, but from a medical point of view it is also recognized in many countries around the world. Many medical societies recommend a vegetarian diet, and in Lately I hear more and more about professional athletes who reach Olympic heights without eating meat.

If you approach things wisely, a diet that excludes animal products will be balanced and healthy.

About superfoods

Trend recent years- superfoods. This is a plant food that contains much more useful substances than its analogues. For example, superfoods include goji berries, chia seeds, and cocoa beans. Despite the fact that their effect is sometimes overestimated, this good way add natural vitamins to your diet. Thanks to globalization, superfoods are now easy to buy in stores, and there are hundreds of dishes you can use them in.

About formulas in food

There are many formulas that suggest calculating the percentage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and depending on this, creating a menu for the day. For me, this is too mathematical an approach - it’s like trying to calculate feelings for a loved one. All these concepts and systems make you feel confused. It’s very easy to force yourself into a box, but is it necessary?

Try to get a feel for what would be the most suitable food for you at this time. life stage, and, of course, give preference to natural, fresh products, processing them as little as possible during cooking.

Food is an integral part of our life, without it we simply would not exist. Do we remember this when we eat at the computer or while running? During lunch, try to devote time to this process, putting things aside. When we smell food, the body works properly, secreting saliva and gastric juice. If we eat slowly and consciously, chewing food slowly, it is better absorbed and gives a feeling of fullness without overeating. Therefore, rather than having a snack on the go, it is always better to wait for a free 20-30 minutes and eat while sitting and in a calm environment. Remember, your relationship with food is no less worthy of your attention than personal connections, work or leisure. Like all of the above, what we eat also influences the formation of personality. It is important to remember that food is pleasure. Enjoy!

It is unlikely that you will be able to enjoy food, even the healthiest and most delicious food, if your employer allows you to eat only while sitting at your desk at the computer. A well-equipped and comfortable kitchen is also a guarantee of health, although not so obvious. But scientists from different countries have been trumpeting for more than ten years about the dangers of eating on the go or in cramped conditions: some say what a blow this causes to the liver, others - that such a lifestyle leads to stomach ulcers, and still others - about possible depression and emotional problems. disorders. How to equip a kitchen in an office and make it a truly comfortable space that promotes a healthy lifestyle, he told professional designer interiors.

What should be

The kitchen must first of all be functional. The refrigerator must accommodate the lunches of all employees who bring them with them. Moreover, many of those who adhere to healthy image life, prefer fractional meals - they may need up to three or four places in a common refrigerator.

Likewise, there should be enough warm-up chambers for the entire team. As a rule, supporters of a healthy diet do not use microwaves, because it is considered harmful. So a truly proper kitchen should be equipped with ovens: heating in them, although it takes a little more time, does not spoil the food. If a manager really cares about the health of his subordinates, he will place several coolers in the office. And not only in the kitchen.

A must-have in a kitchen that is used by many people is easy-to-clean surfaces. For example, suitable fake diamond, metal and laminated materials. This is an important issue of hygiene and longevity. Ceramic tiles are guaranteed to last for many years, even if several dozen people walk on them every day.

It's great when the kitchen looks more like a cafe. This effect can be achieved, for example, with the help of warm, cozy lighting, bright elements and fresh flowers. In a place where food does not fall and where products are not stored, you can use wallpaper - they always add coziness.

What shouldn't happen

The office kitchen should not contain unnecessary items and should not be cluttered. For example, if only one employee of the entire team drinks freshly squeezed juice, then the juicer is a redundant item. This is especially true for small rooms. By the way, sometimes it’s worth getting rid of seemingly irreplaceable things - for example, a countertop. In this case, a column cabinet will help to use space more rationally.

If the company has absolutely limited opportunities, kitchens are being installed in what were once working spaces. Conventionally, you can put a microwave and a small refrigerator and call it a kitchen. The main thing is that the chosen room has at least one window and the smells of food do not linger for long. Moreover, if water supply and sewerage are supplied to the workroom or, for example, a hob is installed in it, then this is contrary to the law. The kitchen must be officially approved, you need to receive new plan BTI (technical inventory bureau) and only then begin work on supplying communications - in compliance with sanitary and fire safety standards.

At the same time, you shouldn’t go too far and turn your work kitchen into a home kitchen. Otherwise, employees will never leave the table.

How you can experiment

Our studio recently worked on an office kitchen project. We really wanted to introduce an element of interactivity, so we added new functionality to all surfaces: the kitchen cabinets were covered with slate paint, and other surfaces were made glossy so that they could be written on with chalk and special markers. Now employees can leave messages, instructions, and reminders to each other. Everyone can take part in the design, so the kitchen has become a living area, different from the office.

Another non-standard approach is to make a bar table. Now developing new trend- work and eat while standing. They say it's better for your back. So it’s great to provide the opportunity to choose: whoever wants to sit on a high chair, and someone can have a snack while standing.

Several years ago, scientists conducted a long experiment and calculated how much food a person eats in a lifetime. It turns out that over 70 years we consume about 50 tons of a wide variety of products. Nothing can do without food Living being, but a person can make his own choice whether it will be 50 tons of fries and burgers or a full meal healthy food. It depends on how the diet is structured whether office workers will be tired and neglected or successful and beautiful. And even if the second path is more difficult, it is definitely more interesting.

A balanced diet during pregnancy is very important for a woman. Because everything that she receives during meals - calcium, protein, iron, fats, many other essential nutrients is needed for the fetus to develop and grow properly. That is why special attention must be paid to nutrition and obtaining useful substances during pregnancy. Nutrition is equally important when planning pregnancy.

Plant based diet alcoholic drinks calcium
Nutrition Dieting Nutrition
Vegetable puree During lactation Prevention

Previously, it was considered natural that, if necessary, the baby himself would take what he needed for development. But recently they found out that if a woman eats incorrectly, irregularly, then her body turns on the self-preservation mechanism and the fetus is deprived of many nutrients. Therefore, proper nutrition during pregnancy is a necessary measure.

What to focus on?

The main problems of pregnancy are toxicosis, constipation, intestinal upset, and heartburn.

There should be a varied diet

  1. In order to cope with toxicosis and heartburn, food will do according to the “pieces” principle, this means that you need to eat often, but little by little. Try to drink more pure water (not carbonated). Add fiber-rich foods, grains, bananas, cereals, bran, rice, etc. to your diet.
  2. When intestinal function becomes difficult, this is usually explained by the fact that the uterus enlarges and begins to put pressure on the rectum. Therefore, during pregnancy, the intestines may not always function as usual. With such problems, you need to properly balance your diet. This can be done with the help of products that contain dietary fiber - cereals, wholemeal bread, fruits, berries, vegetables.

Meals on early stages pregnancy should not consist of dense and liquid foods - the first and second cannot be taken at once, drink between meals (milk, compote, soups). Proper nutrition during pregnancy will help avoid problems.

In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, it is worth adding a dairy-vegetable diet to your diet. Meat and fish should be in the diet no more than four to five days a week. It is better to bake them and eat them, adding vegetables and herbs. Vegetables, fruits, berries - it is preferable to take all this raw.

More fish and vegetables

And already on last trimester, when the liver and kidneys begin to work with a vengeance, choose a diet that is based on light vegetarian soups and salads.

What to exclude from the diet?

As you know, seafood is an excellent source of proteins and other healthy fatty acids. They have a wonderful effect on the development of the baby's brain.

The fish should be well fried and cleaned. You should not eat raw fish, shellfish, or oysters during pregnancy. It may contain pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms.

You should not eat poorly cooked meat, poultry, or eggs. During pregnancy, the body is susceptible to bacterial food poisoning. Avoid:

  • canned foods;
  • pates;
  • unpasteurized products, juices, milk;
  • raw eggs;
  • caffeine (blood circulation is impaired, nutrients are poorly absorbed);
  • tea, chocolate;
  • sausages, sausage products;
  • smoked products;
  • fried, fatty foods;
  • alcohol.

It is prohibited to consume alcoholic beverages

Necessary substances during pregnancy.

Name of vitamins and elementsThe nutritional valueRequired quantity, which products contain it
BiotinIt is involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Helps generate energy in cells.Experts recommend at least 30 - 35 mcg per day in the first weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, you need to eat eggs, dairy products, legumes, beef, whole grain cereals.
CalciumPromotes development and mineralization of bones. Provides blood clotting and muscle contraction. Calcium promotes the formation of strong, healthy teeth.The recommended dosage is from 1000 to 1300 mg per day. It is found in products such as milk, cheese, yoghurt, cabbage, beans, salmon, and orange juice.
CarbohydratesThey provide the body with energy, its slow and rapid release. Energy for the brain, muscle tissue.At least 175 g per day is recommended. Found in foods such as whole grain cereals, beans, vegetables, potatoes, and pasta.
CopperHelps with the development of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and nervous systems. It also helps form connective tissue, red blood cells, and promotes the transport of iron and oxygen into the blood.The recommended dose is 1 mg per day. It can also be included in your diet when planning pregnancy. These foods contain whole grains, nuts, seeds, liver, kidneys. Also found in chicken, fish, and raisins.
PhosphorusMaintains acid-base balance. Helps in the growth and strengthening of bone tissue.The required rate is 700 mg per day. You need to eat fish, poultry, dairy products, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.
Vitamin ANormalizes the growth and development of the baby. Participates in the development of the organs of vision, growth and tissue regeneration. Protects against infectious diseases.Per day – 770 mcg. Found in liver, dairy products, orange vegetables(peaches, apricots, zucchini, melons, etc.). The vitamin must be consumed in small doses
CelluloseInsoluble fiber - removes toxins from the body, prevents constipation, reduces the risk of colon cancer. Soluble – regulates the absorption of sugar, minimizes the development of heart disease.It is necessary to take from 28 to 30 grams per day with food. Insoluble – oat flakes, corn, bran, cauliflower. Instant – dry beans, peas, barley, carrots, apples, oranges.
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)Reduces the risk of formation birth defect development. Normalizes nervous system. Helps in the synthesis of DNA, RNA, and cell division.The recommended intake is at least 500 to 600 mcg per day. Found in liver, nuts, dark green vegetables (spinach, asparagus), oatmeal, and grain bread.
IronEliminates fatigue, normalizes psychomotor and mental development. Strengthens immune system, pregnant woman and child.Add at least 29 mg to your diet in the 2nd trimester. Such products include eggs, meat, liver, cereals, legumes, and fish.
ChloridesRedistribution of fluid in the body, goes into the gastric juice, and participates in digestion.You need 2.3 grams of chlorides per day. Found in salted meat, margarine, nuts, butter, salt.

Get your daily calcium intake

At the very beginning, in the first trimester of pregnancy, there is no need to suddenly change your usual diet to what is necessary. So basically eat what you want. But gradually add healthy foods to your diet that contain what is necessary for the child’s development.

You shouldn’t torture yourself and force yourself to eat what you don’t want. Talk to your gynecologist and decide together approximate diet food that is tasty and healthy.

Approximate nutrition during pregnancy by week.

DaysScheduleRequired Products
1 dayBreakfastIt is better to start the morning with porridge - it can be milk rice, you can add cottage cheese, coffee or something with milk if you wish. Sandwich with wheat bread.
LunchA little later you can make a salad from fresh seaweed. Add one boiled egg or eat it separately.
DinnerFirst, make a salad of fresh beets, you can add walnuts to taste. For the second course, prepare a light soup, cabbage soup. Sour cream is suitable for dressing. You can wash it down with dried fruit compote.
Afternoon snackFresh fruits, yogurt.
DinnerBoil the fish, add green beans. Tea with dessert.
For the nightDrink a glass of kefir.
Day 2BreakfastStart your day with cottage cheese soufflé. A few pieces of cheese, tea with milk (very good for pregnant women).
LunchA little later, eat fruit and yogurt. You can add a piece of bread.
DinnerMake a fresh salad, season it with vegetable, olive or flaxseed oil. Light borscht is suitable for the second course, and sour cream for dressing. Or you can stew the liver in sour cream sauce and add mashed potatoes. Make compote or jelly from dried fruits.
Afternoon snackBiscuits and peach juice are perfect.
DinnerMake steamed cutlets (lightly fry if you want), fresh cauliflower. And tea with dessert.
For the nightDrink a glass of kefir or bio-yogurt.
Day 3BreakfastAgain, start the day with milk porridge, but you can prepare another one (buckwheat). A sandwich with boiled meat goes well with tea. Use wheat or rye bread.
LunchYou can dilute your diet during pregnancy with bio-yogurt and bread.
DinnerFresh salad with cabbage, season it with vegetable or other oil. Light soup with sour cream. Or cook fish cutlets (baked), stew beets. Juice or compote from dried fruits.
Afternoon snackAgain, fresh fruit and compote or prune decoction.
DinnerA casserole and sweet tea are perfect.
For the nightA glass of kefir.
4 dayBreakfastPorridge with milk, adding butter. You can boil the egg or fry it. A piece of cheese, bread, tea or cocoa with milk.
LunchLight dairy desserts, kefir, yogurt.
DinnerYou can have a vinaigrette for lunch. Boil chicken broth, add noodles and stewed carrots. Fruit compote or jelly.
Afternoon snackMake yourself cottage cheese with sour cream, add fruits and tea.
DinnerBoil or fry the fish, garnish with mashed potatoes, fresh beet salad, you can add prunes or walnuts. Tea with dessert.
For the nightA glass of kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk or yogurt.
5 dayBreakfastDo the fifth day. In the morning, make a salad, grate raw beets, carrots and mix everything with olive oil. Tea or something.
LunchPrepare oatmeal with honey. Add almonds, cinnamon.
DinnerChicken broth with eggs and herbs will be enough. Fresh fruits. Compote.
Afternoon snackMake yourself a sandwich from bran bread. Boil the chicken and add lettuce leaves.
DinnerBoiled vegetables, salads. Tea with light dessert.
For the nightA glass of kefir with black currants.
Day 6BreakfastBeat the cottage cheese, add fruits to taste (peaches, apples, kiwi). This diet is especially useful in the early stages of pregnancy.
LunchMake a casserole of fresh cabbage and apples. Juice or jelly.
DinnerPrepare a salad from fresh vegetables. Bake the fish with tomatoes, add cucumbers and lettuce.
Afternoon snackEat vinaigrette and fruit.
DinnerPrepare a steamed beef cutlet. Light fruit salad. Tea with sugar.
For the nightMuesli or kefir.
Day 7BreakfastOmelette with milk, rye bread and cheese.
LunchSalad of apples, pears and pomegranate seeds with yogurt.
DinnerBaked meat with capers, olives and cabbage salad.
Afternoon snackFresh fruits vegetables.
DinnerPumpkin stuffed with vegetables, rice and cheese.
For the nightKefir with raspberries.

Also find out why


The information published on the website is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical recommendations! The site editors do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help you completely get rid of the disease!

It's happened: you're pregnant. From this moment on, every action you take will in one way or another resonate not only in your future, but also in the future of your child. It is during the first half of pregnancy that you and he literally become one. Your health is his health, your experiences are his experiences. And how you eat during these not-so-long 40 weeks determines the development, well-being and even, as recent studies have shown, the life expectancy of your child.

A clear illustration of this statement is the table in which we tried to reflect two points of view on the same process, to look at pregnancy in the literal sense of the word from the inside and outside. How does life originate and develop from week to week? What does the expectant mother discover and feel about herself? And most importantly - how to provide your body and the body of your future baby with everything necessary so that both mother and future baby were you healthy?

In our table we have indicated the importance of certain useful substances on different stages fetal development. I would like to emphasize that the diet of the expectant mother should be balanced and contain daily requirements of vitamins and minerals throughout pregnancy.

First half of pregnancy

Fetal development Feelings of the expectant mother Danone Institute recommendations

Embryonic period

Fertilization occurred 10-16 days from the start of menstruation. The process of crushing the embryo and its movement along the oviduct to the fallopian tube is underway.

The embryo feeds on yolk, small reserves of which it finds in the egg.

Daily intake of vitamins and microelements for pregnant women

  • vitamin A - 800 mcg
  • vitamin D - 10 mcg
  • vitamin K - 65 mcg
  • vitamin E - 10 mg
  • vitamin C - 70 mg
  • vitamin B1 - 1.5 mg
  • vitamin B2 - 1.6 mg
  • vitamin B6 - 2.2 mg
  • vitamin B12 - 2.2 mcg
  • vitamin PP - 17 mg
  • folic acid- 400 mcg


  • calcium - 1200 mg
  • phosphorus - 1200 mg
  • magnesium - 320 mg
  • iron - 30 mg
  • zinc - 15 mg
  • iodine - 175 mcg
  • selenium - 65 mcg

Second half of pregnancy

Speaking about the first half of pregnancy, we talked in detail about the changes that occur from week to week. This is understandable: the future baby worked a lot on himself, grew literally by leaps and bounds, turning from a tiny grain of rice into little man. At the same time, the expectant mother was getting used to her new position, learning to do everything for two, eating right and creating all the conditions for her baby to develop and grow.

And now the time has come when the baby focused on growth, and the expectant mother has already learned how to properly prepare for her upcoming motherhood and saw a lot of advantages in her difficult situation. Now the two can even communicate. Mom often talks to her baby, plays music for him, walks a lot, and the baby does his best to make it clear that he hears everything and even seems to understand.

Table of fetal size and weight. Second half of pregnancy

A week Weight, g Size, cm
290 25
420 27,5
600 30
800 32,5
1000 35
1400 37,5
1700 40
2000 42,5
2200 45
  • fruit - 3400 g
  • placenta - 650 g
  • amniotic fluid - 800 ml
  • uterus (increases in size during pregnancy) - 970 g
  • mammary glands (increase in size during pregnancy) - 405 g/780
  • increase in blood volume by 1450 ml
  • increase in extracellular fluid volume by 1480 g
  • fat deposits - 2345 g

The components that make up the weight of the expectant mother are very individual for all women. Therefore very important indicator is how the woman feels and what the results of urine, blood, and blood pressure tests are. Experts believe that one of the main reasons for excess weight during pregnancy is poor nutrition and especially excess carbohydrates.

About 80% of pregnant women complain of intestinal problems (constipation, diarrhea). This is due to a number of reasons, among which, first of all, we should mention a decrease in motor activity intestines caused by hormonal changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy and changes in intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis). You only have to deal with these troubles natural methods: proper organization of daily routine and diet.

As can be seen from the table, in the second half of pregnancy it is recommended to eat more often, but in small portions, to facilitate the functioning of the digestive system. For the same purpose, it is recommended to increase the consumption of products containing plant fiber (fiber, etc.). These include vegetables and fruits, cereals, wholemeal bread, but it is important to know that when heat treatment fiber does not lose its properties.

Additional assistance to the intestines in its work will be provided dairy products, containing probiotics - live microorganisms identical to the normal intestinal microflora. Such products achieve two goals at once: firstly, they normalize the digestive process, and secondly, since these are dairy products, they contain calcium and protein necessary for the development of the fetus, which means they are equally necessary for both the mother and her unborn baby.

Nutrition in the second half of pregnancy

Daily diet for the second half of pregnancy Sample menu women in the second half of pregnancy

Should be 2800 - 3000 kcal.
It includes:

  • 120 g protein

Every day you need to eat cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, milk. 50% total number proteins should come from animal proteins.

  • 85 g fat

Vegetable oils contain the most fat. A pregnant woman's diet should contain 40% fats of vegetable origin. Among animal fats, cow butter is recommended. You should not eat lamb and beef fat.

  • 400 g carbohydrates

It is better to get carbohydrates from foods rich in fiber: bread, fruits, vegetables. The amount of sugar in the diet should be 40 - 50 g per day.

First breakfast: milk porridge with butter, bread with butter and cheese, sweet tea (possibly with milk).

Lunch: sausage with green peas, milk and bun.

Dinner: vegetable soup in meat broth with sour cream, boiled tongue with vegetable stew, fruit juice.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole with sour cream, fruit juice.

Dinner: vinaigrette, boiled fish, tea with pastries.

Second dinner: omelet, bread and butter, rosehip infusion.

Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir.

Both the expectant mother and her baby did a great job during these forty weeks. They ate right, did gymnastics, consulted with specialists... Whatever they did to be well prepared for the moment of the birth of a new person! They will succeed.

Methodological materials

06/10/2016 23:22:05, desert rose

I eat exactly this way... I only rarely eat meat (mostly chicken and fish), sometimes I allow myself to eat a couple of salted tomatoes or cucumbers, and sometimes even a glass of beer with chips... I try to replace sweets with dried apricots or raisins, I practically don’t eat sugar ...I add honey to the porridge. With every visit to the LC, my doctor has eyes on his forehead... due to the fact that supposedly my weight does not correspond to 30 weeks, he claims that my baby is not growing, although according to ultrasound and according to all measurements it corresponds to the deadlines... before pregnancy I was 45 kg now 53. I think I typed normally, I’m just an alarmist doctor. I’m just upset... I’ll go eat!

Very useful article! Thank you

10/20/2008 15:55:11, Diana

23.01.2007 21:21:50

s takim pitanijem ja ne soglasna.... hotia organizm-delo individual"noje, u menia by srazu nachalsia shok kishechnika...i sil"nejshij zapor. Miasa - toze slishkom mnogo.. ot miasa obrazujetsia sliz" v tolstom kishechnike (trudno v tualet shodit) osobenno posle kuricy s kartoshkoj; nascot vitaminov i mikroelementov ochen" daze interesno, takze pro ponedel "noje razvitije embrionchika.

More and more people are coming to the idea that they need to switch to a healthy diet, and among them there are both men and women. For most, this is a way to get rid of extra pounds and cleanse the body of harmful substances. Research shows that a properly designed nutrition program allows you to lose weight and restore normal metabolism without putting excessive strain on the heart, liver and other organs. All that remains is to understand what, when and in what quantity to eat.

Although each person has a different understanding of the term “healthy eating,” at its core, it is eating food that is beneficial. However, there is a nuance here - it is important not only what specific foods you eat, but also at what time and in what quantity. The main idea is to get all the necessary nutrients, but in such a way that the calorie content of food is no more (and when losing weight, even less) than the body spends per day. Moreover, it is necessary to create and follow an individual schedule and diet, which will depend on:

  • gender and age;
  • lifestyle and daily routine;
  • amount of excess weight;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • eating habits.

There is no need to rush to create a schedule and select products, because first you need to understand how to do it correctly. Proper nutrition is a whole system with certain principles that should be followed if you want to achieve desired result. Let's look at the basic rules of diet planning:

  1. You need to eat often - optimal quantity 5-6 meals a day, with intervals of several hours. Thanks to regular “feeding”, the body will not feel hungry, and digestive system will work without failure. As a bonus, people losing weight can expect a reduction in stomach size.
  2. Portion sizes need to be reduced, but you should not go to extremes - it is important to pay attention not only to quantity, but also to quality, that is, to the calorie content of food.
  3. It is necessary to have breakfast - in morning hours metabolism is most intense, so you can even indulge in more nutritious foods, for example, a piece of chocolate or your favorite pasta. If you skip breakfast, you will eat much more at lunch, and the food will be digested worse, which will lead to the formation of fat cells.
  4. Basic daily ration There must be vegetables and fruits - of course, you shouldn’t eat them alone, but they are extremely necessary as a source of vitamins and beneficial microelements. To make your food as healthy as possible, it is advisable to consume fruits and vegetables fresh or cooked in the oven and steamed.
  5. You need to eat meat, but only lean meat - chicken fillet, lean beef tenderloin, etc. are best.
  6. The last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime so that the body is not overloaded.
  7. To normalize digestion, the menu should include dairy products, in particular low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk and hard cheeses.
  8. Every day you need to drink at least 2 liters of water, and it is important to drink in small sips and preferably slowly - the bulk of the liquid consumed should be in the first half of the day.

Eating right means getting enough fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Each of these components is important, so going on strict diets is extremely dangerous. So, let's look at the foods that you can include in your diet:

  1. From carbohydrates, you need to choose those that are not processed too quickly, otherwise you will constantly feel hungry. The best option There will be cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice (unpolished), millet, more cereals (rye, oatmeal, but without added sweeteners), as well as whole grain bread and baked potatoes. Please note that this food is only suitable for breakfast and lunch.
  2. Protein is necessary for cell repair and muscle development, so be sure to include in your menu chicken, turkey and other lean types of meat (boiled), fish, eggs, cheeses with a fat content of up to 25 percent (no more than 40 grams per day), 0 percent kefir and cottage cheese.
  3. A variety of nuts (especially walnuts), rapeseed and sesame oil, wheat germ, and fish can be a source of “good” fats.
  4. In principle, you can eat almost everything from fruits and vegetables, although some of them need to be consumed in limited quantities (for example, bananas and grapes, which contain a lot of sugar).

By the way, if you want to lose weight, it would be useful to take care of the selection vitamin complex– then the body will not feel a deficiency of nutrients.

Recently, many doctors have been promoting separate meals, on the basis of which the 6 petals diet is built, you can get acquainted with it, study reviews about this style of nutrition, some believe that separate nutrition is correct. But don’t forget how many people there are, so many points of view. Therefore, listen to your body first.

The greatest effect is achieved if you adhere to a healthy diet constantly, that is, avoid overeating and fasting days, which are stressful for the body. Then the body will stop being “scared” of hungry periods and will begin to actively burn fat cells. For those who want to lose weight, the following daily menu is suitable:

  • for breakfast - one apple, a small portion of oatmeal with water and a cup of coffee with milk;
  • for second breakfast – 1 glass of low-fat (up to 1.5 percent) kefir and 2 peaches;
  • for lunch - baked fish with potatoes (1 piece), salad with vegetables and 1 tbsp dressing. spoons of olive oil;
  • for an afternoon snack – grated carrots with olives;
  • for dinner - a piece of stewed with oranges chicken breast and boiled broccoli.

For those who are accustomed to a rich diet, it may be difficult to switch to such a menu, but after a couple of days the stomach will decrease and the discomfort will go away. As a reward for adhering to the regime, you can allow yourself a little unhealthy treat once every 7-10 days (the main thing is not to overdo it!).

In order not to think every day about what to eat tomorrow, it makes sense to plan a menu for the week at once. When choosing dishes, you should be guided not only by calorie content, but also by variety. IN mandatory the diet should contain:

  • various cereals;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • potatoes (only baked and steamed);
  • fish and meat in limited quantities;
  • low fat dairy products;
  • water – a glass of water 30 minutes before meals will help you feel full.

In addition to including healthy foods in your diet, you must remember to exclude from it those foods that cause metabolic disorders and contribute to the accumulation of fats in the body. The main “enemies” include:

  • all kinds of nuts, popcorn, chips and crackers;
  • alcoholic drinks (only 1 glass of dry red wine per week is allowed);
  • concentrates and semi-finished products, including noodles instant cooking, dumplings, dry mashed potatoes, etc.;
  • almost all baked goods, especially those with a high sugar content;
  • fried food from fast foods;
  • mayonnaise and ready-made sauces;
  • various smoked products, including sausages, meats and cheeses;
  • sweets.

Adhering to proper nutrition without special effort You can lose weight - within a month the scales will show several kilograms less. Remember that losing weight too quickly is fraught with many health problems - normally, such a system will allow you to lose about 400 kilocalories per day. At the same time, the end result will last for a long time, unlike fast weight loss based on a hunger strike. If you combine a healthy diet with physical activity, weight loss will begin to decrease much more intensely.
