Cats and cats in fiction.

Continuing the "cat" theme and replenishing our "virtual" library of books about cats, we decided to provide a list of fiction books about cats and cats, compiled by our bibliographers. At the end of the bibliographic description, the places of storage of books (storage points) are indicated.

1. Basmanova E. The cat of Mrs. Bryukhovets: [novel] / E. Basmanova, D. Veresov. - St. Petersburg: Neva; M.: Olma-Press, 2002. - 319 p. - (Lights of the big city).

Who would have thought that at the beginning of the 20th century a young girl would be able to open a private detective agency! However, Moore succeeded. The first order is to find a missing cat of a rare breed. The capricious client herself compiled a list of versions for Moura.

Storage location: f. eleven

2.Belyanin A.O. Diary of a cat with a lemonade name. - M .: Armada: Alfa-kn., 2007. - 346 p. - (Andrey Belyanin is his friends).

Do you think the cat of famous science fiction writers has a sweet life? No matter how! After all, the owners get all the laurels: big fees, trips to conventions in other cities, and, finally, awards and recognition from readers?! No one knows the truth that books are written for them by ... a cat. And you don't believe it, do you? But in vain. Bezvylaznaya plowing at the computer, the muck called "Whiskas", pain in the lower back - this is the lot of a literary slave. Moreover, this impudent fish in the aquarium, which always hides at the very bottom, constantly annoys.

Storage location: f.32

3. Big cat book : fairy tales: [for Art. doshk. age]. - M.: Eksmo: Natalis, 2012. - 136 p. - Contents: Afanasiev, A.N. cat and fox; Afanasiev, A.N. cat and dog; Gorky, M. Vorobishko; Krylov, I.A. Pike and cat; Mamin-Sibiryak, D.N. Parable about milk, oatmeal and gray cat Murka; Tolstoy, A.N. Owl and cat; Tolstoy, A.N. Cat Vaska; Tolstoy, L.N. Kitty; Ushinsky, K.D. Rogue cat; Ushinsky, K.D. Eagle and cat; Ushinsky, K.D. Cat; Ushinsky, K.D. Vaska; Black, S. About the cat; Black, S. Enemies.

Colorfully designed collection of stories and poems about cats.

Storage location: f.14

4. Boyashov I. Way of Muri : Novel. - St. Petersburg: Limbus Press, K. Tublin's Publishing House, 2007. - 232 p. – (National Bestseller -2007).

Entertaining novel-parable. Against the background of the adventures of the ordinary cat Muri, who lost his owners during the war in Bosnia and is now going through all of Europe to find them, very serious issues are being resolved.

The Way of Muri is a book that everything in the world is reasonable, only some manifestations of the mind look very stupid. And about the fact that for someone on the way the most important thing is the goal, and for someone the path itself is the goal, but all this does not matter, the main thing is to move. The mind cannot be at rest, it wanders forever, from one monastery to another, from one star to another, along the seabed, under the clouds - in Boyashov’s novel, the whole Earth is felt as an accumulation of intelligent mass flying in the middle of the abyss, and who will answer, there is Does the planet have a purpose? /Xenia Rozhdestvenskaya

Storage: f.1,8,10,11,14,22,26,27,31,32

5. Brown L.J.The cat who lived luxuriously: [novels]. - St. Petersburg: Amphora, 2006. - 496 p. - (The cat that...) (Bestseller " New York Times" No. 1). - Content: The cat who lived luxuriously; The cat who was friends with the cardinal.

Heroes Brown Lilian Jackson - journalist Jim Qwilleran and his pet cat are not inferior to the famous Poirot in their charm, and the skill of her detective novels is not inferior to the famous works of Agatha Chrissy. Brown is the famous creator of the novels from the series "The Cat Who ...". The first book in the series was written by her in 1966. Then followed a break - for twenty years! - and then the books of this series gained such popularity that the writer had to communicate with "Cats" for about ten more years. The result was twenty-eight volumes, and a Brown fan club was formed on the Internet. A cookbook was released separately, which included recipes for all the dishes ever eaten by the heroes of the series, including cats.

Place of storage: ab, f.14-22

6. Brown L.J.The cat that sniffed glue: [novels]. - St. Petersburg. : Amphora, 2006. - 430 p. - (The cat that...) (New York Times Bestseller No. 1). - Content: The Cat Who Knew Shakespeare; The cat that sniffed glue.

Storage: ab, f.1,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,32

7.Brown L.J. The cat that robbed the bank: [collection of novels]. - St. Petersburg: Amphora, 2007. - 526 p. (The cat that ...) (Bestseller " New Nork Times).

Storage: ab, kh, f. 1,8,10, 11, 14, 18,20,22,23,26,31,32

8. Brown L.J.The Cat Who Talked to Ghosts: [novels]. - St. Petersburg: Amphora, 2006. - 496 p. - (The cat that...) (New York Times Bestseller No. 1). - Content: The cat that walked underground; The Cat Who Talked to Ghosts.

Storage: yua, f.1,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,13

9.Brown L.J. The cat who looked at the stars: novels. - St. Petersburg: Amphora, 2006. - 526 p. (The cat that...).

Place of storage: ab, kx, all fil.

10. Brown L.J.The cat that got the applause: [novels]. - St. Petersburg: Amphora, 2007. - 477 p. - (The cat that...) (New York Times Bestseller No. 1). - Content: The cat that floated up the stream; The cat that got the applause.

Storage: yua, f.8,10,11,14,20,22,26,32

11. Bulychev K. Mind for a cat : a collection of fantasy stories. - M.: AST, 2002. - 445 p. - (Worlds of Kira Bulychev).

The task of the cat is to eat fish from a bowl, drink milk with sour cream, and roll on the floor, taking beautiful poses. The cat's house is the most place of honor. But then an alien appears with a means of rapid development mental capacity, and, you see, your Mouse will beat you at chess tomorrow and talk about the weather for the week. There will be a commotion then...

Location: UA, f.15

12. Wago M. Notes of a black cat: [for adults to read to children]; per. with it. - M.: TriMag, 2007. - 28 p.: color illustration.
Interesting notes from the face of a cat who was the only "child" in the family, and everyone groomed and caressed him until a rival appeared - Small child. Everyone forgot about him, there is noise and din in the house, the child builds houses on the tail of the cat, they want to feed the poor animal with the remnants of baby porridge and all that ... As a result, the child grew up and went to kindergarten, the cat began to miss the child, and the child without a cat. They found each other!

Storage location: f.32

13. Vorontsov N. Cats: Shkotlivaya encyclopedia. - M.: AST, St. Petersburg: Astrel-SPb, 2008. - 127p.

The book is an informational guide for beginners-beautiful pussies and finished cats-okhlamons. It contains a large number of healthy and tasty meowterial for cats.

Storage location: f.14

14. Gardner E.S.Detective novels . - Baku: Olympus, 1992-1993. - (Adventure Library) (Detectives).

T. 5. - 1992. - 448 p.: ill. – From content: Gatekeeper's cat.

The famous lawyer Perry Mason, despite the ridicule of his colleagues, undertakes to defend the interests of ... a Persian cat. After all, a murderous struggle for inheritance unfolded around an innocent animal. Perry Mason will have to use all his connections, knowledge and logic to understand several murders and save an unjustly accused woman from trial.

Storage location: f.18

15. Georgiev spell: fairy tale. - M.: Rosmen, 2006. - 223 p.: ill. - (Our fantasy).

In the city with the cheerful name Shutikhinsk lives the most powerful wizard Valery Ivanovich Kirillov, who often turns into a cat, and sometimes travels to Australia with migratory sparrows. Once he turned a harmless third grader Vitya Bubentsov into a bully Pashka Moshkin, and Moshkin, on the contrary, into Bubentsov. And, as luck would have it, I forgot the magic spell to disenchant them.

Place of storage: f.19,20,21,29

16. Hoffman E.T.A. Worldly beliefs of the cat Murr : [novel: trans. with him.]. - M.: AST Moscow: Keeper, 2008. - 415p.

The history of political storms in Germany - through the eyes of a smart cat-conformist, philosopher and staunch epicurean. Brilliant knowledge of human and feline nature.

“With the confidence and calmness characteristic of a true genius, I pass on my biography to the world so that everyone can see in what ways cats achieve greatness, so that everyone knows what my perfections are, love, appreciate me, admire me and even revere me. If anyone dares to question the high merits of this wonderful book, then let him not forget that he will have to deal with an intelligent cat who has in reserve sharp tongue and no less sharp claws.

Place of storage: yua, ab, kx, f.12,16

17. Zulkarnaeva Sh.N. Adventures of the Baron the Cat: a story in two parts. - Ufa: Kitap, 2010. - 216 p.: ill.

Complex interweaving of relations between man and "our smaller brothers". The characters of the animal world, with whom the hero meets, are endowed with human qualities, their behavior is dominated by good deeds. The author tries to tune the reader to generosity, tolerance and compassion.

Storage location: f. 15

18. Krapivin V.P. transparent cat knight : [story]. - Nizhny Novgorod: Nizhkniga, 1994. - 496s.

One summer, brother and sister Lesha and Dasha accidentally discovered that Ykhalo, the Shadow of the transparent cat Filaret, and a whole company of amazing creatures live in their house. Having made friends with them, the guys learn about the state of Astralia, and at the special invitation of its Chief Magician, Lesha goes to this fairyland where incredible adventures await him.

Storage location: f.22

19. Kulikova G. cat patrol: [novel]. - M.: Astrel: AST, 2007. - 318 p. - (Ironic detective).

Private detective Arseniy Kudesnikov is ready to take on any business that promises him profit, even if it is suspicious and threatens with trouble. It can spin a murder, it can take on the search for a missing beloved dog. True, Kudesnikov has one eccentricity - he never parted with his Persian cat Mercedes, which he inherited after his divorce from his wife.

Storage location: f.11

20. Murphy S. Dead End Cat . - M .: Prince. club 36.6, 2005. - 317p. - (Luxury detective).

Gray Joe is an extraordinary cat with ordinary human intelligence, a keen sense of justice and an amazing feline ability to sniff out everything and hunt everyone down. With his girlfriend - the charming thief cat Dulcie - Gray Joe solves the most mysterious crimes that lead people to a dead end...

Storage location: f.23

21. By E. Black cat. - St. Petersburg: Krstall, 2001. - 223 p. - (Old style).

A short story about the human fall. Black cat, former at firstthe owner's favorite, dies from his own hand. And in the finale - another cat, but almost an exact copy of the deceased, denounces the killer, who walled up the cat along with the corpse of his wife. A black cat, which at first was gloomy, as indeed, and always with Edgar Alan Poe.

Storage location: f. 1

22.Pratchett, T. Cat without embellishment. – M.: Eksmo; St. Petersburg: Domino, 2011. - 159 p.: ill. - (Intellectual bestseller) (Read together).

What cats are made of, their internal structure, the laws that act and do not act on them, their thoughts, what they eat and what they drink - with awareness of the responsibility and importance of the mission to bring the cat's truth to the masses, the genius of the artistic humorous word Terry Pratchett describes .

Location: UA, f.14

23. Sepulveda L.Mom cat, or the story about a cat, who taught the seagull to fly: for those who are young, from 8 to 88. - St. Petersburg: ABC Classics, 2005. - 158 p.: - (Very cool book).

In the story told by Luis Sepulveda, a Chilean writer, kind and intelligent cats live and act, able to meow at different languages, brave seagulls, there are also harmful creatures, for example, rats and vicious chimpanzees, hooligan cats. There is also a very kind boy saving kittens from a harmful pelican, and a man flying on the wings of words - a poet! The cat Zorbas, the main character, managed to meow with him once in a human way. Oh, it was a terrible violation of the feline taboo. Cats and cats can only say “meow”, “mur-mur” to people and that’s all! ..

It's the cats' turn. How many cats did Ernest Hemingway have? What writer thought that real men couldn't love cats? What cat was Joseph Brodsky like? Read more in this article on Lady Mail.Ru.

Six-fingered: the heirs of the great Hemingway

In 1935 with light hand After his friend Stanley Dexter, the American writer Ernest Hemingway became a cat lover: Dexter gave Hemingway an unusual kitten with six toes on each paw. The kid was nicknamed Snowball (Snowball) and opened a whole "era of cats" in the life of the great writer. Cats in Hemingway's house were not translated - ten years later there were already more than 20. Today, the writer's house-museum in Key West (Florida) is home to many cats, including 44 descendants of Snowball, who inherited his six-fingered. A special commission recognized the cat kingdom as a national treasure. Cats roam freely around the museum and enjoy universal respect.

Ernest Hemingway with one of his favorites

The prototype of the cat Boy from the book "Islands in the Ocean" was Hemingway's real cat named Uncle Willie. The cat was hit by a car, and in order to save him from suffering, Hemingway had to shoot the animal. In a letter to his friend, the Venetian aristocrat Gianfranco Ivancic, dated 1953, Hemingway put it this way: “I miss you very much, Uncle Willy. I've had to shoot people, but never someone I've known and loved for 11 years. Someone who purred with two broken legs."

Tigercat and Whitepaw: the burden of human passions

The Russian writer Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Lokhvitskaya, known under the pseudonym Teffi, sincerely did not understand how one could not love cats. "For me man, not cat loving, always suspicious, with a flaw, probably. Defective. Here is even Vera Nikolaevna Bunina - why, it seems, she is kind and sweet, and that she cannot stand cats, she is afraid of them, like a wall between her and me. There can be no closeness, real friendship between us. I always feel her detachment. I sympathize with her with restraint, I recognize all her indisputable qualities. But I can't forgive her cats. People for me are divided into those who love cats and those who do not. A person who doesn't like cats will never be my friend. And vice versa, if he loves cats, I forgive him a lot for this and turn a blind eye to his shortcomings. Here, for example, Khodasevich. He loved cats and even wrote poems about his cat Mura ... ”- memoirist Irina Odoevtseva conveys the words of Teffi.

Taffy sincerely did not understand how you can not love cats

Teffi herself wrote a whole "cat epic", the main characters of which were Tigercat and Whitepaw - cat Tristan and Isolde or Romeo and Juliet.

General Grant and Prophet Moses: more than just cats

Mark Twain was very fond of animals: in his home "menagerie" there were turtles, squirrels, dogs, cats. He simply adored the latter and treated them with great respect. “If it were possible to cross a man with a cat, it would improve the human breed, but would harm the cat,” the writer sincerely believed. There were dozens of cats in Twain's house, but the favorite was a beautiful tricolor cat, who preferred to rest on a round dining table covered with a bright red tablecloth. Mark Twain never chased away his pet, each time explaining to his daughters that the red color emphasizes the beauty of a cat's coat. In his short story "Coot Wilson" Twain wrote: "They say that without a cat - fattened, spoiled, accustomed to reverence - there are ideal houses; Perhaps I do not argue, but I have not yet seen proof. Many cats “live” in the works of Mark Twain, and most of them do not have nicknames, but worthy names: General Grant, General Gallet, Prophet Moses, Margaret, Captain Semms, Horace Greeley.

Mark Twain with one of his cats

It is interesting that Twain himself, when he happened to get angry ... snorted like a cat. His daughters Susie, Clara and Jean called him “angry gray cat” for this, and in order to see him like that, they deliberately pissed themselves off and shouted in complete delight: “Oh, you nasty angry cat!”

Portly cat: favorite of the great poet

In the works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin there are a lot of cats and cats, both real and mystical, like the “scientist cat” from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”. The poet was sympathetic to cats and allowed them to leave a mark not only in his own works. Pushkin was a great master of pencil drawing and cats were his favorites: he drew them in women's albums, on a randomly turned up piece of paper, on the cloth of a card table. Most often, the poet depicted burly cats, sitting with their backs to the viewer, with attentive ears and a wriggling tail, betraying intense expectation or interest in something outside the picture field.

Drawing by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

In the album of Elizaveta Nikolaevna Ushakova, Pushkin's drawings "tell" about mutual love the hostess of the album and Sergey Dmitrievich Kiselev, who was nicknamed "Kis" (after the first letters of his surname). Alluding to the love of Elizabeth Nikolaevna, in one drawing Pushkin depicted a girl in the form of a cat lovingly looking after a small but brave-looking military man (S. Kiselev). The whole scene is watched by a portly cat in the poet's favorite pose.

Katarina: black history

The favorite cat of the American writer Edgar Allan Poe, who is considered the founder of three genres in literature at once - the thriller, science fiction and a detective named Katharina. It was she who "inspired" Poe to write the story "The Black Cat", which became a classic horror novel.

The writer had a difficult life: his wife Virginia suffered from tuberculosis, he himself abused alcohol, and they almost never got out of poverty. The cat was their faithful companion: she sat on the shoulder of Poe when he worked, or snuggled up to Virginia, warming her in a poorly heated house.

Edgar Allan Poe and Katharina

The writer loved his wife very much, but he was constantly tormented by the fear that he would raise his hand against her. Probably this fear came from a sense of guilt caused by the fact that he could not provide for his wife decent life. Even the cat seemed to serve Virginia better than he did. In the story "The Black Cat" Poe gave vent to his fears and complexes. People with weak psyche and unsustainable nervous system reading is not recommended.

Cat Muka: Bulgakov's "patient"

According to the testimony of the second wife of the writer Lyubov Evgenievna Belozerskaya, the prototype of the Behemoth cat, the character of the novel "The Master and", the werecat and beloved jester Woland, was their domestic cat Flyushka, a huge gray animal. Bulgakov only made the Behemoth black, since it is black cats that are traditionally considered to be associated with evil spirits.

Monument to Koroviev and the Cat Behemoth in Moscow

There were several cats and cats in the Bulgakovs' house. One of them was called Muka, and her first-born - Full House - in honor of the successful production of Bulgakov's play "Zoyka's Apartment". In her memoirs, Lyubov Evgenievna writes: “M.A. never took the cat Muka in his arms - he was too squeamish, but he allowed him to sit on his desk, putting a piece of paper under it. He made an exception before childbirth: the cat came to him, and he massaged her.

Cats: for women only

The stories of the well-known collection Fairy Tales for No Reason were invented by Rudyard Kipling for his children and niece. However, despite the fiction, the “cat that walked by itself” also had a real prototype - a Siamese catgiven to Kipling's wife Caroline during their honeymoon trip. This cat liked to leave home at night and wander around wild forest. He returned in the morning as if nothing had happened.

Rudyard Kipling and his famous story about a cat that walked by itself

Kipling himself was indifferent to cats, he loved dogs more, and therefore the end of the famous fairy tale is not surprising: “... and to this day, three out of five Men - if they are real Men - throw various objects at the Cat, wherever it catches their eye, and all the Dogs - if they are real Dogs - every one of them drives her up a tree.

Marina Tsvetaeva wrote about cats and cats not only in poetry, they surrounded her in life: “A gray fluffy smoky green-eyed cat fell apart on my desk. I shout: “Seryozhenka, come here, look how Athos sleeps!” A huge cat lies on its back, slightly twisted, paws up, enjoying sleep as soon as cats can. Detached. Selflessly."

Marina Tsvetaeva with her husband Sergei Efron and children - Aley and George

“In a cat-like way” they addressed each other in the Tsvetaeva family: Marina called her husband Sergei Efron Leo, Leva, he called her - Lynx, Lynx, parents called their daughters Ariadne and Irina kittens - this was part of them " family fairy tale". When the son Georgy was born to the couple in 1925, his mother came up with his home “cat” name - Mur.

According to the memoirs of the bibliophile Moses Lesman, Anna Akhmatova could not stand excessive love for animals in people, but she was also unpleasant to have a bad attitude towards them. Akhmatova herself noted the natural grace and beauty of cats, but she had no particular predilection for them. She put up with the presence of animals in the lives of other people and responded with gratitude to the cat's caress. In Akhmatova's poems, there are many "cat" traces, and in her memoirs, neighbor's cats appear every now and then. Akhmatova sends greetings and kisses to them in letters: “I kiss you, Anyuta and all the cats (how many of them)?” Or at the end of another letter: “My dear, it's been a week since I've been at home. Everything is peaceful and safe here. The cats are young and beautiful ... "At the dacha in Komarovo, Akhmatova's neighbors lived a very noisy, violent and huge red cat, nicknamed Gluck, about whom she said:" Well, you know, this is no longer a cat, it's one and a half cats. Anna Akhmatova also believed that this red cat is very similar to Joseph Brodsky.

One and a half cat: everything is like in a movie

Cats occupied a special place in the life of Joseph Brodsky. In the family where he grew up, “cat” words were often used - “meow”, “mur-meow”, “mur-mur-meow” - to express the most different feelings. Even the poet himself often ended phone conversation with relatives and friends, saying: “Meow-meow!” In Brodsky's letters to friends, on books donated by him, there are many drawings depicting cats, made by the poet himself. One of his later essays on poetry is called "Cat's Meow". In Andrey Khrzhanovsky's film One and a Half Cats, dedicated to Joseph Brodsky, the cat is the alter ego of the poet: a variety of cats appear on the screen, drawn and alive.

World literature is unimaginable
yourself without images of cats. About the works
in which they appear or play a major role
cats, you can write more than one dissertation.
Let's remember the famous literary characters -
cats and cats, on International Cat Day March 1!

Cats live on the pages of our first books and cartoons for kids.
And we with early childhood we are convinced of the extraordinary character and intelligence of these
prominent animals.

Many probably remember the tale of Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev "Cat-fisherman", which
he himself illustrated and on which a cartoon was made in 1964. The cat-fisherman turned out to be
incomparably smarter than other animals - a bear, a wolf and even a cunning fox,
and deftly led them all!

And what can we say about the fabulous Puss in Boots! When younger brother got
inherited a cat, the guy was terribly dejected: “Brothers,” he said, “can honestly earn
their own bread, if only they stick together. What will become of me after I
I'll eat my cat and make a muff out of his skin? Just starve to death!" God bless,
smart Cat escaped the terrible fate of turning into a muff and helped his master find
happiness and wealth.


Cats are not only smart, but also unusually kind and peaceful - is there a cuter hero,
than the charming cat Leopold from the series of cartoons written by Arkady Khait (1975-93)? Leopold
with his famous "guys, let's live together!" can be called the feline "Prince Myshkin".

Coming out of infancy, we begin to read stories about animals and get acquainted with
new cat characters, noble, affectionate and beautiful. Such is Yu-yu,
the cat of Alexander Kuprin, about whom he wrote the story of the same name in 1927. Approximately
at the same time, Canadian Ernest Seton-Thompson, author of the famous Animal Tales,
writes one of his best works - "The Slum Cat", in literal translation
"Slum cat". The story is known to the Russian-speaking reader as "Royal
Analostanka. Seton-Thompson illustrated his stories himself.

As you know, from ancient times, cats, especially black ones, were attributed to evil magical
properties, and echoes of this bad reputation of innocent creatures are also reflected in world literature.
A black cat often becomes the hero of mystical works in the "horror" genre. And how is it not
recall the classic story by Edgar Allan Poe "The Black Cat", which tells how the mystical
the cat helped expose the crime of his master, who ended up on the gallows! The story was
written in 1843, and in 1934 it was made into a horror film of the same name.

The story of Guy de Maupassant "Misty" (1884) is perceived as a warning: a lover
lost his eyes, the cat thrown out the window twisted his neck, and all because the animal was jealous
unfortunate lover to his mistress!

One of the most important works in cat theme- "Worldly views of the cat Murr"
(1819-1821) - a satirical and at the same time very thoughtful novel by the German writer
Romance by Ernest Theodore Amadeus Hoffmann. A novel that combines the funny with the tragic is considered
pinnacle of the writer's work. The book is a confession of the scientist cat Murr, however,
In preparing the work for publication, there was an embarrassment: the cat, outlining his worldly views, vomited on
parts of the first book that fell into his paws from the library of the owner, the brilliant composer Johannes
Kreisler to use the torn pages "part to lay, part to dry."
Kreisler's biography fell under the cat's paws, and due to an oversight, these pages were printed
in parallel with the thoughts of the cat.

About cats wrote not only in Europe. "Notes on a Cat City" - a satirical pamphlet of the Chinese
writer Lao She was published in 1932. The action takes place on Mars, where supposedly exists
a civilization of creatures that look like cats. Cat city is the capital of the state, in
ruled by the Great Miao. Cats helped the writer achieve with the help of a tragicomic
effect of deep social generalizations.

Illustration for "Notes on a Cat City" by Lao She.

Among the most perfect and most accurate cat images- "The cat that walked by itself"
from Rudyard Kipling's tale (1902). Who better than Kipling conveyed the original cat quality -
longing for freedom and independence?

The learned cat Murr from E. T. A. Hoffmann's The Worldly Views of Murr the Cat is perhaps the most classic cat in literature. His views are studied in universities.

This satirical novel, published in 1819-1821, is considered the best work of Hoffmann.

Cat Murr is a descendant of the famous Gintz von Ginzenfeld (more than known to the world like Puss in Boots) - sets out his worldly views, using as a blotting paper the biography of Kapellmester Johannes Kreisler.

Puss in Boots Charles Perrault: the most fabulous

The fairy tale of Charles Perrault appeared in the 17th century and is still loved by adults and children; more than one cartoon, a feature film, and even an opera have been made based on it.

Everyone knows the plot of this tale: the cat, which the poor son of a miller got after the death of his father, becomes a magical assistant, with the help of which the young man overcomes all difficulties and receives the royal castle and the love of the princess.

Behemoth cat by Mikhail Bulgakov: the most demonic

Cheerful and scary at the same time, this is one of the most popular characters in the novel The Master and Margarita.

Once upon a time, many centuries ago, a certain knight joked unsuccessfully, and he had to become a jester in the form of a cat in the retinue of Messire Woland.

Lewis Carroll's Cheshire cat: the most mysterious

IN English language there is a saying "grin like a Cheshire cat". Its exact origin is unknown, but it probably became the source for the appearance of this curious image.

Dewey's Library Cat Vicki Myron: The Most Modern Cat

The Library Cat That Shook the World was published in 2008. This touching book by writer Vicki Myron, which tells about a cat from the state of Iowa, will make you cry, laugh and think about many things.

Unlike other characters, Dewey is a real-life cat who lived for 19 years in the library of the small town of Spencer and became a real talisman not only for the library, but for the whole city.

The director of the library was Vicki Myron.

Thomasin's Cat Paul Gallico: The Most Incredible

The love story of the girl Mary and the cat Thomasina was able to overcome even death. Mary's father, a veterinarian, decided to euthanize Thomasina rather than treat her. But after the funeral, the cat was resurrected - it happened ordinary miracle. The book was made into the movie "Three Lives of Thomasina".

The cat that walked by itself, by Rudyard Kipling: the most independent

This fairy tale by Kipling tells about the beginning of time. From it we learn how domestic animals lived when they were wild and when people were also wild. And How clever cat made an agreement with people, but continued to walk by himself through the wild forest, waving his wild tail.

The cat has entered the life of man since ancient times. Moreover, remaining absolutely independent, she managed to take one of the very first places in many areas of human life. Being reliable friends and the muses of many creative people, cats have inspired and continue to inspire writers, poets and musicians to create works that try to convey the diversity of characters and habits of these amazing animals. However, they cannot even be called animals. After all, it is not in vain that there is a version that cats in general are not creatures from our world, but are inhabited by a higher race to monitor us, mere mortals. And our little friends do not refute these assumptions, but, on the contrary, excite the minds and souls of many people with their unusualness and attractiveness.
The very first literary sources mentioning cats were found in China. These sources date back to the sixth century AD and are descriptive. In the future, more and more works of documentary and fiction dedicated to cats appear. There are no people in the world who are indifferent to cats. Some hate them, considering them cunning and dodgy, flattering creatures. But most people undoubtedly love these graceful, freedom-loving animals, capable of feeling like no one else. heartache. Many writers have cats in their homes. So, for example, Ernest Hemingway had about thirty cats at home in Cuba. The famous Mark Twain shared his house with ten cats.
The attitude to the cat has always been humanizing. This is especially clear in the works folk art. Cats have been favorite characters since ancient times. folk tales, lullabies, joke. Ordinary people have long noticed such feline traits as thrift, thrift, cleanliness. Affectionately and respectfully they call cats in fairy tales - Kot Kotofeich, Kotok Gray Lobok. And how many wonderful, world-famous works were written in modern world. "Biography of Moore's Cat" by E.T. Hoffmann, written from his favorite cat of the pack, is a real literary monument to the writer's favorite. The Cheshire cat from "Alice Through the Looking Glass" by L. Carroll is the embodiment of mystery and mystery. The wise "scientist cat" from the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by A.S. Pushkin is known throughout the world to both adults and children. All the superstitions of the common people are embodied in his work “May Night or the Drowned Woman” by N.V. Gogol. And R. Kipling, in his work “The Cat Who Walked by Herself”, in a light artistic form, told the whole world about the origin and evolution of this wild, but such an affectionate animal. There are, unfortunately, works in which cats are shown in a negative light. An example of such works is the fables of I.A. Krylov or the famous fairy tale "Pinocchio or the Golden Key". But such creations are few. As a rule, cats that appear in literature enliven the whole plot and involuntarily attract the attention of even the most bored readers. A vivid example of such works is the novel by M.A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”. Some people simply adore this novel, others do not understand it, and cannot read beyond the first page. But each of the readers who at least once picked up the famous novel will certainly read those passages where the main figure is the Behemoth cat. How much irony, sarcasm, good humor in these lines. How much bitterness and longing is revealed to those who read the novel to the end and saw a sad page doomed to eternal wanderings with his master. Truly, cats are multifaceted and fantastic creatures. Writer Doris Lessing dedicated fourteen short stories to them, trying to unravel the mystery of these mysterious animals. And how many songs have been written about cats in last years and sung from the stage. The musical “Cats” by E. L. Webber, written based on the verses of the English poet T.S. Eliot. It is impossible to ignore the whole variety of Soviet, Russian and Western cartoons, the main characters of which were cats, cats and kittens. It is simply impossible to tear children away from the screens when they show Leopold the Cat, Tom and Jerry, Woof the Kitten and other cartoons about cats.
In any country, on any continent, there will undoubtedly be literary works dedicated to cats. And how not to pay attention to these wonderful creatures that make our life brighter and brighter.
