Hang flowers on the wall mount. From toilet paper tubes

Well, I'm firmly hooked, I knit carnations, bluebells and chrysanthemums. I found patterns for knitting leaves in Doublets. That's just a problem with the stems, somewhere you can buy in Moscow, I wonder, plastic stems? And if not, what is the best way to make them? Crochet wire? - there will be a seam. Crochet the wire by making a cord? - it will be thick. Macrame - will not hold. I have a crisis of ideas :(. Tell me who can do what ...

Hello, I propose to collect wonderful notebooks and other things from the site [link-1] we didn’t find such interesting things for us? Wholesale prices - 40% of the site's retail prices There are notebooks, mouse pads About notebooks: This notebook was created for two purposes. The first is inexpensive, colorful and creative gift. The second is for fixing, namely fixing thoughts in the form of brief records for their safety. Idea: You are familiar with the situation that is now Good idea, but a second passes, the brain ...

Let's open paper flowers!

Hi all! For this beautiful and simple experience we need: - colored paper; - scissors; - a bowl of water. carefully cut out flowers from paper (you can pre-apply a contour for convenience) now bend the petals as in the photo and lower them into a bowl of water cheers! Flowers have blossomed! very beautiful! Why are flowers blooming? The paper gets wet at the folds, which causes the colors to open. Try it, science is great! For forum members...

Girls! Today I received Le///si nooo, this is not a dress, this is a masterpiece! Probably the photo will not convey this beauty and luxury, it must be seen and touched! I AM SO EXCITED - NO WORDS! I took the dress at my graduation daughter in kindergarten. And for such a dress I don’t even feel sorry for the money it costs))))) a little more [link-1] [link-2] [link-3] [link-4] [ link-5]

Drawing, for example, a board, but best of all a tablet Soft pencil 2B Eraser Water can Plastic palette Large squirrel brush No. 8-No. 10 Fine kolinsky brush No. 3-No. 4 Black gel pen Watercolor paints four colors: blue, scarlet, green and yellow ocher Paper towels Using paper tape on all four sides, we attach the sheet to the tablet. The grip of the paper with tape should be approximately 1 cm. Remember that you need to attach the paper thoroughly so that after it gets wet and then dries, the pattern does not deform. Let's start with the simplest and most common New Year's story- balls. Glass multi-colored balls will always be relevant, it is a classic and a symbol of pra...


It is practically inaccessible for a non-drawing child - to get into the contours of the patterns on the ball and not crawl out of the borders. And very difficult for a painter.
idea with gel pen good.

I would do it differently. I smeared beautiful stains, dried it, and then with a gel pen outlined spruce paws, and balls, and stars.

I'm not bored of life :))) I decided to make bouquets myself as a gift for teachers on March 8th. Today I will go to Rizhsky for tulips, I will wrap bouquets in the evening, and what? you can’t put it on the balcony - they will freeze. They won’t fit into the refrigerator ... Will they die overnight? Cancel before it's too late and go shopping tomorrow morning?


Today in the Metro there are such tulips that one day they will be flowers, and today they are still buds. 5 pieces for 99.99. I got them already for the day after tomorrow: they will live in the refrigerator until tomorrow evening. Tomorrow evening I will re-arrange them in bouquets of 9 pieces and I will give 7 in the morning. Usually it’s like this every year, only tulips used to be bought in a small ramstore in Leningradka, but now it’s gone, alas ...

I'll ask, even though it's not quite on the topic ...
Where can I buy wrinkled paper for wrapping flowers and ribbons? it is necessary today - tomorrow is already a matinee.

Girls, I turn to you with a request for help. Maybe someone has some ideas or where it can be peeped on the Internet. My youngest and beloved sister is getting married. Mom sews the dress herself (like me, it’s sacred), and I was instructed to make flat bouquets on the dress, which would, as it were, hold the train at the waist. I have small roses and leaves, but it is not yet clear to me how to fix and arrange them with each other, by what means and materials. And how to make a small...


Yes, and also, girls, I have white roses with green bracts (in my opinion, this is what the leaves adjacent to the flower itself are called), from the point of view of aesthetics, do you think it is acceptable for wedding dress green color Or is it just white?

Inna, since I did not wait for an answer with explanations, I will simply state my ideas. Your task is to fix the existing ready-made roses on wire stems and only then collect bouquets from individual flowers and leaves, right? To do this, you will need pieces of soft (preferably copper) thin wire, PVA glue and White paper, better crinkled crepe, but you can get by with any not too thick, and if the product is disposable, even denser napkins. If the roses are made of material, carefully make two small holes in the middle of the flower with a needle and thread a piece of wire folded in half through them so that the two “tails” sticking out below can be intertwined with each other, so the stalk will be stronger. If there are no centers in the rose, you can make "stamens" from tiny pieces of ordinary white thread, then the wire in the middle of the flower will be less noticeable. If the roses are made of individual petals and already seem to have a tiny "leg", you need to fix the wire either around it, or still sticking it in the middle. There is only one condition - the wire must hold the flower tightly. Then everything is simple: cut off a very thin strip of paper (no more than 0.5 cm wide), fix it with glue under the very flower and wrap it around the wire very carefully with a spiral to the end. If the paper is torn, glue it again at the place of the break and twist it further. (If the flowers are plastic (which also happens), the holes can probably be made with a red-hot needle - though I myself have never worked with plastic.) It turns out a rosette on a flexible "leg", and then a bouquet is formed from such flowers right size. Yes, I almost forgot about the leaves. If the leaves are fabric, first prepare the wire of the desired length and wrap it with paper in the same way as for the flower, but you do not need to twist it in half. Then just glue the wire already "wrapped" in paper with glue in the center of the leaf. Let this case dry well and then arrange any bouquets you want. And further. To prevent the wreath from falling apart at the most inopportune moment, attach the flowers and leaves to a soft, but thicker wire (you can twist a thin one in several layers), again previously "wrapped" in white paper. The main thing is to make this frame correct form- I once made a hat of flowers.
I hope you at least roughly understood everything that I was trying to state here, and also that it all suits you. What is unclear - write, we'll figure it out. Good luck and good luck sister!

01/17/2002 08:27:17, Klava

"Snowflakes" in the garden are cancelled. Daughters said it would be a blizzard. How do you imagine a blizzard? It seems to me something long white, but what is on the head? Kokoshnik? Where have you seen it? It seems to me that I won’t be able to find a kokoshnik :) If only someone was lying around. Please donate :)


"rain" on the handles and forward, they will depict a snowstorm. And the rest is the usual paraphernalia - White dress and silver jewelry. IMHO of course.

Make an ala kokoshnik with a train. I did mine like this: 2 months are cut out of silver paper (this is the front and back of the kokoshnik). Between them, a paper hoop is glued to the size of the head. A train is attached to the ends bent to the top at the back. Such a kokoshnik keeps well on the head and looks gorgeous :))

Lily costume? We will have a matinee in the kindergarten, so they puzzled me, they said we need a suit or Lily's dress, i.e. we will be Lily)) Maybe someone saw where they are? Maybe costumes come with such flowers? Or maybe throw some ideas?


Order a wreath of fabric lilies in the salon for brides or buy artificial lily branches and make a wreath on your head from them. Any dress, white or pink, green satin belt with narrow "lanceolate" ends.

02/15/2008 02:15:23 PM, Etna

The first thing that came to mind: the skirt of the dress in the shape of a lily, i.e. bottom with wedges and they do not hang, but keep their shape, like flower petals, at the waist wide belt green, and the top is the same color as the skirt, but already strict without bells and whistles, and you can attach it somewhere else on the dress artificial flower lilies, for those who didn’t guess by the shape of the skirt what kind of flower your girl represents ... or in her hair, it seems to me even better .... The only question is where to get such a skirt, or how to make it ... here are ideas no at all...

Needed for a matinee, will be attached to the floor with a stem. Maybe someone did something similar, it is necessary that all this is well kept. Some complex designs creep into my head ... And the flower itself - besides the banal chamomile, what can be done that is simple?


cloves from napkins. take a stack of napkins, fasten the middle with a stapler cross to cross. cut out the circle. Cut the circle across a little less than 1 cm to the center along the entire length. And slowly bend the thin leaves up. One by one. Gradually a flower is formed. On the contrary, bend a few lower petals down, attach to the stem.

Hello everybody! in kindergarten matinee for March 8 Thumbelina. we were asked to make a water lily flower from which an inch is born. those. she sits on her knees in it, then the petals recline and she comes out from there. nothing comes to mind. available wire 10 meters and 5 mm insulation. I thought to bend the petals out of wire and sheathe them with white cloth or tulle, but it turns out to be very expensive. maybe someone has an unnecessary tulle? or other ideas?


I would choose the laziest and simplest option - from foam rubber. And no wire.
Cut petals from foam rubber, sew or glue them with glue in the center of the flower. Put a yellow pillow in the center. I would attach threads to the free tips of the petals, seat the child in the center of the flower, with the threads pulled up, the flower is open, and with the threads released, it is open.
Everything will take 1-2 sheets of foam rubber (1x2m) - depending on the size of the water lily. On average, 140 rubles per 1 sheet 10 mm thick.
Build markets, fairs and shops, warehouses on the Highway of Enthusiasts and in Fili

Girls, give some thread a bright idea for crafts in the garden on May 9 - we are 5 years old so that the child also takes part in the manufacture)))) can Katyusha be molded from plasticine?)))) thanks !!!


Cut out a circle from cardboard. The background was covered with plasticine. In the center is a three-dimensional plasticine black star (this is a monument to the Eternal Flame). From corrugated paper flames were cut out and inserted into the center. Flowers are laid on the edges of the star.

flowers, stem and leaves - green plasticine, crown - corrugated white paper, a carnation-type flower turned out.

Moreover, on a simple background, the decoration will look especially impressive. You will need: tracing paper (baking paper is also suitable), thin braid, bright twine or wool thread and also scissors. Fold four square pieces of tracing paper (the size depends on the desired size of the flower) in a pile, and then in an accordion, like a fan. Tie the "accordion" in the center with a thread or twine. Leave long &la...

So I took from Anya (Fire) flower- candy bouquet today. Specially ordered by September 1, I wanted to pay off ... to distinguish myself, in short))). I brought it home and showed it to my mom. And mom says, they say, how do you imagine it, all the children stand on the line with bouquets of fresh flowers, and ours with candy, they say, this is not accepted on September 1. So, now I'm thinking))), when to give a bouquet (after all, in any case, you already have to give it))). Or let the daughter immediately stand on the ruler with him and then give it to the teacher ...


girls, didn’t answer everyone, just sat down at the computer (((.
Here's what I thought))). I am for candy bouquets. BUT! I think it’s still more correct and logical to give a bouquet of fresh flowers on September 1, and to give this bouquet on October 5, teacher’s day. very a good idea! Anyway, I would think what to give for Teacher's Day. And such a candy bouquet is the best option!

Thanks for your post. I swayed, swayed, and read you and right now I ordered a candy bouquet for my son. [link-1] Before that, I was going to look for or order a similar type of fresh flowers.

With your own hands - a master class in pictures.
... In principle, almost nothing is needed, except for a hammer. Here's what you need: flowers or leaves from which we will make an imprint; watercolor paper or other acid-free paper embossed several different hammers (if there are metal hammers with a spherical or flat face, these will work best) a hard work surface (cutting board, piece of wood or something similar) paper kitchen towels scissors pen tweezers or toothpicks acrylic spray bottle to fix the design (optional) First go for a walk: walk around or in your garden and find beautiful leaves and flowers. We need bright colors, besides, the leaves and flowers should not be too juicy...

I bought paper for packaging in a roll here in the joint venture .. but it’s somehow called, I forgot such a dense dense hairs like that :) Here you need to put the seias in such potted flowers :) I found a photo, but I don’t understand how they did it :)

Our story is about the holiday of admiring sakura flowers.

So why not hang on the tree all the fun little things that accumulate in any home where there is a child? Keychains, rings, bright beads and jewelry that bored mom, small toys from kinder surprises - all this will look funny on new year tree. Flowers from broken hairpins, packaging and bows from flowers given to mom will also go here. With the help of transparent adhesive tape and packing paper tape for gifts, all this splendor is carefully glued and tied to a tree. If you are using store bought gift ribbon, twist the ends into spirals using scissors. To do this, wind the end of the ribbon on one point and pull it out with pressure. To complete the look "toy-b...
...For the same reason, the tree should be decorated immediately before the holiday and edible toys should be removed without waiting for the "dismantling" of the tree. Small cookies can be added to sweets. There is a lot of it in stores and it is the most diverse, covered with colored glaze, in the form of animals or letters. The child can hang and fasten decorations on his own, under the guidance of his mother, but you also need to remove the goodies very carefully, otherwise there is a risk of overturning the Christmas tree. It is better to immediately ask the baby to do this with scissors or contact one of the adults. We create toys From colored paper, you can make a lot of different decorations for the Christmas tree and at home. On the window panes look great openwork snowflakes from foil and plain white paper ...


And we used to make a "Christmas tree" from twigs. This is when you don’t want to chop down a Christmas tree or there is no way to buy it, but there are branches.
We then lived in a hostel, so we could "not spare the wall", but, if desired, you can also use a knocked down base of wooden plates in the form of the letter T with the base down, so that you can easily nail everything else to it. and for the plate, two nails or holes can not be regretted.
We attached it to the wall with the "top" up, and with the stick down. Then two nails were nailed below (if it’s not a pity to make holes, then 4 can be) - they pulled the thread in several rows. Then cotton wool was strengthened on the threads, and the cotton wool should have slightly covered the "trunk" of the impromptu Christmas tree. And dressed up, and jewelry, and toy decorations, and sweets, and tinsel, in general, everything that was.
Very much beautiful Christmas tree was. Even small gifts fit and kept on cotton wool (but we took 200mm nails).
Our kids are very fond of sweets and nuts on the Christmas tree. Only because of the cat, which also likes the tree, you have to install it on the bedside table. on the other hand, you can buy smaller in size :).

It’s also nice to decorate the house with pendants or garlands made from slices of fruits: lemons, oranges, etc. It smells for a week, and after NG you can also use compote :)

12/24/2004 04:13:09 PM, Bun

Joint creativity with the child. Step-by-step instruction crafts with a photo: a beautiful paper fish.
... For this, we cut strips from colored paper. Their color, length and width does not have of great importance- experiment. We glue each strip in the form of a loop. You may need quite a lot of such loops. Here you can compete: who will make more of them in less time? Then carefully glue the loops of them one after another. You can make multi-colored stripes from eyelets or arrange them according to the colors of the rainbow. For the head, mouth and eyes, you can use corrugated paper or multi-colored napkins. Tear them into small pieces and roll into balls. Even the smallest one can do it! This is a great exercise for developing fine motor skills. Glue the finished balls to the base. That's all! It remains only to glue the fins and h...

Shiny toys are best hung not too far from a burning garland light bulb so that it reflects the light. When choosing toys, everyone is guided by their own taste. If the toys are different in shape and color, it is best to stick to certain form and do not place the same colors next to each other. Another option is to stick to only a few selected colors, but in this case, the toys should also be only two or three types. Now the trend is quite popular to decorate Christmas trees with fluffy garlands and the same, most often matte balls of the same color - blue, silver, gold or red. Such a Christmas tree looks elegant and stylish, but multi-colored shiny toys make it radiant and festively cheerful. So every owner of the Christmas tree in this period ...
... The best option is if the garlands pass through a transformer. Secondly, do not leave the garlands turned on at night and for a long time unattended during the day. Thirdly, check that cotton wool, paper and paper products, thin plastic, curtains, etc. were not in direct contact and dangerously close to the burning bulb of the garland. If there is any doubt about the correct insulation of the garland, it is best not to hang or use it. Fourth, do not use lit candles, sparklers, firecrackers and fireworks on the Christmas tree or in its immediate vicinity. We decorate the house New Year's...

Decorate the kitchen for the New Year: New Year's bouquet, a wreath of needles, salty frost, a New Year's window, curtains, drawings on glass, elegant candles, a vase with toys, a liana ball.

Light a match and carefully, just a little bit, melt the wax on one of the sides of the candle. Place a dried flower in this place and press it firmly. If you see that the plant is not well established, drip a little wax on it from another candle. Tip: Attach the flower very quickly before the wax has set. flower soap Take scented soap and choose a dried flower that matches it in color. With a thick brush, moisten the middle of the soap and carefully place your plant in the center. When the soap dries, the flower will be glued. Of course, it hardly makes sense to wash your hands with such soap, but a bathroom decoration will surely please friends...
...Take a magnifying glass for a walk with your child and look at the butterflies together: pay attention to how their wings are colored, watch how they take off and land, what they do on flowers, etc. At home, take double-sided colored paper, fold it in half, draw the outline of half of the butterfly and carefully cut it out. Then invite the child to remember what butterflies he saw, and decorate the paper doubles himself, using the application, felt-tip pens. When all the butterflies are ready, pin them on the curtains in the nursery. By the way, if you make butterflies not large, as is customary, but in life size, they look like real ones on the curtains. You can buy several types of self-adhesive film and cut out butterflies from it (from one flower wings, from others - patterns on them). These butterflies are...


Thank you for such interesting finds. We will definitely use.
And my daughter and I make the herbarium very simply and quickly: we iron the leaves with an iron between sheets of paper. Five minutes and the dry leaf is ready. We take an album with magnetic sheets and put dried leaves under the magnetic film. All the herbarium is ready. You can place a picture of a whole tree with fruits and seeds on the next page. In winter, you can look at, learn the names of trees and remember summer.)

...(Rain is being recorded). "The rain is over, you can fly again" (recording of birds). And so we continue until the recording ends. What we develop: rhythm, physical activity. 3. Collective application We hang a piece of drawing paper or a piece of wallpaper on the wall in advance. You can attach with pins. On a sheet, draw a large tree - one trunk and twigs. Cut out leaves, flowers, butterflies from one-sided colored paper. We need glue sticks according to the number of children. "We were walking through the forest and saw a tree. It is so lonely, let's decorate it with leaves." The children on the table take the leaves and smear the reverse side with glue (therefore one-sided colored paper is important here). They approach a sheet of drawing paper and stick leaves, butterflies, flowers. You can ask the child to plant a...
...Cut out leaves, flowers, butterflies from one-sided colored paper. We need glue sticks according to the number of children. "We were walking through the forest and saw a tree. It is so lonely, let's decorate it with leaves." The children on the table take the leaves and smear the reverse side with glue (therefore one-sided colored paper is important here). They approach a sheet of drawing paper and stick leaves, butterflies, flowers. You can ask the child to plant a red butterfly on a red flower. What we are developing: fine motor skills, we fix the knowledge of colors, the spatial arrangement of objects (flowers below, butterflies above, leaves on a tree). 4. Doll Katya We need a doll that the kids have not seen yet. We bought new doll as a birthday present. But she doesn't know yet...

More recently, drawing, modeling, appliqué were considered activities for children from the age of three, not earlier. Few of the mothers 10-15 years ago had the idea to give paints or plasticine into the hands of a two-year-old toddler. The lot of crumbs was only selfless scribbling with a pencil or felt-tip pen on paper. Since then, views children's creativity have undergone many changes. ...Two-year-old Masha enthusiastically smears paper flowers with a glue stick...
... Two-year-old Masha enthusiastically smears paper flowers with a glue stick and sculpts them on a sheet. And there the grass is already turning green on the hillock, clouds are flying in the sky, a hare is frolicking on the lawn and the sun is shining with painted rays. The last critical look... and Masha tears off the unsuccessful flower, smears it and glues it again. From time to time she wipes her little hands smeared with glue on her dress and straightens them with them. unruly hair and sticks out his tongue...

In such an album, you can place photos of any format at any angle. There are other types of albums, for example, albums with "pockets" from transparent film in which photos are placed. They differ in the quality of the cover, the number and color of the pages, as well as the format of the "pockets" themselves. Some of them have paper note pads or pockets for photo commentary cards. You can also find albums with pockets of different sizes. Wedding photos can be placed in special type-setting folders, which consist of individual sheets with pockets of the right size, which are then fastened inside the cover of your choice according to the binder principle. The so-called "magnetic" albums consist of thick sheets with transpar...

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Developing center "Active piano" 2 in 1 is at the same time multifunctional musical instrument and a game of balls. The piano has 12 multi-colored keys, as well as buttons that allow you to play scales and melodies. There are modes of different instruments, including piano, trumpet, violin. The center plays different melodies, at this time the lights come on, and the bear dances.

Near the bear there is a "book" with plastic pages, each of which has a picture. When turning pages, different melodies also play.

Between the keys and the book there are 3 cups where you need to lower the ball. If the ball is correctly lowered into the cup, it will roll down, and we will hear a certain sound, for each cup - its own.

Requires AA batteries to operate (included).

The active piano is packed in a cardboard box.


- 3 balls;
- AA batteries.

Material: plastic.

Package size: 7mmX88mmX6mm.

Weight: 785 gr.


As soon as your baby learns to hold objects in the pen, be sure to please him with the Lamaze Educational Panda Toy.
This funny rattle is made in the form of a round stick, very convenient for a small hand to grab, at the end of which there is a cute muzzle of a good-natured panda. Plastic rattle fully covered soft textiles, which has a hypoallergenic formula and is completely harmless to the health of the child. And the muzzle of a panda is soft toy with soft padding. Due to this, the toy does not have hard parts, and the baby will not be able to injure himself while playing with the panda.
Now, in a playful way, the baby will learn to distinguish colors, develop fine motor skills of hands, tactile sensation, coordination of movements. Like all Lamaze products, the Panda Educational Toy is made in accordance with international standards and has passed necessary control. Today, the American company Lamaze is one of the leading manufacturers of educational toys for the little ones. A wide range of and great quality have earned the trust of many parents around the world.

Material - textile, plastic
Age - from birth
Briefly about the brand Today, the American company Lamaze is one of the leading manufacturers of educational toys for the little ones. A wide range and excellent quality have earned the trust of many parents around the world.

Lamaze Educational toy "Panda" LC27087 - the most suitable toy for the smallest kids. This type of toys are necessary for babies of the first year of life. It is very convenient for gripping fidget handles. Teddy bear coloring promotes development color perception surrounding things. White color heads and black semicircles around the eyes will help to concentrate.

Features of Lamaze Educational Panda Toy LC27087:

The presented toy is absolutely safe for kids, has no hard parts, and the kid will not be able to injure himself while playing with the teddy bear. The toy will serve for a long time, as all the details are tightly sewn together. The toy is easy to wash, so the white parts always look fresh.

Lamaze The developing toy "Panda" LC27087 is made of materials, safe for health of kids. The fidget will quickly learn where the bear cub has eyes, nose, mouth, ears and paws. The toy develops curiosity and memory, causes a desire for action. Buy this useful toy for your son or daughter and you will see how quickly your little one will develop!

How to beautifully and originally decorate a hall for a wedding, graduation, children's or other holiday? You can do this with paper flowers. This decoration of the hall with flowers is easy to do with your own hands.

Pros of paper flowers

This decor is great alternative albeit beautiful, but familiar fresh flowers, balls and draperies.

  • Paper compositions do not fade and do not crumble.
  • Much cheaper than real bouquets bought in a flower shop.
  • No need to spend money on a florist, decorations can be created independently.
  • The manufacturing process is simple, but interesting, you can connect children to it.
  • Easy to attach - you need pins, glue or tape.
  • It is easy to clean the room after the holiday.
  • You can make inflorescences of any size and type, including the most exotic and fantastic.

What paper is better to use

To create flowers, you can use a wide variety of paper and other materials. If you show imagination, then they will go into action:

  • cardboard,
  • color,
  • white,
  • corrugated,
  • music,
  • craft paper,
  • bushings from under toilet paper,
  • disposable tableware,
  • starched fabric (silk, organza).

Such decorations are good to make with children. For example, for a holiday at school, students can not only do a large amount of work, but also enjoy it and realize their creative abilities.

Advice! Making flowers out of paper interesting idea for a labor lesson in a kindergarten or school, especially if you then decorate a class or group with crafts.

It is also useful for adults to engage in such creativity. Moreover, do-it-yourself paper flowers for the hall will cost several times cheaper than buying ready-made ones.

When choosing shades, you should keep in mind general style decoration of the room, the nature of the celebration, the main color in the room.

Also, for creativity, you will need glue, adhesive tape, threads and a needle, wire, pins, tinsel, beads, ribbons and other additional decor.

How to arrange

Usually, walls, curtains, and a curtain are first of all decorated. If there is a stage, then the flowers are placed at the entrance and in the depths. They are also attached along the ramp, masking the equipment in parallel. You can lay out paper buds along the edges of the carpet.

The walls are decorated with voluminous or flat flowers most different forms. You can create a composition of flowers of different sizes, leaves, ribbons, add drapery. It is better, of course, to keep them in the same style or color scheme. Paper buds can resemble peonies, roses, daisies, poppies, or be fantastic shapes. Sometimes large specimens have an island, and smaller ones are hung around. You can also cut out a flock of butterflies from paper in similar tones.

Above festive table by using flower arrangements allocate places where the heroes of the occasion sit. The photo shows how you can decorate the place of the bride and groom for wedding table. For wedding decor flowers can be added paper butterflies or doves.

Small flowers can be scattered on the floor. With the help of garlands decorate the ceiling and walls. You can decorate furniture with giant flowers or arrange them in the corners of the room.

Buds can be used to form letters and numbers, for example, to put them at the back of the stage. For this from thick cardboard the bases of the desired shape are cut out, and then flowers are glued to them. You can make them from colored paper napkins.

The ceiling is decorated with individual flowers or flower garlands. You can hang flowers on threads different lengths. Such decorations look especially good under high ceilings. Suspended on thin threads or fishing lines, the inflorescences look soaring and create a magical feeling. You can also hang them on ribbons. Such decor would be especially appropriate in a music or assembly hall.

The curtain or curtains can be decorated with flower arrangements, separate baskets or garlands such as Hawaiian. They also decorate a photo zone or a background screen. At the same time, it is not necessary to fill the entire wall with flowers, although this is also possible - sometimes a few large ones and a scattering of small ones around are enough.


giant flowers

Large paper flowers made of paper to decorate the hall look spectacular. To create them you will need:

  • paper,
  • glue,
  • pencil,
  • scissors.

Can be used as glue glue gun or ordinary quality glue.

First, draw the petals. They should not be round, but slightly oblong. Petals will need 9-10: 4 large, 3 medium, 2-3 small. Next, cut them out and incise. We glue the cut to make the petals voluminous.

We glue the 4 largest petals. The edges need to be slightly bent, like a real flower. The second row in the center we glue the petals of the middle and small size, we also bend their edges.

To create the middle of the flower, one small petal, cut it to the middle, fold it and glue it. Glue the center into the cup of the flower. These flowers can be made in several different sizes and colors.


These large paper flowers can be made from many paper cones glued together. For this paper different shades cut into squares or rectangles, rolled up and fixed with glue. The first (outer) row of cones is glued to the cardboard base, and then gradually fills the middle of the bud.

Flowers with notes

If instead plain paper use paper with a printed score, it will turn out original decoration hall for a musical celebration. The shape of flowers in this case can be the simplest.

From cupcake molds

Paper cupcake liners can be dyed different colors and the flowers are almost ready. It is enough to add a bright center and green paper leaves.


To make giant white lilies to decorate the hall, you will need two plates - a large one and a smaller one. The large one will measure the diameter of the flower, and the small one will measure the size of the petals.

We draw a circle, tracing a large plate, and then draw petals, circling a small one. Cut out the piece. Three such preparations are needed:

  • from one we cut out two petals,
  • from the second, one
  • cut the third on the petal.

We fold and glue all three shapes and wrap the petals to get a flower that looks like a natural one. We glue the blanks together, inserting the smaller ones into the larger ones. Glue the round base on the bottom.


Very simple, but in their own way cute flowers for decorating the hall. To make daisies out of paper for decoration, cut out the petals in the form of a drop. You can either glue them sharp ends, or fold each petal in half, then unfold and glue in this form.

The middle of the chamomile is done separately. For this paper contrasting color cut out a circle and cut it, not reaching the middle. These "petals" need to be fluffed up so that the core of the flower is voluminous. It is glued to the center of the chamomile.

Corrugated paper

Corrugated paper produces voluminous and fluffy roses, peonies, carnations and exotic flowers.

  • You can make flowers using the same technology as pompoms - paper is folded into an accordion, tied in the middle, straightened. Pieces of paper or tinsel are glued in the middle.
  • Peonies do this: you need to cut out several circles of different shades of pink and different sizes. Waves are cut along the edges of some, while others have teeth. Then the circles are sewn from largest to smallest to get a voluminous inflorescence. The flower is crushed to give it more volume.
  • Bright tropical flowers are obtained from paper in juicy tones. To do this, the sheets are rolled into tubes, tied together and straightened.
  • Balloon flowers are made by folding several sheets of corrugated paper into a pile, then with an accordion. In the middle, the accordion is tied with wire, the edges of the stack are rounded with scissors, and then the petals are straightened. It turns out a flower-ball, similar to a dandelion.

Corrugated paper is especially suitable for creating flowers for decorating a hall. Thanks to its structure, it is easy to fluff it, it can be used to make volumetric buds similar to natural ones. In addition, it is light and airy, it is easy to make delicate flower petals from it. Thicker paper does not create such a feeling of lightness, flowers do not look so natural.

from craft paper

From such paper, you can cut a wide spiral, and then roll a rose out of it. unusual color.

From toilet paper tubes

Light and air composition made from cut toilet paper rolls. To do this, they are cut into rings, folded, and then glued with ordinary PVA, securing with clothespins. Finished flowers or individual rings can be dyed. These flowers are easy to hang on the wall - for this you need to drive in a few carnations.

If you are preparing for a celebration, you need to start preparing decorations in advance. Firstly, you will not be in a hurry, and secondly, you will practice and fill your hand. It is especially worth practicing if you want to make origami flowers or some kind of complex model. It is better to start preparing for a serious celebration a couple of months in advance.

Sketch first. When you know what you want to get, it will be easier to pick up paper and compose the whole composition.

Designers do not recommend making large letters and numbers on their own. As a rule, the result is far from ideal. If you can’t do without them, then the letters from paper flowers will look much better than just cut out and painted.


Paper flowers for the decor of the festive hall are often not inferior in beauty to real ones. Such decorations are very original, and besides, they are inexpensive, because you can make them yourself.

Floral walls are the perfect decor for your wedding. Created professional florists you can place the composition as a background for the newlyweds' table or use it in the guest photo zone. If the newlyweds plan to organize outdoor ceremony, then a wall of flowers is used instead of an arch. With the help of decor, in which live or artificial flowers, you will get an unusual and spectacular decoration of the entire wedding. But in order for this luxurious element to succeed, it is important to know the rules for its creation and the combination of plants and their shades.

Wedding wall decoration

After the newlyweds have decided on the venue for the solemn banquet, it is worth taking care of the design of the hall. The decor of the room includes many nuances that need to be taken into account when selecting and determining the location of decorations. An absolute favorite in the design of weddings is a wall of natural or artificial flowers. Such decoration can favorably emphasize the individuality of the interior and create a welcoming atmosphere, filling the room with comfort and warmth.

fresh flowers

Floral decor will help ensure that the wedding will be a grandiose and unforgettable event for the newlyweds and the guests present. To create a wall for a wedding with fresh flowers, you will need to pre-select plants that will stand up to the event. Carnations, roses, chrysanthemums, peonies are ideal for this. The panel, which contains fresh flowers, will give an unforgettable aroma throughout the celebration. Although such decoration is expensive, positive emotions are provided for both the newlyweds and all the guests present.

paper flowers

The use of paper flowers is considered to be a budget wedding wall decoration. Such an alternative to living plants is available to newlyweds who are limited in their financial opportunities. Although the paper masterpiece has a low cost, the decor created with its help gives the room charm and sophistication. The original composition will definitely become a unique decoration of your wedding:

  • Do you want the flowers on the wall to look spectacular and unusual? Use a combination of juicy shades - this will allow you to get a bright, stylish decor of the room.
  • To give the interior airiness, professional designers recommend choosing white, milky or cream shades.
  • If you use mother-of-pearl paper flowers to decorate the wall, then such a composition will shimmer with magical sparks that will create a mysterious wedding atmosphere.

Additional decor elements

To make the wall decor look complete with flowers, wedding florists recommend using additional elements. If you plan to make the design with fresh flowers, then it will be beneficial to complement the background with the help of green moss, leaves, branches. Paper decor can be combined with crystal garlands that will hang elegantly on the sides of the wall. It is important to choose the right elements that will help create unforgettable style your wedding.

How to make a wall of paper flowers with your own hands?

Self-made paper flowers for the wedding wall will significantly save the budget of the newlyweds, and the individual design of the composition will help make the celebration stylish and special. Wedding designers recommend making a medium-sized wall. The optimal solution would be a background whose parameters are 2 m in height and 4 m in length. To spend a little time on decor, use flowers large sizes, since large elements are easier to fasten together. To make wall decorations, you need to prepare the following materials:

  1. One A1 paper or a sheet of thick cardboard.
  2. A simple pencil and eraser.
  3. Scissors.
  4. PVA glue or double sided tape.

Step-by-step instructions will help you make the right flower:

After the decorations are ready, proceed to decorate the wall. For decor, you will need about 20 paper flowers. The combination of several shades in one color scheme will help to achieve original design your wedding. To obtain original composition, we recommend using flowers different sizes and forms. It is important to avoid unpleasant moments at the wedding, and for this, be sure to pay attention to the secure fastening of the entire structure.

Video: decorating a wedding wall with paper pom-poms

If you are decorating a wedding on your own, you need to know how to properly place paper pompoms on the wall, chairs, tables so that the decorations look harmonious in the interior. When making banquet hall paper decorations, consider color scheme. The right combination of shades will allow you to get a unique composition that will become the main decoration of your celebration. The video will help to make everything so that the decor and its color become the highlight of the room.
