Sexual preferences of a woman. Women's gaming preferences

Actually, these are not such secrets. Men often declare their desires, only in the manner of presenting the material they sometimes differ little from women, managing to veil their preferences in a very intricate way. For women, male tricks are not a problem. Another thing is that sometimes it is much more convenient to remain in ignorance. And then all the power of the male temperament falls on the pages of the Internet. Looking into them, we can draw some conclusions.

Leading position

As virtual surveys show, Most men are turned on by latex lingerie, striptease, slow petting and women's gasps during sex. Quite normal set for the average man, nothing extraordinary, super extravagant or extreme. And most importantly, their preferences fully correspond to women’s desires, perhaps with the exception of latex lingerie. This “luxury” is not present in every woman’s wardrobe. And it's okay. White lace panties, it turns out, also “go” well, yielding several positions to the shine of latex.

As for striptease - no discoveries, it is in demand in a huge number strip clubs spread across the vast expanses of our homeland. And since men like to watch us undress so much, why not give them this opportunity? The main thing is to learn how to do it correctly.

Men also refute the established myth about male egoism and inattention. They say that the main thing for them is to satisfy themselves, and as quickly as possible. Nothing like this! Men, it turns out, also love to amuse themselves with competent foreplay of love and are ready to devote half an hour or more to it. All this time they prefer to undress their partner with kisses and caresses, slowly bringing her to ecstasy.

As it turned out, there are not so many lovers of quick sex - only 7%. It is not clear why there are so many women’s complaints, interspersed next to men’s assurances of their “responsiveness.”

The main indicator female sexuality men consider “moans of passion.” The strength of the decibels, in their opinion, indicates male viability. But “guerrilla valor” during sex is not welcome. For a man's ego, it is much preferable to listen to all sorts of obscenities than to observe the complete silence of his partner. Some experts even believe that every woman expresses her exaltation in her own way; no two “moans” are identical.

Middle management

The “this way and that” section includes kisses, porn films, poses when a woman is on top or on the side and - attention! - oral sex. About the fact that men don't spend time kissing worthy of attention we women know. Men, in turn, do not understand our attachment to this species pleasures. After all, for many representatives of the fairer sex, kissing is sometimes much more important than sexual intercourse, and this, according to men’s standards, is completely “out of the question.” In order to respect our affection, they, it turns out, are not averse to pampering their mistresses with their ability to kiss, but they really ask us not to exclude sexual intercourse.

In the abundance of sexual positions, everyone undoubtedly has their own preferences. And the puritanical integrity of the “missionary classics” is far from being in the forefront. Men like the position when they are from behind (30%). The cowgirl position is not far behind. And it’s not bad for men if all this “disgrace” is illuminated by the soft light of candles or a night light. Sex in pitch darkness, as in full light, is equally discouraged.

67% versus 33% preferred traditional sexual intercourse to the detriment of oral sex, separate condition stipulating the indispensable presence of oral sex.


The list is rounded off by cool scenes from erotic movies, conversations during intercourse, daytime sex and excessive shyness of the partner.

The fact that most men cannot stand tear-sweet erotic stories is no secret to the bigwigs of the film business. They do not hide the fact that caramel movie fairy tales with a small dose of “strawberry” are intended for female “use.” For men, there is a separate industry of porn cinema. However, this genre has many fans among ladies.

A woman’s ability to ruin the “high” during love intercourse with extraneous conversations drives men into a frenzy. In fact, only a woman can, in a moment of exaltation, suddenly inform her partner that her mother is coming to visit tomorrow (with whom he is in a perpendicular relationship), or that she bought new shoes with the money she saved for a car. In principle, men don’t mind listening to our news and discussions, but only after sex.

Sexologists believe that the best time for “sexual activity” is 3-4 pm. However, it is difficult to “promote” sex at this time not only for women, but, as it turns out, for men as well. The leading positions, and by a large margin - 60%, are held by evening sex, morning sex - 30%, There are very few people who want to make love during the day. Moreover, the majority normal people at this time he is at work, which technically makes it extremely difficult to implement the recommendations of sexologists.

Men don't mind satisfying women's desires, we just need to let them know what we want. Considering women's modesty, they agree to be content with hints, and not complicated ones. You just need to take his hand and direct it to " Right place“, and he himself will figure out what needs to be done. Women's modesty satisfies only 3% of respondents, who believe that they know how to please a lady even without additional hints.

In a fantasy world

It wouldn’t hurt to find out what our men dream about, what they hover around sexual fantasies. Yes around threesome (64%)! Options vary only regarding the candidacy of a third party. Some see this role as a friend of their beloved woman, others as a dancer from a strip bar, and still others as a casual acquaintance. 26% dream of being tied up at least once in their life (handcuffed) and given over to the will of a woman's fantasy. A slightly smaller number of gentlemen would like to tie their girlfriend. And almost everything (85%) they want to one day hear from a woman’s lips some deliciously obscene proposal to have sex.

Review prepared by Joanna BENEVETSKAYA

Women's preferences in food

Let's start with the meat. The life of meat-eating women presents some ups and downs. They often achieve success, but there are also failures in the implementation of their plans. In order to streamline their lives, meat-eaters need to reconsider their views on criticism addressed to them so that it is adequate and more correct.

But fat lovers are distinguished by agility and agility. And although for the most part professional activity they can be classified as lone wolves, but, nevertheless, they reach the top in their careers. As for the issues of flirting and seduction, these women are sophisticated and skillful, flirting is a favorite and common thing for them. Fat lovers are endowed with enormous charm. The disadvantages of these women include openness and tact, which for them is a relative concept, as a result of which they can unwittingly offend their interlocutor.

Those who prefer fish are distinguished by constancy, endurance, and calmness. These listed qualities evoke respect from loved ones, colleagues, and friends. Women who prefer fish represent a reliable support for people around them and relatives; they demonstrate their reliability in family life. There just isn’t enough openness to find out other people’s opinions and attitudes about them. As a result, fish lovers lose interest in their person on their part.

Lovers of spicy dishes have a fiery temperament; it is common for them to perform feats in the name of love. Concerning professional sphere activities, they are attracted by a certain risk, increased activity, which can provoke another portion of adrenaline. Disadvantages include selfishness, since they have an “explosive” and “sharp” character that does not tolerate any objections.

Vegetable lovers are energetic people and are successful in their work. They are distinguished by ambition, diligence, perseverance, and a thirst for knowledge. Such traits feminine character do not go unnoticed and are rewarded according to their merit. Vegetable lovers are very careful about their health. With such people it is simple, calm, comfortable, they are absolutely non-conflict people.

Fruit lovers are sensitive and attentive people, they have many friends. These women do not strive for a breathtaking career; they are attracted to those professions that can demonstrate their abilities and creative inclinations. They are not familiar with vanity, they are often classified as carefree individuals.

Women with a sweet tooth are cheerful, open and friendly. They surround everyone with their care; this does not bother them, but brings them satisfaction. Often these women experience emotional hunger that they cannot satisfy.

After which we can draw conclusions whether the opinion of psychologists coincides with reality.

The world of gambling has been alien to women since ancient times. In this world for 4500 years it known history men have always dominated. Sometimes women were even bettors in the game, but women players were very rare.

Nowadays, according to researchers, 51% of the world's population participates in some kind of gambling every year, and online gambling is increasing by an average of 23% per year. Women's participation in online gambling is also growing rapidly. Of course, there are no specific casino games for women, but what do women prefer? Casino statistics show that women spend more time playing bingo, slot machines and, surprisingly, also online poker.

Why do women gamble?

There is a fundamental difference in the views of men and women on gambling. The difference in opinion is a consequence of the difference in the perception of gambling between men and women. So, if you ask a woman to describe a visit to a casino, most likely she will start talking about the atmosphere of the casino, about the people she met there, about her feelings and emotions about it. If a man begins to describe a casino, then you will hear a completely different story: about how he got lucky at roulette, or got a greedy slot machine, or about what cards he got in blackjack - and his story will always revolve around the money he won or lost.

There is an opinion that gambling is a means of escape for women. Everyday life, and also that they prefer games with less action and creativity. Generally, women prefer to enjoy the game when they are financially and personally independent. Women go to the casino to have a good time, they don't care about all the little things like winning and losing - they spend their time as if they are on vacation and enjoy every minute of their stay in the casino.

If you try to answer the question of what is the main reason for women to gamble, then it is impossible to choose just one; there are at least three of them:

    Firstly, gambling is very good remedy escape from problems. Women can gamble carefree and not worry about who looked at them and how or who thought what about them.

Based on these three reasons, we can conclude that women have quite good and quite reasonable reasons to gamble.


Let's start with Bingo. This old game, which has a history dating back to 1530, and has since gained popularity around the world. In principle, bingo is considered women's game, and in fact this is exactly so. There are over 100 million bingo players around the world, of which 70% are women. According to surveys conducted in the UK, 25% of respondents play twice a week or more. So why do women love bingo so much?

The reason is the social aspect of bingo - both in land-based casinos and online. Unlike men, women do not play for thrills. They love to socialize and bingo is without a doubt the most sociable form of gambling. In online bingo great importance has chat functionality so that the player can have fun and play at the same time, as you can see in the screenshot.

It's almost like a bingo hall in a casino, where you can chat and play. When you take this into account, it is no wonder that online bingo has been such a huge success. Bingo has always been popular social game, and now she has deservedly achieved such popularity online. Games of skill such as poker and blackjack have always been more popular among men due to their addictive nature. Women love bingo because it simple game, which requires less of their attention, making this game more suitable for social interaction.

Slot machines

We all know that men and women are very different creatures, and this is also true when it comes to their gaming preferences. If we take into account the psychological aspects of gambling, then men in games seek to satisfy their desire for thrills, they must dominate their opponents. And women prefer games based on luck, and therefore are more attracted to bingo and slot machines.

In addition, slots attract women with low stakes, because they do not want big wins, but just entertainment, to enjoy the game. Slot machines and bingo are the most economical effective form gambling, and this attracts women. It is low-stakes games that are very popular among female players.

Online poker

Before the advent of online gambling, poker could only be played in land-based casinos and poker rooms. And such establishments are not the most hospitable places for women. Poker was considered a truly man's game; if a woman appeared at the table, she most often became the object of ridicule and disparaging remarks. But online poker has protected women from snide remarks and insults. Online poker is no longer a male-dominated game.

IN Lately, thanks to the communication capabilities provided by the Internet, the situation has changed. Women are starting to compete with men in online casinos. Statistics say that currently the percentage of female players in various online poker rooms ranges from 30% to 60%. Thanks to online qualifying games, in particular the World Series of Poker, women have begun to explore offline tournaments. In recent years, the poker world has produced many female winners, such as Annie Duke and Victoria Koren, Liv Boeree and Vanessa Selbst.

How the Internet has affected

Before the advent of the Internet in land-based casinos, the distribution of games seemed simple and clear:

with higher rates.

However, in online gaming, these boundaries are blurred, and the number of female players online is growing very quickly. The advent of the Internet changed everything, and the world of gambling was no exception.

The accessibility of online gaming means that women who were previously too embarrassed to sit at a poker or blackjack table with men and endure their disdainful looks are now free to play in complete anonymity. This yielded interesting results: while women in land-based casinos prefer to play slot machines or bingo, data from online casinos showed that many games now have a 50-50 gender split.

Research also suggests that more women are now visiting an online casino for the first time rather than a land-based gambling establishment. It's connected with for various reasons. To begin with, the Internet environment gives women a sense of comfort and anonymity, they get the opportunity to participate in those games that have always been considered the preserve of men. Thanks to the anonymity of online casinos, women can feel more confident when surrounded by many male players.

From online to offline

In recent years, the number of female players in land-based casinos has also increased significantly. This is because after gaining online gaming skills, women become more confident that they can actually play well and this gives them the courage to face their male rivals. In fact, in the last few years, the number of women who have taken part in the World Poker Tour, as well as the World Series of Poker, has increased enormously. And most of them got their wings by starting to play online.

An example of such a woman is Annette Obrestad. A young girl from Norway initially made a name for herself in online poker. She started playing at the age of fifteen and, with childish naivety, took the nickname Annette_15. Thanks to anonymity online, she was able to play, despite the fact that gambling in Sweden is only legal for people aged 18 or over. Without making a single deposit, Annette built her bankroll through freerolls and began winning serious money. She has won several major tournaments, including the $500,000 Pokerstars tournament, the $500,000 UltimateBet tournament, and the $136,000 Full Tilt Poker tournament.

She was so good that she could win without even looking at her cards. During one tournament, she covered part of the monitor with duct tape so she couldn't see her own cards. Thanks to her perfect art of bluffing and her ability to read her opponents, she outplayed 180 other players to win the tournament that made Annette a legend.

The day before Annette came of age, she achieved her most significant victory yet - in 2007, she won the inaugural World Series of Poker Europe (WSOPE) tournament. Having won $2.1 million, she set a new record: this is the largest prize that a woman has been able to win in the history of poker. This victory not only made her the only woman to win a WSOPE Main Event, but also the youngest person, either female or male, to win a WSOP bracelet.


Most women are social creatures, and they prefer games that allow them to chat - like bingo with a chat feature. Unlike men, they have no desire to dominate or experience thrills. Instead, they like games to be simple and have fun. Women do not have to reach the top and this is the reason why they are attracted to slot machines and bingo. At the same time, more and more more women start playing online poker, which allowed them to get rid of annoying male attention.

For recent years A mixture of female talent and tenacity has helped level the playing field for women, both in casinos and especially in online gaming. It is already clear that thanks to women there have been significant changes in gambling, thus the world of gaming continues to develop.

Preference feminine qualities(PZhK).

These two scales allow us to detect a shift in a parent’s attitudes towards a teenager depending on his gender. The preference for masculine or feminine qualities in a child determines the formation of such types of education as indulgent hyperprotection or emotional rejection. Often, a parent’s attitude towards a child does not depend on the actual characteristics of the child, but only on those traits that the parent attributes to his gender, that is, “generally men” or “generally women.” Thus, if there is a preference for feminine qualities, there is an unconscious rejection of male attributes in a teenager. In these cases, stereotypical negative statements about men in general are typical: “Most men are rude, unkempt.”

us. They easily give in to animal urges, they are aggressive and overly sexual, and prone to alcoholism. Any person - both man and woman - should strive for the opposite qualities: to be gentle, delicate, neat, restrained in feelings.” These are exactly the qualities that a parent with PZhK sees in women. An example of the manifestation of PZhK is a father who sees a lot of shortcomings in his son and believes that all his peers are like that. At the same time, this father is “crazy” about his daughter and sees only merit in her. Under the influence of PFA in in this case In relation to a male teenager, the type of education “emotional rejection” is formed. The opposite bias is also possible - with a pronounced anti-feminist attitude, disdain for the child’s mother and his sisters. In this case, a parenting style of “indulgent hyperprotection” is formed in relation to the child himself.



Men are very concerned about the question of what criteria. Oddly enough, the women themselves would not mind solving this riddle. Yes, we are far from the most rational creatures on this planet, but the choice of a partner is our biologically programmed program. So what do the fair sex pay attention to?

Biological background

It is difficult for a person to escape from his biological nature. So women cannot ignore when choosing a man. The studies carried out revealed some regularities. First of all, a woman focuses on signs that indicate that a man is able to ensure the birth of healthy offspring, their protection and survival.

It is because of this need that women primarily focus on the resources that a man can provide. Therefore, do not rush to blame women for commercialism; money is also a kind of resource. Just like not only for the personality, but also for the figure, women can love money in their man, as a part of him. However, not all men are chasing supermodels, and not all women are chasing material wealth.

Scientists have proven that in different period time the same woman is attracted different type men. For example, during the period of ovulation, typical macho men seem more attractive. The same thing happens when looking for a partner for frivolous relationships. When thoughts arise about having offspring, and especially after the birth of a child, a woman begins to be attracted to more gentle and attentive men. This is due to the fact that macho men give the impression of being able to conceive healthy child, but are unable to take care of him. Less brutal men tend to spend more time with their children and become better fathers.

Such visual signs How high growth, the presence of toned gluteal muscles, and even the presence of a small tummy and chest hair are unconsciously perceived as indicators that a man is able to conceive healthy offspring. In turn, men with overweight are associated with the inability to continue the family line, the likelihood of living less, and therefore leaving offspring without protection and food.

It also has a smell important. A study was conducted in which women were asked to smell men's T-shirts and choose the smell they liked the most and the one they liked the least. According to the results of the study, women preferred men who had a healthier genotype.

Psychological portrait of an ideal man

It’s not just appearance that determines women’s preferences. Psychological characteristics men turn out to be much more important than everything else. And among these characteristics there may be some that are quite unexpected for men.

Most women say that they want a man next to them who stronger than her . Moreover, this applies not only to the physical, but also psychological aspect. Women prefer men who have an inner core, developed willpower, who knows how to make decisions, set goals and achieve them. This is a typical description of masculinity as a characteristic. Despite all the cries of feminists, most women still come in search of just such a man and are ready to be soft and feminine next to him.

At all, feminine nature reveals itself fully only in contrast to the male one. When a woman is assigned the functions of a man in a family, she is unable to remain feminine. These are incompatible things. To do men's work you need masculine energy, otherwise they will be unbearable. , this is reflected in her entire appearance and gives rise to thoughts like: “If a man is not able to give me the opportunity to be a woman next to him, then why do I need a man at all.”

Women note that an important quality is intelligence level And sense of humor . Nowadays, intelligence has become an alternative physical strength. Now clever man capable of achieving much more than just being strong. A sense of humor is always an indirect indicator of intelligence. Many girls note that with the help of humor a guy can get attention more easily than with compliments.

Summarizing all the criteria, you can create the following psychological image of an ideal man:

  • smart;
  • has a sense of humor;
  • easily takes responsibility;
  • developed willpower;
  • purposeful;
  • confident.

With the advent of offspring, women add to this list:

  • attentiveness;
  • sensitivity;
  • caring;
  • tenderness.

We will not deny that these are characteristics that are quite incompatible with the first list, but they do exist.

Each girl herself chooses the ratio of partner and paternal characteristics in a man that she needs, and here it is difficult to predict the tastes of each specific lady. It depends on its own characteristics, life story and the goals that she pursues when choosing a specific partner.

The Good Guy Phenomenon

Very often men complain that good guys no one needs them and girls are constantly attracted to bad guys. To find out how this actually happens, scientists conducted an experiment. They created in popular social network three accounts: good, neutral and bad guy. You will be surprised, but the good guy scored about 75% of women's preference, while the bad guy scored the least.

In this experiment, a good guy was characterized as someone who cares primarily about his partner, is willing to do anything for her, and is very kind and gentle by nature. But the very phenomenon that they tried to check is that in real life Women tend not to perceive a nice guy as a potential partner.

In fact, this phenomenon was refuted and proved that it was only a myth. Perhaps men should consider whether they are justifying their other shortcomings with the nice guy phenomenon. The Internet is full of stories about would-be suitors who showed up on dates drunk, smelling bad, or openly insulted them, and then accused the lady of commercialism or of preferring “bad guys” when they refused to continue the relationship.

By the way, the so-called “good guys” very often sin unkempt. And for a woman this indicator is incredibly important. Some even claim that they look first at shoes, nails and hair, and if one of these elements is in an unkempt state, they will choose not to continue the acquaintance.

For Slavic women The bad guy theme also takes on a slightly different color. We have a lot of alcoholics, drug addicts, gambling addicts and other male burdens. This is due to the tendency in our culture to extol the trait of patience. For some reason, it is considered very worthy to endure adversity in the name of something greater. Such female victims, in fact, often feel like female heroes, although such heroism benefits only the men who are next to them, but not the women themselves, and certainly not their children.

The role of the father in shaping the image of the ideal man

There is another belief that women prefer to choose men who are similar to their own father. Dad is the first image of a man in a girl’s life that she sees. Everything that we adopt from our parents in the first years of life becomes the norm for us. Accordingly, the dad’s pattern of behavior creates the impression that this is how a man should be.

The only exceptions are frankly bad fathers who beat their families, drink, and so on. In this case, either the image of a bad father will be formed, and the girl will start from the opposite when looking for her partner, or there is a risk of entering into the same pathological relationship in the future. Sometimes this can act as an unconscious attempt to replay the scenario with the father, for example, “mom couldn’t do anything with an alcoholic man, but I can, I’ll cure him.” And in this case, there is a man with an addiction, and all his life she tries to save him.

Before joining adult life, she gets used to interacting with this type of man. Over the course of 16-20 years, a girl learns how to interact with just such a man, she becomes comfortable and familiar with him. This feeling of comfort then causes the need to find a man like dad, so that with him everything will be clear and immediately comfortable, there will be no need to get used to something new.

There is a tendency for a woman to look for a man who is similar in physical characteristics and appearance to her father. Here it is worth talking about the manifestation of an unresolved Oedipus complex - an unconscious childhood attraction to the father, which normally goes away before the age of five, and not normally can remain in the background into adulthood.

Choosing a man is a very important task for a woman. First of all, she is looking for a father for her children, if the search is focused on long term perspective. And the selection process is determined by many factors, and not always compatible in one person. Still, each woman brings her own specifics to the selection process, and it is impossible to clearly determine which man will be popular and which one will be deprived female attention. In the end, everything is decided in practice, and practice, unlike theory, can be very unpredictable.
