How to get rid of a bad guy. With impudent vindictive and simply impudent

There are exceptions to every rule, so while most girls seek advice on how to win and keep their boyfriend, there are times when the relationship has become unbearable and there is nothing left to do but get rid of it.

Why such difficulties? Of course, if you want to break up with a guy, it's much easier and more honest to just tell him about your decision in order to avoid even more evil ... But situations are different, and there are some circumstances and reasons that do not allow you to muster up the courage and take this difficult step .

Some girls are afraid of their partner's reaction to the message that they want to break up, especially if this is a domineering person, an obsessive person, or a "victim" person.

Signorina magazine experts have compiled a list of things to do if you do not know how to get rid of a guy, after which he is unlikely to want to see you.

If this is not in your plans, and you are racking your brains on how to please a guy, the easiest solution is to take the list of tips presented here and do them exactly the opposite in order to enjoy love and understanding.

So, to get rid of a guy, you need to:

1. Compare him to other men

Constantly compare your boyfriend with an ex or other male friends, while emphasizing his shortcomings and imposing a new line of behavior that is completely uncharacteristic of him.

2. Be hard on his friends and family

Try to evoke negative emotions in his friends and family. Do not hesitate to enter into disputes, impose your point of view, take an interest in financial position her man. Let their memory retain the image of a frivolous, obsessive and extremely self-serving person, simply a bitch who can break their lives. dear person. Let him know that you cannot stand his family and friends, but rather forbid him to meet with them.

3. Leave him no personal space.

Take up all his time without giving him any opportunity to be alone or enjoy his favorite hobby. Watch together only those films whose genre causes rejection in him, and for "dessert" make him go shopping for you for several hours ...

4. Endless disputes and complaints

Argue as much as possible and complain about life, blaming him for all your failures. Constant tantrums even the most in love guy will not be able to withstand from scratch.

5. Go non-sexual

Become a Blue Stocking! Let your boyfriend not find even a hint of sexuality in you. Let your wardrobe lead long skirts, baggy unisex clothes, sloppy underwear, give up heels and makeup.

6. Don't let him rest

He worked hard, tired at work and wants to relax? Let him be met by an empty refrigerator, an untidy apartment and a disgruntled girlfriend.

Complain immediately about the lack of attention and trifling problems that you "constantly have to solve on your own."

7. Pathological jealousy

Try to try on the image of "Othello in a skirt": a pathologically jealous woman nearby is not a test for the faint-hearted men. check it out phone calls, read his text messages, check his pockets, call several times a day, specifying where he is, and ask tricky questions, blaming that he has someone.

8. Be boring

Tell him the episodes of your day and the most insignificant details. Describe in great detail gorgeous dress that your lucky friend bought at the sale. Let him find out "in all colors" how your beloved grandmother's birthday was. Blame him for not doing the same.

9. manic love to cleanliness and order

A pathological love of cleanliness and order almost always scares men away, unless your partner is a model of pedantry in this matter. Require him to follow your impeccable rules and he will run away from you in a few days.

10. Excessive passion for esotericism

Do only what "horoscopes and predictions prescribe you." Constantly tell him what tarot forecasts, compatibility horoscopes or a visiting fortune teller say. He simply will not have any other chances how to leave, or he will go crazy from this stream of dubious information.

11. Do you love me?

Ask him this question 100 times a day and he will soon begin to doubt his love. Show disbelief and question the smallest details: For what? When? Why?

O male attention many women dream, but in practice, its excess often turns into problems and troubles. Then the question arises: how to get rid of an annoying admirer, so as not to offend him, and save your nerves? If words do not help, use simple psychological tricks.

How to get rid of an annoying man

Many girls trying to get rid of importunate man begin to behave provocatively, aggressively, but do not get the expected result. It's all about male psychology: young people often perceive such behavior and rudeness as a challenge. The instinct of the hunter and the winner makes them even more actively show attention. To avoid getting into this situation, use small tricks.

  • Try in the process of communication to find out what annoys the annoying gentleman most of all, what flaws in the girl annoy, repel him. You need to find out everything unobtrusively so that the guy does not suspect something is wrong, then start behaving in a way that will be unpleasant for him. Soon the boyfriend will run away from you, complaining about his blindness and sudden insight.
  • Avoid any physical contact, portray complete independence. Don't accept a hand given when getting off a vehicle, don't let someone pay for you, etc. Show that you need his help. This will be unpleasant for any man, the ardor will moderate.
  • Pretend that you do not understand his hints. This will only provoke a mature adult man, but it will scare away a young man.

How to turn off an obsessive admirer

When psychological tricks and talking does not help, you have to take rudeness. To ward off an unwanted gentleman, there is no need to swear and mock him. You need to analyze your communication and gradually change it.

  • Tell us about your fiancé (even if he does not even exist), that you plan to tie the knot. Most men prefer not to encroach on women who a priori belong to others.
  • A good stop sign is wedding ring: even if you have not visited the registry office yet, you can put on ring finger right hand any thin golden ring. So it becomes clear to men that the lady is busy.
  • If the acquaintance happened on the Internet, you can simply stop responding to messages or blacklist the subscriber. The risk remains that strong interest to your person will not fade away and an unfamiliar boyfriend will try to write from another page. In this case, send off obsessive admirer won't work quickly.

How to drive away an annoying boyfriend

Modern men, especially married ones, try not to associate life with wasteful and capricious women. You will quickly be able to repel an annoying boyfriend by demonstrating obsession and exactingness. Ask to pay for you in a cafe, demand expensive gifts, annoy him with your bad habits.

Does not help? Then start meeting and flirting with other guys with him. Do whatever he doesn't like. If this method did not help, think about it: maybe he really loves you, and is this fate?

How to get rid of an annoying boyfriend

Sometimes the need to get rid of annoying suitor also occurs in unfree women. It can be a colleague at work, a casual acquaintance from social networks, or even a roommate. stairwell. Most effective method to put the gentleman in his place - say that you are married. For most guys, this fact discourages the desire to appear in your field of vision, to spend energy on flirting. In some cases, it is worth asking your spouse/friend to meet you.

The first rule you must remember is: “If you decide to get rid of a man, in no case send him to hell!” And let them keep you Higher power, if this rule violated. In this case, everything is practically hopeless, and will be very difficult. Because as soon as you send it, it will stick to you like a bath sheet. It will cut off your phone, shower you with flowers, gifts and cute text messages. He will scream that he loves and cannot live without you. In critical cases, he is even capable of a marriage proposal for the sake of preservation. Therefore, if you have already decided to get rid of it, then by no means send it.

As strange as it sounds, but in order to get rid of a man, you need to ... love him . Yes, yes, love, you heard right. AT last resort- pretend. And here you may need the whole arsenal of tricks and.

Call him, write. Never forget to wish in the evening Good night and in the morning ask how you slept. Be sure to give as much information as possible during calls about how your turtle feels and how stupid your employee from the marketing department is.

Don't forget, the way to get rid of a man is through his stomach. Learn to cook it favorite dish and feed him three times a day. If it is not possible to feed him at home, collect everything in a bowl and take it to work.

Sex plays an important role. Always be ready. Wherever he wants and however he wants. And when he doesn't feel like it, stick to it yourself.

For a change, sometimes throw tantrums in the style of “I love you so much, but you don’t remember me at all.” Cry, complain that you are bored and want him to always be there. Photo: Depositphotos

Remember, everything is inversely proportional:

  • the more missed you leave on his phone, the less time it will take to get rid of him;
  • the more often you repeat "I love you", the sooner he will disappear from your life forever.

They usually run pretty fast, but sometimes they are hardy.

And the last. If you have finally succeeded in making him decide to leave, God forbid you somehow give out your joy. Do not follow your pride and do not try to turn everything around as if it was you who abandoned it. You run the risk of throwing all your efforts down the drain.

Be sure to cry, but rather arrange a tantrum. Promise that you will always love and wait for him. To consolidate the result, for several weeks after that, periodically send him snotty SMS with confessions.

Call a couple of times drunk in tears in the middle of the night and beg to return.
Photo: Depositphotos

If possible, try to sleep with him again, and after sex, sob for a long time on his shoulder and say that you cannot live without him.

In two or three months, make a “control shot in the head”: call and say that you agree to everything, if only he was there.

Believe me, you will never see him again.

OK it's all over Now. You have successfully got rid of another unwanted man, triumphant.

If you have done all this, but he does not leave, then the case is hopeless. You will just have to calm down. Because if a man really wants to be close to a woman, then he will. No matter what. And then you won’t frighten him with any love, and you won’t drive him away with any tantrums.

Unfortunately, many feelings pass with time. This happens with love too. Sometimes, no matter how hard it is, a girl has to take it upon herself to break up a relationship. How to get rid of a guy with minimal losses? Of course, in this issue Each case is deeply individual, but there are still several general advice, following which you can get rid of a guy, causing yourself a minimum amount of mental suffering.

First, realize that in order to get rid of a guy, you have to endure quite heavy conversation. But in any case, telling a person in person that your relationship is not destined to develop is more honest and even somewhat easier than just ignoring his calls and messages, hoping that he himself will guess everything. If you decide to get out of a relationship, do not torture yourself with thoughts that you may regret it later.

It is useless to torment yourself with thoughts about it. What can happen. If you want to return to the abandoned guy, you will almost always have the opportunity to do so. Secondly, if your decision to get rid of a guy is final, do not rush to explain young man reasons for the break. It is quite possible that he will promise to correct his situation - after that it will be doubly difficult to part with him.

If you decide to get rid of a guy, remember that he was once your close friend. Don't do nasty things you can avoid. If you can't break up with a guy, start with him straight Talk, try to part with him via SMS. It's not as honest as a face-to-face conversation, but it's still better than going missing. SMS should be concise, but informative. The main thing in this method is to keep yourself from the temptation to engage in endless correspondence.

How to get rid of a guy who loves you

It is not so difficult to part with a person if your relationship has come to naught by itself. But how do you get rid of a guy who loves you? You may have to tell him that your feelings have cooled down, perhaps he will guess about it himself, feeling your coldness and detachment. The most important thing is to have the courage to hurt the person who loves you. It may seem to you that this is vile and vile, but think about it: what will happen if you stay with this person? You will have to deceive him about your feelings, constantly feel irritated. This will only make it worse for both of you.

If you decide to get rid of the guy who loves you, be prepared for the fact that at first he will try to renew the relationship, and then, oddly enough, try his best to hurt you. Do not rush to get angry and offended at your former passion. Imagine what feelings rage in the soul of an abandoned person. After some time, the storm will certainly come to naught, and it is quite possible that you will even become good friends.

Getting rid of a guy who loves you means cutting off all the ends for the first time. Until his feelings for you cool down. It is necessary to limit any communication: on the Internet, by phone. You should not be enemies, but it is better not to be friends at first either.

How to get rid of a guy in your thoughts

So what if they dumped you? If a guy torments you, but only by being present in your own head? How to get rid of a guy in your thoughts?

First of all, try to objectively and unbiasedly understand how you felt about him. If it was a simple love, remember that this guy is not the last young man in the world, and you most likely deserve much more. But what if it was love, which, as a rule, happens only once in a lifetime? Maybe it makes sense to wait for it? All couples, even those created for each other, sometimes swear as if in last time, but very often reconciled after a few months.

So, you have firmly decided to get rid of the guy in your thoughts. The simplest and reliable way- go headlong into work. You just shouldn't have time to think about it. If apathy has fallen on you, do not let yourself mope for more than 1-2 days. This time is enough to cry out grief and be ready for a new life. Indulge yourself in your favorite foods and drinks, communicate with as many people as possible, even if virtually.

Have a bachelorette party to celebrate your breakup. It must be real holiday with all the main features. Get a pet. Pets are a great stress reliever and take most of your attention. To get rid of the guy in your thoughts means to love yourself again and be ready for pleasant surprises fate.

It is not so difficult to get rid of a boyfriend who is disgusting to you - you just need to show a little ingenuity and artistry. And do everything that men can't stand. The main thing is to choose tactics that will finish off your admirer!

How to get rid of a guy: "Miss Inadequacy"

The strangeness and unpredictability of a lady causes nothing but superstitious horror in a man. Therefore, boldly follow the covenant “do not expect a miracle - do it yourself”: learn pretentious words and gestures, demonstrate the absurdity of emotions. Let's say laugh out loud when a gentleman tells you about the death of your beloved hamster. Or start crying when you hear about his promotion.

Get yourself a ridiculous hobby. For example, get carried away with esotericism and tire him with daily horoscope predictions or tarot card layouts. And of course, no sex while Taurus is in Aquarius!

Be illogical: yell at your date for an invitation to the movies, and the next day say that you are upset that you don’t go anywhere at all together. Make it a rule to call your "beloved" at three in the morning with a request to recite something from the work of Joseph Brodsky. And be sure to complete your look with a wardrobe a la the city crazy.

Why would it work?“A man strives for such relationships that would balance his life, make it possible to draw resources from them,” explains the clinical psychologist. Alisa Galats. “And when you don’t know what to expect from a woman, it’s draining.”

How to get rid of a guy: "Othello in a skirt"

The main principle of this strategy is total control over your man's life. Jealous of him to all the female representatives who have at least some relation to him - to his mother, sister, work colleague, saleswoman in the store.

Call the gentleman every 15 minutes and demand to report where he is and with whom. Check all his social media accounts daily and, of course, SMS! And each time, insist on explanations about all the facts found there - added friends, photos, etc.

Didn't find something to complain about? Remember his exes! Hurry him with suspicions that he probably still yearns for them, yes, yes, you read it in his eyes! Under no circumstances let him take a step without you. Well, except that you can let go to the toilet, and then not for long.

Why would it work?“To maintain the attraction of partners to each other, they simply need personal space, and jealousy and control will kill even the most strong feelings”, says Alisa Galats.

How to get rid of a guy: "Mommy"

Men, of course, love care, but as long as it does not develop into overprotectiveness. So your goal is to become a second mother to your man. Tirelessly bustle in the kitchen, stuffing him with various dishes. And if suddenly he says that he is not hungry, portray a terrible insult!

Obsessively take an interest in the state of health of your man: has he lost weight, why is he so pale, is everything in order with the intestines. At the slightest complaint of a boyfriend about being unwell, immediately run to the pharmacy with a preoccupied look - the “baby” must be saved!

Treat any initiative of a boyfriend with squeamish condescension - they say, you, poor fellow, can’t do anything yourself, you have to be taught everything. And teach! Teach! How to wash dishes, drive a car, have sex. And do not let him help you - he can only spoil everything. On the contrary, solve all your problems yourself and always emphasize it.

Why would it work?“A mother woman always puts a man in the humiliating position of a small, helpless child. And in this situation, he simply atrophies any sexual attraction to her,” says Alisa Galats.

How to get rid of a guy: "Your boyfriend"

In this case, you should deprive yourself of any femininity and sexuality. Wear wide baggy clothes, forget about makeup and grooming. And explain your sudden “transformation” by saying that you don’t want to waste time on these nonsense.

Well, more naturalness in behavior: do not hesitate to pick your nose in front of a man, spit and discuss your problem areas on the body. And at the same time forget about coquetry and half-hints, speak simply and directly: “Oh, look how my stomach sags, and how much cellulite!”.

Go with your "beloved" and his friends to sports matches and bars. And come off there on an equal footing with everyone. Well, if the boyfriend dares to upset you with something, then do not embark on a long showdown, but hit him with a right hook.

Why would it work?“In such a relationship, all sexual differences are erased. In addition, such "nakedness" in domestic plan deprives a woman of mystery, charm, she is already simply beginning to be perceived as a roommate or a piece of furniture, ”explains the effectiveness of the method Alisa Galats.

How to get rid of a guy: "Mercantilist whore"

It is only in porn movies that men love depraved girls in latex, but in reality such ladies repel them no less than masculine ones. So try to dress as vulgarly as possible - red lipstick, deep neckline, fishnet tights and patent leather over the knee boots - let there be a lot of everything!

Constantly let the gentleman understand that you are still in active search life partner. Therefore, flirt frantically with him with all males under the age of seventy. And, of course, emphasize that you only have wealthy fans as a priority, so it would be nice for him to fork out for a new fur coat. In general, constantly reproach your boyfriend for his lack of “money” attention to you and accustom yourself to constantly count his money.

Feel free to tell a man about all the intimate details of your past relationship with pleasure. Well, in bed with him every time compare him with previous lovers - let him keep the bar!

Why would it work?"AT serious relationship a man will never be satisfied with the fact that he is just a transit point, says Alisa Galats. “Yes, and comparison with others is a humiliation that men do not forgive.”

If you have come across a very “tough nut” and none of the proposed methods works, maybe you should take a closer look at it? Is this really true love?
