November 7 holiday history of the holiday. Fly flags at the gate

November 7, 2019 - what holiday is celebrated in our country? What are its history and traditions, what events have been and are taking place on this day? This is what our story will be about.

Many young people do not know what holiday November 7 was. At the same time, it is dedicated to one of the most significant events of the 20th century, which influenced the course of world history.

We will tell you in more detail what kind of holiday was celebrated on November 7 in 2019. IN Soviet years it was called the Day of the Great October socialist revolution.

Since 1991, this holiday has been called the Day of the October Revolution of 1917, and since 1996 - the Day of Accord and Reconciliation. November 7 and 8 were days off in the USSR, the holiday was celebrated as main holiday countries.

What happened these days in 1917? On the night of November 7-8 (October 25-26, according to the old style), an uprising began in Petrograd.

At the signal given by the cruiser Aurora, armed workers, soldiers and sailors seized the Winter Palace, overthrew the Provisional Government and proclaimed Soviet power. It existed in our country for 74 years.

On the Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution in the USSR, festive demonstrations were held, a military parade on Red Square in Moscow, solemn meetings, exhibitions, concerts, festivities and other events were organized.

What kind of holiday was celebrated on November 7 in Russia?

IN modern Russia The Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution was renamed and then abolished altogether. Although the communists still continue to celebrate it.

Since 2005, the state holiday has been moved from November 7 to November 4, when they began to celebrate National Unity Day.

This holiday was established by the Federal Law "On the introduction of Article 1 federal law"About the days military glory(victorious days) of Russia”, signed in December 2004 by the President of Russia.

Now not everyone remembers what holiday November 7 was, because it was replaced by another. It was erected in memory of deliverance from the invasion of the Poles in 1612.

The initiator of the establishment of the National Unity Day was the Russian Orthodox Church This idea was supported by various political and public organizations. National Unity Day is widely celebrated throughout the country.

And the Day of the October Revolution still exists in Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Transnistria. Concluding the story about what holiday falls on November 7, one cannot fail to mention one more celebration.

On this day, the Day of Military Glory of Russia is celebrated in memory of the military parade on Red Square in Moscow in 1941.

It ended with the capture of the Winter Palace, the arrest of members of the Provisional Government and the proclamation of the power of the Soviets, which existed in our country for more than seventy years.

Celebrating November 7 began immediately; This day was celebrated in the USSR as the main holiday of the country - the Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Under Stalin, the festive canon also took shape: a demonstration of workers, the appearance of leaders on the podium of the Mausoleum, and, finally, a military parade on Red Square, for which the entrances to the main square of the capital were specially reconstructed. This canon was strictly observed, and even on November 7, 1941, when the Germans were advancing on Moscow, it was no exception: the regiments that passed through Red Square went straight to the front. The parade of 1941, in terms of its impact on the course of events, is equated to the most important military operation.

On the same day, the Day of Military Glory of Russia is celebrated - the Day of the military parade on Red Square in the city of Moscow to commemorate the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (1941).

According to a survey by the Yuri Levada Analytical Center (Levada Center), in 2012, 18% of respondents were going to celebrate October Revolution Day on November 7.
More than others, pensioners (31%) and, in general, Russians over 55 years old (29%), with a low consumer status - they only have enough money for food (20%), those living in rural settlements (26%) and supporters of Vladimir Zhirinovsky planned to celebrate this day more than others (39%).
The majority (61%) answered that they definitely would not celebrate either the National Unity Day on November 4 or the October Revolution Day on November 7, another 9% found it difficult to answer.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

November 7 - Celebration of the anniversary of the Great Socialist Revolution

Russian people still honors the holiday of November 7 - the Day of the Socialist Revolution, and the oligarchic authorities can’t manage to erase this holiday from people’s memory, replacing concepts and replacing dates.

November 7 is a holiday in the USSR, which was canceled in new Russia, suggesting instead the date of November 4 - National Unity Day. But who is one with whom? An official and a worker, an oligarch and a common man, a security official and a student? Are there any prerequisites for this and what was slipped into our heads, trying to remove the great past from our memory? Despite everything, the beloved and bright celebration turned out to be in demand in modern society.

The history of the holiday on November 7 in the USSR is a memory of the great revolution of the twentieth century. A rebellious mood accumulated for several centuries, and a revolt of the common people began against the inequality of social strata. We can observe something similar in modern Russia..

In 1917, the Aurora cruiser fired a shot. The Bolsheviks took the Winter Palace. All captured important points:

- newspapers,

- mail,

- railway stations,

- bridges,

- ports,

- telephone exchanges,

- banks and so on.

The uprising was organized by the Bolsheviks under the leadership of:

- V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin),

- L. D. Trotsky,

- Ya. M. Sverdlov.

These people led the socialist revolution and were the main leaders in the country for several years. They created a new just state. This day is called Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution. The uprising lasted two days, and it was the most bloodless in the world. According to many historians, only seven people died.

November 7 (a holiday in the USSR) has been celebrated since 1918. In Moscow, in regional and regional cities Soviet Union there were demonstrations and parades.

November seventh day

Red day calendar.

Look out your window

Everything outside is red.

Flags fly at the gate

Blazing with flames.

You see the music is coming

where the trams were.

All the people - both young and old -

Celebrates freedom.

And my red balloon flies

Straight to the sky!

This day was considered a day off, a "red" day of the calendar. In 1927, by decree of the Presidium of the Central Committee, the celebration began to be celebrated on November 7 and 8. Since 1918, parades have been held, in which employees of the active army and military equipment.

The holiday in the USSR in honor of the October Revolution was a significant event for all working people. The parade was hosted by the leader of the people and the commander-in-chief, as well as the leaders of the main industries. If the parades were held only in Moscow and big cities, then demonstrations are an event for every locality in Russia, from the capital to large settlement centers. All segments of the population took part in them:

- workers,

- pupils,

- peasants,

- students,

- intelligentsia.

November 7 holiday in the USSR was accompanied by the enthusiasm and joy of every inhabitant of the country. The demonstration is public event, the passage of people in groups along the main streets of the city in a single political mood. The procession is accompanied by music, slogans, flags, banners, portraits of current heads of state. The column of people taking part passes through the central part of the city, the main square and the platform with party and public leaders. For passing in voluntary the best workers and students were promoted

The procession was accompanied by thematically decorated vehicles, songs, dances, acrobatic and sports numbers, and no one drove the workers by force, which cannot be said about modern days. Congratulations on November 7 Day sounded from the podium. A holiday in the USSR, poems and poems about which the great poets of Russia wrote, inspired all the people. People believed that from the day of the Great Revolution they became free and happy. And it really was.


If anyone at the end of October 1941 could have guessed that on November 7 in Moscow there would be a traditional parade in honor of the next anniversary of the revolution, then he would be considered crazy.

When Stalin asked whether the parade should be held, the generals and people's commissars didn't even understand him right away.

A completely different parade was being prepared - from the German side. After the defeat of the Central Front and the encirclement of three armies near Vyazma in early October, many believed that Moscow would fall. On October 16, a mass evacuation began from the capital / People's Commissariats were evacuated, embassies, factories and bridges were mined in case the Germans nevertheless burst into Moscow. At the end of November, the Germans stood 70-80 km from the capital, and the Soviet troops fought heavy defensive battles.

And when Stalin asked at a meeting on October 28 whether the parade should be held, the generals and people's commissars did not even immediately understand him. And only after the third question they warmly supported: “Yes, of course, this will raise the spirit of both the army and the people.”

In 1941 parades were temporarily canceled until 1945. During the Great Patriotic War the country did not have the opportunity to recall the military and equipment from combat posts,

Stalin makes a paramount decision, which later historians will call "brilliant military operation." He holds the most grandiose parade, with all the most modern military equipment in front of the opponent's nose. Half of the units, after marching through Red Square and the personal parting words of the Leader of the People, immediately went to the front. The printed editions of England and France were full of headlines and photographs of Russian soldiers marching and saluting into battle. This move, "a holiday in the war", raised the spirit of the Soviet army.

Hitler, according to the recollections of his inner circle, became furious when he learned about the unbroken spirit of the Soviet people. Preparations for the celebration began on October 24 under the leadership of Generals P. A. Artemiev and P. F. Zhigarev. The uniqueness of the task was in the strictest secrecy, and the complexity - in the besieged state of the city. On November 6, Stalin holds a meeting in honor of the holiday in the metro (Mayakovskaya station).

The congratulatory speech of the Commander-in-Chief is broadcast throughout the country. The main danger during the parade was represented by German aviation. It was believed that German fighters would risk flying outside the city in order to destroy the entire government of the USSR with one blow. In this regard, on November 5, Russian aircraft bombed enemy airfields. And only the forecast of weather forecasters, that due to low cloudiness the weather will be non-flying, defused the situation. At night, the Kremlin stars were lit, the masks were removed from the Mausoleum, and in the morning at 08-00 one of the most important parades in our history began.


VICTORIES in the Great Patriotic War

Banners and standards of the defeated fascist troops were thrown to the foot of the Mausoleum

A special event is the passage of troops in 1945. For this celebration, a special selection of employees was carried out: age - under 30 years old, height - 176-178 centimeters in combat awards.

And then came the first year peaceful life. Tired of the horror of war, people want joy. After the grandiose Victory Parade, each event gives a new sense of peace, and November 7th is no exception. Which wonderful holiday in USSR! Sound:

- congratulatory speeches,

- parade of veterans,

- firework.

And all this is happening on the brink of a Cold War with America. Even Molotov's report on the Day of the October Revolution is the USSR's response to the US provocation. It was from this moment that the arms race began and maintaining the reputation of a country so rich in technical geniuses. This confrontation between the two states will last until 1963.

ONLY in 18 years, Russia will restore the destroyed cities, re-establish production.


In 1990, the new leaders of the country, who are communists and took an oath of allegiance to the Soviet people and the USSR, suddenly betray the past and try to do everything so that the November 7 holiday is not forgotten by the population of the country, but by NOT people - leaders - traitors ..

According to the new decree of M. S. Gorbachev, the 8th becomes a working day again

In 1996, this holiday was renamed by President B. N. Yeltsin into "Consent Day".

In 2004, it was canceled by V.V. Putin and since 2005 it has become a working day .

The countries of the near abroad still celebrate this day under the old name - the Day of the October Revolution. These include:

- Belarus,

- Transnistria,

- Kyrgyzstan.

The territory would be divided by such countries as:

- England,
- America.
Russian traditions, nationality and even language would simply cease to exist, and the Russian people themselves would be destroyed.

Although, when compared modern time something similar is happening in Russia now.

I would like to note in a separate line, no matter how hard the modern government, consisting of former communists and Komsomol members who betrayed their oaths and oaths, erase this holiday from the people's memory, like Moses leading his people through the desert for 40 years in the hope that they will die out those generations that remember the time when they were captured by the Egyptians, they have nothing to do. 30 years, the Soviet past and the great I.V. Stalin are being denigrated, streams of lies and slops are pouring from all the media and TV for that period, so that people forget about the great dates, but nothing comes out of them.

We remember.

We know

We will return SOCIALISM,

I work as a security guard for a large transcontinental and international company selling various kinds of goods. Congratulations to all buyers on the upcoming holiday. When I talked about November 7, they smiled happily and accepted congratulations with pleasure, but as soon as I reminded them of the day of unity, an incessant swearing began against those who proposed replacing these dates. The people do not consider and do not accept November 4 as a holiday, saying that they are simply mocked. Among the buyers, I came across a monarchist woman, but even she said that between the dates of November 4 and 7, she chooses November 7. Not a single, I emphasize, not a single buyer said a single good word about the day of unity and all as one rejoiced that the holiday of November 7 was not forgotten. And this gives bright hopes for the return of the socialist state. Some of the buyers quoted a beautiful poem by the Russian poet S. Ya. Marshak from that happy era:

"November 7th Day,

Red day of the calendar."

Hard times are coming and society needs to consolidate regardless of their personal beliefs and party preferences. The communists have always been ahead of the whole planet, and this time we, let each of us, take the liberty of uniting the people and all the various social movements that stand up for social justice.

An incompetent, illegitimate government does NOT cope with its obligations, respectively, the people should point out to them errors in their activities.

Socialism is the future. Capitalism is leading humanity into the abyss.

I congratulate the people on the great holiday - the Day of the Socialist Revolution. I wish you all health, happiness and a peaceful sky above your head. Never forget the Soviet past, which gave human civilization hope for the triumph of justice and equality. Happy holiday to you - dear comrades!

The seventh of November is approaching, the day on which one of the most controversial holidays in Russian history is celebrated.

What do we celebrate on November 7

Today November 7 is a normal working day memorable date - October Revolution Day 1917.

In addition, another holiday is celebrated on this day - Day of military glory of Russia, which is dedicated to the anniversary of the historic parade in November 1941. Recall that on November 7, 1941, a military parade was held on Red Square in Moscow to commemorate the 24th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Right from the parade, units of the Red Army went to the front - it was in those days that the Nazis were first stopped, and then finally defeated near Moscow.

The history of the holiday on November 7

Citizens of Russia, born before the 80s of the last century, of course, remember the famous poems Samuil Marshak: “November 7th is a red day on the calendar. Look out your window: everything in the street is red. Flags are flying at the gates, blazing with flames. You see, the music goes where the trams went. All the people - both young and old - celebrate freedom. And my red ball flies straight to the sky!

November 7th in Soviet times was the most important holiday, in fact, the birthday of the state, which was called the Soviet Union and lasted until 1991. The holiday was celebrated on the day on which, according to Soviet historiography, the October Revolution of 1917 took place, which later received official name Great October Socialist Revolution. The holiday was celebrated annually on November 7 (October 25 according to the "old style"), and since 1927 - two days: November 7 and 8.

How the Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution was celebrated in the USSR

The holiday Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution lasted from 1918 to 1991. On this day, military parades were held in Moscow, Leningrad and other large cities, in all settlements the workers went to mass demonstrations, the presence of which was mandatory, in the evening fireworks thundered in the hero cities.

On October 26, 1927, the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR decided to celebrate the anniversary of the October Revolution annually for two days - November 7 and 8. "Production of work in these holidays is prohibited throughout the entire territory of the USSR,” the resolution said.

Cancellation and return of the November 7 holiday

The last military parade on Red Square in Moscow to mark the anniversary of the October Revolution took place in 1990. After the famous August coup and the defeat of the State Emergency Committee in 1991, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) was banned, and the official celebration of the October Revolution Day was also stopped. November 8 became a working day in 1992, but November 7 was still a public holiday.

Since 1995, November 7 has been celebrated Day of military glory- in honor of the military parade on Red Square in Moscow in 1941 to commemorate the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

In 1996, by decree of the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin instead of the anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, November 7 began to be celebrated Day of consent and reconciliation. This, according to the decree, was done "in order to mitigate the confrontation and reconciliation of various strata of Russian society." Nevertheless, on this day, the communists and representatives of the left forces continued to celebrate the anniversary of the revolution, laid flowers at the monuments to the founder of the Soviet state Lenin, honored Stalin, accepted children as pioneers on Red Square, etc. (The representatives of modern communist and socialist parties and movements still observe these traditions of November 7).

Congratulations on November 7

November seventh day
Red day calendar.
Day of consent, reconciliation
And love in the soul of birth.

Stretch out your hands to the world
Raise your heart to the stars.
You forgive insults soon,
Change your mind, views.

Let all people become brothers
Open your arms.
Let it change now
Every moment and every hour!

With the day of consent and reconciliation,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
May there be peace for all
The world around us.

Only if we bring generations together
You can be proud of the country
Only then will all doubts disappear,
That Russia is a giant of the world.

Let's become a powerful great force,
So that the enemies could not break us,
To remember the great history
Serve our Motherland faithfully.

Let's put up, live in harmony.
To love both near and far.
We will not swear, we will blame fate.
Respond, people, to my request.

And may on this holiday, on the Day of Reconciliation,
All our doubts will stay at home.
We will live in harmony with each other,
We will not become more friend harm a friend.

November 7 is a holiday in the USSR, which was canceled in the new Russia. Are there any prerequisites for this and what was offered to us in return? The beloved and bright celebration turned out to be unnecessary in modern society.

What happened on this day?

The history of the holiday on November 7 in the USSR is a memory of the great revolution of the twentieth century. Until 1917, Russia was an autocratic monarchical state, which at that time was ruled by Nicholas II.

A rebellious mood in the country had been accumulating for several years, and it was on October 25 that a revolt of the common people began in St. Petersburg against the inequality of social strata. Armed Bolsheviks took the Winter Palace (the seat of the provisional government), captured all the important information points (newspapers, post office, railway stations) and the main military points (city outposts, port).

The uprising was organized by 47-year-old V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin), 38-year-old L. D. Trotsky and 27-year-old Ya. M. Sverdlov. These people led the coup and were considered the main leaders in the country for several years. They created a new socialist state, constitution and traditions in Russia.

What holiday was celebrated on November 7 in the USSR until 1990

It was fully called: Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Why is "October Day" celebrated in November? Until 1918, time was calculated in the country according to But already in February, Russia switched to the Uprising lasted two days, October 25-26 according to the old style, and in the USSR the holiday was celebrated in a new way - on November 7 and 8. But the name remained as a memory of one of the greatest events of the twentieth century, which changed the course of the entire world history.

In honor of this, thematic groups, villages and districts, streets, enterprises, cinemas are called. For example, in 1923, groups of children were created who called themselves Octobrists. And the candy factory "Red October" is remembered and loved by many generations of Russians.

history of the holiday

November 7 (a holiday in the USSR) has been celebrated since 1918 for only one day. Demonstrations and parades were held in Moscow, in the regional and regional cities of Russia. It was considered a day off, a "red" day of the calendar. In 1927, by decree of the Presidium of the Central Committee, the celebration began to be celebrated on November 7 and 8. In 1990, by decree of Gorbachev, the 8th becomes a working day again. In 1996, President Yeltsin renamed this holiday into "Consent Day". In 2004, it was canceled by V.V. Putin and since 2005 it has become a working day.

Countries still celebrate this day under the old name - the Day of the October Revolution. These include Belarus, Transnistria and Kyrgyzstan.

Parade on Red Square

Since 1918, parades were held twice a year, in which servicemen of the active army and military equipment took part: on May 1 and November 7. The holiday in the USSR in honor was a significant event for all working people. The parade was hosted by the leader of the people and the commander-in-chief, as well as the leaders of the main industries.

In 1941 parades were temporarily canceled until 1945. During the Great Patriotic War, the country did not have the opportunity to recall the military and equipment from combat posts. A special event is the passage of troops in 1945. For this celebration, a special selection of employees was carried out: age - under 30 years old, height - 176-178 centimeters, military awards. After 1945, parades on Red Square were held only once every 5 years. In 1995, the passage of troops became on foot, without military equipment.

Demonstrations in honor of the October Revolution Day

If parades were held only in Moscow and large cities, then demonstrations are an event for every locality in Russia, from the capital to large settlement centers. All sections of the population took part in them: workers, schoolchildren, peasants and students. November 7 holiday in the USSR was accompanied by the enthusiasm and joy of every inhabitant of the country.

A demonstration is a public event, the passage of people in groups along the main streets of the city in a single political mood. The procession is accompanied by music, slogans, flags, banners, portraits of current heads of state. The column of people taking part passes through the central part of the city, the main square and the platform with party and public leaders.

The best workers and students were nominated for the passage on a voluntary basis, the procession was accompanied by thematically decorated vehicles, songs, dances, acrobatic and sports numbers. Congratulations on November 7 Day sounded from the podium. A holiday in the USSR, poems and poems about which the great poets of Russia wrote, inspired all the people. People believed that from the day of the Great Revolution they became free and happy.

The most important years (chronicle 1918)

Especially memorable days are considered: the first celebration of 1918, as well as the parades of 1941 and 1945. November 7 is a holiday in the USSR, the congratulations of the people at that time were an important political step.

  • "Pantomime" on Red Square;
  • amnesty in honor of the 1st anniversary;
  • opening of monuments to Zhores, Marx and Engels;
  • rally and concert;
  • premiere of the thematic performance "Mystery Buff";
  • Lenin's speech for the employees of the Cheka.

Parade during the war (chronicle 1941)

1941 For 5 months there has been a war with Germany. But November 7th is coming. What holiday is possible in the USSR when the front line is a few kilometers from the capital? But Stalin makes a decision that later historians will call "brilliant military operation." He holds the most grandiose parade, with all the latest military equipment in front of the nose of the enemy. Half of the units, after marching through Red Square and the personal parting words of the Leader of the People, immediately went to the front. The printed editions of England and France were full of headlines and photographs of Russian soldiers marching and saluting into battle. This move, "a holiday in the war", raised the spirit of the Soviet army. And Hitler, according to the recollections of his inner circle, was infuriated.

Preparations for the celebration began on October 24 under the leadership of Generals Artemyev and Zhigarev. The uniqueness of the task was in the strictest secrecy, and the complexity - in the besieged state of the city. November 6, Stalin holds a meeting in honor of the holiday in the metro (Mayakovskaya station). The congratulatory speech of the Commander-in-Chief is broadcast throughout the country.

The main danger during the parade was represented by German aircraft. It was believed that German fighters would risk flying outside the city in order to destroy the entire government of the USSR with one blow. In this regard, on November 5, Russian aircraft bombed enemy airfields. And only the forecast of weather forecasters, that due to low cloudiness the weather will be non-flying, defused the situation. At night, the Kremlin stars were lit, the masks were removed from the Mausoleum, and in the morning at 8 o'clock one of the most important parades in our history began.

1945 Victory

The first year of peaceful life. Tired of the horror of war, people want joy. After the grandiose Victory Parade, each event gives a new sense of peace, and November 7th is no exception. What a holiday in the USSR: congratulatory speeches, a parade of veterans, fireworks! And all this is already on the verge of a cold war with America. Even Molotov's report on the Day of the October Revolution is the USSR's response to the US provocation.

It was from this moment that the arms race began and maintaining the reputation of a country so rich in technical geniuses. This confrontation between the two states will last until 1963. In 18 years, Russia will restore the destroyed cities, re-establish production. And by 1990, he will begin to forget what the holiday of November 7 was called in the USSR.

Oblivion or rebirth?

In 1996, the holiday received a different name. In 2004, before moving the day off to November 4 social group activists conducted a survey among the younger and middle-aged residents of the country. The goal is to have information about the events of the October Revolution and its importance in the life of Russians. Only 20% of the respondents answered the question about what holiday was celebrated on November 7 in the USSR.

What is this? Shortcomings in education or the real need for the modern generation to move forward without thinking about the history of their ancestors? In some cases, psychologists believe that moving away from a dubious event in time means moving towards progress correctly and more quickly. Do we need a day today, the significance of which died with the country?

Today, the October Revolution is an ambiguous phenomenon. It has a wide range of historians' assessments. The first point of view is the illegal seizure of power, which led the country to a totalitarian regime. Others argue that an uprising was necessary. It led Russia to modern society not in a capitalist way, but this unique case in history. Thanks to the coup, the country avoided the political collapse that was inevitable after the abdication of the king. The territory would be divided by such countries as England and America. Russian traditions, nationality and even language would simply cease to exist.

In addition to these two opinions, there are intermediate statements about how events would have developed if there had been no revolution. For example, professor of history I. Froyanov believes:

“This is too important an episode in history, and putting a plus or minus sign is simply incorrect. TO when there is just a change of power, the term "political coup" is more appropriate for this phenomenon. More than one generation will remember the name of the holiday on November 7 in the USSR, because it is a bright memory of the hopes and pride of the Russian people.

This date asks for a rethinking of our descendants. It is they who will weigh, analyze and compare the facts that are still so emotionally close to us.
