Patriotic holidays. Folk holidays are an effective means of civil and patriotic education

Today's children are growing up in an era that is strikingly different from the time of their parents: other values, ideals, rules. The attitude of people towards the motherland has changed. Today's upbringing patriotic feelings in preschool children is a significant task.

Preschool age is a time of intensive development of the child's personality. It is at this age that the foundations of a person's worldview, his attitude to the world around him, are laid.

The core of all education should be patriotism, which is designed to help the child form an active social position as a participant and creator of public life, to show a sense of pride in their homeland, for achieving the country in which they live, readiness for any exploits in the name of the Fatherland, the desire to become its defender and creator.

For a number of years, the tasks of patriotic education of the younger generation have been implemented in the kindergarten. This happens as in the course of direct educational activities and other types of children's activities. Various forms, methods and techniques are used for this.

Work on patriotic education children through familiarization with public holidays should be comprehensive. The education of patriotic feelings in preschoolers is a continuous, systematic process that begins with early childhood (raised by parents), continuing in the system.

Public holidays and symbols of Russia have been approved for a long time - in 2000. They have become familiar, understandable, firmly established in our daily lives. However, the task of instilling "feelings of pride, deep respect and veneration of holidays and symbols of the state of the Russian Federation, other Russian symbols and historical shrines of the Fatherland" still remains relevant. AT recent times much in Russian society was rethought, ideas about the state symbols of the country became deeper. Mastery theoretical foundations will help teachers in the process of working with children and their parents to correctly use terms and concepts, answer questions that arise, and avoid methodological errors during classes. When getting acquainted with public holidays, you can use various forms, methods and techniques of work.

February 23 is a very important public holiday in our country. This is Defender of the Fatherland Day. Therefore, we are faced with the task of introducing children to this holiday as accessible as possible, in more detail. The form of work may be different. In the classroom of the outside world, we introduce the holiday: these are conversations about the types of troops (each branch of the military has its own uniform, its own equipment, conditions of service, etc.), didactic games and game exercises: "Military Professions" , conversations about various military equipment on the topic "Special vehicles" , "Our Defenders in Peaceful Days" (slides #2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). On this topic, you can learn songs, for example "Airplane" , "Our country is strong" , "FROM Good morning» , poems, stories: A. Barto "On the Outpost" , N. Nekrasova "Our army is dear" , V. Kosovitsky « future man» etc. Make applications for class - gifts for dads and grandfathers, draw pictures.

Organize role-playing games, for example "Border Guard" , "Pilots at the airport" .

Spend a festive leisure time, to which invite dads and grandfathers.

May 9 - Victory Day - the most important holiday in our country. On this day all Russian people honors the memory of fallen heroes. Everyone considers it their duty to bring flowers to the graves of unknown soldiers and memorials. Forms of work with children can be different:

Conversation "City under blockade" , "Cities are heroes" , "Balakovo in the Great Patriotic War" .

Organize a poetry competition "Salute of Victory" between preschool groups.

To hold a competition of drawings, crafts made together with parents. This is how we work to interact with parents. Conduct a role-playing game "Changing of the Guard" , "Border guards" . Organize a solemn matinee dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.

Organize an excursion to the obelisk to pay tribute to those who died for the freedom of the people and lay fresh flowers as a symbol of the immortality of their feat. On this day, everyone sings front-line songs and honors veterans. At a certain hour, there is a moment of silence throughout the country. (slide number 10, 11).

Russia Day is one of the most "young" public holidays in our country. And this holiday appeared on June 12, 1990. This meant that Russia became a separate, independent state.

June 12 is the Day of Russia, the birthday of the Russian Federation - a free, independent state. This is the main holiday of our country.

When familiarizing yourself with the holiday, you can use various forms of work.

These may be conversations that the President is at the head of our state.

Give encyclopedic information about the coat of arms. What does the image symbolize, why is this the coat of arms of our country.

On the musical lesson get acquainted with the text of the anthem of our country, by heart the children will learn it already in primary school. With the help of a teacher and a musical worker, children determine the nature of the hymn music as majestic, solemn.

Explain to the children that, as a rule, the anthem is played during the inauguration of the president, heads of state authorities, when the national flag is raised and other official ceremonies.

When the anthem is played, those present should stand and the men should take off their hats. If the flag is raised at the same time, those present should turn to face it.

You can also make homemade coat of arms puzzles for children, which the guys will fold.

Conduct educational games: "Find the coat of arms of Russia" , "Coat of arms of the Saratov region" , "Create your coat of arms" .

Draw pictures, make crafts.

Birthday of the Russian flag (slide number 14, 15).

Every year on August 22, Russia celebrates the Day of the State Flag. Russian Federation is a special and relatively young holiday.

When we get acquainted with the holiday, we are faced with the following tasks:

  • Cultivate an aesthetic attitude to the colors of the Russian flag.
  • To form elementary ideas about the origin of banners.
  • Continue to introduce symbolic meaning the flag of Russia; to cultivate love and respect for their Motherland, pride in their country, their people.

Tell the children that before, when our country was still called the USSR, it had a red flag, in the upper corner of which a star, a sickle and a hammer were depicted. Then a new state appeared, a new State flag. The flag of Russia is a rectangular panel of three equal horizontal stripes: white, blue and red.

The decoding of colors says: white symbolizes nobility and frankness, blue color - fidelity, honesty, impeccability and chastity, and red color - courage, courage, generosity and love.

In kindergarten, in the course of preliminary work in groups, it is possible to create centers for patriotic education, where the State Emblem, flag, anthem, a portrait of the President of Russia, the Prime Minister are presented.

Have a discussion with the children where you can see the flag of Russia (on government buildings, military parades, ships, aircraft, etc.)

Also, familiarization occurs through didactic and role-playing games such as "Flag of Russia" , "Recognize our flag" , "Collect the flag of Russia" , "Lay out the flag" .

As you know, on November 4, 2 great holidays are celebrated, which are associated with one event - the liberation of Moscow from Polish rule. It is very important to explain to children what kind of holiday this is and why it is so important for the people.

You can briefly retell historical events, how life was in those days (XVI-XVII centuries) people in Russia, what trials every inhabitant of the Russian lands had to go through. Also show illustrations, tell in more detail how everything happened at that difficult time.

Conversations about different peoples and nationalities of Russia, about national costumes and traditions, about holidays of different peoples (slide number 16, 17).

Conduct a role-playing game "Festival of different peoples" . Didactic games "Name it right" , "Decorate the Tray" , "Find the Extra" , "Collect the Matryoshka" .

Let the children understand that the Russians are a single nation that has a common historical past and roots; that without unity it is impossible to build a strong and powerful state.

You can also draw, mold, make teamwork by application.

The teacher has the following tasks:

To form ideas that the Constitution of the Russian Federation is the basic law of the state, which must be observed.

Introduce children to some of the rights and responsibilities of people.

Develop cognitive interest in your country, its laws.

To cultivate the desire to know and comply with the laws of the Russian Federation. Activate children's knowledge about their homeland, its symbols and anthem.

Use the teacher's story about the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation. That our rights, freedoms and duties are written in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. According to the constitution of our country, we have the right to life, we have the right to choose a profession, we have the right to rest, housing and medical care. All people are equal before the law. And each of us is protected by the state. Through the police and the courts. The Constitution spells out the rights of the child: the right to life, the right to live and be brought up in a family, the right to comprehensive development. In the group, make a corner that will be called "Public Holidays"

In the preparatory group, systematize work on familiarization with public holidays by including children and parents in the game "News feed" . Ribbon of three colors is white, blue, red. The tape is placed on the wall, on which pictures, illustrations, photographs are attached, symbolizing the public holiday. Each time, before a public holiday, give 2-3 children homework on the topic of the upcoming holiday. The children at home ask their parents about the holiday, bring clippings, notes, photographs, and in the morning in a conversation, the children tell and show what they have prepared. Then everything that is on this holiday is attached to "News line" .

An important component of the patriotic education of the younger generation is the organization and holding of various events and holidays of patriotic themes. In any program of patriotic education, a large place is given to the organization of holidays and events of a patriotic orientation. Victory Day, Defenders of the Fatherland Day, anniversaries of great events and wonderful people, holidays of various types of troops, etc. At the same time, the holding of such holidays is carried out as a special socio-cultural activity.

The organizers of the holiday often do not even think about how to make the holiday an effective form of education. Much more often they are worried that the holiday will be remembered for a long time, that as many people as possible take part in it, that the spectators and leaders will like it, that they will talk about it. Over the years, pedagogy and socio-cultural activities have developed various options holding holidays.

IN AND. Zagvyazinsky in the pedagogical dictionary interprets the holiday as "(from Staroslav. holidays- festive, free from work) day of celebration in honor or in memory of any outstanding event. A holiday is always fun, entertainment, a combination of artistic and decorative design, music, a living poetic word, games, theatrical performances, rituals, etc. Components of the scenario of the Holiday: prologue - a short introductory part that emotionally sets up the perception of the festive action (music, fanfare, poetic word, theatrical performance, etc.); plot - an episode that "starts" the plot of the holiday in motion, which gives impetus to the development of action - a combination of games, contests, tests, a demonstration of achievements, in which all participants of the Holiday are; the final is the final part of the Holiday, the last chord that crowns the idea of ​​the Holiday. Creating a holiday is an art, because a mechanical, even a skillful combination of various elements of the Holiday, does not always lead to success. So that the natural impulse of the masses merges with the creative concept and clear activity of the organizers and results in high emotional experience". patriotism school cool holiday

V. Nikulina believes that for younger schoolchildren a holiday is, first of all, the development of interest in knowledge, the formation of a socially active healthy personality, the realization of needs, talents, interests, hidden opportunities, the development of students' creativity, self-affirmation. The participation of children in festive events provides an opportunity to show their abilities, and also teaches communication. The holiday includes a military parade dedicated to Victory Day, holiday concert, Joy Day, Birthday, etc. .

Let us consider the essence of a patriotic holiday as the cohabitation of something significant for the Motherland (native land, native people, home country) developments.

The themes of such a holiday are varied: public holidays; traditional folk holidays; memorable dates from the history of the Motherland and its heroes. The main motto of class teachers and students, the main participants of the holiday, can be considered the following phrase: "the success of the holiday depends on the part of the soul invested in it." This gives rise to the first educational task: overcoming alienation from the holiday, making the holiday family and friends for both class teachers and their students. Emotional attitude, motivation Active participation in holding the holiday allows you to successfully solve the problem.

The holiday is created as a joint work of culture and traditions: poems, songs and ditties are composed, special design, rituals are invented, performances and literary and musical compositions are staged. To understand and realize this event, to live in it - this is the essence of the holiday. Organizers and participants join the values ​​of the Motherland, living and empathizing.

During the holiday there should not be indifferent observers, each child should be an active participant in the holiday. For this, organized group work. Each group develops and prepares a creative surprise for all other groups within the chosen theme.

Each holiday has its own cultural form. For example, "folk festivals", "gatherings", "theater festival", etc. Performance of all creative groups taking part in a holiday is carried out. Each group organizes a mass game with the audience. During the "press conference" viewers get the opportunity to ask a question (in writing or orally) creative groups. At the end of the festival, the participants are rewarded. Common songs are performed, joint creative results of the holiday are summed up. Each group prepares a creative report about the past holiday, which is shown at the general gathering. Emotional acceptance of the holiday is an important result of such a holiday.

Classroom teachers and teachers, as organizers of patriotic holidays, play a big role in improving educational and educational processes, they organize and direct the teaching staff to the greatest efficiency of these processes. That is why they must remember the main and most significant holidays and dates in the history of Russia in order to convey them to their pupils and students.

All holiday scenarios take into account age features children, the level of development and preparedness of the participants, possible emotional impact, as well as the psychological atmosphere of the whole event as a whole. As a rule, the time allotted for a holiday in elementary grades should not exceed 25 - 30 minutes. During the preparation of the event, children are imbued with a sense of belonging to the past, compassion, respect for the feat of grandfathers and fathers.

Big role the decoration of the hall plays a role in the celebrations, which allows you to most accurately convey the atmosphere of solemnity, and in some cases tragedy and hopelessness. The walls are decorated with flowers and posters of a patriotic theme. The selection of music during the preparation of the event also plays a huge role: this includes songs of the war years, folk art. Appearance The participants of the holiday also change depending on the theme of the holiday, the dress code is often formal.

The holiday dedicated to the Victory Day plays an important role in fostering the spirit of patriotism and citizenship. The younger generation knows less and less about this war, which claimed more than twenty-seven million lives of our compatriots. The most important task schools is to preserve intergenerational ties in various forms and methods.

You can develop a script dedicated to the celebration Victory Day - this holiday The final stage in the cycle of events held at the school. Children can be given tasks (taking into account age characteristics), for example, find material about pioneer heroes, work in the rear, and the partisan movement. Such work always arouses great interest in the participation of schoolchildren, the result of which is a holiday dedicated to the Victory.

The holiday dedicated to the Victory Day pursues the following goals: fostering love for the motherland; respect for the memory of the fallen for their courage and steadfastness in the fight against fascism; to show the mass heroism and willpower of their own people, including children.

February 23 is celebrated as "Defender of the Fatherland Day" in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. On this day, we pay tribute and gratitude to those who courageously defended their native land from invaders, as well as to those who in peacetime carry out difficult and responsible service. At the same time, we pay special attention to boys and young men, those who in the near future will have to stand up for the Fatherland. Today we celebrate this holiday not as the birthday of the Red Army, but as the day of real men. Our defenders in the broadest sense of the word.

1 September is the day of knowledge. Celebration of the beginning of a new school year, especially for pupils, pupils, students, teachers and lecturers. Traditionally, schools celebrate the start of the school year on this day. First-graders are greeted with special solemnity in schools. For them, you can develop a script - a fairy tale initiation into first graders. Also, first-graders can be given short poems in advance, which they can tell at the holiday.

Maslenitsa is one of the Russian calendar holidays. On this day, the farewell of Winter and the meeting of Spring are celebrated. On the Maslenitsa holiday, children recite poems about Maslenitsa, sing funny ditties Maslenitsa, drawing a straw man. The scenario of the holiday can be supplemented with outdoor games. They bring revival and fun, allow you to involve the largest possible number of children in participating in the holiday. After the holiday, students can have a tea party with pancakes.

A child more easily and better captures and understands his native culture in the form of holidays such as Maslenitsa than in any other. He lives events in the rhythm of his age, temperament, as he understands, etc. Ordinary school holidays, where everyone walks in formation, these are just demonstration performances. In the national holiday, children are and actors, and the audience, so the Maslenitsa holiday must be included in the number of patriotic holidays.

Also, patriotic holidays in Russia include the Spring and Labor Day - May 1, Russia Day, Constitution Day and many other state and folk holidays, because patriotism is also love for one's people, history, customs and traditions.

Having studied and analyzed the literature, we can conclude that a holiday in elementary school is not only an opportunity for children to show their abilities, and for a teacher to get to know the pupils better, to gently influence them in the right direction, but also in certain cases a form of patriotic education that contributes to education of love and respect for the Motherland, the formation of moral, psychological and physical readiness to fulfill the Constitutional duty to protect the Fatherland.

The proposed option for holding one of the patriotic holidays creates a situation of emotional and sensual empathy for the fate of the Motherland and is an effective means of patriotic education (Appendix 2).

We are patriots

Municipal budgetary educational institution

additional education

"House children's creativity named after B.T. Kuropatkin

We are patriots

a collection of scripts for events on patriotic education


Elena Viktorovna Panina,

teacher - organizer

Polysaevo 2015


Patriotic education has always been one of the most important tasks, since childhood and youth are the most fertile time for instilling a sacred feeling of love for the Motherland, constant readiness for its defense. The result of career guidance work in this direction should be a generation of noble people with convictions, ready for a feat - those who are commonly called the short and capacious word "patriot".

It must be admitted that today a significant part of young people are not patriots to the required extent, young people are proud that they managed to avoid military service, and not vice versa. In this regard, the need and revival of the authority of the army, as well as an adequate understanding of its role and place in the life of society and the fate of the Fatherland, has increased.

One of the ways to solve this problem can be career guidance among the younger generation in this direction.

Many have heard the phrase: “There is such a profession to defend the Motherland”, I would like every growing citizen of Russia to constantly deepen knowledge about the army of his Fatherland, be proud of his victories and himself be able to stand up for her defense. And someone will do it professionally.

And the sooner such work is carried out, the sooner children will develop positive attitude to serve in the army. The Russians have something to be proud of. Today, as in the old days, our Russian Army is famous for its soldiers. She has a glorious past and a worthy future. And the future of our Russian Army is today's boys and girls.

"Knightly Fights"

scenario competitive program dedicated to

Defender of the Fatherland Day

Purpose of the event:

Raising the readiness of teenagers to stand up for the defense of the Motherland, preparing them for service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and choosing a profession.

Event progress

Leading: Sometime in the Middle Ages

Knights lived everywhere

The knights were proud of themselves

Swords and armor.

The knights played with fate

And they went to tournaments.

But half a thousand years ago

They were not in the world.

But that's just what they say

We do not agree with this!!

Some say that there are no such people today, but even today there are knights. I have no doubts about it, and you will also be convinced of this today. First, let's remember who the knights are? (Answers of participants and spectators).

You are right, I can only add to your answers. In the Middle Ages, brave, courageous warriors who wore heavy armor, were armed with a spear and a sword were called knights. At the age of 7, the boys were sent to study with experienced warriors, where they learned to ride a horse, shoot a bow, throw a spear, and wield a sword. In addition to military sciences, boys were taught to keep their word, to be polite, to help each other out, to stand up for the weak and offended, to treat women nobly and sublimely.

Now we will check whether our participants have all these qualities.

Here they are, modern knights. We meet the teams with loud applause (teams line up in the gym).

Is everyone ready? Then we start. It only remains for me to say that the event consists of three rounds, each with several tasks. At each stage, you will be evaluated by a jury consisting of: (representation of the jury members).

Round 1 "Speed, Agility"

In the first round, dear participants, you will compete in speed and agility.

1. Relay with somersault.

A participant from a run performs a “somersault flight”, runs a distance of 10m, runs around the control post, returns, passing the baton to another participant. The team with the shortest time wins.

2. Relay “Cuttlefish”.

The participant in an emphasis sitting performs movements with his back forward. Having overcome the control post at a distance of 10m, he returns, running passing the baton to another participant. The team with the shortest time wins.

3. Relay with crawling.

The participant performs crawling on the gymnastic bench, runs the remaining gap, runs around the control post, returns, passing the baton to another participant. The team with the shortest time wins.

4. Relay “Freeway”.

Two participants, the first in emphasis on the hands, the second holds the partner by the legs, move forward. After the control stand, they change places, return back and pass the baton to others. The team with the shortest time wins.

5. Relay "Carry the victim in battle."

Two members of the same team join hands in a certain way, i.e. left hand on the wrist of his right hand, right hand on the wrist of the left hand of another participant. The second participant does the same. On command, two participants cross their arms, seat the “victim” and carry him a certain distance. Each penalty is +5 seconds to the total time. I place - in less time, taking into account the penalty time. The team with the shortest time wins.

Leading: You coped with the first stage, the jury sums up the results, and we move on to the second round. At this stage, the children will have to answer questions about the history of Russia. To do this, I ask the captains to get task cards. I inform you that your time is limited, in 5 minutes you must answer the largest number of questions. While the participants are preparing, we offer to watch a demonstration performance of the military-patriotic club.

2 round"Connoisseurs of History"

Questions for the competition

    This man was born in Denmark, but in his youth he entered the Russian fleet, and Russia became his second homeland. He fought under the Russian flag against the Swedes, participated in difficult sea voyages. An island, a strait and part of the ocean are named after him. What was his name? (Vitus Bering)

    This literary hero- a soldier of the Great Patriotic War - a monument was erected in the homeland of its author in the ancient Russian city of Smolensk. “About fire, about snow, about tanks, about a dugout and footcloths, about shag and frost,” the book is about a fighter. Name the author and his character. (Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky and his hero Vasily Terkin.)

    This Moscow prince is used to fighting. For the first time he was taken on a military campaign as a boy, but his main battle took place when he was thirteen years old. “Dear brothers and friends,” he said at the military council. - Know that I came here to save the Russian land from captivity and ruin. Today we will go to the Don and there we will either win or lay down our lives.” Give the name and nickname of the prince. (Prince Dmitry Donskoy)

    This commander had many difficult decisions. For example, without a fight to surrender Moscow to the enemy. But everyone knows his words: "With the loss of Moscow, Russia is not lost." Name the commander. (Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov)

    A monument to these people stands in the very center of Moscow, on Red Square. They accomplished their feat in 1612. Give them their names. (Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky).

    This naval sailor happened to command the Russian forces in the last major battle of the sailing fleet. This battle took place in the Sinop Bay. Name the sailor. (Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov)

    “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat. Behind Moscow. Whose words are these and to whom were they spoken? (Politruk Vasily Klochkov - to the defenders of Moscow in the autumn of 1941)

    On his seal, this military leader and statesman carved the words: "I am a student and need teachers." And now the city he founded bears his name. What was the name of this "student"? (Peter the Great)

    Which commander inspired his soldiers that “death flees from a bullet and a brave bayonet”, that “learning is hard - easy on a campaign”? (Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov).

    Which commander was awarded the honorary title of "Marshal of Victory" by the people? (Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov)

Leading: The guys coped with the previous tasks, and we move on to the obstacle course. In the third round, you have to demonstrate strength, agility, speed, air rifle shooting skills, assembling an assault rifle, i.e. those skills that will be necessary to serve in the armed forces. The passage of the obstacle course is estimated to have a shorter passage time. I wish everyone good luck.

Round 3 “Big Relay”

The paramilitary team relay is held in the sports hall. 10 team members take part in this event (team members are placed according to the stages according to the draw). Each team member runs a certain distance to his stage, completes it, runs further and runs around the flag (1 penalty point for not running around the flag), then returns to the start to pass the baton. Teams must be in the same uniform.

I will introduce you to the order of the relay race:

Stage 1- start, having run 10 meters, the participant performs on the move jumping over a gymnastic goat.

Stage 2crawling on the bellies 10-15 meters under a rope net 40-60 cm high;

Stage 3- incomplete disassembly of the AK-74 assault rifle (the sequence of disassembly is taken into account, for each violation - 1 penalty point).

Stage 4jump over the bar performed on the move (bar height 1 meter, for knocking down the bar 2 penalty points).

Stage 5put on military uniform . At the command "Company - rise!" a team member runs up to the table where a military camouflage uniform lies and puts it on. Neatness is assessed. (penalty 1 point for each missing detail of the uniform).

stage 6incomplete assembly of the AK-74 assault rifle(the assembly sequence is taken into account, for each violation - 1 penalty point).

Stage 7- putting on and fixing a gas mask (the correctness of the actions is taken into account, for each violation - 1 penalty point).

Stage 8 - peeling potatoes. The participant runs up to the table, peels potatoes. The quality of peeled potatoes is taken into account.

Stage 9 - shooting from an air rifle. A special sector is assigned for shooting and three shots are given. After the first hit, the participant returns to the starting position.

10 stage- first aid for a closed fracture of the lower leg (it is necessary to apply two splints and transfer the victim on a stretcher to the finish line); three team members participate, the correctness of the actions is taken into account, for each violation - 2 penalty points.

The result of the relay race time is fixed at the moment the last team member carrying the stretcher crosses the finish line. The amount of penalty points scored by the team in the stages is converted into time and added to the result of the team's finish time. One penalty point is equal to 5 seconds. The winner is determined by the best time.

Leading: Today we are convinced that knights exist in our time. We congratulate everyone on the holiday.

Summing up the results of the competition: the winners are determined by the smallest amount of places in each stage. Winning teams are awarded certificates of honor, valuable gifts, teams that did not win prizes - certificates and sweet gifts. The winning teams of each stage of the competition are also awarded.

Scenario of the city event "Day of Free Russia"


    Acquaintance with the state holiday "Day of Russia".

    Acquaintance with state symbols.

    Education of citizenship and patriotism.


    To acquaint with the history of the celebration of the Day of Russia.

    Tell about the history of the appearance of the symbols of the Russian state, their meaning.

    Popularization healthy lifestyle life.


Gymnastic hoops

Churochki ("bumps")

Event progress:

Host: Good afternoon! We are glad to see you on this festive day. June 12 is a significant date for Russia. On this day, the whole country celebrates the Independence Day of Russia. This is one of the youngest national holidays.

This date was adopted by Boris Yeltsin, the first president of Russia in 1994, as Russia's Independence Day. On this day, the President adopted a declaration on the state sovereignty of Russia.

The document on the independence of the country was signed back in 1990 at the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR. It was then that all the countries that were part of the USSR became independent.

Somewhat later, the Independence Day of Russia turned into just the Day of Russia. On this day, in addition to independence, Russia also acquired the first president in its history, appointed to a post at the choice of the people. Boris became them. Nikolaevich. Yeltsin

Today, young citizens of Russia will take part in the competitions. The future of our country depends on you. Competitions will be held according to your route sheets. I wish everyone good luck. Let the strongest win.


"Combined Relay"

At the command "March!" the player must run through the hoop standing vertically on the ground without hitting it (gymnastic hoops are held by assistant referees). Then, along the chocks ("bumps"), jumping from one to another, the player needs to go through the "swamp". The player can complete the task as he sees fit, the main thing is not to stumble, for this - a fine.

"Who is bigger?"

The site is divided by a transverse line into two equal sections. At the same distance from the center line are the cities (it can be just the front line) in which the teams are located (each in its own city).

At the referee's signal, the players of both teams run to the center line, trying to take possession of the pins along the line (each player takes one pin at a time). The team that manages to move as many pins as possible to their side wins the game.

"Relay race with towns"

The players line up in columns one by one (at a distance of two steps). The first players have two towns in their hands. At the referee's signal, they turn their torso to the right (without lifting their feet) and pass the town from behind to the standing player with their left hand. Then do the same on the other side. The last player, having received the towns, runs around the "snake" of each player of his team and, standing at the head of the column, again passes the towns back ... and so on.

The team that finishes the relay first wins.

FILWORD station

Find and read the words that are related to our state (flag, coat of arms, anthem, president, constitution, eagle, capital). From the remaining letters make a word (Russia)

About c r e s

N s e p r o d

S f r g i m e

T l b s o n n

I a g e r a t

T u i l and c and

I c and s t o l

    The official symbol of power, personifying the sovereignty of the state - (flag).

    The official emblem of the state, the symbol of the state - (coat of arms).

    Solemn song, symbol of the state - (hymn).

    The basic law of the state, which determines the social and state structure - (constitution).

    The main city, administrative and political center of the country - (capital).

    The elected head of state in modern Russia is (president).

    What bird is depicted on the coat of arms? (eagle)

8. Do you know public holidays?

Match the names of public holidays with their dates:

CITY Station

Remember the name of the regional centers of Russia.

General drawing "TOGETHER - WE ARE POWER!"

The participants of the game are invited to jointly draw the RUSSIAN TRICOLOR on the pavement.

Moderator: Dear children. You have completed all the tasks. We congratulate everyone on the holiday. See you soon!

Scenario of the city artistic and aesthetic competition "Success", nomination "Patriotic song"

Target: Propaganda by means of musical and artistic expressiveness of the heroic glory of Russia.

- instill in the younger generation a sense of love for native land, respect for the memory of its defenders;

Promote the best examples of patriotic songs;

Preserve the traditions of solo and ensemble singing.

Event progress

The callsigns of the competition sound.

Lead 1.

What song should be?

There is a lot of debate about this.

But the real one is

She will find the way to the hearts,

And no one to drown

Her latest fashion statement

She will walk with you through the years.

Lead 2.

And the song goes to war

And the song destroys pillboxes.

I also knew the song

As a subject of the infantry.

With what song is the soldier

Walked through fiery distances?

Stronger in that song than the alarm,

Words about the Motherland sounded.

Lead 3.

And perform a feat of arms

She called him on campaigns ...

If the song is part of your soul,

You will go through fire and water with her.

Presenter 1. Good afternoon, we say to everyone who is present in this hall today.

Lead 2. We welcome you to the city art and aesthetic competition "Success", nomination patriotic song.

Lead 3. We dedicate our competition to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Lead 1. Veterans came to visit us today, and those in the rear helped win. Let's greet our guests with loud applause.

Lead 2. Thank you so much for the future you have given us.

Lead 3. We remember, we are proud!!!

Presenter 1. Today we will hear many wonderful songs that the participants of the contest will present to you.

Lead 2. Allow me to introduce you to the members of the jury:

    Tatyana Dmitrievna Systerova, vocal teacher at Children's Art School No. 54

    Irina Vladimirovna Ermoshenko, music director kindergarten number 26.

    Sergei Anatolyevich Minovshchikov, Vocal teacher at the Polysaevsky Industrial College

    Ekaterina Nikolaevna Serebrennikova, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Polysaevsky urban district

Lead 2. The guys will compete in two age groups.

Lead 3. The first group is children from 12 to 14 years old and the second from 15 to 18 years old.

Lead 1. Song from the first day fought together with the Red Army, together with the people. Popular pre-war songs were sung, new texts were created.

Lead 2. Today, Daria Gracheva is the first to enter the stage with the song “I want there to be no war”, House of Children's Creativity, leader Chepalova Olga Sergeevna.

Lead 3. Anastasia Perepelova sings for you, the song "My Russia", school number 44, head Oksana Sergeevna Kuchnova.

Presenter 1. Meet Andrey Shabalov, he will perform the song “Mom, it’s true about paradise”, boarding school No. 23, leader Elena Evgenievna Antonova.

Lead 2. Soldiers and officers, leaving for the front, believed that they would definitely defeat the enemy and Peace would come. Belief in victory decided the outcome of the war. “I will return as a winner”, this is the name of the song that Kirill Bushuev will perform for you, school number 14, head Anna Alexandrovna Zakharova.

Lead 3. Bannikova Anastasia sings for you, “The Sun Hid Behind the Mountain”, school No. 44, leader Elena Alexandrovna Sukhorukova.

Presenter 1. In the annals of the war, one can find many interweaving of human destinies and songs. Mironova Tatyana, a student of school No. 17, sings for you, “I want there to be no war”, leader Grunenko Elena Alexandrovna.

Lead 2. The competition continues Kazantseva Alina with the song "Ballad of a Soldier", DDT.

Lead 3. On stage, a student of school number 44, Maria Chenskaya with the song "White Birds"

Presenter 1. The war has reached Germany. Conquered Europe stood up, perked up, the allies finally opened a second front. But main force that crushed fascism was all our people.

On April 30, 1945, the banner of Victory was hoisted over the Reichstag. On May 8, an act of complete surrender of Germany was signed in Berlin. And on May 9, with an unprecedented salute - 30 volleys from 1000 guns - Moscow saluted the winners.

Telkov Artyom will perform the song "The World I Need"

Lead 2."The Anthem of the Children of Russia" will be performed by Salmin Danil, school number 44

Lead 3. Sergei Shcherbinin sings for you, the famous and beloved song “At the nameless height”, school number 17.

Lead 1. " I was not at the Reichstag that morning”, Daria Ivchenko, DDT will perform this song for you.

Lead 2. The whole globe is under your feet.

I live, I breathe, I sing.

But always in my memory

Killed in battle.

Let me not name all the names

There is no blood relatives.

Isn't that why I live

What did they die?

What I owe them, I know.

And let not only a verse,

My life will be worthy

Their soldier's death.

Gradinar Olga sings the song "Russia" for you.

Lead 3.

A man is cold without a song

On a land open to all winds.

I don't know if there's a place in the world

Where they do not believe songs, like bonfires ...

How the forests make noise

To be born to people

Downpours to cry

Dawns blaze -

So the song will forever be in the world,

And it doesn't have to be written.

Alina Dzyubanyuk sings "Cranes" for you.

Lead 1.

I want our planet

The children were never sad.

So that no one cries, does not get sick,

If only our children's choir would ring.

So that forever all hearts are related,

Kindness so that everyone learns

For the planet Earth to forget

What is enmity and war.

The competition is continued by the guys of the older age group. Meet Tatyana Nemykina with the song "I want there to be no war."

Leader 2 ."It's just a war." Dushina Anastasia sings.

Lead 3. I invite the choir from school number 32 to the stage, the song "About that spring."

Lead 1. The song "Buchenwald alarm" performs creative team"Stars"

Lead 2. We invite the Zvyozdochka creative team from school No. 35 to the stage with the song "I was not at the Reichstag that morning."

Lead 3. The holiday is continued by the vocal group 7 "A" of the class of school No. 17 with the song "The cinema is on, the platoon is fighting."

Presenter 1 . “And scarlet sunsets” this song is performed by the creative team “Stars”.

Lead 2. 9 May. Victory Day for the inhabitants of our country is the main holiday. Meet the vocal group "The Sound of Music" with the song " Main holiday", school number 14.

Lead 3.

On June 24, a victory parade took place, when combined regiments of all fronts and naval forces marched under the battle banners. And two famous marshals rode towards each other - the parade commander Konstantin Rokossovsky and the parade host Georgy Zhukov.

“Victory Day” is performed for you by a vocal group from school number 32.

All Leaders leave:

Our holiday has come to an end.

We congratulate our veterans on the holiday.

We wish you good health.

For us, you will always be a role model.

Thank you very much for the win.

City review of song and formation, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan

The purpose of the competition:

Formation of a socially active personality of a citizen and patriot, possessing a sense of national pride, civic dignity, love for the Fatherland, his people and readiness to defend it.

Competition objectives:

    Improving the effectiveness of patriotic education of children and adolescents.

    Involvement of youth in military affairs.

    Instilling love for the Motherland and respect for the glorious traditions of the Armed Forces.

Event progress

1. Fanfare.(Formation of participants in the sports hall for the competition dedicated to the "Defender of the Fatherland Day").

2. opening speech leader.

Presenter 1: Hello guys, teachers and guests of the city song and system review, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.

More than 25 years ago, the ten-year war in Afghanistan ended. These events played a significant role in the history of our Motherland. And the knowledge of history is necessary, since those who do not know the past are condemned to repeat the mistakes passed by mankind.

Host 2: For the first time, the issue of bringing our troops into Afghanistan was put on the agenda on March 15, 1979, when an anti-government rebellion broke out among the population in Herat. Afghan leaders have requested military aid in suppressing this rebellion by bringing Soviet troops into the territory of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DRA).

Presenter 1: Officially proclaimed the main objective of the Soviet military presence in the DRA was formulated unambiguously - rendering assistance in stabilizing the situation and repelling possible aggression from the outside. They were ordered to protect the local population from gangs, as well as to distribute food, fuel and basic necessities. Our government hoped that the introduction of troops would be short-lived.

Lead 2. On December 25, 1979, at 15:00, a limited contingent of Soviet troops entered Afghanistan, through Kushka to Herat and Kandahar, and then to Kabul.

On April 14, 1988, the foreign ministers of Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Soviet Union and the United States signed five documents in Geneva on a political settlement of the situation around Afghanistan. According to the Geneva Accords, which came into force a month later, Soviet troops were to leave Afghanistan in nine months.

Presenter 1. The battalion of the 201st division was the last to leave Afghanistan. Before the withdrawal of B.V. Gromov built a battalion and, knowing that he would no longer have to meet, thanked all the fighters and said that on this special day, the reconnaissance battalion of the 201st division would go down in history as the last unit of the Soviet troops to leave Afghanistan. But the last to leave Afghanistan was an armored personnel carrier, on which the commander of the 40th Army, Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel-General Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov, was leaving.

Lead 2. The hardest result of the Afghan war is the death of our soldiers and officers. 13,833 servicemen, including 1,979 officers and generals, were killed or died from wounds and diseases, 572 KGB servicemen, 28 employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 190 military advisers, including 145 officers, were killed, 6,669 Afghans became disabled, of which 1,479 people were disabled 1st groups. Hepatitis affected 115308 people, typhoid fever 31080 soldiers and officers. During the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, all obelisks were evacuated to their homeland, which were installed at the places of death of soldiers and officers of the 40th Army.

Presenter 1. I ask everyone to stand and honor the memory of all those who died in Afghanistan.

Lead 2. The Russian army has long been famous for its victories: on the battlefields with the Mongol-Tatar yoke, during the Patriotic War of 1812, selfless heroism on the fronts during the Great Patriotic War. Internationalist warriors added to the glorious history of Russian victories. Not without reason, many of them were awarded state awards for selflessness, courage and heroism shown in providing international assistance to the Republic of Afghanistan. Nowadays, loyalty to the duty and traditions of the older generations has not dried up in Russian guys: an unshakable will to win, courage, courage .

Today, as in the old days, our Russian Army is famous for its soldiers. She has a glorious past and, we hope, a worthy future. And the future of our Russian Army is you, today's boys and girls.

Lead 1. In our city, the competition "Review of the system and songs" is held according to the established tradition every year before February 23. Today we hope that each participant will try to show their best positive traits- responsibility, the ability to work harmoniously in a team, love for the Motherland, readiness to defend it if necessary ...

Congratulations to all those present in this hall on the upcoming Defender of the Fatherland Day!

To all participants of the song review and building! Equal! Attention!

The anthem of R.F.

At ease!
The military-sports "Competition of building and song" is considered open!

Lead 2.Representing the distinguished jury

Lead 1.draw(Team leaders are invited to the judges' table for the draw).

Today in our competition "Building and Songs" will be evaluated:

    Branch building

    Reply to a greeting.

    Turns in place.


    Marching movement.

    Performing a marching song.

    commander's actions.

    The appearance of the participants.

(Each criterion is evaluated on a 5-point scale)

Are the members ready?

1. According to the draw, the department of school No. ___________ is the first to pass

2. A branch of the school No. _________________ is being prepared

3. To participate in the song review and build, the department of school No. ____ comes out

4. The department of school No. _________ continues the competition

5. the following participants of the competition __________________________

6. The competition is completed by the department _____________________________

Dear guys. While the jury members are summing up. We invite you to watch the demonstration performance of the military-patriotic club "Edelweiss".

For summing up, the floor is given……..

Leading: We congratulate everyone on the holiday.


Military-patriotic education of the younger generation will always be relevant. It is of great importance for the formation of the personality of a teenager. The upbringing of a sense of patriotism, pride in one's people is laid down from childhood and is formed in subsequent years.

Preparing the next generation for military service, not only theoretical, but also practical, is of particular importance for adolescents. Practical knowledge helps to determine professionally, it promotes and develops independence, trains endurance, helps to develop physically.

Activities for patriotic education can be organized in different forms. To organize these events, it is necessary to inform the team leaders what skills the participants need to have. Since stage competitions are quite complex, they require pre-training. The guys must know the sequence of assembling the machine gun, have the skills of shooting from an air rifle, provide first aid, wear a gas mask. Know historical facts and be sports prepared

The success of these events depends not only on the interest of the children's team, but also on the leader.


    Agapova, I.A., Davydova, M.A. We are patriots! Class hours and extracurricular activities: grades 1-11 [Text] / I.A. Agapova, M.A. Davydov. - M.: VAKO (Pedagogy. Psychology. Management), 2006. - 368s.

    Adamchik, N.V. handbook of the future commander [Text] / N.V. Adamchik, D.I. Dudinsky. – M.: Harvest, 2001. – 392p.

    Wolf, L.K. Alive and well: a complete guide to first aid for children and adolescents and conduct emergency treatment[Text] / L.K.Wulf. - M .: Russian book, 1994. - 204 p.

    I know the world [Text]: children's encyclopedia / comp. Buyanova N.Yu. - M.: AST, 1996. – 212 p.

slide 1 : Folk holidayseffective remedy civic-patriotic education.

Patriotic education is an eternal problem of pedagogy. Each era, each historical situation in its own way is reflected in patriotic education. Today, this feeling of each of us is being seriously tested. The Fatherland has changed, its past is being revised, the present is worrying and the future is seriously alarming with its uncertainty.

A new social type of personality enters the historical arena. Russian society needs business people, self-confident, independent, with a bright personality. At the same time, there is a "deficit of morality" in the relationship between people. One of the characteristic manifestations of spiritual emptiness and low culture was the loss of patriotism as one of the spiritual values ​​of our people. It has given way to Western models of so-called tolerance and globalization. A real revolution has taken place in the information space with the introduction and connection to the global Internet network, which has both positive and negative consequences.

slide 2

In the mind of the individual, indifference, egoism, individualism, aggressiveness, and disrespectful attitude towards the older generation and the state are widespread. Russian culture, native language are influenced by foreign cultures.

slide 2

On TV screens, the child sees Disney cartoons,

slide 2

heroes modern children become characters in foreign films. Motifs that differ from traditional Russian music sound on the radio, spider-men, ninja turtles, and batmen come to the New Year's masquerades. New Year comes with the arrival of Santa Claus and, to a lesser extent, Father Frost.

slide 2

What about our wonderful cartoons, amazing fairy tale films, where good always triumphs over evil?

slide 3

“The Russian people should not lose their popular authority among other peoples - an authority worthily won by Russian art and literature. We should not forget about our cultural past,” academician D. Likhachev said.

AT modern world the child, having a limited supply of social experience, is mostly disoriented and simply lost among the many options and forms of behavior.

That is why the first stage of the institution of socialization of the child - the kindergarten should intensify work on patriotic education.

slide 4

Patriotism is a feeling. The feeling of belonging to the place where you live, to the nature of your native land, to the people who live nearby, this is a feeling of love for the Motherland, pride in your people.

The main concepts of patriotic education include :

    spiritual and moral relations and feelings of belonging to the home, family, kindergarten, city.

    spiritual and moral relations and feelings of belonging to the cultural heritage of their people;

    spiritual and moral attitudes towards the nature of the native land and a sense of belonging to it;

    education of love, respect for one's nation, understanding of one's national characteristics, self-esteem, as a representative of one's people, and a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities (peers and their parents, neighbors and other people.)

However, there is a need for a creative, extraordinary approach to this issue.

slide 5 Target my work - search effective forms and methods that contribute to the education of patriotism among preschoolers.

There is a need to stop and reconsider how, by what means, methods and techniques to instill modern child feeling of patriotism.

Patriotic education can be called one of the most difficult areas for a number of reasons: the peculiarities of preschool age, the multidimensionality of the concept of “patriotism” in the modern world.

The education of patriotism in preschool children is the formation of their need to do good deeds and deeds, to feel belonging to the environment, to develop such qualities as compassion, sympathy, resourcefulness, curiosity.

slide 5

Since so many different aspects can be distinguished in the consideration of this topic, I limited myself to the followingtasks :

    Analyze the essence of the basic concepts of patriotic education.

    To analyze the psychological and pedagogical features of preschool children, which must be taken into account in the formation of patriotism.

    Determine the most effective methods of activity for the formation of patriotism.

    Consider the holiday as a reflection of the socio-cultural life of society, its role and place in the formation of patriotic qualities;

    To reveal the features of patriotic education of preschoolers.

    Conduct a diagnosis of civic-patriotic upbringing of children.

    To study the role of holidays in the process of patriotic education of preschoolers;

Analyzing the mental and physiological characteristics of preschool children, we can conclude that the leading features of this age areemotionality, the desire for mass action, a tendency to imitate . During this period, the formation of the spiritual and moral basis of the child, emotions, feelings, thinking, mechanisms of social adaptation in society begins, the process of self-awareness in the world begins, the images of perception are very bright and strong and therefore they remain in memory for a long time, and sometimes for the whole life, which is very important in the education of patriotism.During this period, those feelings and character traits begin to develop that invisibly already connect him with his people, his country. The roots of this influence are in the language of the people that the child learns, in folk songs, music, games, toys, impressions about the nature of his native land, about work, life, mores and customs of the people among whom he lives.

It is extremely important to start the process of education of patriotism at preschool age.

slide 6

Toto reveal the level of formation of knowledge about home, cultural heritage, about our country and hometown in which we live, a conversation was held individually with each child. During the conversation, the children were asked next questions:

1. What is the name of the country in which we live?

2. Which city is the capital of our Motherland?

3. What are the names of the people who live in our country?

4. What is the name of the area in which we live?

5. What is the name of the city where you live?

6. Do you know the name of the river on which our city is located?

7. Do you know the name of the street where you live?

8. What sights of your city do you know?

9. What interesting places did you visit with your parents?

10. Do you know the symbol of our city?

The children's answers to the questions were evaluated on a 3-point system, according to the following criteria:

The conversation took place in a calm and confidential atmosphere. During the conversation, the experimenter used visual aids in the form of illustrations, photographs, which were prompts for answers to questions.

Slide 7

An analysis of the children's responses showed the following.

Children know their address best, although there was a boy who did not give his address. Worst of all, children know the coat of arms of the city and the symbols depicted on it. One girl replied that the coat of arms depicted two fluffy black animals with protruding tongues, similar to a cat.

Of the interesting places that children visited with their parents, the most popular is the zoo. Often the guys do not distinguish between the concepts of "Russians" and "Russian".

Slide 8

The leading methodological approaches to the problem of patriotic education have changed. New programs have arrived musical education and education of preschoolers. There are currently many programsI work under the program "Harmony" under the general editorship of K.L. Tarasova with children of middle and senior preschool age, and under the program "Kid" by V.A. Petrova with children of primary preschool age, in whichreflects the modern concept of moral and patriotic education of a person throughupdates and extensions musical material. Folklore, classical works of famous composers were introduced, other types of art were involved (the so-called integrated classes). The most important role in these programs is given to feelings and emotions, which arethe basis for acquiring such qualities as: nobility, decency, respect for elders. They reveal the child's ability to love - to the mother, to the Motherland, to the native Fatherland, to work; they attach to great values, to the preservation of folk traditions, spirituality.

Slide 9

In its many years pedagogical activity I use a wide range of forms of musical education for preschoolers: different kinds classes (according to the composition of children - frontal, individual, united; by content - traditional, thematic, dominant, complex, integrated);

Slide 10

didactic games, festive morning performances, leisure activities, entertainment evenings, concerts, competitions,

slide 11

excursions and walks,

slide 12

theatrical performances.

In my classes, I try to arouse in children an interest in folk, native music, to develop their existing life and musical experience, to captivate, using available material, getting acquainted with folk traditions, customs, holidays, to familiarize them with the values ​​of folk art, because it embodies not just the past of culture, but also the moral properties and abilities of the human soul.

Serious help in the matter of patriotic education is provided by an appeal to folklore.Folklore is a separate, rich, diverse area of ​​culture.Its life-giving, purifying influence is especially needed. little man. Having drunk from a pure spring, a child gets to know his native people with his heart, becomes the spiritual heir to its traditions, without which it is unthinkable to become a real person.

In the process of searching for new means, factors and methods of organizing education, I give preference to those that, firstly, are integral, multifunctional in nature; secondly, they contribute to self-realization, self-expression of the individual; thirdly, they are interesting for children;

slide 13

I believe that one of these means of education is folk culture.It has cognitive, developing, entertaining, diagnosing, corrective and other educational functions, it can serve as one of the means of introducing children and adolescents to folk traditions, which, in turn, represents the most important aspect of the education of spirituality, the formation of a system of moral and aesthetic, universal values. Folk music brings up an active life position of the modern young man, gives him high benchmarks in life.

Therefore, the search for ways and opportunities for educating preschoolers on the material folk culture, I consider the most interesting and promising in modern conditions the life of our society.

With the richest traditions of the Russian people, we begin to acquaint children with early age, gradually moving from small forms (rhymes, sayings, lullabies) to large ones - participation in holidays.

Why a holiday?

The holiday is one of the essential elements of human culture; it is a day filled with joy and fun; Rthe hellishness of a child who received a long-awaited toy from the hands of a living Santa Claus, the joy of meeting with the heroes of their favorite fairy tales. The holiday isthe day when people unite. Adults and children in holidays feel an emotional lift, at the same time conditions are created for expressing joy, good mood, opportunities for open expression of their feelings are provided.On the holiday there is a spiritual uplift and enlightenment, the unity of people, the disclosure of creative forces.A holiday is a mood for goodness and joy. It is on the holiday that everyone wants to do something nice for each other. By ancient customs the holiday is the forgiveness of all insults, the reconciliation of enemies.

Slide 14

No matter how dull and gray childhood would be without holidays.

Preparing for the holiday always arouses interest in children, on the basis of which an artistic taste is formed. Children are happy to participate in the design of their group rooms, a music hall, prepare costumes, learn songs and dances, participate in games. Team work children and adults allows you to brighter reveal the talent of the child. The holiday contributes to the formation of an active position in children, the study of the traditions of the Russian people.

As mentioned above, the concept of patriotism is very broad. It includes not only love for the native land and Fatherland, but also for small homeland, to his family. Based on this, holidays that have a patriotic orientation become an important resource for educating a patriot. These include:

slide 15 state civil holidays.

Holidays officially adopted at the state level.

slide 15 Any of us, of course, waiting

Merry holiday - New Year.

But more than anything in the world

Children are waiting for this holiday.

slide 15

So on the eve of the holiday of Defenders of the Fatherland in the children's garden is held holiday competition"Army exercises", where the guys perform famous military songs, show their physical and intellectual knowledge, perform famous military songs.

Aty-baty, wider step,

Hey, keep your balance.

Soon in the native army

There will be a replenishment.

slide 15 Victory Day - the holiday of grandfathers,

This holiday is yours and mine.

Let the sky be clear

The guys are over their heads.

slide 16 International holidays

slide 16 In March, the sun played on the snow,

Together with the sun, spring came to us,

Children run to their mothers with congratulations,

Mom's holidaycelebrates the whole country.

slide 16 Children Protection Day.

Slide 17 Holidays that have become traditional in a certain society: Birthday of a kindergarten.

We celebrate birthday -

We treat the caravan.

Slide 17 fashion day

Our field is rocky

You can't walk on the sidelines.

Our girls are forsists -

You can't get close.

Slide 18 And yet the best "educator" of the younger generation was and remains the traditionalfolk holiday , because it is he who introduces the child to the cultural heritage of our country.

In Russia, the law was

Generously see off the winter,

Treat everyone with pancakes

And for a whole week


Praise and glorify.

So, with the help of a folklore character, who is a conductor of historical knowledge and inspires confidence in children, in the process of communicating with them, children showed more and more interest in reality.

Slide 18

Programthe holiday is discussed and approved at the teachers' council, the duties of the team members are clarified, the leader is selected. The role of the leader in the process of the holiday is great. It is he who must unite children and adults, create a good mood, and for this he must quickly respond to everything that happens, be emotional and sincere.

So let's praise Autumn

Song dance and game.

Meetings will be joyful.

Autumn, this is your holiday.

Slide 18 We stood around the birch in a round dance,

Bright handkerchiefs raised high.

Slide 19

Drilling and endless rehearsals are unacceptable in the holiday. If systematic, consistent work is carried out, rehearsals are not needed. It is logical when children are introduced into the festive action naturally, with the repertoire that has been accumulated for this day. The holiday is not prepared for guests, but arranged for children!

There is no need to be afraid that the children will get lost in the dance, they will suddenly begin to sing uncoordinatedly or forget the words ... There should be such an environment in which the children feel calm and confident, trust adults, are confident in their support, sensitivity and goodwill.

All work on the development and education of patriotic qualities gives goodresults :

    Children meaningfully, actively, with pleasure participate in folk holidays;

    They have a steady interest in folk music and the history of the people, a sense of pride in their Fatherland, a respectful attitude towards the indigenous people of the region where they were born.

    They know the history of Russian holidays and traditions.

    Use the attributes of Russian folk culture in independent activities.

    Holidayreflects not only the worldview of people, but also the policy of the state, labor culture.

Slide 20

Conclusion : a national holiday is the environment in which civic-patriotic feelings of preschoolers are easily formed. He personifies the best cultural achievements of society and influences the development of patriotism of a preschooler in the best possible way.

"The people who do not know their past,

Has no right to the future!”

A. Pushkin

Olga Yaroshenko

On August 22, the whole country celebrated holiday« Day of the Russian flag» . It's young holiday in our country, but already loved by all the citizens of our vast country. Russian The tricolor is one of the main symbols of the country. children during this holiday get acquainted with the state symbols of the country, with some traditional national and civil holidays. And in kindergarten "Smile" systematic work is being carried out on the moral and patriotic education. Conversations are held with the guys on this topic, they learn poems about the Motherland, Russian flag. August 21 was held holiday dedicated to this event. On the holiday children were able to plunge into the history of our Motherland. Russian folk games showed rich heritage our ancestors.

Children were able to reveal the beauty of their native land in poems about the Motherland and beautiful dance "Russian birch".

And at the fun relay races, the guys showed their sports training, and proved that they are growing up as a worthy successor

In custody holiday the guys from the preparatory group showed a colorful procession with Russian flags.

Related publications:

"Russian Flag Holiday" for older children Senior and preparatory group Holiday of the Russian flag Purpose. Equipment The course of the holiday Children enter the hall to the music and line up.

Scenario "Birthday of the Russian flag" Scenario "Birthday of the Russian flag" Purpose: to introduce the symbolic meaning of the flag of Russia; cultivate love and respect for one's own.

Scenario of the holiday "Day of the Russian flag" Day of the Russian flag (For all groups) Roles: Presenter. Attributes: 1. Multimedia presentation. 2. Russian flags, two per child.

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To the music "Where the Motherland Begins" op. Basner, muses M. Matusovsky children enter the hall. Host: Dear children! August 22 our country.

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