Why is it necessary and how is ultrasonic or mechanical facial cleaning performed? Which facial cleansing is better mechanical or ultrasonic - the opinions of cosmetologists.

Many people know what facial cleansing is, but not everyone knows why it is needed, and few understand how the methods of the most common salon procedure differ. The question of what is better and more effective - mechanical or ultrasonic cleaning, excites many.

Reviews of people who have tried facial cleansing on themselves vary from enthusiastic ones who extol it as a must-have weekly procedure, to skeptical ones who do not see the difference before and after cleaning, and, finally, there are those who are harmed by it. What's the matter? Is such a popular cosmetic procedure just another marketing myth? Why should you do a facial? And, most importantly, which method should be chosen to obtain the desired result?Specialists of the SERENDIPITY Beauty Center, Almaty, will help us to understand all the subtleties.

Why do you need a facial?

In fact, why is cleaning needed, especially if the age is far from puberty? After all, everyone knows from school biology textbooks that the appearance of acne and other unpleasant skin inflammations is part of the wonderful process of growing up and ends by the age of 18-25. But is it really so?

Tatyana Dzhanalieva, a dermatologist and cosmetologist at the SERENDIPITY Beauty Center, comments: “Life in a metropolis implies far from ideal conditions for our skin and the body as a whole. Dirty air in Almaty, water quality in Astana – living in a city means, as a rule, a polluted living environment. The next factor is the quality of modern food with a large preponderance of fatty foods that have undergone additional processing, and a shortage of light proteins in the form of fish, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits.

This is followed by improper skin care: frequent and aggressive exposure to soap or alcohol-based cleansers. And finally: the influence of hormonal, climatic, seasonal and age factors also leads to increased secretion of the sebaceous glands and the production of excess sebum - sebum. A blockage of pores leads to local inflammation, black spots and other unpleasant manifestations on the skin. The skin is not able to cleanse itself of pollution. Facial cleansing can be compared to artificial respiration: cleansed pores again get a chance to actively absorb both oxygen and nutrients. Accordingly, the effect of any cosmetic procedures increases many times after the basic facial cleansing procedure.

How to do facial cleansing?

So, it is clear that the skin needs regular cleansing. The next question that needs to be answered is how to do it right?

“The need for regular skin cleansing is undeniable. However, its improper implementation threatens with much more serious problems not only of an aesthetic nature, - warns the specialist of the SERENDIPITY Beauty Center, dermatocosmetologist Natalia Bozhko. – Harm from facial cleansing done unprofessionally can lead to the following complications: hematomas, scars, age spots and atheromas. These are the most common complications to deal with after a person has undergone a facial cleansing done by non-professionals. A person who is not versed in anatomy and does not know the elementary rules for cleaning the face, with his manipulations, can cause cosmetic complications and cause serious damage to health, up to inflammation of the meninges.

It is the consequences of an unprofessional cleansing of the face that lead to the emergence of myths about the futility and even the dangers of this procedure. It is necessary to follow two simple rules: do facial cleansing only by specialists, and also avoid this procedure in the presence of inflammatory processes on the skin in order to prevent the infection from spreading from the affected areas to healthy ones.

Mechanical or ultrasonic cleaning?

A consultation to determine the degree of contamination, features and problems of your skin, along with obtaining detailed information about lifestyle and home care rituals, will allow the specialist to choose the cleaning method that suits you.

Mechanical facial cleansing involves deep cleansing of the skin. Pre-cleansed skin is steamed with finely dispersed steam, which is ozonized for additional bactericidal action. Then the specialist removes the contaminants pointwise, placing the fingers at a special angle. This is the most effective technique for cleansing impurities that are deep in the pores. As a result, transient reddening of the skin is possible, which can last from several hours to several days.

Any woman, one way or another, has problems with the skin of the face: pores are clogged, acne rashes appear. You can deal with shortcomings in different ways, for example, to do ultrasonic or mechanical peeling. Below we will look at each method in detail and try to figure out which procedure is better.

Mechanical face cleaning

Manual or mechanical facial cleansing is considered the most effective cosmetic procedure in the fight for perfect skin. However, it is also a cardinal method that is best suited for the treatment of acne. During the procedure, a deep cleansing of the skin from dead cells and dirt occurs with the help of a special strainer and a spoon "Uno". Cleaning can be done no more than once every two months.


Mechanical peeling has a number of disadvantages, including:

  • soreness;
  • injury;
  • the risk of scarring;
  • long-term skin recovery.


Mechanical cleaning is suitable for you if your face has enlarged pores, blackheads or blackheads. You can also take a course of several sessions if you want to improve skin tone and refresh it, get rid of sebaceous plugs, milia .. Most often, mechanical cleansing is used for advanced acne.


Manual cleaning is contraindicated in acute forms of dermatitis and eczema, in the presence of diseases of the scalp and herpes. During PMS and menstruation, it is also better to abandon this cosmetic procedure.

Stages of mechanical cleaning

The procedure begins with cleansing the skin with lotions. This is followed by the second stage, during which the cosmetologist carries out vaporization (steaming of the skin) in order to maximize the opening of the pores. In some cases, certain creams, gels or masks can be used for this purpose.

Next comes the turn of the most manual cleaning. As already mentioned, special tools are needed for its implementation. An experienced cosmetologist should have time to finish the procedure before the time when the pores begin to close again. Otherwise, there is a high risk of infection and microtrauma, after which scars may remain. Next, the cosmetologist applies a tightening mask, which has an antibacterial effect and helps to narrow the pores. At the end of the procedure, a cream is applied that soothes the injured skin.

For the next two or three days, slight redness may remain on the face. It is not recommended to apply cosmetics to the skin at this time, with the exception of cleansing tonics and soothing creams. Just keep in mind that all week after cleansing, you can not wipe your face with products that may contain alcohol.

Ultrasonic face cleaning

The ultrasonic device helps to remove dead cells from the skin, as well as clean the pores that are clogged with dust, secretions of the sebaceous glands. The procedure is suitable for any skin type. When ultrasound begins to act on the skin, causing microvibrations, the temperature of this area rises, which makes it possible to remove impurities. You should not be afraid of such a cosmetic procedure, because it is not only painless, but also does not cause harm to health.

You can do ultrasonic cleaning both in the office of a beautician and at home, which will help you save a lot of money. Of course, you will have to buy a special device, but in just a month of such procedures, you can fully recoup its cost. The principle of cleaning the house is no different from the procedure in a beauty salon.

So, if you are going to do such peeling yourself, you will have to follow some rules. Ultrasonic cleaning should be carried out at least 2-3 times a month. Before the procedure, we recommend steaming the skin, this will help open the pores a little. Then you need to treat your face with a scrub, and only after that you can start working with ultrasound.

For the best effect, a special gel or cream is applied to the skin. You need to drive the ultrasonic device carefully, clearly along the massage lines. The total duration of the session should not exceed 25-35 minutes.


Ultrasonic cleaning helps to cleanse the pores of impurities, improve the antiseptic properties of the skin, blood circulation. It refreshes the face, evens out its tone, brightens age spots. Cleansing also relieves swelling and tightens pores, activates tissue regeneration and makes acne scars less noticeable.


Ultrasonic peeling can be done by any woman, even if she has very sensitive skin. There are a number of indications for this procedure, for example, the presence of the first signs of aging. If your skin is dehydrated, dull or has an unpleasant shine, prone to severe acne, oily - then ultrasonic cleaning will help in solving all these problems. By the way, this procedure significantly lightens age spots on the face, although it does not completely remove them.


Any cosmetic procedure has its contraindications. Ultrasonic peeling is best not done during pregnancy and lactation. It is not recommended for people with skin or infectious diseases, epilepsy, cuts, or dilated vessels on the face. The contraindications of the procedure can also include the presence of a tumor, diseases of the cardiovascular system, asthma, significant acne, fever and circulatory disorders.

The choice between mechanical and ultrasonic cleaning depends on many factors. If you have problem skin, then it is better to opt for a manual method. Ultrasound procedure can be used as preventive methods. In general, an experienced beautician will assess the condition of your skin and help you decide on how to clean it.

Clean, pink, healthy skin is the main secret of beauty. At any age, it is important to pay attention to facial cleansing.

This procedure allows you to maintain healthy skin and keep it young for a long time. Which face cleansing is better - this is the question that worries both young beauties and women of elegant age.

What types of cleaning are there

Choosing care, a woman finds herself in a difficult position. What do you prefer - home or salon procedures? And if you go to the salon, then what kind of cleaning to try and apply?

It is necessary to decide which facial cleansing is best based on the condition of the skin. If there are no special problems, then any option will do. If the skin is problematic, there are deep subcutaneous inflammations, profuse purulent rashes, acne, then for your own safety you need to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist. The specialist knows better what kind of impact can solve the problem and restore the skin to cleanliness and health.

The choice of procedures for deep and effective cleansing of the upper layer of the skin is quite large.

Mechanical or manual cleaning is the simplest and most popular method. It is carried out both in the salon and at home. The point is to first open the pores by steaming, and then manually remove sebaceous plugs or pus from them. You can do this with your fingers or a special device - a Uno spoon. Mandatory disinfection.

Brossage, or brushing. A new procedure for mechanical cleaning, which is carried out with special brush attachments. Despite the mechanical impact, it is much less traumatic compared to manual cleaning, does not cause pain and does not leave marks on the skin. Effectively cleanses the skin pores from black dots, and the epidermis - from keratinized dead skin particles. It is carried out in the salon or at home, if there is a special device.

vacuum cleaning is based on creating the effect of pulling the contents of the pores with a special maniple. At the same time, a light massage is carried out, which significantly improves the lymph and blood circulation of the face. It is carried out only in the salon.

ultrasonic cleaning- the most demanded salon procedure. The ultrasonic handpiece is completely painless, steaming the skin is not required, which means that cleaning is allowed with rosacea. The meaning of the procedure is to destroy the sebaceous plugs, cleanse the dermis of dead cells and remove decay products in a natural way.

Laser cleaning is based on the effect of the beam of the same name on the skin of the face. A popular salon procedure, it is indicated both for solving serious skin problems and for maintaining youthful skin.

Combined cleaning combines mechanical action on individual parts of the face and ultrasonic or laser cleaning.

Each of the procedures has its pros and cons, as well as indications and contraindications. When it comes to beauty and health, details matter a lot. An important point is the regularity of cleansing care procedures. How often you can clean your face, the dermatocosmetologist should determine.

Salon cleaning: pros and cons

Regular visits to the salon after 30 years is a contribution to your youth and beauty. So say the cosmetologists, and they are absolutely right. But even at a young age, the help of an experienced specialist is indispensable. Especially when it comes to really serious problems: keratosis, acne, subcutaneous inflammation. They are solved by a specialist individually, which determines how often you can clean your face.

Indeed, in the arsenal of a professional cosmetologist there are devices, devices, highly effective cosmetic products, without which the success of the procedure will be doubtful. And yet, you need to evaluate all aspects of salon beauty care and be sure to understand how often you can do facial cleansing.

Permanent benefits:

Several methods of steaming the face before cleansing, including without exposure to hot steam (gel or paraffin masks, vaporizer, etc.);

Safe removal of ulcers. At home, even with sufficient disinfection, there is a risk of blood poisoning by the contents of the subcutaneous purulent capsule;

Special hardware procedures, which are carried out only in the salon using a laser, ultrasound, a vacuum handpiece, are completely safe, and most importantly, painless and atraumatic. In addition to the actual deep cleansing of the skin, they even out the complexion, stimulate the production of collagen fibers, rejuvenate, even out the complexion, relieve wrinkles and swelling, tighten the oval of the face and give a lasting long-lasting effect.

It is salon procedures that combine cleansing, rejuvenation, and healing. High-quality salon procedures are more effective than home care, providing the skin with beauty and health.

But there are some downsides to be aware of:

Brushing (brossage) and vacuum cleaning are effective, but short-lived procedures. You will have to do them regularly to keep your face clean. Not all girls are ready to pay twice a month for beauty;

Ultrasonic and laser cleaning will cost even more, although the effect will be noticeable longer. At the same time, ultrasound is not always able to deeply clean the pores; you will still have to resort to mechanical extrusion;

The salon offers not only hardware procedures, but also mechanical cleaning. In some cases, combined cleaning is indicated, since only manual removal of the pore contents will be effective. Mechanical cleaning is painful. In addition, you will have to go through a rehabilitation period: wait until the wounds heal.

Do not forget that salon procedures have contraindications. For example, ultrasonic cleaning cannot be done if there is rosacea, diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, inflammation in the sinuses, etc. Laser cleaning will have to be abandoned if a tendency to scarring of the skin is found.

Home cleaning: pros and cons

Deep cleansing of the dermis at home is possible in several forms:

Mechanical cleaning with preliminary steaming;

Using an individual brush-brushing.

Not all girls are ready to entrust their face to a beautician or regularly pay for the procedure. Someone because of an allergy does not go with professional cosmetics, and someone is simply afraid of professional chemistry on the face, considering it too aggressive.

Home mechanical cleansing is the most popular, simple and obviously affordable to clean the pores. The benefits of home care are clear:

It's fast and free;

Aggressive chemical products of professional cosmetics are not used, which means that there will be no allergies or harm;

A steam bath works no worse than a chemical steaming mask. Moreover, steaming can be combined with treatment, hydration and nutrition, if you add the right herbs;

A properly performed home procedure sometimes cleans better than an expensive ultrasound. So what's the best cleanse?

Of course, there are also pitfalls. First of all, there is a high risk of infection, since it is impossible to create absolutely sterile conditions at home. Steamed pores are enlarged and vulnerable, the infection can penetrate even if they are perfectly healthy.

In addition, squeezing out blackheads on your own is very dangerous. The consequences can be catastrophic, up to the development of furunculosis or blood poisoning. Most often, instead of getting rid of a pimple, a girl gets a scattering of new pimples in the morning or extensive inflammation, which in some cases has to be treated with medication.

How often can you clean your face

The answer to this question depends on two factors: the condition of the skin (its type) and the type of procedure. Mechanical cleaning for young skin, oily and prone to acne, is carried out at least twice a month. As soon as the wounds from the procedure heal and the formation of new pustules or sebaceous plugs begins, the cleaning should be repeated.

If the skin is dry or normal, the pores need to be cleaned much less often. One procedure of mechanical cleaning in a month and a half is enough.

For mature skin, laser or ultrasound cleaning is preferable. After 30 years, the tendency to fat disappears. The pores are more often clogged not with a greasy secret, but with cosmetics and dust particles. The mechanical effect is carried out pointwise, and ultrasound, laser or chemical peeling is ideal for removing a layer of dead skin.

The frequency of vacuum, laser or ultrasonic cleaning procedures is once a month. To keep the skin clean and fresh for as long as possible, it is advisable to do scrubbing or peeling weekly.

There are so many cosmetic procedures, it is easy to get confused, which is better, mechanical or ultrasonic facial cleansing. Few lucky people can boast of perfect skin, a good gene pool. In the bulk, girls daily have to deal with many problems of appearance. Tones of decorative cosmetics do not improve the condition, they only mask for a while, exacerbating aesthetic defects.

For daily care, it is worth choosing a complex consisting of a gel, tonic and moisturizer. Periodically, the skin needs to create stressful situations in order to activate the protective properties, increase the production of collagen. Depending on the condition and desires of the client, cosmetologists offer procedures that differ in their effect.

What is better, mechanical or ultrasonic facial cleansing? We will consider the stages, advantages and differences in more detail.


Or mechanical, the deepest of all possible cleansing manipulations. Therefore, it is often accompanied by injuries of the integument. What to expect when signing up for a much-needed procedure:

  • the beautician performs make-up removal, that is, completely removes the make-up from the entire surface of the face;
  • next in line is vaporization, due to the action of high temperatures, the pores open to the maximum, naturally this is not safe for owners of thin, sensitive skin with manifestations of rosacea, today special masks and emulsions are more often used to achieve the same effect;
  • with the help of special tools - uno spoons and loops, the master removes annoying comedones, bright local light, in the form of a powerful lamp, aimed at the face, one of the main professional assistants;
  • movements must be very precise and fast in order to be in time before the pores are closed, otherwise the risk of microtrauma and infection increases;
  • after complete cleansing, a mask is distributed that closes the ducts and the procedure is, in principle, considered completed;
  • you should not immediately leave the salon, it is better to sign up for a manicure / pedicure, after manual intervention, the face is very susceptible to pollution, so you need to wait at least half an hour before going outside.
It will take about an hour, this is without additional procedures. More often it is used in the complex of anti-aging therapy and in the treatment of acne.


  • allergy;
  • herpes;
  • dermatitis;
  • pregnancy, menstruation.
  • deep cleansing;
  • activation of the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • improvement of skin color and structure;
  • removal of comedones and acne.
It is enough to use the procedure once a month to maintain a healthy, flowering state. Helps to care for problematic, oily dermis with enlarged pores and regular acne, and is also recommended for correcting age-related changes. It is mandatory to consult a dermatologist, if acne reappears after cleaning, it is worth visiting an endocrinologist and gynecologist.


  • rather painful manipulations, especially difficult to tolerate by people with a low pain threshold;
  • the danger of injury and scarring is primarily associated with the human factor, so special attention should be paid to the choice of a cosmetologist, his experience and reputation;
  • a long recovery period requires a very gentle attitude to the skin, soothing integuments and normalizing pH balance are chosen for washing, peeling and irritation are possible, which will pass within a few days;
  • you should not do it before going on vacation or a solemn event, you also need to limit visits to the beach, solarium, baths;
  • decorative cosmetics are selected with anti-comedogenic properties.


From a beautiful name you expect to get a luxurious effect - young, clean, skin, with perfect tone and relief. Alas, this type of cleaning is beyond the power of cleaning, so you should not hope for radical positive changes after hardware manipulations.
It is performed using a special tool called an ultrasonic scrubber, it is a blade located at an angle of 45? in relation to the surface. Its action is soft and gentle, absolutely painless and does not cause discomfort.


  • there is a standard cleansing of the skin from dust, dirt and makeup using cosmetic milk, foam or other professional product;
  • then the surface is wiped with a tonic or lotion that does not contain aggressive aliments in the form of acids or alcohol;
  • a gel conductor is applied to the prepared epidermis, the procedure is similar to a medical ultrasound;
  • immediately the work of the scrubber-shovel starts, which lasts only ten minutes, in contrast to the lengthy mechanical cleaning, which lasts for an hour;
  • in the end, the face is treated with nourishing / moisturizing masks with plant extracts and other beneficial substances.
During this cleansing, you can completely relax and enjoy a spa vacation, which lasts forty minutes on average, the lion's share is occupied by restorative professional compositions after cleansing with the device.

Main advantages

  • safety, exclusion of injuries and scars;
  • absence of pain and discomfort, only a slight tingling, tingling is possible;
  • quick recovery, redness disappears literally the next day and the face does not need special delicate care.
Recommended for:
  • cleansing the sebaceous ducts;
  • removal of dead cells;
  • improvement of microcirculation;
  • strengthening the protective properties.
The disadvantages include low efficiency for the treatment of acne and acne, as well as the correction of age-related changes. It is not necessary to wait for a miracle after ultrasonic cleaning, in the form of smoothing wrinkles, whitening pigmentation and tightening the contour of the oval. The spatula slightly affects the surface and does not affect intracellular processes in any way.


  • postoperative period;
  • rosacea;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • eczema;
  • herpes;
  • infectious diseases.
Ultrasonic peeling is often used as a preparatory stage for deeper mechanical cleaning. Separately, it can be carried out on the eve of an important event, celebration. This is a preventive procedure that does not significantly affect the general condition of the skin.

A velvety smooth surface and a perfect matte tone are often the result of meticulous care, rather than the favor of nature. What is better, mechanical or ultrasonic cleaning of the face, depends on its condition. Severe rashes and comedones require the immediate intervention of a specialist. And for freshness and maintaining the elasticity of the young dermis, hardware peeling is enough.
