How to be filled with love. How to fill yourself with positive energy and protect yourself from negative Fill yourself with energy

The gigantic amount of information around us, the compaction of time and the number of cases that need to be solved in a unit of time. The absence of self-pity when we, like Olympians, acting on the principle of “Faster, Higher, Stronger”, strive for social accomplishments and victories.

We don't get time to rest. Often even what we call rest is not. For example, we think to relax by mindlessly surfing the Internet. But after an hour or two, we realize that this did not bring us much pleasure or much relaxation.

We try to be in time, we hurry, we hurry. We live on the run.

We live in the future: I'll finish college, I'll find a job, I'll get married, I'll give birth to a child (etc.) ... and life will get better ... But for some reason this does not happen. Life goes on as usual, but that special time does not come when we will be happy, peaceful, contented. In which there will be time for happiness.

Because the time for happiness is now. Right now. Here in this haste, bustle, weekdays, routine. And it is only in our hands to continue to run, it is not clear where, it is not clear why. Or choose exactly your route, your goal, your speed, your fellow travelers, your style and method of running :)

And, of course, on this path we need energy. For a runner, barely moving his legs, may crawl to the finish line. But his result will be clearly not impressive. And such a turn of events is also possible that, having broken down in the middle of the path, our marathon runner will simply collapse without strength.

Where to get energy? How to learn to recharge quickly and stay in the resource all the time?

Get 4 videos from which you will learn the secrets of life management and. You will learn how to remove blocks and negative beliefs and program your mind for the behaviors you need.

1) Keep a balance between spending and replenishing energy.

Often we do not even think about how much power we have been given and measured. We fall asleep, tired, wake up more or less rested, and harness ourselves again to the whirlwind of life. And it seems that it will always be so.

But here is a little more intense load, a little stronger experience, a little harsher winter - and we are losing ground. We get sick. We experience depression or stress. We feel overwhelmed and tired.

And the whole point is that it is necessary- just be sure - you need to strike a balance between spending and replenishing energy. Analyze, feel, reduce “debit with credit”: what is happening in your life? What is on your shoulders right now? What tasks, worries, affairs? How much strength and energy does this require? How do you feel after this? And most importantly, WHAT are you doing to get yourself back in shape? How do you get back the spent strength and energy?

Or maybe something should be removed from your fragile shoulders? Refuse unnecessary obligations. Reschedule to a better time. Get family and friends to help. Delegate for a fee. There are many ways to unload yourself. It is only important to realize that you are alone (one), and if you do not pity yourself, no one will pity you.

It is worth realizing that our life is not a long marathon without end and edge. This is a series of short runs. You need to properly prepare for each of them: train, nourish the body, work out tactics, understand the strategy of the race. And after the deed is done - praise yourself (by all means!) Give your body and mind a rest, recover.

The more energy you have expended, the more effort and effort you must put into energize yourself and charge your batteries again.

And in order not to think every time, “What charges me? What gives me energy?”, do this simple exercise

2) Technique “Energy Diary”

Item a.

Agree, it's hard to do something if this action is not thought out. Let's say you feel that your reserves of vitality are coming to an end. If you think in the style of “We SHOULD somehow restore ourselves…”, then this process may never begin. But if you know exactly what charges you with optimism, joy, strength and cheerfulness, you will not have any difficulties.

Therefore, we recommend that you, after reading this letter, draw up your own individual list"What energizes me." Analyze yourself, your behavior, your reactions and write down everything that can give you a recharge. Try to remember everything, even the most insignificant points. In one life case, one option may be suitable, and in another, a completely different one. way.

Place the finished list where you will have the easiest and fastest access to it. For example, in a smartphone that is always with you. To do this, you can use any application that creates lists (for example wunderlist - it is available both from a computer and from any other device, and can even work offline). And if handwritten is your preference, create a card on card stock or heavy paper for extra durability and put it where you can grab the list quickly. Keep adding to the list as new ideas come to you.

And think about how you can integrate these points into your daily life. Maybe not all and not in full. But it’s not necessary to wait until a “fried rooster pecks” you in order tostart energizing yourself , but you can act ahead of the curve. For example, if walking inspires and fills you, when and how can you incorporate it into your daily routine? Maybe walk to work, and if it’s far away, get off 1-2 stops early and walk them at a walk? Maybe part of the lunch break to devote leisurely walks in the park? Maybe ask your significant other to take a walk with you before bed? Or take on the honorable duty of walking your beloved dog?

Our life is not a sculpture carved in stone. There is always room for change and improvement. Use it to make your life brighter and more joyful.

Refer to this list every time you feel that your balance of energies has been shaken. When the thought arises - how to fill yourself with energy.

Item b.

And, of course, in addition to the sources of your content, it is important to understand: What causes you to lose energy? What is the "trigger" that starts the process of draining energy? What holes does she run into? When does this most often happen?

Put all these negative things on your list number two. Replenish it when you realize that the action that takes energy from you is already regular and systematic.

But in addition to being aware of these insidious traps, it is worth considering
a) how to lay straws
b) escape routes

If you know that a conversation with your mother usually ends in mutual dissatisfaction, think about how to minimize the harm caused by this communication? Maybe not touch certain topics? Or just chat live? Or just other family members? Or mentally talk to your mom about why this is happening. And if the disorder has already happened - what can you do to mitigate the consequences? (And here the list that we compiled in paragraph a will just help).

Please don't shelve these 2 lists. Create your lists, add to them, use them. And let the gaps in your energy become less and less, and the restoration of your tone will become a pleasant and everyday thing.

It seems to be, well, what does a smile have to do with the topic of energy and, in particular, with how to fill yourself with energy, but after reading the ticket in full, you will understand why I chose this particular phrase.

Before moving on to this topic, I want to digress a little and talk about what I recently read in the book "Toltec Trail" author Ken Eagle Feather:

Several years ago, during my seminar in Massachusetts, one of the participants, whom I will call Carol, complained of a headache. She also said that her left knee hurt. During the break, two other women present at the seminar (I'll call them Betty and Margie) said that they used to be practitioners of non-traditional healing and, with Carol's consent, they undertook to help her. I sat and gazed at their efforts. Soon I began to see.

Betty bowed to Carol (who was seated) with her hands over her sore knee. Margie stood behind Carol and held her hands over her head. I could see the energy pouring out of Betty's energy body and entering Carol's knee. It seemed as if Betty was mobilizing all her resources and transferring them to Carol. Margie, on the other hand, stood calm, detached, and seemed to make no effort. From about four feet above Margie's head, a beam of white light emanated and then entered the top of her head. This energy flowed through her, through her hands and into Carol's head. They ended the session after five minutes. Betty looked a little tired, while Margie even seemed overflowing with energy. Carol announced that her knee pain had improved and her headache had gone completely.

We will talk about how Margie healed Carol on the pages of the site. You can read about how to receive energy from the Universe. In the meantime, the question is: do you think it is possible to use the energy of space for your own purposes in everyday life?

To be filled with energy, you just need to connect to the source:

We receive energy from space: imagine that a beam of light descends from space, which fills your entire body with the energy of the universe.

Getting energy from the sun: stand facing the sun, spread your arms to the sides, palms up, let the sunlight into your palms, fill your whole body with warmth and light.

We fill ourselves with the energy of the Earth: everyone knows how useful it is to walk barefoot on the ground, on grass, on pebbles, but that's not all, you can mentally connect to the energy source of the Earth. Imagine how the energy from the core of the Earth rises and fills you with energy, and with this light you receive love and support.

Recharging the energy of water: Have you watched how children love to splash in the water? What about seaside holidays? What can I say, we all skillfully use this source. "Because without water - and not there, and not here!"(Vasily Lebedev-Kumach, "Vodovoz")

But that's not all, here's the advice from the home medical guide for parents "Child's Health" by Tamara Rutskaya:

Put three pebbles of silicon into the spring water, after reading the prayer “Our Father” on each of them. This must be done at noon. Leave for a day. After that, the "charged" water can be used for various magical manipulations. Plus, you can drink it. It helps with many diseases, relieves bad mood, stress, fears. Also in this guide there are recommendations on how, using folk wisdom, to properly bathe a baby so that he is healthy and calm.

And also, taking a shower or just washing yourself, you can say three times: “Like water off a goose, so thinness from me (say the name). So, pronouncing this phrase, and the child can be rinsed with water.

You can also connect with sources of energy at the meditative level and meditation "Wheel of the Elements":

Relaxation is the way to restore the energy system

Most people have no idea what "relax" means. To relax, you need to make your body flexible, you need to make sure that your muscles are not tense. The best example for you is a cat - study her manner of completely relaxing. The cat enters, looks around, wanders for a while, and then flops down on a more or less comfortable spot. The cat does not care at all how many centimeters its paw protrudes and how gracefully it lies - the cat came to rest, relax, and relaxation is the only thought at the moment in the cat's head. The cat can lie down on the floor and instantly fall asleep. Lobsang Rampa You are eternal.

Do you know how to relax? For real, so as not to feel any arms or legs? I learned this not too long ago. The Inner Balance Exercise from the Silva Method helped me.

The exercise includes three stages of relaxation:

  • relaxation at level 3 - physical relaxation from the head to the tips of the toes;
  • relaxation at the 2nd level - mental relaxation of consciousness (visualizing serene and passive images);
  • relaxation at the 1st level - relaxation at the basic level, a deeper and healthier level of consciousness, being at which a person comes to inner balance.

This exercise will help you achieve a deep level of relaxation and gives excellent results, especially in the field of health.


This is how, through connecting to sources of energy and relaxation, we came to meditation.

Meditation helps to lower the frequencies of the brain, which are achieved by a person during sleep. But if during sleep a person does not have the opportunity to use deep immersion for the purposes of consciousness, then during meditation the transition to lower brain frequencies occurs with full awareness of everything that happens.

We can distinguish between passive meditation, where passive immersion in oneself is used, such as the “Exercise for inner balance” and active meditation, in which, after immersion at a meditative level, you can visualize, imagining what you would like to achieve in real life.

Passive meditation promotes the activation of regenerative, healing processes in the body, fills with strength and energy.

Active meditation makes it possible at a meditative level with the help of visualization to connect to various sources of energy, clear blocks, break energy ties, send love to others, while establishing friendships in the real world.

Everyone can imagine everything that pleases his soul, everything that will bring harmony, love and happiness into his life. For example, meditation can help you set yourself up for your perfect day.

The music in this video is taken from Omharmonica, recorded in mp3 format. In my opinion, very pleasant music, relaxes and harmonizes ( recording download link).

Practice Activity: Meditation

And here is what I imagine when I meditate. I took the basis from various sources: from esoteric literature, personal growth programs and articles on the Internet. Perhaps you will also like this exercise, it fills you with energy and energizes with positive.

Exercise "Reconnection with the energy of the Universe"

  1. Take a deep breath - exhale, relax.
  2. Concentrate your attention on the center of the Earth (the image of the Mother), send her your gratitude and love. Concentrate your attention on Heaven (the image of the Father), send him your love and gratitude.
  3. Take a deep breath and imagine the energy of the Earth pouring into your feet, moving up your spine, reaching the top of your head and escaping into the sky. As you exhale, imagine how the energy of the Cosmos penetrates into the crown of your head, descends down the spine and goes into the earth. Next, imagine these streams moving simultaneously without being tied to the breath. Feel like a bead holding on to these streams.
  4. Take a few more deep breaths, imagining how you are filled with energy on inhalation, and on exhalation you are cleared of everything superfluous: fatigue, stress, scandals, turmoil, illness.
  5. When you feel that you are filled with energy, remember your family and friends, send them love and light. Imagine that every person you send energy to is charged with love and begins to glow with a golden light. Send positive energy to the whole World, Earth, people and all living things. Ask for love and peace for all living on our planet and other planets of the Universe.
  6. Ask God to bless you. Ask for support in all your endeavors. Say the necessary affirmations, affirmations () and positive statements in the form of gratitude ().

Visualizing the above, I noticed that during meditation I begin to smile. Interestingly, in real life, the people I thought about while meditating affably began to smile at me first, without waiting for my smile, they became more benevolent and loving, as if my visualization was embodied in reality.

Success cheat sheet, ticket number 11.

Feminine energy is the energy of life, it is the engine, it is the source of joy and happiness. I have already said many times that no matter how beautiful a woman is externally, without inner fullness it does not make sense.

She will not be able to either attract the right man, or keep him, or move him to some deeds and feats. It is necessary not only to be able to fill up with energy using various practices, but also to be able not to lose it and properly dispose of it.

Positive energy is love. What is love? It's not just a man's interest in a woman. This is the WORLD's interest in you as a result of your sincere interest in HIM!

So how can you be filled with positive energy and protect yourself from the negative influences of the world and people? How to make the whole world love you, and, of course, your only and beloved man? The fact is that interaction with society is fraught with some dangers that we are not aware of, but which turn for us into a lack of love from the world and from men.

Today I want to give you some tips that may seem banal and boring to you, but your global happiness and prosperity in all areas depend on following these simple rules for a happy life. Try to live like this for at least a week, and you will definitely see changes.

How to protect yourself from negative influences and attract positive energy

Step one. Stop supporting gossip and useless chatter.

This happens not only in women's, but also in men's companies (although much less often). As soon as your acquaintances begin to wash the bones, slander and condemn other people, “disconnect” from this conversation, no matter how difficult it may be for you to do this. Just know that by gossiping and backbiting, you are LOSSING your life energy, which could be spent on better things. With such chatter you bring your nervous system out of harmony and balance, swing the pendulum of emotions and waste your energy.

Step two. Do not discuss what you cannot change.

This also applies to idle chatter and discussion of negative news. Today, people discuss politics and the situation in Ukraine as if it is the most important thing in their lives and they have no other things to do. Everyone has become patriots and the news is watched even by those who have never watched it. The question is: “What can you personally change? How can you personally help? Absolutely nothing, except for the empty shaking of the air, the release of negative energy into the world and the loss of one's life force. understand one thing : if you are not able to change anything in some situation with words or deeds, if you cannot do something specific for its successful resolution, then do not discuss it. Unpromising aspirations and complaints destroy and debilitate.

Step three. Do not scold the man with whom you live.

You yourself chose him as your life partner, so why do you constantly criticize him harshly? This applies equally to men. If your criticism is not constructive, and it turns into a constant and monotonous outburst of negativity, your energy field changes. When grumpy wives throw negative energy towards their husband, they believe they are doing "educational work" that can improve their marriage.

Step four. Do not try on someone else's share.

If you see a beggar woman on the street with an outstretched hand, in no case imagine yourself in her place. Or when someone you know is in trouble, don't imagine yourself in "their shoes" and don't try to imagine what you would do in their place. The fact is that “absorbing” negative information into oneself (even for the most humane reasons) leads to the flow of negativity into your life. Empathy is great, but absolutely pointless. After all, you don’t know what brought this beggar woman to the porch, what her actions, words and deeds are. Or WHY this happened to your friends. In this case, just help them in word and deed, but do not indulge in someone else's grief and do not try to live and share what is not destined for you.

It is enough just to think about what led these people to such unfortunate events and what you need to do to never find yourself in such a situation (purely hypothetically). I thought about this topic for a long time, and it resulted in a poem, you can read it if you are interested. Remember that everything that is near you has a great influence on you. Therefore, if you want to be rich and successful, then communicate with such people. If you want to be loved and happy, then also communicate with such people. To put it more simply: living in a beautiful garden, you yourself will be fragrant, but living in a garbage dump .... I think that comments are superfluous.

Step five. Do not communicate with "pseudo-friends" and other unnecessary people.

Each of us has such pseudo friends and girlfriends who drag us down and suck energy out of us. It is inconvenient for us to offend them and therefore we have to “endure” them next to us. There are no common themes, interests and goals for a long time, but we can’t stop this empty communication that takes our time and energy. Of course, there is no need to be rude to these people, and even more so, to condemn them. In this case, it is important to simply learn to say “no” and choose to communicate only with people who are attuned to your wavelength. With whom it is easy for you, who understand you, who have already acquired some important values ​​for you and you have something to learn from them.

To summarize the above, the essence of all these steps is to transform your consciousness and build your life in accordance with the "world harmony".

And the most powerful source of energy is kindness and love!

Do good to people, love them, love life, and the more you do good (disinterestedly, from the heart), the more miracles will happen to you, and the more your life will be filled with positive events and favorable opportunities!

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Where do you get motivation, inspiration, desire and strength to move forward? The secrets of Buddhist monks how to fill yourself with inner strength.

Tit Nat Khan is one of the spiritual leaders of the modern world, whose influence is unconditionally recognized by the world community. In 1967, Martin Luther King himself nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize, noting that he considered this Vietnamese monk the most humble and most worthy of the honorary title. The legendary Buddhist monk Tit Nan Khan revealed to his followers 5 secrets on how to fill yourself with inner strength in the books "Silence" and "Peace in Every Step".

1. Inspiration from silence

Instead of being afraid of silence, it is necessary to love it and realize the need for its presence in our lives. A modern person is accustomed to constantly filling himself with various things and activities - reading, watching movies or Internet sites. Even while a simple layman is sitting on a chair, an endless internal dialogue is scrolling in his head, replacing external stimuli. Sometimes thoughts drive us into an endless circle.

It is necessary to realize that there can be no talk of deep self-knowledge and development until you are imbued with silence, do not come to understand it. Peace must come within you along with silence, without which you will never be able to feel and experience your own strength. Trying to improve your life without silence is like painting the front of a broken car in the hope that it will start to drive better.

2. Breath awareness

Devote at least 5 minutes every day to just sit in silence and consciously listen to the breath of your body. Some consider this occupation an empty and inadmissible waste of time, completely unaware that this is life itself. Taking the time to become aware of your breath means taking the time to improve the quality of your own life.

Allow yourself these 5 minutes a day, during which you can be alone with yourself. Breathe as slowly as possible, feeling each step, each inhalation and exhalation. Try to let go of all the thoughts that are spinning in your head while inhaling. If it does not work, repeat again and again step by step until the thought process stops, until peace and silence come in thoughts. You will definitely feel the result with your heart. Life in peace and silence does not force you to say or do nothing. It only means that we have defeated our main enemy - internal exhausting chatter.

Regular conscious breathing is achieved through practice and leads to complete control over the mind, increases the efficiency of brain activity and allows you to easily and imperceptibly enter the state of flow.

Outside and inside every day we are attacked by many signals. However, you should learn to throw them all aside and, above all, listen to your own heart. He alone knows your innermost desires. To hear the voice of the heart, it is not necessary to take monasticism and retire to the mountains or the forest. Just every day, learn to find silence within yourself in which you can hear your true self and realize who you are and what goals you want to achieve. Trusting the voice of the heart leads to a clear understanding of your path and gives you an inexhaustible inner source of strength that will never leave you anywhere.

4. Meditate while walking

Meditative practices are aimed at achieving inner balance. Tit Nan Khan recommends meditating while walking to enjoy the silence in your own thoughts. Through conscious meditation, focus your attention on the important beautiful moments of life - children's laughter, birdsong, unforgettable sunsets and sunrises, on the wonders of nature. Meditating while walking, you will be able to penetrate deep into your subconscious and share with the universe around you its calmness and majestic harmony.

Try to contact the soles with the ground as often as possible, imagining that you are kissing the ground with your feet. By cultivating peace within yourself, you take care of our mother earth and bring her good.

5. Conscious avoidance of blame

Remember one simple truth: the people around you do not need reproaches and accusations, they are in dire need of attention and care. As soon as you stop blaming friends and relatives for problems and failures, a real miracle will happen - you will learn to understand everyone and everyone. So, you are waiting for a completely different result of actions! Do not rush to argue and lament with someone, look carefully at the person, try to delve into his problems and needs, consider his dreams and desires. Only in this way can you learn to determine the true motives of people's behavior, instead of throwing out your negative emotions and getting unwanted results.

All living things around need understanding, complicity and compassion. Develop in yourself the talent to avoid accusations and understand others, and then all your contacts with people will bear good fruit, and inner strength will fill you yourself.

Based on the materials of the books "Silence" and "Peace in every step."


space of love 27.08.2017

Dear readers, I am glad to see you again in the rubric. “Love”, “love” - we say these words very often, almost every day. And each person has his own idea of ​​​​this feeling. The columnist Irina Romanova in her new article will share her vision of love with us and tell us how to fill ourselves and our space with it. I give her the floor.

Dear friends, I am sincerely glad to welcome you. Indeed, love is multifaceted. We love loved ones, we love animals, we fall in love, we love our Motherland, we love our home. For me, this feeling is probably the most important and important thing in life. For me, love is energy. And when I say that we are creating a space of love, I mean that we are creating a space filled with energy.

The energy of love is the most constructive and creative energy in the world. I do a lot of regression research. And in dives I ask questions about the qualities of different energies - about the energy of abundance, about the energy of health or healing energy, about the energy of love. So we found out that the energy of love is the totality of all the energies taken together. And when we need to remove negative energy, love completely absorbs and dissolves it. There is nothing more powerful than her.

And in this article, I will share with you ways to fill your life with this creative energy. Of course, small practices are waiting for you, because nothing happens just like that - only practice helps us reach a different level.

But first, let's find out what can be filled with love. And here I would say - love can fill everything without exception:

  • fill yourself up;
  • fill your space
  • your food;
  • your loved ones;
  • your cherished desire.

Filling yourself with love

First of all, of course, we will fill ourselves with love. Everything in our world begins with ourselves - with our thoughts and emotions. The energy of love is very attractive. People who are filled with it are called charismatic. This quality is inherent in all public and famous personalities, movie and pop stars, politicians.

But perhaps I will now reveal one of the biggest secrets. Each person can be charismatic and filled with the energy of love. When you learn to fill and radiate love, various miracles will begin to happen in your life. There will be more friends, material wealth, opportunities. Your wishes and dreams will come true. And everything that you have long considered unrealistic, difficult to accomplish, will be carried out easily and with the least effort. These are the boundless possibilities and power that the energy of love opens up.

Can it be used to cause harm? No you can not. She is very creative. It is impossible to do something bad to another person with the help of the energy of love.

How to be filled with the magical energy of love

Very simple. Stop for a second, calm your breathing by taking a few deep breaths in and out, and focus your attention on your heart. Almost all of our practices begin in the same way - with attention to the heart. And this is no coincidence. It is there that the energy of love is born. It is there that the main magic happens, which we then radiate into space.

So, all attention is on your heart. Feel the warmth in the chest area, and this sensation intensifies more and more. Keep your attention on the chest area until it becomes hot there. Get used to the feeling by just being in it longer.

Now, while keeping that feeling of warmth in your heart, think of something very pleasant. Or remember the closest and most beloved person in your life. Maybe you will remember some holiday where you had a lot of fun, maybe it will be, on the contrary, something quiet and intimate, which only the two of you know about ...

Stay in that memory. And turn your attention back to the center of the chest - you will see that the warmth in your heart has intensified. It seems to spread over your body and fill it completely. Do not interrupt the exercise until you feel that your body, every cell is filled with this feeling of warmth and joy. Then quietly open your eyes.

Even if it is not easy to complete such an exercise the first time, do not give up. Believe me, a few workouts - and everything will turn out in seconds.

Filling space with energy

Any space is energy, and our comfort and well-being depend on the energy of space that surrounds us. It can be qualitatively different - positive or negative, but space is never empty. Not so long ago, I shared with you ways to cleanse the space. You can read about this in articles - and.

And when your space is clean, it must be filled with energy. And not just energy, but the energy of love. To do this, you need to start again by filling yourself with love. Because, as I said earlier, everything comes from you, from your heart.

Remember the practice that you did earlier and feel how your whole body is filled with love, every cell. Now imagine that the air around you has become denser, and the energy of love that fills you to the brim seeps through this dense air and fills your entire room. Then it seeps through the walls and fills your entire apartment or house.

And now you already fully feel your apartment or house as yourself. Holding this feeling with a part of your attention, again remember something very joyful from your past - a holiday, a loved one, your meeting, the birth of a child - all that causes fountains of joy in your heart. And imagine how these fountains of joy pour from your heart and completely fill your apartment or house. And now every part of your home is gushing with joy, shimmering and sparkling with the energy of love and happiness...

You can do this exercise as many times as you like. You can stay in this state for as long as you want. The more open your heart is, the more love it radiates and the more love comes into your life.

How to cook with love

What do you think about when you cook? Don't skip this question. Think back to your last meal. This is a very important point. I will definitely cover this issue in more detail in future articles, but even now I cannot ignore it.

Once I watched the movie "Sushi Girl". It is about a girl who came to China, experienced many unpleasant moments associated with parting with her beloved, and then learned how to cook ramen - Chinese noodle soup. This film is the best shows the value of our thoughts during cooking.

We are what we eat. Food gives us not only satiety, but also energy. And in many ways, the quality of this energy depends on our thoughts and emotions during cooking.

Never cook food in anger or upset. When we cook with love, we automatically make those who eat our cooked food healthy and happy.

For example, when I cook, I imagine how my child and husband are rejoicing, how healthy and happy they are. I share my energy of love with them. As I stir the soup, I think how much I love them and how I want this food to be good for them. And, of course, at the same time I fill my cooking dish with love.

I imagine how the energy from my heart comes out as a beam of light and fills the food. When you cook in this way, the food is especially delicious. Even the simplest, even the most familiar. And all because love saturates and transforms everything it touches and fills.

How to fill your desire with energy so that it comes true

To make a wish come true, you need two components - your intention and energy. And since the energy of love is the most powerful and creative, better than it, nothing can cope with the materialization of what is desired.

How to make wishes correctly, how to manifest them correctly, I will tell you about this in the next article, and now I will share with you a technique that will create the second component for the successful fulfillment of desires - filling with the energy of love.

In order to fill your desire with energy, it must be written down. By the fact that you wrote it on paper, you have already shown the world the seriousness of your intention. So, according to tradition, we will practice right away.

Stop for a second, calm your breath and focus your attention on your heart. Let there light up the radiance and warmth. Now read your wish. You can do it out loud, you can do it to yourself. And imagine how a rainbow ball appears in front of your eyes. While it is empty, only a shell that plays with all the colors of the rainbow.

And now you need to put your desire into this ball. You can say it again. Imagine that as soon as you said it, it turned out to be inside the rainbow ball not just with words, but with an image, and now you are looking at your desire as if it were a picture. For example, you want a big house. And in the rainbow ball you see how in the middle of a large plot stands a beautiful, new house with a balcony on the second floor, a manicured lawn and a swimming pool in the courtyard.

Just enjoy what you see. Imagine that your wish has already come true. And really, it's you - walk out the front door and get into your beautiful car. You see your desire fulfilled, you have already received what you wanted. Do you experience joy in doing so? Does your heart fill with great love from watching?

If so, send that love into the rainbow ball. Let her fill it to the brim. Love doesn't just fill, it lightens your desire and lifts it up. The rainbow ball easily flies high into the sky and disappears there. Thank the energy of love for helping you fulfill your desire.
