How to reduce wide hips. Varieties of techniques for getting rid of thigh fat

We continue the leptin cycle and deficit-abundance regimes, talking about visceral fat. Since body mass index and weight don't work, what should you measure? I will tell you about a number of indicators that you can measure yourself. Let's start with the waist and waist derivatives. I note that over the past decades, the average waist has been seriously spreading. The most successful waist-to-hip ratio for women is considered to be 0.7 or less. However, in modern world this figure is close to 0.8. It is important to understand that big waist doubles your risk of premature death from any cause. Every extra 5 cm around the waist increases the risk of premature death by 13% in women and 17% in men. Today we’ll talk about the waist and health, and tomorrow – about the waist and attractiveness.

So, let's measure.

We only need a measuring tape and a telephone (calculator). Yes, I remind you again that it is not excess weight in itself that is harmful, but internal (abdominal, visceral) fat. At risk are some people with a completely normal overall height-to-weight ratio, but with a large waist circumference.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that twin studies have shown that in 22-50% of cases the ratio of waist to hip circumference can be explained by genetic factors. Among other factors, nutrition and lifestyle occupy the first places.

1. Waist circumference (centimeters).

The normal waist circumference for women is 80 centimeters (this is the upper limit, which should not be exceeded), women with a smaller circumference can only rejoice, because they have a normal weight, when the circumference ranges from 80 to 88 centimeters - this is a slight increase in weight, over 88 - obesity. For men, normal parameters are up to 94 centimeters, from 94 to 102 – weight gain, and more than 102 – a threat, that is, obesity. Such people have increased risk deaths from heart disease and cancer.

Statistics are given: men with a waist of at least 100 cm have a 50% higher mortality rate than those with a waist of less than 89 cm. In general, women with thin waist more attractive to the opposite sex. An ideally proportioned woman should have a waist-to-hip ratio of approximately 0.7 (more precisely, between 0.60 and 0.72). The researchers gave an example of a man with a height of 178 cm. If such a person has a waist circumference of 107 cm, his life can be shortened by 1 year and 7 months. Even with normal weight A large waist size affects life expectancy.

2. WHtR (waist-height ratio).

Waist/height ratio. The norm for this index is less than 0.5 for men and women, i.e. The waist circumference should not exceed half the person’s height.

Waist/hip ratio. Waist circumference is measured at the level of the navel. Pelvic circumference is measured at its widest point. Normally, this index is less than 0.85 for women and less than 1.0 for men. If a person has abdominal visceral obesity, it is determined by values ​​of the OT/OB ratio of more than 0.85 in women and more than 1.0 in men (Stern et al., 1995). Hip circumference is measured below the greater femoral tuberosities.

According to the protocol World Organization Health (WHO), waist circumference should be measured midway between the lower edge of the lower rib and the top of the iliac crest (the upper pelvic bone, visible from the side). A measuring tape is used for this (colloquially “centimeter”). When tightened, it should create a pressure equivalent to 100 grams. Hip circumference should be measured around the widest part of the buttocks, using the same tape, parallel to the floor.

The US National Institutes of Health and the National Nutrition Examination Program use results obtained by measuring at the top of the iliac crest—essentially where we typically have the waistband of standard pants.

Often, non-professionals measure the waist at the level of the navel, but studies have shown that this method can often result in an understatement of its actual circumference.

When measuring both circumferences, the person should have their feet side by side, arms apart, body weight evenly distributed, and no excess clothing. Breathing should be normal, calm, and measurements should be taken at the end of exhalation. Each measurement is repeated twice, and if there is a centimeter difference between them, then the average results are taken.

In practice, in order not to delve into all these subtleties, the waist with slim figure It is most correct to measure simply in the area of ​​its smallest circumference, as a rule, slightly above the navel. In the case where the waist is convex rather than concave, for example, as happens during pregnancy or if you have excess weight, then the location of the smallest circle is often more difficult to determine. In such cases, to determine the degree of obesity, a measurement is taken a couple of centimeters above the navel. Hip circumference can be measured simply visually at the widest part of the buttocks.

Some aspects of the waist and health.

1. Character.

For women with more wide waist characteristically " male behavior" Those who read my article about visceral obesity and sex hormones remember that visceral obesity is associated with an increase in testosterone. And for men it’s the opposite. According to Cashdan, in countries where women occupy a subordinate position in economic terms (Japan, Portugal, Greece), thin waists are more common among local residents. In countries with pronounced gender equality (Denmark, Great Britain) the situation is exactly the opposite.

2. Reproductive health.

Women with thin waists can boast more good health. In addition, they are less likely to suffer from infertility and chronic diseases of the reproductive system. Therefore, a low WHR indicates good health and fertility. A recent study showed that artificial insemination passes with great success in women whose WHR is 0.70-0.79 than in women with a WHR greater than 0.80. Women who don't have a waist are more likely to have problems conceiving

Research has shown that if female body produces too little estrogen, then the notorious coefficient (0.7), as a rule, exceeds the norm. And if you compare a woman whose coefficient is 0.9 with a woman whose coefficient is 0.8, then the first one is one third less likely to get pregnant. By the way, in those areas of the planet where ideas about beauty differ from the Euro-American standard, the ratio of waist to hip sizes also approaches the above-mentioned coefficient. Thus, in a number of African countries, men prefer plump women with wide hips, respectively, with dimensions of 100 and 135 centimeters. And now - 100: 135 = 0.74. Be patient! The main thing is that the waist is noticeably narrower than the hips.

3. Higher mental capacity.

Research has also shown that women with big difference between the volumes of the waist and hips have a particularly sharp mind. Accordingly, than more difference between a woman's hip and waist measurements, the better her cognitive performance.

In their study, scientists examined the abilities of 16 thousand girls and adult women and came to the conclusion that more curvaceous representatives of the fair sex demonstrate top scores tests for the mind. The reason lies in fatty acids, accumulating in the thighs. It is in this part of the body that the highest concentration of Omega-3 acids is observed, which improve the mental abilities of a woman during pregnancy and her unborn baby.

4. Cardiovascular health.

Waist size quite reliably indicates an increased risk of hypertension, diabetes and higher level cholesterol. Studies have confirmed that health risks begin to increase if a woman's waist reaches 80 centimeters; at 89 centimeters it increases significantly. For men, the risk increases from 94 centimeters. Then we'll talk about adjusting for height, because

These figures are relative and are not suitable for people who are too tall or too short, children or some ethnic groups. For example, among the Japanese, the risk increases sharply if the waist size in men reaches 85 centimeters, and in women - 90 centimeters. Stroke. The risk of stroke is increased sevenfold.

5. Cancer.

A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that it also increases the chances of dying from cancer, respiratory failure and other causes. After all, a large waist circumference indicates an excessive amount of fat around the organs. abdominal cavity. And this is usually associated with inflammation, high level cholesterol, diabetes risk and other problems.

The experiment by Eric J. Jacobs and his colleagues from the American Cancer Society in Atlanta involved 48.5 thousand men and 56.3 thousand women over the age of 50 years. During the study period (1997 to 2006), 9,315 men and 5,332 women from this group died.

Scientists were most surprised by the results among women. having no weight problems. It was in this category that the relationship between waist size and mortality risk was greatest. “If you're at the right weight for your height,” says Dr. Jacobs, “but your waist size is increasing and you're switching to larger size clothes, this is a warning sign that it’s time to start eating right and exercising more. Even a small reduction in waist size, an inch or two, can be quite beneficial."

By measuring your waist using a tape measure, you can determine whether you are at risk. The norm is 90 cm for men and 75 cm for women. Regarding overweight people, the conclusion of American scientists is this: extra 30 cm in men and 32 cm in women doubles the risk of death. As for women with normal weight, the research results are completely stunning. Every extra 10 cm in the waist increases the likelihood of acquiring a fatal disease by about 25%.

6. Cancer in hormonal-dependent organs (breast and prostate).

The accumulation of fat deposits around the waist over a lifetime is directly linked to an increased risk of breast cancer after menopause, British researchers have found. Statistical analysis showed that the rate of increase in skirt size between 25 and 55 years of age is a clear indicator of the risk of developing the disease later in life: increasing waist circumference by one size every ten years increases this probability by 33 percent, and by two sizes increases this probability by 77 percent. .

Studies show that women whose WHR index remains in the range of 0.7 have optimal estrogen levels and are less susceptible to diabetes. cardiovascular diseases and cancers in the genitals. Men with a WHR of approximately 0.9 have good potency. These men have a low risk of developing prostate cancer.

7. Severity of atherosclerosis (including hidden).

Waist-to-hip ratio may be a better predictor of subclinical atherosclerosis in postmenopausal women than body mass index (BMI) or waist circumference, Korean scientists have concluded in a new study. The results of the work are presented online in the journal Maturitas. Study author Dr. Hyun Jung Lee noted that it was not possible to identify even a trend towards a statistically significant relationship between the BMI of the participants and the likelihood of them having subclinical atherosclerosis. (Remember about “healthy fat people”?). The most revealing was the ratio between waist and hip circumference. The results obtained in this work suggest that waist-to-hip ratio is a more reliable anthropometric indicator for determining the presence of subclinical atherosclerosis in the postmenopausal period.

Start, continuation here:

Control in sports and fitness is an important part of the process.

If your goal is to reduce body weight, burn fat or increase muscle mass, then one of the ways to monitor and evaluate the result is to measure circumferences.

Even if you are just following a diet, monitoring your body circumference and weight will help you understand how effectively it works.

How to measure your figure correctly:

What to measure?

To clearly imagine the features of the figure, you need to have the following measurements.

  • Bust volume
  • Volume under bust
  • Waist
  • Volume at the navel
  • Thigh (leg) volume
  • Volume above the knee
  • Calf muscle volume
  • Hand volume
  • Wrist volume
  • Ankle volume

These parameters will help you fully evaluate your figure. If you are reluctant to measure everywhere, then the list can be reduced to the following parameters.

  • Bust volume
  • Waist
  • Hip volume
  • Hip (leg) volume.

How to measure?

  • Breast volume. Measured at the most protruding point of the chest. The tape measure is parallel to the floor! Measured as you exhale. (Exhaled, measured).
  • Volume under the bust. It is actually measured at the point where the mammary gland ends. The conditions are the same. Exhale, the band is parallel to the floor.
  • Waist. Measured at the narrowest point! It depends on the characteristics of your figure whether your waist will be closer to chest level or to hip level. And again we measure as we exhale. There is no need to pull your stomach in or stick out too much. The tape should fit snugly, parallel to the floor. But don't delay.
  • Volume at the navel. Same as with the waist, but at the level of the navel.
  • Hip volume. This is where things get a little more complicated. The volume of the hips is measured at the most protruding point of the buttocks! No riding breeches, bones, etc. The tape fits snugly, but do not tighten it. If the stomach is still included in the volume of the hips, then we measure it together.
  • Hip (leg) volume. Place your leg on a raised platform (e.g. chair) so that the angle under the knee is approximately 90 degrees. Measurements should be taken approximately 5-7 cm from groin area. Don't strain your leg.
  • Volume above the knee. Either by analogy with the hip, or standing. Measurements are taken directly above the kneecap. In the “standing” case, the tape is parallel to the floor.
  • Volume of the calf muscle. Measured while standing. The leg is relaxed. Along the widest part in the area from the knee to the ankle. The tape is parallel to the floor.
  • Hand volume. Hand freely along the body. Measure approximately 10 cm from the armpit! It's better if someone helps you. The tape is parallel to the floor.
  • Wrist size. Measured directly after the brush. Very tight! If there is objectively a layer of fat, then the tape needs to be tightened even more. (Must dig in).
  • Ankle volume. Standing on a flat floor. Measure directly above the 2 protruding bones. The tape fits tightly and is parallel to the floor.

How to take muscle measurements

  • Neck measurement: keep your head straight, measure the mid-transverse line of the neck
  • Metering chest: while inhaling as deeply as possible, taking a “free” position, and exhaling deeply through pectoral muscles at nipple level. The arms are freely lowered along the body.
  • Shoulder measurement (biceps): Through the widest circumference of the arm bent at the elbow with tense muscles (biceps-triceps), and then through the middle of the biceps of the freely lowered arm
  • Waist measurement: at the narrowest point through the rectus abdominis muscle
  • Hip measurement : Directly under the muscles of the buttocks.
  • Calf measurement: in the widest part of the calf muscle.

When taking measurements, consider some features:

1. The circumferences of the right and left limbs are different and this is normal.

2. Make notes in your notes whether the measurement was taken in a tense or relaxed state.

3. If you are working on burning fat and developing definition, take measurements once a week, if you are involved in strength lifting and building up muscle mass, measure the circumference once a month.

4. You should always measure the circumference at the thickest point (except for the waist, if there is one). Where exactly depends on personal anatomical features and is determined individually. The main thing is to remember in what place and in what position you take the measurement, so that next time do exactly the same.

5. For greater accuracy, it is advisable to have someone help you take measurements. For example, measuring the chest circumference yourself is quite difficult. From the side you can see where the thickest place for measurement is and you don’t need to be distracted to hold the tape. If there is no one to help, then take measurements in front of the mirror.

6. During training, the muscles are always filled with blood and “swelled”. Therefore, if you take measurements during or immediately after training, your muscles will be larger. This is not entirely suitable for keeping statistics, but you can measure it this way if you want to show off. Although such measurements make sense, because during bodybuilding competitions, athletes go on stage after preliminary “pumping” (pumping is pumping up muscles with medium weights so that they “inflate”). This way we see and evaluate their muscles in their most distended state.

"Hot" muscle- immediately after shoulder training.

"Cold" muscle– 24 hours after exercise.

7. During the day, the measurements change somewhat: so in the morning, when you get out of bed, your hand is slightly larger than in the afternoon, after lunch. Temperature also affects the size, usually the hands are slightly larger on hot days and smaller on cold days. Take measurements at the same time, preferably in the morning.

Measurements is a mirror of your performance and the effectiveness of your training program and diet. Do them regularly so that you can quickly track all changes in your physique and choose the most effective program and diet for yourself.

Women's measurements

1. Neck circumference

2. Bust

3. Waist

4. Hip circumference

5. Girth at the length of the product

Mark the position of the length of the blouse horizontally on the body with tape, braid, or a belt. Place the measuring tape around your torso at the length of your blouse. When measuring, the tape should fit snugly (but without tension) to the body.

6. Bicep circumference

7. Forearm circumference at 3/4 sleeve length

The tape runs 3-5 cm below the bend of the elbow (elbow), perpendicular to the forearm. When measuring, the tape should fit snugly (but without tension) to the body.

8. Wrist circumference

9. Length of the shoulder slope

Measure the distance from the point at the base of the neck to the point where the shoulder slope meets the shoulder (you can use the location of the shirt sleeve seam as a rough guide).

10. Sleeve length

11. Chest height

Measure the distance from the base of your neck to the fullest point of your chest.

12. Center of the chest

Place the tape horizontally, measure the distance between the two most protruding points of the chest.

13. Chest width

Place the tape horizontally 2-3 cm above the front corners of the armpits and measure this distance. When measuring, the tape should fit snugly (but without tension) to the body.

14. Back width

15. Back length to waist

Mark the waist line horizontally on the torso. Place the tape at the back of the neck (spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra) and measure along the spine to the waist.

Men's measurements

1. Neck circumference

Measured at the base of the neck. Wrap the ribbon around your neck so that the lower edge of the ribbon passes through the base of the neck at the back and closes above the jugular cavity at the front. When measuring, the tape should fit snugly (but without tension) to the body.

2. Bust

Wrap the tape around your chest so that the tape runs horizontally across the most protruding points of your chest. On the back, the tape is applied to the shoulder blades. When measuring, the tape should fit snugly (but without tension) to the body.

3. Shoulder shape

4. Waist circumference

Place the tape horizontally around your torso at waist level. When measuring, the tape should fit snugly (but without tension) to the body.

5. Hip circumference

When measuring the hips, the tape should run horizontally at the widest part of the hips, across the most protruding points of the abdomen in front and the buttocks in the back. When measuring, the tape should fit snugly (but without tension) to the body.

6. Bicep circumference

Wrap the tape around your bicep at its widest point. When measuring, the tape should fit snugly (but without tension) to the body. The hand should be in a relaxed state.

7. Wrist circumference

Wrap the tape around your wrist at the wrist joint. When measuring, the tape should fit snugly (but without tension) to the body.

8. Sleeve length

A) Using a slightly bent arm, measure the distance from the transition point of the shoulder slope to the shoulder to the place where, in your opinion, it should end long sleeve shirts.
b) Measure the distance from the point where the shoulder slope transitions into the shoulder to the place where, in your opinion, it should end short sleeve shirts.

9. Chest width

Measure the distance between the front corners of the armpits. When measuring, the tape should fit snugly (but without tension) to the body.

10.Back width

Place the tape horizontally across your back and measure the distance between the back corners of your armpits. When measuring, the tape should fit snugly (but without tension) to the body.

11. Back length

Place the tape at the back of your neck and measure the desired length.

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Many people are concerned about how to reduce the volume of hips, what procedures and exercises are available to reduce fat deposits around the waist, and how to build muscle in the buttocks area. To do this, use physical activity at home and in gym, nutritional adjustments, vacuum massage, home wraps and a whole complex salon procedures to varying degrees efficiency.

Diet for reducing hips

Nutrition based on volume, for losing weight in the hips, is simple. It requires removing fatty foods from the diet, except oily fish with vitamins A, D. Protein intake is reduced to 25 g per day, eat more fresh vegetable products. It is worth eliminating or reducing any semi-finished products, fast food, ready meals, sweet fruits, flour products(chips, yogurt, sausage, cakes), which leave bulk and unwanted deposits on the waist and hips. Rules:

  • If you eat half a watermelon or melon every day, this will allow the body to quickly cleanse itself of toxins and become saturated with useful microelements.
  • Rich in vitamins (A, C) are green salad, strawberries, carrots, dried apricots, cabbage, beef liver, deep sea products, and cereal sprouts.
  • Plant foods are good for their volume: they help remove free radicals, stimulate metabolism, slow down aging, and normalize digestion due to fiber.
  • Don't forget about volume and fat destroyers such as grapefruit, pineapple, ginger (in teas).

Menu for weight loss

What to eat to lose weight in your thighs (possible daily menu):

  1. Fruit of your choice, some bread with tomatoes, low-fat kefir.
  2. You can choose boiled legumes, baked potatoes, or a piece of boiled chicken with vegetable salad (dress lemon juice).
  3. Low-fat yogurt and banana are allowed.
  4. A piece of grilled chicken, three tablespoons of boiled brown rice, vegetable sauce or lettuce, a glass of dry wine.

Exercises to reduce the size of the thighs and buttocks

To lose weight on your thighs you need a set of measures. In addition to adjusting your diet, you should introduce physical activity. Simple and effective remedy to get rid of extra calories - movement: running and walking in the park, at the stadium; visiting the swimming pool; bicycle rides; yoga. The plus is that any listed exercise To reduce your hips and their volume, you can do it yourself, without involving a trainer or going to the gym.

How to reduce leg size in the gym

Possible exercises on the thighs in the gym:

  • Classic squats. Bottom part Your torso should be parallel to the floor, as if you were sitting on a chair. You should squat so that the weight is distributed on your heels. Number of repetitions – from 15 to start with gradual increase to 30 in two sets. The effect of reducing volume is given by wall squats: bend your knees to 90 degrees, then straighten your legs without lifting your back from the wall.
  • Entering the platform (can be done at home or at aerobics in the gym). You need a step platform or a regular bench. An approach is made to a hill with one leg, the other hangs in the air. Reps for one leg (in a row) – 10-15, two sets. You can weigh yourself down with dumbbells.
  • Lunges (with and without additional load). Grab dumbbells, stand up straight, then take a long step forward with either leg. Transfer your body weight to it, bend the other leg so that it does not touch the floor. With a springy movement we return back to the starting position. A total of three sets of 10 exercises.
  • Fitball exercise. Your head, back and shoulders should lie on the surface of the ball, your feet should be on the floor with your knees bent. First, you should lower your hips down, then lift them up and hold for a few moments at the top point. Optimal are 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

How to quickly lose weight in your thighs

Except proper diet, regular physical activity, there are also methods on how to reduce your hips and buttocks in a week:

  • You need to start your day with a glass of purified water (not juice) half an hour before meals. It is useful to drink it every 2-3 hours, which will solve the problem of removing toxins.
  • Don't wear shoes on high heels. This impairs blood circulation in the legs, contributing to the appearance of cellulite and excess volume.
  • Try to walk more often (instead of the elevator or public transport).
  • Accept cold and hot shower. Maximum effect for a figure in a short period of time will give dry rubbing with a medium-hard washcloth after it.

How to reduce hip size for a man

The issue of losing weight is relevant not only for women. Drivers, office workers, many who lead a sedentary lifestyle are interested in how to reduce a man’s hips. First you need to determine what the problem area is and strictly load it. You should tense the muscles of your buttocks and pull back the fold of skin with two fingers. All that remains between your fingers is body fat. Working out in the gym and the right approach to nutrition will help you remove them and build muscle mass.

How to lose weight in your thighs after childbirth

Weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable. How to reduce hips after childbirth:

  • Correct daily routine. While caring for your child, don’t forget to eat, preferably often – 4-5 times a day, but little by little. Don’t finish your baby’s porridge or anything like that, it contains too many calories.
  • Lactation. Women who breastfeed lose weight faster, since the process itself stimulates uterine contractions, and lactation is energy-consuming.
  • Proper nutrition. There is no need to go on a diet, track calories on a table during the feeding period, but you also don’t need to eat for two. The child needs vitamin-rich and useful substances products.
  • Load. There may not be time for exercise, but physical activity will be when doing housework. Plus, carrying a child in a kangaroo carrier or sling during walks will help reduce volume, reduce weight, and strengthen various groups muscles, if you carry a small one either in front or behind.
  • Reduce stress eating. After childbirth, depression occurs, and women often choose to get rid of it with chocolate and goodies. If you completely abandon this pattern of behavior, even to reduce your hips, it is not possible, replace unhealthy sweets with green grapes with seeds, bananas, persimmons, and pears.

How to reduce hips at home

There are such procedures for losing weight on your thighs at home:

  • Wraps. In addition to helping with weight loss, it also provides visible effect skin rejuvenation.
  • Baths. They work only in combination with fitness and diet. They help open pores, deeply cleanse the skin, and penetrate active ingredients into the subcutaneous layers. Add to water sea ​​salt, essential oils to speed up metabolism. The baking soda in the composition can tighten the skin and make it elastic. Turpentine baths improve blood circulation and have medicinal properties.
  • Dry rubbing with a washcloth after a shower, regular or vacuum massage. Useful for weight loss and health improvement.

How to reduce the volume of your hips using cosmetic procedures:

  1. Hardware and manual lymphatic drainage massage– removes water, improves metabolism, fights varicose veins, volume/swelling problems.
  2. Infrared sauna – eliminates toxins, fat deposits, and destroys cellulite. Infrared rays improve the flow of blood and lymphatic fluid.
  3. Cavitation – pumping out fat without surgery using ultrasound technology.

Wraps for weight loss

Home wrap for slimming the thighs is akin to the effects of a bath or sauna, only locally. The pores open as much as possible, toxins and unnecessary fluid leave, metabolism accelerates, blood and lymph circulate better, and extra centimeters disappear. After the bath, you need to apply a mixture (honey, seaweed, clay, essential oils, Capsicam ointment, chocolate, Apple vinegar) on the legs and thighs. Then wrap it tightly, without squeezing. cling film, put on warm clothes and lie down for an hour warm blankets. At regular use within a month the effect will not be long in coming.


Daily massage will enhance the effect of physical exercise and diets, help you lose weight, make your sweat and sebaceous glands, relieves toxins, speeds up the flow of blood and lymph. Vacuum massage using special jars is performed after hot bath or soul. Cream is used. Massage is not applied in the area of ​​the spine, abdomen and inner surface hips


Currently, liposuction of the inner thigh is performed without surgical intervention– with the help of ultrasound, but without general anesthesia(under local). Cavitation is painless modern form liposuction. It uses a special device with a nozzle through which ultrasonic waves are transmitted. They break down the fat accumulated over the years.

Video: How to remove hip volume

Each person has his own specific body parameters. According to them, the exact size of clothes he will wear is determined. In this article I would like to talk in more detail about how to measure your hips correctly and what needs to be taken into account.

What is it for?

The question may arise about why a woman needs to know the circumference of her hips. There may be several options. The first of them and the most common is if you need to sew something (for example, a skirt, trousers or a dress). In this option, you need to know several parameters, one of which is the volume of the hips. This may also be necessary for girls who want to meet the ideal world parameters, which for a long time were relevant for models - 90-60-90, where the last 90 are the hips. It is worth saying that there may still be quite a lot of options.

How to measure

You need to know not only how to correctly measure the volume of your hips, but also what is the best way to do this. So, the simplest and most common way is the usual one, which is absolutely not difficult to purchase. There is one caveat: very often, when ordering clothes in foreign stores, they require measurements taken in inches, and not in the units of measurement familiar to us. So it is better to take a measuring tape so that on one side there is one counting system (centimeter), on the other - an inch one (for reference: 1 cm - 0.394 inches). If you don’t have a measuring tape at hand, you can also use any non-elastic belt or tape (important: they should not stretch, because then the measurement result will be incorrect). To do this, on the one hand, after measuring it, you just need to tie it in a knot, mark it with chalk or a pen (to fix required length). And after that, simply measure your waist using a regular ruler.


So how do you measure your hips? If this is done at home, on your own, to do this you need to take off your shoes, undress to your underwear and stand in a position that is comfortable. Best option: Having someone else take the measurements will make them more accurate. However, if there is no such person, you can, for convenience, simply stand in front of a mirror to control the position of the tape. It is important that it is always parallel to the floor, so the measurements will be correct. It will be approximately placed at a distance of 16-22 centimeters from the waist (it all depends on the girl’s height). How to measure women's hips so that the measurements are correct? To do this, you need to find the most prominent points on the buttocks and lay a measuring tape along them. This will be the necessary figure that the lady was looking for. Important point how to measure hips: legs should be placed next to each other, and not shoulder width apart (if this is not taken into account, the hips will be wider and the measurement will be incorrect).


However, not everything is so simple, because not all women have ideal figures. So, there are situations when a lady has protruding points on the sides of her legs, the so-called “ears,” that are larger than protruding points on her buttocks. It must be remembered that you need to measure along the most protruding parts, regardless of where exactly they will be located. It is also not uncommon for women to have a protruding tummy. How to measure hip circumference in such a situation? The convexity of the abdomen also needs to be taken into account when measuring the hips, i.e. on a measuring tape you just need to add those few centimeters over which the belly protrudes. To correctly find out this number, you need to stand straight and relax, without pulling in your stomach. You can attach a ruler to its most convex part, which will go down, and then simply bring the measuring tape to the ruler. This will be the required measure. If the measurements are taken by a pregnant woman, however, she will wear the item not only during interesting situation, the bulge of the abdomen does not need to be taken into account.

About the numbers

Having figured out how to measure hips, it’s also worth understanding a little about the notation. Often women may come across the abbreviations OB or POb. What does this mean? OB is the circumference of the hips, which is measured as described above. POb is the half-circumference of the hips, a measurement used by seamstresses in the atelier. To do this, the figure found using measurements just needs to be divided in half. For example, if a lady’s hips are 92 cm (this is OB - hip circumference), the measurement POb (half hip circumference) will be 46 cm.
