When is Maundy Thursday at. What do they do on Clean Thursday? When to bathe and wash

Clean, or Maundy Thursday is a popular Christian holiday. It is celebrated on the Thursday before Easter. In 2020, it falls on April 16th. The Orthodox Church on this day remembers the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with 12 apostles.

history of the holiday

On this day, Jesus and His disciples held the Last Supper. On it the Savior washed the feet of the apostles. They protested, saying that they were unworthy of such an act. But Jesus explained that this is how He expresses His love and humility. He said that serving one's neighbor is not humiliating for a person.

At the end of the Supper, Jesus had a final pep talk, during which he said goodbye to the apostles. Then He offered them bread and wine as His body and blood. This rite is called the Sacrament of Communion.

That night, the Jewish chief priests sentenced Jesus to death. Therefore, the night from Thursday to Friday is considered a terrible time in Orthodoxy.

Traditions and rituals of the holiday

On the morning of Maundy Thursday, the liturgy of Basil the Great is performed in Orthodox churches, and myrrh is consecrated. In cathedrals, the rite of "washing the feet" is carried out: the bishop washes the feet of 12 priests. Believers confess their sins and take communion in churches. In the evening, a service is performed with the reading of the 12 Gospels. Believers stand in the temple with candles lit in their hands.

On Maundy Thursday, people get up before sunrise and bathe. It is believed that water on this day washes away dirt from the body and sins from the soul, and has a beneficial effect on the state of mind.

Housewives clean houses, throw away unnecessary things, wash icons, and do laundry. After cleaning, candles and lamps are lit. On this day, Easter cakes are baked, eggs are painted, and festive dishes are prepared for Easter.

Have an interesting day

Task for today: count all the money in the house

Maundy Thursday, which this year falls on April 5, is considered one of the most important days of Holy Week. Many traditions and rituals are associated with this day. Christians in ancient times believed that by doing them you can achieve success, improve health, improve family relationships this year. In addition to getting up early, bathing, cleaning the house and baking Easter cakes, it is customary to count all the money in the house three times on Pure Thursday, which, according to tradition, will bring an endless supply of them throughout the year.

Therefore, we suggest that you turn out all your pockets and wallets on April 5 and count your money, which can be a great quest for the whole family and can really bear fruit financially. Why not!?)

On Maundy Thursday, it is customary to cook Thursday, or "black" salt. The second name is associated with the color that it acquires after cooking. This salt has healing powers. It is used as a seasoning for festive dishes. The rest is kept behind icons and used as medicine. Amulets are also made from it and worn around the neck.

Unmarried girls perform rituals to attract suitors.

On Maundy Thursday it is customary to go to the hairdresser. This is an auspicious day for a haircut. It is believed that along with cut hair, damage and the evil eye go away.

What can you eat on Maundy Thursday

Clean Thursday falls on the last week of Lent. On this day, dry eating is allowed - uncooked food of plant origin: bread, water, salt, raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, honey, nuts. You should refrain from drinking alcohol.

What not to do on Maundy Thursday

On this holiday, it is forbidden to have fun, sing, dance, guess. No need to get angry, offended, think about the bad. You can not lend money and things, especially kitchen utensils, otherwise well-being will leave the house. It is forbidden to bake Easter cakes and paint eggs until the end of cleaning in the house. Do not leave unwashed dishes and dirty laundry.

Signs for Maundy Thursday

  • A sunny day is a sign of a sunny spring.
  • If you swim in the river on Maundy Thursday, then the water will give strength and health.
  • If on this holiday you wash and wash, then the whole year will be clean in the house.
  • Easter cake turned out to be loose, heavy and not baked - a sign of a difficult and troublesome year.
  • If on Pure Thursday all the money in the house is counted three times, then during the year they will not be transferred.


    Happy Clean Thursday! May this day
    Passes in pleasant chores.
    Drive away despondency, laziness,
    May your home be clean and tidy.

    And then you light a candle
    And ask for forgiveness for everything.
    I want to wish you happiness.
    Start living a new life today.

    I congratulate you on Great Thursday today.
    And with this congratulation, I remind you of Easter soon.
    I wish that God answered all your prayers,
    So that your mind remains clean from sad thoughts.
    So that your aspirations remain forever pure,
    And all your good deeds invariably succeed.

Pure Thursday 2018: signs, customs associated with this day are rooted in various folk beliefs. In Rus', special attention has always been paid to this day of Great Lent. It falls on the period before Good Friday, when nothing can be done. Therefore, for every housewife, Clean Thursday was a time of active actions in different directions.

In Rus', they always woke up on this day even before the sun rose. And not because I didn’t want to sleep, but because, before the first rays of the sun, a lot had to be done. In particular, you need to start by washing with cold water, it is believed that this preserves the cavity and beauty.

Features of Maundy Thursday

April 5 is the date of Maundy Thursday 2018, but it is extremely easy to calculate this date on your own every year. This is the last Thursday of Great Lent and the last day before Easter Sunday. In the old days, on this day, they always cleaned the house, moreover, it was the general cleaning that was carried out. It was necessary to wash the doors and windows, wash the bed linen, bedspreads and curtains, tulle. On the festive table, you can prepare the ingredients for.

Rituals for Maundy Thursday begin already in the process of cleaning. If you add a trifle (money coins) to the water, then you can call for financial stability and prosperity in your house for a whole year. You need to throw a handful of coins into a bucket of water, where a washcloth comes from. Then wash the doors and windows with this water in the specified sequence. After that, pour water under a young tree in the yard, and put the change in a bag and hide it in a secluded place. You need to plan your day in such a way that you definitely have time to clean up. If everything cannot be done on Thursday, then cleaning should start earlier. From Good Friday and already during the cleaning of the house is strictly prohibited.

The Last Supper on Thursday

Modern customs on this day have little to do with what actually happened to Jesus Christ and his disciples on Maundy Thursday. Jesus gathered with the disciples at dinner, offered to share bread and wine with him. During the conversation, he said that he knew that one of the students would betray him. The other disciple, as Jesus said, would disown him.

It was during this meal, sharing the bread with his disciples, that Jesus said that it was his body. Dividing the wine and passing the goblet around, he said that it was the blood of the New Testament (new commandment). The blood that Jesus Christ will shed on Good Friday to atone for human sins.

Signs for Maundy Thursday:

  • To protect yourself from diseases and the evil eye this year, you will need to put something silver in the water on the eve of Thursday. In the morning, get up before dawn and wash yourself with this water, as well as wash the kids.
  • Water on Clean Thursday heals and also cleanses sins.
  • Cleaning the house on the day described is also a tradition for good luck. Water will protect the family from adversity and dirt.
  • During cleaning on a clean Thursday, you can find those things that have been lost for a long time.
  • Count all the money in the house. This ritual is done in secret from everyone by the person who manages the finances in the family. He must collect all the money and count it at dawn, at noon and at sunset. It is important that no one is caught carrying out this ritual.
  • You can also prepare Thursday salt. You will need to ask three friends for salt, and then mix it in a pottery. In illnesses, this salt is added to the dishes of a sick person in order to alleviate suffering.
  • Another way to make Thursday salt is to buy a new pack and pour it into the pan. Fry while saying a prayer. If the salt crackles strongly in the pan, it means that damage has been brought to the house. You need to fry the salt until it completely calms down. Read "Our Father" all the time.

These are the signs on Clean Thursday 2018 that you need to remember. In the traditions of this day - mandatory cleaning, as well as their own bath procedures. All other signs, including washing with silver water or counting money, are left at your discretion. good preparation

  • Other names: Tuzhilki for Maslenitsa; Hunchbacked Monday; striped tooth
  • Celebrated: in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of the world
  • Meaning: Beginning of Lent
  • Traditions: Strict post; House cleaning; visiting the bath

When is Clean Monday celebrated?

Clean Monday is the first day of Great Lent, and therefore it is very significant for all believers. This name was given to the celebration for the reason that each person should strive to spend it in purity - both physical and spiritual. This refers us to the moment when Christ himself fasted in the wilderness for forty days. To repeat such a feat, you need to prepare well, and the process begins on Clean Monday.

history of the holiday

In the Russian Orthodox Church, the name of this holiday is not canonical, although in other traditions this day is officially fixed. There are many names for the celebration - many intersect with paganism. So, it can be called Tuzhilki for Maslenitsa.

In Polissya, there are such names as Zapusny Monday, Gargling, etc. This day is also mentioned in the Old Testament, where various instructions can be read in the book of Isaiah. The Lord tells believers that they need to purify themselves, make their thoughts bright, and take the path of goodness and truth.

Standing up for the weak and oppressed is a good and right thing to do. In the church on this day, the reading of prayers of repentance begins, so that each person can analyze their path, tune in to Great Lent, and prepare mentally and physically.

The Art of Celebration

For the Orthodox, Clean Monday is a “continuation” of forgiveness Sunday, when you need to continue aloud or mentally ask for forgiveness for your behavior and words, and forgive others. On this day, a complete abstinence from eating is provided, the day must be spent in labor, you can clean the house, but in the evening, it is advisable to find time to attend a church service (on the first Monday of Lent, they begin to read the Bible and the Gospel).

It is customary to wash all the dishes in the house, as well as visit the bathhouse. On Clean Monday, it is good to transplant plants that need it so that everything grows and develops actively. It was believed that on this day women should not go to visit. And you can’t eat food left after Maslenitsa, but it’s better to give it to birds and animals.

The holiday begins with a prayer, which is read the evening before. It is imperative to ask each other for forgiveness, because it is important to start Great Lent with a clear conscience, without a stone in your soul. It’s good to help someone on this holiday: protect, feed, listen, etc. You need to pay a lot of attention to the house: wash and clean everything. Be sure to change all linen, put in order textiles. In the evening, a bathhouse is flooded so that all household members can put themselves in order after a hard day.


  • Clean Monday is no longer winter, but the beginning of spring.
  • If the weather is clear, the wheat harvest will be good.
  • Anyone who does not go to the bathhouse on Monday runs the risk of incurring the disgrace of higher powers.
  • If on this day a man crosses the threshold of the house first, the family will be accompanied by good luck.
  • On Clean Monday, it is easy to deal with all bad habits - this is a good day to quit smoking.
  • If it snows outside, be sure to get out of the house and trample on it. Such an act will symbolize the beginning of a new life, which will be even happier than the previous one.

On Clean Monday, you can do everything related to cleansing, cleaning, throwing away old things. People go to visit (the company should be small), to work, work in the yard and in the house. We need to work hard and prepare hard for the upcoming Great Lent.

Since Great Lent begins on Clean Monday, you need to give up rich and varied food. The one who can endure does not eat anything on this day, only drinks water. In other cases, you can eat vegetables and fruits, a little bit of bread with salt.

- This is a near-Earth object with a diameter of about 30 meters. It was discovered on August 29, 2006, when it was at a distance of 4.5 million km. from our planet. Scientists observed the celestial body for 10 days, after which the asteroid ceased to be visible in telescopes.

Based on such a short observation period, it is impossible to accurately determine the distance at which the asteroid 2006 QV89 will approach the Earth on 09/09/2019, since the asteroid has not been observed since then (since 2006). Moreover, according to various estimates, the object may approach our planet not at all on the 9th, but on a different date in September 2019.

As for whether 2006 QV89 will hit Earth on September 9, 2019 or not - the chance of a collision is extremely low.

Thus, the Sentry System (developed by the JPL Center for NEO Studies) shows that the probability of a body colliding with the Earth is 1:9100 (those. about one ten thousandth of a percent).

The European Space Agency (ESA) estimates the chance of an asteroid orbit crossing our planet as 1 to 7300 (0,00014 % ). The ESA ranked 2006 QV89 as the 4th celestial body of potential danger to Earth. According to the agency, the exact time of the "flight" of the body on September 9, 2019 is 10:03 Moscow time.

In both Orthodoxy and Catholicism, Easter always falls on a Sunday.

Easter 2020 is preceded by Great Lent, which begins 48 days before the Bright Holiday. And after 50 days celebrate the Trinity.

Popular pre-Christian customs that have survived to this day include dyeing eggs, making Easter cakes and curd cakes.

Easter treats are consecrated in the church on Saturday, on the eve of Easter 2020, or after the service on the very day of the Feast.

To greet each other on Easter should be the words "Christ is Risen", and to answer - "Truly Risen."

For the Russian team, this will be the fourth game in this qualifying tournament. Recall that in the previous three meetings, Russia "at the start" lost to Belgium with a score of 1:3, and then won two dry victories - over Kazakhstan (4:0) and over San Marino (9:0). The last victory was the largest ever for the existence of the Russian national football team.

As for the upcoming meeting, according to the bookmakers, the Russian team is the favorite in it. The Cypriots are objectively weaker than the Russians, and nothing good can be expected from the upcoming match for the islanders. However, we must take into account that the teams have never met before, and therefore we can expect unpleasant surprises.

The Russia-Cyprus meeting will take place on June 11, 2019 In Nizhniy Novgorod at the stadium of the same name built for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Start of the match - 21:45 Moscow time.

Where and what time do the national teams of Russia and Cyprus play:
* Location of the match - Russia, Nizhny Novgorod.
* Game start time - 21:45 Moscow time.

In the last week of Great Lent before Easter, Thursday is called Clean. What date is Maundy Thursday in 2019? On April 25, 2019, Maundy Thursday is marked in the Orthodox calendar. What can be done on Maundy Thursday on April 25, what needs to be done on this important day according to church canons on the eve of the Holy Resurrection of Christ in order to properly prepare for the Great Feast?

Maundy Thursday is the last Thursday before Orthodox Easter. The number of Maundy Thursday in 2019, the date of the holiday Maundy Thursday 2019 falls on Holy Week. Significant for believing Christians, it refers to the transitional, the date of Maundy Thursday, including 2019, changes from year to year, it is easy to determine the exact number of the celebration of the celebration if you know when the Bright Resurrection of Christ.

On April 28, Orthodox Christians will celebrate. On the day of April 25, 2019 Maundy Thursday or Good Thursday. Great Week is considered special in the life of every believing Christian. The last week of Great Lent marks the last days of the earthly life of Jesus Christ.

Razgadamus considers it educational. Pure Thursday in Christianity is also referred to as Great Thursday, Good Thursday, Maundy Thursday. In Orthodoxy, it is believed that on the fourth day of the last week of Great Lent, one can be cleansed of sins spiritually, cleanse the soul and body. This day is significant for several important events at once: the Last Supper, at which Christ established the sacrament of the Eucharist, the betrayal of Judas, the reading of a prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane by Jesus Christ to God the Father.

The word Eucharist in Greek means good, respect, reverence and sacrament, the church term is used by Catholics and Orthodox. The Eucharist or Holy Communion is a religious rite of blessing bread and wine in a special way. By consuming consecrated bread and wine during communion in church, Christians get the opportunity to unite with God in Christ, partake of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, gain eternal life and salvation.

When is Clean Thursday in 2019

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Pure Thursday in 2019 falls on April 25 - this is the fourth day of Holy Week, called Pure and Great. Each of the days of Holy Week is endowed with a special meaning:

  • Thursday is the day of the Last Supper, where all 12 apostles and Jesus Christ gathered, at the beginning of which the Savior washed the feet of His disciples;
  • The fourth day of Great Week, when Christ broke bread and gave wine to his followers, after which the sacrament of the Eucharist appeared;
  • Thursday is the day when Judas decided to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver;
  • The day when Christ asked His Father, he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, knowing of His imminent death and asking Him for mercy.

Thursday is the key day, the last before the arrest of Christ. On Thursday evening, the Savior gathered His disciples for the Supper before the celebration of Jewish Passover on Saturday. On the same day, Jesus predicts His suffering, crucifixion, death and names His betrayer. Judas catches the Savior in the Garden of Gethsemane, after the Last Supper, during the reading of the prayer, where Christ was arrested.

Church celebration of Holy Thursday

The church celebration of Holy Thursday is associated with the memories of the Last Supper, after which Holy Communion (Eucharist) was fixed in Orthodoxy. Every believing Christian on this day comes to the temple for worship and Communion.

In memory of the true service to one's neighbor, which Jesus showed to His disciples when He washed the feet of each of His followers, during the service on Maundy Thursday in churches and cathedrals, the rite of washing the feet is performed. According to church canons, the bishop washes the feet of 12 priests.

Church services are held to coincide with these important events that led to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. During the service, the priests remind the parishioners of the Great Sacrifice, that every Christian is granted eternal life and salvation through the sacrifice made by the Savior.

Maundy Thursday Traditions

By tradition, Christians consider Holy Thursday to be the day of cleaning their homes before the celebration of the Holy Resurrection of Christ. It must be remembered that, along with cleanliness in the house, one should not forget about spiritual purity, participate in worship, and honor the holiness of this Great Day.

Orthodox traditions and signs on Maundy Thursday, celebrated in 2019, which have survived to this day, are observed by the majority of believers, many of them echo the traditions of the Jews before the celebration.

The house and the territory adjacent to it were carefully cleaned by our ancestors, inside the dwelling they washed, washed clothes, took out unnecessary things from all closets, distributed them to the poor. All the dirty work had to be finished so that on Friday and Saturday - the most difficult days of the suffering of Christ - to devote free time to prayer.

Clean Thursday: what to do

What should be done on Maundy Thursday? You need to visit the temple, tidy up the house. On this day, you can and should bake, paint eggs, cook Easter cottage cheese. Food prepared on Sunday is not allowed. You can eat Easter cakes and colored eggs only after the end of Lent, the consecration of Easter cakes and eggs in the church - not earlier than Easter.

A mandatory ritual on this day was and is considered washing in the river, bath. The washing of the body should take place with, along with the washing of the soul, a person must rid himself of anger, resentment, everything negative, cleanse his soul and body before the Great Resurrection of Christ.
