When will pensions for military personnel be increased c. Who is the recipient of military pensions, and what documents are required for registration

Another issue that worries some citizens is last news: pensions of military pensioners in 2016- what to expect and what to prepare for pensioners. On this issue, discussions in the government are quite a long period. Finally, almost by the end of the year, a number of decisions were made to increase social benefits of this nature, but the indexation of military pensions in 2016, again, is not for everyone.

Due to constant economic downturns and the unstable situation in the country, the authorities are forced to resort to a number of cuts in social payments and funding for social spheres. For the same reasons, the revenues themselves, which go to the budget, have significantly decreased. In view of this, pension accruals also suffered.

In order to study in detail principles for increasing the pension of military pensioners in 2016, it is necessary to consider the general intentions of the state regarding pension payments to all segments of the population. Unfortunately, the tense economic situation leads to the need to optimize all budget expenditure items, including payments to pensioners. According to the results recent discussions in managers government bodies, pension accruals should be increased based on rising inflation. But on the other hand, it can cause too high magnification budget deficit in the country. After this, more a large number of negotiations aimed at finding a way out of their current situation. The decisive factor in making the final decision was the recent data regarding a sharp decline in quotations in the oil market.

According to the latest data, the first stage of the recalculation of pension payments will begin in February next year, and reach a four percent increase. However, according to the forecasts of the Ministry of Economic Development, inflation rate in 2016 can be almost twelve percent. Thus, inflation will exceed the increase in pension payments by three times. The second stage, when the pensions of military pensioners will be increased in 2016, is planned for autumn. However, it cannot yet be said that this increase is guaranteed to take place, as this is largely subject to the influence of the pace of regeneration of the economic environment. Therefore, it will be possible to talk about the second stage of indexation of accruals only when the pace of development and economic recovery is known. If the situation in the country improves, then the second stage of raising pensions will certainly take place.

According to Presidential Decree number 604, military pensions must be increased by the interest rate that would cover inflation, and also exceed it by two percent. However, the current circumstances and the budget deficit leaves doubts that this decree will be implemented.

Another important factor is that the size pension accruals depends directly on the wages this moment receive such employees. It follows from this that when recalculating pensions, a number of adjustments will have to be made to the salary accruals for retired employees.

Latest news indicates next year's budget has no increase or indexation decrees wages, which assumes no change in pension accruals. In such a situation, the employee of the military structure will retain the previously established wage rate.

AT last time the recalculation of pension accruals for military personnel took place in October of this year, indexation at the same time amounted to seven and a half percent. The President was involved in the implementation of these adjustments.

Due to the fact that the oil market of our country has suffered serious fluctuations, the economy has undergone certain tests. It is for this reason that for some time there was talk of stopping the process of recalculating pension payments. But some time later, at the request of the President, various financial calculations and redistributions were nevertheless carried out, which made it possible to continue the indexation process. Pensions of military pensioners in 2016 will also need to be subject to ongoing review and redistribution in order for the upgrade process to be completed successfully. If we take data on pension accruals to military personnel, then this year they exceeded the pensions of all other groups of citizens of the country.

According to official data, the average pension pay of a military man is about twenty-one thousand rubles, while an ordinary pensioner receives an average of thirteen thousand rubles.

The most significant changes in the process and principles of calculating pension payments for the military took place in 2012. The amount of wages for military personnel was then significantly increased, despite the limited financial opportunities budget. The pension amounted to fifty-four percent of the salary, which was accrued according to the new standards. The constant drive to equalize pensions soon brought them up to sixty-seven per cent. This was due to the trend of stable economic growth of the country. Unfortunately, from this moment on, the increase in salaries for military service employees has been postponed all the time, and a trend has been formed to suspend indexation. Latest news talk about possible termination recalculation up to 2018. Thus, we can say that the salaries of the military will not change for five years. As for pensions, their indexation from the first day of the new year can be carried out without taking into account a two percent increase. At the moment, such a project has not been adopted by the authorities, but is under consideration.

However, judging by what changes await us in the new year regarding pensions and wages, we can say that the deteriorating economic situation in the country will take place, and the crisis is still far from over.

So, summing up, we can say that:

The level of indexation can be significantly lower due to the fact that there is a high probability of canceling the two percent surcharge;
If the law to stop the recalculation of salaries for military personnel until 2018 comes into force, this will also affect pension payments.

The only thing that pensioners have to rely on is the restoration and further development the country's economy. Full indexing will be possible only if positive dynamics GDP growth, which will have an impact on the social side of the country's life. So,

Military pensions are different social pensions. Who is entitled to military pensions in 2016, what will be their size, and what changes have been made to the formation of this payment, find out with us.

For such a look social support employees of military structures and their widows count in the event of the death of a spouse during the execution call of duty. Widowers of female military personnel can also apply for support, the regulation of such cases is provided for by modern laws.

The main condition for the appointment of a military pension is the presence of 20 years of service in military units. Concepts retirement age in this case no. 20 years of experience can be obtained and retired at any age. It turns out that you can apply for this support at any time in your life, often it happens quite a bit. young age up to 45 years old.

The military type of pension payments is also divided into several types:

  • By seniority
  • According to officially established disability
  • In case of premature death of a serviceman, members of his family
Before the procedure for obtaining military state support, it is necessary to register with the military registration and enlistment office in the territory of residence. To do this, you will need to submit certain documents to the commissioner:
  • Passport, in which the registration coincides with the place of application
  • Order of the military unit
  • Soldier's personal file
  • The presence of a military ID or other certificate confirming the service and dismissal
  • Presentation of a token or personal number
  • Polis SNILS
  • Help from pension fund that the applicant does not receive other pension payments from the state
  • A cash certificate may also be required. AT recent times he is not handed out, but is sent from the military unit directly to the place of demand, to the military registration and enlistment office.
After the military commissar receives a certificate, the amount of the pension is calculated. The applicant will receive the first payment three months after this moment.

Other documents of an individual plan may be required to be submitted.

Entries in the documents must be properly executed, otherwise there is a possibility that you will have to prove the right to receive allowance through the courts.

The current situation in pension military policy

For three years now, military payments to pensioners have been accrued according to new formulas. These changes occurred due to the introduction of new rules for calculating the earnings of the military (monetary military allowance). The size of pension accruals is proportional to the total earnings of an employee for the last five years of work and is equal to 54% of its average value. Plus to the amount received is a percentage of the number of years of service and the district coefficient.

Is an increase in military pensions expected in 2016? According to the legislation governing the formation of the size of the content, this type state support should be subject to annual indexation. However, recently the difficult economic situation in the country is forcing the rulers to refuse annual compensation.
For example, the planned increases in military pensions for 2014-2016 implied the annual indexing of the amount of payments to the planned inflation rate. In the documents, it is registered in the corridor of 5-6%. Relevant budgets have included funds for such measures. However, the economic crisis made significant adjustments, the inflation rate became frantic, and the planned funds for raising pensions were not enough. Therefore, the Government decided to freeze such payments.

In general, in the country, the appointment of social benefits of a pension nature is handled by the pension Russian fund. In principle, the military can apply for their pension there. For this to standard set documents, you must attach an officially issued certificate of the amount of average earnings per month of service in the last five years. Such confirmation is obtained at the place of military service.

Decisions to increase payments are made by the Government of the Russian Federation. What will it be like next year? We learn the latest news about the indexation of military pensions in 2016.

What will be the increase in the coming year?

Whether there will be an increase in pensions for military pensioners in 2016, we will learn the latest news from official sources. In the current 2015, budget funds were allocated for the indexation of military pensions. The first increase was to take place in February, the second - in April. Moreover, the level of increase should be at least 2% higher than the official inflation rate. And then raising the base part military pension will be at least 8.5%.

However, due to the huge burden on the federal budget, payments at the beginning of 2015 were cancelled. While it is said that the payment will be able to be indexed in October of the 15th year.

Statistics show that when recalculating basic parts military pension payments new formula, their size increased significantly. Average The increase over the past three years is 60%. It is also worth noting that there have been no other increases, except for recalculation, in recent years in the pensions of military personnel.

To date, no one has canceled the indexation of the coming year. Therefore, military pensions from January 1, 2016 in Russia can be significantly increased. Of course, the official inflation rate is still subject to adjustment, but even now it fluctuates around 12%. Add to that the mandatory two percent benefit, you could get a 14% increase in military pensions from the beginning of next year.

Let's say a few words about how you can get pensions for military pensioners in 2016 for the widows of dead military personnel. This is a kind of support for the loss of a breadwinner. Here you need a personal application to the Pension Fund of Russia with documents confirming a close relationship, as well as a copy of the conclusion on the death of the spouse and a conclusion on the circumstances of death. Cryptocurrency EOS Max Polyakov - latest news

Forecasts for indexation to increase pensions for military personnel in 2016

In Russia, it will be possible to count on raising pensions for military personnel twice in 2016. The deadlines announced for the increase are set for January and October. The size of the allowance increase will depend on the initial level and on the level of inflation. The formation of the budget for the next year will finally be completed only by the end of the current year. Therefore, only preliminary conclusions can now be drawn. If consumer demand growth does not subside, and remains within the 12% range, then the increase will be approximately 14% each time.

Analysts have calculated that in modern economic conditions the basic parts of pensions for military personnel will be increased by an average of 8-9%, but since it is difficult to predict the rate of inflation growth in the context of the economic crisis, these figures may change at the time of recalculation.

According to the latest calculations, social payments military pensioners can increase by 1.7 times. If this happens, then the size of military pensions will exceed the size of social pensions, and, above all, for old age. We can already talk about positive changes in this area of ​​social policy.

After all, not so long ago, military pensioners received the lowest maintenance payments. New reforms have made it possible to equalize their position in relation to civilian pensioners.

Two indexations of pensions for military retirees were planned for 2016: in February and October. In the conditions of austerity, in which the Russian budget has been living for the second year, the February increase, as it turned out, was not fully implemented. How much will pensions for military pensioners increase in 2016 from October 1?

Increase in military pension: about the planned growth

The gradual increase in pensions for military pensioners is a promise that the Government made back in 2012. It was then that the Ministry of Finance, together with the Ministry of Defense, agreed to annually index the payments of this category of citizens by 2%, adding to them the so-called "element of inflation", that is, in fact, its annual percentage. In accordance with this formula, pensions for military pensioners should increase by 18.7% in 2016 (inflation in 2015 was 16.7%). In fact, instead of the planned 7.5% from February 1, 2016, pensions for military pensioners increased by only 4%. Despite the direct order of the President of the Russian Federation “to find funds that would allow us to fulfill the obligations assumed by the state,” the officials did not fulfill the task, explaining the problems that had arisen with the collapse of oil prices, which reduced the inflow of money into the state treasury from the export of energy resources.

Military pensions: will there be an increase in October?

The military pension increase planned for October may not happen. Today, such assumptions are increasingly heard from the lips of representatives of the Ministry of Defense, who explain this by the need to wait for the results of budget execution based on the results of the end of the third quarter. Experts point out that it is precisely for this reason that one should not expect any official statements regarding the increase in military pensions.
If you look at last year's statistics, you can see that the October 2015 indexation was implemented, but also not in full: the promised 7.5% actually turned into 6.0%. At the same time, the increase in payments to military pensioners last year was only one-time. At the time of the adoption of a new procedure for indexing payments to retirees in 2012, the pension for military pensioners was set at 54% of the salary. In 2016, after the February indexation, this figure reached 69.45%. The assumptions of many about a possible increase in salaries themselves have recently been refuted by the Ministry of Finance: until 2017, an increase in salaries is not planned. You will be interested: Will there be an increase in pensions in 2016?

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Military pensioners in our country are usually understood as those persons who receive pension payments for disability or for length of service in the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, and some other law enforcement agencies (Law of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1, art. 11 ).

If there are conditions for the appointment of an old-age insurance pension, it is paid to the former military in addition to the military pension (Law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001, art. 3).

Until recently, retired military personnel were considered a fairly “privileged” part of the population, since the size of a military pension, according to the Ministry of Defense and Rosstat, is at least 22,000 rubles, while civil pensioners satisfied with an average of 13,000 rubles. In addition, military pensions should be indexed in an increased amount compared to others.

It must be said that until recently the Government honestly fulfilled its obligations to maintain the standard of living of retired military personnel. However, the crisis in the economy of our country, intensified by global trends and the decline in oil prices, has reached this category of the population since the end of last (2015).

Indexation of pensions in 2016: expectations and reality

The 2016 Budget Law adopted at the end of 2016 planned two increases in military pensions:

  • February;
  • October.

According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 604 dated May 7, 2012, the increase in military pensions should be made at least by the inflation rate plus 2%. Given that inflation was projected at about 5.5-6%, indexation should have been at least 7.5%.

It is worth saying that shortly after the approval of the federal budget for 2016, the law of December 14, 2015, adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation, also suspended the operation of part 2 of Art. 43 of Law No. 4468-1 on indexation allowance servicemen, from which military pensions are calculated.

In January, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Tatyana Shevtsova stated that the amount of such allowance for 2016 would be 69.45%, which would increase pensions by 4%. Such an increase was carried out.

After the winter collapse in oil prices, the Budget Law was adjusted on the fly, as a result of which the February indexation was not 7.5%, but only 4% (in monetary terms, from 1,300 to 5,000 rubles).

In July 2016, the Russian Ministry of Finance proposed to freeze budget expenditures in nominal terms, including by refusing to index military pensions until 2019.

The size of the indexation of military pensions in October 2016 is still in question. It is already known that instead of autumn indexation, all categories of pensioners will receive a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles, and only in January of next year. This was announced on August 23 by Prime Minister D.A. Medvedev, although documentary evidence has not yet been published.

Olga Golodets

Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, who oversees the social bloc, in an interview with Russian publications, confirmed the intentions of the country's leadership, pointing out, however, the one-time nature of such an action:

It (payment) is one-time, and from January 1, 2017, the usual, legal procedure for indexing pensions is being restored. And indexation in 2017 is fully based on actual inflation, as expected. These funds are now included in the budget. It will be, as usual, in the law as a percentage for 2016

Such news about the abolition of social guarantees for military pensioners, albeit temporary, in conjunction with the provision of the law on insurance pensions to increase minimum seniority for the appointment of an insurance pension to former military personnel (starting from 2016, from seven to fifteen years) cannot please. We can only hope that the severity of the crisis in the economy will decrease and that the Government will keep its promises this time.

At the moment, the government of the Russian Federation approves the project for 2016. It is known that some points of the project will affect the process of charging and salaries of the military.

Let's take a closer look at what awaits the security forces and military pensioners in 2016.

Salaries and pensions of military personnel will not increase in 2016: latest news yesterday

It is no secret that in economic terms Last year was very difficult for Russia. In order to somehow normalize the situation, the government is forced to use the regime of total savings, and therefore, it cannot fulfill its previously assumed obligations regarding the social sphere of citizens. Just like civilians' pensions, the provision for military pensioners will not be indexed by real interest.

Moreover, according to the introduced amendments, the monetary content is not subject to revision until at least January 1, 2018. As you know, the increase in military pensions is directly proportional to the increase in the salary of active security officials, which should be made annually. But now the government is considering a bill that changes the previously adopted the federal law, which regulates the order of indexing. Accordingly, with the adoption of the bill under consideration, the indexation of allowances for military personnel and persons equated to them will be suspended. The document says that the suspension of indexation applies to the period from 2016 to 2017, respectively, an increase in military salaries and pensions can be made no earlier than 2018.

Unfortunately, the abolition of indexation of salaries of military personnel has become a regular practice after a sharp increase in monetary allowance, which occurred almost four years ago. Throughout this period, the government used only targeted incentives through the introduction of additional payments.

New reduction factor calculation

Despite the abolition of indexation, the real size of military pensions could increase due to a change in the reduction coefficient. Recall that on January 1, 2012, the government sharply increased the monetary allowance of the military, but after that it could not cope with the increased costs. To reduce costs, it was decided to introduce a reduction factor of 54%, which could be reduced by at least 2% annually. Thus, the change in the reduction coefficient increased the real size of pension payments. But now the government has abandoned this measure.

At present The State Duma is considering a draft according to which the operation of Article No. 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation, which regulates pension provision citizens who have passed military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the State Border Service, etc., may be suspended. Accordingly, the annual reduction factor change will be canceled from January 1, 2016. Thus, if the government does not reconsider Taken measures, the salary of the security forces will not be increased for at least two years.

The deplorable situation is slightly alleviated by the fact that quite recently (October 1, 2015) the government increased the reduction factor to 66.78%, which increased the actual amount of the retirees' pay by about 7-8%.
