What kind of holiday is February 15th. Day of Remembrance for Russians who performed their official duties outside the Motherland

February 15 - Meeting of the Lord

This holiday is celebrated by Orthodox Christians from the very first day of the appearance of the Son of God on Earth. This happened according to the Providence of God in the Temple. The Candlemas teaches us that if we live in the truth and prefer the truth, we can count on the Lord coming to us. From the time of Adam and Eve, it was promised to send the Son of God to earth to atone for human sins, and when the incarnation of the Word of God appeared on Earth, only the righteous could see its appearance.

One of them turned out to be Elder Simeon, a pious righteous man, one of the 70 elders who were destined to translate Jewish texts. It is noteworthy that Simeon was very surprised when he read that the Virgin Mary should give birth to a son, and even tried to reverse the events. But an angel appeared to him and held him by the hand. The elder was predicted not to end his life until he saw the Son of God with his own eyes. And so it happened. Together with Simeon, the righteous Anna, the prophetess, saw the appearance of Jesus.

February 15 - National Flag Day of Canada

Canada's National Flag Day has been observed since 1996, when Prime Minister Jean Chrétien announced the date to commemorate the first hoisting of the red maple leaf flag. This drawing appeared among Canadians relatively recently - only since 1965. Starting from the 15th century, the cross of St. George flaunted on the flag, later the moisture of the Orleans dynasty with royal lilies began to be used.

Today, the maple leaf is the pride of all Canadian citizens, wherever they are. Current business card Canada represents the country for the first time independently of the British flag, and has a distinctive design that cannot be confused with any other. Maple Leaf emphasizes the unity of the nation on two sides of the mainland, washed by two oceans. Two colors symbolize the equal status of the state languages ​​- English and French.

February 15 - the formation of Serbia as a state (the day of the first uprising)

These two holidays in Serbia are connected. The Serbian uprising against the Turkish yoke took place in 1804, its leader was Georgy Petrovich. Although the state independence of the country was not returned, the Sretensky constitution was adopted, but subsequently, under pressure from the Porte, it was canceled. Austria and Russia are also involved in its abolition. The Serbian state was formed much later, after the second state uprising.

February 15 - Perfume Pagoda Festival in Vietnam

Every year, on the 6th day of the first month, as far as moon calendar year, the longest holiday in Vietnam opens. Located in the province of Khatai fragrant pagoda- a place of pilgrimage for Buddhists from all over the country. At the beginning lunar year prayers are offered to the Almighty in order to protect their family from evil spirits and receive the support of good forces. The pagoda festival takes place in the temple, which is not just a building, but a whole mountain complex. Every year it receives more than 500 thousand pilgrims and tourists. The holiday lasts more than 2 months.

February 15 - the beginning of the Carnival in Nice

In total, there are three oldest carnivals in the world, one of them was born in 1294 in Nice. It all started with the fact that the Duke of Anjou wanted to stay there for a few days. Rejoicing swept the whole city. Balls, fireworks, circus and dance performances were held every day. It is on the 15th that the meeting of His Majesty the Carnival takes place, in the evening the Queen of the holiday is chosen.

Place Massena, in common days living a traditional life, in the days of the carnival, it is transformed beyond recognition. It is painted by 120 artists, then decorated with 150,000 light bulbs. During the celebrations are beautiful holidays flowers - carnival processions, real parades, about 20 platforms are decorated with fresh flowers (4000-5000 units). With each flower there is a long painstaking work, and as a result, a fragrant mosaic is born. Another feature of the carnival is carts with giant papier-mâché dolls. This is the main attraction of the carnival, the weight of each of them reaches 2 tons.

February 15 in the folk calendar


Meeting - means a meeting. It was on February 15, according to the new style, that the holy elder Simeon and Anna, the prophetess, met the newly-born baby, whom the parents, according to Jewish law, brought to the temple on the 40th day.

Folk omens that day are also associated with the meeting. Firstly, this is a meeting of spring (the second meeting is the Magpie holiday, and the third is the Annunciation). After Sretensky frosts, one should not set off on a sleigh journey. This is a celebration of the meeting of spring, another name is Gromnitsy, from the name of candles (grommets). On that day, a lock of hair is set on fire to each other - to prevent a headache.

Special care should be taken at the Candlemas about poultry. "Candlemas - winter met summer." Signs about the weather said: sweeping - it means that spring will be late. If you throw a stick on the road, and it is covered with snow, this means that there will be little grass to feed livestock. Quiet and sunny day foreshadowed good harvest flax.

Historical events February 15

The war in Afghanistan lasted 9 years, 1 month and 18 days, and finally, on February 15, 1989, Soviet troops left the country. The last soldiers crossed the border in the area of ​​the Amu Darya River near Termez. February 15 is celebrated in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. This date keeps the memory of 14 thousand Soviet soldiers who died on the territory of Afghanistan - the biggest losses of the Soviet Army since the end of World War II. The memory of the fallen soldiers still echoes with pain in the hearts of people - widows and mothers, relatives and friends of the fallen soldiers who did their duty.

On this day in 1985, the first student came to the future Academy of Music for her first lesson. Since then, the academy has trained many generations of musicians. The founders of the institution for gifted youth were the sisters Evgenia and Elena Gnesins, the director of the academy was the teacher and organizer pianist V.I. Safonov. Initially, the division into school and academy did not exist.

In total, five Gnessin sisters took part in the work and development of the school and the academy. They were brought up during the Silver Age and tried to meet the criteria of the most outstanding musicians of our time. Even before the revolution, the school won an excellent reputation, which it has not lost in our time.

February 15, 1919- the day of the foundation of the Bolshoi Drama Theater. Gorky (today it is called the BDT named after Tovstonogov)

The theater was opened by F. Schiller's comedy "Don Carlos". Alexander Blok, who had worked for some time as the theater's artistic director, was appointed chairman of the Directorate of the BDT. Maxim Gorky put forward the slogan - "To the heroic people - a heroic theater!" In their productions, the heroes asserted the ideals of goodness, honor and dignity, opposing them to the cruelty of the surrounding world. Georgy Tovstonogov was the inspirer of the theater for several decades. After his death in 1989, Kirill Lavrov took over.

February 15 were born

Savva Timofeevich Morozov(February 15, 1862 - May 26, 1905), a famous businessman who came out of the dynasty of the serf nobles Ryumins. His father was able to earn money for the ransom, paying a huge amount of money, he was released, and enrolled in the merchants guild. The family then received hereditary honorary citizenship. The object of their work was the largest Morozovskaya Nikolskaya manufactory, where Savva subsequently ran, who became the most famous of the Morozov clan. He got acquainted with the textile business at the manufactories of England, was educated at Cambridge. Savva Morozov left the memory of his descendants by doing charity work.

Musa Mustafovich Jalil(Zalilov) (February 15, 1906 - August 25, 1944) - Soviet Tatar poet. His collections of poems: "Poems and Poems" and "Order-bearing millions" were released even before the Great Patriotic War. Also known are his librettos for the operas staged at the Kazan Opera House, Altynchech, and The Fisherwoman. During the war he was taken prisoner and was executed by the Nazis in 1944.

Elena Bonner(February 15, 1923 - June 18, 2011 - June 18, 2011) - publicist, human rights activist, dissident. She was born in Turkestan, in the city of Mary. In 1972, she left the CPSU for political reasons and married Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov, and became his friend, wife and colleague in exile. In 1897, together with Sakharov, she took part in the creation of the Memorial Society. Under President Yeltsin, she worked as a member of the human rights commission, but after the outbreak of the war in Chechnya, she publicly left this post. She has received honorary doctorates of law from many universities around the world.

Name day February 15

On February 15, the owner of one of the most common names in Russia, Vasily, celebrates his name day. Russian name has Greek roots English language this name sounds Basil, in French - Basil.

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Be careful, today an exacerbation of old diseases or deterioration is possible. general condition. Most likely you will be covered with depression, try to drive away gloomy thoughts. Keep yourself in control so as not to become a victim of deception.

  • A haircut is a great day to create styling masterpieces and regular haircuts.
  • Hair coloring - risky coloring of all or part of the hair will be successful.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cut your nails today if you aspire to take a higher position in society and at work. Also cutting nails today is for money.
  • Facial care - today you can make nourishing and complexion-improving masks.
  • Body care - it is worth doing regenerating and firming massages.

Name day February 15

Agafodor, Gabriel, Jordan, Siegfried, Claude, Jovit, Kenan, Faustin, Basil.

Folk calendar February 15

Tombs. Candlemas. Winter and summer met at the Meeting: the sun for summer, winter for frost. In Temples in Russia, it is customary to consecrate candles.

  • In the morning of the Meeting, snow - for the harvest of early bread, in the afternoon - medium, in the evening - late.
  • On the Candlemas snowball - in the spring dozhzhok.
  • Drops on the Presentation foreshadowed the harvest of wheat.
  • Candlemas - the time of the last winter frosts (Sretensky). If winter sweeps the road with a blizzard, then it will pick up all the food. If the sky is starless, spring will cry late.
  • Arriving at the Candlemas from the church, it was supposed to shake the garden trees so that they were with fruits.
  • To feed chickens with oats - to be with an egg in spring and summer.
  • Signs February 15 Candlemas - winter met with spring and summer.
  • Sretensky frosts. If the sun peeps through, then the first meeting of winter with spring has taken place, and if it does not glimpse, expect further frosts.
  • In the morning snow - for the harvest of early bread, at noon - medium, in the evening - late.
  • On the Candlemas of drops - in the spring dozhzhok.
  • On the Candlemas of drops - a crop of wheat.
  • During this time it is often cold.
  • The day has more light, the night has less cold.
  • Pigs itch, rub against poles and tree trunks - to the snow.
  • Pigs squeal - to the cold. The forest is cracking - to prolonged cold weather.

February 15, 2018 - Thursday, 46th day of 2018 according to the Gregorian calendar. February 15 corresponds to February 2 of the Julian calendar (old style).

Meeting of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ.

Holidays February 15, 2018 in Russia

Day of Remembrance for Russians who performed their official duties outside the Fatherland. Since 2011, Russia has celebrated an important memorable date- Day of Remembrance for Russians who performed their official duties outside the Fatherland. It was approved by Federal Law No. 320-FZ “On Amendments to Article 1.1 of the Federal Law “On military glory and Memorable Dates of Russia”, signed by the President of the Russian Federation on November 29, 2010. On February 15, 1989, the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan was completed. A new commemorative date has been set to commemorate this event, as well as in memory of more than 14,000 Soviet soldiers and officers who did not return from the Afghan war.

Holidays February 15, 2018 in Ukraine

Day of honoring participants in hostilities on the territory of other states. In accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated February 11, 2004, on February 15 Ukraine celebrates the Day of Commemoration of Combatants on the Territory of Other States. This day is dedicated to the anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. The Afghan war lasted from 1979 to 1989 and became for the USSR the most cruel and bloody battlefield deployed after the Great Patriotic War. More than 2,500 Ukrainians have not returned from Afghanistan, 72 people are considered missing or taken prisoner. More than 8,000 Ukrainians were injured, 4,687 of them returned to their parents' homes disabled. Honor in Ukraine and all those who took part in other wars - military personnel who performed international duty in Chile, Spain, Egypt, Vietnam, Ethiopia, the island of Cuba and many other "hot spots" of the world.

World and international holidays February 15, 2018

  • International Day of Children with Cancer. February 15 is celebrated annually as International Children's Day with Cancer. This day was established in 2003, about 40 countries under the patronage of the International Society of Pediatric Oncologists take part in events dedicated to this day. International Day of Children with Cancer was initiated by the International Confederation of Organizations of Parents of Children with Cancer (ICCCPO). It was created to support children suffering from oncological diseases around the world. It is held under the patronage of the International Society of Pediatric Oncologists.

Orthodox holidays February 15, 2018

February 15, 2018 in the Orthodox Church: 3rd Preparatory Week for Great Lent. Cheese week - solid, meat food is excluded.

The following memorable dates have been established:

  • Meeting of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ;
  • Memorial Day of St. Shio (Simeon) Mgvimsky.

Folk holidays February 15, 2018

Candlemas. The Candlemas is celebrated on February 15 (according to the old style - February 2). This is the great twelfth holiday in Orthodoxy. Its name is translated from Church Slavonic as "meeting". The Orthodox Church on this day remembers the meeting in the Jerusalem temple of Simeon the God-Receiver with little Jesus during the rite of consecration to God. Other names of the holiday: "The Presentation of the Lord", "The Presentation of the Lord", "Candlemas Frosts", "Tombs". The Presentation of the Lord entered Slavic culture after the adoption of Christianity. The Orthodox Church dedicates this holiday to the events described in the Gospel of Luke. The Mother of God and Saint Joseph came to the Temple in Jerusalem on the fortieth day after the birth of Jesus. Priest Simeon the God-bearer met with Christ. According to legend, he waited for the coming of the Messiah for about 300 years. When Simeon took the baby Jesus in his arms, he delivered a speech praising God. It was called "The Song of Simeon the God-Receiver". Among pagan Slavs the holiday was known under the name of the Tombs. February 2 to julian calendar(after the adoption of the Gregorian - February 15) they drew the line between the end of winter and the beginning of spring.

The holiday was timed to coincide with the opposition of cold and darkness with warmth and light. On Gromnitsa, they glorified the god of thunder Perun and the goddess Gromovitsa, to whom sacrifices were made. The Candlemas serves as the boundary between winter and spring, which is why the very name of the holiday in the common people is explained by the meeting of winter with spring: “On the Candlemas, winter met spring”; “On the Meeting of the sun for the summer, the winter turned to frost.”

From the name of the holiday of the Presentation in the common people, the last winter frosts and the first spring thaws are called Sretensky. The common people of the Western Russian region used Sretensky candles on the Feast of the Candlemas to set fire to each other's hair crosswise, considering it very useful for headaches. On this day, festivities used to be held in the villages. On the Candlemas they baked pancakes, round, golden - they symbolized the Sun. This called for his return.

In the Kostroma province, peasant women baked bagels and fed livestock with these bagels to protect animals from diseases. On this day bonfires were lit, people had fun with ritual dances. In agricultural life, according to the state of the weather on February 15, the villagers judged the coming spring and summer, especially the weather and harvest.

Peasants usually on this day made a calculation of the stocks of bread, hay, straw and other feed: “whether they fit in half, and if not, they made adjustments to the feeders, and they themselves tightened their belts.” On the Candlemas, they fed (fed) breeding birds: chickens were given oats so that they lay better, and the eggs were larger and tastier. From that day on, it was possible to drive the cattle out of the barn into the paddock - for warming up and warming up, they also began to prepare the seeds for sowing, clean them, earn extra money, and check for germination. Whitewashed fruit trees.

Holidays February 15, 2018 in the countries of the world

Holiday in Belarus February 15, 2018 — Day of Remembrance of soldiers-internationalists.

On February 15, a memorable date is celebrated in the Republic of Belarus - the Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Warriors. On this day in 1989, the last Soviet soldier crossed the bridge of the Amu Darya border river near Termez - the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan was completed.

The war in Afghanistan lasted 9 years 1 month and 18 days. Over 14 thousand Soviet soldiers died on a foreign land, 6 thousand subsequently died of wounds and diseases, 311 people were missing. These were the biggest losses of the Soviet Army since the Great Patriotic War. Time separates us from those events. A mighty power, whose interests were defended in distant Afghanistan by thousands of Belarusians, has disappeared. However, the memory of the war still echoes with pain in the hearts of mothers, fathers, widows, children of those guys who were returning home with "cargo-200".

About 30 thousand natives of Belarus served in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989. Of these, 771 people died, 12 people are missing, more than one and a half thousand were injured and maimed, 702 became disabled. Today, over 4,000 veterans of the war in Afghanistan live in Minsk alone, more than 200 of them are disabled, as well as 97 families - parents and widows of dead internationalist soldiers. For them, it's Remembrance Day.

Holiday in Serbia February 15, 2018 — Statehood Day (Day of the first Serbian uprising). Every year on February 15, Serbian Statehood Day (Dan Drzhavnosti Srbije) is celebrated - the main National holiday countries. On the Presentation of the Lord in 1804, at a meeting of the most prominent governors of Serbia in Orašac, the first Serbian uprising against the Turkish yoke was raised under the leadership of Karageorgi (George Petrovich). The uprising significantly eased the life of the Serbs and created a solid basis for the so-called Second Serbian uprising, although it did not return state independence to Serbia. And today in the Republika Srpska, which is part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, this event itself is celebrated - the Day of the first Serbian uprising. In addition, on the same day in 1835, the so-called Sretenskaya Constitution, written by Dimitri Davidovich, was adopted - the first democratic Constitution of Serbia, which was soon canceled under pressure from the Porte, Austria and Russia. And today, the Day of the Serbian Army is celebrated. And also on this day - February 15 - another important Public Holiday- Day of the Serbian Army.

Holiday in Canada February 15, 2018 — National Flag Day. National Flag Day of Canada is observed annually on February 15, the anniversary of the establishment of the Canadian flag in 1965. It is not a public holiday, although last years discussions are underway to give it this status. Since 1868, the Red Design flag has served as the flag of Canada: a red maritime ensign with the coat of arms of Canada on the right side and the Union Jack flag of Great Britain in the canton. At the instigation of Prime Minister Lester Pearson, the House of Commons passed a resolution on 15 December 1964 recommending a new flag. The Senate passed it two days later. On January 28, 1965, Queen Elizabeth II approved the new flag, and on February 15 it was raised for the first time, replacing the old flag.

Holiday in Singapore February 15, 2018 — Day of General Defense. Every year on February 15, Singapore celebrates National Defense Day. It is celebrated on the anniversary of the largest surrender of British troops in history on February 15, 1942, which marked the beginning of the Japanese occupation of Singapore. General Defense is the name of Singapore's comprehensive defense strategy, borrowed from Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland and Austria. It is based on the understanding that in addition to military actions, aggressors can also defeat the country, undermining its economic system, the morale of the population, etc.

Significant day...
February 15 is celebrated in Russia Day of Warriors-Internationalists. The date for the "Internationalist Warriors Remembrance Day" was not chosen by chance. It was on this day, February 15, 1989, that the last column of Soviet troops left Afghanistan. Some sources indicate that the commander of the Limited Contingent, Lieutenant General Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov, was the last to cross the border river Amu Darya. In reality, the border guard units were the last to leave Afghanistan, covering the withdrawal of troops and entering the territory of the USSR only in the afternoon of February 15. This event marked the Soviet Union, the end of the Afghan war, which lasted almost ten years and claimed the lives of more than 15 thousand Soviet citizens.

On February 15, 1895, in Moscow, on the initiative of the Gnessin sisters, the first Russian Empire School of Music for kids. The famous and legendary Gnesinka”, which later became the Russian Academy of Music. Over the years of its existence, more than 12 thousand specialists graduated from the university. Graduates of the institute quickly won leading positions in musical organizations throughout the country and then abroad. Many became leaders of famous groups, leading soloists of the main opera houses.

February 15, 1919 - birthday BDT im. Gorky in Petrograd, one of the best theaters in the country and the world. The theater opened with Schiller's tragedy Don Carlos. Alexander Blok was appointed to the position of chairman of the Directorate of the Bolshoi Drama Theater, who essentially became the first artistic director of the BDT. The slogan put forward by Maxim Gorky " Heroic people - heroic theater!"was embodied in the repertoire of the BDT. The heroes of Shakespeare, Schiller, Hugo appeared on the stage of the BDT. They asserted the ideas of nobility, opposing honor and dignity to the chaos and cruelty of the surrounding world.
At the beginning of 1956, a new chief director was introduced to the theater troupe. Thus, an era began in the theater, whose name is Georgy Alexandrovich Tovstonogov.

But the main holiday of the day on February 15 is the Presentation of the Lord. Candlemas symbolizes the meeting of the Old and New Testaments. The Slavic word "candlemas" is translated into modern Russian as "meeting". The Meeting is the meeting of humanity in the person of the elder Simeon with God. Simeon translated the holy scripture from the Hebrew language. Seeing the words of the prophet Isaiah: “A virgin will give birth to a son ...”, he wanted to translate the word “Virgo” as “wife” ... But, according to legend, an angel stopped Simeon's hand ... The angel assured Simeon that he would not die until he was convinced of the truth of the prophecy the prophet Isaiah. Simeon waited a long time for the fulfillment of God's promise - he lived, according to legend, for about 300 years. And on this day, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he came to the temple. And when Mary and Joseph brought the Baby Jesus, then Simeon understood everything and turned to God with a prayer of thanksgiving.
Even in Russia, February 15 is celebrated Orthodox Youth Day.

People February 15 celebrates Candlemas, interpreting this holiday as a meeting of winter with spring. In the morning, the children called out to the sun to rise soon, to bring spring. And the older ones said: on the Meeting of the Day, a snowball is a rain in the spring. On this day, they began to feed the breeding birds and feed the chickens with oats, saying: “Feed the chickens with oats in the spring, you will have an egg in the summer.” Particular care was taken that day about livestock, seed grain and fruit trees. People say that one should not go on a long journey to the Candlemas.

February 15, 1923 was born Elena Bonner- publicist, dissident, public figure, wife of academician A.D. Sakharov. Elena Bonner is an honorary doctor of law from many universities around the world, a laureate of the Torolf Rafto Memorial Prize.

Which Orthodox holiday today February 15, 2019? On this day, the Meeting of the Lord is celebrated among Eastern Christians. This is one of the twelfth, that is, the 12 most important Orthodox holidays after Easter.

We will tell you in more detail what church holiday is celebrated on February 15. On this day, we remember the events described in the Gospel of Luke.

What is the Orthodox holiday today, February 15, 2019?

The meeting took place 40 days after the birth of Christ. According to the law of Moses, in those days, on the fortieth day after the birth of the first-born boy, parents had to come with him to the temple - to perform the rite of dedication to God.

On this day, the Most Pure Mother of God and Joseph with the newborn Jesus came from Bethlehem to Jerusalem. Here, in the temple of God, Jesus was met by the elder Simeon, who, according to legend, lived for over 300 years.

The righteous man took the Child in his arms and joyfully exclaimed: “Now you release Your servant, Master, according to Your word, in peace, for my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared before the face of all peoples, a light to enlighten the Gentiles and the glory of Your people Israel” ( Luke 2:29-32).

What is the meaning of the Meeting of the Lord celebrated on February 15?

What is the deepest meaning church holiday, which is celebrated on February 15? The Slavic word "candlemas" is translated into modern Russian as "meeting". The Presentation of the Lord is a meeting of mankind in the person of the elder Simeon with God.

The holiday also symbolizes the meeting of the Old and New Testaments. As Bishop Theophan the Recluse wrote, “in the person of Simeon, the entire Old Testament, unredeemed humanity, departs in peace into eternity, giving way to Christianity…”

Talking about what kind of holiday is celebrated today on February 15, one cannot fail to mention its traditions. On this day, candles are consecrated in the Orthodox Church as a sign of the purification of the world by the light of the Gospel of Christ.

Candles, which symbolize the fire of the Grace of God, are kept at home by believers throughout the year and lit in special occasions- for example, during prayer for the sick, in moments of spiritual anxieties and unrest. Also on this day, temples consecrate water, which is believed to have the ability to heal people from various diseases.

Believers are not allowed to work on this day. You should be distracted from worldly, everyday affairs and devote yourself to spiritual concerns. The meaning of such prohibitions is not that certain actions cannot be performed, but that an Orthodox holiday is, first of all, a day that we dedicate to God.

Now you know what holiday celebrates Orthodox Church February 15, 2019. It remains to add that the plot of the icon "Softener of Evil Hearts" is connected with him, on which, according to Simeon's prediction, Blessed Virgin with swords piercing her heart.

This image is very popular among believers. Since ancient times, many legends about the miraculous power of this icon have been known.
