Maslenitsa summary of the lesson in the preparatory group. “Dear Shrovetide is our annual guest” - a summary of educational activities in mathematics in the preparatory group

Abstract joint activities with the children of the preparatory group "Merry Maslenitsa"

Program tasks:
1. Expand the knowledge and ideas of children about the Russian folk holiday "Shrovetide",
2. Refine Shrovetide traditions
3. Generate interest in making pancakes
4. Introduce children to Russian history

Required material:
Multimedia equipment, container for making dough for pancakes, products (milk, eggs, flour, sugar, vegetable oil, butter, salt.

Educator: Guys, what time of year is it?
Children: Spring
Educator: Correctly. And what happens in the spring?
Children list the signs of spring
Educator: Okay, what do you know about spring holidays?
Children:"March 8", "Maslenitsa", "Cosmonautics Day", "Victory Day", etc.
Educator: Well done, today I want to tell you about one of spring holidays, about Shrovetide. Look at the screen.

The story of the educator about the holiday with the presentation of the presentation "Maslenitsa".

The teacher reads a poem
Smells like fresh pancakes
It is important that the samovar is buzzing,
By leaps and bounds

Shrovetide is in a hurry to us.
Let's spin in a round dance
Let's invite friends to the fire,
We spend a fierce winter -
Let's meet a warm spring!
Let the sun shine
And the old and the young rejoice,
Let each other congratulate
Everyone who is happy about Shrovetide!

Educator: Guys, are you happy with Shrovetide?
Children: Yes
Educator: Why?
Children: Because this is a holiday of farewell to winter and other children's answers
Educator: It is also called "Seeing off the winter." Tell me, what is the most important delicacy for Shrovetide?
Children: Pancakes
Educator: Of course, pancakes. I suggest you make pancake dough today. For this we need:
Milk (0.5 l),
Eggs (3 pcs),
Flour (200 g),
Sugar (1 tablespoon),
Vegetable oil (2 tablespoons),
Butter(1 tablespoon),
Salt (a pinch).
Together with the children, we combine eggs, salt, sugar, sifted flour and a little milk and mix thoroughly until smooth. Then add milk little by little, constantly stirring the dough so that there are no lumps. At the end add half vegetable oil so that the pancakes do not stick to the pan during the frying process. The dough should be as thick as liquid sour cream.
Educator: Now the dough is ready! Guys, do we have a frying pan and a stove in the group?
Children: Not
Educator: Can we bake our own pancakes?
Children: No, children should not do this, it is dangerous, you can get burned!
Educator: That's right, but how can we be then?
Children: We can take the dough to the chefs in the kitchen and ask them to bake pancakes.
Educator: Okay, I'll take it. In the meantime, pancakes are being baked, we will play a traditional Shrovetide game

Near Malania
The driver stands in the center. Everyone sings a song:
"At Malania, at the old woman's
Lived in a small hut
Seven daughters, seven sons
All without eyebrows (close eyebrows with palms).
With such eyes (hereinafter, Malanya funny depicts eyes, huge ears, long nose etc., and all the players repeat these movements after her),
With those ears, those noses,
With such a mustache, with such a head,
With such a beard...
They didn't eat anything, they sat all day,
They looked at her (at him),
They did it like this ... (the host makes a movement, and everyone repeats it) "
Whoever repeated the movement best of all becomes Malanya in the next game.

The cook enters, brings ready-made pancakes.
Educator: Here are the pancakes ready, help yourself!

Presentation on the topic: Maslenitsa

Leisure in preparatory group"Pancake week"

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of pupils about the calendar and ritual holidays.


1. To develop the spiritual and moral potential of pupils;

2. Arouse children's interest in folk culture;

3. Activate and expand vocabulary;

Move directly educational activities:

Educator: Guys, we were born and live in Russia. Our country - Russia - is very rich in wise traditions and beautiful customs. Our ancestors, that is, the Russian people who lived in ancient times, sacredly honored the holidays, strictly observed the customs and rituals associated with them. I suggest you take a trip to the past. Get on the flying carpet, close your eyes and we're going on a journey (music sounds)

Educator: Maslenitsa is one of the most beloved holidays among the people, they celebrate it in late February, early March. Maslenitsa had a different name - seeing off winter

(slide 1)

Shrovetide, Shrovetide,

Let's enjoy pancake.

Drive the blizzards away from us

Ride on the carousel.

Melt the cold ice

May spring come soon!

Shrovetide is celebrated for seven days.

Day One (Monday)- meeting Maslenitsa.They made a doll - Maslenitsa, dressed her up, put her in a sleigh and drove her up the hill.On this day, children, adults dressed up, went outside to walk, sing songs, play, celebrate Shrovetide (slide 2).

(performed by Russian folk song"Shrovetide-wryneck")

Day two (Tuesday) - Gambling.(slide 3).

In the old days, on Tuesday of Olive Week, children rode together from the mountains on sledges and sledges. On this day, the construction of snow towns began.

Game "Oiler"

Children: Oiler, Oiler,

What are you doing?

Butter dish: I'm spinning a koudelka (imitates spinning).

Children: Come on!

Oiler, Oiler,

What are you doing?

Butter dish: I shake the balls (imitates the winding of the ball).

Children: Come on!

Oiler, Oiler,

What are you doing?

Butter dish: Knitting I knit (imitates knitting).

Children: Come on!

Oiler, Oiler,

What are you doing?

Butter dish: I cry - I pricked my finger (shows a finger).

Children: Come on!

Oiler, Oiler,

What are you doing?

Oiler: Am I catching you?

Children scatter, Oiler catches them.

Day Three (Wednesday) – Lakomka(slide 4)

Maslenitsa in ancient times was pagan holiday, arranged in honor of the god of the Sun - Yarila. Pancake is a symbol of the sun, it is round and hot like the sun. In the old days they said: "There is no Shrovetide without pancakes." There are many signs associated with baking pancakes: for example, outsiders were forbidden to watch how pancakes were baked, otherwise they would not work (slide 4). Each housewife had her own pancake recipe and kept it a secret from her neighbors. Usually pancakes were baked from buckwheat or wheat flour, large for the whole pan or with a tea saucer, thin and light. Many families started baking pancakes on Monday. Pancakes are baked for good luck. No Maslenitsa feast is complete without them. Pancakes are eaten with butter, sour cream, cracklings, honey and various jams. Famous sayings (slide 5)

The game "Fold the pancake."5-6 children participate. Each has a frying pan. Pancakes (from thick cardboard yellow color) are cut into 6 pieces and scattered on the floor. Who will find faster and put your pancake in the pan.

Day four (Thursday) - "walk around for a quarter"(slide 5)

Thursday of Maslenitsa week is also popularly called “broad”, or “great”. Since Thursday carnival revelry unfolded in full. All over the world, people went out into the streets, as participants or as spectators, took part in fisticuffs, erected, and then stormed snowy towns.

The game "Move the snow".The children stand in pairs. Snowballs need to be carried, holding between the foreheads or pressed against them with the cheeks.

Day five (Friday) - mother-in-law evening(slide 6). Maslenitsa week necessarily included mutual visits of related families. On mother-in-law evenings, sons-in-law treated their mother-in-law pancakes. And the girls at noon took out pancakes in a bowl on their heads and went to the hill. The guy who liked the girl was in a hurry to taste a blink to find out if she would be a good hostess.

Day six (Saturday) - sister-in-law gatherings(slide 7). On this day, the newlyweds invited their relatives to visit and treated them with treats. There were conversations about life, being reconciled, if before that they were in a quarrel. They also remembered the deceased relatives, spoke good and kind words about them.

The game "Transfer pancakes from a plate to a plate).Children are divided into 2-3 teams. There is a table near each team, on it is a plate with pancakes (according to the number of participants). In the middle of the path lies a large pancake (a hoop covered with a yellow cloth). On a signal, the first in the team take a pancake, run to a large pancake, jump around it once on one leg, run to another table, put the pancake on a plate and shout: “Come on!”, thus giving a signal to the next participant. The team that crosses all the pancakes faster wins.

Day seven (Sunday) forgiveness day (slide 8). It was the farewell to Maslenitsa. A bonfire made of straw was laid out in the field and a doll with songs was burned. The ashes were scattered across the field in order to reap a rich harvest next year. On Forgiveness Sunday, they went to each other to put up and ask for forgiveness if they offended before. They said: "Forgive me, please." "God will forgive you," they answered. Then they kissed and did not remember the grievances. But even if there were no quarrels and insults, they still said: - "Forgive me." Even when they met stranger and asked for his forgiveness. Thus ended Maslenitsa.

Educator: Carnival, farewell!
Come that year!
Shrovetide, come back!
AT New Year show yourself!
Farewell, Shrovetide!
Farewell, red!
(slide 9)


"Pancake week"

preparatory group

Project: short term

Type of project: educational, creative.

Project participants: children senior group, parents, educators.

Age of children: 5 - 6 years.

Relevance: In our time, folk festivals have gradually become a thing of the past, when holidays were celebrated not only in their families, but in whole streets and villages. Our children do not see this in the example of their parents. Our task is to introduce, tell, show what the Maslenitsa holiday is, as it was celebrated before. As a result of the implementation of this project, children will acquire new knowledge, learn new games, nursery rhymes, poems. This project will help parents remember how they and their parents celebrated Maslenitsa


Increasing interest in the traditions of the Russian people (Maslenitsa holiday).


1. Introduce children to Russian ritual holiday"Maslenitsa", with various genres of oral folk art;

2. Develop artistically - creative activity through familiarization with decorative objects - applied arts Russian culture.

3. To form love for the Motherland, its traditions.

4. Orient the parents of pupils to introduce children to Russian culture in the family.

Expected Result:

Children got acquainted with the traditions, customs, games associated with the celebration of "Pancake week"

Final result:

1.Decoration of exhibitions productive activity children

2. The ability of children to talk about the holiday "Pancake week"

What do we know What do we want to know How do we do it Result

Maslenitsa is pancakes, straw doll that is being burned

How exactly should you celebrate Maslenitsa, what games to play

Through viewing photos, presentations, pictures about Maslenitsa

Through holding friendly conversations, situational conversations on the topic.

Affordable artistic creativity(Modeling, drawing, application).

Through the artistic word: fairy tales, nursery rhymes, incantations.

Exhibition of productive activities of children

Telling poems about "Maslenitsa"

Name of the days of the week

Thematic planning

Monday"Meeting Maslenitsa"

Target: Get to know the traditions of the folk festival.

Tuesday- "Gaming"

Target: To give children ideas about Russians folk games- fun.

Wednesday "Lakomka"

Target: To acquaint children with ceremonial cuisine.

Thursday"Walk Thursday"

Target: Give an idea of ​​the Russian troika

Friday"Teschiny evenings"

Target: Attach to the origins of folk traditions.

Social and communicative development

Situational conversation: “Where did you come from - a cheerful Maslenitsa?”

View multimedia presentation"Pancake week"

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Establishing rules and norms in outdoor games

Learning a song with the movements "Oh, pancakes my pancakes"

game on musical instruments: tambourine, spoons, rattles, metallophone, bells

Artistic and aesthetic development

Application "Spring Doll"

Drawing: "Shrovetide through the eyes of children"

cognitive development

FEMP "Count how much?" "Introduction to the number 10 and the number 10."

Making riddles about household utensils, products.

Speech development

Preliminary talks on topics

Examination of the picture "Troika". The story of the picture

Memorizing the poem "Shrovetide"

Physical development

Outdoor games, Physical education

Sledding down the mountain.

The game "Roosters", "Pillow Fight", "Flying Cow", "Masha the Confused"

Healthy lifestyle: fixing the rules of hygiene and healthy food

Conversation on the topic "Shrovetide" in kindergarten

in the preparatory group

Introduce children to folk traditions- Maslenitsa holiday, the history of its occurrence. Attach to the origins of folk culture.
Explain the meaning of proverbs.
Exercise in the ability to answer questions, in changing the word.
Raise interest in folk culture. Enrich vocabulary.


Educator: Guys, what time of year is it? What do you know winter holidays? There is an old folk holiday Seeing off the Russian winter or Maslenitsa. What do you know about him? Do you want to know about it?
In a certain kingdom, in the thirtieth state, Winter and Maslenitsa lived. Winter reminded snow queen. She was beautiful but cold. Instead of eyes, she had prickly pieces of ice. Instead of lips - lips covered with frost. She had long white hair. Her outfit surprised with its whiteness. She had servants: cold wind and evil blizzard.

And Shrovetide was kind, beautiful, friendly. The eyes are blue, like the spring sky. Scarlet lips, ruddy cheeks. She always walked in a long, bright sundress. Her true friends there were birds and animals. People were very fond of Shrovetide. At the end of February, everyone was looking forward to meeting her. They knew that as soon as Maslenitsa came, everyone would spend the winter and welcome the spring.

Once Winter got angry with people and decided not to allow Maslenitsa to meet people. Everyone really wanted to see her off as soon as possible, and Winter decided to take over the whole kingdom. She dreamed that the kingdom would turn into an ice kingdom. Then Winter ordered her servants:
- Wind, blizzard, cover all the roads with snow, circle so that people do not dare to leave the house. If they do not meet Shrovetide, then Spring will not come to them!
And the wind blew, and a blizzard broke out. People sit at home, they are afraid to go outside. Shrovetide sees - a bad thing. What to do, how to help people? The sun is not showing, and the snow is getting more and more. The sun will not melt the snowdrifts, spring will not reach people through such snow.
There was one week left, and Maslenitsa came up with this. She began to walk around the yards. Yes, tell people to cook pancakes tirelessly all week. Her people listened. We baked pancakes every day. Maslenitsa took pancakes and scattered them along the roads. And the pancakes are hot, ruddy, round, like the sun. Where the pancake hit, there appeared a thaw. Maslenitsa made the kids build slides and laugh louder when they ride. Let Winter get angry! And be sure to eat pancakes for everyone, so that the soul cannot turn into an ice floe, so as not to become cold, soulless servants of Winter.

People did everything that Maslenitsa suggested, but this was not enough. It needed a lot of warmth. What to do?

Burn me, said Maslenitsa. It's a pity for people Maslenitsa, but there's nothing to be done. People asked her forgiveness for everything, they asked forgiveness from each other and they were already about to set fire to Maslenitsa, when some boy shouted:
_ Stop! Let's make a straw man!
The people rejoiced, built a huge scarecrow and burned it. The flame was such that the last snow melted. Now people knew that spring would definitely get to them. And for the kindness of Maslenitsa, for her open soul, they began to call her the Wide Maslenitsa.
Did you like the fairy tale?
- Who is she talking about?
- What was Winter like?
- What was Maslenitsa?
What is Winter thinking?
- What did Shrovetide come up with?
- Why did you have to eat pancakes?
Why did Shrovetide want people to burn it?
What did people make stuffed animals out of?
Fizminutka (Song on)
Spring has a birthday today! (claps)
Let's eat pancakes and cookies! (claps)
Winter please leave soon! (claps)
The last ruble is ready to scroll here! (Stomps)
For the game I will give you a box of chocolates! (claps)
You open it, and there is nothing there! (Stomps)
The women, the girls all kindled the hearths! (claps)
Pancakes for everyone, pancakes for everyone! (claps)
Pancakes with honey and jam! (claps)
Not pancakes, but food! (claps)
Sweet pancakes with stuffing! (claps)
And others with pillows! (Stomps)
And others with shells! (Stomps)
Maslenitsa symbolized a farewell to winter and a meeting with spring.
At the end of winter, when the sun began to warm up, and the days were getting longer, noisy festivities were held in Rus', which lasted a whole week. AT big cities and villages, people came to the famous fairs, where there was not only a brisk trade, but there were other entertainments with buffoons and mummers. The festivities lasted for a whole week, people had fun, went to visit each other.
On this holiday, people rode horses, sledges, arranged ice slides, played snowballs, sang songs, danced round dances. The girls dressed up and went to swing on the swings. Ride on ice slides. Children sculpted snowmen, rolled them on a hill, had fun. On Monday they built a scarecrow. The festivities continued throughout the week. At the end of the week, on Sunday, people asked each other for forgiveness and set fire to the effigy.

Associated with Shrovetide a large number of sayings.

verbal didactic game"What are pancakes"
An ordinary pancake can be called various unusual words, listen carefully, prompt diligently:
There is only one on the plate - we simply call it. (pancake).
We baked a lot of them - then we will name them. (pancakes).
Baked for daughters - let's call. (pancake).
Will eat their son - we'll call then. (blink).
Huge, like a house - let's call it. (pancake).
- Tell me, guys, how did you understand what kind of holiday Maslenitsa is?
When does Maslenitsa come?
How do people celebrate it?

Synopsis of the FTsKM "Maslenitsa". senior preschool age

To acquaint children with folk traditions - the Maslenitsa holiday, the history of its occurrence. Attach to the origins of folk culture.
Explain the meaning of proverbs.
Exercise in the ability to answer questions, in changing the word.
Raise interest in folk culture. Enrich vocabulary. Educator: Guys, what time of year is it? What winter holidays do you know? There is an old folk holiday "Seeing the Russian winter or Shrovetide". What do you know about him? Do you want to know about it?
In a certain kingdom, in the thirtieth state, Winter and Maslenitsa lived. Winter was like the Snow Queen. She was beautiful but cold. Instead of eyes, she had prickly pieces of ice. Instead of lips - lips covered with frost. She had long white hair. Her outfit surprised with its whiteness. She had servants: a cold wind and an evil blizzard.
And Shrovetide was kind, beautiful, friendly. The eyes are blue, like the spring sky. Scarlet lips, ruddy cheeks. She always walked in a long, bright sundress. Birds and animals were her faithful friends. People were very fond of Maslenitsa. At the end of February, everyone was looking forward to meeting her. They knew that as soon as Maslenitsa came, everyone would spend the winter and welcome the spring.
Once Winter got angry with people and decided not to allow Maslenitsa to meet people. Everyone really wanted to see her off as soon as possible, and Winter decided to take over the whole kingdom. She dreamed that the kingdom would turn into an ice kingdom. Then Winter ordered her servants:
- Wind, blizzard, cover all the roads with snow, circle so that people do not dare to leave the house. If they do not meet Shrovetide, then Spring will not come to them!
And the wind blew, and a blizzard broke out. People sit at home, they are afraid to go outside. Shrovetide sees - a bad thing. What to do, how to help people? The sun is not showing, and the snow is getting more and more. The sun will not melt the snowdrifts, spring will not reach people through such snow.
There was one week left, and Maslenitsa came up with this. She began to walk around the yards. Yes, tell people to cook pancakes tirelessly all week. Her people listened. We baked pancakes every day. Maslenitsa took pancakes and scattered them along the roads. And the pancakes are hot, ruddy, round, like the sun. Where the pancake hit, there appeared a thaw. Maslenitsa made the kids build slides and laugh louder when they ride. Let Winter get angry! And be sure to eat pancakes for everyone, so that the soul cannot turn into an ice floe, so as not to become cold, soulless servants of Winter.
People did everything that Maslenitsa suggested, but this was not enough. It needed a lot of warmth. What to do?

Burn me, said Maslenitsa. It's a pity for people Maslenitsa, but there's nothing to be done. People asked her forgiveness for everything, they asked forgiveness from each other and they were already about to set fire to Maslenitsa, when some boy shouted:
_ Stop! Let's make a straw man!
The people rejoiced, built a huge scarecrow and burned it. The flame was such that the last snow melted. Now people knew that spring would definitely get to them. And for the kindness of Maslenitsa, for her open soul, they began to call her the Wide Maslenitsa.
Did you like the fairy tale?
- Who is she talking about?
- What was Winter like?

What was Maslenitsa?
What is Winter thinking?
- What did Shrovetide come up with?
- Why did you have to eat pancakes?
Why did Shrovetide want people to burn it?
What did people make stuffed animals out of?
Fizminutka(Song on)
Spring has a birthday today! (claps)
Let's eat pancakes and cookies! (claps)
Winter please leave soon! (claps)
The last ruble is ready to scroll here! (Stomps)
For the game I will give you a box of chocolates! (claps)
You open it, and there is nothing there! (Stomps)
The women, the girls all kindled the hearths! (claps)
Pancakes for everyone, pancakes for everyone! (claps)
Pancakes with honey and jam! (claps)
Not pancakes, but food! (claps)
Sweet pancakes with stuffing! (claps)
And others with pillows! (Stomps)
And others with shells! (Stomps)
Maslenitsa symbolized a farewell to winter and a meeting with spring.
At the end of winter, when the sun began to warm up, and the days were getting longer, noisy festivities were held in Rus', which lasted a whole week. In big cities and villages, people gathered for the famous fairs, where there was not only a brisk trade, but there were other entertainments with buffoons and mummers. The festivities lasted for a whole week, people had fun, went to visit each other.
On this holiday, people rode horses, sledges, arranged ice slides, played snowballs, sang songs, danced round dances. The girls dressed up and went to swing on the swings. Ride on ice slides. Children sculpted snowmen, rolled them on a hill, had fun. On Monday they built a scarecrow. The festivities continued throughout the week. At the end of the week, on Sunday, people asked each other for forgiveness and set fire to the effigy.
A large number of sayings are associated with Shrovetide.
D / and "Explainers"
Why do they say: vintage holiday», « festivities».
Why was Shrovetide called wide?
The first pancake is lumpy.
Maslenitsa is the most cheerful, satisfying holiday. Pancake was the symbol of the sun.
Pancakes were called differently, depending on the day of the week: pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, and on the seventh day, royal pancakes. They were served jam, sour cream, honey, caviar, eggs, butter.
Word didactic game "What are pancakes"
An ordinary pancake can be called various unusual words, listen carefully, prompt diligently:
There is only one on the plate - we simply call it. (pancake).
We baked a lot of them - then we will name them. (pancakes).
Baked for daughters - let's call. (pancake).
Will eat their son - we'll call then. (blink).
Huge, like a house - let's call it. (pancake).
- Tell me, guys, how did you understand what kind of holiday Maslenitsa is?
When does Maslenitsa come?
How do people celebrate it?
