Modern masquerade ball. Room decor: ideas for a masquerade ball

Schedule (estimated for 4 hours):
1. Meeting guests at the entrance (girls dressed up as fairies meet)
2. Getting to know the guests, introducing them to the King and Queen of the ball.
3. Ball - dance marathon with the participation of a dance master, with competitions, an auction and small dramatizations.
4. Seeing off the old year and meeting the new.
5. The arrival of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Contests.

Characters: Presenter, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, dance master, fairies at the entrance. Actors for dramatizations (you can rehearse in advance, or print out roles and improvise with guests).

1. Meeting guests.

First fairy:
Welcome, we've been waiting for you
A little more - and the waltz will play,
And the Christmas tree will flare up, the candles will burn -
A magical New Year's Eve awaits you!

Second fairy:
O noble guests,
Shining like stars in the sky!
Tell me how to introduce you to the palace scroll? (see below)

(Writes down.)

BUT). Palace Scroll - it contains the names of guests, titles and achievements. At the end of the meeting, the list is promptly forwarded to the king, queen and host.

B). A box with paper smiles - they are distributed to guests, later, when everyone gets to know everyone, you can write a wish to one of those present on a smile. This is mail. At the end of the ball, the Host reads out the mail, and the fairies (those that met) deliver it to the addressees.

2. Acquaintance


Valiant knights and beautiful fairies, sages and wanderers gathered in this hall from all over the world. We are pleased to welcome you to New Year's ball. In our world, time goes differently than the people of the earth are used to, so do not be surprised by the small miracles of the holiday, but rather rejoice with us. Let us greet those who have arrived at this ball with applause.

The presenter reads out the names of guests, titles from the list. Each of them walks through the hall to the throne of kings and bows. This must be explained to the guests by the fairies at the entrance in advance. The king and queen smile and say to the couple kind words to each guest personally.

3. Ball

The promised hour has come
We invite everyone to the waltz.
Let the sounds of the violin circle
Let the smiles shine!
Step right, step left
Hello friends,
Our wonder queen
And, of course, the king!

The King and Queen enter the first dance.

Five to six dances - 15-20 minutes.

Between dances, the host announces:

1. This song is dedicated to all those who have not lost their good spirits and enthusiasm of youth in the hustle and bustle of running days.
2. This dance is dedicated to true connoisseurs of cherry syrup and strawberry jam. (or something along those lines).


We had a dramatization about the suffering of Bluebeard (a dummy character), who suddenly begins to sob in the middle of the ball. He tells a story about his three wives, who mercilessly mocked him, and therefore had to strangle them - the nerves could not stand it. The story is really funny, especially if it is shown in roles. (The text is available, but it is long). At the end of the story, Bluebeard is put up for auction by suitors, and unmarried ladies are bidding and showcasing their talents.

4. Meeting the new year.

(The clock strikes.)

King :
Let's fill our glasses, friends,
To please the year and, of course, the family,
So that everyone in spirit finds a craft.
May we all be lucky in the new year!

Queen :
So that the kingdom of a dream come true enters your house as soon as possible
And so that it is good and joyful for you in it!

(The first dance of the New Year, at the end of which Santa Claus appears and starts dancing in the hall without warning.)

We have an amazing guest. AT different countries ah he is known under different names- Per Noel, Babo Natale, Gaspard, Melchior and Valthazar in one guise, Santa Claus - in general, his Majesty - Santa Claus! And his beautiful companion...

(Monologue of Santa Claus.)

5. Contests

Competition 1.
Exam on the history of the new year (quiz) - the presenter will have the text. The first team to give the correct answer gets a token. The team with the most tokens wins the prize.

Presenter: Would you like to warm up. So, a competition for the most dexterous!

Competition 2.
Two teams stand in a line - half a meter apart from each other, it is impossible to move. From the beginning to the end of the line must be passed balloon without dropping it. Who is faster, he and well done.

Dangerous contest 3.
It takes three of the bravest (or more depending on the male-female ratio). For example, three gentlemen are blindfolded. Everyone else gets around. The daredevils, blindfolded, must choose a mate from those who are standing and dance the dance without going beyond the circle outlined by a ribbon laid out on the floor.

(Santa Claus is dancing with the presenter.)

Santa Claus: Oh, and you tired me, red girl, and now I still have to go around seven kingdoms. And at the Snow Maiden my eyes are closed. And our deer are not fed at the gate. Let's go already.

Presenter: Well, Grandpa, work is work.

Father Frost :
Well now it's time to say goodbye
hug, kiss,
May you be well
In the year that came into the world!

Snow Maiden :
To keep you all healthy
So that the dragon with its wing
Protected you like a cover
Didn't puff fire on you.
So as not to attend laziness,
And let the world fill the house!
And so that every new day
Warmed the hearts with warmth!

Queen: Let the children be obedient,

King: And let your eye be apt!

And so that the hands do not tremble,
And that there were no separations.
To avoid boredom
There were fewer blizzards in life.

Goodbye friends
And see you in a year
Let the stars shine for us
AT Holy holiday New Year!

And as always, the New Year comes quite unexpectedly, although the date of this big day is well known to all. Surely this happened to you too: there are two or three days left before the celebration, and you have zero ideas in your head, not a single gift and no thoughts about the menu. Let's try to simplify this task and offer you several options for what could be theme party for the New Year.

Option 1: dudes

Despite some hackneyedness of this subject, the style of the fifties leaves no one indifferent. These are elegant hairstyles, graceful bright outfits, eye-catching makeup ... And, of course, incendiary music. In general, the New Year will be an excellent occasion to plunge into this unique atmosphere.

Where to celebrate? In the room where you will relax, there must be a place for incendiary dances. A minimum of furniture and a better sound system - that's the whole secret.

What to serve? The kitchen for dudes should be homely, unassuming. Make more mouth-watering sandwiches, a few pies with hearty fillings, cuts with fruits and meat products are perfect. Take note of the buffet idea.

What to wear? Men can wear loose pants bright color. Suitable and tight pants by bone. The image will not be complete without a colorful tie or hat! ladies can choose fluffy skirt, emphasizing the waist, and stylish lacquer pumps.

How to have fun? Dance! Dance a lot. And stock up on dynamic games. By the way, the same “Bottle” will be very useful on such an evening.

Option 2: Masquerade

A very neat and easy idea. Moreover, the enchanting carnival and miraculous transformation usually happen in new year's eve. More flirting and languid looks from under the masks - and the most mysterious night of the year will succeed!

Where to celebrate?
Of course, perfect place there would be a large ballroom, but it will not be easy to find one, so just choose a cafe in classical style. It is important that your company is private. In the decor, it is best to do without bright lighting - take note of the candles. More antiquity and mystery!

What to serve? Don't get distracted by food. The best companion this evening can be a glass of champagne. In addition - fruits, snacks and desserts. Remember: your masquerade should be as sophisticated as possible, only then the idea will justify itself!

What to wear? You need to stick to the image strictly. Women can't do without a long evening dress, and men can't do without a classic three-piece suit. Pay attention to accessories: lace gloves or a fan will help you out. Not less than required element- mask. It is not worth saving by buying a cheap cardboard option. Choose really beautiful mask- it will become the highlight of your image.

How to have fun? Learn to dance classical dances. Why not? For example, a square dance or a waltz. This New Year will definitely be remembered for a lifetime! Don't hesitate to do theatrical production according to a classic work - guests will be delighted.

Option 3: foreigners

If you don’t know what theme to come up with for the New Year, then why not have a cup of coffee with a French woman or a glass of beer with a German? Choose your favorite country and become its typical representative for one night.

Where to celebrate? To some extent, such a party can be called "acquaintance". Acquaintance with new culture, traditions, national clothes. The place here is not so important: it can be both a modern cafe and an office. Let there be more upholstered furniture, for example, pear chairs. You can choose lounge style as background music or invite a DJ.

What to serve? Everything is simpler than it might seem: every "foreigner" must take with him the National dish selected country. The table will turn out to be very diverse, and you can try a lot of unusual dishes for you.

What to wear? The main task of each party participant is to repeat the image of a representative of a particular country in as much detail as possible. Take the time to learn a few phrases foreign language, this will make the image even more believable and colorful.

How to have fun? You can choose national music from different countries, but it's better not to bother and just organize a joint disco of European hits. It is possible to organize several zones with board games, it is desirable that they touch on the topic of travel in one way or another.

Option 4: heroes from fairy tales

The symbol of the coming year, the Pig, has repeatedly become the main character of fairy tales. And this means that such a topic will definitely please him. And who has not dreamed of turning into a princess or a prince from a fairy tale at least for one night?

Where to celebrate? Best suited for an apartment chic interior. You can also rent a hall with the decor you need. Your task is to be in a place that resembles an old luxurious castle. More candles, paintings, natural wood furniture, gilding.

What to bring to the table? fictional heroes don't eat! However, celebrating the New Year on an empty stomach is not an option. Prepare Buffet with delicious appetizers. More canapes, beautiful desserts. If possible, call in a decorator that nicely styles your festive table.

What to wear? You are unlikely to be able to make the perfect costume on your own. Yes, and it will take a lot of time for such a themed outfit for the New Year. Easiest to take fairy costume rental in a special service. If you still decide to make a costume at home, then choose simpler images: for example, a pirate or a fairy.

How to have fun? You can arrange a competition for the best costume in the format of a small theatrical performance in which everyone will take part. fairy-tale heroes. Buy, for example, shields and swords for comic games.

Mystery shrouded in darkness, the last weekend of this fall. Participants dressed in semi-masquerade costumes. Eccentric, outrageous, gothic, decadence, unbridledness and luxury. All this is just a small fraction of the most closed party in Moscow - Casati Ball, following the patterns of entertainment of the century before last and earlier, which replaced last year's Night Life Award. All information is available only to a select few. in addition to the dress code and entry by invitation only (the number of invitations and admitted journalists is limited). They will party until the morning, in the manner of the film "Widely closed eyes"Kubrick, with all the consequences. Whether it will do without violence and "manslaughter" - we will read in the media reports ...

Actually, the salon and elite event is dedicated to the memory of one of the most mysterious - "leopard lady" - queen-sorceress-philanthropist and muse - Marquise Luisa Casati. The strictest entry according to the lists and observance of the dress code (tailcoats for men, luxurious evening dresses for women, half masks, art deco, homage to Casati, decadence, gothic, freak, literacy, hoaxes and seances of spiritualism for the initiated). Guests in best suits receiving prizes from the Missbach jewelry house. Chairman of the jury, manager of the ball - fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev. Among the guests, according to rumors, Daphne Guinness, the real Casati of our days and ... yes, yes, yes, the unpredictable neo-Madonna - Lady GaGa.

Witnesses of Saturday flights on a broom to "Bald Mountain" - please write about your impressions in the comments to the post. Comments will hide. Optionally, your information may remain incognito or disclosed. It is curious how the current elite celebrates an enchanting show, where, dressed in "snakes and spirits", lounging on bear and leopard skins, after a cocktail, couples retire and indulge in love, and not only. Among the guests are artistic bohemia, the cream of society and ... even authorities, at the VIP level, federal ministers, some governors, their wives and mistresses; best models and Moscow strippers, escort girls, aesthetes, poets, et cetera... Perhaps even someone from the inner circle of the duumvirs will drop by.


"The Marquise, the owner of a considerable fortune, became interested in masquerades and balls. Of course, solely to focus on her own person. Her appearance became brighter, her outfits more frank. The world admired her techniques. She knew how to be chic and learned to shock. The Marquise sought to capture herself, rather, her image. She dressed at the couturier Paul Poiret. Elegant, black, thin. Louise bought a palazzo in Venice, turned it into her crazy palace. Ruins trimmed with gold from the inside. The Marquise, deathly pale, green-eyed, appeared with cheetahs, leading them on diamond-studded leashes. Nijinsky and Isadora Duncan danced in her palazzo ... Casati was attracted to art - mainly because she could reflect herself in it. She became a drug for herself. She needed to surprise, shock, accept admiration. Her captured by Giovanni Boldini, Alberto Martini, Maurice Druon, Tennessee Williams wrote about her. Anna, the eccentric marquise..."

"Louise was born on January 23, 1881 in Milan, in a wealthy Amman family. Since childhood, she, closed and unsociable, was fond of art. In her youth she was shy, she was not attracted to light, balls seemed uninteresting. bored, she began to look for entertainment. She invented herself, to which Gabriele D "Annuzio, the rake poet, contributed a lot. He admired her, she also admired herself. They became lovers. But how could the marquise love a man if she loved herself so passionately, selflessly. Subsequently, she had many friends and admirers. And love is one and for life - Louise herself. FROM light hand one of the most famous and fashionable European poets and novelists, Gabriele d Annunzio, who presented her in his salon at Villa Mammarella, Louise became Cora (he called her one of the names Greek goddess Persephone), and together they began to "color" each other's lives. Your feelings with varying degrees heat Casati and D"Annunzio will be carried to the end, until the death of the poet in the seventy-fourth year of his life ..."

“Who did the marquise love more: animals or people? Rather, the first. And of the people she preferred men. She had practically no friendship with women, she managed to communicate with only a few friends. to show various unkindness.Contemporaries said that during the infamous Parisian masquerade, hosted by Casati in memory of Count Cagliostro, for trying to copy her costume, the Marquise imprisoned one of the ladies in the closet for the whole evening.Louisa was known as a great patron of art.A great connoisseur of painting, she patronized many famous and unknown names Supported artists, poets, musicians: Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Alberto Martini, Giovanni Boldini, Artur Rubinstein and many others... In 1910, Casati made the purchase of the century - an ancient Venetian palazzo - the Palace of the Veniers. the original person launched two cheetahs, greyhounds moved here from Rome, and over time, the green oasis completely became like visit an incredible zoo with thrushes, parrots, peacock (thrushes and peacock were white), dogs, numerous primates, and also cats...

"Experiencing a passion for luxury, she got rid of everyday life in all possible, and sometimes, rather, impossible ways. Costumes, travel around the world, exoticism, belladonna - brighter eyes; opium; strands of pearls, leopard skins, velvet, sandals with diamond heels, Paris, London, India, Capri... Marquise was fond of the occult. Perhaps she was a beautiful witch. She created her own world, unique and crazy, and remained true to herself, her passion for herself, until the end of her days. The marquise spent incredible sums on her whims, thinking only about what she wanted, no matter how much it cost. Reckless luxury on the verge of farce is over. Instead, debts appeared. Her paintings, outfits, everything that complemented her image was sold at auction. She was helped by loyal fans, or rather, old friends. She was still a muse.

By 1930, Casati had huge debts - 25 or 30 million. She sold her fortune (Coco Chanel bought one of the golden gazelles) and, with the support of her granddaughter, spent last years in London, surrounded by friends and eccentric as always. Louise did not regret the lost, did not whine and continued to attract people to her. For the last fifteen years I've been content with a simple sofa stuffed with horsehair, an old bathtub, and a cuckoo clock. She made collages from newspaper and magazine clippings, and, they say, her work was bright and original. Five of her beloved Pekingese lived with her. Times were hard - Second World War, sometimes she had nothing to eat, but she got food for dogs from acquaintances, friends, grocers. On June 1, 1957, Louise Casati died. She died at the end of a séance - her favorite pastime. or serious business. Her granddaughter dressed her in the legendary leopard cloak. Last friend Marchioness Sidney Farmer brought for her new false eyelashes and a stuffed animal of her beloved Pekingese, which settled at the feet of the hostess. The mysterious Marchioness rests in London at Brompton Cemetery.

Read more: The story of the Marquise Louise Kazati (Loisa Kazati),
sverh-fatal woman, muse and demoness of an entire era...


P.S. ...

"Someone once thought of me,
With a sigh on the frosted glass.
He wrote carefully with his finger.
Those symbols that became my name..."

She lived for 76 years, not regretting anything, elevating her selfishness, self-love to the rank of art, covering up unseemly details with decoration and spending, easily getting into debt, balancing on the brink and beyond what is permitted ... Having realized the dream of many women, having combined absolute freedom with absolute shamelessness, not being afraid to be branded as a shrew and a bitch, throwing Bohemia and the world at their feet, not representing anything, almost a plain woman, becoming the object of adoration, admiration, love and hatred. What do women want?

New Year's holiday is a favorite holiday not only for children. Adults are waiting for him with no less hope, excitement and faith in a fairy tale. The year has ended, albeit successfully, but with many events of varying degrees of importance. And now I want to sum it up, relaxing with friends, with fun music, jokes and dancing.

And in order for the holiday to turn out and be remembered for a long time, it must be prepared and organized.

To get started, select and decorate the hall with beautiful New Year's compositions. Tables or one common table also decorate with candles, balls and spruce branches.

Well-chosen New Year's music will create a festive mood. The New Year's disc must be recorded in advance, taking into account the wishes of all participants.

Be sure to prepare gifts.

As Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, it is better to invite one of the employees. It will be more creative and more fun.

And now your day has come. Everything is ready for the masquerade ball. Above the entrance to the hall hangs a sign "Do not enter without a mask!" At the entrance on the table is a box with masks, glasses, crowns. Everyone chooses a mask for himself. The attendants, also wearing masks, help to choose the right item and make sure that they do not enter without masks.

Everyone is here. Cheerful New Year's music sounds in the festively decorated hall. The organizer seats the guests at the table.

Host: The New Year is knocking on the window.

It's time for us to meet him.

And the champagne sparkles.

And the fun does not stop.

We raise our glasses

We light candles

Let dreams come true

AT new Year's Eve!

And I invite friends to raise the first glass of champagne for the upcoming New Year.

A year has passed. What he was, now our leader will tell us ___________

The director briefly summarizes the work, thanks everyone for their work and makes a toast.

Host: With a heart full of expectations,

Let's meet this New Year.

Lots of good wishes

He will gather under the tree.

Only happy times

Fate will prepare us

To make a burden with a fairy tale,

For miracles to happen!

And spin in a white dance

Santa Claus is cheerful us.

The coming year is full of chances

Starts now!

Bag good wishes prepared for us by the chairman of the trade union committee _______

Words of congratulations and a toast sound.

Host: And now, friends, let's congratulate each other on the New Year and wish ...., and we will say the wishes during the contest "I wish you (you) in the New Year ...". The meaning of the competition is that now everyone in a circle will tell their wishes to a neighbor, the whole team or someone specific, and the jury as part of the administration will decide whose wish is better. The author will receive our gift, and we will raise a toast to the fulfillment of all desires.

Leading: - Who is in an elegant warm coat,

With a long white beard

Comes to visit on New Year's Eve

And ruddy, and gray-haired?

He plays with us, dances,

With him, the holiday is more fun!

Santa Claus on our Christmas tree

The most important of the guests!

Where is our Santa Claus? Let's invite him to visit us.

Calls on the phone and invites Santa Claus. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden enter.

They greet the team and make a toast.

The Snow Maiden invites everyone to a cheerful round dance. The dance program begins.

All participants are invited to dance three dances: lambada, rock and roll and Russian dance. Based on the results of this competition, the best dancers are selected. The winners are chosen by Santa Claus. For this competition, a phonogram with a recording of dances must be prepared in advance. Each dance the participants dance together.

Each participant is given five sheets of A4 paper. Opposite each participant, about 2 m from him, a hat is placed on the floor. At the command of the host, the contestants must take the first sheet of paper with their left hand, crumple it into a ball and throw this “snowball” into a hat. Right hand you can't help yourself. Then a second sheet of paper is taken, and so on, until all the “snowballs” are over. According to the results of this competition, the fastest and most accurate are selected, they receive prizes.

I offer the word for a toast to the best dancer of the evening.

The next toast is made by the most dexterous and well-aimed shooter.

Leading: What a New Year's Eve without songs. I propose to remember all the songs about winter, New Year, Christmas tree. And now we will divide into two teams and we will alternately sing these songs one by one verse. The team that lasts the longest will be the winner.

Host: Oh, how many talents we have. But the most talented team turned out to be _____. She is given the floor for a toast.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, I want to dance. Will you support me? Of course, the granddaughter and friends will help.

The second dance part begins.

Leading: We have a lot of animals of different stripes in the evening today. And now we'll find out if they can total mass find a similar sound. I suggest the game "Each creature in pairs."

The host must prepare cards with the names of animals in advance (two of each type)

How more people playing this game, the more interesting. Participants are given cards. The host must make sure that one of the paired cards goes to the man and the other to the woman. (To make this task easier, you can make cards of two different colors, or choose an assistant for yourself, and then one will issue cards only to men, and the second only to women)

At the command of the leader, the participants begin to make the sounds of their animal (grunt, croak, meow, etc.). It is necessary to find your partner in this cacophony by sound.

Newly formed couples are offered a slow dance.

Santa Claus: Well, friends, we had a great rest, but it's time to get ready for the road. After all, we still have a lot of work ahead of us.

Snow Maiden: You continue to have fun, we wish you good luck, health, kindness and love. We say goodbye to you today and hope to see you next year.

The dance program continues.

New Year's Eve can be completed with fireworks.
