The meaning of the word hetero. Heterosexual: who is he and does he differ in the only normal sexual behavior

Psychosexual love for the other sex, sexual orientation, present in the vast majority of people. The opposite orientation is homosexuality, which is held by a minority. From the point of view of sexology, heterosexuality and homosexuality are equal variants of human sexuality. A person cannot choose or force his will to suppress his sexual orientation; everyone should have the right to live in accordance with their orientation, without being subjected to any discrimination. Heterosexuality and homosexuality have, on the one hand, their real manifestations in the form of sexual contacts between a man and a woman, between a woman and a woman, between a man and a man, as well as related moods, preferences and lifestyles. On the other hand, we are talking about theoretical constructions that do not satisfy all types of sexual behavior of men and women. In the erotic system, in which the coordinates of homosexuality and heterosexuality are indicated on one scale, and on the other - sexual activity(intensity), multiple behaviors are possible. To this must be added a temporal dimension, depending on the respective society and on the life path of a particular person, during which a strict homo- or heterosexual order may be interrupted. Of decisive importance for homo- or heterosexual behavior, especially for male and female homosexuality, is how sexual relationships are formed in society and how sex roles are distributed.
(See Heterosexuality, Bisexuality, Homosexuality).

(Source: Sexological Dictionary)

(Source: Dictionary of Sexual Terms)

preference for sexual partners of the opposite sex; manifests itself in appropriate behavior

(Source: Concise Dictionary sexopathological terms)


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    Exist., number of synonyms: 2 attraction (56) heterosexuality (2) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    Heterosexuality- Sexual attraction to people of the opposite sex. Psychology. A Ya. Dictionary reference book / Per. from English. K. S. Tkachenko. M.: FAIR PRESS. Mike Cordwell. 2000... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

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What is hetero orientation?

Should you be offended if you are called heterosexual? Before giving a full definition of this concept, it is worth noting that the question sexual orientation stood sharp enough at all times. After all sex life- one of the most important aspects human life. Such well-known scientists as Kinsey and Freud devoted their lives to researching issues of sexuality.

Sexual orientation is one of the components of sexuality. The question of sexuality is hidden very deep in human physiology. Therefore, the mechanism of how a person chooses a sexual partner for himself has not yet been fully studied. This dispute is still open.

In almost every country there are organizations that deal with the study of sexuality. A lot of money is spent on this from the state budget. Nothing stands still, and the issue of sexual orientation too. Over time, attitudes and preferences are constantly changing.

If we consider the archaeological finds of ancient times, we can see that even in those distant times people had different sexual orientations.

What does hetero orientation mean? To reveal the meaning of the expression, you must first understand what the word "hetero" means. Translated from Greek, it has several meanings - different, different, different.

This word is not used separately, only as a prefix. If we consider the sexual context of the word "heterosexuality", then it means sexual orientation, which is directed towards persons of the opposite sex only.

By this is meant that a hetero-oriented person is attracted to opposite sex not only sexual, but also romantic and emotional.

If to speak plain language, hetero sexual relations It is a relationship between a man and a woman. The hetero orientation is the most common in our world. Most people consider it only normal and correct. This often causes protests from homosexuals (people who are attracted to the same sex) and bisexuals (persons who are attracted to both sexes).

Some modern scholars who support the democratic tendencies of the Western world consider all 3 human orientations to be natural and correct. According to them, any manifestation human love can be considered normal and natural. Most Russian researchers do not support this point of view.

They argue that the departure from hetero orientation can be considered a biological or mental deviation. The reasons for this are disorders at the genetic level, improper functioning of brain structures, psychological trauma in childhood, improper upbringing.

Shaping Orientation

Scientists say that most often discord in homosexuals occurs in early childhood, at a time when sexual orientation is just beginning to form.

This can be seen when a girl or boy begins to identify with a certain gender, experiencing a sincere interest in the opposite or their own sex.

For example, a boy may begin to be attracted to fragile girls in beautiful dresses. At the same time, the boy begins to experience a feeling of embarrassment, fear, curiosity.

Already in early age this attraction wears sexual overtones.

Sometimes it happens that the boy becomes interested only in representatives of his gender. Such a boy is always drawn to his own kind, every time he meets the object of his sympathy, he tries to feel a bodily and spiritual connection, to touch a friend, to spend as much time as possible with him.

Sometimes the deviation from hetero orientation happens due to the fault of the parents. For example, when a woman really wanted to give birth to a girl, but a boy was born. Out of ignorance or because of her own views, a woman begins to raise a boy like a girl: buy dolls for him, make girlish hairstyles, etc. The same thing can happen when a girl is brought up in Spartan conditions and is required to fulfill men's duties and skills.

Deviation can occur after communicating with the opposite sex, the child was greatly offended. However, this can happen in adolescence and already in adulthood.

For example, after being raped, a girl begins to feel disgust for all men. However, sexual needs do not disappear, the girl is attracted to the representatives of her gender.

According to research, a person's sexual orientation can change at any point in time, but most often it happens in the first half of life.

The orientation of the hetero is laid down by nature at the genetic level, because thanks to it, the continuation of the human race occurs. Therefore, we can assume that the hetero orientation is natural mechanism necessary for humanity to survive.

Almost all representatives of the animal world have a hetero orientation.

The Russian language borrowed a lot of words from Greek. Especially many "Greeks" settled in scientific literature and medicine. Yes and in Everyday life, without noticing it ourselves, we no-no yes, and we will say an ancient Greek word (for example, tragedy, laurel or space).

In fact, it turns out that the ancient Greeks made a huge contribution to the formation of our great and mighty language. However, not only whole words migrated into the Russian language from ancient Greek. Take, for example, such words as heterosexual and heterotrophy, heterogeneous and heterotrophic. All these words have the prefix "hetero" in their composition.

And what is hetero, and what does this prefix mean?

The word "hetero" itself has two rather similar definitions - "other" and "different"(from others). This word is not used separately. It is part of other compound words. Although in everyday life we ​​rarely use words with the prefix "hetero", because they mainly have scientific meanings.

Probably the most famous word, which includes the prefix "hetero", is heterosexuality. The meaning of this word is very simple - "hetero" means different, and "sex" is gender. In other words, sex drive to people of the opposite sex. Most people on our planet have this sexual orientation.

Heterogeneity translated as heterogeneity. Heterotrophs are creatures that feed on various types food (“hetero” - different and “tropho” - food). Heterogamy means marriage between people who have different nationalities and different positions on the social ladder. Heterohypnosis is a type of hypnosis caused by the influence of another person.

In principle, hetero is everything that does not look like this instance. If you know the meaning of the prefix, then you can easily understand the meaning of a particular word. Although it also happens that the word with the prefix "hetero" has a Latin and even English origin. By the way, in English language this prefix is ​​written as follows: "hetero".

"Hetero" is the opposite of "homo". And by analogy with the first prefix, the prefix "homo" is most often used in medicine and scientific literature. Surprisingly, the Greek word "heterosexuality" appeared much later than the word "homosexuality".

And only in our language do both of these words have a sound with the ending "ist" and a more pronounced meaning than in English or French. Of course, these words are also available in European languages, but they sound slightly different: homosexual and heterosexual.

It is very important to know and understand the meaning of words. Many of us do not even realize that the words and expressions that they considered native Russian came into our language from other languages, albeit a very long time ago. Therefore, we use such words in speech and do not think about what meaning our ancestors put into them.

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And yet, what does hetero orientation mean? Hetero orientation is when relationships occur between people of the opposite sex, that is, a man and a woman. This happens because hetero sexual orientation is one of the components of the sexual norm in the country. Such sexuality did not exclude either heterosexual orientation in the sexual question, or homosexuality.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the term was also used in meanings different from the modern one. So, in 1892, the Chicago psychiatrist James Kiernan denoted by this word mental disorder- “mental hermaphroditism”. To refer to people of heterosexual orientation, the term "heterosexual" is used, in colloquial speech, the word "natural" is also used (from the English natural - natural, natural).

Heterosexuality and orientation

modern science considers all three sexual orientations as normal and positive varieties of human sexual orientations. In this regard, non-vaginal forms of sexual relations began to be considered normal. At the same time, views on issues of sexual orientation in human society change over time, sometimes dramatically. If you look into history, you can see that this has been happening for a very long time, since ancient times and even earlier.

Studies of hetero-orientation by scientists

This word came to us from the Greek language, in which it meant the concepts of “other”, “different”, “other”. Actually, this is not a full-fledged word, but just a prefix that forms some words, and in Russian this prefix has the meaning "other-", "different-", and the like. In an independent word, this prefix has turned into a colloquial form to refer to the term "heterosexuality".

In a simpler interpretation, this is the relationship between a man and a woman (or, in the animal kingdom, between a male and a female). Moreover, a similar phenomenon could be observed among both men and women. Sexuality in ancient times was a personal matter for each person and, for example, in Greece, a choice other than the choice of the majority was not forbidden.

There is a lot of controversy and debate about this in today's world. Everywhere this LGBT is advertised, everywhere these light blue people walk, they are shown on TV, in films.

Formation of sexual orientation

Kolyanich, yes. Same thing)*** I don't see anything wrong with non-heterosexual orientation. Personally, I don't care what orientation a person is (and there are more than three of them), as long as he does not begin to impose it on others. Their rights and so no one infringes on the state. level, and parades are a circus and clowning. What about LGBT, where outright perversions reign on the street, what if crowds of guys and girls were walking along the street, demonstrating their orientation to everyone.

In general, this happens in animals as well. It's just a perversion! If they don’t impose anything on you, don’t climb, don’t force you to accept something, then you live calmly and in peace, damn it.

Let's deal with these questions. It should immediately be clarified that this concept is closely related to sexuality. But in fact, everything was quite different. It's just that a lot of people had an intermediate sexual orientation, the so-called bisexuality. The most widespread and generally accepted bisexualism was in antiquity. This was stated, for example, by Freud and Kinsey. And allegedly during growing up and upbringing, people forcibly joined the group of heterosexuals.

And here lies the answer to the most main question about natural sexuality! It is erotic, sexual and even platonic attraction. It is important to understand that these attraction to people of the opposite sex and their preference as sexual partners do not necessarily coincide.

And the third type is bisexual. IN traditional types society, as a rule, it is accepted to condemn any kind of sexual orientation, except for hetero. Thanks to the research of Kinsey, an American biologist, sexual orientation began to be divided into subtypes: behavior, sexuality in general, attraction, and others. Scientists have focused on understanding exactly what causes a person's sexual orientation. At present, among the population of the planet Earth, this orientation is strongly dominant, but the homosexual lobby is doing its best to turn the tide and stop being a minority.

Sexuality in ancient times

And it is precisely this kind of love, and even rather its physiological side, that is called heterosexuality. Sexual orientation includes emotional, psychological and sexual attraction. emerging during this period romantic relationship begin to develop under the influence of the media, television programs, music, advertising. These urges are also hormonal changes associated with puberty.

Heteroorientation is a term associated with sexual orientation. In particular, it should be noted that heterosexuality is the only officially recognized sexual activity in Russia. Good afternoon, hetero is a fairly common form of orientation among people, since it is customary for her that men date women.

heterosexual couple
sexual orientation
Section of sexology
Binary classifications
Asexuality Bisexuality Heterosexuality Homosexuality
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Polysexuality Antisexuality
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heterosexuality(from Greek έτερος - another + lat. sexus- sex) - emotional, romantic (platonic), erotic (sensual) or sexual attraction to persons of the opposite sex; sexual interest to persons of the opposite sex and erotic orientation to them; erotic orientation to an object of the opposite sex; preference sexual partners opposite sex; the orientation of a person's sexual attraction to persons of the opposite sex.

Heterosexuality is characteristic of most people and bisexual animals.

Basic concepts and terms

Variant symbol for heterosexuality‎

The term "heterosexuality" is close to modern meaning"attraction to the opposite sex" was first proposed by Richard Kraft-Ebing in Sexual Psychopathy (1886). Kraft-Ebing believed that heterosexuality is an innate instinct with the goal of procreation.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the term was also used in meanings different from the modern one. So, in 1892, the Chicago psychiatrist James Kiernan designated this word as a mental deviation - "mental hermaphroditism."

Heterosexuality - in broad sense words a phenomenon of human sexuality that includes or may include heterosexual orientation, heterosexual identity and/or heterosexual behavior[ non-authoritative source? 1869 days].

In the narrow sense of the word heterosexuality is one of three typical sexual orientations, defined as emotional, romantic (platonic), erotic (sensual) or sexual attraction exclusively to persons of the opposite sex. Most experts refer to homosexuality and bisexuality as the other two sexual orientations (some researchers also distinguish pansexuality).

Heterosexual orientation is characteristic of the majority of the world's population.

Heterosexuality is associated with procreation: vaginal sex is biologically aimed at conception.

To refer to people of heterosexual orientation, the term "heterosexual" is used, in colloquial speech, the word "straight" is also used (from the English. natural- natural, natural). The expression "normal orientation" implies that heterosexual relationships are the norm, and their alternatives are deviations from this norm. Modern science considers all three sexual orientations as normal and positive varieties of human sexual orientations. The system of beliefs that views heterosexuality as the only natural and morally and socially acceptable form of human sexuality is called heterosexism.

The American biologist Kinsey, in his studies of human sexuality, proposed a scale of sexuality (the so-called Kinsey scale), in which homo-/bi-/heterosexuality acts as one of several subscales, along with such subscales as homo-/bi-/heterosociality, homo -/bi-/hetero-aesthetic, homo-/bi-/heteroerotic, etc. - see Research sexual preferences(Alfred Kinsey).

Due to the ambiguity of the term "heterosexuality" in Lately it has become customary to use more specific or narrower terms—for example, to talk about heterosexual orientation or heterosexual behavior, about heterosexuality in general (as a phenomenon), or about heterosexuality as a point on the Kinsey “sexuality” subscale—except in situations where the meaning of the term “heterosexuality” is clear from the context.

heterosexual behavior

Heterosexual behavior manifests itself in the following forms: premarital sex, marital sex, alternative forms of marriage (for example, triads), extramarital sex, sex between unmarried people.

Sexual technique of heterosexuals

For long period in society, the idea of ​​​​vaginal sex as the only normal way of sexual relations dominated. The twentieth century is characterized by a decline in the reproductive imperative and an increase in social acceptance of sex as a form of pleasure, regardless of the purpose of conception. In this regard, non-vaginal forms of sexual relations began to be considered normal.

Forms of heterosexual sexual relations are diverse. In particular, the sexual technique of heterosexuals is largely determined by individual preferences partners, the choice of technology that satisfies both.

TO sexual techniques include: love games and caresses, stimulation of the genitals, copulation or coitus, oral-genital sex, anal sex and others. Lovemaking usually refers to any activity other than direct sexual intercourse. The term "foreplay" is also used. With caresses, partners report their readiness for sex, deliver sensual pleasure to each other. Caresses consist of touches of hands, kisses.

Preferred genital caresses are individual different people. They are produced by hand or orally (fellatio and cunnilingus). The main criterion for heterosexuality is often called sexual intercourse, in which the penis is inserted into the vagina, that is, coitus. There are many options for intercourse (man on top, face to face; woman on top; introduction from behind; side by side, and others). Some heterosexual partners also practice anal sex.

Hetero orientation - what is it?

If suddenly someone is called heterosexual - is it offensive or not? And in general, is hetero orientation normal or some kind of sexual deviation? Let's deal with these questions.

What does "hetero orientation" mean?

It should immediately be clarified that this concept is closely related to sexuality. More precisely, with the term "heterosexuality". The very same word "heterosexuality" consists of two roots. The first - hetero - means "other", "opposite", and the second root - "sexuality" - is no longer worth translating today. But just in case, you can specify that this is an emotional (romantic), sensual (erotic) or sexual attraction. Thus, we can conclude that hetero orientation is sexuality directed at persons of the opposite sex. On the globe, most people and animals have this sexual orientation by nature, deviations among animals are extremely rare. But among people sometimes there are such relations that are condemned by society. In particular, it should be noted that heterosexuality is the only officially recognized sexual activity in Russia. So, to get a definition of a heterosexual person in our country at the present stage is not considered offensive at all. This happens because hetero sexual orientation is one of the components of the sexual norm in the country.

Sexuality in antiquity

Today it is customary to talk about either heterosexuality or homosexuality (sexual attraction to people of the same sex). And more and more often the topic is raised that in ancient times the latter sexual orientation prevailed. But in fact, everything was quite different. It's just that a lot of people had an intermediate sexual orientation, the so-called bisexuality. Such sexuality did not exclude either heterosexual orientation in the sexual question, or homosexuality. The most widespread and generally accepted bisexualism was in antiquity. Dear fathers of the family, having offspring and diligently caring for the continuation of their kind, did not shy away intimate communication with people of the same gender. By the way, this happened in other times, it also took place in countries with rather strict morality. But it was in antiquity that she was not persecuted, which is why so many works of art have come down to us today, depicting precisely bisexual inclinations. a large number of people.

Why heterosexuality is recognized as the only correct one

Many scientists have tried to solve the mystery of human sexuality. Some have tended to believe that all people are bisexual at birth. This was stated, for example, by Freud and Kinsey. And allegedly during growing up and upbringing, people forcibly joined the group of heterosexuals. However, if we discard the difference between a person and an animal (upbringing, culture, mind), then the human individual will become similar to an animal. And here lies the answer to the most important question about natural sexuality! Is it possible to imagine a sexual relationship between two roosters? Hardly. And what happens if another rabbit is planted in one cage with a rabbit, and someone else's rabbit is placed next to a rabbit? In 97% of such experience will have sad consequences... But the planting of opposite-sex individuals to each other, especially during the period of the excited state of the female, will be perceived by them in the way that we expect from them. Consequently, in animals in their environment, the question of homosexuality or bisexuality practically does not arise. From this we can conclude: people have come to homosexual and bisexual relationships not in connection with the call of nature, but in spite of it. And hetero orientation is the instinct of procreation laid down by nature itself.

Heterosexual is a correct and natural sexual orientation. Its features and formation

In our society, it is generally accepted that hetero is right. Any other sexual orientation, homo or bi, is strictly condemned both by representatives of religious denominations and ordinary people. After all, the main mission of mankind is to actively multiply and continue the human race. And only relations between a man and a woman can ensure the birth of offspring.

Term meaning

It was suggested to use famous psychologist Richard von Kraft-Ebing. The book of the scientist "Sexual Psychopathy", which saw the world in 1886, conveyed to a wide audience the essence of heterosexuality and its main purpose. According to the expert, this is an innate instinct, the main objective which is the continuation of the genus. By the way, the word itself consists of two parts: in Greek, hetero means “other”. In a word, the term means platonic, emotional, love, sexual and other attraction to people of the opposite sex.

Heterosexual relationships are considered normal among the animal and human world. When a man and a woman are drawn to each other, this is supported and praised. At the state level, special programs are being created to help young people build families and have numerous offspring. It would never occur to a single person to hide or hide if he is heterosexual. This is considered the only correct orientation from both a physiological and a psychic point of view.

Heterosexuality and other orientations

People who have an affair with members of the opposite sex are called straight people. Or heterosexual. Their sexual orientation fits into the framework of morality and refers to the concept of the norm. All other varieties love games are usually considered deviations. First of all, we are talking about homosexuals who prefer sex with their own kind or bisexuals who experience attraction both to representatives of their own sex and to individuals of the opposite.

Some modern researchers who support the democratic tendencies of the West consider all three orientations to be natural and positive. In their opinion, any manifestation of human love is a normal and natural process. After all, the object of feelings is not as important as they are. Although the vast majority of specialists in Russia are skeptical of such a bold statement. They are sure that the departure from hetero is a biological or mental deviation. In the first case, a violation at the genetic level or in the work of brain structures is considered the basis, in the second - a problematic childhood and improper upbringing.

Formation of sexual orientation

It occurs even in deep childhood, when a boy or girl begins to identify himself with one or another gender, while feeling an interest in the opposite or in his own. For example, a young man is attracted to gentle creatures in lace dresses and bows, feeling at their sight embarrassment, attraction, fear, curiosity. In a word, it is the normal process of agitation experienced at the desired object. By the way, even in this young age it has a sexual connotation. If the boy is interested in representatives of his gender, on a subconscious level he is drawn to his own kind, trying once again to experience bodily and spiritual intimacy: to touch a friend or spend more time in his company.

Biologist Alfred Kinsey was sure that the attraction of people can be represented as a continuum, at one end of which is the sexual orientation of heterosexuality, at the other - pure homosexuality, and in the middle - bisexuality, expressed to one degree or another. At the same time, he argued that the choice does not depend on the person. The question of the origin and direction of attraction is still controversial. For those people who doubt their preferences, the specialist recommended that they take a test for heterosexuality in the laboratory.

Sexuality in ancient times

Since the word "hetero" has Greek roots, when it is pronounced, we immediately recall Ancient Hellas. Sculptures of that time, made in the form of naked people with exposed genitals, indicate that in ancient times, mankind had a cult of sexuality. There is an opinion that most of the ancestors led a depraved lifestyle, deriving pleasure exclusively from homosexual relationships.

In fact, in ancient times, most people were bisexual. The venerable fathers of the families took care of the continuation of the family, so they married ordinary girls and lived with them an active sexual life. But for a change, out of curiosity or for other reasons, they did not hesitate to start intimate relationship with men. This position was popular not only in Greece in Antiquity, but also in many other countries in different times. It’s just that it was in Hellas that homo and bisexuality were not persecuted, so so many legends and works of art have survived to our times that they promote not quite traditional relationships.

Why is heterosexuality recognized only


As already mentioned, Kinsey saw people as bisexual. Sigmund Freud was of the same opinion. Scientists said that we are born with an equally developed craving for men and women: only in the process of upbringing and growing up does our attraction go in the right direction. These factors make us socialized. If we discard the moral and spiritual qualities, fundamental beliefs and received life experience, knowledge and thinking, culture and achievements of civilization, we will turn into real animals. This is the main answer to the question of correct orientation.

Let us pay attention to the same animals: in their world, manifestations of homosexuality are almost never found. Representatives of the same sex do not feel attracted to each other, on the contrary, their relationship can develop extremely aggressively. After all, they are in eternal state fight for the best partner for procreation. Therefore, we can conclude that hetero is correct orientation, as it is inherent in each of us by Mother Nature herself.

What does heterosexual mean?

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In the narrow sense of the word, heterosexuality is a sexual orientation, defined as emotional, romantic (platonic), erotic (sensual) or sexual attraction only and exclusively to persons of the opposite sex. Heterosexual relationships also often involve marriage. Some psychologists call homosexuality and bisexuality two other sexual orientations, separating them from zoosexuality, pedophilia, etc., considered as pathological. For men - carriers of such a sexual orientation, the term Natural is used in Russian, less often (in the scientific literature) - Heterosexual or Heterosexual.
Heterosexual orientation is the most common on Earth. Many also call it “normal orientation”, which causes protests from representatives of the so-called sexual minorities, as it hints at their abnormality.

Who is a Heterosexual?



Heterosexuality is, broadly speaking, a phenomenon of human sexuality that includes or may include heterosexual orientation, heterosexual identity and/or heterosexual behaviour.

In the narrow sense of the word, heterosexuality is a sexual orientation, defined as emotional, romantic (platonic), erotic (sensual) or sexual attraction only and exclusively to persons of the opposite sex. Heterosexual relationships also often involve marriage. Some psychologists call homosexuality and bisexuality two other sexual orientations, separating them from zoosexuality, pedophilia, etc., considered as pathological. For men - carriers of such a sexual orientation, the term Natural is used in Russian, less often (in the scientific literature) - Heterosexual or Heterosexual.

Heterosexual orientation is the most common on Earth. Many also call it “normal orientation”, which causes protests from representatives of the so-called sexual minorities, as it hints at their abnormality. Heterosexual sex is the only one that brings pregnancy and, accordingly, the birth of children.

The American sociologist Kinsey, in his studies of human sexuality, proposed a scale of sexuality (the so-called Kinsey scale), in which homo / bi / heterosexuality acts as one of several subscales, along with such subscales as homo / bi / heterosociality, homo / bi / heteroaesthetic , homo / bi / heteroerotic, etc. - see Sexual Preference Studies (Alfred Kinsey) .

Due to the ambiguity of the term "heterosexuality" in the scientific literature, it has recently become customary to use clarifying or narrower terms - for example, to talk about heterosexual orientation or heterosexual behavior, about heterosexuality in general (as a phenomenon) or about heterosexuality as a point on the subscale "sexuality". » Kinsey scale, except in situations where the meaning of the term "heterosexuality" is clear from the context.


A heterosexual is a person who is attracted to the opposite sex. In the understanding of most people, this is the norm, thanks to which people have children and continue their race. That is, a man has a sexual attraction to a woman and vice versa. Everything else in most countries is considered a deviation from the norm.

Vili Borisovich

Heterosexual (derived from the Greek "hetero" - the other and the Latin "sexus" - sex) - a person who is sexually attracted to another person, and of the opposite sex. In general, heterosexuality is characteristic of most living organisms on earth.
