What do women think of men? What a man "should": women's myths about men's duties.

Psychologists say that many women do not fully understand how to properly perceive the representatives of the stronger sex. For this reason, there are misunderstandings and other problems in their families.

The fair sex is covered with illusions about the behavior of men. In this article, we will try to debunk the most common stereotypes, myths and misconceptions that live in women's minds. Perhaps we know much more about men, but the influence of someone else life experience and third-party opinions often prevents this “knowledge” from being put into practice.

In reality: Male thinking fundamentally different from the female, and this should never be forgotten. If everything said to him is taken as 100%, then it will turn out something like this: 50% - heard, 30% - understood, 20% - accepted. And nothing else!

Advice: Leave shopping notes and reminders on your phone. Advance notice of upcoming important dates. Important Information clearly formulate and submit separately, and not in the general stream of numerous thoughts.

Myth number 2. Only care and loyalty will make a man happy, nothing else.

In reality: Turning yourself into a caring housewife who revolves around her beloved man like a spinning top, and expecting lifelong gratitude in the form of attention, gifts, money and deeds in return is stupid. it pure water Utopia. Men claim that it is much easier for them to have a quick and tasty dinner in a restaurant where good service is more appropriate. In his second half, a man prefers to see comprehensively developed personality and not a maid. Advice in this matter is inappropriate.

Myth number 3. Men do not like proactive girls.

In reality: In modern times, it is even fashionable to talk about your feelings first. This allows the man to inner fear be rejected - he does not dwell on experiences of this kind and begins to behave sincerely. A competent and appropriate initiative on the part of a girl will always attract the attention of a representative of the stronger sex.

Advice: A man does not have the proper interest in that young lady who does not express her true emotions in relation to her gentleman. Artificial coldness can freeze the passion of a man, and his courtship will quickly end. Some men do not give a second chance to show frank feelings, switching to looking for a more open and honest girl.

Myth number 4. A man always owes something

In reality: Increasingly, information is spreading about the emergence of a new gender - "a man in a skirt or a woman in a suit." In other words, neither man nor woman. Men see aggression in women's demands for attention, money and gifts. Often, the fair sex accompanies their "requests" with an impermissible tone, trying to convince a loved one that this is his duty. Assertiveness in such a matter can lead to a break in relations.

Advice: use female wisdom and charm in order to properly motivate a man to action. Inspire him, support him, don't be modest with praise when he really deserves it. Be grateful for any step towards him - this will change the mind of a man, and now, instead of the word "should", in his thoughts there will be the word "I want." Never demand care - tears and tantrums cannot beg for it.

Myth number 5. Men are afraid of marriage

In reality: A man's unpreparedness for marriage is often due to the fact that his chosen one very early or insistently demands a wedding. He himself must mature and want it. According to men, especially romantics, a marriage proposal should be sincere and deliberate.

Advice: You can gently hint to him about how rosy yours will become. living together. Let him know about all your virtues, which, one way or another, will be revealed during serious relationship. Marriage should seem like something tempting to a man - only in this case he will want to take such a step.

Myth number 6. Men leave the unloved

In reality: Men don't like long pretense. They easily share with friends or lovers about the cooling of feelings and about how deserted their soul becomes. But! They are in no hurry to leave their fortress and well-equipped life. Representatives of the stronger sex argue that it is much more difficult to live with a beloved woman, and a bored spouse does not cause any emotions.

It is easier for a man to have a reliable rear, at the same time not worrying about whether his wife feels comfortable. Does she have warm boots for the winter, did she have lunch today, did she catch a cold after the rain - all this becomes unnecessary information. At the same time, you can safely conquer new love fortresses, and always know that someone is waiting at home.

Conclusion: If a man leaves the family, then he wants to create a new unit of society. If for years he feeds with tales of divorce to his numerous women, so there is no gap in his plans. In this case, the father of the family can also be kept by children whose reproaches about the divorce he does not need. Advice is inappropriate here.

Myth #7. Sex is the most important thing for a man.

In reality: Some representatives of the stronger sex are truly distinguished by frivolity in matters intimacy, changing women without a twinge of conscience. However, this is not a reason to hang the label of a traitor on every man. He can only not answer the call, having good reason, and the woman will already have time to accuse him of all the sins of mankind. Stereotypical trash clutters women's minds at the speed of light, and everyone suffers from it. Many men complain about the paranoia of their chosen ones, who always oppose their meetings with friends or business trips. All this ends major quarrels and cooling of both partners.

Advice: Stop acting like a little child. It is the woman who is responsible for the strong bond and trust between the couple. Rely on reality, and do not fill your head with legends of your own composition.

Myth #8: Men don't cry.

In reality: Men are not made of steel, they have too weak spots and emotions. The only difference is that the girl splashes her feelings out, and the man keeps them inside, burning the nervous system.

Advice: Let him at least occasionally talk about his problems and worries. This will not make him weaker, but will strengthen your spiritual connection.

Myth number 9. A man always considers himself a leader.

In reality: Many men torment themselves with thoughts of inconsistency with their chosen one. We can say that it is women who force their men to behave un-gentlemanly. As soon as you try on the role of a dictator at the beginning of a relationship, they collapse before your eyes. The ending is standard: the crown is touched, the wings are broken off and tearful complaints close friend with a glass of wine.

Advice: Help him in every possible way to be a leader, especially in your own eyes. Praise, encourage, prompt delicately, but never try on his role. Only wise woman able to make a real champion out of a passive man.

Myth #10: Men like bitches.

Reality: This is the most common female delusion regarding the tastes of the stronger sex. Men do not love bitches, but self-sufficient women with character who do not fight for the gentleman they like, but behave in such a way that they fight for them.

Advice: Behave with dignity, do not create problems out of the blue, and you will always remain the best in his eyes!

Most women run away from male drug addicts, alcoholics, those who like to raise their hands, etc., explaining this with a single phrase: "I'm not my own enemy." This is all very cool and commendable, and therefore we suggest that you give up four more misconceptions that will definitely not benefit your relationship.

The first and most common misconception is the phrase: "I will not find anyone better than him." Yes, if you met Brad Pitt for several years, it would probably be extremely difficult to meet a better man, although no, even if Antonio Banderas was your betrothed, you should not think so. Psychologists also note the phrase: "I can't live without him." Yes, at first it seems that such feelings are a sign Great love, however, according to the conclusion of experts, these thoughts can only be born in an insecure woman. In most cases, such relationships are not built on love at all, but solely on a sense of fear. For example, start arguing, and overnight you will find yourself alone! And what lies ahead: loneliness, sadness, hopelessness, longing, and so on. It is this fear that makes a woman endure humiliation and indifference towards her.

In such a situation, it is important to learn to respect yourself and work on your self-esteem. In no case should you be afraid of autonomous navigation. You need to understand that parting is not the end of life, you need to be able to provide for yourself, in particular, it’s good to know how to change a light bulb or fix a leak.

Some are sure that men only need sex from their partner. Yes, some men often try to impress their own imagination with the number of women in their bed, but all this is purely for the sake of image.

A woman in any relationship, under no circumstances, should not give a man an ultimatum with the installation: "There will be no sex until you wash the apartment / walk the dog / wash the dishes." Believe me, by such behavior you yourself will push him to rash acts. Therefore, before you increase the scale of the disaster, think carefully, because today, in the era of the victorious sex revolution, when sex is around - even rowing with a shovel, such games are less and less in demand.

By the way, there are women who are sure that if they do not own the technique oral sex and don't shave their bikini area, they deserve a man to cheat on her with someone who masterfully gives blowjobs and doesn't have hairline like a baby. Yes, you should not let yourself go, but also believe that a man will forever remain with someone who can only deliver intimate pleasure, is also erroneous. It is necessary to stop thinking that all men who are sexually horny will sell their souls to the devil for sex and pleasure.

Today, the delusion is extremely popular: "He will be lost without me." Such a chosen one is more like a boy: he sits on the couch, plays tanks on the console. In no case should you get up from him, he will suddenly stumble and fall, break his nose, he is so poor, anything can happen. And while he is sitting "on the stove", the woman works three jobs and does not particularly spare herself. And on initial stage All this does not bother relations at all, but after years or in moments of crisis, women, as a rule, remember everything: how he did nothing, and how she alone washed everything, washed, ironed, etc. Therefore, in no case should you turn into his mother and try to do everything for him. He's a man, independent personality and can solve all the problems on his own.

You should never, under any circumstances, think that a man will change. Women, despite the recommendations of psychologists, are sure that this is not so. If, say, at the initial stage of the relationship, the guy did not particularly show himself, did not give flowers, did not cook dinner and did not drive to cinemas, then this means that after the wedding everything will remain in place. Therefore, there is no need to console yourself with the hope that a miracle will happen in an instant. It will not happen, and you should not waste time on someone who cannot live up to your expectations.

Information for review.
Opinion of the editors of Russkiy Mir
may not coincide with the opinion of the authors of the articles

You only see a man when you break up with him.

If a man knew well what life is, he would not give it so easily.

Gentlemen conquer peaks, soldiers take them by storm.

The immorality of a man takes precedence over the immorality of a woman.

The only man who cannot live without women is a gynecologist.

Let a man be afraid of a woman when she loves: for she makes every sacrifice and every other thing has no value for her.

When talking with the boss, a man learns to pull his head into his shoulders, while talking with a woman, he learns to pick up his stomach.

Cool thoughts about men

What difference does it make if you are a man or a woman, you can still be tamed!

Positive cool thoughts about men

A real man can stand up for himself and lie down for others.

The man in the house is like a fire extinguisher. Might come in handy someday...

Why do men lie to women in love with them?

Psychoanalysts define a man as a human being and a woman as a female; every time a woman acts like a human being, they say she imitates a man.

If a woman sat on your neck, then you no longer need to carry her in your arms.

Women are judged from their feet, men from their heads.

wants two things a real man: dangers and games. That is why he needs a woman - as the most dangerous toy.

A man loses if he doesn't win anything. A woman wins if she doesn't lose anything.

The best way to get a man to do something is to hint to him that he is already too old for such things.

What is the difference between a decent person and a gentleman? A decent person drinks just to feel good. The gentleman will drink so that it would be good for his lady to drag him to where he could continue so that he would be good.

Thoughts are cool with meaning about men

Men often propose just for practice.

I suppose that adult woman- being physiologically polygamous, but emotionally monogamous, while an adult male is a being emotionally polygamous, but physiologically monogamous.

A real gentleman is a person who is friendly and polite to you, even if he is not selling you anything.

Don't let yourself hate a man enough to give him back his diamond ring!

A bachelor is a man who maintains several expensive women at their expense.

Any woman can be convinced that she is beautiful. But try to prove to at least one man that he is stupid!

A real man will always get what a woman wants.

Finding a job is easiest when you already have a job; in the same way, a man is easiest to find when you already have one.

Nothing stings a man more than small female pinpricks. We are ready for mighty sword strikes, and we are tickled in the most sensitive places!

Men and women have only one thing in common: both prefer men.

For a man to like is only a means of triumph, for a woman it is a triumph.

The soul of a man is too spacious for one woman.

A man is more silent than a woman: a lover forgets all the words, and a married man does not have time to insert a word.

What men do not achieve with words, a woman easily achieves with tears.

Gentlemen are those men, and most often women, who owe nothing to anyone.

The man who embodies everything best qualities, is a real punishment.

Men marry, tired of single life; women marry out of curiosity. Both will be disappointed.

Without acquiring the feelings of a citizen, a male child, growing up, becomes a male being of middle, and then older years, but he does not become a man, or, according to at least does not become a man of noble character.

If women weren't vain, they could learn it from men.

A car enthusiast is a man married to a car.

Poor is the Romeo who does not dream of becoming Don Juan.

Original cool thoughts about men

Few men hold the key to a woman's heart; the rest are wielding a crowbar.

There are no differences between the sexes that do not result from education.

Man and woman are two sides of the same coin.

Men drowned in work are saved only by girls.

To meet the man of her dreams, a girl has to wait a very long time. But to pass the time, you can get married a couple of times.

By the bride chosen by a man, it is easy to judge what he is like and whether he knows his own worth.

Women distrust men too much in general and too much trust them in particular.

Man's independence: he gave his salary - and is free.

A gentleman is a man who picks up a handkerchief dropped by a girl, even if the girl is not very beautiful.

A romance without finance is nonsense. Men do not appreciate free goods.

A real man, looks like a prince trying on glass slipper to all the women in his path, but, seeing how painfully they try to imitate his ideal, he stops caring for them, in the hope that they themselves, in a fit of anger and resentment, will throw the shoe they appropriated at him.

A man can be a righteous man or a criminal, but he must have character.

The man feels seven years older the day after.

You can wait all your life for a prince, but you need a man every day!

Witty cool thoughts about men

An ordinary man should not be mistaken about women. He must give what they desire and receive what he demands. A noble man should not believe in the desires of a woman, he should take the enchanted fortress by storm. After all, one day the fortress walls will melt, and a beautiful garden of roses will be in front of your eyes. devoted man. To believe in love and die without reaching it is the ideal of a noble man.

A man who stubbornly refuses to marry turns into a constant public temptation.

Most men demand virtues from their wives, which they themselves are not worth.

Ah, the men sigh. - God could use a couple more ribs.

A man can be happy with any woman, as long as he is not in love with her.

A man is like a ball: if you let it out of your hands, it unravels; if you take it in your hands, it unwinds. There is only one way out - to firmly hold the tip.

Men love everything that pleases the eye ... but for all this ... they pay with the stomach ...

The men lead the game and the women know the score.

Of the two evils, a man chooses what is prettier.

All our institutions, our traditions, our laws, our morals, our customs, testify to the fact that they are designed and maintained by privileged men in the glory of male domination.

What else is there for women to talk about? Of course, about the most important thing in their lives - about men! You have no idea how much women talk and think about men! There are as many opinions as there are women in the world. Each has its own thoughts, addressed, most often, to one, the most important man. There are several directions of these thoughts, the only way, probably, to name the main topic of conversations about men.

There are no real men

The real men have gone! women think. At this time, she does a variety of things - they carry bags home, repair cabinets, plant tomatoes in the country, twist three-liter cans, even put asphalt on the roads. And at the same time, they, gathering with their friends, discuss how difficult it has become for them to live in the world. How can men be, if women have taken away from men almost everything that was previously inaccessible to the weaker sex. Yes, far from all men know how to make stools, repair plumbing, sing serenades under the window of their beloved and give gifts beautifully. Many cannot earn for all family expenses. And there are individual specimens that succumbed to the green serpent. Here I really want to ask, weren't there such people before, in the 20th, in the 19th centuries? Were there not weak, stingy, stupid, drunkards? There were, of course. But were there a great many noble knights? Yes, just like now, there are only a few of them! So it turns out that the men have not died out, they are the same as always. It's just that women have become smarter and more legible, they have learned to formulate their claims, write books and blogs. So there were more conversations, and men - as always.

They are all thugs

It is also commonly believed that women think about men that they are womanizer. All men breathe unevenly when they see long legs short skirts, and already on the first date they dream about sex. It is not simple women's opinion, this is taught to all girls by their mothers in order to prevent the worst thing that can happen to their daughters. Well, who told you that they are all like that? There are, of course, men with disabilities, but mostly men are just as shy to pay attention to a girl, they are just as afraid of rejection as the female sex, they also dream of pure and bright love. It's just that women and men have different ways of expressing their feelings. Men are more stingy with emotions, they are more silent than girls, they are more worried about what is happening in themselves, which is why they get sick more often. And all glances at skirts and legs are caused by a simple interest in opposite sex.

They need models

By the way, another myth is that men love long-legged, thin, blondes, with a big ... rich world in front. Huge mistake! All men cannot be the same, and many of them love curvaceous, slender women, but with forms. If a man loves his chosen one, then it doesn’t matter to him at all 60 cm in her waist or 65, her third breast size or the first. And about huge breasts in general very often they speak negatively. A loving man can be fascinated by a woman's smile, eyes, the ability to support and understand. But about the stomach and the path to the soul of a man - the pure truth. If a man is full, then he will be more willing to work around the house. He will never go to dinner at a restaurant where he may meet his wife's charming competitor who cannot cook.

They love fools

And the most disgusting delusion of women is that men love fools in order to appear smart against their background. Worth remembering bright women who inspired their men to ingenious creations and discoveries. For example, who would Salvador Dali be if he hadn't met a very smart Russian woman named Gala?

Men's opinion

And no less interesting is what men think about women. They believe that women only need money from them, that they are not understood and are not left alone, inventing more and more new things. But this is also a big misconception! Women have greater vitality than men, the ability to survive. And while men think, women do everything to make the family live better. And if we add here a large vocabulary and the number of words that nature intended for them to speak per day (and this is much more than a man), then everything that men call “she got me completely” will turn out.

In general, it is difficult to list everything that women think about men. Men say all sorts of things about women. But both of them cannot live without each other! After all, we are two halves. And in these contradictions and disputes, love is stronger and passion is stronger!

We create myths about men ourselves. But they all have a real basis. Find out the most curious facts about men, noticed by observant researchers.

1. Most young men don't mind dating older women.
2. A third of men keep their names on their phones ex girls"just in case".

3. Many men say that they like a certain type of woman, for example, burning brunettes with long legs. However, among their girls there are only fragile blondes.
4. Every tenth man tells his friends about his sex life with all the details.
5. A half-dressed girl excites a man more than a completely naked one.
6. It is very difficult for men to do several things at the same time. Therefore, it is more difficult for them to date two girls at the same time than it is for us to date three guys.
7. Single men are more prone to self-expression and publicity: extreme sports, tattoos, piercings, and more.
8. Most men are shy about chest and back hair.
9. Men do not mind giving the initiative when meeting girls.
10. The peak of sexuality in men falls on 19-30 years. But the ability to become a father can be preserved until very old age.
11. Male representatives are very self-confident. As children, they constantly imagine and compare themselves to superheroes.
12. Even if he loves a woman very much and is afraid of losing her, a man may not say “I love you” for years.
13. 94% of men lie about their penis size.
14. Pretty for most guys female face may be more important than a perfect figure.
15. Men who speak badly about women usually mean only one representative of the fair sex.

10 things he hides from you

1. You are trying to call your loved one on straight Talk, and sometimes you even think that he completely opened up to you. But There are things he is unlikely to tell you about. Perhaps it is really better not to know about them ... or to know?
2. His real thoughts are about your relatives. If he does not speak about your parents in any way, this does not mean that he did not have an opinion about them.
3. About how you are in bed. ... Almost all men and women consider themselves sexual geniuses. However, this is not always the case. In any case, you will not hear the truth from him.
4. You will never know true reason Why doesn't he propose to you. If you are convinced that this reason is known to you, most likely you just like to think so.
5. It is unlikely that you know the whole truth about his personal life. Often men like to write about their sexual exploits, but there are also those who do not consider it necessary to dedicate their current girlfriend to their past life. And most likely, this is correct.
6. He does not tell you about it, but believe me, he is sure that he is much smarter and more practical than you. Even if you believe otherwise.
7. Let him be silent about it, but sometimes he considers you real blonde. Even if your hair is green. And sometimes he fearfully thinks that you are crazy.
8. He never admits that he is afraid of commitment. He doesn't want to be responsible for someone this case, for you. That is why many men avoid serious relationships.
9. He doesn't talk about being afraid of losing you.
If you sometimes like to tease your loved one by telling how men are interested in you, then he is unlikely to become you. devote to the details of communication with a nice colleague who is clearly not indifferent to him.
10. You can never be sure that at the bachelor party he and the guys only drank a glass of beer and watched football.

Nonetheless, loving men protect us from unnecessary worries and worries, try not to arouse jealousy in us and negative emotions. Therefore, let their little secrets remain with them, and the big ones, sooner or later, will become clear anyway.
