American girls. What are American women like?

American beauty

Probably, it is not necessary all the time to talk about political trends and the mood of the electorate, they "will have their turn." Need about summer. Summer has come to Russia, summer has come to the east coast of the USA, and with it - new fashion and things that are not very familiar to Americans. Which? American girls put on dresses!

The fact is that Americans, in principle, do not know how to dress. It is not in tradition, not in culture. Almost any American who has lived in Russia knows that even just to take out the trash, not a single Russian woman leaves the house without makeup.
For American women, the criteria for beauty are generally different.

For example, it would never occur to a single American woman to walk in stilettos in the snow. For what? It's inconvenient! Yes, maybe it’s beautiful, but it won’t take long to break your neck, falling down from such a height. In the heat, wearing heels is also not enough joy - the asphalt melts, the leg swells, what's the point in torturing yourself like that?

For Americans, convenience comes first. Therefore, everyone knows them as a nation dressed all year round in shorts and sneakers, jogging from morning to night and chewing hamburgers at the same time.

All right. Shorts in America are an invariable attribute of clothing from spring to autumn, regardless of gender and age. Shorts are knee-length, Bermuda, and very short. Moreover, for some reason, there are much more short ones every spring in stores than elongated ones. What does short mean? It's almost like panties. And sometimes just sports shorts. If it’s +35 outside, and a person goes for a run, he, of course, will put on shorts and a T-shirt.

In Russia, as soon as the rare and long-awaited warmth sets in (last summer is an exception, such "warmth" does not apply to the long-awaited), the entire female composition is exposed, causing a carnivorous look from the strong half of humanity on the streets, in transport, at work. Sometimes this view crosses the line, but since neither in the traditions of the country nor in modern times is responsibility for "undressing" with a glance, this seems to be considered normal and even encouraged. Say, what kind of a man is this, who is indifferent to pretty legs ...

It's not like that in America. The men there are generally downtrodden and disciplined. If they glance in the direction of women on the street, it is delicately, stealthily, throwing one frightened glance. You can call him interested rather than carnivorous.

Harassment and all that, which the Russians mostly laugh at, is a reality in America. But the flip side of this severity is that women can walk the streets in whatever they like and not feel like dolls in a window, which they stare at every minute without any hesitation.

Comedians, however, object: they say, what is there, in principle, to look at something, and again they recall the constant American shorts and unthinkable T-shirts of all colors.

The color palette of Americans is a separate issue. Since they are a positive nation, positive colors are also preferred. Therefore, especially in the spring-summer seasons, stores are filled with light green T-shirts, pink tops, blue shorts, and all this color scheme can easily fit on one person. From such a palette, a restrained Frenchwoman or a stylish Italian would be horrified. Even Russians, who in general are more attracted to bright colors than Europeans, will not wear anything like this at the same time. For an American, this is not a problem. She likes it, it's comfortable, what more talk! Next - shorts and sneakers or flip flops, they are flip flops, they are also flip flops, in which the whole country walks in the warm months of the year.

Many will ask this, but what about the famous "Paris - Milan - New York"? Here! There are two striking exceptions to the American fashion system: New York on the east coast and Los Angeles on the west. But it is very difficult to say whether they are an exception because the inhabitants of these cities themselves are used to a different style, or because these cities attract people from all over the world, both striving for the American dream and just tourists. From which, in fact, two other planets arose on the territory of one-story America with jeans and T-shirts.

New York reminds many of Moscow - the same crazy crowds on the streets, the same scale of prices, the same, if not wider, range of entertainment: museums, restaurants, shows, expensive shops with a rich, different choice from ordinary America. However, as someone said, maybe all this is not for New Yorkers, but for European visitors? Because the assortment is so striking and different, that tourists with money and ambitions go first of all to New York and only then to Washington, Boston, Philadelphia, Oklahoma City ...

Los Angeles is also a separate planet. Here, even Muscovites, indigenous or recent, would cry with envy. For example, in Beverly Hills cars below the Bentley class are rare. Bentleys, executive Mercedeses, BMWs and Porsches, Porsches interspersed with Ferraris… With a convertible top and a transparent body through which a kind of-there-cylinder engine shines.

Such an animal drives up to the restaurant, the door swings open almost at the ground and from there appears ... a leg. First, the leg. The foot moves gracefully to the pavement, followed by a chiseled ankle and knee... hop! - and a miracle of nature stands on the ground. A second similar miracle joins him, and then the owner of these miracles appears - a slender, graceful creature no older than nineteen, in a small dress. With innocent eyes, it makes a semicircle around itself and slowly moves two meters to the cafe. Then quickly - but trying not to lose grace - sits on a chair and meticulously opens the menu.

This is a feature of the city - women here, especially in the evenings, move around in high-heeled shoes. Russians also love heels, but even they rarely risk climbing to such heights. Girls in Los Angeles are always on top.

But the fact is that the height of these heels is already such that it is simply impossible to walk. These shoes are not designed for walking. Namely, in order to, having thrown a leg out of the Porsche, quickly carry yourself to the table and sit down again, not forgetting, of course, to cross your legs, slightly moving away from the table ...

On this planet of Hollywood with its eternal summer, one recalls novels about Cinderellas who dream of becoming princesses and flocking from all over the world, about dark show business bosses sitting here, at the next table, in groups of three and discussing something in an undertone. About tears of disappointment at night and a sweet smile in public. But this is really not America.

The rest of America, as already mentioned, is shorts, baseball caps, sneakers. She grew up on Puritan precepts that did not approve of excesses, and besides, as historians believe, for a long time the settlers had no time for luxury at all - to survive. Then it became a habit.

And suddenly this season went a different style! Nostalgia for the 1950s with wide skirts, positive colors and rounded shapes has made its way to the modern market for the last three years, but only this season, at least in the USA, it has risen to its full height. Shops that had never before offered anything more outstanding than pencil skirts (and in the American, not French, understanding of the silhouette) were suddenly filled with dresses in flowers with bows at the waist. Boutiques exhibited collections of suitcases, which can only be seen in photographs of successful grandparents who had a rare opportunity to travel in that distant post-war decade ...

And American women began to transform. It turned out that a simple dress instead of shorts and shoes instead of sneakers can work wonders. Even a girl who is not very elegant (and American women are generally heavier and more corpulent than their European counterparts), who has no idea about the gait - American women in the mass walk "as if they are driving in piles" - they turn into a beautiful air creature.

Is it possible to talk about a trend - a question for designers who calculate trends or create them themselves. The turn in the post-war years was explained by the desire to forget the harsh everyday life, unified forms and return to femininity, emphasizing its attractiveness and softness. In today's world, everything changes at a much faster rate, so next summer's collections may differ significantly from the current ones. It’s also necessary for manufacturing companies to earn money, but how will they do it if little changes in a year and there is no need to update the wardrobe ...

Can the inhabitants of two hefty spaces separated by oceans learn something from each other? I guess, yes. Looking well-groomed, emphasizing the beauty inherent in nature, and following the color scheme of what you are wearing does not at all mean a manifestation of female weakness, sexism and the like. American women could learn how to present themselves from Russians. Whatever it is explained by - complexes, decades of deprivation or awareness of one's beauty.

And Russians, both women and men, watching the Americans, can learn how not to attach sacred significance to things. How not to evaluate a person only by what collection of boots he wears. And how to respect yourself and others without having a watch worth tens of thousands of euros on your wrist.

Have a nice summer.
Sarah Jessica Parker is the clearest example of how a woman who has no illusions about her appearance has become a role model and style icon. FashionTime is about the role model of modern fashion girls around the world.

Regardless of nationality or social status, a woman, first of all, should always remain a woman: beautiful, well-groomed, erudite and pleasant in communication. But still, due to a certain mentality of each country, American women and our girls differ from each other. Differences in culture, upbringing and lifestyle affect the formation of personality, so some features of American women are strikingly different from those that Russian men are used to seeing in their compatriots.

1. External differences.

Our girls, even in order to throw garbage into the garbage chute, are able to apply makeup and choose an outfit for a very long time. What then to say about parties or trips to visit, which are perceived only as a social event on a global scale. In America, girls are much easier to relate to their appearance. They are more restrained in the style of clothing, they use decorative cosmetics less. And in the first, and in the second case, you always need to know the measure. Our girls sometimes get carried away and overdo it with beauty (few people have not seen the notorious fishnet tights or leopard print in clothes on the streets of Russia, in America, basically, only women of the “oldest profession” dress like this). But among the inhabitants of the United States, moderation in appearance sometimes develops into a complete disregard for it, and regrown hair roots or old baggy clothes are very repulsive to people of the opposite sex.

2. Feminism.

In the countries of the former CIS, probably, the largest percentage of cases of domestic violence than in all of Europe. An unemployed husband who drinks and spreads his hands is not new in Russia, however, like a woman who tolerates such a subject next to her. Work, home, children - in the order of things, that Russian women pull on absolutely all spheres of life, and in retirement they also take on round-the-clock custody of their grandchildren. Probably, only our girls are able to throw their lives on the sacrificial altar of marriage and family. American women are generally a more feminized nation than any other. The image of a strong and confident woman, independent of men, is firmly formed in American girls' heads. No man in America is offended if his woman earns more than him or pays for herself. In many families, a father's decree is considered an absolute norm. American girls put a lot of emphasis on gender equality, and that's fine, but again, in the case when it doesn't start to reach the point of absurdity.

3. Career and study.

American women are born careerists, unlike our girls. The image of a true resident of the United States is a business woman who stubbornly strives to climb as high as possible on the career ladder. It is rare for an American woman to neglect a decent education or exchange it for a family. Iron business acumen, striving for success, perseverance and hard work - this is what distinguishes American women from our girls, who most often choose the status of wife and mother. This does not mean that American women are bad wives. It's just that on the scales of priorities, a career definitely outweighs. While many Russian and Ukrainian girls do not even consider it necessary to get a higher education, being content with school knowledge all their lives.

4. Family and marriage.

Very often, our girls get married immediately after school, and sit for years on maternity leave, giving birth to children one after another. In Russia, after the age of 25, an unmarried girl without children begins to look askance at others and think what is wrong with her. Russian women are sure that the true purpose of a woman is to get married, give birth and be the guardian of the family hearth. Moreover, unfortunately, sometimes it doesn’t matter at all who exactly to marry, the main thing is to be in time before 30 and not remain an “old maid”. American women are more reasonable in their approach to the issue of creating a family. Often, women in the United States tie the knot after 30 years, but even forty-forty-five-year-old brides do not surprise anyone (in Russia at that age you can already become a grandmother). Also, American women do not rush into family life, as if into a pool with their heads. They do not give up their careers and self-development, instead starting frantically baking pies and scrubbing floors three times a day. Better they will work hard and be able to pay for a housekeeper and a babysitter.

5. Freedom of morals.

According to the observations of men who have had relationships with girls of both nationalities, American women are more liberated in all respects. They have a much simpler attitude to sex than Russian girls, who believe that after that every decent man is obliged to marry. In general, American girls are simpler in communication, they are devoid of even a hint of affectation, and communicate with men on an equal footing, they can even support some exclusively “male” topics. The girls of the States do not pay attention to the opinions of others, and always do as they see fit. While Russian women filter their every act through the prism of “what will people say?”.

Of course, do not forget that everything depends on the individual qualities of a person. Just as Russia has its own feminized careerists, so in the States you can meet an unemployed housewife with five children. But in any case, it should be remembered that a person should always be evaluated, first of all, by his human qualities, and only then look at other criteria.

Blogger zaneta talks about his experience of living in the USA and communicating with Americans:

1. Even if you buy one banana in the supermarket, they will put it in a plastic bag or paper bag. Or maybe even two. As a result, huge amounts of both are constantly accumulating in homes.

2. If an American is asked where he is from, he will certainly first say in which state or city he was born, even if he was taken out of there in infancy and he never went there again. In addition, Americans like to list what percentage of what nationality is present in his ancestry.

3. You can return almost everything bought back to the store by saying that it “didn’t suit you”. You will receive back either the money or a credit for the purchase. I personally saw how one woman dragged a huge bag filled with used cosmetics without a receipt and received $ 300.

4. The system of squealing is unusually developed. For example, if a “No Smoking” sign hangs in a public place and someone starts to smoke, none of the visitors will personally reprimand the smoker. They will go complain to the manager.

5. Bouquets of flowers are sold for a penny in all supermarkets, but men give them to women very rarely. A bouquet brought on a date will make the girl think that the guy is a loser and is desperately trying to win her favor.

6. Americans are incredible workaholics. If you come to the office at 6 am or stay at work until midnight, no one will appreciate it. That's how a lot of people work.

7. If you want to make someone feel very guilty and apologize to you, just say that their words or actions hurt your feelings. "Hurting someone's feelings" is a very serious offense in the US.

8. Americans know how to make money on the most incredible and even idiotic idea. One, seeing dentures in the dentist's office, made crooked teeth out of plastic at home to scare his friends and became a millionaire, putting this production on stream.

9. It is not customary for Americans to meet on the street. If someone approaches you, get ready to hear a foreign accent.

10. Americans consider potato chips to be part of the dish - a side dish, like Russians, for example, fried potatoes.

11. The Russian dish of jelly causes surprise among Americans, or rather, carefully hidden disgust. Jelly here can only be sweet.

12. In America, the concept of "no one is a prophet in his own country" does not exist. Americans are proud and trumpet at all corners if their compatriots have succeeded abroad. In the same way, they raise a fuss if one of theirs abroad is in trouble.

1 3. In the American army, not only do they pay well and provide numerous benefits, parents themselves send their teenagers there to be "turned into men." The result is usually very impressive.

14. Suing a company for a completely idiotic reason is a favorite way of income for Americans and resembles a national sport. Sometimes a person becomes involved in a collective court by accident: several times I received a piece of paper in the mail asking me to confirm my desire to participate in a collective court and receive compensation. It turns out that someone did not like the purchase (or service) and he decided to sue, and also involve another hundred hundred people who bought goods there at about the same time. The irony is that the real money is made by lawyers, because they get a percentage of each person involved, and they send you twenty bucks divided by 100 people.

15. American girls are very independent and confident from an early age. It is difficult to imagine a young American woman who tries to win the favor of her parents or those around her by obedient behavior. The well-known Russian remark “well, you are a girl” has no equivalent here. Appearance and especially thinness are in the first and all other places.

16. American boys will do their best to get a girlfriend as early as possible: it doesn't matter how many guy friends you have or whether you excel in sports - if you don't have a girlfriend, you're a loser. When you get a girlfriend, your buddies automatically start to think that you are having sex (which is not necessarily true), which means that you are incredibly cool.

18. American husbands often repeat the saying “a happy wife is a happy life”, hinting that it’s not worth arguing and arguing with your wife, it’s better to agree right away, you still lose. American fathers pull out a credit card without protest when their daughters want to buy something or spend a day at the salon. With sons, fathers are much more strict and, in general, treat boys - friends of their daughters with great distrust.

19. When traveling to other countries, Americans never try to learn the local language. They do not understand why the French refuse to take orders in English from them, believing that they are just showing off and creating unnecessary problems. The whole world already speaks English, what's the problem?

20. Americans are not at all interested in foreign films and celebrities. Only when some European star moves to the USA can they start writing something about her in the newspapers, but otherwise Americans are completely indifferent to foreigners.

21. Living with parents or relatives is not accepted here and happens only if a person has no money at all. But a huge number of Americans rent out the rooms of their house or rent an apartment with perfect strangers, whom they found through ads. It is not uncommon for single people to take lodgers in order not only to save money, but also to avoid loneliness.

22. Americans are crazy about pets and often treat them better than their family members. The hostess of the house may not bother preparing dinner for her children and her husband, while stocking up on a wide variety of canned food and mixtures for a dog or cat.

23. If you make something with your own hands, no matter how crooked and askew, the Americans will admire and advise you to start your own business. Loudly applauding a homegrown singer, even if a bear crushed his ear, is normal. Therefore, indescribable mediocrity often flaunt on the screens in full confidence of their talent.

24. Americans are not very superstitious. Other than knock on wood, I can't think of a single superstition. Hiking to fortune-tellers and soothsayers is mainly done by emigrants. But all as one believe in the Apocalypse of 2012 and the existence of UFOs.

25. In the USA, getting a higher education is considered the key to a successful career. At the same time, the vast majority of billionaires and truly rich people either never crossed the threshold of college at all, or earned their money on something that their diploma has nothing to do with. University graduates pay off student loans until they retire and fear old age.

26. Americans consider a lost day if their hair is badly styled and generally very sensitive to haircuts. They can walk around in sweatpants and a t-shirt, but with great hair, good color and very well-groomed.

27. Working as a servant is not considered shameful. But gardening is done only by Hispanics. The worst thing you can do for your reputation is to take advantage of government bailouts.

28. Americans love to read and buy a huge amount of books every year. At the same time, the vast majority cannot correctly write half of the words of the English language and does not know the meaning of the other half. It is not uncommon for professors to write something on the blackboard in class and students correct them. Spelling errors are not considered a cause for embarrassment here.

29. Americans talk freely about sex and the anatomy of both women and men, as if it were a conversation about the weather. All non-abusive designations of sexual characteristics have long been included in everyday speech, and from the TV screens there is a calm discussion of menstruation, members, vaginas and sexual acts. Also, for some unknown reason, "asshole" is always dubbed on TV, but "bitch" or "son of a bitch" is not.

30. The most terrible structure in the United States is not the police or the courts, but the tax authorities. The defaulter will be taken out of the ground and the guard will come concrete. Although they don’t play with the police either, you won’t be able to dodge a fine on the road.

31. There are black-only bars and clubs in America. I have not yet seen only for whites and, most likely, such a bar will often have to change the glass in its windows.

32. Only narrow family holidays and dinners in the White House are celebrated with a feast. In all other cases, the meeting will most likely take place either in a bar or restaurant, or there will be a buffet at home and no toasts.

33. Americans do not write congratulatory poems for birthdays and holidays. A postcard for the occasion with a ready-made text is bought in the store, signed and presented most often without a gift.

34. Americans do not like to openly disagree and say “no”. When refusing, they are more likely to say “yes, maybe, maybe.” You need to get used to reading these signals and not insisting or accidentally mistaking "maybe" for agreement.

35. In schools, no one studies in the same class for 10 years, but, like in universities, they meet different people at certain lessons. Americans remember the school with hostility, and some with hatred. Constant skirmishes between teenagers, jokes between girls. Constant competition, who has more money, who is better dressed and who has a cooler boyfriend (girl friend).

36. Americans rarely travel. Canada and Mexico don't even count as overseas. Those who have rested in France are considered to have seen the world.

37. Bargaining is not accepted in America, but if you find any defect in the product, you may be given a discount. Sometimes 50%.

38. Everyone drives cars and there are even driving stereotypes:

if a car trudges ahead - Asian
if a car trudges ahead with the turn turned on - a pensioner
if you are overtaken with tinted windows - Iranian or Russian
if there are 25 people in the car - Mexicans
if music rumbles and car doors shake - African-American

39. It is very easy to register and open your business - you will not meet any special paperwork along the way.

40. Americans are generally not offended when someone speaks negatively about their country. They will even agree that their president is a joke, democracy is not real, and that they are laughed at or hated all over the world. At the same time, almost no one would think of trying to emigrate somewhere.

41. According to the wildly popular site where you can order a letter from Santa for your child, his office is in Texas. This is another example of the entrepreneurial spirit of Americans - someone came up with the idea of ​​writing wishes from Santa on beautiful paper and selling them for 10 bucks. The annual income of the founder is estimated in millions.

42. Enjoying a leisurely lunch in the middle of a working day is not a typical picture for the United States, and even snoring for a quarter of an hour sounds unrealistic. Mostly people grab sandwiches and eat them at their desk.

43. Being photographed for Playboy magazine is not considered something shameful. Posting nude photos of yourself from the back taken at home is a shame.

44. Americans love to sell their junk by putting up sale notices and displaying old stuff, furniture, and whatever else outside garages. People are buying up - only the noise is worth it.

45. Losing weight in the US is considered an achievement more important than business success. If some fat businessman with his millions loses weight to a normal size, it will be talked about more than his business.

46. All modern houses and apartments are designed with mandatory built-in wardrobes. Usually they have sliding doors, which can be replaced with mirrored ones for an additional fee.

47. It is not uncommon for children of wealthy parents to work at Starbucks. Parents' money is not considered an automatic inheritance of children, and the latter often make their way on their own, relying on the education and acquaintances of their parents, but not on their money.

48. Couples older woman + young man have become commonplace.

49. Crying in a public place is very unacceptable. Loudly swear on the phone, discussing intimate details - all the time.

50. Americans easily part with friends and just as easily find new ones. It is not customary to ask friends for money, salt, or help to babysit.

The best place to meet American women is New York, simply because there are so many single people in this city. New York is not a city for family relationships, it is a city of singles. As one of my acquaintances from the New York Times used to say, "The only place on earth where there are more lonely people than in New York is the leper colony." So, where and how is the best way to meet American women?

This is best done in the so-called "removable bars" (in English pick-up joints). There are several of them in New York and they are well known. A few years ago, when I was still living in this city, the main rented bars were the following: Le Bar Bat, on the corner of 58th Street and 8th Avenue, then El Rio Grande, on the corner of 38th Street and Third Avenue, took the palm from him. also Live Bait, which is on 23rd Street between Broadway and Lexington Avenue, there may be something new now, but before these three bars were the main rental places.

Getting there early is just a waste of time. It's best to show up no earlier than 11, but there's a chance you might not get in, especially on a Friday night - it's too crowded. Entering the bar, do not rush, order yourself a cocktail or your favorite drink and calmly look at the crowd with an impartial look - you should not rush at the first girl you come across. You will need to get used to the terrible screaming, noise and uproar that accompanies all events of this kind - Americans are very noisy in the bar on Friday evenings. Have a glass or two and get down to business. If a crowd of office plankton walks, there are five or six girls, then it’s better to skip it, talk to them, then you will talk to them, but the girl you like will be afraid to show herself not from her best side in front of her friends and everything can break.

My advice - look for a single girl who came to the bar alone. This is your best chance - she needs company, communication and everything else - that's what she came here for. After that, come up and start talking to her, my experience is that the bolder you do it, the better. American women are already fed up with political correctness, they are wildly delighted when a man comes up to them and spits on generally accepted rules. Here are some examples of politically incorrect ways to meet an American girl: "Sorry, I noticed that you have a beautiful ass, I would like to get to know you so that I can hold on to it later." Or another option (well, this is when it’s already two o’clock in the morning and everyone is well drunk): “Girl, let’s kiss first, and then get to know each other” or “Girl, let’s get to know each other, but I warn you right away - I won’t give myself up to you on the first night ...” well and so on - the main thing is that it be arrogant and politically incorrect. American women appreciate this, they are tired of downtrodden men who are afraid of everything, courts there, accusations of rape and all other typical American tinsel. When a man approaches and makes his intentions very clear, they go to meet him.

In the provinces, however, you need to be a little more careful with this - first to test the ground, but after a little "artificial preparation" this method can also be applied - all these long useless empty conversations are useless - be direct and frank, American girls appreciate when a man is not snot chews, and brazenly runs over them.

All these rules about the bed for the third meeting are partly true, but only partly. I think they are more for insecure cowboys - confident cowboys break such rules easily. After a good drink, you can openly discuss this with a girl (by the way, American women appreciate such conversations and easily enter into them). That is, for example, you hug your Suzy a little and broadcast the following in her ear: “You know, I would like to invite you home today, but according to the rules, we need to meet two more times, you know, well, as is customary, but I really want these rules to break - first go home, and then meet ... "Openly discuss all these issues with her - they are terribly fond of talking on such topics.

Again, openness is the most important rule. I remember once I came to a bar in Florida, got into a conversation with the barmaid, and openly asked her: "You know, I want to meet a girl, but this is my first time here, help me." The barmaid turned out to have a sense of humor, turned off the music for a minute, took the microphone and announced to the whole hall: “Girls, we have a sultry guy from Russia visiting us here, he wants to meet me, come to me, I will introduce you to him. Well, bolder, another such you won't have a chance in our wilderness." And what did you think? During the evening, four girls approached the barmaid and one of them was quite even nothing. But this is a province, provincial American women are so direct and spontaneous that it can even tire.

As for treats, bills, and so on, it’s better to immediately put the American in her place and not try to pay for her. You declare directly to her forehead that you would like everything in half, as a rule, they don’t particularly fuss about this. The main thing is not to tame them and not spoil them with the fact that you will pay for everything. I came up with a brilliant excuse that almost always works: "When you become my wife, then I will carry you in my arms and pay for everything, and before the wedding - everything is in half. I have to make sure that everything is serious on your part." Oddly enough, American women understand this logic quite well - often they even try to pay for everything themselves. In this regard, it is easier to work with them than with Ukrainians, for example, who will not pull a hryvnia out of their wallet under any circumstances.

As for the sense of humor - it is somewhat specific for American women. The most correct thing is to start teasing them about typical female things, like: “Now such girls have gone, they immediately want sex, but I am of the opinion that you need to wait at least a couple of hours” - you are guaranteed a loud laugh. In general, they love it when, with a straight face, you start discussing topics that are not customary to talk about, for example, start a conversation about contraception or whether our common children will be beautiful. Checked on dozens of American girls - they are on it and support the topic. There is a lot of laughter, smiles, and everything goes on like clockwork. Further, in no case do not admit that you have a wife or girlfriend - they are very scrupulous about this. Sooner or later, this topic will definitely come up in a conversation - the coolest thing is - tell your new friend how your regular girlfriend left you .. for another girl - a very correct and modern explanation. American women are very curious in this regard - they definitely need to find out if you are married, if divorced, then why, and so on. You just immediately see how they try on you for themselves - something, but you can always blame them for pragmatism and practicality - even if you got it drunk in order, all the same, such topics will slip in the conversation.

Don't be ashamed of your accent! American women are very greedy for accents (well, they are not alone, by the way), sometimes I deliberately strengthened my accent in order to achieve the desired result, and this always helped me. Most American girls really like the accent - I don’t know why, that’s just the way it is.

Here are some short instructions. The main thing - do not be shy and do not complex, be open and straightforward - overseas girls will appreciate this properly.

Russian models living in New York complain that they are disappointed with the world's fashion capital, because most Americans wear jeans and sneakers in everyday life. However, New York Fashion Week, numerous trends coming from America, and big fashion names like Calvin Klein, Donna Karan, Marc Jacobs and Oscar De La Renta say otherwise. America is a melting pot of many cultures, where the desire for convenience is combined with eccentricity. Perhaps this is what defines the American style.

Perhaps the most American style. It combines the simplicity of the cut plus many elements inherent in both bohemian style and hippie style. Model Eva Pron says the style is especially popular in Soho, New York, where avant-garde, classic and luxury coexist.


Eva Pron: “Everything is mixed up in this style: sharply fashionable, and classic, and freedom of expression.” This style is available from the Free People brand at an affordable price, if you are willing to pay more, then this is Raquel Allegra.

free people

Denim style

Those who represent jeans when they talk about American style are not far from the truth. Jeans were first made in 1853 by Levi Strauss. Then they were used as work clothes for farmers. Today, everything is sewn from denim. Interestingly, for the entire existence of this style, he has never gone out of fashion. Most often, Americans buy jeans at Gap, Calvin Klein and Levi's.

(at the brand's party in Berlin)

American casual

among the favorites of American women are sneakers, sneakers, trousers and white shirts. Sweaters are one size larger and sweatshirts. All things are combined with each other, so as not to think too long when choosing casual clothes. But it can be done in bright colors.

LA-based actress Kat Miglagio says: “American style is about clothes that you can wear in the morning to work and in the evening to a party. It should be easy to transform. For example, during the day I can put a jacket on a dress, and then take it off in the evening, sometimes I take evening shoes with me - and they completely change my look.

Kat says that she most often chooses jackets from Ralph Lauren, dresses from American designer Haley Paige, and shoes from Betsey Johnson.

Haley Paige dresses (however, the brand is more known for its wedding line)

Betsy Johnson in person

walmart style

The largest American supermarket of cheap clothes has long been a household name. The Web even opened a blog dedicated to the most ridiculous outfits of department store customers. Nevertheless, while New York and Los Angeles set the global fashion, most residents of one-story America buy T-shirts, comfortable sweatshirts and jeans in this store.

Focus on accessories

Accessories and shoes in American fashion sometimes become more significant than the clothes themselves. A participant in the popular Runaway show, designer Sandro Masmonidi believes that it is impossible to imagine American fashion without accessories. “As a rule, these are watches with a metal dial or a gold dial. And always big and bright. Such a design can be seen at Michael Kors. He also makes bags that are very similar to Louis Vuitton, only much cheaper, which is why they are so popular.”

affordable luxury

Americans tend to prefer spending money on restaurants and entertainment rather than expensive clothing. However, they do appreciate the quality.

Model Ksenia Ocheredko has been living in America for several years and defines this style in this way: “These are high-quality fabrics, natural tones, comfortable shoes. An American woman will not “scream” with her outfit, she will prefer a calm sporty style and expensive accessories. It could be 7 For All Mankind jeans, a Ralph Arrival Lauren jumper, The Leather Jacket, Nike sneakers, a Marc Jacobs bag.”


Sports in the USA are an integral part of life. Ask any American and they'll either be an amateur runner, a swimmer, or a boxer. Women tend to do yoga. This left its mark on the American style. Sportswear stores like Athleta sell not only leggings, but also yoga dresses, skirts, and hair accessories. Actress Kat Miglagio says: “I consider myself a 'yogi' - I really love these clothes, and I wear them not only for classes. And I wear Sketchers athletic shoes almost every day.”

Men's clothing

American women are known around the world for their commitment to feminism. The desire to be equal to a man in everything is also manifested in clothing. White t-shirts, classic trouser suits, baseball caps and many other things borrowed from the men's wardrobe, they accessorize. Things from the male shoulder can look stylish and appropriate.

Jacqueline Kennedy

It is almost impossible to imagine American style without President Kennedy's wife. It was she who first began to wear huge sunglasses, brought into fashion midi skirts, trench coats, turtlenecks. Little sheath dress and scarf. American women are still looking at photos of Jackie and copying the most successful images. One of them is the singer Lana del Rey.

Business lady

The history of this style began in the 1970s, when casual and business clothes began to be strictly distinguished. It was then that the business suit appeared. In 1988, the American film "Business Girl" was released, where actresses Melanie Griffith and Sigourney Weaver played a business woman and made office clothes super popular. Today, the American brands Ann Taylor and Banana Republic specialize in classic women's office wear.

Banana Republic

Ethno style

In multinational America, the cultures of completely different countries have united. This also applies to fashion. On the streets of New York, you can easily meet a girl in a Chinese dress and cowboy boots, in a Ukrainian embroidered shirt and a Mexican poncho.

black and black

If you want to look stylish, wear black, New York fashionistas are sure. Black shoes, black jeans and a black coat are must-haves in the wardrobe of a Big Apple resident. Dressed in black, you can always look elegant. Model from New York Vlada Nikitina-Fedorov gives advice to those who want to merge with the crowd of New York fashionistas: “First, there should be a very expensive black clutch bag, an elongated jacket, bare on one shoulder, black leather leggings and boots in military style. Another look is black tights and a black flared dress.” Rich Americans, the model says, prefer European designers like Alexander McQueen. Middle income Americans dress in Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger.


The style so popular all over the world originated in America. Designer Claire McCardel combines elegance and practicality to create comfortable, feminine clothing without unnecessary details. It was back in the 40s of the last century, nowadays Donna Koran and Calvin Klein create minimalist clothes.

cowboy style

Cowboy boots, an American flag print, bandanas and other classics from the times of the Wild West can still be seen not only on the streets of American cities, but also on the catwalks (you can find an article about this at the link).

Plus-size model Mussel Hernandez says that every second American woman has cowboy boots in her closet, which they wear with both dresses and jeans. “It's all very American! I would also add a white organic cotton shirt and a hat. I think the best jeans are Levi's Boyriend."


Hats are loved so much in America that there is even a national hat day on the calendar - January 15th. Black fedoras are a real trend in New York. They are worn with dresses, with jeans, in winter and summer. It is believed that the best classic hats are made by Borsalino.


Hipsters stand out in bright spots against the background of people in black. Colored oversized t-shirts, printed leggings, vintage and trendy items. Hipsters love to pair affordable clothing brands like Gap, American Apparel with vintage and homemade pieces. The American brand Urban Outfitters is focused specifically on them. In appearance, there is deliberate negligence.

Actress and martial arts teacher Chantal Ayats says: “The main thing is freedom of choice. My clothes are an eclectic mix of everything I love. I draw inspiration from anime, video game characters, cultures of different countries that interest me. I love spandex, I love to wear a holster at the waist, long flowy coats and wide-brimmed hats. I don't like it when there are logos on clothes."

Urban Outfitters


Vintage isn't just for hipsters. About 80% of Americans admitted that at least once they bought things in second-hand. Vintage clothing is an important part of New York City fashion. The coolest vintage stores are in the Upper East Side, New York's wealthiest neighborhood, where you can find Oscar de la renta and everyday fashion designer Claire McCardle's dresses in the ruins. Second hand Williamsbourg sells flannel shirts, leather jackets and other work clothes from 20 years ago.


Americans are not afraid of experiments. This is the reason that most of the world's fashion trends are born in this country. A light floral dress and heavy combat boots, a "granny sweater" and trendy leggings, sneakers and an evening dress have successfully spread around the world. The Americans do not stop, and the experiments continue to this day.

Plaid shirt

Plain shirt has become a real pillar of American style. And for both men and women. It is worn by ordinary people and Hollywood stars. This shirt reflects the attitude of most Americans to fashion - practicality and convenience. Thrifty Americans buy shirts at Old Navy chain stores, and more wasteful ones at J.Crew.


However, the most important pillar of American style remains classic. Quality clothing made from natural fabrics in black, beige and gray. Whatever experiments designers resort to, the main profit of Alexander Wang,
