What women do when no one is watching: parallel lives of the fair sex.

Exists a big difference between how people behave in in public places and how they behave when no one sees them (or, according to at least, they think that no one sees them). Everyone has their own little habits and quirks that other people consider strange or even disgusting.

1. Picking their nose

The list of things everyone does on the sly should start with classic nose picking. Moreover, there are even some people who like to watch it.

2. Using a smartphone while sitting on the toilet

They used to read newspapers in the toilet. Today, it’s hard to imagine anyone in the toilet without a smartphone.

3. Google themselves

Surely everyone has already tried to find themselves on the Internet. Or he's going to do it.

4. Eating in bed

Some people actually eat in bed, even when there are others nearby. Most people do this when they are alone.

5. They follow their exes on social networks.

Whoever said he didn't do this is lying. On average, every person does this within three years after breaking up.

6. They hide trash under the carpet.

You can carefully sweep up the trash and take it to a bin. But why bother when you can kick it under the carpet or refrigerator.

7. They steal nuts from the store

In huge supermarkets, all sorts of tasty little things, such as nuts or candies, are often sold in bulk. Most people, when they think that no one is seeing them, allow themselves to throw a nut or two into their mouth.

8. They smell their clothes before washing them.

This is certainly never done in public. But at home, when you're alone, it's The best way understand whether to throw the item in the wash.

9. Drinking from a bottle

This can be a small 0.25 liter bottle or a huge 2 liter bottle. No matter what's in it, everyone drinks straight from the bottle instead of using glasses and cups.

10. Talk to inanimate objects

Everyone says something to the things in your home by speaking directly to them.

11. Talk to themselves

When no one is looking, everyone talks to themselves. Aloud. A lot of.

12. They make crazy food combinations.

A sausage sandwich, peanut butter And raspberry jam, which you wash down with a milkshake as a nighttime snack. Not a problem when you're home alone.

13. Measure body parts

Measuring body parts is equally popular among men and women. However, they measure different parts of the body.

14. Accept the terms of the agreement without reading them

If anyone is watching, most people at least pretend to read the terms and conditions user agreement on any site. If no one is looking, then everyone just presses the “I agree” button.

15. Eat with your hands

This does not mean foods such as pizza, which most people eat with their hands anyway. We are talking about such treats as ice cream, sauce, etc.

16. They take weird selfies

It doesn't matter in gym, in the bathroom or in bed, everyone is taking weird selfies. When no one sees it.

17. Cry while watching movies

15 ordinary things that the smartest and most extraordinary people do.

This story didn't happen to me. My friend's grandfather told it to me. He was a coach on the Olympic team and traveled around different countries. It was on one of these trips that this story happened to him. I will paraphrase further from his words:

“It all started on one of our trips to the Olympics. I coached the guys from the rowing team. The weather was hot - it was the height of summer. While we were traveling with the guys by bus from the airport, we were very exhausted and pretty tired. We arrived at the hotel at about three o'clock in the morning. I really wanted to sleep, since we had been on the plane for 8 hours, and at eleven o’clock in the morning we already had to train on the river; we had 6 hours to sleep. We were quickly assigned to our rooms and within half an hour we were already lying on our beds. I was already starting to fall asleep, when suddenly, out of nowhere, I had the urge to go to the toilet. Cursing everything in the world for this feeling, I went to the toilet.

When I entered the booth and closed the door with the latch, I suddenly heard footsteps. They were somehow too measured, as if someone was dancing a waltz and counting every step. It would seem that there’s nothing scary about it, the person just has such a gait, but it seemed to me that there was something frightening in these steps, and an unpleasant chill ran down my spine. I don’t know why, but I felt creepy, and I began to listen to these steps. A few minutes later, the clatter of hooves was added to the steps, and then I became truly scared. I tried to find a reasonable explanation for this, but I couldn't. This went on for about fifteen minutes. All this time I stood in a daze. And then some indistinct muttering was added to the clatter of hooves and measured steps. It was impossible to understand anything, in principle, I didn’t even try. I was already terribly scared, so I didn’t even listen. Sleepy state as if taken away by hand. And there was no question of relieving the need. My strongest desire now was to be in my room, to wake up all the boys, to do anything, just not to stand here alone now.

When I got a little bolder, I tried to open my cubicle and see what was going on there. I opened the door a little, just a small crack. What I saw I remembered for the rest of my life. There was a man standing near the sink. A common person, walking in place. But there was something terrible about him - his pupils were completely black, even without white. Completely black pupils. Next to him stood a boar... a boar?!?... (how he got here, I don’t know) he had the same thing as a person - his pupils were completely black, and his hooves were beating some kind of incomprehensible rhythm. The man had a small hatchet in his hand. And in front of them stood a man in a black cloak with his back to me.

In his hands he held a book with a black cover. He said something unintelligible. For five minutes I watched this picture, spellbound, and then I realized that I could no longer be here. I became bolder and flew out of the toilet like a bullet, flew into my room and turned on the lights everywhere. But he didn’t wake up the guys. There was no question of going to bed. But, fortunately, I became too sleepy and slept well the next night. Those Olympic Games we won. Now I'm afraid to go to the toilet alone at night. That’s the story.”

I have known this man for many years, he has no habit of making things up or lying. He doesn't take drugs and doesn't like to drink. I see no reason not to believe him. I don’t know about you, but my friend and I believe.

There is a big difference between the way people act in public and the way they act when no one is seeing them (or at least they think no one is seeing them). Everyone has their own little habits and quirks that other people consider strange or even disgusting.

(Total 25 photos)

Picking your nose

The list of things everyone does on the sly should start with classic nose picking. Moreover, there are even people who like to watch it.

Using a smartphone while sitting on the toilet

They used to read newspapers in the toilet. Today, it’s hard to imagine anyone in the toilet without a smartphone.

Google themselves

Surely everyone has already tried to find themselves online. Or he's going to do it.

Eating in bed

Some people actually eat in bed, even when there are others nearby. Most people do this when they are alone.

Anyone who says they didn't do it is lying. On average, every person does this within three years after breaking up.

Hiding trash under the carpet

You can carefully sweep up the trash and throw it in a bin. But why bother when you can kick it under the carpet or refrigerator.

Stealing nuts from a store

In huge supermarkets, every tasty little thing, such as nuts or candies, is often sold in bulk. Most people, when they think that no one is looking at them, allow themselves to throw a nut or two into their mouth.

Talk to inanimate objects

Everyone says something to the things in their home by addressing them directly.

Talking to themselves

When no one hears, everyone talks to themselves. Aloud. A lot of.

They make crazy food combinations

Sausage sandwich with peanut butter and raspberry jam washed down with a milkshake for a late-night snack. Not a problem when you're home alone.

Measure body parts

Measuring body parts is equally popular among men and women. Only they measure different parts of the body.

Accept the terms of the agreement without reading them

If anyone is watching, most will at least pretend to read the terms of service on any site. If no one is looking, then everyone just clicks the “I agree” button.

Eating with hands

This does not mean foods such as pizza, which most people eat with their hands anyway. We are talking about such treats as ice cream, sauce, etc.

Taking weird selfies

It doesn't matter if it's at the gym, in the bathroom or in bed, everyone takes weird selfies. When no one sees it.

Crying while watching movies

Interestingly, not only films can make a person cry. When no one is watching, you can also shed tears at a handball match or a National Geographic show about sea turtles.

They don't wash the dishes

Who hasn't had a mountain of dishes pile up in the sink without anyone reminding them to wash them? And then you need to soak it for half an hour to scrub it off.

Clear browsing history in the browser

No one wants someone else to find out what they were looking for online. The thoughts “what will they think of me” immediately come to mind.

They wear pajamas at home

Or in just shorts. Or even naked.

They eat what fell on the floor

Yes, I have unwritten rule: “What is raised quickly is not considered to have fallen.” But when no one is looking, what has been lying there for several hours is picked up from the floor (of course, at home).

Parallel life, or What do women do when no one sees them?

Do you believe in the unconscious as we do? Beautiful phrase it worked out, didn't it? But if someone does not understand what we are talking about (and our unconscious tells us that there are many of them), we explain: today we will talk about small female (unconscious?) weaknesses, that is, about what women do when no one knows them does not see.

"In the morning"

“The morning begins with a smile” is a very dubious statement, unless, of course, you are an early television presenter, but a normal woman who, moreover, wakes up alone. In this case, the morning can start with anything. From your own snoring (yes, yes, yes, fairies sometimes snore like longshoremen and wake up in horror from these terrible sounds); from yesterday's cold cutlet, swallowed in one go (because yesterday she somehow managed not to have dinner after six, but by six in the morning she was ready to eat the one who convinced her that eating after six was forbidden); from looking at your charms in the mirror (all without exception) to the question “Am I the cutest in the world?”; with florid profanity, if she “entered” in the morning in the literal sense of the word (and mom warned that the dog needs to be walked, especially in the mornings!). Out of tact, we will keep silent about the body movements that accompany the ladies’ morning chores, because outright picking your nose and scratching your right (why not?) buttock is, perhaps, the most decent thing possible. Did you think that ladies wake up with perfect hair, a white coat and stilettos and decorously go to the living room to drink coffee?

"In the elevator"

Do you know what women do in an elevator? Oh, this wonderful little enclosed space where there is no one, and there is a mirror. And here is a dear lady, Chief Accountant large enterprise, for example, in the 3-5-7 minutes that the elevator descends from the 11th floor, he manages to check whether the same cutlet that was feverishly chewed in the morning is stuck in his teeth, adjust the bra strap and return the breasts to their place (and I had to buy a bra that was the right size!), pull up my tights, tighten my stomach, and for the last time before going out in public, scratch again everything that itches now and that might itch later.

"In the Internet"

Have you ever thought about where your friend sends you passionate, angry, businesslike, offensive, etc. messages? messages on Viber, FB and other “virtual meeting places”? Will we tell you a secret if we tell you that she often does all this, including paying for a gift for your loved one on Valentine’s Day, without leaving the toilet (and it’s good if this is “communication” with an online store, and not a sex session with your lover). And this is also the most comfortable spot to follow your ex and, having tracked them down, write a couple of ironic comments supposedly from the Antilles (so what, everything about a woman should be beautiful, statuses, comments, and location). Yes, sometimes, when she manages to be alone, the whole world shrinks for a woman to the size of a dressing room: she can read, and write, and cry over what she has written, and some still have time to do their hair, makeup and manicure. But, mind you, this is a terrible secret.

"In transport"

We deliberately skip the list of secret women's activities in a private car, because it is not much different from all of the above, and we will focus on the mysterious female manipulations that they perform in public transport when, as it seems to them, no one sees them. So: quickly file a broken nail in a minibus; chew a lettuce leaf on an escalator; change worn out old sandals (or could have been slippers if she was in a hurry...to get into the elevator) for elegant 12-centimeter stilettos at the bus stop; with a vindictive smile, leave a mark of scarlet lipstick on the snow-white shirt of the man in front; quietly sip whiskey from a treasured flask and adjust their thongs - all this is done with the dexterity of an illusionist by lovely ladies, while managing to remain unnoticed (well, or being confident that they have managed to be unnoticed).

"Little secrets"

And finally, a small list of small secret habits and addictions fair half humanity. Every, even the most correct, stylish, business superwoman, when cleaning her apartment, sometimes hides garbage under the carpet; eats not only pilaf with her hands, but also dumplings (which, by the way, she loves... even after six); talks to his reflection in the mirror and to all inanimate objects in the house, including a saucepan and a vacuum cleaner; believes that “food quickly picked up from the floor is not considered dropped”; wipes wet hands about the seat, then sincerely wondering why all the household things are stained. They can also dry clean a straw hat, and that’s it.
