What is instant tanning? Ultraviolet lamps used in tanning salons

Every year the number of people who want to have an even, beautiful tan increases, regardless of the time of year or the opportunity to go on vacation. Convenient and affordable way tanning means going to a solarium. The effectiveness of a tanning bed depends on the type of skin, the power of the device, the type of tanning bed and the type of lamp used.

What types of solariums are there?

Horizontal solariums can be one-sided or two-sided. One-sided panels are based on reflective panels. A tan is acquired through diffused reflected light. The risk of white spots is minimized. Double-sided (tunnel) combine UV radiation types A and B. A tan is acquired faster than in a one-sided solarium and lasts longer. White spots may remain where the body touches the acrylic coating.

IN vertical solarium the body does not come into contact with the surfaces of the cabin, and therefore the tan is even, white spots are excluded.

Solarium chairs are designed for the décolleté, face, hands, as well as for correcting an existing tan. UV-A lamps are used.

The turbo solarium is equipped with an enhanced ventilation system and a cooling system, which allows you to speed up the tanning process.

Tanning time

The duration of the session depends on the skin type. The lighter the skin, the shorter the time spent under the lamp should be. Before visiting a tanning salon, you should also find out the type of lamp used. In any case, the salon staff will advise optimal time tanning (But even with the darkest skin and the most gentle lamp, the duration of the session should not exceed 25 minutes.)

Precautionary measures

  • Before visiting a solarium, you should consult your doctor about the presence of diseases for which exposure to UV radiation is undesirable.
  • Sunglasses must be used to protect your eyes.
  • Before the session, you should not wash with soap, so as not to wash off the natural protective film on the skin and avoid getting burns. However, the skin should be cleansed of cosmetics and perfumes to avoid the appearance of age spots. For this it is recommended to use special creams, intended for use during a tanning session in a solarium. They provide protection and an even tan.
  • Women are advised to cover their breasts, as excessive UV radiation can cause tumors to appear in the mammary glands.
  • To avoid drying out your hair, you can cover it with a cotton scarf.

Contraindications to visiting solariums

  • reception medicines: tetracyclic antidepressants, tranquilizers, contraceptives, non-steroidal painkillers, antibiotics and other drugs that increase the photosensitivity of the skin;
  • critical days for women;
  • It is not advisable for pregnant and lactating women to visit the solarium;
  • a large number of moles on the body.

There is a river tan, a sea tan, and also a tan obtained in a solarium. All these types of tanning are different from each other.

Sea tan

In theory, there are no special differences between a tan obtained somewhere on a river and a tan obtained at sea. But, the intensity of ultraviolet radiation in the south near the sea is much higher, so it appears much faster, and the risk of getting sunburned increases significantly. more beautiful and has a golden brown hue.

Sea tanning can cause premature aging skin and the appearance of mesh fine wrinkles, which are then very difficult to get rid of, remember the sunbather - Brigitte Bardot. Prolonged sun exposure increases the risk of breast or skin cancer. If you stay in the sun for more than thirty minutes, you can get sunstroke or heatstroke.

Sea tan is suitable for people with dark skin, dark hair and dark eyes. In this case, the tan will lie quite evenly.

A sea tan also differs from a river tan in that at sea we receive reflected ultraviolet radiation, rather than direct. If we sunbathe, for example, somewhere in the country, we will receive a much smaller amount of reflected radiation.

River tan

River or country tan less intense than marine skin, the skin often acquires a grayish tint, so melanin does not have time to be deposited, and the superficial stratum corneum of the skin thickens at this time. But, if you regularly come to the river beach or sunbathe little by little in your garden, then a cumulative effect occurs. Therefore, a river tan lasts much longer than a sea tan.

Before you go to the river beach, you should know that this type of tanning does not reduce the risk oncological diseases and also ages the skin. River tan intensifies acne, so it is better for people with this disease to refrain from sunbathing.

River tan suitable for owners light skin and bright eyes.


Those who cannot afford to go to the beach visit the solarium. This, of course, is a little safer than sea and river tanning, but it is also harmful, so some beauty salons ask you to bring certificates of health. Many women get hooked on this type of tanning like a drug.

Firstly, ultraviolet irradiation produces endorphins in the brain - pleasure hormones that improve mood. Secondly, after the tan fades, you seem grayish and dull. For these reasons, a woman develops a dependence on the solarium.

Excessive tanning will quickly age your skin and increase your risk of breast or skin cancer.

Tanning in a solarium is suitable for people with dark skin, dark eyes and black hair.

Self tanning

The safest way to get a tan is self-tanning, which can come in the form of a spray or emulsion. Self-tanning contains a substance that changes the color of the protein (keratin) found in the upper layers of the skin. Before applying self-tanning, it is recommended to exfoliate the skin; the self-tanning will lie more evenly.

If you don't have the skill to apply self-tanning, you can end up with a not entirely even tan with spots or streaks.

Self-tanning is the most harmless and fastest type of tanning, but there are some contraindications. Self-tanning is not recommended for people with skin diseases and women with hormonal disorders.

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White skin or tan?

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A solarium is an opportunity to have a tan at any time of the year. There are several types of installations, and the variety makes it difficult to choose. To avoid burns, “toast” the skin and lift your mood, you should find out their features in advance.

Read in this article

Types of solariums and their features

Types of tanning equipment are distinguished by the features of the cabin, as well as its purpose.

Vertical solarium

The vertical installation cabin is designed in such a way that you can only receive ultraviolet rays while standing. These are the simplest and most compact devices. The radiation in them is quite powerful. So the session lasts a short time, but it’s enough to get uniform tan all over the body.

Horizontal solarium

There are tanning booths where the procedure is done while lying down. The horizontal device itself is a closing capsule. And the patient’s body is in contact with its bottom panel. Horizontally located lamps allow uniform exposure to all areas of the body.

The radiation in such a device is as close as possible to natural. Therefore, you can stay in it longer than in a vertical one.

Turbo solarium

A few years ago, turbo solariums appeared - high-tech installations with a cooling system, hydromassage and vibration massage devices. They also have an audio system, the possibility of aromatherapy, lifts, fans, and a staff call button for more convenience.

Improvements also apply to tanning. The turbo solarium has several modes, which allows people with disabilities to use it without fear. different types skin.

Seated solariums

Equipment for artificial tanning can be in the form of a chair. The procedure is done in a sitting position. This is convenient for those who are forced to hide some parts of the body medical indications. Because not the entire surface is exposed to ultraviolet rays. They are exposed to their hands, face, décolleté, and neck.

A solarium chair will help quickly refresh your skin color, since the lamps in this type of device are quite powerful.

Home solariums

Among tanning equipment, there are devices that can be used at home. They are compact and have low power. But with the help of a home cabin, you can get a portion of ultraviolet radiation without leaving your home. These devices are often horizontal; they are safe due to the gentle type of radiation.

Home solariums do not have an air conditioning system (there are only fans) and do not have a variety of operating modes. Therefore, their price is low.

Studio solarium

Devices intended for professional use, differ large sizes, many operating modes, additional options. They are installed in beauty salons, health centers, and fitness clubs.

Studio solariums can work for a long time without interruption; they have functions that create special comfort for visitors (music, pleasant aromas). There is always air conditioning, as a rule, spacious cabins, and the ability to control the session time.

Types of lamps in a solarium

Ultraviolet radiation in artificial tanning devices comes from lamps. They are:

Which solarium is better - horizontal or vertical?

Choose tanning equipment, keeping in mind the convenience and effect of use:

  • Vertical makes it possible to avoid contact with the surface of the cabin. Additionally, these sunrooms are usually spacious and air-conditioned. You can get a tan in them in a shorter session, and it will be without white spots. But sometimes the skin on the legs remains lighter than other areas. And more powerful radiation can cause burns.
  • You can lie down comfortably in a horizontal solarium. And the radiation in it is weaker and safer. But uneven surface the bottom panel is not comfortable enough for visitors of small or tall. Not everyone feels safe in closed spaces horizontal solarium. And the tan is uneven due to contact with glass.

Advantages and disadvantages of tanning in a solarium

Fake tan has many advantages:

But the procedure also has disadvantages:

  • It is not always possible to be sure that the lamps used have not expired, that is, they do not generate harmful radiation;
  • due to excessive use of solariums, you can get a burn, an allergy to ultraviolet radiation, and accelerate the development of skin diseases;
  • moles can begin to grow and even degenerate into malignant formations;
  • there is a risk of high doses of radiation negatively affecting work internal organs(thyroid, ovaries, eyes).

About the dangers and benefits of solariums, and how to use a solarium correctly, watch this video:

Types of tanning in a solarium

The color of the skin after the procedure depends not only on the number of sessions and the amount of time spent in the cabin. It is determined by its initial shade and the phototype of the visitor:

  • The 1st group includes people with white skin, blue eyes, red or blond hair. They should not go to the solarium at all, they risk getting burns. If you go there, do it for a very short time and use a cream with the highest degree of protection. Then you will be able to tan to a “glazed” state.
  • 2nd type means white skin, light or Brown eyes And Brown hair. They will be able to tan to the color of a latte.
  • With type 3, the skin is dark, the eyes are dark, and the hair is light brown or brown. They can sunbathe longer than people of type 2. After a course of procedures, the skin color acquires a “cappuccino” shade.
  • The 4th phototype includes people with dark skin, dark eyes and black hair (Italians, Caucasians, Asians). Their tan is a shade of milk chocolate.
  • Type 5 are people with very dark skin and black hair (usually mixed race). They can be in a solarium for the maximum allowed time, use a cream with a minimum level of protection, or do without it. And their tanned skin takes on the color of dark chocolate.
Skin phototypes

How to sunbathe properly in a solarium

A beautiful skin tone without harm to health can be achieved if you comply with the following conditions:

  • use protection for the eyes, hair and chest, that is, wear glasses, special nipple covers, a cap;
  • apply creams intended for tanning in a solarium;
  • Before the procedure, take a shower, wash off the deodorant and perfume, and dry thoroughly;
  • do not sunbathe with your face made up;
  • a few days before the session, stop doing peelings, refuse to visit the bathhouse, as these procedures will deprive the skin of protection;
  • After the session, drink water and relax;
  • Do not combine visits to the solarium and the beach on the same day.

For information on the rules of tanning in a solarium, watch this video:

The duration of the session depends on the skin type and installation features. But it’s worth starting in any case with a minimum of time. As you get used to it, the session can be extended to 15 minutes in a vertical solarium, and up to 20 in a horizontal solarium. The procedures are carried out every other day. You only need 15 of them per course. And the procedure should be done no more than 2 times a year.

The best tanning creams for solariums

External products for use in solariums are divided into groups:

  • developers that stimulate the production of melanin in the skin;
  • fixatives that help preserve the effect of exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • activators that accelerate the tanning process.

How to maintain a tan after a solarium for a long time

To keep your skin color chocolate longer, you need to:

  • use when washing by gentle means, and not peelings and hard washcloths;
  • make water for hygiene procedures warm, not hot;
  • apply tanning cream and moisturize the skin well;
  • Eat vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamins A and C.

Contraindications to tanning in a solarium

You should not sunbathe if you have:

  • cardiopathology;
  • tuberculosis;
  • asthma;
  • blood diseases;
  • ultraviolet intolerance;
  • oncology;
  • fibroids, tendency to bleeding;
  • a lot of moles.

The procedure is undesirable during pregnancy and lactation.

The relatively new collagen solarium has already won its fans. Solarium with collagen lamps has a mass positive impact on the skin, but also has contraindications.

We owe the fashion for tanning to Coco Chanel. Not so long ago it was considered a sign of the lower class, but today people go to solariums to get that coveted tan and can distinguish a Black Sea tan from a Thai tan.

What is tanning?

Tanning is the darkening of the skin due to the production of melanin pigment in the upper layer of the skin - the epidermis, 5% of which is melanocytes. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the amino acid tyrazine is consumed. This is how melanin is produced, which controls the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin.

Each person has an equal number of melanocytes - approximately 5 million, but their activity is individual. Therefore, skin color and tan vary from person to person.

Not everyone knows about this, but animals, plants, and even microorganisms have melanin. It comes in black (eumelanin), yellow (pheomelanin) and brown (phacomelanin). Melanin is what causes beans to darken. grape seeds, peeled potatoes darken, and banana peels turn black. Melanin colors the chitin of insects and gives characteristic color plants.

What kind of tan is there?

If you look in the fall at those who returned from summer holidays employees, then you can recognize which of them rested where. The most intense tan is sea tan.

It has a characteristic golden brown hue.

Difference sea ​​tan The point is that at sea a person receives not only doses of direct, but also reflected ultraviolet radiation, so sunbathing at sea needs to be done carefully, preferably in the morning and evening hours, avoiding long exposure to the sun in the middle of the day.

The second most intense type of tan is river tan. It is different from sea ​​color, and also because it lasts longer, since exposure to moderate sun causes a cumulative effect.
Finally, there is tanning from a solarium and self-tanning. The latter is not really a tan. This is the stimulation of the keratin protein contained in the epidermis by the substances included in the self-tanning product, causing it to change color.

When did tanning become fashionable?

Until the 20s of the last century, tanning was not in trend and was considered a sign of the lower class. History connects the fashion for tanning with Coco Chanel, who, upon returning from her Mediterranean holiday, was bronze in color, atypical for the aristocracy.

In the summer of 1922, she officially announced to journalists that her aspirin-colored face (of which gentle salon ladies were so proud) looked unhealthy and unpleasant, and beautiful skin- This is tanned skin.

This statement changed a lot, turning the fashion industry upside down. One-piece swimsuits were going out of fashion, and the appearance of the bikini was just around the corner.

However, in fairness it must be said that the story with Coco is part big myth because the tan is in medicinal purposes has been used for a long time for this, and not just anywhere, but in Russia. Although the term itself " sunbathing“was introduced by the French doctor Rikli back in 1855; in the doctor’s homeland, this procedure did not gain popularity, but among the Russian aristocracy, which was susceptible to all foreign trends, sunbathing became popular already in the 70s of the 19th century.


Tanning, as you know, can be not only useful, but also harmful. Excessive sun exposure can cause many complications, from sunburn And heatstroke to problems with oncology. Therefore, you need to sunbathe moderately and wisely. Considered safe for tanning morning hours(from 8 to 11) and evening (from 16 to 19).
Ultraviolet rays consist of three types - A, B, C. It is believed that when passing through the earth's atmosphere, the most dangerous C and B rays are retained by natural filters; A rays do not pose a great danger. In fact, given the state of the ozone layer, we can say that not all B and C rays are retained, so during the daytime, when ultraviolet rays are especially intense, it is better to rest in the shade.

What to eat to avoid getting burned

For even tan, as well as for the purpose of prevention from harmful effects UV rays, doctors advise adhering to a special diet that can help the body cope with ultraviolet radiation. There are several foods that are preferable to eat in the sun. Oddly enough, firstly, it is dark chocolate. Research has confirmed high content dark chocolate contains health-promoting flavonoids that increase skin elasticity and firmness. These substances strengthen blood vessels and are a good prevention of heart attacks. Chocolate should be bitter. With a cocoa content of at least 65%.

Beta-carotene, found in carrots, sweet potatoes, apricots, pumpkins and mangoes, is actively promoted by manufacturers cosmetics. And for good reason, because this substance acts as a protector for plants, preventing radicals from destroying their cells. Once in the human body, beta-carotene acts in a similar way, preventing external and internal destruction, including protecting the skin from sunlight.

Tomatoes, watermelon and papaya contain a substance called lycopene. This compound is used to fight cancer cells, asthma and cataracts. Also useful for hot holiday lovers are strawberries, kiwi, oranges, almonds and salmon.

Drinking in the sun is best plain water, natural juices, as well as green tea. The latter contains a substance called epigallocatechin gallate by doctors. This is a natural chemical that helps speed up metabolism, rapid loss excess weight and protection from ultraviolet radiation. In addition, the properties of EGCG in the processes of preventing Alzheimer's disease have been noticed. Green tea also prevents increased histamine production, resulting in minimized allergic reactions, which can ruin any vacation.


Moderation is good in everything. Doctors even have a special term for excessive passion for tanning - tanorexia. According to statistics, it affects mainly teenage girls 13-16 years old from countries with a temperate climate.

In order to prevent tanorexia, in the UK it is prohibited for teenagers under 16 years of age to visit solariums, and in many US states children on beaches and in solariums are required to have written parental permission to sunbathe.
