How can an Orthodox person protect himself from an energy vampire. How to protect yourself from energy vampires at work

I, the magician, will tell you about energy vampires among people. There is a special category of predators that hunt for other people's energy and take it by force - energy vampires. Everyone has heard about energy vampirism at least half an ear.

Energy vampirism is a social phenomenon based on hidden and overt human interactions. Some people tend to view energy vampires as a unique malady, but as a magician myself, I see it as a form of corruption. If you forcefully influence someone else's energy, pull some of the flows onto yourself, then you are inducing a destructive program of black negativity.

Energy vampirism is not a new phenomenon.

Energy vampires have always been companions of the main human mass. But in our century, this phenomenon has grown, began to occur almost everywhere! The more tense, sharper, more dramatic the relationship between people, the more complex and dangerous psycho-emotional connections, the more often energy vampirism causes various diseases, often in a dangerous or chronic form. Illness is a punishment

  • for an unrighteous way of life,
  • dirty thoughts
  • and wicked deeds.

But, energy vampires are not aware of their illness. One thing is obvious: they suffer and suffer if others rejoice before their eyes, if others feel good, if others are lucky, rich and happy.

When communicating with an energy vampire, when in contact with this black energy hole, others begin to get sick, and he is just recovering! Other's:
  • spoils the mood
  • there is a feeling of dissatisfaction,
  • melancholy,
  • fatigue
  • or hyperexcitability,
  • exacerbated chronic diseases.

This happens because a vampire, coming into contact with healthy people, takes away their energy, is filled with their strength, peace of mind and serenity.

What does the victim of energy vampire attacks experience?

Fear, loss of strength, mental instability. Bringing the victim into a state of irritation, the energy vampire closes her attention to herself and draws all the light out of the person - joy, love, peace of mind and happiness.

People do not just give the vampire their power. If a person is balanced and serene, the energy vamp is powerless against such protection. But it is in a state of excitement, extreme irritation, indignation that a person breaks down, literally dumping his vital energy. Here on these energies and there is energy vampirism, forcing others to be donors, to be victims, after which people get sick, and sometimes really seriously.

In his spiritual development, each person goes through a stage when he is forced to take energy from others by force. But some educate themselves, grow spiritually, fill their souls with light and love, and they have enough strength to get out, to overcome this stage. Others, until their inglorious death, remain energy vampires. Patients with various kinds of psychopathy, who show aggression, hostility, hardness of heart, sadism towards other people, also become vampires, feed on other people's vitality.

A vampire cannot exist in isolation, he needs people as food, as energy replenishment. In a closed space, devoid of his own energy and unable to take strength from others, he will slowly fade away. Not everyone is ready for a painful death, he never emerges victorious from such a situation, it is easier for him to settle accounts with life than to let love and true life into his soul.

Solar and lunar vampires - what are their features, and how to recognize them

Energy vampires have their own classification - according to the quality of their temperament, they are usually divided:

  1. on solar
  2. and lunar.

What is the difference, I, the magician, will now explain. The energy of solar vampires is hot, dry, emotional, aggressive, it is the energy of conquerors. The Solar Energy Vampire is self-centered, cruel, and can act brutally towards others, and they often make no secret of their intentions. They behave:

  • defiantly,
  • brazenly,
  • create conflict situations
  • throwing insults in the face
  • provoke others to quarrels, clashes,
  • scandals and fights
  • causing people to experience mental and physical pain.

They are driven by envy and anger, they need an explosion of negative emotions from others. If the person with whom the solar energy vampire is trying to get in touch does not react to his aggression, he is able to attack, just to get what he needs - a portion of human energy.

People vampires of the Moon are different from the sun in everything.

Lunar energy is cold and wet, and has a powerful magnetism. Lunar vampires gently, gently, imperceptibly take the life force from others. The lunar energy vampire will not allow himself to be thought of as an unprincipled villain, he will never act openly, as the solar ones do, he approaches unnoticed and inaudibly, this is an incognito person, he is always sad, he complains, cries about his difficult life, without end tells about some problems.

He clings, sticks, whines, he seeks advice, asks for help. But no matter how much you give him advice, and no matter how much you help, his problems do not change. Complaints aren't getting any better.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

With this, the lunar energy vampire infuriates those around him.

People get annoyed, lose their peace of mind, and the thief gets what he needs - pure human energy. After contact with him, your vitality literally collapses, strength leaves, a person begins to yawn, feels terrible fatigue, his throat squeezes and hurts.

The lunar energy vampire will never say an offensive word, he is sympathetic, he knows how to value friendship, his worst nightmare is that the one to whom he picked up the key repels him. He will do everything possible to restore friendship, in order to again be able to gently connect to the energy flows of his donor - a friend.

Any energy vampire needs conflict.

Any conversation comes down to an argument, he pretends that he does not hear and does not understand the interlocutor, stating that he can accept someone else's point of view only after solid evidence, provoking a potential victim into an energy clash. Woe to the one who accepts his challenge, because he will come out of this conversation devastated!

An energy vampire, in principle, does not care and is not interested in someone else's opinion, his goal is different - to bring a person to a frenzy, to eat his junk energy. This is an egocentric, he loves only himself and values ​​only himself, and therefore is not able to love others and openly enjoy life.

An emotional, creative person never engages energy vampirism, does not take away the life force from others, but the people around him strive to use his huge energy potential, who feel pure energy, like mosquitoes from afar feel the warmth of living flesh.

I, the magician, am convinced that energy vampires:

  • unable to create
  • they are corroded and de-energized by envy,
  • a poisonous feeling of annoyance caused by the talent, well-being, success of another person.

An envious person cannot be convinced of anything, he is bilious, he is possessed by annoyance and anger at everything and everyone. His actions boil down to one single goal - to take someone else's life energy for himself. This is a special type of harmful effect, which is commonly called energy damage. And therefore, one must be able to defend oneself from the energy vampirism of empty, de-energized individuals.

How to protect yourself from energy vampires?

What needs to be done in order not to become an easy prey for your envious - energy vampires? And is man given the strength to fight the attacking side? This is exactly what I, the magician, will tell in this part of the article.

Energy protection - how to protect yourself from people vampires

Each person has a natural defense - this is his biofield, and it is this shield that withstands all blows, from unintentional attacks by energy vampires, the evil eye, to severe damage. In addition, natural protection has to withstand the onslaught of everyday magic -

  • streams of dark energy of envy,
  • conspiracies,
  • curses,
  • spoilage made by an amateur,

- which lie down, albeit weakly, but still destabilize the work of the body's energy. Under the onslaught of dirty energy flows, the biofield becomes thinner, the protection weakens, the person becomes vulnerable. There are rituals to strengthen protection against energy vampirism, screens for closing the contour of the biofield, which are easy to master on your own and successfully put into practice.

Closing the contour of a human biofield is a series of magical rituals that are very effective, protect people from the effects of energy vampirism, improve physical condition, and increase psychological stability. Some rituals are best applied at night, about 30 minutes before bedtime, in the morning, immediately after waking up, and during the day, especially if, by the nature of your work, you are forced to communicate with large flows of people. If you are expected to meet with an energy vampire person who is disgusting to you, and you know that this meeting will not bring joy, use one of the ways to strengthen the aura. This will save you from headaches, failure in business, and even from more significant troubles and blows.

Self-defense against energy vampires - Crossroads.

Crossing arms and legs is the simplest and most common way to establish protection against energy vampirism. The vast majority of people make this gesture intuitively, not really thinking about the fact that they are performing an energy protection technique. Protection Cross, effective when communicating with a human energy vampire, from which you can expect trouble, or a magical attack. By crossing your arms and legs, you close the circuit of the aura and prevent its breakdowns.

A stronger protection against energy vampires at work is the Ring method.

A very effective technique, which not only closes the contour of the biofield, but also condenses it, makes it impervious to the impact of energy vampirism at work. This method is performed as follows: they connect the thumb and forefinger of one hand into a ring, and put it into the palm of the other hand. Then they change hands. Now the thumb and forefinger of the other hand form a ring, which, in turn, is inserted into the palm of the first hand. Then the hands change again. This is done three times. Applying the method of protection against energy vampires of colleagues at work - Rings, especially for the first time, you can feel squeezing and headache. This will pass soon, the pain is associated with the biofield compaction, with its qualitative changes. Personal protection against energy vampirism in the workplace does not cause any side effects.

You can apply another option for protection against the energy vampire of the boss or leader at work, on the Ring, it's quite simple: the thumb and forefinger of one hand are connected to the thumb and forefinger of the other hand, forming a ring. The remaining fingers of one hand are placed on top of the fingers of the other. This gesture will close your aura, through the thickness of which it will be difficult to break even for a person with strong dark energy, who vampirizes in black.

Self-protection against the energy vampire of a family member - Mirror Wall

  • This is a great way to protect yourself from an energy vampire if he is a member of your family, husband,
  • mother,
  • father,
  • grandmother with grandfather,
  • daughter-in-law or mother-in-law, etc.

The mirror wall has proven its effectiveness, and therefore this independent method is very popular. But, much to the chagrin, it is not effective in protecting against strong practicing sorcerers. An independent method of protection against energy vampires- relatives, is built on the visualization of a protective wall, a barrier that will not let the negative through. On a mental level, you build a wall of bricks, row after row, not missing a single brick, not leaving a single gap. This wall surrounds you in a dense ring, and on the outside, each brick is covered with a thin, shiny mirror layer. From whichever side the enemy tries to attack you and suck out your energy, he invariably delivers a reflected, repeatedly amplified blow.

Strong protection against the influence of a woman's energy vampire - Egg

To use this method of blocking a woman's energy vampire:

  • mothers,
  • wives,
  • mother-in-law,
  • mother-in-law
  • co-workers at work

And, blocking the black negativity coming from outside, you must learn not only to visualize, but also to feel your own energy barriers. Feel a dense energy wall at arm's length, feel these walls from all sides, feel them, feel their real physical presence. You are inside an egg whose impenetrable shell protects you from any destabilizing effects of energy vampirism which may harm you. Your protective shell should be blue, gold, or orange.

Effective protection from an energy vampire husband

This is a series of simple, effective and interesting techniques that protect an energy vampire from her husband, which repel or remove black negativity. Let's start with the simplest technique: rub your palms together until heat appears, then bring it to your face, as if applying a mask. Close your eyes and imagine how something dark gets off your head and goes into your hands. Gathering the palms of the negative, shake it off your hands into the fire - let it burn with a bright flame! I, the magician, recommend doing such manipulations before starting to cook food so as not to introduce negative energy into food.

The second interesting method of combined protection from her husband, an energy vampire, is perfect for hypersensitive, insecure women who are exposed to stress. And its essence is to, using the defense techniques you like, supplement them with psychotherapeutic techniques - auto-training with repeated repetition of positive verbal formulas - affirmations. Affirmations improve the psycho-emotional background when interacting in a family with an energy vampire husband, strengthen self-confidence, stimulate positive life changes, and give hope for a favorable outcome of the situation.
Not always a decrease in energy, a drop in tone and vitality is associated with the negative effects of energy vampirism or a magical attack. Often the cause of unpleasant changes are:

  • fatigue,
  • chronic fatigue,
  • emotional exhaustion,
  • stress.

To improve your tone, use periodically a contrast shower, in addition, a cup of coffee (espresso) with a small piece of hot pepper is considered an excellent way to cheer up.

Learn to accumulate bioenergy, practice it constantly, and you will be ready to repel an attack at any moment. energy vampire. Do not forget to fumigate the rooms in the house with incense. The world of incense is diverse. They have an exquisite, refined scent that changes the energy of the room, creates a comfortable, serene atmosphere, forms a special internal state of the one who inhales the aroma, and contributes to spiritual work. In addition, incense gently relaxes, relieves accumulated fatigue, removes negative energy, evil eye, household damage, gives strength, and gives clarity of mind.

Protective amulet against energy vampirism

Another excellent way of the so-called combined protection from human energies that weakens you, destabilizes the work of your body - strong amulet against the energy vampire. If during the day you are forced to meet with people unpleasant to you, and after such communication you feel a breakdown, put magical protection. There are many protective amulets against vampirism, and each of them has its own purpose. I, the magician, suggest that you make such a talisman against the actions of an energy vampire: on a long narrow paper strip, draw a row of female faces on one side, and a row of male faces on the other, roll the strip into a tight roller and tie it with red woolen thread. Tie the thread in a knot, and cut the ends of the thread and burn. Wear the amulet under your clothes so that it touches your skin.

If you meet with an energy vampire, then pretty soon you will understand this. Usually, after communicating with such people, there is a general weakness and depression. Of course, there are ways to help avoid or minimize the effects of an energy vampire.

What is energy vampirism, signs of an energy vampire

To understand what energy vampirism is, you should familiarize yourself with its main features:

1) Loss of balance. It is the loss of balance that a person most often feels when talking with an energy vampire. Such an energy consumer loves to pester others with long conversations, various clarifying questions, and so on, until the person finally starts to lose his temper and get annoyed. Even seeing that the interlocutor has long been tired of talking and exhausted, such a "bloodsucker" will ignore this fact.

2) Empty chatter. An energy vampire has a positive attitude towards long and "empty" conversations. It is not difficult to recognize such a person. If someone tells you about their troubles with an endless stream of information, and at the same time it is difficult for you to insert at least a word, then you have a clear energy vampire in front of you. As a rule, it is quite difficult to interrupt or round off a conversation with such a person if he himself does not want it.

3) Emphasis on the negative. Such people like to retell the details of some terrible accidents, deaths and other terrible phenomena. With particular enthusiasm, they begin to talk about the details of some unpleasant event, not taking into account the fact that it may be unpleasant for someone. They seem to "feed" on other people's fears and suffering. As a rule, after such conversations, a gloomy mood is provided.

4) dependent situations. Energy vampires like to create situations in which a person feels dependent on them. They like to keep someone in the dark. It can be about many aspects. For example, a person promised to lend you a certain thing that day, but does not get in touch until the last, knowing that you have no one else to ask and you were counting on him. Or you need to arrange a meeting with this person, but he cannot decide on the place and time for a long time, forcing you to return to this topic again and again. In general, there can be a lot of such dependent situations. It is important for an energy vampire to exhaust you with a long wait.

5) Image. Often, people who did not have time to feel the impact of an energy vampire can give him rather flattering characteristics - honest, open, frank. Only later does it become clear that this openness has no reasonable limits.

6) Direct contact. Energy vampires are very fond of close contact with the interlocutor. He can take your hand, periodically clap on the shoulder. Sometimes from the outside it may seem like he is trying to keep you.

7) Irritation. The most obvious sign. After communicating with an energy vampire, a person most often feels irritation and weakness, as well as regret about the time spent.

Types of energy vampires

In general, there are two types of vampires. So let's get to know them!

Solar vampires

It means people who always try to be in the spotlight. Scandals are a natural thing for them. Often they deliberately provoke others into a conflict, and subsequently seem to feed on other people's emotions. It does not matter to such people who will give them energy - acquaintances or strangers. You could easily observe such personalities in society - in shops, buses, various queues. As a rule, these people are choleric.

Lunar Vampires

Such vampires do not manifest themselves too clearly, but their influence is not diminished by this. Usually they are secretive and immersed in themselves, however, streams of negativity constantly emanate from them. They are focused on their own or other people's troubles, most of their conversations are reduced to unpleasant topics. They like to complain about their troubles and generally make pessimistic forecasts.

How to behave and how to communicate with an energy vampire, if it is unavoidable

If you unwittingly periodically have to deal with an energy vampire, then there are ways in which you can protect yourself from the influence of such a person.

How to protect yourself:

1) If possible, try to avoid long conversations with such people. Refer to being busy and the like, but don't let the vampire influence you with his long talk.

2) Try to stand or sit in a “closed” position when communicating with him. Cross your legs or cross your arms over your chest.

3) Do not succumb to various provocations - do not get drawn into the conflict and get annoyed. Try to stay as calm as possible.

4) Try not to make direct eye contact. If the energy vampire is trying in every way to catch your eye, take your head to the side or look at a point behind the object of irritation.

5) If possible, carry a talisman-amulet or pectoral cross with you.

6) Imagine there is a wall between you and the energy vampire that will not allow him to get close to you.

7) Confuse him with a sudden change in conversation.

8) Try not to think about what he says to you, especially if the topic is unpleasant for you. Just wait out this flow of information.

9) When you finish talking, try to find an opportunity to wash your hands immediately afterwards.

10) Replenish the balance of spent energy. Treat yourself to some sweets or small purchases.

How to deal with energy vampires

At work, when the vampire is the boss or colleague

As with any other vampire, it's best to keep all contact to a minimum. If it does not depend on you, and from time to time you are still forced to communicate with this person, then try to remain calm as much as possible and not succumb to provocations. If a person says something for a long time and boringly, mentally separate yourself from him with a wall, and think about a topic that causes bright thoughts in you.

In a family where the vampire is a husband, mother, child, mother-in-law, or distant relative

This case is more difficult and unpleasant, because, most often, we have no choice, and we unwittingly communicate with a person who feeds on our energy.

However, there is a way out of this situation:

  • According to scientists, an energy vampire can draw strength not only from other people, but also due to proximity to nature. If in your case this is an effective option, then try to relax in nature with family members as often as possible. This will positively affect not only the well-being of the energy vampire, but also add positive emotions to the whole family.
  • An energy vampire can be "neutralized" with positive emotions. Please your loved one more often, and this will have a better effect on your relationship.
  • Redirect his energy in a different direction. If a person has a hobby or some serious passion, he will be able to draw strength from there.
  • If you feel that despite all the tricks, a family member still launched his attack, in no case do not give in to his provocation. It is better to leave him in another room or even go for a walk.

How to destroy an energy vampire

Eliminate the influence of the "solar" vampire

Remember that such vampires usually feed on your panic, resentment, fears, tears. The described vampires are very fond of starting scandals, and you can always expect a very unpredictable reaction from them. Communication with "solar" vampires can take place as if on a powder keg.

The first rule when dealing with them is not to succumb to provocations! Emotions are what they expect from you, what they need to eat in order to feel normal and empty you. No matter how the person provokes you, do not answer him in the same spirit, do not allow mutual abuse. If possible, try to leave the room - this will remove you from the negative impact. When you are at some distance from the energy vampire, being out of his field of vision, he cannot harm you.

It is also worth paying attention to the power of laughter - this is a kind of "antidote". The vampire wants you to feel crushed and oppressed after his screams, but you should do something completely different! Just smile! It will surely discourage him. It is possible, of course, that such a move will inflame him even more, but another thing is important - stay in a positive mood, and your opponent will be left with nothing. He will only make it worse for himself - by wasting energy and not getting the opportunity to stock up on a new one at your expense.

Eliminate the influence of the "lunar" vampire

These representatives of vampirism have significant differences from the previous ones, and perhaps the most important of them is that they are unable to get energy from their victim "in one fell swoop." They have to work harder to achieve their goal. From the main method - endless complaints, discussion of painful and unpleasant topics, focusing on the negative. “Crying into a vest”, they shift their condition onto you - as a result, you feel overwhelmed and tired. Your interlocutor feels relieved after his complaints, and this is noticeable to the naked eye, while you are immersed in gloomy thoughts.

As in the previous case, let us once again draw your attention to the need to avoid provocations, not to succumb to them. First of all, stop feeling sorry for your interlocutor, plunging into his negativity. In response to his displeasure, tell about something good that happened to you recently or what you watched from the side. In general, add positivity to your conversation, it will have a depressing effect on the vampire.

You can do it differently - as if to adopt his manner of communication, having the same effect on him that he has on you. Does the person complain about their suffering? In response, begin with no less zeal to talk about your own troubles and troubles, as if calling for pity on you. This will puzzle the "lunar" vampire.

Limit contact with this person as much as possible. If you can't do this completely, then just ignore his words by thinking about something else and switching the subject. Without getting the desired reaction from you, the vampire will quickly lose interest in your person. If there is at least some opportunity to interrupt communication (distant relative, girlfriend), then it is better not to sacrifice yourself and exclude communication.

How to shut out negativity in your own home

Make a charm with your own hands

Home charms can be a very effective defense against energy vampirism. It is important that in your interior, as often as possible, there is an image of circles. They can be on wallpaper, paintings, tablecloths or curtains. It will be great if you embroider a few circles yourself with a scarlet thread. You can do this on bed linen or other fabric at home.

Amulets or runes will help resist evil

Runes are called the most ancient symbols - our ancestors used them in order to enhance certain qualities, as well as for protection. You can also protect yourself from energy vampires with them - by buying or doing it yourself. There are many techniques on the Web for creating amulets using runes. Choose the most suitable master class for you, and get down to business.

A conspiracy or prayer from vampirism will help to protect yourself

Prayers can also be a good help in the fight against energy vampirism. If you cannot remember them, then it is better to write them down on a piece of paper and read them before meeting with an unpleasant person or immediately after it. There are also many rituals on the Web that help fight this difficult phenomenon.

Which stone serves as reliable protection

It is best for you to pay attention to the stone that corresponds to your zodiac sign - this is your talisman, and it will protect not only from the energy vampire, but also from many other things.

Is it possible to help a person at a distance by putting energy protection

Do not neglect energy protection, which can protect you and your loved ones, helping you stay in the states that are most comfortable for you. If you treat this matter carelessly, then you can spend a lot of effort on recovering. As you know, interaction with an energy vampire can threaten not only despondency and mood swings, but also various ailments.

It is important to understand that energy protection is very important and is not a myth - it is a necessity for many people. Surely, you yourself have noticed that some people around you are very susceptible to the negative influence of other people, but there are those who do not seem to notice it. More often than not, it's about energy security. If you want to stay in harmony with yourself, exclude nervous breakdowns and illnesses that can be provoked by people who feed on other people's energy, then pay attention to the following methods of protection.

In this way, you can protect not only yourself, but also a loved one, even if he is at some distance from you. So, what gives such protection? First of all, it is safety even with the active influence of ill-wishers. Of course, protection will have a greater effect on people who themselves will make efforts in order not to succumb to other people's tricks. To do this, you should try to remain calm in any stressful situations.

This refers to the training of personal qualities, now we will talk a little about something else:

1) You can recommend the first exercise to a loved one or perform it for your own protection. Every day after you take a shower, imagine that you are in the middle of a golden pyramid, as if under its dome. It becomes a shell for you to some extent, protecting you from any negativity. In your imagination, the pyramid should not be large, but you don’t need a small one either - “staying” in such a pyramid should be associated with comfort. Remind yourself of it sometimes, and visualize it around you throughout the day. By the way, it is important to note that mentally you can build it not only around your own body - in this way you can protect your own car.

2) If you want a loved one to be protected even at a distance, give him something made of silver. For many years, silver has been considered one of the materials that can destroy bloodsuckers. Of course, the "energy vampire" is only a metaphor, but this does not change the essence - silver will act as a powerful defender in this case as well. It is best to wear a silver cross, but jewelry such as rings or bracelets will also work.

3) If possible, purchase or order a clover-shaped pendant - such an amulet can protect against female energy vampires. Clover can be made of both silver and gold

4) Do not underestimate the power of amethyst - he will protect his owner if he has to take care of a seriously ill person, and it seems as if he is trying to take away his energy.

5) The pendant, which is made of turquoise, is able to positively influence the well-being of its owner in any negative situations.

6) Attach a pin to the wrong side of the clothes - even our ancestors believed that this could reliably protect against any negative impact.

7) Wrap woolen thread around your wrist, but do not tie a knot. This can be especially helpful when dealing with an unhealthy person.

8) Let a person dear to you be surrounded by young houseplants in considerable quantities - they will fill him with positive energy.

Everyone can protect themselves and psychologically protect themselves from a negative person.

So let's sum it up! Pay attention to general recommendations that will save you from the influence of ill-wishers:

1) No matter how difficult it is for you, try to remain calm, by all means avoiding a conflict situation.

2) Learn to let go of what you don't like. If someone's annoying monologue annoys you and takes up your time, wrap up the conversation by referring to important matters. This applies to both "live" communication and telephone conversations.

4) Pay attention to the interesting advice given by bioenergetics. Put a mirror in the inside pocket, which will be a reflective surface away from you. Thus, you will return the negative, which will be directed at you.

5) Use the power of nature. Trees can be good helpers in these cases. After standing for a while, leaning against an oak, pine or birch, or just touching them, you will feel lighter. When interacting with a tree, try to imagine how your body is filled with the necessary energy. It is advisable for these purposes to approach a separate tree.

Emotional Shield

Now the vampire theme is so fashionable that I could not ignore it.

True, in this article we will not talk about blood-sucking handsome men who grow fangs at the sight of the white neck of some charmer, but about no less dangerous creatures that live among us and thanks to us.

How to protect yourself from energy vampires- the topic of today's conversation.

Knowledge, without which it is impossible to protect yourself from energy vampires

Fortunately, only a few have a powerful gift that allows them to feed on the energy of others without resorting to any actions.

Smaller bipods need to try hard to suck on your energy flow.

Most energy vampires resort to the simplest method: evoke a strong emotion in their victim.

It can be either a negative emotion (anger, irritation, anger, resentment) or a positive one (sympathy, happiness).

Easiest protect yourself from an energy vampire- Do not give access to your emotions.

There are several classifications of these monsters.

According to the methods of influence, they are divided into:

  • unconscious - those who do not understand their own strength and stick to our energy source, not understanding their own actions;
  • conscious ones are already real demons, because they know perfectly well why and why they bring you to white heat.

Given the strength of the impact, energy vampires can be divided into:

  • elemental - act with short and rare attacks: they attacked, “ate”, retreated;
  • permanent - they eat in small portions so as not to cause much harm to a person, but they do it constantly.

“Defend yourself from energy vampires?! It's all nonsense!"...

In itself, the topic I raised is rather delicate.

I know that there are many skeptics who are sure that these same energy vampires do not exist in nature, that these are all inventions of suspicious young ladies and elderly women who invent problems for themselves.

So thought my friend Tamara, well, a very sane (I would even say, too sane) lady who believes only in what she has personally seen.

Once we argued with her on the topic of subtle matters.

Tamara convinced me that there are no people with special abilities in nature, that energy vampires are created by the imagination of people who do not want to treat their illnesses, that texts like: “ How to protect yourself from energy vampires"- a breeder of gullible suckers, etc.

The argument ended with Tamara's phrase: "Until I see it myself, I won't believe it!"

As if in punishment for the girl's skepticism, fate soon introduced her to evil spirits, in which she refused to believe.

Tamara has changed jobs.

Joining a new team is not so easy, everyone is wary of you, they study, ask questions, but keep at a certain distance.

Here, everything was different.

Already on the first day, Tamara found a friend who literally did not come off her.

It would seem that this is terrible - just a good person got caught, wanting to help the new one.

And what is it that an employee pours out all her life grievances and sorrows on a colleague? Maybe she just doesn't have any friends!

However, after a week of such close communication, Tamara began to notice that she quickly got tired, irritated over trifles, and did not sleep well.

My friend complained of headaches that hadn't bothered her before, lack of appetite and other unpleasant symptoms.

I advised her to reduce communication with a new colleague friend to a minimum.

It was not so easy to do this; even a bull terrier would envy the grip of an energy vampire.

However, as soon as Tamara, albeit quarreling, stopped communicating with her annoying colleague, her symptoms seemed to evaporate.

The girl no longer laughed at this topic.

So how do you protect yourself from an energy vampire?

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to recognize energy vampires at a glance.

They look like ordinary people.

You will understand who is in front of you when serious harm to your health has already been done.

However, there are several signs that will allow you to identify the energy vampire in time and protect yourself from it.

Take a look at which of your friends:

  • constantly trying to piss you off with his remarks or actions;
  • needs constant contact with you, although there is no special reason for this;
  • as if rolling over you with a skating rink - after talking with him you feel tired;
  • often talks about some horrors, deaths of people, cataclysms, savoring the details;
  • cannot find a common language with cats and plants;
  • starts long conversations with which it is difficult to interrupt;
  • likes to bring down the unpleasant truth on people.

10 tricks to protect yourself from energy vampires

The simplest and most effective way is to stop any communication with the person you suspect of this bad deed.

If you can’t completely remove it from your life, then you can protect yourself from energy vampires by other methods:

  1. Don't get into long conversations with them.
  2. Do not fall for provocations, do not quarrel with them, do not get annoyed even by the most stupid phrases or actions, in general -.
  3. Take a closed posture: arms crossed on the chest, legs crossed, etc.
  4. Avoid direct eye contact.
  5. Get a talisman.

    It can be a cross, a natural stone that suits your zodiac sign, a small pyramid, etc.

  6. Learn how to confuse the vampire: laugh out loud, change the subject abruptly, get up and leave, start moving something on the table, etc.
  7. Fence off the monster with an imaginary wall through which it cannot penetrate in any way.
  8. At the end of such an unpleasant communication, be sure to wash your hands or at least wipe them with a damp cloth.
  9. Do not focus on what the energy vampire says, especially if they are unpleasant things.

    Better dream about something pleasant.

    ... let it itch for itself, when it realizes that it cannot reach you, it will leave itself.

    Reward yourself for such disgusting communication with a chocolate candy, a piece of marmalade, some fruit.

    Sweets will replenish the spent energy and cheer you up.

Very interesting and informative video about

what are the types of energy vampires and how to protect yourself from them!

We watch and remember.

I hope now you know for sure how to protect yourself from energy vampires?

So do not give these creatures the slightest chance to profit at your expense.

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An energy vampire can be very dangerous for an unprepared person. Find out how to protect yourself from its effects!

“My name is Aliza, I am a practicing magician. Most often I am approached for tarot, dream interpretation, Kabbalistic gematria¹ and veterinary magic.

I must admit that I have a choleric temperament, I do not suffer from a lack of energy, and with the cosmic channel I am on a friendly footing, therefore I am a tasty morsel for energy vampires.

“All the techniques were worked out personally by me and tested on my own experience.”

How to recognize an energy vampire?

Almost each of us had to deal with such a phenomenon as energy vampirism, in particular, with unconscious energy vampirism.

Especially often, energy vampires try to attack those who are engaged in magic, healing and energy practices, since such people have a lot of energy.

If after talking with a person you feel tired, exhausted, your mood deteriorates, weakness in your legs or even dizziness appears - most likely, you have become an energy donor for an energy vampire.

Moreover, communication with such personalities does not at all imply a noisy scandal.

So, for example, at a party, an energy vampire in the form of a cute girl can sit alone with a sour look and eyes full of tears, and answer questions from others that everything is in order. At the same time, the girl will suck energy out of those who want to help.

Energy vampires feed on other people's emotions. Fear, anger, shame are their favorite treats, although not only.

Have you ever been in a situation where, after great sex, you instantly fell asleep for several hours?

And if for some reason you were not able to rest, did you feel exhausted and overwhelmed? In this case, your partner is most likely an energy vampire.

How to protect yourself from the influence of an energy vampire?

If you know that you can be easily pissed off, try to avoid conflict places and situations. You can also use magical methods - use various options for protection² and sending the negative back. You can also send damage to the offender, impose a curse or evil eye. But you should always remember that such actions come back many times stronger.

If at work the boss is an energy vampire, arranging scandals and scoldings, then it is better to change jobs. Jobs can be found, but health can't.

Therefore, if legal (for example, complaints to higher authorities and consultation with a lawyer) and magical methods do not help, start looking for another job.

What to do if the energy vampire is a loved one?

What to do in a situation when someone close to you, for example, your mother, turns out to be an energy vampire?

Such a person knows all your pain points and hits them with precision. Avoiding communication with your mother will not work, and you do not want to harm her.

Agree on everything

The first defense is to agree on everything! What you say doesn't mean that you intend to do it. One of the phrases that confuse an energy vampire is: “Yes, you are right.”

The best weapon is laughter!

The second effective way is laughter. When a person laughs, he cannot be angry. Turn the situation into a joke, joke about topics that can make you laugh, tell a joke.


Another way: imagine that there is a mirror between you that reflects all the negativity away from you.

"Changeling game"

A proven and effective way to ensure your safety is the “game of shifters”. Imagine that an energy vampire has been bewitched by an evil wizard and now he/she is saying the opposite. Thus the words: "I hate you" will sound like: "I love you." "You are a bad daughter" = "You are a wonderful daughter."

"Stick of statistics"

When meeting with an energy vampire, free your mind, think about the good. Look between the eyebrows of a person who feeds on someone else's energy and send him your love from your heart in the form of a pink ray.

The main thing is not to lose optimism. Remember that your good mood is the best defense against an energy vampire!

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Gematria is one of the three methods of "revealing the secret meaning" of a word, with the possibility of attributing letters to numbers. Widely used in Kabbalistic texts in Hebrew and Aramaic (

Energy vampires don't drink blood, don't sleep in coffins, and don't kill virgins on a full moon, but they can cause serious harm to your health.

The vampire man feeds on emotions and vitality. For him, you are just a generator from which you can “recharge”.

Is it possible to recognize them? How to protect yourself from energy vampires? And what if the “bloodsucker” turned out to be a loved one?

Vampires are perfectly disguised, they can wait for you at work, in transport, on the street and even live with you under the same roof!

Of course, they are not afraid of garlic and they also do not have fangs the size of a human finger, but there are a number of signs by which they can be recognized.

  • After communicating with such a person, you feel like an emotional ruin, joy and love of life are replaced by despondency and apathy.
  • You feel tired. It seems that nothing happened, just a normal working day in the office, but it seems that you were carrying water and an elephant (or two) was dancing a jig.
  • There is a tendency to depression and introspection. It seems that all the colors have been pumped out of life. Only grays and blacks remained.
  • Chronic illnesses may come into play. Often, after communicating with an energy vampire, people complain of a headache and increased pressure.
  • Sleep is disturbed.

Energy vampires: how to recognize and protect yourself?

Energy vampires are of three types.

1. Solar. This species is the most active. For them, scandals, quarrels and squabbles are the meaning of life.

A vampire may turn out to be a dandelion grandmother who does not want to sit in line at the clinic and screams for the whole corridor.

Or the "Blood Drinker" may be hiding under the guise of a stern colonel, chasing soldiers along the parade ground until they lose consciousness

2. Lunar. Jokingly they are also called "weepers". Not a day goes by that such a vampire does not cry about his problems and troubles.

Actually, his scheme is simple: he finds free ears - pours out negativity - and life becomes easier, more fun for him ...

Well, a person who has received such a portion of destructive emotions, then collects himself piece by piece.

3. Planetary. They love to bring the victim to white heat, but they do it on the sly. Envy, slander, lies - they do not disdain any means.

They take pleasure in the suffering of others by taking the position of observers.

Their main weapon is the discussion of catastrophes and personal tragedies. The stronger the listener's emotions, the better for the vampire.

Can you protect yourself from vampirism?

Yes, but first the vampire must be identified. They don't have "Warning, I'm a Pest" markings or identification marks, but you can trust your instincts.

If the interlocutor causes you unreasonable irritation, and the inner voice repeats: “Danger!” - you should listen to him.

Do you feel that even after a short conversation with a person, a feeling of fatigue and apathy appears? – So, you are another emotional donor.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire?

Emotions. Vampires unceremoniously invade our personal space, they are attracted to your inner strength and emotionality.

If you notice that an unfamiliar colleague has come to visit often with his endless problems, or the boss is increasingly calling you “on the carpet” for no particular reason, you need to defend yourself.

Of course, you cannot beat a vampire on his field, but you can deprive him of a source of joy - emotions.

It is difficult to feed on a donor who remains calm and balanced in any situation.

Learn to block your emotions and not succumb to provocations.

visual contact. Bioenergy experts believe that the eyes are not just a mirror of the soul, they are one of the most important ways of energy metabolism.

That's why you shouldn't maintain direct eye contact with an unpleasant interlocutor.

Not only are communication channels open, but also your emotions are in full view: the pupils reflect fear, self-doubt, and pity ...

Walk away from the conversation. Of course, following the rules of good taste. You don't have to proudly turn around and slam the door, just tell your sticky friend, "Sorry, I'm in a hurry, we'll talk about this later."

Siege an annoying fellow traveler: "I'm not ready to discuss this topic with you."

Learn to say "no". Many energy vampires are talented manipulators.

They play on your heart like on the strings of a violin, awakening pity, compassion, pain, aggression, passion at the right moment...

In emotions, they bask, as in the warm rays of the sun, depleting the internal reserves of your body.

Learn to say "no" to people who constantly want to put the bag of their problems on your shoulders. They do not need help as such, only emotional nourishment.

Surprise. Imagine the situation: you are standing in a long line into which a woman begins to squeeze.

And not silently, but stepping on your feet and cursing subtly. She has a desire to quarrel with someone and throw out anger on her face.

Learn to act outside the box: make fun of her or just ignore her, but do not be led by emotions and do not rush to teach the “impudent” a lesson, because that is exactly what she is trying to achieve!

Detachment. There are situations when it is impossible to change the subject or leave the conversation. Suppose you have an unbalanced boss who starts every Monday meeting with curses and stormy lectures ..

It’s just that he has a way of “feeding”: fear, resentment and aggression of his subordinates. Your option is not to climb on the rampage and step back.

Learn meditation techniques, try to clear your mind of unpleasant emotions. Imagine that you are in a bubble that no negativity can penetrate - this is your mind's barrier to vampirism.

Some advise wearing amulets: mirrors, pins, pectoral crosses, a red thread around the wrist ... Very dubious protection from vampires.

After all, if you do not learn to control yourself and avoid unpleasant people, you will remain a convenient donor.

What to do if a loved one turned out to be a vampire?

It is definitely not necessary to pour holy water on him and drive an aspen stake into his chest. Start by analyzing the situation.

How often does a husband (wife, friend) complain about difficulties and problems? Asking for advice? Looking for tactile contact?

Each time you sincerely worry about him and pay for your feelings with vitality.

Try to shift the conversation in a different direction more often, act more rationally, and not just stroke the head and feel sorry.

You can renew energy in other ways:

  • a change of scenery;
  • romantic evenings and picnics;
  • physical exercise;
  • interesting hobby.

This is a kind of energy doping, which people so lack in everyday life.

Summing up

Effective ways to protect against vampires:

  • minimize communication;
  • do not be led by emotions;
  • move away from an unpleasant topic of conversation;
  • disengage from what is happening.

Then the vampire will have nothing to profit from! Have you met energy vampires?
