How to make pipe decorations. Bright holidays, or what to do with the baby on New Year's holidays: crafts from cocktail tubes

Every year, millions of entertainment establishments throw away a myriad of plastic straws for cocktails, thereby polluting our planet and putting the environment at great risk. An ecological catastrophe is approaching us by leaps and bounds.

But you can do your bit to save the environment, especially since you can make a lot of amusing gizmos from them. And if you start making them with your child, then these will be my favorite toys even better than store bought! There will be no limit to your child's happiness. And at the same time, your wallet will not suffer much!

With the help of banal juice tubes, you can teach your child the basics of geometry. After all, from these drinking sticks you can create so many geometric shapes!

Workflow for beginners step by step:

  1. Let's start with the pyramid. We need to fold the short part along, and then mount it into the long part.
  2. Blind the two resulting triangles in two places with transparent tape.
  3. In the same way, we add other triangles to them.
  4. We get a tetrahedron (a regular pyramid of four triangles).

The principle of constructing other geometric shapes is identical. You can make a square, rhombus, pentagon and other geometric shapes.

With the help of tubes, you can update and add color to a children's bicycle by decorating its spokes..

  1. Cut them lengthwise.
  2. Then cut into 2 cm pieces.
  3. Put on the spokes of a bicycle.

Flowers from cocktail tubes


We need tubes of different colors. Cut them at a 45 degree angle.

Our asters are ready. We can make leaflets from colored paper.

Floral craft made from straws and colored paper. Master Class.

  • Cut out flower blanks from colored paper, 4 pieces of different diameters.
  • String them on a straw, from largest to smallest.
  • Cut the top of the straw in a circle into small strips.

Make some of these flowers. Our craft is ready!

Dandelion do-it-yourself: master class

Now you will learn how to dandelion made of colored paper and cocktail tubes. We will need:

  • glue stick;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors.


Tube vase

  1. Cut the tubules in half for the stability of our vase.
  2. Fasten with a rubber band.
  3. Glue the base onto a plastic plate.
  4. We decorate with ribbons, bows at your discretion.

That's all! Easy and simple to make flowers and a vase for them. And all this is “cheap and cheerful”, but at the same time it is insanely cute, and they brought joy to the children.

Do-it-yourself origami sun from colored paper and plastic tubes: a master class

Let's build origami sun with our little ones and give everyone warmth.

  1. Cut out squares from colored paper.
  2. Fold the square in half and unfold.
  3. Bend the top and bottom corners to the middle of the fold.
  4. We get a rhombus by bending the lower corners again.
  5. Put the rhombus like a tie and bend the end of the tie.
  6. They folded it like a book so that the small triangle was on top.
  7. We do the rest of the “sun rays” in the same way and insert one into one until a circle is formed.

You can stick such a sun on the wall, and you will always have sunny weather in your house! Give a smile to your kids! Be sure to make such a "sun" with them!

By the way, a note to moms. Tubes can be used as curlers and get great curls!

Application "Sun from children's hands"

To make this craft we need:

  • circle the child's palm and cut out.

We will need about 20 palms of different colors. These will be our "rays".

  • cut out a circle from colored yellow paper and draw eyes, mouth and nose for our sun.
  • lay out the palms in a circle, and then in the form of rays, glue.
  • glue our face.

Here is such a wonderful sun we got in the end!

The morning of January 1 ... The guests dispersed, everything is put in its place, and the kid in the kitchen enthusiastically goes through the bright cocktail tubes left from the holiday - pink, green, yellow ... If there are quite a lot of them left after the holiday, and the child likes them so much, you can “color » your joint vacation is to make colorful crafts from such tubes. It's both a fun, addictive game, an educational activity (remember, there's a creative exercise to come up with as many uses for a simple object as possible?), and a great way to make a useful thing out of unnecessary material. And after the holidays, the kid will have something to brag to his classmates at school.

You will say: but what can be done from simple tubes? The options are huge! Look around and you will surely find a lot of things that can be "colored" in such an amazing way. Perhaps you have a boring glass tumbler at home that is the last of an old set? From it you can make such a pretty vase.

We decorate a vase

To do this, you need to cut off a long straight part from the tubes (to a corrugated bend; don’t throw away what remains - it will come in handy for us too!) Wash, dry and degrease the glass, if you wish, you can cover it with acrylic paint - then the finished craft will look brighter. Cut the tubes to the height of the glass and glue to its surface with a glue gun. When the glue dries, near the base of the vase, tie a ribbon to match the color of the tubes you have chosen and tie with a small bow. The vase is ready!

New Year's toys, candles and crackers ...

If the holiday has not yet arrived, and you are already reading this article, take another idea into service: making Christmas tree decorations from straws.

Cut the straw into small pieces, 4-5 mm each. We draw our future decoration on paper, and then with the help of glue we assemble it according to the pattern from the tubes. Choose a glue that dries quickly. The result is inexpensive and bright Christmas decorations that can be used to decorate windows or a yard.

...and not toys.

Do you want to do something more serious? How do you like the idea - such a fluffy colored lampshade?

It will take about two hundred straws on it, which, with the help of transparent glue, must be glued to the glass ceiling. And from bright pieces of colored straw, according to the same principle, you can make such a small lamp-cube. With it, your baby will not be afraid of the dark! Yes, and an adult will be delighted with such a creative bright gift.

Don't want to struggle with small pieces? You can glue long straws vertically - it will turn out no less beautiful.

You can decorate the door of your house for the New Year with such a New Year's wreath. Using a glue gun, glue straws of different lengths with a “sun” on a small cardboard circle and decorate with a bright bow.

Not only a decoration, but also a useful thing can be a fruit stand. For this you need:

  1. String the required number of straws on a nylon thread, fasten the other, unsewn edge with adhesive tape and cut the tubes obliquely, starting from a length of 3 cm, and then longer and longer until you reach the full length of the straw.
  2. Pass the thread through the cut edge too, putting beads and glass beads between the straws.
  3. Then pull off the edge to get the shape of a snail, and fasten the ends of the thread with beads, pull the thread on the other side too. A useful decoration is ready!

To get a perfectly flat stand, try to string the straws on the thread exactly in the center. You can use a different number of straws, then the stand will turn out more or less. The main thing is to keep the proportion in the ratio of the length of the straws.

Straws for cocktails are frequent guests of holidays, parties or country trips. Well, those who have children often use them at home, even in everyday life. Did you know that you can make a lot of interesting crafts out of these plastic cocktail tubes with your own hands? We have prepared an excellent collection of ideas for you. We hope this inspires you to be creative.

Very often, we are forced to take straws for cocktails not in 5-10 pieces, as we need, but in huge packages. Then they interfere in the closet, but it's a pity to throw them away. If you are familiar with this problem, you should like these master classes on working with plastic straws. However, it is likely that the opposite will happen: you will be so inspired by these crafts that you will immediately go to the supermarket for the necessary “portion” of straws.

In this collection you will find accessories of varying degrees of complexity. Even children can make some of this (by the way, here you can get ideas for crafts for school). And somewhere, cocktail straws are involved in the creation of very difficult crafts. However, all this is only at first glance - in fact, you will quickly figure it out.

So, let's go to study the stocks of straws, get inspired, create!

decorative star

Such a star made of plastic tubes can be an excellent decoration for a holiday or in a nursery. Also, this craft can be used as a festive table decor.

To make this DIY decoration, you will need 20 or more cocktail straws. Connect the two together first. Then three, four, five - increase the total mass of one tube on each side.

It is most convenient to collect straws on superglue, flattening them in the middle. However, if you wish, you can simply sew them.

To more securely fix the structure, drag the center with thread, fishing line or wire. You can add a beautiful ribbon to the craft to hang our star.


It would seem that only little girls should like bracelets made of plastic tubes. Painfully simple material is used to create them. In fact, older girls also willingly wear such jewelry. It all depends on how to make a bracelet and which tubes to choose for this. Additional decor also plays a serious role.

Take a look at the photo: here are some great ideas.

The top bracelets are made of tubes that have been ironed through a thick layer of fabric. If your straws are not too hard, you can simply crush them with your hands. Insert a thin wire into the center of each tube. Make several single bracelets, and then drag them between each other with another tube. We fix it with wire. Add ribbons, beads or any other decor.

In the lower right corner is a bracelet, which is assembled from tubules cut into "beads". Just take a straw and cut it into equal pieces. Collect them on a thread, braid or wire.

The last bracelet is made of twisted tubules. Cut the straw into pieces of 3-4 cm, flatten, insert the wire inside and twist as much as possible. At the same time, make sure that the wire inside does not break. Then the rings need to be assembled on a base of braid, wire or elastic. Beads can be made in the same way.

Christmas decorations

Strictly speaking, this is not only a Christmas toy, because it can be hung in a children's room or used as a decor for a party. Even in an ordinary room, such geometric shapes from cocktail straws will look very cool. Their minimalistic design is very interesting.

To make such decorations, we need at least 6 tubes. If they are with a “spring”, then you will have to take more, because it will not look very appropriate. Cut off the excess parts so that we get 4 identical parts. We collect a square on a fishing line, wire or thread.

The side faces can be made the same or an unusual shape can be made by cutting the tubes with an offset. You can hang such decorations on a regular thread, since the straws are quite light.

By the same principle, you can assemble the most beautiful geometric designs from plastic tubes for juice. To make them heavier, insert the wire inside.


This simple wreath would make a great Christmas decoration or just a child's room decor.

We need a standard package of plastic tubes (can be replaced with paper ones), cardboard, compasses and glue. Using a compass, cut out circles on cardboard. If it's thin, make it double or even triple.

Then we glue a layer of tubes around the entire perimeter of the circle on one side. The length of the straws must be changed constantly - alternate short with long. Then repeat the same on the other side. We glue all the tubes with superglue.

Decorate the craft with a bow or something else. If you are making a wreath for the New Year, choose red or green straws for cocktails, add tinsel or festive balls.

By the way, you can stick this wreath on an old alarm clock or dial - you get a great clock decor!


If you have a child of school age, offer him this idea. With the help of plastic straws, he can create a very nice craft for school with his own hands.

We will need a package of colored tubes, cardboard, pencils, glue, any decor.

The juice tubes need to be ironed along the entire length in order to flatten them. Draw a butterfly outline on the cardboard (or use stencils). Place a vertical tube in the center. And around it, form wings from scraps.

From the "springs" you can make interesting voluminous flowers, and decorate the craft itself with stickers, rhinestones or something else.


This craft made from cocktail straws seems very simple, but in fact, you can make it with your own hands very simply - there are no tricks. The main condition is the presence of an old unnecessary floor lamp made of fabric.

To make an original lamp out of plastic tubes, you will need 2-3 packs of 100 straws. The process will be laborious, slow, but easy to perform.

It is possible that you will need to take a thin wire. It depends on how dense the fabric is in your floor lamp.

The principle of operation is simple. You need to bend each tube in half, flatten it well in the center, and then stick the ends into the fabric on the floor lamp from the inside. If you pre-install the wire, the design will come out more dense and reliable. Plastic straws should be inserted so tightly that there are no gaps between them at all. If the fabric does not pierce, use an awl.

The inside of the floor lamp can be additionally glued with a piece of fabric to close all the folds. Just remember that you can not leave the tubes sticking out inside, as they will melt from the lamp.

Photo frame

Another simple craft made from plastic or paper straws for a cocktail is a homemade photo frame. Here everything is limited only by your imagination - create to your taste.

You can make a simple cardboard frame and decorate it with vertical tubes, cutting them clearly to the size of the accessory. Or leave the straws uneven and sticking out in different directions.

You can also cut two tubes lengthwise and clamp a photo between them. In the center, place a beautiful thread and additional weighting in the form of a transverse straw. You will get a light hanging photo in a beautiful frame.

The easiest option is to decorate the finished frame with tubes.

We hope that you liked this collection of ideas, and you are ready to make your own unusual crafts from cocktail tubes. Choose something from what is offered here or create something unique.

We advise you to look into our workshops on weaving baskets from newspaper tubes. Just replace them with plastic straws, repeating all the steps described in the lessons. You will get a great craft, which will be very durable, bright, beautiful and comfortable.

Working with straws for juice is also very cool because this material is available, and spoiling it (if it suddenly happens) is not a pity. So you can train as much as you want to achieve the perfect result. Create with pleasure!

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