What kind of contractions should there be? Labor time

Exactly The third trimester is the most exciting. The expectant mother is worried about many questions related to the birth of her baby. Undoubtedly, the first place in this ranking is occupied by how contractions begin, how to distinguish them from training contractions and what to do.

It is especially difficult for those women who are preparing to become mothers for the first time in their lives. There is no need to be afraid of this natural process, but it’s worth studying the question, and besides, there is special techniques, allowing relief during contractions.

What are contractions and why do they appear before childbirth?

Contractions are involuntary rhythmic contractions of the uterus, whose task is to expel the fetus. Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, the cervix is ​​tightly closed. Before birth, when the baby is ready to be born, it begins to open. This happens precisely due to contractions.

This process has 3 phases:

  • Initial (latent). Lasts up to 8 hours. Contractions last approximately 30-40 seconds, and the interval between them is 4-5 minutes. Cervical dilatation up to 3 cm.
  • Active. The duration of the contraction is about 1 minute, and the interval is reduced to 2-3 minutes. The cervix dilates another 3-4 cm.
  • Transitional. The interval between contractions is reduced to 1 minute, the period of contractions lasts on average 1.5 minutes, and the dilatation of the cervix is ​​8-10 cm.

If the birth is not the first, then the duration of each phase is significantly reduced.

What does it feel like when contractions start?

According to the first sensations of contraction may resemble menstrual pain. However painful sensations here they are of a short-term nature, and after a few minutes they appear again. Over time the pain intensifies. It develops into a sharp sensation, and there is a sensation of grasping that starts from the lower back and moves to the lower abdomen.

How to recognize contractions before childbirth and not confuse them with Braxton Higgs contractions

Already in the second trimester, many women may experience Braxton Higgs contractions. They prepare the body for the upcoming birth. You can feel them after long walk or physical effort. Here In what ways do they differ:

  • false contractions are not regular;
  • they cause virtually no discomfort and are painless;
  • do not become more intense;
  • intervals between them can be up to 30 minutes.

Labor contractions begin with mild pain, accompanied by abdominal tension. Their main feature is their cyclical nature: the pain increases, then weakens and stops altogether, and after a few minutes everything repeats. At the same time, the intervals become shorter each time.

True contractions may be accompanied by mucous discharge mixed with blood: This is how the plug that protected the entrance to the uterus from infections begins to come off. However heavy bleeding not permissible and in this case it is necessary to urgently seek medical help.

In order not to get confused in sensations and to distinguish real contractions from false ones, pay attention to the following signs:

  • increasing pain with each contraction;
  • regularity of appearance;
  • reducing the time between contractions.

What to do if contractions start

First thing you need to calm down and accept comfortable position. You should also try to discard anxious thoughts, take a pen and piece of paper and record the time intervals between contractions and their duration.

If the interval between contractions is more than 20 minutes, there is still time before the baby is born. You can have time to take a warm shower and pack your bag. At intervals between contractions in less than 5 minutes you need to urgently go to the maternity hospital.

How severe is the pain during contractions?

It is difficult to say how painful it will be for you before giving birth. Every woman has her own pain threshold. The psychological attitude also plays a significant role: if you are positive and think not about the next contraction, but about the imminent meeting with the baby, then the pain will be less acute.

How to ease contractions

Contractions are a natural process and cannot be influenced. However, simple steps will help

reduce pain:

  • Relax. When the muscles are tense, it interferes with the natural process, and therefore the pain intensifies. Try to get rid of your anxiety and you will immediately feel a little relief. If you can't, you can try to sleep.
  • Correct breathing. Your baby needs oxygen now. In addition, it helps to relax the abdominal muscles.
  • Take a comfortable position. Find a position where the pain will be less pronounced. As a rule, this is a pose on all fours or knees. You can also jump on a gymnastic ball.
  • Lumbar massage- another way to alleviate the condition.
  • Take a warm bath or shower.
There are also safe ways to induce contractions, if the baby stays too long:
  • move more and stay in vertical position;
  • sex (male sperm helps soften the cervix, and orgasm causes uterine contractions);
  • massage of the nipples of the breast (the hormone oxytocin is released, causing uterine contractions);


A short video will help you understand and imagine the process of contractions even better. The specialist will tell you how to recognize and what to do immediately after their appearance.

Pregnant women are most afraid of contractions, especially those who have not given birth before and only know about contractions from the stories of “experienced” women. And what do women in labor usually tell about this phenomenon (or, most likely, what do all pregnant women willingly and undeniably believe in)? Firstly, contractions are the beginning of labor - and this is a correct statement (although not completely, since there are so-called “false contractions”). Secondly, almost all women in labor remember the incredible pain during labor (although in fact few people remember this pain, since it is forgotten and it is impossible to compare it with anything) and most importantly, all pregnant women are in the last trimester of pregnancy ( or even much earlier!”) expect painful contractions. And try to tell them that your contractions were almost painless and that in fact not everything is so scary - they will never believe it. Moreover, already at the beginning of pregnancy they will agree with the doctor about labor pain relief.

Fortunately, there are few such pessimists, and most expectant mothers still expect “tolerable” pain, although they fear the contractions before childbirth. Ignorance is always scary, and, as a rule, contractions certainly do not come of our own free will (unless, of course, we resort to inducing labor). So how do these contractions begin? How not to lose sight of them? And what actually lies in this “terrible word”?

What does it feel like when contractions start?

Contractions are called contractions because they cause a feeling of grasping, sharp compression. When it comes to the upcoming birth, cramping sensations naturally occur in the hip joints.

In fact, contractions are a very complex “biochemical process”, since they involve the baby’s pituitary gland and the placenta itself, which begin to produce special substances, which in turn contribute to the opening of the cervix, which is accompanied by contractions.

During contractions, the uterus contracts, its muscle fibers thicken and shorten, which helps open the cervix to the extent that the baby's head can squeeze through it. Full disclosure fixed when the cervix is ​​dilated by 12 cm, and the intrauterine pressure also increases, resulting in rupture amniotic sac- and leave amniotic fluid.

How to know if contractions have started

When can a pregnant woman expect contractions? We've all heard about the threats premature birth, which also begin with contractions, but along with these signs of impending labor, the woman also detects other symptoms. In any case, cramping pain requires the expectant mother to special attention. Practice shows that the contractions themselves and the sensations during them are different for all women. Even false contractions, which doctors love to talk about, are not noticed by all pregnant women. Moreover, the expectant mother can only find out about real labor pains when she has a desire to push. We have also heard about rapid labor, when contractions can no longer be confused with anything.

Ideally, everything happens something like this: starting from the 20th week of pregnancy, the body begins to “rehearse” the upcoming birth by contracting the muscles of the uterus. The woman feels that something is wrong with the uterus: it turns to stone and relaxes with chaotic frequency. So, a woman can “grab” for a whole minute, then the pain subsides and disappears without a trace, and soon resumes, but the regularity of such contractions cannot be noted. We are talking about false contractions - harbingers of the upcoming birth. But not all women experience this condition, and their labor begins on time with real contractions.

How to recognize them? Again, ideally, the first contractions go unnoticed by the woman, except that very little discomfort is felt in the abdomen or lower back, and a strong premonition that childbirth is about to take place (it’s difficult for women’s intuition to find an explanation, but almost every woman subconsciously knows : it's time!).

Gradually, the second, active, phase of contractions begins, when they occur at a precise interval, which is shortened all the time: cramping attacks are repeated more and more often, last longer, not only the frequency and duration increases, but also the degree of pain. This goes on until one contraction lasts more than two minutes, and the second occurs after 60 seconds. At this time, you should already be in the maternity hospital, because in 30-40 minutes the birth itself will begin. The last stage of contractions is the most painful, as the woman has an overwhelming feeling of going big. But if the uterus is not open, she will have to hold back her efforts so as not to harm herself and the baby.

What to do if contractions start

When the first contractions begin, you should stop any activities and try to rest. Many people find it helpful to walk around the room; others sit down and stand up. As soon as the contractions intensify and begin to repeat more often, immediately go to the maternity hospital. Particularly suspicious people may go to the hospital earlier.

Don't worry about anything: the doctor delivering the baby knows exactly what to do and when. If it’s too early to push, he will certainly notify you about it.

The main thing now is to relax as much as possible. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, try to let go of all worries and fears. Panic will not lead to anything good, and, strictly speaking, there is nothing to be afraid of. The birth you've been waiting for so long begins. There are only a few hours left before meeting the baby. Can you help him overcome not an easy path into this world, now depends on you. Breathe evenly and deeply, trying to relax and “let go” of the pain. Excessive tension in the muscles will increase pain, and therefore it is important to relax them as much as possible now.

Listen to your body, remember breathing techniques during labor - use them as you go. different periods birth process. Shallow “dog” breathing will help restore strength and not harm the child between attempts. At the doctor's command, slowly dial full breasts air so that in the next minute you can push productively.

Think about the baby, you just need to calm down, tune in to a productive birth and listen carefully to the instructions of the medical staff.

Is the pain during contractions terrible?

So we ourselves scared you by describing the “most painful” last stage of labor. I myself was waiting for it and was afraid of it more than the birth itself, but I was never able to understand why women in labor were crying and screaming so much, because it turned out that the pain was tolerable, moreover, even pleasant. You may not believe it, but the pain during contractions was quenched by the thought that this is how one is born little man, my little blood.

It turns out that my feelings were scientifically confirmed. In fact, labor pain is not hidden in the uterus, since its contraction is a natural process, which means that pain receptors (and there are very few of them in the muscles of the uterus) do not give a signal to the brain about any violations (the meaning of any pain is precisely consists in “notifying” the body of “problems”). But the real feeling of pain arises in the muscles that surround the uterus, and in order to overcome it, it is only important to learn to control their relaxation, since muscle tension interferes with the normal physiological course of labor. Moreover, fear, anxiety and worry aggravate muscle tension. Hence the simple conclusion: a pregnant woman who is afraid of childbirth experiences great pain from the first contractions. But many women do not even know what labor pain and pain during contractions are, so learn to properly tune yourself to the inevitable process - childbirth, namely, know how to relax; do not waste your energy, as you will need it during the period of expulsion of the fetus; talk to your baby; don’t try to overcome the pain, but simply take it for granted.

I think that if you consciously prepare for the process of childbirth, then you will not need information about epidurals, nitrous oxide with oxygen, promedol and other ways to relieve pain from contractions and childbirth.

If contractions don't come

As always, there is also back side medals: a woman waits for contractions, waits, but they never come, even after the pregnancy has expired. We have to stimulate them. Contractions will be artificially induced if they do not appear at 41-42 weeks of pregnancy, and the fetus is found to have any abnormalities that threaten its life. The most common methods of inducing labor: injection of Cerviprost into the cervical canal ( hormonal drug, which softens the cervix); intravenous administration of a hormonal drug (also promotes uterine contraction); opening amniotic sac(after which contractions begin).

Do not rush to “try on” the worst of yourself. Believe that everything will happen for you naturally, without pain, without complications, and most importantly - without fear. A woman ready for childbirth will immediately understand: here they are, contractions! Just a little more - and the most desired treasure will appear!

Especially for Tanya Kivezhdiy

Many primiparous women are interested in the question of how to understand that contractions have begun? Normally, labor begins with the appearance of systematic contractions at certain time intervals. However, labor may begin incorrectly, with the release of amniotic fluid rather than contractions. In such a situation, everything is clear, as soon as the water breaks, you should: calm down and not worry, get ready, notify your relatives, call ambulance or get there yourself. Everything is clear when the water breaks, but what happens when contractions occur? It is very important to know exactly how to recognize the first contractions. Let's talk about this in more detail.

First birth: how to understand that contractions have begun

Contractions are signs of labor during pregnancy. Therefore, there is an adequate question, how to understand that contractions will begin? To answer the question posed, you need to understand what contractions are and why they are needed. Contractions are the process of contraction of longitudinal smooth muscles main female organ, which provokes dilatation of the cervix.

All births are characterized by the following periods:

  • Dilatation of the cervix;
  • Expulsion of the fetus;
  • Birth of the placenta.

The period of cervical dilatation includes several phases: latent, active, and deceleration phase. The first phase is the longest. This is the time when contractions begin. Over time, they lead to smoothing of the uterine cervix and its opening. But for this you need to wait a certain period of time.

Therefore, if contractions begin, then in order to assess the process of changes in the structure of the uterine cervix, you should wait 2-3 hours.

An examination of the woman’s vagina will help to fully understand that contractions have occurred. Prenatal examinations of pregnant women help to find out the degree of dilatation of the uterine pharynx, as well as to understand whether the uterine cervix has smoothed out. CTG should be performed by an obstetrician in maternity hospital, necessarily according to strict indications. The onset of contractions is not a reason to conduct a vaginal examination. As already mentioned, the development of full labor should be monitored for several hours.

Signs of labor

The main symptom of approaching delivery is a drooping abdomen. The fact is that the child must go downstairs to prepare for his birth. If pregnancy is normal, this process will begin at 36-37 weeks. At the same time, the pregnant woman even becomes able to breathe more freely, but many experience discomfort, discomfort due to frequent trips to the toilet and the development of edema. The lower and upper extremities may swell.

This is explained by the fact that the baby, having descended, puts pressure on the paired organ/bladder, so you should not be afraid of swelling, this condition only indicates that birth is near.

Another sign of imminent delivery is a decrease in body weight. During the entire period of pregnancy, a woman gains kilograms, but suddenly realizes that she has lost a couple of kilos. There is no need to panic, this means that labor will begin soon, which is why it is so important to systematically weigh yourself and record your weight. The reduction in body weight occurs due to the fact that amniotic fluid is absorbed, and there is no need to panic. There are different signs that labor will soon begin.

One of the main signs is a change in tastes. If a pregnant woman has lost her appetite and suddenly stopped eating for pleasure, this means it’s time to go to the maternity hospital.

The approach of childbirth may also be accompanied by an increase in appetite if the woman ate moderately throughout the entire pregnancy. The second sign that allows you to determine that delivery will begin in a few days is nagging pain in the pubic area. If back and lower back pain were considered normal during pregnancy, now all the pain is coordinated in the pubic area. The fact is that for delivery it is necessary that bone softened to facilitate the process, so there is some softening of them, which is accompanied by a dull pain syndrome. You should not be afraid of such manifestations; you must: prepare to go to the maternity hospital. In addition to physiology, there are also psychological changes.

The character and mood of a pregnant woman change:

  • Then she cries;
  • Then she becomes irritable;
  • He laughs.

A woman may experience apathy and behave unusually. During gestation, this is not as noticeable as the day before delivery, so you should also pay attention to this symptom of the upcoming birth. A woman suffers from insomnia, or she may sleep for a very long time, she worries about little things, she has become aggressive or, on the contrary, indifferent to everything. There is no need to worry - this is how the birth is approaching. As soon as you give birth and see your baby, these symptoms go away, with the exception of postpartum depression.

The onset of labor: what to do

If a pregnant woman notices several of the symptoms described above, and if these signs intensify, then it’s time to give birth.

In about 7 days. But, on time last trimester you should behave carefully:

  • News healthy image life;
  • Do not lift heavy objects;
  • Rest more and walk in the fresh air.

But, light physical exercise will be useful, otherwise the pregnancy may end, that is, the baby will be born later than it should. As doctors say, this negatively affects the body of a woman and baby. It would be correct to spend 2-3 hours walking on the street, in a park area, in the garden, doing light housework - dusting, washing dishes, “tinkering” with groceries, ironing, but from washing floors on an incline or hand wash there will be no benefit.

It’s better to delegate these tasks to your beloved relatives, let your loved ones help, or you can wipe the floors with a mop with a comfortable long handle, and wash the laundry in a washing machine.

Attention! The main thing before giving birth is positive emotions that a pregnant woman should experience as often as possible so that the child feels excellent condition mothers, he should not feel any stress so that nothing frightens him before he is born. It depends on the condition of the woman emotional condition child.

How labor begins

All the harbingers of childbirth that appear in pregnant women make it clear to her that childbirth is about to occur, that she needs to be on the alert, she should prepare the necessary things that will be needed in the maternity hospital. But than time is getting closer upcoming births, those more woman worries whether she will be able to determine that labor is beginning. How not to miss the beginning?

To determine that labor has begun, you need to pay attention to obvious symptoms of a change in the pregnant woman’s condition:

  1. Adrenaline is released, her palms and feet become wet, and she begins to get very worried.
  2. IN mandatory a certain liquid is released from the reproductive organ, sometimes with blood - this is a special mucus, resembling a plug, which protected the fetus throughout the entire period of gestation. But, sometimes, when she comes out a couple of days before the birth, but usually this happens right before the birth.
  3. Contractions are coming. The first contractions are slightly painful sensations, a pain syndrome that moves from the lower abdomen to the lumbar area. If a woman does not immediately understand that she has started having contractions, there is no need to panic, the first labor can last up to 14 hours, sometimes it can be even longer, it will take time to get to the doctor. Gradually the strength and duration of contractions increase. How long does it take between contractions? Prenatals occur at intervals of approximately 5 minutes. and more and more often.
  4. You need to understand that when your water breaks, you need to prepare for childbirth. You can't hesitate. Why? The most Negative consequences. If the pregnant woman was not in the maternity hospital when her waters broke, she should record the time the waters broke, what they looked like, how many there were, and how they smelled. The obstetrician needs this data.

For multiparous women, contractions are a normal process, but primiparous women can be very worried from excitement, they may experience chills and heartburn.

Symptoms of premature birth

What is the gestation rate? Pregnancies are considered normal when the baby is carried for about 40 weeks.

You should consult a doctor if:

  1. Contractions began, which repeated every 10 minutes.
  2. A watery fluid is released, which may indicate damage to the amniotic fluid bladder.
  3. Convulsions began in lower area abdomen, similar to those that occur during menstruation.
  4. Pain syndrome developed in the lower back. The types of pain can be different.
  5. Pressure in the pelvic area.
  6. Abdominal cramps are observed.

If you notice these symptoms, regardless of your first, second, third or subsequent pregnancy, you should call a doctor. This will help avoid premature birth.

If a pregnant woman already regularly experiences contractions, gradually the interval between them becomes smaller and smaller, and the pain syndrome intensifies - then delivery is about to begin.

Childbirth is divided into 3 stages:

  1. Elementary. A pregnant woman may feel mild cramping pain, with attacks lasting no more than 45 seconds, and the interval between them is approximately 8 hours.
  2. Active. The duration of attacks increases to a minute, and the intervals become shorter - 3-5 hours.
  3. Transition. The most rapid stage of delivery, on average it lasts 30-90 minutes. The duration of uterine contractions is approximately one and a half minutes, and the interval between them is not hours, but minutes.

When contractions begin, it is important to immediately call an ambulance or quickly arrive at the maternity hospital yourself. Labor is being prepared long before the baby is born.

The beginning of labor (video)

Attention! As soon as a delay occurs, you need to do a test and visit a gynecologist. Pregnancy should be under medical supervision until the baby is born.

The last trimester of pregnancy is the most exciting period for a woman. How the birth is getting closer, the more questions arise. The most relevant ones concern how contractions begin before childbirth, what sensations arise during this process, and whether pain is felt.

It is this process that is most feared by the fair sex, whose pregnancy is their first. There's really no need to be nervous about this. With negative emotions, pain can seem very strong. The less you think about it and fear contractions, the easier the birth will be.

Yes, and there are special techniques to reduce pain during this natural process.

A woman carrying a baby under her heart can be misled by false (training) contractions. They can begin from the 20th week of pregnancy. False contractions before childbirth cause slight discomfort, but are irregular, short-lived and in most cases practically painless. Uterine tension and discomfort can be relieved by a warm bath or walking. It is important to remember that the bath temperature should be between 36 and 38 degrees.

True contractions are the main harbinger of childbirth. How are contractions before childbirth and what are they like? Every woman experiences contractions differently. It depends on the physiological characteristics pregnant and the position of the baby in the tummy. For example, some may feel weak aching pain in the lumbar region, which after a certain period of time spread to the abdomen and pelvis, encircling the woman.

Others note that the sensations during contractions are comparable to the discomfort that occurs during menstruation. The pain subsequently intensifies. During contractions it may feel like the uterus turns to stone. This can be clearly seen if you put your hand on your stomach.

All of the above symptoms may also be characteristic of false abbreviations uterus. Then how to recognize real contractions before childbirth? There are general signs of this natural process that every pregnant woman can determine that she is about to go into labor:

  • regularity of occurrence;
  • gradual increase in frequency;
  • increasing pain over time.

At first, a pregnant woman may feel contractions after a long period of time. The pain is not severe. In the future, the intervals between contractions gradually decrease, and the pain of this natural process increases.

Based common features contractions before childbirth, we can distinguish 3 phase process:

  • initial (latent, hidden);
  • active;
  • transitional.

initial stage on average lasts about 7-8 hours. The duration of the contraction can be 30-45 seconds, the interval between them is about 5 minutes. During this period, the cervix dilates by 0-3 cm.

During active phase, lasting from 3 to 5 hours, contractions can last up to 60 seconds. The frequency of contractions during childbirth is 2-4 minutes. The cervix dilates 3-7 cm.

Transition phase(deceleration phase) is the shortest. A woman can stay in it for 0.5-1.5 hours. Contractions become longer. Now they last for 70-90 seconds. The interval between contractions also becomes shorter compared to other phases. After about 0.5-1 minutes, a woman in position will feel uterine contractions. The neck of this organ dilates by 7-10 cm.

Contractions during the second birth are also divided into three phases, but the total duration of each of them is shorter than during the first birth.

What to do if contractions start?

If contractions occur, a pregnant woman should calm down, because vanity is not best helper. Preferably take a comfortable position in a chair, chair or bed and begin to record the intervals between contractions and their duration. It is advisable to record all this data. There is no need to think about what is more painful: contractions or childbirth. Fear will make the pain seem unbearable.

If contractions do not last long and the duration between them is long (20-30 minutes), then it is too early for the baby to be born. A woman has time to collect the necessary things, call an ambulance. At this time, with the help of loved ones, you can take a warm shower. When contractions occur, the intervals between which are 5-7 minutes, you already need to go to the maternity hospital.

trip to medical institution There is no point in postponing, despite the fact that the initial phase of contractions can last several hours. The amniotic fluid may recede earlier, and at this time it is advisable to be under the supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist. When your water breaks Under no circumstances should you take warm or hot bath, because this may increase the likelihood of developing infectious complications, the occurrence of bleeding, embolism, .

How to induce contractions and labor?

For many women, labor begins at 37-40 weeks. However, there are cases when pregnancy continues at 41, 42 and even 43 weeks. Representatives of the fair sex in such situations begin to worry and get nervous, because they so want to see their baby quickly, but he still doesn’t want to be born. Yes, and there are cases when the child died at this stage in the mother’s tummy, and contractions never began.

The death of a child can occur due to the fact that the placenta begins to age. The baby may no longer have enough oxygen and nutrients. How to induce contractions and childbirth is a question that worries expectant mothers who are carrying a child longer than the expected date of birth, which was calculated by the doctor.

To prevent negative consequences from occurring, contractions and childbirth can be induced. However, this decision must be made only doctor. If there are no pathologies and the amniotic fluid is clean, then there is no need to stimulate the birth process. Everything has its time. If any deviations are found, the doctor will certainly suggest stimulation of contractions and labor. There is no point in giving this up.

Contractions can also be induced independently. For example, they recommend being more upright, walking, moving, but there is no need to provoke fatigue or stress, as this will not be beneficial.

Feelings of contractions before childbirth may occur because of sex. Sperm contains prostaglandins, which prepare the cervix for childbirth by softening it. Sexual arousal, orgasm tone the body and cause uterine contractions.

You can induce contractions using nipple massage. You can start doing it from the 37th week of pregnancy. During a massage, the hormone oxytocin is released in the body, due to which the muscles of the uterus can begin to contract. Massage allows you not only to stimulate labor, but also to prepare the skin of your nipples for breastfeeding your baby.

There are also folk remedies stimulation of labor and contractions, but you should not experience them yourself. For example, certain teas and decoctions can negatively affect the health of the mother and her baby, because some herbs are contraindicated for pregnant women, as they can cause miscarriage.

How to ease contractions during childbirth?

Doctors can help a pregnant woman reduce pain during labor and childbirth using special medications. However, you should not rely on anesthesia. There is a possibility that medicine will have a negative impact on the mother and her baby.

The main way to reduce pain is correct breathing during childbirth and labor. With its help, a woman in labor can relax. When a contraction occurs, it is recommended to focus on exhaling. At this moment, it is worth imagining that pain is “leaving” the body along with the air. A woman in labor may also make “noise” during contractions and childbirth. Sighs, groans and screams will ease the condition. Proper breathing should be learned in advance and practiced more often, because childbirth is stressful, due to which all poorly memorized information can be easily forgotten.

The mother in labor can relax thanks to massage and simple gentle touches of a loved one. Contractions are the beginning of labor. It is when they occur that it is recommended to slowly massage the lower back. At this time, a woman can stand or sit on a chair, leaning on its back with her hands.

Massage of the lumbar back during childbirth is considered very effective. This is because the sacral nerve travels to the spinal cord from the uterus through the lower back. If you massage this area, the pain during contractions will be felt less. It is very good if the spouse wants to be present at the birth and help his beloved at this difficult moment.

No less important psychological attitude. Positive emotions, the thought that you will soon be able to see the baby will help reduce pain. In order to react correctly to what is happening and not worry, a woman needs to understand how childbirth proceeds and what she can feel at this time.

Between contractions no need to wait for the next contraction. This time is given to the woman for rest. When you are tensely waiting for the next contraction, you can quickly get tired.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that contractions are a natural process. All pregnant women go through this. The question of how contractions begin before childbirth worries many expectant mothers. It is worth noting that it is impossible to accurately describe all sensations, since they are individual. Some compare contractions to pain during menstruation, while others compare them to intestinal upset.

February 19, 2019

Pregnancy is an important and responsible stage in a woman’s life, because it is full of new sensations, fears, events and worries. This process is especially exciting for those who are pregnant for the first time, because everything that happens is unfamiliar and new to them. Especially often, expectant mothers worry about how to determine that contractions are starting, what sensations do you experience? There are some signs by which you can understand that the birth process will begin soon.

How do you know when contractions are starting? What sensations await a woman?

Bearing a child under your heart to the expectant mother There are a whole nine months ahead, but as soon as she learns about her delicate situation, a lot of questions arise in her head: “How does the birth process occur? How do contractions manifest themselves? What sensations accompany them? What to do if labor begins?” It happens that a woman is completely unprepared for childbirth. To prevent this from happening, you need to prepare for this event in advance and learn more about it. For example, symptoms such as increased urge to go to the toilet, prolapse of the abdomen, uterine contractions, variability in appetite and mood, and the release of a mucus plug may indicate that labor is about to begin.

Contractions are the main harbingers of labor

A distinctive feature is contractions during pregnancy; these sensations cannot be confused with anything else. With their onset, as a rule, there is a release of contractions - this is a contraction of the muscles of the uterus, while a gradual opening of the uterine pharynx occurs, which contributes to the movement of the child along the mother’s birth canal. A nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen, it is similar to painful sensations during menstruation. You can also feel how the fetus is pressing on and at the same time you can feel a tingling sensation in this area. It should be noted that the sensations during contractions are individual for each woman: some experience pain mainly in the lumbar region, for some it grows in the uterus itself, and others compare it with the pain that accompanies menstruation.

Contractions: what sensations are possible and what to do if they start

It has been noticed that the more a pregnant woman fears the onset of labor, the more painful her contractions are. Therefore, the expectant mother can be recommended to prepare for labor, study literature on the topic in advance, learn to breathe and relax correctly. In addition, today there are many special courses that prepare women for important process in their life - the birth of a baby, they tell what sensations a woman in labor experiences. So, what to do if contractions begin, and how to facilitate this process?

  • As soon as painful sensations appear, foreshadowing labor, it is better not to lie down, but to move actively, this will help the cervix to open faster, which means the duration of labor itself will be reduced.
  • You must try to find a body position in which it will be easiest for you to endure contractions, and the position can be whatever you want, even if you want to shift from foot to foot. This is quite normal and there is nothing to be ashamed of in such a situation.
  • Between contractions you should try to relax as much as possible.
  • Massage of the spine in the sacral region helps a lot, it has good effect both at the very beginning of the contractions and throughout the action of the expelling forces.
  • Don't forget about breathing correctly, the medical staff who will be nearby will tell you how to do this.
  • And finally, the most important thing: you need to think about the baby who is about to be born. Calm down, think that soon all the torment will end, and you will meet the baby whose appearance you have been waiting for so long. This is worth the patience.
