Who is my mother's uncle. Family ties, cousin: who belongs to whom

In ancient times, it was customary to know your ancestors, honor their memory and remember the names of the grandfather and grandmother of your grandfather and grandmother. Today, often people do not even know what kind of relative they are to each other and what is the correct name for this

Kinship history

Kinship is divided into consanguineous, close and distant. Even 200 years ago, it was customary for blood relatives to live in the same yard. For this, a house was built for the son, where he brought his young wife, next to his father's shelter. It used to be that houses of the same family clan lined up along the street, and such a concept as great-nephews (these are the grandchildren of a sister or brother) was quite common for understanding the depth of kinship.

Family ties were so strong that mutual assistance was not considered something like a favor, but was natural for the survival and preservation of the family. With this approach, people knew not only their blood and relatives, but also distant relatives, such as fourth cousins ​​and brothers, and even deeper.

Nowadays, parents and children can live in the same city and see each other infrequently. Blood ties are no longer supported by the common way of life, the survival of the family is not under threat, so the more distant relationship is no longer tracked. Thus, the spiritual family connection is lost. People who are relatives among themselves are actually strangers to each other, and it is sometimes difficult to understand who belongs to whom.

Blood relations

Family ties by blood are divided into:

distant blood relationship

  • The fourth degree of consanguinity, but more distant relationship includes cousins ​​and brothers, cousins ​​grandfather and grandmother, as well as great-nephews - these are the grandchildren of siblings.
  • The fifth degree of consanguinity, but distant relationship - great uncles, aunts and nephews.
  • The sixth degree - second cousins ​​​​and brothers. They are the children of cousins ​​of their parents.

Further kinship is considered even more distant, therefore, it is possible to determine who belongs to whom only by digging into the pedigree.

Non-blood relatives

Each family where children grow up and marry acquires new relatives, which do not belong to the category of blood relatives, but are called in-laws. For each representative of in-laws, there are names of kinship, which are forgotten by many today.

Phrases like "brother of the wife of the brother of the husband" sometimes make one think about their meaning.

In fact, everything is very simple:

  1. For the bride:
  • husband's mother - mother-in-law;
  • father - father-in-law;
  • husband's sister - sister-in-law;
  • brother - brother-in-law;
  • brother-in-law's wife - daughter-in-law;
  • sister-in-law's husband is son-in-law.

2. For the groom:

  • wife's mother - mother-in-law;
  • wife's father - father-in-law;
  • wife's sister - sister-in-law;
  • wife's brother - brother-in-law;
  • brother-in-law's wife - daughter-in-law;
  • sister-in-law's husband - son-in-law.

The brothers' wives are Yatrovkas, and the sisters' husbands are brother-in-laws. Thus, it sounds in a new way - "brother of the husband's daughter-in-law." All relatives of the bride or groom of the second and subsequent degrees are the same relatives as blood relatives, but in-laws.


Nephews are blood relatives, and sometimes they replace their own children. So called the offspring of sisters and brothers. Between themselves, these children are cousins, they are also called cousins ​​and cousins.

There were cases when marriage unions arose between so many, which were accompanied by the birth of children with genetic abnormalities. In many countries marriages between cousins ​​and brothers are not encouraged, but such unions do not experience any persecution.

For nephews, the sisters and brothers of the parents are aunts and uncles.


Such kinship as great-nephews is a deepening of the branch of the clan on the part of sisters and brothers. When a brother or sister has their own children grow up and get married, it gives a new branch to the family tree.

The more children in the family, the more beautiful and magnificent the generic “crown” will be, and the degree of kinship is determined solely by the depth of the “roots”.

To understand, for example, who a great-nephew is, it is worth considering in detail the family life of a woman who has brothers and sisters. The children of a woman for her blood brothers or sisters are nephews. When they grow up, get married and have children themselves, these kids become grandchildren for a woman. For her siblings, a sister's grandson is a great-nephew. Thus, the entire depth of the clan will be called tribal - grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren, etc.

Genus Depth

The number of generations of children who are related by blood determines the depth of the family family tree. The crown, or branches of the family tree, are the families of these children. Sometimes it is difficult to trace all weddings, divorces, births and deaths, so in the old days it was customary for aristocratic families to keep their own family chronicles.

Nowadays, it is not customary for most families to enter names and dates of births into the chronological table, so the degree of relationship cannot be traced deeper than the third or fourth generation. When, for example, a child is born in a sister's family, some loving uncles and aunts ask themselves the question: "Who is my nephew's son?"

In fact, all children born on the part of nephews are called nephews. This may be a niece grandson or granddaughter, great grandson or great granddaughter, and further down the depth of birth. In turn, the nephew's uncle or aunt becomes nephew's grandparents.

A brother's grandson can overnight make a pretty young aunt and uncle a grandma or grandpa. It often happens that the grandson (granddaughter) of a brother is of the same age or even older than the youngest child of his sister. Such children grow like the weather, and are often called sisters and brothers.

Although this is not as close blood relationship as the offspring of their own children, nevertheless, great-nephews are still grandchildren.

Cousin Depth

Cousins ​​and cousins ​​of parents are great uncles and aunts to their children. Accordingly, the children of a cousin or cousin are called great nephews. The child of a great-nephew is called a great-aunt.

This is a category of consanguinity, but distant relationship. For aristocrats, keeping track of all branches of the family is important in connection with the proof of aristocratic origin. Even 200 - 300 years ago they knew not only their main roots, but also their offshoots - families living in other cities and provinces. The same became applicable then to the merchants and wealthy townspeople.

Until now, families whose ancestors were their founders still live in the ancient cities of Europe. Usually the pedigree is traced from the father and passed on to the son. Therefore, the birth of an heir was so important for most royal and aristocratic families. If it was not there, then the family surname faded away and a new branch began with the surname of the married daughter.

Nowadays, such deep roots are no longer traced, and the inheritance is transmitted regardless of the gender of the child.

  1. Husband (husband)- a man in relation to a woman with whom he is married
  2. Wife (wife)- a woman in relation to a man with whom she is married. Married woman.
  3. father-in-law- wife's father
  4. mother-in-law- wife's mother
  5. father-in-law- husband's father
  6. mother in law- husband's mother
  7. brother-in-law- Brother husband
  8. brother-in-law- brother-in-law
  9. sister-in-law- husband's sister
  10. brother-in-law- sister-in-law's husband
  11. sister-in-law- wife's sister
  12. son-in-law daughter's husband, sister's husband, sister-in-law's husband
  13. daughter-in-law- the wife of a brother, the wife of a son for his mother, the wife of one brother in relation to the wife of another brother; also used instead of daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, sister-in-law
  14. daughter-in-law- son's wife in relation to father
  15. Matchmaker- the father of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other
  16. Svatya- the mother of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other
  17. grandfather (grandfather)- the father of the father or mother.
  18. Grandmother (grandmother)- the mother of the father or mother.
  19. Great Uncle- father's or mother's uncle
  20. Great-aunt- mother's or father's aunt
  21. Grandson, granddaughter)- son (daughter) of a daughter or son in relation to a grandfather or grandmother. Accordingly, a cousin (granddaughter) is the son (daughter) of a nephew or niece.
  22. Great-nephew (niece)- grandson (granddaughter) of a brother or sister.
  23. uncle (uncle, uncle)- the brother of the father or mother, the husband of the aunt.
  24. Aunt (aunt, aunt)- the sister of the father or mother in relation to the nephews. Uncle's wife in relation to his nephews.
  25. Nephew niece)- son (daughter) of a brother or sister (relatives, cousins, second cousins). Accordingly, the child of a cousin (sister) is a cousin, a second cousin (sister) is a second cousin.
  26. One womb (brother, sister)- having a common mother.
  27. Half-blooded (brother, sister) having a common father but different mothers.
  28. Consolidated (brother, sister)- being a brother (sister) by stepfather or stepmother.
  29. Cousin- the son of a native uncle or native aunt.
  30. Cousin- the daughter of a native uncle or native aunt.
  31. Second cousin- the son of a great-uncle or great-aunt.
  32. Second cousin- the daughter of a great-uncle or great-aunt.
  33. Kum, kuma- godfather and mother in relation to the parents of the godson and to each other.
  34. Stepfather- mother's husband in relation to her children from another marriage, stepfather.
  35. Stepmother- father's wife in relation to his children from another marriage, stepmother.
  36. Stepson- a non-native son of one of the spouses, who is related to the other spouse.
  37. Stepdaughter- a step-daughter of one of the spouses, coming native to the other spouse.
  38. Adoptive father (mother)- adopting, adopting someone.
  39. Adopted son (daughter)- adopted, adopted by someone.
  40. Adoptive son-in-law (primak)- son-in-law adopted into the wife's family, living in the wife's house.
  41. Widower A man whose wife has died.
  42. Widow A woman whose husband has died.
  43. twin cities- brothers, mostly cousins, friends who happened to help each other out in difficult times.

Long ago, for many centuries, every family knew their grandparents several generations ago. Each of them was remembered by name, they did not cease to honor the memory of those who had passed away from this life, and they always told the story of the family to the babies who were born, new family members. Today, unfortunately, such traditions are irrelevant. Perhaps someone considers it unfashionable, someone does not need to study it, someone simply, for many reasons, cannot learn practically anything about their ancestors. And the result of such family illiteracy is complete ignorance and misunderstanding of who belongs to whom, how to properly call your relatives and what kind of family ties between members of the same family.

You can try to understand one point of such connections and understand who the great-nephew is?

These days

The family is a definite unit of modern society. Every person needs the important values ​​of the institution of the family, because without them the whole life becomes meager, incomprehensible and inferior. In order not to be mistaken in the correct name of all, without exception, the numerous members of a large family, one should first understand the relationship between them.

Yes, unfortunately, in the modern world, very few people know and understand the question of who is who and who is in the same family. Yes, and families are different, with a diametrically opposed concept of family values. And the number of people is also different. If the family is small - children, parents, grandparents - then everything is clear. But if it is huge, then it is very easy to get confused. After all, there are times when an aunt is about a quarter of a century younger than her nephew, and a granddaughter is ten years older than her grandmother. But this, of course, is possible if the relatives are cousins ​​or second cousins.

Family ties

Family ties to an outsider for such a family will seem terribly confusing and incomprehensible to a person. But family members can easily figure out what's what.

The connection between relatives in any family, regardless of the number of its members, is a kind of building blocks with which it is quite possible to build strong interpersonal relationships.

Family ties are certain bonds that form a certain closed community of people. It is these ties that exist between relatives that underlie inheritance and family law. It is they who can determine most aspects in the life of modern people with great accuracy.

Do you need to know and why?

We have decided on the concept of family ties. But do they have their own species and do modern people need to know them? What is it for?

Literally 100-150 years ago, families were large, there were at least three or four heirs. As a rule, several different generations of relatives, both close and distant, lived in one house at the same time.

Do you remember how in the film “For Family Reasons” the character of Lev Durov said: “Where, tell me, can you find such large tables now? But what is there ... And where are such large families?

Always, regardless of what worldview or financial situation in the family, people of the same kind were united precisely by family ties. After all, all their concerns, values, experiences or needs were absolutely similar. Even the well-known expression “similar as two drops of water” meant that two people from the same clan who are compared with each other, for example, an aunt and a niece, are the closest relatives.

Who are you, great-nephew?

With parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, everything seems to be very clear. And the question of who belongs to whom does not arise. A little more difficult with the definition of relatives that are a little further in the degree of relationship.

For example, a great-nephew. Who will this be? How to understand: a close relative or a distant one?

A great-nephew is a child born from the natural nephews of a sister or brother. Thus, if the sister or brother of a person who is interested in this issue has a son, then for him, that is, who is interested, he will be his own nephew. When the son has his own little son, then this little one is the very mysterious great-nephew. This is who and how it turns out (such a line of kinship), it is not difficult to understand. After all, a great-nephew is the grandson of the sister or brother of the one who is interested.

Step jumping

So, since we have come to the denominator in the question that the grandson of a sister or brother is a great-nephew, we can easily determine who the grand-nephew is. Here, at first glance, it is a little more complicated, and you can get confused out of habit. But only at first.

If a brother or sister is a second cousin in relation to the person who is interested in this issue, then the nephew acquires the weighty significance of a cousin. If a brother or sister is a fourth cousin, then the nephew will be a second cousin. That is, if I may say so, it is always one step lower than the relatives of the person who is interested in whom he is the grandson of.

Who am I to him?

Now the interested person may have a new question: who am I to my great-nephew? Let's try not to get confused when answering the question.

Since the previous difficulties seem to have all been resolved, there should be no conflicting explanations for this. So, a great-nephew is a child born to a sister's or brother's own nephew. Thus, if a sister or brother has their own children, then for the one who is interested they will be great-nephews when the sister or brother becomes a grandmother or grandfather. We repeat once again: great-nephew - who is this? This is the grandson of a sister or brother. Accordingly, the subject is a great-uncle.

The inverse relationship can be defined as follows: if one person is the grand-nephew of another, then this other, in turn, in relation to the first is a cousin of the grandfather.

About brothers and sisters

A relative in a direct line on the part of a brother or sister is a great-nephew. They always say that when they want to say that this is, for example, the grandson of a sister. Otherwise, you can determine the relationship - this is the child of the native nephew of a person who is interested in family ties. What if there is a brother in the family? In this situation, the grand-nephew will be the grandson of the brother.

Thus, if the interested person has a brother or sister, and they, in turn, have sons, then for the interested person they will be native nephews, and when they get their own babies, they will be great-nephews and at the same time grandchildren of a sister or brother.

From whichever side you come, the line of kinship in any family, regardless of the number of relatives, will be exactly the same.

Logic or habit?

If we turn to old Logic, we can say with confidence that a great-nephew is rightfully called a cousin. Then the reciprocal relationship will simultaneously have both a certain degree of kinship between people (that is, a cousin in this situation), and a specific indication of the difference in generations (granddaughter-granddaughter).

But historically it happened exactly as it is written above: in these names they specifically indicate:

  • relationship and its degree: nephew cousin;
  • the difference in generations: the grandchild is two generations younger.

After all, whatever one may say, the concept of “cousin grandson” does not exist in Russian. It is precisely because of such a difficult at first glance situation that such family relationships are denoted with some “shift” in the names: great-nephew - great-uncle; great cousin-nephew - second cousin grandfather.

Of course, the first time you can get confused. But they are our relatives. And from whether we call them correctly, our love for them will not decrease.

If you don't have an aunt, or have or don't have

Happy is the man who has many relatives! He is not alone, he knows what the warmth of the hearth, pride in children and the wisdom of parents are; he looks forward to the next family holiday and is not afraid to be lonely in old age.

But on the other hand, it’s good if no one bothers with their wise advice, if you don’t have to worry about the problems that children cause, if no one teaches you to “live” and does not rashly threaten with disinheritance.

Here is such a paradox: sometimes relatives get tired of each other, and lonely people dream of taking care of someone. Today, more and more often they say that it is easier to live alone: ​​fewer problems. But not so long ago, families were large, when several generations of near and distant relatives lived under the same roof or in the neighborhood. People of the same kind were united by common interests and values. We still say: “Looks like an uncle; spitting grandmother." And whether the child looks like a great-grandfather - we no longer know. The circle of relatives has narrowed: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister ... The farther the relationship, the more difficult it is to determine who is the "seventh water on jelly." But the real confusion begins after the wedding, when new relatives appear.

The terminology of kinship is complex and today is thoroughly forgotten. In everyday life, we use no more than ten of the most famous definitions and are sometimes forced to resort to verbal heaps: "He is my husband's brother, she is the wife of my husband's brother." But in the Russian language, each relative has its own name, and behind each name there are centuries-old ideas, a culture of relationships, a family history. Not every nation can afford such a luxury.

There are three types of relationships:
. direct relatives - kinship by blood,
. in-laws - kinship by marriage,
. and, finally, unrelated ties.

Before looking into the vocabulary of kinship relationships, let's try to understand the complex picture of the interweaving of kinship relationships.

An apple does not fall far from an apple tree, or Kinship by blood

If the parents are common, then the relationship is consanguineous. Blood relatives are the closest people. Special family traits affect the way of life, the choice of profession. Blood relatives have characteristic external features. Particularly touching is the family resemblance that manifests itself in children. "Who does the newborn look like?" is one of the most important questions. It seems impossible to get confused in this relationship. Mother, father, uncle, aunt, brother, sister... But even here there is reason to think.

Brothers and sisters

In one generation, the closest people to each other are brothers and sisters. If you are an only child, then you have no blood relatives in your generation. Brothers and sisters can be relatives, consanguineous, full-blooded, if they have a common mother and father. Or consanguineous - born from the same father. Or uniuterine - born by the same mother, but from different fathers.

Echoes of how close the bond between brother and sister can be found in ancient folk customs, riddles, and proverbs. The blue-yellow forest flower Ivan da Marya had another name - brother-sister. At the sister's wedding, her brother sat next to the bride - for "protection" from the groom, who had to pay him a ransom for his future wife. In a bratina (a copper or wooden half-bucket bowl), drink, beer, kvass were carried to the whole brethren and poured into wooden cups and glasses.

Fellowship, friendship, affection, close connection - all this is defined by the word "brotherhood". And with the words brother, brother, they turn not only to relatives, but also to friends, comrades, like-minded people, participants in a common cause.

Fathers and Sons

The closest relationship exists between parents and children. Father, mother, son, daughter - people from two neighboring generations - are closest to each other.

We say: mother-cheese earth, motherland, mother Volga. Even strangers honor a woman in years as a mother or matushka.

The father in folk ideas is the eldest, the first, the main, respectable, wise.

Father's house, father's love, fatherland, fatherland - words with a common root. The word otchich has long been forgotten - that was the name of the son and ancestral heir of his father.

For a man, as a rule, the birth of a son is an occasion for special male pride. Until now, a man who has only daughters is sometimes called a "brakodele". It was believed that the son is a parental assistant, and the daughter will leave the parental home, go to live with her husband. Oddly enough, these prejudices are alive to this day.

Grandparents, grandchildren and granddaughters

Grandfather, grandfather - the father of the parent;
grandmother, grandmother - the mother of the parent;
grandson - the son of a child;
granddaughter is the child's daughter.

Families are happy in which grandparents help raise children. There is nothing more disinterested than love for grandchildren. Grandmother in the traditional view is a round, kind old woman. Maybe that's why culinary specialists call a delicate, airy muffin, like an Easter cake, baked in a tall form.

Grandfathers dream of seeing in their grandchildren the fulfillment of their dreams, their continuation. Different types of burdock, thistle are popularly called grandfather, grandfather. Probably not by chance. Grandfathers love to remember the same things and repeat the same story.

Great-grandfather and great-grandmother

Our great-grandmothers lived not in the world, but as a family and at home.

Great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers do not often meet now. To become "great" one has to give birth to children, raise grandchildren and wait for the birth of the children of one's grandchildren. The prefix "pra" is added to words in order to emphasize the ancient origin. So the first owner of something was called the right owner or right owner. The peasants called the unharvested rye-drop, which grew by self-sowing and yielded a crop in the second year, - great-drop.

The parents of the great-grandfather and great-grandmother are called the great-grandfather and the great-great-grandfather, the even older generation are called the great-great-great-great-grandfathers, and the oldest are the great-grandfathers. In our time, most people have a vague idea about the ancient predecessors in the genus - their ancestors. And they are even offended if children call them this ancient word. But in vain.

Uncles, aunts and nephews

If your parents had a brother or sister, then for you they will be an uncle or aunt. And their children will be cousins ​​to you, or, as they sometimes say, cousins ​​and cousins. These are also blood relatives, but not as close as direct blood relatives, therefore, it happens that between cousins ​​and cousins ​​there is not kindred affection, but real passion. And then there are second cousins ​​(from cousins ​​of an uncle or aunt), fourth cousins ​​(from second cousins), and so on brothers and sisters.

Your own uncle's wife will be your aunt, and your own aunt's husband will be your uncle. This relationship is not blood. Uncles and aunts most often become godparents for their nephews.

There are also small aunts and even a great aunt - you will learn about who is so called by reading the Dictionary of Relationships.

The "uncles" in Rus' were treated with respect. Previously, a caregiver was assigned to care for or supervise a child - he was called an uncle. And every recruit in the regiment had an uncle - a mentor from old soldiers. The uncle was called the first burlak pulling a barge. At weddings in the central regions of Russia, the planted father of the groom was called "uncle". The bride's uncle participated in the wedding ceremony: he held a handkerchief in front of her when her braid was untwisted.

Nephews are people of your family, your tribe. About a clan in which there are many tribes, they said so: a tribal clan. And about a man from a large family - a tribal family man. Who can guess who used to be called brother or sister, sister? But we are talking about a nephew if he is the son of a brother, and about a niece if she is the daughter of a sister. The sister's son was formerly called neti, and the brother's daughter was bro. If your spouse's brother or sister has a daughter or son, they will also be considered your nephews.

Such apt expressions have come down to us from the depths of centuries. "God's nephew" - the one to whom all blessings are given for free. "Table nephew" - a poor relative living in the house, took root. "Nephew" - impose, seek patronage from distant relatives.

There may be cousins, second cousins, or great-nephews in the family. In order not to get confused, the word "nephew" was often used to refer to any distant indirect relative. In some eastern regions, showing participation to a distant relative, and sometimes just a fellow countryman, they called him in his own way - nephew.

The family pot is always boiling, or Kinship by property

When the young people got married, they had new relatives. Such kinship is otherwise called a property, from the word "one's own". Strictly adhering to the terminology, we must consider relatives acquired after marriage as in-laws.

After the wedding, the young lived together with new relatives in one big family according to the rules that have been tested for centuries. In the medieval Russian mind, the eldest male householder was the head of his “court”: all the “household members” were almost his property. A large stable family that lived in the "courtyard" consisted of several branches of relatives. Only the head of the family had the right to resettle some of them. Orphans were often taken for upbringing, who, like their own children, were in the complete power of the head of the family. Such an act was considered pious.

A clear hierarchy determined the position of each inhabitant of the house.

Husband and wife

To become a husband meant to prove one's maturity, readiness to be the head of the family and the master of the house. Manliness, fortitude, determination were required from the husband. The husband could turn out to be a man with a mild disposition - effeminate, and if he immediately allowed his wife to command, in family life - he showed effeminate obedience.

A married woman could be called, especially emphasizing her belonging to her husband, like this: a husband's wife, a courageous woman. Today, these words are perceived almost as an insult, but before they sounded respect. A masculine or simply resolute and stern woman could be called that - a muzhlanka, a muzhlatka. Any man wanted to see a man-pleasing wife, that is, one who knew how to please her husband. A domineering, angry, envious, deceitful, mismanaged, and promiscuous wife became a special misfortune for the husband. And whoever had a wise wife, people called him a woman-wise one.

Only the parents decided with whom their son would marry and live, they themselves were looking for a bride for him. They got acquainted with the whole family, got married. The matchmaker and the matchmaker are the father and mother of the husband for the wife's family, they are also called the father and mother of the wife in the husband's family. After the wedding, both families became the closest in-laws.

Husband's family

The son brings his wife to his parents' house, and the daughter moves to live in her husband's house. In the new house, the will of the older man, the owner, and the older woman, the mistress, are respected. Now the next of kin are the parents of the spouses. Previously, the husband and wife called the parents of their spouses mother and father, recognizing that they are part of the new family as children.

Today, in such a sensitive issue, there is complete freedom of choice. If you want - call mom and dad, if you want - by name - patronymic, or just by name, or aunt - uncle. It is better not to rush: time will put everything in its place. And, of course, ask directly what version of the appeal to yourself your new relatives prefer to hear.

For a young wife, her husband's parents are father-in-law and mother-in-law. The wife of the son is the daughter-in-law, she is also the daughter-in-law. A woman will be a daughter-in-law both in relation to her husband's parents (father-in-law and mother-in-law), and her husband's brother (brother-in-law) and his wife, and her husband's sister (sister-in-law) and her husband. In addition, all relatives consider the wife of her brother-in-law to be a daughter-in-law. The wives of siblings are also daughters-in-law (daughters-in-law) to each other. A sister-in-law is the wife's sister. The brother-in-law is her husband. Brothers-in-law are those men whose wives are each other's sisters.

The mother-in-law is the brother-in-law's wife. Intercourse - women whose husbands are brothers.

The sister-in-law is the sister of her husband. In a patriarchal family, she was higher in position than her daughter-in-law, the wife of her brother, and often a young ash-tree got more from her sister-in-law than from a grumpy mother-in-law.

The life of a daughter-in-law in the house of her husband's parents is a hard lot. The next morning after the wedding night, the mother-in-law lightly hit the daughter-in-law with a whip, saying that this is a “man's thunderstorm”, admonishing to live in a family humbly and obediently. With the marriage of their son, the family received a young worker. The reasons for the conflict between the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law are very serious: the mother is jealous of her son for another woman, and the two housewives do not get along in the kitchen. In such cases, peculiar “harem” laws are established in the family, when female roles are clearly distributed: one is the eldest, the other is the beloved.

Of course, there are wise mothers-in-law, and advice and love reign in the family, there are other mothers-in-law - "neighbors in a communal apartment." And they also say: “The mother-in-law remembers her youth and does not believe in the daughter-in-law” ... But the daughter-in-law could become the favorite of the father-in-law and receive special signs of attention from him. Then they said: "The mother-in-law's mother-in-law is a mistress." The daughter-in-law could influence the fate of her husband's younger brothers: "The first son is married by the father-mother, and the second by the daughter-in-law."

wife's family

A son-in-law is a daughter's husband for the wife's parents (father-in-law and mother-in-law), for her sister (sister-in-law), for her brother (brother-in-law), and for the latter's wife. The parents of the wife for the husband are father-in-law and mother-in-law. If the son-in-law came to the court, then he was accepted as his own son. Clever parents did not offend their son-in-law, they tried to treat him properly when they met. They avoided quarrels, because their daughters live with him. The wife's parents were afraid of the formidable and violent son-in-law: they could not get along with him, and in a quarrel he could even beat the old people.

It is no coincidence that most of the jokes on a “related” topic are about the mother-in-law. Apparently, there were reasons to dislike the son-in-law: the daughter had a hard time in the husband's family, so she had to teach the young man to reason. If hostility arose between mother-in-law and son-in-law, then this complicated the life of the whole family.

Fathers-in-law quarrel much less often with sons-in-law. Mature men do not invent non-existent shortcomings for their son-in-law, they easily find common male topics for conversation and spend time doing their favorite activities. Less they climb into the life of the newlyweds with advice, they don’t bother with control, they don’t educate. Perhaps to spite his wife.

Relatives but not relatives

If parents have children in previous or subsequent marriages, they are considered half-siblings. The mother's husband, but not the father of her child, is the stepfather. The father's wife, but the child's mother is not a stepmother. A step-son of a husband or wife at the next marriage of his parent (parent) is a stepson, and a step-daughter is a stepdaughter.

In Russian folklore, the stepmother is spoken of unflatteringly: people did not believe that a woman could love someone else's child as her own. It is no coincidence that the plant was also called: coltsfoot. Its leaves are smooth and cold on top, and warm and fluffy from the inside. And they say: "The other side is the stepmother."

When adopted or adopted, the child was called an adopted child. The new parents - the named mother and the named father - considered the girl to be the named daughter, and the boy to be the named son.

The planted mother and father became close, but not native - people who were invited to the wedding to replace the mother and father of the bride and groom.

And after a newborn appeared in the family, he might need a mother, a nurse, a dairy mother. To bring up meant almost to intermarry with the baby. An uncle was assigned to older children - for care and supervision. Such an uncle brought up the cavalry girl Shurochka Azarova in the film "The Hussar Ballad".

Men could fraternize by exchanging pectoral crosses and kissing three times. They became crusaders. Fraternization was the result of a great friendship or saving a life in combat. Girlish friendship, not related by kinship, was also consolidated by a kind of ritual: the girls exchanged pectoral crosses. Then they called their friends like that - crusades, twins, named sisters.

spiritual relationship

Religious ties were strong and unostentatious in families. As it should be according to the rite, each little godson or goddaughter had a godfather and godmother. The father of the godfather became the godfather, the son became the godbrother, and both godparents in relation to the parents of the godson became godfathers: he is the godfather, she is the godfather. The godfather and godfather took upon themselves the responsibility of taking care of the religious education of their godson and, in the event of the death of their parents, took their place. Being the godfather of the first or second child in the family used to be considered a great honor.

They chose godfather and mother from close people: relatives or family friends. A pregnant woman was not called a godmother: it was believed that the godson would die. If newborns or young children had died in families before, the first person they met was taken as godfather. Preference was given to godparents who had many godchildren alive.

An unmarried man, who was to become a godfather for the first time, chose a girl for baptism, an unmarried girl - a boy. It was believed that otherwise the girl runs the risk of remaining a century-old woman, and the guy - a bachelor. There was a belief among the peasants that if a girl or a guy who was invited to be godparents to the first child is older than the godson's parents, then the girl will marry a widower, and the guy will marry a widow or woman older than him. Therefore, accordingly, they tried to make godfathers younger than their parents.

On Peter's Day (July 12), the godfather baked unleavened pies with cottage cheese for the godchildren. On the day of forgiveness (the last day before Great Lent), according to custom, the godfather went to the godfather with soap, and she went to him with gingerbread. According to the canons of Orthodoxy, godparents could not marry each other.

Relationship Dictionary

Grandmother, grandmother - the mother of the father or mother, the wife of the grandfather.
A brother is a son in relation to other children of the same parents.
A godfather is the son of a godfather.
Brother of the cross, brother of the cross, brother named - persons who exchanged body crosses.
Bro, bro, bro, bro, bro - cousin.
Bratanich - brother's nephew.
Bratanikha - the wife of a cousin.
Bratanna - brother's daughter, brother's niece.
Bratelnitsa - cousin or distant relative.
Bratova - brother's wife.
Bratych - brother's son, brother's nephew.
A widow is a woman who has not remarried after the death of her husband.
A widower is a man who has not remarried after the death of his wife.
A great aunt is the sister of a grandfather or grandmother (cousin).
A great uncle is the brother of a grandfather or grandmother.
A branch is a line of kinship.
A grandson is the son of a son or daughter, the sons of a nephew or niece.
A great cousin is the granddaughter of a cousin or sister.
Great-niece - the granddaughter of a brother or sister (second cousin).
Grandchild, grandchild - being a relative in the third generation, second cousin.
Grand siblings are second cousins.
A great cousin is the grandson of a cousin or sister.
A great-nephew is the grandson of a brother or sister.
A great second cousin is the grandson of a second cousin or sister (second cousin).
Granddaughter, grandson - daughter of a son or daughter, nephew or niece.
A great aunt is the sister of a grandmother or grandfather.
A great-aunt is the sister of a great-grandmother or great-grandfather.
A great-great-great-grandmother is the sister of a great-great-grandmother or great-great-grandfather.
A cousin is the daughter of a cousin or sister.
A cousin is the daughter of an uncle or aunt.
A cousin is a cousin of a father or mother.
Cousin - related in the second generation.
A cousin is the son of an uncle or aunt.
A cousin is the brother of a grandfather or grandmother.
A cousin is a cousin of a father or mother.
A cousin is the son of a cousin or sister.
A great-grandfather is the brother of a great-grandfather or great-grandmother.
A great-great-grandfather is the brother of a great-great-grandfather or great-great-grandmother.
The brother-in-law is the husband's brother. Grandfather (grandfather) - the father of the father or mother.
The godfather is the godfather's father.
Grandfather, grandfather - aunt after uncle.
Dedich is the direct heir of his grandfather.
A daughter is a female person in relation to her parents.
Daughter named - adoptive, pupil.
Dshcherich is an aunt's nephew.
Dschersha is an aunt's niece.
An uncle is a person who takes care of a child.
An uncle is the brother of the father or mother, as well as the husband of an aunt.
Half-blooded children (homogeneous) - children born from the same father (homogeneous father), but different mothers.
Single uterine children (one womb) - children born to the same mother, but from different fathers.
Single womb - born by the same mother, but from a different father.
A wife is a woman in relation to the man she is married to.
Zhenima, wife - unmarried fourth wife.
The bridegroom is the one who has conspired the bride.
Sister-in-law, goldsmith, zolova - the husband's sister, sometimes the brother's wife.
A son-in-law is the husband of a daughter or sister.
A knee is a branching of a clan, a generation in a pedigree.
The godmother is a participant in the rite of baptism in the role of a spiritual mother.
The godson is the godson.
A goddaughter is a goddaughter.
The godfather is a participant in the rite of baptism in the role of a spiritual father.
Consanguinity is descent from the same parents.
Blood - about kinship within the same family.
A cousin is a cousin.
Cousin is a cousin.
Kum is a godfather in relation to the parents of the godson and to the godmother.
Kuma is a godmother in relation to the parents of the godson and to the godfather.
A small aunt is the sister of the father or mother (cousin).
A small uncle is a brother of a father or mother.
A mother is a woman in relation to her children.
The mother of the godmother, the cross - the recipient at the rite of baptism.
The mother is named - the mother of the adopted child, the pupil.
Dairy mother - mother, nurse.
The planted mother is a woman who replaces the groom's mother at the wedding.
A stepmother is a stepmother, another wife of the father in relation to his children from a previous marriage.
A milk sister is a child (woman) fed by a strange mother in relation to her children.
Dairy brother - a child (male), fed by a strange mother in relation to her children.
A husband is a man in relation to the woman with whom he is married.
A daughter-in-law is the wife of a brother or the wife of a son, as well as the wife of one brother in relation to the wife of another brother.
Illegitimate - born of parents who are not in a church marriage.
Homogeneous (consanguineous) - descended from one father.
Single uterine (single womb) - descended from one mother.
A father is a man in relation to his children.
The godfather is the godfather at the rite of baptism.
The named father is the father of the adopted child, the pupil.
The father is courteous, planted, mummers - a man who replaces the groom's own father at the wedding.
A stepfather is a stepfather, another husband of the mother in relation to her children from a previous marriage.
The father is the eldest in the generation.
Otchinnik, stepchich - son, heir.
A stepdaughter is the step-daughter of one of the spouses.
A nephew is the son of a brother or sister. A niece is the daughter of a brother or sister.
Plemyash - relative, relative, countryman.
Secondary (son, daughter) - a son or daughter who is not from a legal marriage.
Generation - relatives of the same degree of kinship in relation to a common ancestor.
Full-begotten - descended from the same parents.
A descendant is a person descended by birth from some kind, a person in relation to his ancestors.
A great-grandmother is the mother of a grandfather or grandmother.
Great-grandmother is the same as great-grandmother.
A great-grandson is the son of a grandson or granddaughter.
A great-granddaughter cousin is the great-granddaughter of a cousin or sister.
A great-granddaughter is the great-granddaughter of a brother or sister.
A great-granddaughter second cousin is the great-granddaughter of a second cousin or sister.
A great-granddaughter cousin is the great-grandson of a cousin or sister.
A great-granddaughter is the great-grandson of a brother or sister.
A great-granddaughter second cousin is the great-grandson of a second cousin or sister.
A great-granddaughter is the daughter of a grandson or granddaughter.
A great-grandfather is the father of a grandfather or grandmother.
Great-great-grandmother is the mother of a great-grandfather or great-grandmother.
A great-great-grandson is the son of a great-grandson or great-granddaughter.
A great-great-great-cousin is the great-great-granddaughter of a cousin or sister.
A great-great-niece is the great-great-granddaughter of a brother or sister.
Great-great-great-granddaughter second cousin - great-great-granddaughter of a second cousin or sister.
A great-great-great-nephew is the great-great-grandson of a cousin or sister.
A great-great-nephew is the great-great-grandson of a brother or sister.
A great-great-great-grandson of a second cousin is the great-great-grandson of a second cousin or sister.
Great-great-granddaughter - the daughter of a great-grandson or great-granddaughter.
Great-great-grandfather - the father of a great-grandfather or great-grandmother.
The progenitors are the first couple known by pedigree, from which the genus originates.
Ancestor - the parent of a great-great-grandfather, great-great-grandmother.
An ancestor is an ancient predecessor in the family, as well as a compatriot from previous generations.
Married - descending from the same parents, but born before marriage, and then recognized in it.
Adopted daughter - adopted someone else's child, a girl.
An adopted son is an adopted child, a boy.
Fifth cousin - being a relative in the fifth generation (by great-great-grandfather).
A genus is a series of generations descended from one ancestor, as well as a generation in general.
Parents are father and mother in relation to children.
The parent is the same as the father.
The parent is the same as the mother.
Native - descending from the same parents See consanguineous, full-blooded.
Relatives are relatives.
The ancestor is the first known representative of the genus from which it originates.
Pedigree is the same as genealogy.
Pedigree - a list of generations of the same genus, establishing the origin and degree of relationship.
A relative is someone who is related to someone.
Kinship is a relationship between people created by the presence of common next of kin.
Matchmaker (m), matchmaker (f) - the parent of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other spouse.
The father-in-law is the husband's father.
The mother-in-law is the husband's mother.
Stepbrothers are brothers and sisters who come from different parents.
Stepchildren are children who are brothers or sisters to each other by stepfather or stepmother.
Owner - a person who is in property with someone.
Property - a relationship of closeness between people that arises not by kinship, but from a marriage union (relations between a spouse and blood relatives of the other spouse, as well as between relatives of spouses).
A brother-in-law is the husband of a sister-in-law (wife's sister).
In-laws are people who are married to two sisters.
A sister-in-law is the wife's sister.
Seventh cousin - being a relative in the seventh generation (by great-great-great-great-grandfather).
A family is a group of relatives living together.
A sister is a daughter of the same parents or one of them in relation to their other children.
Sister, sister, sister, cousin.
A sister is a cousin, the daughter of a mother's or father's sister.
Sister, sister, sister (ancient Russian) - the son of the mother's sister (nephew by sister).
An orphan is a child or minor who has lost one or both parents.
Daughter-in-law - son's wife in relation to his parents, daughter-in-law.
A woman in relationship is the wife of a brother-in-law, the wife of two brothers in relation to each other.
Spouse is a husband.
The wife is the wife.
The son is a man, a boy in relation to his parents.
The son of the godfather (godson) is a male person in relation to the godfather.
The son named is adopted, pupil.
Father-in-law is the wife's father.
Aunt, aunt - the sister of the father or mother, as well as the uncle's wife.
Mother-in-law is the wife's mother.
A second cousin is a cousin of a grandfather or grandmother.
A second cousin is the daughter of a second cousin or sister.
A second cousin of a great-grandmother is a cousin of a great-grandfather or great-grandmother.
A second cousin of a great-great-grandmother is a cousin of a great-great-grandfather or great-grandmother.
A second cousin is the daughter of a cousin's uncle (aunt).
A second cousin is a second cousin of a father or mother.
Second cousin - who is a relative in the third generation (by great-grandfather) (see granddaughter).
A second cousin is the son of a cousin's uncle (aunt).
A second cousin is a cousin of a grandfather or grandmother.
A second cousin is a second cousin of a father or mother.
A second cousin is the son of a second cousin or sister.
A second cousin is a cousin of a great-grandfather or great-grandmother.
A second cousin of a great-great-grandfather is a cousin of a great-great-grandfather or great-great-grandmother.
Adopted - a female person in relation to adoptive parents.
Adopted - a male person in relation to adoptive parents.
A surname is the same as a clan, a family.
A fourth cousin is a second cousin of a grandfather or grandmother.
A fourth cousin is the daughter of a fourth cousin or sister.
Great-grandmother is the second cousin of a great-grandfather or great-grandmother.
Fourth cousin great-great-grandmother - a second cousin of a great-great-grandfather or great-grandmother.
The fourth cousin is the daughter of a second cousin's uncle (aunt).
A fourth cousin is the fourth cousin of a father or mother.
Fourth cousin - being a relative in the fourth generation through the great-grandfather.
The fourth cousin is the son of a second cousin's uncle (aunt).
A fourth cousin is a second cousin of a grandfather or grandmother.
A fourth cousin is the fourth cousin of a father or mother.
A fourth cousin is the son of a fourth cousin or sister.
A great-grandfather of four is a second cousin of a great-grandfather or great-grandmother.
Great-great-grandfather of four - great-great-grandfather's second cousin.
Sixth cousin - who is a relative in the sixth generation (by great-great-great-great-grandfather).
Brother-in-law is the wife's brother.
Shurich is the son of the brother-in-law (brother of the wife).
Yatrov (yatrovka) - the wife of a brother-in-law (husband's brother)

: The book "How to name relatives correctly? Who belongs to whom?" — Irina Alekseevna Sinko

A wedding is the day of the creation of a new unit of society - the family, as well as the unification of two clans. Have you always wanted to have many relatives? Your dream has come true, because from the moment you get married, the number of loved ones doubles. What are the names of all new relatives, who is the father of the wife to the father of the husband?

Parents of spouses in relation to children

Each of us knows that a young wife should call her husband's parents father-in-law. Accordingly, the mother of the spouse is the mother-in-law, and the father is the father-in-law. A husband calls his wife's mother mother-in-law, and father - father-in-law. And who is the father of the wife to the father of the husband, is there a separate term for defining this? Today, complex definitions of relatives “by marriage” are rarely used in everyday life. Agree, you don’t often hear the words “brother-in-law” or “daughter-in-law”. Therefore, people are often confused, and many believe that the father of the wife is the father-in-law of the husband. But this is the wrong definition. Only her husband, who, in turn, in relation to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, is a son-in-law can call this word the wife’s father.

The correct definition of kinship

In fact, the wife's father is the husband's father as a matchmaker. There is also a female version of this definition - “matchmaker”. This term is used to define mother-in-law and mother-in-law in relation to each other. Where did the word "matchmaker" come from? There is no exact answer to this question, experts put forward various versions. However, be that as it may, it is clear that the word itself is kind and pleasant. The rhyme “brother-matchmaker” is popular in proverbs and poems. But indeed, in the old days they believed that to marry children means to become related to their parents.

Who is the father of the husband to the father of the wife?

The definitions of "matchmaker" and "matchmaker" are universal. They can be used to refer to the parents of the wife and husband (in relation to the mother and father of the second spouse, respectively). It is a mistake to think that the husband's father is the wife's father. “Kum” and “kuma” are the appeal of the godparents of the child in relation to biological ones. Remember once and for all the correct definition of the parents of the spouses in relation to each other. This is exactly "matchmaker" and "matchmaker". There is another option for determining the father or mother of the daughter’s husband (or Speaking of a matchmaker or matchmaker in the third person, it is appropriate to say: “My daughter’s mother-in-law ...” or “My son’s father-in-law ...”. In some situations, this option for designating relatives in a conversation is more convenient, for example, if there are several children and they are all married.In this case, without going into explanations about which test is being discussed, you can briefly say: "this is the father-in-law / father-in-law (name of the child)." You can also talk about the mother-in-law or mother-in-law, refusing to use the word "matchmaker".

Matchmaker and matchmaker - new relatives of a young family

Relations between relatives of the newlyweds are very different. But it is always worth trying to fix them and make them closer. What difference does it make who the father of the wife is to the father of the husband and what is the correct name for this relationship? After all, we are talking, as a rule, about two men of about the same age, representatives of the same generation. And even if social status and worldview differ, it is not difficult to find common interests and topics for conversation. Father-in-law and father-in-law can be interesting together, it is enough to organize a common fishing or hunting trip, a picnic or find an alternative activity. Immediately after the acquaintance of relatives, the newlyweds should by all means help their parents to establish relationships. And if contact is established, you will indeed have a large and friendly family. Often, relatives who are not related by blood ties become even closer to each other than brothers and sisters who grew up together. And indeed, it is worth turning to ancient wisdom and remembering that the wedding of children is an occasion to intermarry with their parents.
