Hand massage for fine development. Facial massage for child development

Along with constant care for the baby’s somatic health, no less effort is required from parents and intellectual development child. Intelligence is not only the accumulation of a sum of knowledge, but first of all the ability to apply this knowledge in practice.

The level of intelligence directly depends on the degree of development logical thinking. The latter can be learned. And the sooner you and your child start studying in this direction, the more hope there is that your child will not have problems in school.

The development of intelligence is directly dependent on the ability to speak and communicate. Speech and thinking are two sides of the same process, or rather, a kind of vicious circle. By developing a child’s speech, you develop his thinking, and vice versa.

There are many in various ways, methods and techniques for the development of speech and thinking. Among them, which perhaps not everyone knows, is massage. There are sets of massage exercises for preschool and school age, affecting both the development of a child’s speech and the development of his thinking.

By massaging a specific microcircuit of the body (ear, hand), we force all body systems to work clearly and harmoniously. It is the coordinated work of all systems that prepares the ground for better development of memory, intelligence, and improves emotional background, which also contributes to a more complete perception of information and the ability to logically transform it.

Massage can be used from the very early age. It’s better not to guess on the coffee grounds whether your child will grow up to be an intellectual or not, but to purposefully contribute to this by helping the baby learn the basics of massage on his own. While the child is small, his mother gives him such a massage, playing and saying. As your baby gets older, you can gradually teach him to do these exercises on his own. If the massage is done regularly (every day), the child gets used to this ritual and performs it without being burdened, as something taken for granted - like, for example, daily washing or brushing teeth. This procedure is not tiring and takes no more than 10 minutes. Time spent today will help your son or daughter in the future.

Auricular massage for children

This massage helps various body systems work and develop better, normalizes the condition nervous system, enhances concentration, improves intellectual capabilities etc.

The auricle is the pinna of the ear. Treatment by affecting the auricle has been known since ancient times. In Europe, auriculotherapy began to be used only in the 20th century. The ease of performing this massage and the absence of contraindications have made it possible to widely introduce this massage method into children's practice. This massage can be used daily and throughout your life.

According to Eastern healers, the auricle is the control panel of the entire body. Some scientists imagine the auricula as an embryo (human embryo) in an inverted form: the earlobe corresponds to the head, and as it moves upward (towards the top of the ear) there are zones representing the torso, body organs and limbs.

By influencing the 170 points of the auricle known today, you can activate the work of all organs and systems of the body without exception. These points form 18 zones. Each zone “controls” a specific system of the human body. Thus, zones have been identified to increase the power of concentration and improve memory.

The simplest option for targeted influence on areas of attention and memory is given below.

  • antitragus;
  • triangular fossa;
  • zone of transition of the helix stalk into its ascending part;
  • funnel, the deepest part of the shell.

Auricular massage can be performed several times a day, but not more often than every 5 hours. It is not recommended to do it before bed. It is useful to rub your ears immediately after sleep, without getting out of bed. Of course, this is a useful, although somewhat crude way to “wake up” the entire body.

It is advisable to start auricular massage from the area of ​​the lobe and helix, moving towards the top of the auricle and then to the crus of the helix, repeating the technique 2-3 times. Then the antihelix is ​​massaged 2-3 times: first along the upper, then along its lower leg. Next, with the index finger, stroking is performed 2-3 times along the edge of the border of the antihelix and the concha in the direction from the antihelix to the inner side of the helix.
After massaging the auricle itself, you need to thoroughly massage the tragus and the area adjacent to it. (Daily massage of the tragus is thought to improve function immune system body.) Then stroking the skin in front of the tragus from top to bottom 2-3 times. The duration of auricular massage is determined by the appearance of redness of the auricle and a feeling of warmth in it. On average it is 3-5 minutes.

Massage of the ears should be done with the same hands: the left ear - with the left hand, the right ear - with the right hand. It is most convenient to perform a massage by placing the child on a low chair, with his back to you, or placing him on his stomach. The child's crossed arms in this position remain under the head. The massage should be done gently, but sensitively, without stopping, because interrupting the massage even for 30 seconds cancels the entire previous effect. It is advisable to adhere to one rhythm (slow or fast) during massage. As a rule, the choice of rhythm occurs instinctively.

The effect of ear massage is enhanced if you add to it massage and exercises for the hands.

The hands are another “screen” of the state of human systems and organs.

Did you know that your baby's fingers, although still so awkward and inept, help him learn to think? It has long been proven that the faster and more accurately a child performs finger movements, the better their coordination, the faster his speech, and therefore his thinking, develops.

It is believed that if a child at 7 months of age can pull out at least one forefinger, then he is not expected to have speech disorders or difficulties in the development of thinking.

To make your child's fingers work better, you need to skillfully massage them. This massage can be started at an age when the child is still lying down (4-5 months).

Massage techniques on the hand are performed using the surface of the first, second and third fingers or only with the pads thumbs.

First, it is stroked, and then the back of the hand is rubbed and kneaded with effort, then the palm. The movements go from the fingertips to the wrist, as if you were putting on a glove. The palm must be rubbed and kneaded more intensely, with greater effort, than the back surface of the hand. Don’t be lazy and rub the very middle of your palm. There is the so-called “Point of Labor”, or “Palace of Labor”. It is not difficult to find: clasp the child’s hand in a fist, and the ring finger will indicate the location of this point.

Next, you need to thoroughly rub the line (border) of the transition between the back of the hand and the palm from the side of the thumb. And only then massage our fingers. This must be done especially carefully. Each finger is massaged from tip to base on all sides. First you need to stretch the nail phalanx by pressing the nail on both sides. Then we rub the finger to the very base. The most convenient way to do this is to screw in the massaged finger. After intense rubbing, the massage ends with stroking the finger and stretching it.

Special attention You should pay attention to massaging the thumb and the prominent parts of the palm at the base of this finger. The hands are massaged in turn: first the right palm and then the left, first the little finger on the right hand and then on the left, the ring finger on the right - on the left, etc.

A general hand massage ends with rubbing the wrists, which improves lymph flow. It is believed that improved lymph flow helps improve immunity.

You can massage your hands many times throughout the day!

The work of the small muscles of the hands is good for self-diagnosis. The finer and more differentiated the work of these muscles, the better mental activity and speech will develop.

Pay attention to the child's dominant hand. People with a dominant (leading) left hemisphere work better with their right hand (the majority of them), while with a dominant right hemisphere, their left hand works better. Now there are more and more such children. There are children who work equally well with both their right and left hands - these are the so-called ambidextrous people. Without going into details of existing theories, we remind parents that there is no need to force the child to work only right hand. This is fraught with quite serious consequences: it may reveal negative manifestations child's psyche.

Clench your hand tightly into a fist. Stronger! Unclench sharply. Place your hands palm to palm. Elbows are at shoulder height, fingers and palms of both hands are touching. Use your thumbs to spread your arms apart and raise your elbows at the same time. Shake your arms and repeat the exercise. Movement of the thumb towards and away from you is very good and useful exercise.

Now try to clasp your fingers slightly and thumbs depict a mill.

Place your hands on the wall. Press harder - relax your hands. Extend your arms forward. Raise your hands up and let them fall freely down. Finally, use one hand to support the other wrist and shake vigorously. This exercise improves blood circulation. The skin becomes warm, the joints become elastic, the fingers become flexible.

You can conduct unique “classes” almost hourly, in the process of everyday activities.

Your baby is learning to fasten buttons. Don't rush him and don't rush to button his coat yourself. Better invite him to try to fasten it even more small buttons.

Lacing shoes is very useful for developing hand coordination. If there are no shoes, then you can use a hole punch to make holes on thick paper or cardboard and show the baby how the lace is threaded there. Then he will be able to make drawings and ornaments using the holes, and after completing the pattern, tie a bow. These classes develop visual memory and teach you to concentrate.

Give your child thin counting sticks. You need to hold them in your fingers, be able to lay out one or another combination, a simple pattern that can become more complex over time. Older children can be asked to make a “well” out of sticks. At first, the dimensions of the well will be arbitrary, and then specified. If the child can perform such an exercise, invite him to build the same well under the following condition: sticks can only be taken with the same fingers of both

hands: first build a well with the little fingers, then only with the ring, middle, index and finally the thumbs.

These tasks are difficult, but doable if you acquire a certain skill. If, at the same time, adults diligently carry out this task, introducing a competitive element into the game, the child will develop only positive emotions, he will be drawn not only to the games, but also to the parent himself, will demand to play with him more and more and will develop at the same time .

To prevent your child from getting bored and at the same time develop, buy him mosaics, plasticine, more often offer paints with brushes, pencils and coloring books, or just a sheet of paper and scissors. Any games with fingers or drawing figures with fingers are also good.

It would be nice to teach your child to play an imaginary piano. At the same time, the brush should be kept round, the fingers slightly bent. Hit firmly, confidently on a hard surface, such as a table, only with the pads of your fingers, starting with the thumb and ending with the little finger. When it hits the surface thumb, all others are raised. The thumb comes off the surface only when the next finger hits the table confidently, and so on.

Your imagination will tell you many other exercises, because adults like to play not fewer children.

We draw your attention to the fact that during these games-activities your child receives certain knowledge, and primarily speech, from the very moment when the parents first communicate with their child. Don't wait for your child to talk. Talk to him as much as possible from the first days of his life. Silently reacting to your speech, he, however, accumulates a passive stock of knowledge, which he will simply need in more conscious periods of his development.

I am glad to welcome you, dear parents!

Finger massage very useful for small child. No wonder they say that handmade calms the psyche, pacifies, for example, knitting or embroidery, because the fingers of the hands are connected with the activity of the brain. There are many points on the palms and fingers that are responsible for the functioning of various organs in our body. Due to the tone of the arms, up to approximately 2 summer age(some earlier, some later), but it still persists, and the child often clasps his fingers into a fist.

Such hand and finger massage will relieve him of such constriction, the child will have better control of his hands and fingers, it will be easier for him to draw, easier to hold a pencil, easier to sculpt. Develops flexibility and coordination of fingers. The fine motor skills we all know are developing. The child will speak sooner, just remember that classes need to be carried out regularly.

Sometimes, when children are worried, they fidget with something in their hands, be it a toy or some kind of rag. In this case, you should not take these objects away from the child, as he instinctively tries to calm himself down and gets rid of excessive anxiety in the body.

Finger exercises accompanied by funny rhymes or nursery rhymes are very popular with children. They are suitable for ages 9 months and older. During such activities, the child learns to listen, to project what he hears onto real events and objects, a sense of rhythm is developed. We study the names of fingers. - Danyusha, show me where your pen is?, and then, where is your right pen, where is your left?

At first, when you just start introducing such exercises, the baby can only watch you without reacting in any way; over time, he will get used to the exercises and will help his mother. As soon as the mother begins to pronounce a familiar rhyme, the baby already does necessary movements fingers. Then, if the classes are regular, the child will learn the rhymes familiar to him. First, he will repeat individual words after his mother, and then entire lines.

But there is also a reverse reaction; there is no way to get the child to sit down to do at least one exercise. This was in our case, my son did not want to sit still, much less do anything else with his fingers, he was attracted to more active activities. Then we had to catch him in order to try to study for at least a minute or two. My persistent efforts were rewarded and within a month the baby himself gave me his hands with his fingers outstretched, thereby showing that it was time to play with them.

If you are starting out for the first time finger exercises, then start with the first complex. It is suitable for children whose hands are pinched and fine motor skills are poorly developed. Such an introductory course can be started from the first days of life. When you have completed the first complex, you feel that the child is ready to move on, proceed to the second. The second can be carried out constantly every day or every other day.

Take the baby's hand with one hand and massage with the other hand.

Complex No. 1

1. Stroke the child’s hand several times from the fingertips to the elbow and vice versa. First stroke the outside of your hand, then the inside.

Handles, hands! Do I know you,

I wash you with water.

I also know fingers

I'm playing with them now.

2. Stroking movement of each finger towards the palm. Each finger, each phalanx, from the pad to the base of the fingers, then change the handles.

For girls and boys

There are five fingers on the hand:

Thumb - a guy with a soul,

Index finger - Mr. Influential,

The middle finger is also not the last.

The ring finger wears an important ring,

The fifth - little finger, brought you a gift.

3. Using patting movements, move along each finger from the tips to the palm. Then change the handles.

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

But this finger is me,

That's my whole family!

4. Pointed circular movements from the fingertips to the palm. Then change the handles.

This finger wants to sleep

This finger went to bed

This finger took a little nap

This finger is already asleep

This one is fast asleep

Hush, hush, don't make noise...

The red sun will rise,

The clear morning will come,

The birds will chirp

Your fingers will stand up!

5. Massage the pads, pressing lightly on them, and on the palm - in a circular motion, like a “magpie crow”.

There are five fingers on my hand

Five grabbers, five holders.

To throw and to hold,

To take and to give.

Of course there are five of them!

6.Complete the gymnastics with exercise No. 1

Complex No. 2

If the child does not yet understand what you want from him, then you can perform the exercises by taking his hands in yours. Some exercises you will not be able to do yet.

1. Rub your palms together to make them warmer.

2.Clench your hand into a fist, then unclench it.

3.Hook the fingers of the same name on one hand with the other and pull slightly to the sides.

4.Make the handles into a lock. And without unclenching your fingers, move your wrist.

5. "Suns". Morning has come, the sun has risen (palms with spread fingers rise up). Hold your palms parallel with your fingers clenched, then spread your fingers. - The sun is shining.

6. Fingers say hello. Alternately, each finger touches the thumb on each hand.

7. The little people run and then play football. Roll a small ball with your fingers.

8. “Scissors.” We imitate scissors with two fingers. It’s like we’re cutting up what we have at hand – a book, a diaper, etc.

9. Place your pens on the table. And alternately lift each finger.

All the best! See you again!

Fine motor skills play a leading role in a child's development. But not everyone knows how, in addition to games, to develop the ability to move fingers, so that the child masters speech in time and keeps up with his peers in development. For this it is optimal a massage will do arms and fingers.

Since the fingertips are directly connected to the brain, this explains direct influence finger massage for speech development and thought processes The child has.

You can do finger massage from the first day of life little man. Speech therapy massage not only develops speech, but also relaxes the body and improves mood. Used in combination with therapeutic and some other pathologies. If you follow the basic rules of massaging, this procedure will have the following results:

  • Removes dead skin cells;
  • Improves the condition of the skin;
  • Increases the child’s ability to work;
  • Will lower ;
  • Positively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Normalizes respiratory processes;
  • Stimulates the work of internal organs;
  • Activates speech centers in the brain.

Before you start finger gymnastics exercises, you need to consult a neurologist, as well as a speech therapist. The latter will really appreciate the need for speech therapy finger gymnastics for specific child. Massaging time according to medical research is about 15 minutes a day. Finger gymnastics exercises are combined with games for development fine motor skills.

From what age

If the child is less than 3 months old, then it is necessary to consult a neurologist. The baby may have decreased muscle tone. If there are no such problems, then simple stroking and rubbing movements are sufficient. You can lightly stretch your fingers and palms.

After three months, parents use auxiliary objects that are rolled on the baby’s palms and arms during massage. As an optimal option, in this case it will be useful Walnut or bump. This is an object with protrusions, but round in shape.

After a year, the child is prescribed a full massage, which includes a set of movements for the development of motor skills and speech.

Techniques and tricks

Basic principles of massage for a child:

  1. First, stretch the muscles of your wrists and hands;
  2. Pinching is carried out along with the skin around the fingers;
  3. Stroking in every massage procedure. This way the skin is smoothed out and folds disappear from it;
  4. Vibrating oscillatory movements at different speeds;
  5. Stroking the inside of the palm;
  6. Massage of fingers combined with stroking.

These are not all the techniques that are included in full-fledged finger gymnastics. It is important that in the finale the last movements are considered to be calm stroking of the child’s fingers and palms.

After the baby turns one year old, you can involve him in the massage procedure. Basic exercises that can be offered to your child:

  1. The child is holding on with identical fingers on both hands for each other, and mom tries to separate them.
  2. Simultaneous massage of two fingers on both hands. The baby will control the force of impact and equalize it.
  3. Between the middle and index fingers you need to insert the finger of the other hand and pull it out, twisting it a little.

In these types of exercises, there is great value in the fact that the child does them himself, and adults only help a little.

For babies

For a baby, the following sequence of actions is used: you need to place your palm on your hand and stroke all the fingers, first together, and then each separately. Kneading movements are performed in a circular motion, very gently. Be sure to press on the pads of your fingers, but do not overdo it. The next effect on the baby is to open and close the fist. The main thing is that the massage time for a small baby does not exceed 3 minutes.

For children from 1 year

If the child more than a year, then the massage technique becomes different. First of all, the impact occurs on the entire hand. It needs to be stroked from the elbow to the fingertips. Then stretch your entire wrist from the nails to the very top to have a positive effect on the joints. Then you should pinch your hands on the sides and knead the tubercles under all your fingers. Bend and straighten each finger, and then shake the whole hand. It is important to pronounce different tongue twisters and poems. This will make it easier and more fun for the child, and the speech centers of the brain will be activated.

With cerebral palsy

Massage for the hands of a child with cerebral palsy consists of similar methods of influence, but before using the procedure, be sure to consult with your doctor. If you lack knowledge, you can refer to video tutorials, in which all massage techniques are presented in detail and professionally.

Play massage

A playful form of speech therapy massage will help not only to activate the speech centers in the child’s brain, but also to develop imagination, thinking, and simply cheer up. All parents know about games that develop fine motor skills. In combination with finger gymnastics they will have a beneficial effect on both thinking and speech.


For children's development, you can use games with lumps of paper, great regardless of age. The child will crumple the sheets of paper and give them a spherical shape. As a result, any toy will be made from the resulting balls. It is enough to glue the balls together or make an applique out of them.

Small items

The best game option for developing fine motor skills is games with small objects. The child is mixing the details of red and of blue color, they will be forgiven for dividing into different glasses. It is important that the details are small size. A mixture of beans and peas is used for this. Offer your offspring the role of a non-standard artist. Let him draw a picture from cereals. They can be secured using plasticine.


In addition, entertaining games in which massaging can be combined with entertainment, for example fishing, help. The baby sits in the bathtub and uses his hands to depict swimming fish. At this time, mom catches them, and then massages them and releases them. All this is accompanied by jokes, poems or tongue twisters. In this case, the child’s memory will also develop.


Experts also recommend the “Snowfall” exercise. Placed in a bag paper balls different sizes, and different textures. There should be so many of them that the child, putting his hand through, feels a firm touch. Thus, the balls will play the role of massagers. At the end of the game, the baby will make a big snowfall, scattering all the balls around, and then he and his mother will have to clean up.

Parents know that the development of fine motor skills has a positive effect on the normal functioning of the main centers of the brain. Therefore, hand massage has long been prescribed for children from 0 years to school age. Doctors recommend speech therapy massage of fingers and hands for cerebral palsy, mental retardation, and also for relaxation muscle tone. It is important to carefully study the technique of the procedure, watch video tutorials and consult with doctors before starting.

The benefits of massaging a newborn's fingers cannot be overestimated. After all, it helps speed up many processes in the baby’s body. In addition, finger massage is great way speech development from a very young age.

About, I wrote before. And today I want to dwell in more detail on massaging a child’s toes.

1. Massage can be done at least an hour after feeding.

2. The room where it is performed must be well ventilated and the air temperature should be 20-25 degrees.

3. The hands of the massage therapist (or mother) should be warm. It would be even better to lubricate them with baby cream, after making sure that the child is not allergic to it.

4.Massage should not cause or intensify painful sensations at the baby's

5. You can’t do it before bed.

6. If a child is crying, under no circumstances should you massage him to calm him down.

How to massage a child's toes

♦ With one hand you need to carefully grasp the child’s foot, with the other, carry out stroking actions from the heel to the toes and back. The exercise is performed no more than 4 times.

♦ Now you can stroke the back of the foot from the toes to the ankle joint. Remember that the joints themselves cannot be massaged. The exercise is performed a maximum of 6 times.

The muscles of children under 1 year of age are very sensitive, so it is important to perform the exercises carefully so as not to harm the baby.

If the child does not have any abnormalities and is completely healthy, then finger massage is performed quite simply and contains several simple exercises, such as:

♦ Stroking each finger

♦ Rubbing each finger

♦ Kneading each finger

Massage at home can be performed by both the parents themselves and the massage therapist.

Massaging the fingers allows you to activate the blood circulation process in the child’s body, and also stimulates the functioning of internal organs.

Performing a massage on a baby over a year old:

Take the baby's hand in yours. Massage your toes with your hand. Let him try to perform such an exercise using the indicated technique. This useful but simple exercise will help develop motor skills not only in the legs, but also in the arms.

Carefully, take each finger in your hand and scroll it, pulling it forward a little. Remember, you can’t create pain!

Importance of this massage is that the child himself participates in its implementation, even with your help. This will allow the development of all senses, including the speech apparatus.

You should massage your fingers for at least 15 minutes every day.

Even the simplest techniques can be effective:

  • Flexion and extension of the toes (each separately).
  • Smooth rotation of the foot to the left and right.
  • Stroking fingers from bottom to top and back.
Indications for finger massage

For babies who have some neurological or orthopedic abnormalities, such a massage is prescribed without fail.

Typically, toe massage is prescribed for:

  • Hypertonicity of muscles
  • Hypotonicity of muscles
  • Various diseases and pathologies associated with the musculoskeletal system.
  • Prevention of various diseases.
  • If the child curls his toes.

After consultations with a doctor and several procedures performed by a massage therapist, the child’s mother can do it herself. The technique is not difficult, however, it is very effective.


There are also contraindications for massage for babies, both in general and for specific parts of the body.

Under no circumstances should it be done if:

  • Oncological diseases
  • Purulent skin diseases
  • Children after surgery
  • Heart defect

The benefits and effectiveness of massaging your toes and hands are very great. It is equally useful for both healthy children and children with health problems.

Parents should serious attention Spend some time massaging the baby’s fingers. After all, this simple procedure will help raise a strong, smart and healthy baby.

Stroking - massage of a child's hands

Place the child on his back, the masseur stands at his feet. The movement should be carried out from the hand to the shoulder.

To begin the massage procedure, take the child’s palm in your hand, place your thumb in it and, holding it, carefully squeeze it into a fist.

Left hand lift the child with your right hand, then with your left hand stroke the inner and outer surfaces of the arm, moving from the hand to the shoulder.

With the other hand, use soft and smooth movements to stroke the inner and outer parts of the arm alternately.

Repeat stroking 7 times on the right and left hands.

You can stroke the inner and outer surfaces at the same time using the technique of grasping stroking. In this case, you should massage the child’s hand on both sides at once, and the thumb should be on inside hands, and the rest - on the outside. Then you need to move on to ring rubbing of your hands.

Ring rubbing - massage of a child's hands

To perform a massage, you need to take the child’s hand with your thumb (on the inside) and index finger (on the outside) and rub it with active circular movements.

Massaging the child’s hands should be done in such a way that after four revolutions the massage therapist’s fingers reach the child’s elbow, and after six revolutions they reach the shoulder. During the rubbing process, the skin on your hand should turn slightly red. Repeat this massage of the child's hands 5 times. The exercise should be completed by stroking (3 times).

Crossing on the chest - massage of the baby's hands

To carry out the massage, the child's arms should be crossed over the chest.

Take the child’s palm in your hand, place your thumb in it and, holding it, carefully squeeze it into a fist, holding his hands with the remaining fingers.

Then, shaking the child’s hands slightly, spread them apart several times. different sides and cross it over your chest again.

To perform the exercise correctly, you need to periodically alternate the position of your hands: first the right one is on top, then the left one.

Repeat this hand massage procedure 6 times.

Shaking hands - massage the baby's hands

Starting position - lying on your back.

This procedure Helps relax the baby's muscles. Hold your thumb in the child’s fist and lightly squeeze his hand with your other fingers. Do this on both hands at the same time. After this, gently move the baby’s arms to the sides and shake lightly. If a child has muscle hypertonicity, he will be reluctant to perform this exercise. In this case, you need to stroke your hands.
