Can a strong woman catch a womanizer. The womanizer theory: his rules and what to do with him

Falling in love with a womanizer is quite possible. He, of course, is not the best candidate for life partners, but ... you can play with him. As a rule, such people combine beauty, vigor, charm. These qualities are captivating naive women(and they, as you know, love with their ears). Nevertheless, it should be said that no one is born a womanizer, they become them. Therefore, there is a chance to change something in the behavior of a loved one. But first you need to fall in love with him. How to do it? After all, there are many rivals around. Now we will discuss everything.

Consider the issue in detail

Before talking about how to make a womanizer fall in love with you, let's find out why you should not fall in love with him: you will always doubt his fidelity, he will not give up his usual way of life and communication, his actions will hurt you. In addition, such men have a number of negative qualities in this context: a thirst for constant flirting, overly high self-esteem, excessive self-confidence, lack of responsibility, the ability to deftly lie, self-centeredness. But, on the other hand, who does not take risks does not drink champagne. How to fall in love with a womanizer? First determine which psychological type applies to your chosen one. This will help build the right tactics actions.

The first type: an ideological womanizer

Such people consider their loving nature a way of life. For them, a woman is just another item in the collection. Be tough and rough with him. Don't count on long term relationship and love.

The second type: acts "under duress"

How to fall in love with a womanizer? Psychology will answer this. You need to see the subtext of his words, look at the bottom of desires. Often such men are weak. For years they keep in their hearts resentment, pain and anger at the woman who rejected them, deceived, changed, etc. He will try to make you feel sorry with compassionate stories about unrequited love, but in fact he wants to make you a part of it. Be careful not to dwell on such a person.

The third type: a womanizer "by nature"

Such representatives of the stronger sex are most dangerous for female hearts. In the blink of an eye they will charm you with their sly look and pleasant manners. First, think carefully about whether you need such a relationship. After all, for sure there is a man who will love you wholeheartedly and forever. Are minutes of dubious love worth it possible loss? If you answer “yes”, then we will figure out step by step how to make a man crawl at your feet. So, how to fall in love with a womanizer?

Step 1. Pay Attention to Yourself

Lovelaces love bright and self-confident girls. The "gray mice" have no chance.

Step 2. Play with them

Take the initiative in your own hands. Exude faith in your uniqueness. You must control the situation. Don't be afraid to be the first to propose a meeting and choose a place. Let him feel that you are a strong person.

Step 3. Don't fall in love yourself

This is the most main mistake which you can make. If you do not want to break your heart and cry at night in three streams, then do not allow yourself this! As soon as he feels the advantage and your weakness, he will immediately lose interest in your person.

Step 4: Don't demand responsibility

Don't wish for the impossible! You still won't succeed.

Step 5. You are the highlight!

Don't lose your grip and always keep yourself in good shape. Seduce and conquer him!

Step 6. How to make a womanizer fall in love with you? Become them yourself

If you want to fall in love with the conqueror of women's hearts, then become a mystery to him, a weightless dream that needs to be caught. And then you will succeed!

Womanizer- an amazing type of men who can not only skillfully seduce a woman. Often he manages to make even an experienced girl behave inexplicably and humiliatingly. And then the question inevitably arises before her: How to behave with a womanizer: fall in love or leave?

At the same time, it must be said that not every woman, even with experience in dealing with a womanizer, is able to easily leave him. It’s just that not all the fair sex knows for sure that it’s better to do it right away, until a feeling of a broken and deceived heart appears, which will then be very difficult to heal from spiritual wounds. Womanizers easily and with incredible speed fall in love with women.

For girls who welcome a one-night stand and are in no hurry to get married, you can say that abnicks- that's exactly what they need. By and large, they are skillful lovers who are firmly convinced that the pleasure of a woman is their rating. Therefore, if a girl is not amorous, she can use the sexual "services" of a womanizer, have fun and say goodbye to him.

Do not fall for the "pickup" of a womanizer and notorious bitches, most of whom can safely put him in his place.

How to behave with a womanizer: send him to hell or make him fall in love - it's up to you. However, be prepared that both can be difficult for you. Because a womanizer is a skillful seducer who knows how to bewitch a woman and take advantage of her naivety.

How to tame a womanizer?

But, most women who have succumbed to the charms of a womanizer are desperately looking for an answer to the question: “ how to fall in love with a womanizer? This is not to say that it is 100% impossible! But be prepared for the fact that it is very difficult.

First, before making a firm decision that you want a relationship with a womanizer, you need to be prepared for his betrayals. And they will be permanent. Relationship with a womanizer- this is very difficult process for female patience and not everyone is able to test themselves In a similar way. Even if you manage to understand how to fall in love with a womanizer, remember that he will not be able to easily and simply say goodbye to his past life. If you're up for the challenge, go for it

Secondly, the Casanova man is difficult to strong feelings– his heart loves superficially. In order to become the only one for him, you need to be someone he has not yet met. For starters, you can become one of those few women for whom he is indifferent: meet him with an evaluating look of a cold bitch and reject him witty phrase, after which he will want to communicate with you even more.

Any man is turned on by female impregnability. But here the main thing is not to overdo it. If, by the signs of behavior, you realized that he is a womanizer, but you would like to make him run after you, be such a touchy coquette. Maintain a gentle flirtation by shooting your eyes passionately, but don't let him even touch you. Believe me, it will hurt the typical womanizer. And this will be the first step on the way to his heart.

If you haven't had sex yet, that's great, you have an amazing opportunity to win it. After intimacy it is more difficult to do this, and most often it is unrealistic. For example, my aforementioned friend (see the article "!") Was very surprised that I kept him at a distance all the time. But he stubbornly did not give up in his attempts, because he was interested in such a "curiosity". It amused me more: I had already experienced communication with such guys, so I easily refused this handsome man. Subsequently, with this Casanova, we became friendly. And although he did not lose hope of "untwisting" me, but intimacy did not happen, but friendly communication remained. And I know that if I gave in to him at this stage, when we already knew each other better, he could fall in love. I just didn't want it. Therefore, believe me, the impregnability of a woman who keeps a womanizer next to her with interesting flirting leaves more chances to keep a man near her, or maybe tame him.

How to behave with a womanizer if something happened to you with a womanizer intimate relationship? Become unpredictable! Intrigue him with your ambiguous behavior. If he disappeared, throw a text with a couple of words: “Thanks, honey, we had a good time. That's just…<часть текста отсутствует>". Even though he got everything he wanted from you, the question will not come out of his head: “What could be wrong?”. The Lovelace guy will certainly be preoccupied with these thoughts, but most likely, he will silently wait for an explanation from you. Wait for this moment. And then throw something else, like “If you haven’t decided to rehabilitate yourself, throw a few words, otherwise Lech is waiting for my answer.” In general, the main thing is to keep a light intrigue, but not to overdo it with these games.

Living with a womanizer is most often a test of endurance for a woman, accompanied by tears, pain, and vain hope. But there are times when the fair sex manages to become the only one for their man.

By the way, this is exactly what happened to my friend Alexander, a womanizer: his wife managed to become both his mistress and best friend, and wife. He just got wise woman, which could become for him unique and adored. But what she had to endure before this moment came, it is better for no one to know.

But this case is very rare. Much depends on women's patience, strength and love. If you're not ready for the grueling ordeal before taming a womanizer, better run! If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to leave this venture! And first answer yourself the question: do you need all this?

Quite often, psychologists at their consultations for couples face a problem when a woman declares her claims to the behavior of the second half, complains about his infidelity, and does not know how best to proceed. But not all couples reach a psychologist, more often the situation comes down to the fact that girls are desperately looking for an answer to the question: how to fall in love with a womanizer?

Psychologists rightly note: firstly, it is impossible to change a person, and secondly, dreaming that you will become the only one for which he will change is the same as living in fantasies and believing in myths.

However, there are some effective ways how to fall in love with a womanizer.


Someone once said: "Womanizers are not born, they are made." This is true, as a rule, there is a logical explanation for this, a reason that is not always visible, but is clear to the man himself. Of course, he will not share it (sometimes hiding the reason even from himself). But from some phrases, put together, you can draw a very definite conclusion.

The task, therefore, is to get necessary information. Of course, direct interrogation won't do anything.

Therefore, first you need to win over a man, become his friend. So, to make it clear that you are “their own person” (even at the expense of spoiling your reputation).


To understand how to fall in love with a womanizer, you should start with friendship with him. Show that as a sexual object he is completely uninteresting to you, but as a person - very much so! By completely obvious reasons: you should name his features that you like. And to mention those that he is proud of, and even in an exaggerated form.

Act subtly, feeling the line, after which your behavior can alert him. Unobtrusively and supposedly spontaneously, by chance.

At the same time, you must always leave the opportunity, allow the possibility of intimacy, arouse the desire: “Now, if you weren’t so promiscuous ...” Demonstrate your femininity, rebelliousness, uniqueness.


A womanizer man should see in you something that he does not see in others, something humane, interesting, amazing - something that would “hook” him, which is close to him in terms of his views on life, plans, aspirations. Or something in common between you.

To understand what exactly, one should study it well, be interested in it, strive for communication, hiding behind interest in it as a person.

On the way to understanding how to fall in love with a womanizer, psychology should be your guide to action. The bottom line is that every man, even if he does not take seriously opposite sex, formed his ideal life partner. You need to get as close as possible to this ideal, to believe yourself that you are who you are, and to convince him of this (gently, carefully, as if in between times).


To fall in love with a womanizer, you need to act in two directions. Reduce the impact on a man of the reason why he chose the path of a womanizer and become for him the only one that he dreams of. Perhaps when he sees you as a life partner, the reason for his “adventures” will cease to be relevant, and he will decide to connect life with you. If not, he needs help in this, to become his psychologist, to help him understand what such behavior is fraught with. Show how great it would be if he met his soul mate and was faithful to her. Concrete images and examples will help him understand that the second path will bring more happiness. And only after that you can stop being just friends ...

The described strategy of behavior (how to make a womanizer fall in love with you) may seem unreasonable, unconvincing, unlikely, but it really works! If you have found your soul mate and want to live together all your life, try to change your attitude, become part of his life, look at the world through his eyes, and you will succeed. Act if you are 100% sure that it is worth it ...

Girls, in pursuit of men, sometimes stumble upon such outcast guys who are called womanizers. Womanizers are such a peculiar type of men who know how to seduce almost any girl very skillfully. It often happens that they can amaze even the most experienced girl and make her behave in a humiliating and inexplicable way. And then the question arises before the girl: how to behave with a womanizer? fall in love with him or leave?

It must be assured that not every girl who already has extensive experience in dealing with a womanizer is able to easily leave him. This happens because not all representatives fair half of mankind know for sure that it is better to do it right away, before the feeling broken heart, which is quite difficult, with the support of friends, to heal from spiritual wounds. Womanizers very easily and quickly fall in love with women.

How to behave with a womanizer

If you belong to a number of those girls for whom a serious relationship is not important, but are only looking for a companion for one night, then womanizers are the guys you need. It can be said that they are good lovers, whose task is to satisfy a woman, while increasing their rating and reputation. Therefore, if you are not an amorous girl and there is nothing for you to have a serious relationship, then the easiest way is to use the peculiar services of this type of men and say goodbye to him the next morning.

Fall in love with him or leave him - it's up to you. But still, be prepared that both of these things can work out for you with great difficulty. Because these are people who are able, as it were, to bewitch a girl and take advantage of her naivety.

How to fall in love with a womanizer?

1) You can’t say that you will succeed 100%, but you can still try. To begin with, you must understand that he has such a lifestyle, he loves women, so you should be patient and be prepared for constant betrayal with his hand. If you still decide fall in love with a womanizer then understand that it will be difficult for him to say goodbye to his past, but if you are sure that you are ready for difficulties, then success.

2) Such men practically do not experience any emotional attachment or this kind of feelings, but love only superficially, so you should become such a girl for him, whom he had not met before. For example, at a meeting, reject him with some witty phrase of a daring bitch and leave slowly, after which he will want to get you even more.

3) Whatever the man is, he definitely turns on and excites female impregnability. But in this regard, it is also worth not overdoing it, because you can simply become not interesting to this person and he will switch to more affordable option. You need to be a kind of coquette-touchy who wants a man to run after her and seek her. Maintain a gentle flirtation with him, glare passionately, but don't let him even touch you. Believe me, it will hurt him, even very much. And you will become for him the first lady on the way to his heart.

4) If you already had an intimate relationship with him, and this is most likely the case, then become for him unpredictable. Constantly intrigue him with unrevealed behavior. Even if he disappears, then send him a message with the following content: “Thank you, dear, it was good with you. That's just ... ”, believe me, this will hurt him very much, since the question will constantly spin in his head: what was wrong? The main thing is to keep a light intrigue, but do not play too much.

Sadly, but very often there are womanizers in the life of almost every woman. Basically it's good well-groomed men who know a lot about seducing women. It is very difficult to interest them, and it is generally very difficult to fall in love with a womanizer. But we're not looking for easy ways, are we?

Psychologists say that to act in relation to them by the same methods. Naturally, it is necessary to apply methods that, for ordinary men may seem inappropriate.

How to interest and fall in love with a womanizer - women's advice

If you think that something is wrong with you, since you have already fallen in love with a womanizer, do not rush to look for "marriage" in yourself. Such a desire in women is caused by a prehistoric instinct, if they see that the male is very popular with other females, this means that he is, as it were, marked with a quality mark.

So it is, as a rule, many womanizers are very handsome men, which are liked by almost everyone and conquer women in bulk just by entering the room.

Many girls dream of such a man, without thinking that having obtained such a copy, they will have to put up with the fact that every stranger passing by is staring at their soulmate for the rest of their lives. If you're ready for this, read on.

The most important thing is to work on yourself. Create an image so that the womanizer can pay attention to you and become interested in you. A little mysterious, different from others. And he will immediately become interested in you;

Make him play by your rules to make the womanizer fall in love with you. Let him think that it is his person who is being given so much attention. After all, bastards are narcissists. Take all the power into your own hands. Let mutual friends introduce you. And keep moving on;

Move away from him a little. Pretend that he is indifferent to you, but at the same time sometimes flirt, smile. Intrigue will awaken great interest in him. He will begin to think - what kind of person is this, who seems to be paying attention to him, and at the same time, does not let him near her. This is where his pride starts to hurt. And plus the mystery. And men love to solve this kind of riddles. Everything should be in moderation;

Interest him with your mind, erudition, ability to support any topic;

Do not immediately agree to a date. Let a little work to achieve this;

Do not rush to immediately jump into bed with him. As usual, after that, their interest in you will fall. He will put another plus sign, put you another number for himself and almost everything. Serious relationship people like that don't work. It's not in their interest. To fall in love with such a man, do everything so that this does not happen as long as possible. Then it will be practically yours;

Well, the last. You must have a high self-evaluation or at least show it to him. Don't let him think you're as accessible as everyone else.

And, having done all these actions, you will definitely interest the womanizer. And maybe he will be your life partner. After all, even they once understand that they can be left alone.

How to imperceptibly fall in love with a womanizer once and for all

The first step is to draw attention to this young man. Try to build the situation in such a way that your mutual acquaintances introduce you to him, but prepare properly for this meeting, “arm yourself”, try to impress with an interesting and mysterious woman so that he, as they say, "pecked on the live bait."

You definitely need to keep yourself a little aloof, and not show that you are interested in this guy, I will say right away, this is not at all easy and you need to have good acting skills and self-control, but these abilities are generally useful in life.

Try not to react very actively to his statements, humor. You will interest him and he will have a desire to impress you, because he does not know about your plans. Just don't be too distant or he might get tired and stop trying to win you over.

Keep him on his toes and occasionally give him an incentive to continue to woo you and end up making a womanizer fall in love with you. You can allow him to meet with you some other way, believe me, he will be waiting for this meeting and will come to it already prepared.

Your next step is to interest him in your personal qualities show him that you are very interesting person, with whom he is very interested in spending time, this will puzzle him very much and greatly reduce his ambition, which will certainly benefit you.

Very important point are sexual relations. Try to delay them as long as possible so that he dreams about it. Because if he easily gets you, then you will turn out to be another victory for a womanizer, and most likely your relationship will stop developing.

How to fix a womanizer?

Although every man considers himself an incorrigible womanizer in his soul, in fact, a womanizer is a completely special type men, although quite common in our time.

How to fix a womanizer and is it possible to succeed in this difficult matter? Falling in love with a womanizer is not an easy task. Be prepared for the fact that you will need all your will and iron endurance.

Alas, although womanizers are quite attractive, they know well female psychology, and every woman can feel like a queen, communicating with him, keyword here it is "each". The womanizer is not able to stop there, he will constantly strive to find a new goal and a new partner. That is his nature.

It makes sense to beat a womanizer with his own weapon. In other words, if you are confident in your abilities, you can show him that you are also not born with a bast, and he can master your body, but in order to conquer your soul, he will have to sweat very, very much.

To fall in love with a womanizer, you can allow yourself a lot in bed, but as soon as morning comes, the bird should fly away and this night does not mean any rapprochement. Set a hard distance that he will have to overcome every time he wants to see you again. And of course - no phone calls or intimate conversations.

· The womanizer is not accustomed to such treatment, and he will constantly gnaw at the thought that he never managed to win you over. This will force him to attack again and again with the same result. If he is too persistent - play bewilderment, they say, we are adults, well, we enjoyed each other - what more? Everything was great - but that's it.

Since the womanizer is used to dictating conditions himself and being the master of the situation, such a reaction will completely confuse him. A woman who did not fit into the stack of his victories will be an unconquered peak for him, which he is obliged to win, if only out of self-esteem. Otherwise - what kind of a womanizer is he?

· So you can play with him for a while, and if you notice that the eternal waiting begins to weigh him down, you can start another game. Show him that you like him, but you resist because you are not sure that he is your prince, whom you have been waiting for all your life. Then he will try to dispel these doubts in your soul.

· In fact, womanizers, despite all their victories, are full of internal complexes and self-doubt. And all their adventures are just a way to prove to himself that he is the best. If he really feels like this with you, it is possible that you will be able to fall in love with a womanizer.
