He looks at me for a long time. What does it mean if a guy, a man looks intently into the eyes of a girl, a woman, without looking away? Why a man does not look into his eyes when talking, looks away: the psychology of a man

A man is able to convey more emotions with his eyes than with words and behavior. When he stares into his eyes and does not look away, any girl will decide that she is interested in him, and he wants to continue acquaintance.

If an old acquaintance looks at each time and says nothing, the girl is interested to know the reason for such eloquent silence. Perhaps he is in love, but for recognition he is waiting for the right moment.

Psychology of the male gaze

The psychology of eye contact allows you to predict further development relations. A woman is not indifferent to what this or that means male look. To find out what's on a man's mind, you can get close and chat with him. Most often, a person’s gaze is caused by feelings such as:

  • curiosity;
  • love;
  • sexual interest;
  • mistrust;
  • disappointment;
  • dislike;
  • irritability.

A shy and insecure man looks furtively, at a time when the girl does not see him. He hesitates to approach, fearing rejection or indifference. He also fears that a woman, feeling someone else's gaze on herself, will see that an embarrassed boy is standing in front of her, and not a self-confident man.

A frank look and a raised eyebrow during a conversation indicate that the man is cold towards the interlocutor and is not impressed with the meeting. If he frowns, most likely the woman annoys him. When a guy looks too frankly into his eyes, and with all his behavior shows interest that he is just a ladies' man.

A close or languid look with a twinkle speaks of sexual desire towards the girl. In this case, it is up to her to decide whether to respond in kind or pretend that she did not notice anything. Those who are tuned only to a serious relationship should remember that a sign of a seducer is excessive self-confidence and a frank look.

Man looks away when meeting eyes

How to respond to close attention

The man waits for the woman to give him the same gaze and continues to seek eye contact. If there is a desire to continue communication and get to know the gentleman better, then you should smile and touch him. So he will understand that the girl is not against his society, and will try to make a positive impression.

If the girl has not decided how to respond to the interested male look, but does not want to push the guy away, then in the conversation it is worth hinting about the next meeting. A new date will help figure out if she likes him or not.

Looking a woman straight in the eyes, a man hopes to find in her eyes an attitude towards himself.

If he for a long time does not understand the feelings of a lady, then she can switch her attention to another. Don't act arrogant if you like the guy. This behavior will turn him off.

How to understand that this is your person

What do his eyes say?

Psychologists explain: a long gaze at close range speaks of deep or nascent feelings. If a man looks a woman straight in the eyes for more than eight seconds, then he likes her. And here is a direct four-second eye contact indicates a lack of interest.

When a man looks into his eyes, you should pay attention to how he does it:

  1. 1. If she liked, then he will catch her eye.
  2. 2. Whether his pupils dilate.
  3. 3. Do the eyes glow, is there a lively interest in them.
  4. 4. Where else is the male gaze directed.
  5. 5. Does he look at the girl when she does not see it.
  6. 6. Looks at her intermittently, paying attention to her chest, legs and back, or constantly looking for eye contact.

An unblinking look speaks of admiration and love at first sight. The man is fascinated and cannot hide it.

If he stealthily, from the side, watches her gestures, behavior and facial expressions at a time when she does not see him: he has serious intentions and wants to know as much as possible about her.

When a guy looks into a girl's eyes, smiles, but doesn't fit, it means:

  • Shyness. The guy is unsure of himself, he is silent and afraid to take a premature step.
  • Busy with something important. Later he will attempt an acquaintance.
  • Expectation. He looks to see if the girl comes first.
  • Flirt. This man seduces from a distance.

Raised eyebrows and a look from the bottom up indicate sincere interest. He listens attentively to the chosen one and wants to keep the conversation going.

A closer look at parting means hope for an early meeting. If a guy and a girl meet their eyes and hold their eyes, they fall in love, and a relationship is born between them.

Married man fell in love signs

If a guy looks into his eyes and smiles, the girls have questions about what is still in his soul. Meanwhile, such behavior can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the current situation.

If a guy looks into his eyes and smiles

1. If you have just started communicating with your chosen ones, you should carefully study his gaze. A young man who is not afraid to look straight in the eye can be a skilled seducer. But at the same time, it is important that you have an intuitive level. It will help to understand an insensitive or sly look, or vice versa, cute and friendly. On the other hand, a guy will not look into the eyes of a girl for whom he does not feel sympathy for a long time.

2. Do not lose sight of such a phenomenon as love at first sight. If she was born, the chosen one will look at you intently, almost without looking away. It is worth noting that clear sign admiration may become dilated pupils. A girl will always feel passion in her eyes, a light that has lit up in the soul of a young man and wants to break out.

3. Some scientists agreed that if a man looks at a lady for more than eight seconds without looking away, he experiences a very strong and obvious sympathy. He is not in love yet, but this feeling is about to arise and he is already counting on long term relationship. A look that lasts a few seconds means nothing but that the woman is completely young man indifferent.

4. As soon as the meaning of the look has become clear, you should decide for yourself whether you are ready for the emergence and development of relationships. If a young man dares to look you in the eyes so intently, he will show initiative and courage in most cases. You should not attempt to act yourself, as this can permanently alienate the chosen one, and you will never be together, although there were all the prerequisites for this.

Start over. Love is one word, but there are so many meanings, opinions, disputes, views on this amazing phenomenon ... But today we will consider this feeling as a blind, inexplicable attraction that results in a strong connection and further affection. And, proceeding from this, look for the answer to the question posed.

Listen to yourself

If you're wondering if he loves you specific man, then, this is clearly not just the case. Women are more empathetic by nature. It is so laid down that every woman needs to be able to listen and hear her child, so women are more attentive and pay more attention to details than a man. But let's not deviate from the topic. Such thoughts never come to mind just like that. People daily exchange information about each other on a much larger scale than they themselves imagine. Some speak of it as . You feel something in relation to yourself, but you cannot correctly interpret it, and this is absolutely normal. Before drawing knowledge from psychology, ask yourself all the questions you are interested in, I think you will be close to the truth. And then just check!

From the outside it looks like this...

Your eyes intersect. What do you feel? Spark? This is what you need! It is likely that the feelings are mutual and you are very lucky. What about him?


He doesn't look like everyone else. Gently, discouraged, deeply, in the look there is embarrassment and confusion, and there will also be brilliance and joy. Of course! Caught in your web. Notice the pupils. They will be expanded. Scientists have long found an explanation for this: this is how we look at what we really like, thus giving out sexual arousal! In addition, he will look at you with all his might, even when you do not see it, and want to look into your eyes more often.

Tip #1: Don't judge a man's mood just by whether he's looking at you while he's talking! If he looks straight ahead, this only speaks of, not even that there is no interest.

Tip number 2: try not to be embarrassed and not hide your eyes. This will help the man to be more open with you and feel much more confident.

Interesting fact: Even if a guy avoids communication, does not like to look at you, and when you sharply pay attention to him, look away, this indicates his hidden feelings.

Interesting fact #2: It is important to be able to separate falling in love from lust. A man in love will look first of all at the face, and not at the figure!


Even if a guy is charismatic by nature, he has, say, a well-delivered speech, but hesitations and excitement appear in your presence - this sure sign falling in love. In the language of the chemistry of love, this is easily explained, since hormones affect the functioning of the brain area responsible for spoken language.

An interesting fact: It has been established that when a woman experiences feelings, her voice becomes louder, but in men, on the contrary, it is quieter by one or two tones, softer and more trusting.

facial expressions

Smile is the key to all answers. It is usually believed that falling in love inspires, and a person feels very good when an object of sympathy appears on the horizon. Therefore, it will be difficult for a guy to contain the storm of emotions that he experiences. He will smile broadly and sincerely. What will the appearance of many mimic wrinkles. But! pay attention to the symmetry of the smile, if it is asymmetrical, this is a bad sign.

Tip number 1: take a closer look, the emotion in the look and smile should match. If you notice some dissonance, the person may not be as open as they want to appear.

Interesting fact: It is believed that a smile is associated with animal grin. Smiling man scares away potential competitors.

Brows are one of the brightest indicators of attitude towards a girl. If, when it appears on the horizon, they rise for a split second, and their eyes open, this undoubtedly speaks of sincere feelings.

Tip #4: Pay more attention to your eyebrows if you want to know if what you are saying is interesting or not. But in no case be confused with a skeptical look, when the eyebrows take on a frown.

Together with eyebrows comes into play mouth. It may open slightly, and the lips may sometimes tremble, as if scooping up air. Sometimes even a guy licks his lips, as more saliva forms in his mouth - a sign that a person is attracted to a girl. The same can be said about the nostrils, they will increase in size. It is not surprising, because when in love, the smell plays a huge role, so the man tries to hear it.

The main thing in facial expressions is positive messages, if you feel negative towards yourself, think about it.


  1. A man takes a deep breath when he sees the one he likes. It's not just the excitement and lack of oxygen. Inhaling, the stomach is stretched, the back is straightened and the chest is protruding - this is a way to remove stoop, increasing height by a couple of centimeters and visually enlarge chest, and the waist, on the contrary, already. So the figure seems more toned and desirable.
  2. The guy physiologically always tries to get closer and close the distance, so he leans in when the girl speaks, which indicates his interest. In addition, it strives to body contact: gives a hand, puts on a coat, straightens a strand of hair that has fallen out. And it's not just about education! So neutral, sometimes it would seem random touches - good way find out the reaction to them, as a result, the girl's interest.
  3. If he puts his hands on his hips, then he emphasizes himself among the rest of the guys. Looking for attention from the girl to his person.
  4. In any case, his poses remain open. For example, legs wide apart indicate trust, while closed postures, such as crossed arms or legs, indicate unpreparedness for emotional contact.
  5. The turn of the body will always be in the direction of the object of sympathy, from the head to the toes.
  6. If you look closely, you can see slight swaying, while the girl is talking about something, this indicates closeness, including.
  7. When a man is worried, he touches his neck. But it is important to understand why this excitement: from feelings or because of lies.
  8. The guy becomes prone to mimicry in relation to the girl, unconsciously he repeats her movements.


in behavior important criterion besides physiology, is age. adult male - experienced man. Therefore, he tends to be more in control of his emotions. Young people, on the other hand, are the opposite. It is not uncommon for a guy to not know how to deal with his feelings and how to behave towards the fair sex. Therefore, the behavior will not necessarily be pleasant and courteous. The main thing for every man is to attract attention, but who said that it will be pleasant to both? It all depends on self-esteem. If they make fun of you a lot, even offend you, in a word - they breathe unevenly, and, it would seem, for nothing, perhaps this is such a non-standard manifestation of love.

The second sign is interest. He wants to know everything about you. Sometimes it happens that a man even asks too many questions, and sometimes he tries to do it quietly. But getting information is very important. He will also look for an approach to you in order to arouse mutual interest.

The third indicator can be called. With or without a reason! A man feels when someone else is pushing wedges to the one he likes. Sometimes he pretends to be dismissive of the person in front of her or asks questions that would confirm his guesses.

The fourth is desire to please. Starting from own appearance: cut your hair in time, shave, dress up before her arrival and ending with courtship, and then getting to know the family: with her and with her. He will try to do something for her, in order to earn a high appreciation of his work and his feelings. Of course, compliments are included in this list.

Fifth - will look for a meeting under any pretext. Perhaps it will even be a whole well-thought-out plan, such that the girl will not even notice. true motive. It is so important that she be around as often as possible.

Sixth point. It awakens inner strength. Masculinity. He ready to defend and help in solving problems, as he is deeply worried.

Confidence- the foundation of relationships! He is open in front of her, trying not to hide anything, although this does not exclude the fact that he may embellish some facts about himself.

Care. He will take care about the girl different ways and keep in touch, sometimes even discreetly, for example, through other people.

Love is different, and men in love behave uniquely. They are united by the fact that they are ready to sacrifice for a girl: to become better, to spend more time together, to try their best to bring a smile to their face... True feelings, of course, are also spoken about. serious intentions. It is necessary to appreciate them for all this, support and try not to offend them. bright feelings! After all, it is thanks to a man that a smile appears on a woman’s face.

As the famous writer said: "the eyes are the mirror of the human soul." A person can be deceived by words, gestures, facial expressions, but the eyes usually never lie. Looking into the eyes of a person, you can see whether he is good or bad, whether he is sad or happy, whether he is lying or telling the truth, even if his words and facial expressions say the opposite. Many people are very good at mastering facial expressions, and can sincerely smile at the interlocutor, actually hating him deep down. In such cases, it is very important to know what a person’s gaze can say.

If the guy makes eye contact? The views of women and men are very different, but when their views intersect, it is an intriguing and mysterious imagination, communication without words. With close people or friends, we behave liberated and can look into their eyes for a long time without feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable. But as soon as our gaze meets the direct long gaze of the opposite sex, we feel awkward, because long look, in fact, an intimate thing. Therefore, very often women wonder what it means if a guy looks straight into his eyes.

There are many opinions why guys look straight in the eyes, but the most correct answer is probably that this person is interested in you. Of course, male sympathy can manifest itself in the most different ways, including not only looks, but also facial expressions, gestures.

Sometimes, to understand what feelings you evoke in this or that man, it is not enough just to look into his eyes. But, if a guy looks you straight in the eyes, it is necessary, if possible, to find out the reasons for this. He may be really interested in you, or he may be ladies' man trying to seduce you.

Why does a man look directly into his eyes?

The look of a man eye to eye is undoubtedly an interest in you, and it is up to you to answer this look or not. Some women defiantly respond to this look, some are embarrassed and look away. There are women who, when looking at a man eye to eye, think that they look bad, or their hair or makeup has gone bad. In any case, if a woman wants to further acquaintance with a man, she will also catch his eyes.

If a man looks directly into his eyes, you can try to predict him further actions and deeds.

  • Long, interested look men in, no doubt, will mean that you like him and if he is brave, he will want to get to know you better.
  • A gentle, affectionate look means that a man is seriously interested in further communication with you, and his long look into your eyes can mean an attempt to unravel your desires, how you feel and how you feel about him.
  • An ironic look with a slight tilt of the head may mean that the man is challenging you to a visual duel. He is interested in whether you will answer him with a look or ignore his attention in your direction. In most cases, such a look suggests that a man is not serious about you and does not strive for long relationship with you.
  • When a man looks directly into his eyes with a gaze with a twinkle, this may mean that you are only interested in him sexually, without further serious relationship. Professional womanizers can portray great tenderness and diligently "honestly" look directly into the eyes. Such men can be given out by excessive calmness and an overly charming smile. In such a situation, everything depends on a woman who is either a supporter of casual acquaintances or an opponent of such intrigues.
  • A slightly raised eyebrow makes the look haughty and cold. Even if a man looks you straight in the eyes, he may consider you boring and annoying.
  • A guy who has the courage to look you straight in the eye will want to conquer you himself, and if you feel sympathy for him in return, do not rush to show it. Excessive activity on your part can scare the guy away and cool his ardor. Let him take the initiative himself, because perhaps your mystery interested him. However, also do not overdo it with your inaccessibility, otherwise the man will decide that he is not interested in you and will go to another.

In general, it's okay if a man looks directly into his eyes, no. But it depends only on the woman how to react to such a view. Be smart, flirtatious, mysterious and feminine, and don't be afraid stare men!

As they say, guys love with their eyes and this power of the look is great. But what does it mean if a guy looks at you so intently that he just confuses you. Today I will try to figure it out together with you.

No wonder they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. It is these bodies human body it is common to display all emotions, experiences, or vice versa joy. They do not talk, but subtly convey the attitude. Many of us can restrain our emotions and control, but the look always betrays. If a guy looks into the eyes intently, without taking them away or lowering them, this means that he feels the most sincere feelings. There are times when he simply cannot put into words what he feels for you, so this is the way he tries to do it.

If he looks into your eyes and smiles

Just do not immediately rush to conclusions, the view is different. If you have just started talking with a guy, and he is staring into your eyes, you should carefully study this look. You should know that a person who is not afraid to look into the eyes can be a seducer. But at the same time, intuition can tell you. Because the seducer has completely insensitive eyes, and that's enough, a sly look. It is also worth remembering that a guy will never look into the eyes of a girl he does not like. Therefore, if you are faced with such a phenomenon, rejoice, someone likes you.

Also, do not miss the fact of love at first sight. In this case, the guy will look at you intently, without taking his eyes off for a minute. Dilated pupils are a sign of admiration. You will feel how passionately he wants to look at you, you will see that spark of the soul that wants to break out. If you are doing what you love, and he periodically looks at you, then you are not indifferent to him.

In addition to all this, there is scientific rationale look " eyes to eyes". If a guy looks into your eyes for eight or more seconds, he feels very strong sympathy, if not yet in love, but already counting on a long-term relationship. A look that lasts four to five seconds means that the girl is of no interest to him.

Once you understand the meaning of the look, you need to decide for yourself what you want from the relationship. The main thing is not to be active. Because if he dared to look you in the eye, let him continue to show his courage and initiative. If you show weakness towards this guy, then he may lose all interest in you. When counting on a long-term relationship, keep the distance in the relationship so that the guy is more and more interested. But, do not overdo it, as he can understand something completely different, that is, he is not at all interesting to you and will generally cease to show signs of attention.

You probably already guessed that eye contact plays between a guy and a girl big role . How you behave will determine how your relationship will be. Trust the look! He will never let you down.
