What helps with mimic wrinkles. The best remedies for mimic wrinkles around the eyes

Mimic wrinkles appear very early - often after 25 years. If you follow some preventive methods and deal with this problem in a timely manner, you can get a tangible result and keep your skin young and fresh for a long time.

What wrinkles are called mimic?

The life of any person is a constant manifestation of emotions. At the same time, the facial muscles actively work, contracting several thousand times in one day, which leads to the formation of wrinkles. These are mimic wrinkles.

Unlike age-related changes, mimic wrinkles appear much earlier - often after 25 years.

Mimic wrinkles usually appear in places that express all sorts of emotions more clearly: near the mouth, on the forehead, in the outer corners of the eyes.

Reasons for the appearance

The main reasons for the appearance of facial wrinkles include:
  • Emotionality and active facial expressions. Expressing various emotions, people wrinkle their foreheads, frown, shift or raise their eyebrows, curl their lips, raise, lower and stretch their corners. All these movements are provided by the muscles of the face.
  • Poor eyesight. Reduced visual acuity, nearsightedness or farsightedness, other disorders - because of this, people often squint to better see something. This habit causes early appearance mimic wrinkles around the eyes.
  • External influence. Frequent exposure to the wind, the sun, in rooms with insufficient lighting, and other similar factors make you involuntarily frown and squint, which again leads to premature expression lines.
  • Thin skin of dry type, dehydration. Such skin is more sensitive and prone to all sorts of changes, including mimic wrinkles.
  • Wrong face care. Aggressive products that irritate the eyes, massage with incorrect technique or without the use of special products (oils, creams) - all this can adversely affect the condition of the skin.
  • Irrational diet, bad habits and wrong way of life. All this makes the skin of the face more vulnerable and more susceptible to negative changes.

Creams and other cosmetic products for mimic wrinkles

There are many cosmetics, promising to get rid of wrinkles, including facial ones. Despite these assurances, not all offered products give the proper effect.

Cosmetic products for mimic wrinkles are produced in various forms. Usually such means are presented:

  • creams;
  • gels;
  • sera;
  • masks.
Choosing a product to combat mimic wrinkles it is important to study the composition.


In the right cream for mimic wrinkles, a certain set of components must be present. It is usually presented:
  • collagen;
  • vitamin complex;
  • coenzyme Q10;
  • alpha hydroxy acids.
Each component has a specific role.


It makes up most of the dermis, the middle layer of the skin. Contrary to the loud statements of manufacturers, the collagen used in various cosmetics does not penetrate the skin, but still has a certain effect on it. This is a lifting effect, moisturizing, activation of regeneration and enhancement of the properties of other components.

Vitamin complex

Usually includes retinol, tocopherol and vitamin C.

Retinol necessary to stimulate the production of natural collagen and activate the regenerative properties of the skin.

Tocopherol protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and strengthens collagen fibers - the condition of the skin depends on their strength and elasticity. In addition, tocopherol enhances the effect vitamin C, which is also important for collagen production and skin health.

Coenzyme Q10

It is often called the elixir of youth. Its production by the skin provides it with elasticity, healthy color and elasticity. Coenzyme for cosmetology purposes is obtained from a certain variety of algae, so the component is natural.

Hyaluronic acid

Needed by the skin for firmness and elasticity. As part of cosmetics, this component ensures the preservation of moisture in the skin, increasing its elasticity, enhancing the properties of other components.

The best creams for mimic wrinkles

Vichy brand Myokine cream

Its active ingredients are tocopherol, shea butter and adenoxin - an active complex against mimic wrinkles. This French manufacturer's tool is perfect for smoothing. The product has a light structure and a cumulative effect.

Cream Serum Vegetal

Modeling product from Yves Rocher, an effective remedy for " crow's feet" around eyes. It contains plant extracts, tocopherol, antioxidants, vegetable oils, moisturizers. This remedy is great for the first wrinkles on young skin, and for deeper problems, the brand has more active products in the line.

Rides & Fermet series for wrinkles and skin elasticity; the Rides & Lifting series against wrinkles with a lifting effect; the Rides & Eclat series for wrinkles and for the radiance of the skin of the face.

Prodigy Eyes Cream by Helena Rubinstein

Its composition is notable for the extract of green seaweed, provitamin B5, caffeine and Bio-SAP active complex. The skin around the eyes after such a cream becomes denser and more elastic, wrinkles are noticeably reduced. An additional bonus is that they have not yet added attractiveness to anyone.

Cream "Vitamin F and golden root" brand Green Mama

One of inexpensive funds from mimic wrinkles after 25 years. This product, in addition to the components stated in the title, contains retinol, tocopherol and a lot of plant extracts. The tool is excellent for preventive purposes and to combat the first mimic wrinkles.

EsteeLauder's Advanced Time Zone product line

It includes a cream, gel, serum, regenerating complex and a mask in the form of patches. The products contain useful plant extracts, hyaluronic acid, living cells. You can choose a permanent care product or choose an express program - night serum, designed for 21 days. In any case, the effect will be achieved - wrinkles will be smoothed out, the skin will become smoother and more elastic, and acquire a healthy color.

The series includes a basic anti-wrinkle cream, a more nourishing night cream and for the area around the eyes.

Correction of mimic wrinkles in a beauty salon

Modern cosmetology salons offer a lot of methods to deal with the first signs of withered skin. These include:
  • beauty injections;
  • peeling;
  • hardware cosmetology;
  • massage.
Each method has its own strengths and weaknesses, a certain effect and its duration.

beauty injections

Beauty injections are called cosmetology methods that involve the subcutaneous injection of certain drugs. These methods include:
  • mesotherapy;
  • Botox injections;
  • biorevitalization;
  • contour modeling ().


It involves the preparation of individual cocktails. To combat mimic wrinkles, such compositions usually include hyaluronic acid, collagen, peptides, vitamin complexes, homeopathic remedies, oligoelements. Mesotherapy is characterized by high efficiency, short recovery period and individual selection of components. The disadvantages of the method include the possibility of allergies and side effects in the first hours after the procedure - redness, soreness, swelling.

The effect of mesotherapy is cumulative - it will take several procedures to achieve the desired result. When using mesotherapy for preventive purposes, the effect can last from several months to several years, depending on individual features.

Botox injections

Restore the original volume of the skin, give it elasticity, correct the contours of the face. The undoubted advantages of this method are the absence of a rehabilitation period and the growing effect. Best Impact Botox works specifically on mimic wrinkles.

The disadvantages of such beauty injections include only a limited effect and the inability to eliminate deep wrinkles. Read more about the pros and cons of using Botox.

The effect of Botox lasts depending on the speed of its removal from the body (individually) and averages 4-8 months.


It involves injections of hyaluronic acid. This procedure eliminates small wrinkles, evens out the relief of the face, improves skin elasticity and restores its healthy color.

Biorevitalization practically does not require a recovery period, but some complications may appear - redness, slight swelling, soreness.

contour modeling

Means injections of fillers - gel preparations with hyaluronic acid. Fillers are injected into different layers of the skin to fill in imperfections. As a result, the contour of the face is corrected, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

Fillers are gradually eliminated from the body, so the effect depends on individual characteristics and can last from several months to several years.


Peeling is a classic method of mimic wrinkles correction. Up to 30 years, a superficial procedure is sufficient, and median facial cleansing is designed to combat stronger age-related changes.

To remove mimic wrinkles, it is more effective to use a chemical peel. Glycolic, salicylic, lactic, fruit acids, retinoids are used as active substances for this procedure.

Results after superficial dry cleaning last up to six months, therefore, for preventive purposes, cosmetologists recommend carrying out such a procedure 2-3 times a year.

Hardware cosmetology

Modern hardware cosmetology offers several methods to get rid of facial wrinkles:
  • ultrasonic peeling;
  • RF lifting (thermolifting);
  • photorejuvenation;
  • microcurrent therapy;
  • LPG massage.

Ultrasonic peeling

It is a painless procedure and does not lead to complications. As a result, the upper layers of the skin are renewed, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

After the main course, it is necessary to do preventive procedures every 1-2 months.

RF lifting

Based on exposure to radio frequency radiation. The procedure has a deep effect, smoothing mimic wrinkles, restoring skin elasticity and stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. This property provides RF-lifting with an enhancement of its action.

After the main course, the effect lasts up to one and a half years.


It works due to flashes - at the same time, the keratinized layer of the skin is removed, and metabolic processes and collagen production are activated in the deeper layers. This increases the elasticity of the skin, allows you to get rid of mimic wrinkles and other imperfections.

The effect of the procedure lasts up to one and a half years, but to maintain it, preventive sessions are recommended 1-2 times a year.

Microcurrent therapy

Exposure to the skin with microcurrents relieves not only mimic, but also deep wrinkles. As a result, the surface of the skin is smoothed, its elasticity and healthy color return.

To maintain the effect, the procedure must be carried out every six months.

LPG massage

It is also called an endermolift. The method works due to vacuum, which perfectly stimulates the skin. The result is wrinkle smoothing, activation of metabolic processes, firmness and elasticity of the skin.

The first course usually consists of 15-20 procedures, and then maintenance sessions are needed once every 1-2 months.

Masks for mimic wrinkles at home

Mimic wrinkles can also be fought at home - various masks are perfect for this:
  • Well moisturizes and smoothes wrinkles sesame oil. It needs to be warmed up and applied to problem areas for an hour. Then you just need to blot your face with a napkin.
  • You can grind a few strawberries, add 1 tsp. honey and 2 tsp. vegetable oil. The composition should be applied for 20 minutes and washed off with warm milk.
  • Mix a tablespoon of cottage cheese, cream and carrot juice. You can wash off the mask with plain water after half an hour.
  • A mask of whipped protein and half a teaspoon of lemon juice will relieve wrinkles and whiten the skin. It is necessary to withstand the composition for 20-30 minutes, applying a new layer after the previous one has dried.
  • A smoothing and cleansing effect is distinguished by a product made from whipped protein, a tablespoon of honey (steamed) and the same amount of oatmeal. 25 minutes after application, the composition must be carefully removed with a napkin.
  • You can get rid of crow's feet with the help of. It is enough to grind it to the state of gruel and apply for 20 minutes.

Facial massage and gymnastics

One of effective ways get rid of mimic wrinkles -. There are several effective methods:
  • It is necessary to inflate the cheeks one by one, holding them in this position for 6 seconds. It is enough to do this several times.
  • Put your palms on your cheeks, placing your index fingers on your cheekbones. Pull out tightly compressed lips with a tube. Press on the cheekbones, relax the lips.
  • Stick out your lower lip as much as possible. Tilt your head back. After 6 seconds, relax and return to the starting position.
  • Round the lips and close them with effort. A few sets of 5 seconds are enough.
  • You need to press on the tip of the nose with your index finger and pull upper lip down so that the nose pushes the finger. Exercise should be done to the stop, lingering at the end for a few seconds.
To remove facial wrinkles at home, you can resort to. It is better to perform it with a special oil or cream. In self-massage, it is important to follow the lines of the lymph flow - the first time it is worth repeating them in the picture.

Massage should be performed with fingertips, making slightly pressing, but gentle movements. Home massage it is better to do 10-15 minutes a day, taking a week break every 10 days.

Each area of ​​the face has its own techniques:
  • To remove vertical wrinkles on the forehead, you need to move with light pressure to the temples from the middle of the forehead. 10 repetitions are enough.
  • To remove wrinkles around the eyes, you need to massage the eyelids with tapping movements. Be sure to observe the lines of the lymphatic flow.
  • You can smooth it out by pressing the index and middle fingers on the recesses above the wings of the nose.
A fairly effective remedy for "crow's feet" is a massage, the implementation of which can be seen in this video:

Prevention of mimic wrinkles

To prevent mimic wrinkles from appearing for as long as possible, you need to follow a few rules:
  • Less grimace. No need to restrain yourself in the manifestation of emotions, but you should learn to express them not too brightly.
  • Work on facial expressions. It is important to get rid of unnecessary habits - wrinkling your forehead, squinting, raising your eyebrows or the corners of your mouth. All this is a guarantee of future wrinkles.
  • Skin care. Dry and problem skin is a risk factor for early manifestation mimic wrinkles. It is important to use the right cosmetics, resort to some salon procedures. Do not abuse decorative cosmetics - even quality products bad for the skin. It is important to wash off makeup thoroughly and every day.
  • Proper nutrition and drinking regimen. You need to eat well and drink a certain amount of water per day. All this affects the condition of the skin.
  • Defence from external factors. Don't neglect sunglasses and products with SPF filters.
It is necessary to fight mimic wrinkles only with complex measures. If you properly care for the skin of the face, lead a healthy lifestyle and do certain procedures, then the skin will remain healthy and youthful for as long as possible.

Also read.

Expression wrinkles are a problem that is familiar even to relatively young girls. How to remove them permanently? Let's find out today.

Problem Features

Regardless of our temperament and disposition, mimic wrinkles appear in everyone, and sooner rather than later. This is due to the liveliness of human facial expressions - on a moving face, it is already quite early age small folds become noticeable, usually near the eyes and lips.

Women notice these unpleasant changes earlier than men, and almost everyone is worried about the question - what to do? But first, let's figure out what wrinkles are.

Elena Malysheva talks about mimic wrinkles in this video:

Classification and localization

  • Mimic wrinkles are not classified. These are small damage to the upper layer of the dermis, which as a result becomes a little less elastic than necessary. They are easily removed with proper facial care.
  • They are localized mainly at the mouth, eyes, on the forehead.


Mimic wrinkles cannot be named. They appear even in young girls and boys, sometimes in children. It all depends on the predisposition of the skin. The reasons may be:

  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • poor nutrition;
  • congenital inelasticity of the skin;
  • facial habits - frown, squint your eyes;
  • violations of metabolic processes in the body;
  • the influence of the external environment.

Symptoms of mimic wrinkles

The only symptom is visible visually - small folds appear on the skin.


The appearance of wrinkles can be easily diagnosed by yourself or with the help of loved ones. Usually in the mornings and evenings they are more visible.


The appearance of wrinkles is directly related to the degree of elasticity of the skin. In people with a predisposition to disorders in the functioning of the dermis, mimic wrinkles can appear even in childhood. Perhaps they will pass in a few years.

It is necessary to take care of children's skin in the same way as for an adult, but it is better to use only folk methods - not all medicinal and cosmetic preparations are safe for a child.

Adults can apply creams and ointments to problem areas, both those bought at a pharmacy. You can use masks. Physiotherapy and Botox are suitable for getting rid of wrinkles, but you can do without it - mimic wrinkles rarely visually age the face.

Mimic wrinkles (photo)

Therapeutic method

  • Compliance with the diet has little effect on the appearance of wrinkles, but in general it has a positive effect on the body.
  • also have a beneficial effect on the skin.

How to remove facial wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, the video below will tell:


Mimic wrinkles, as a rule, are not too noticeable and do not need such serious treatment. However, if desired, you can turn to physiotherapy. For example, they are great for eliminating wrinkles, SPA procedures,.

Medical method

There is also drug treatment. The list of drugs that will help temporarily or permanently get rid of wrinkles for anyone is quite large. Below are the names of just some of the tools.

Gel Curiosinanti-acne, but also eliminates wrinkles > anti-acne, but also eliminates wrinkles
Ointment Reliefgreat for bad skin problems>great for bad skin problems
Heparin ointmentquickly saves from fine wrinkles>quickly saves from fine wrinkles
promotes accelerated regeneration epidermis>promotes accelerated regeneration of the epidermis
relieves inflammation and smoothes the skin>reduces inflammation and smoothes the skin
Blefarogelget rid of wrinkles easily>get rid of wrinkles easily

Other Methods

Another undoubtedly successful way to get rid of wrinkles is Botox. Many have a prejudice against this method, but in fact, experts have not been able to detect the harm that it causes to human health.

Disease prevention

Considering that mimic wrinkles appear due to habitual movements facial muscles, the only way prevention in this case- control your own facial expressions. Emotionality is a wonderful trait, but some external manifestations Feelings can be monitored: for example, if you regularly frown when feeling irritated, try to get rid of this habit.

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Sooner or later, all women face the problem of mimic wrinkles. And then the question arises, how to deal with them - around the eyes, around the mouth, on the forehead?

All women are overly emotional, any problem or joy, whether in the family, at work or with friends, leads to furrowed eyebrows, wrinkled forehead and pouty lips. And all this happens 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year. As a result, small contractions on the face eventually turn into hated mimic wrinkles.

Distinguishing mimic wrinkles from age ones

Many girls panic when they notice a new wrinkle or "crow's foot" on their face. But do not be upset, mimic wrinkles appear much earlier than age-related ones, which become noticeable by the age of thirty.

Causes of mimic wrinkles

  1. Bad heredity
  2. Metabolic disease
  3. Various nervous shocks
  4. Insufficient nutrition of skin cells
  5. Low quality cosmetics
  6. Bad habits
  7. Condition of the epidermis and dermis
  8. Poor metabolism in the layers of the skin
  9. Negative impact environment
  10. Environmental factors
  11. Over emotionality

On the forehead, around the eyes, near the lips and on the bridge of the nose, mimic wrinkles appear first, then they become deeper and then go to the neck and between the eyebrows.

It is worth remembering that it is better to start the fight against mimic wrinkles in advance. After all, preventing a problem is much easier than dealing with it.

If you become the owner of facial wrinkles, then there are two ways out of the situation to seek help from cosmetology or traditional medicine. What is better, everyone decides for himself.


Botox It is considered one of the most effective ways in the fight against mimic wrinkles. The whole procedure takes about twenty minutes. First, anesthetics are applied to the skin, and then a special drug is injected under the skin with the help of injections. The effect of such a procedure lasts about six months. After the time has elapsed, it is desirable to repeat the procedure.

This procedure has its negative sides, like any other method. This drug can only be injected into certain parts of the face. If you prick in the wrong place, then as a result, facial expressions may be disturbed. And with excessive vision of butulin, the eyelid or corner of the mouth may simply drop.

Muscle relaxants

In the event that you are afraid of butulin injections or its negative aspects, then you can use peptide-based muscle relaxants. All preparations based on peptides (serums, gels, creams) act in exactly the same way as Botox. There are no side effects of this method, they can be used at any age. Yes, and they are much cheaper than non-living salon procedures.

How to deal with mimic wrinkles using folk methods

Mimic wrinkles around the eyes

In order to get rid of mimic wrinkles around the eyes, it is necessary to massage the area near the eyes daily after being removed. evening make-up. To do this, you need to apply a little olive oil on your fingers and gently massage the circular eye muscle. You need to start the massage from the inner corner of the eyes and move your fingers to the outer. After, close your eyes and make the same movements, as if imitating playing the piano. Then, holding the closed eyelids with your fingers, you must try to open your eyes, and at the same time raise your eyebrows.

After the massage, it is advisable to do a mask. For its preparation, it is necessary to prepare a decoction of parsley. Pour half a glass of boiling water over one tablespoon of parsley and let it brew for fifteen minutes, strain. Next, finely grate raw potatoes and add two tablespoons of slightly warmed parsley decoction and one tablespoon of vegetable oil to one tablespoon of potatoes. On pre-folded gauze in several layers, lay out the resulting mixture and bandage your eyes for half an hour. The first results will be visible after just two weeks.

Mimic wrinkles around the mouth

First of all, mimic wrinkles appear around the mouth. This is due to the fact that this area is very thin skin, and active facial expressions significantly provoke the appearance of wrinkles. There are a huge number of ways to deal with this problem, which were used by our grandmothers. These treatments never cause allergies and have no side effects, since the products that are used for them do not contain chemicals, dyes and various preservatives, moreover, they are always at hand.

The most affordable common way in the fight against mimic wrinkles around the mouth is egg. First you need to separate the protein from the yolk, although you can use both if you wish. Protein should be applied to the skin around the mouth. After five minutes, when it dries, rinse with warm water. But if you use the yolk, then you need to add the yolk to it, add one teaspoon of honey to it, and after stirring the mixture, apply to the skin. After fifteen minutes, rinse with warm water. If desired, instead of honey in the yolk, you can put one teaspoon of finely ground apple pulp.

In the fight against mimic wrinkles, ordinary onions are excellent. The onion must be grated. Mix one teaspoon of onion gruel with one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of milk. The resulting mixture should be applied to the skin around the mouth for ten minutes, rinse with cool water.

Since ancient times, it has been known that cucumber has healing properties, and even more so in relation to mimic wrinkles. In order to prepare a cucumber mask, you need to mix one tablespoon of cucumber gruel with one egg yolk, and apply the resulting mixture to the skin around the mouth. Wash off after fifteen minutes.

Mimic wrinkles on the forehead

It has been proven that women who are engaged in intellectual work look much younger than those who are engaged in physical labor. But they have much more facial wrinkles on their foreheads. Most likely, this is due to the facial expressions of a puffed up person. But be that as it may, outwardly it is not very attractive. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with such wrinkles.

In the fight against wrinkles on the forehead, a mask prepared as follows will help perfectly: mix 25 grams of yeast and sour cream, bring to a thick consistency and apply on the skin of the forehead for fifteen minutes.

The lemon mask helps a lot. egg white. To prepare it, you need to mix the protein with the juice of half a lemon with the addition of a small amount of salt. Apply this mask on the forehead for half an hour, rinse with cold water.

It is advisable to make masks every day, periodically changing the compositions. Most commonly used olive oil, cottage cheese, berries and cucumbers.

In order to look young and attractive for many years, you just need to constantly monitor facial expressions and perform a set of simple procedures every day.

Expression wrinkles are the earliest of unpleasant problems skin. These unsightly folds on the skin appear due to the active work of the muscles of our face, which express our emotional condition. Laughter, smile, grief, tears - about 15,000 times during the day, the muscles of our face involuntarily contract. The resulting grooves or creases in young age they are quickly and completely smoothed out, one has only to relax, but over the years, regular facial muscle contractions begin to leave visible traces in the form of small folds, which become deeper and more distinct with age.

Causes of mimic wrinkles. It should be noted right away that mimic and age wrinkles are far from the same thing. Age wrinkles occur, most often, after thirty years, while facial wrinkles can show off on the face even in a fairly young person. Those who have the unpleasant habits of frowning during conversation, squinting, etc., run the risk of earning them before they reach twenty years of age. There can be a lot of reasons for this phenomenon: from a banal nervous shock to a hereditary predisposition due to structural features of skin cells (fibroblasts). Actually, they are responsible for the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, in addition, they take part in muscle contractions. A huge role in the appearance of such wrinkles is played by metabolic disorders and insufficient nutrition of the skin. Most often, facial folds are located on the forehead, the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows, in the corners of the eyes (crow's feet) and in the nasolabial folds.

The impact of negative environmental factors (high humidity, low temperatures, sun, etc.) contributes to the deepening of mimic wrinkles. Those folds and creases that are formed with each contraction of the muscles of the face persist with age, which is due to a slowdown in the processes of cell regeneration, the use of poor-quality or inappropriate cosmetics. Wrong image life, presence bad habits(smoking and alcohol), no physical activity etc. also contribute to this annoying problem.

Modern methods of combating mimic wrinkles. These wrinkles make the skin of the face unattractive, sometimes giving a repulsive expression. All this affects interpersonal communication, because in this case a person is dissatisfied with his appearance, himself, which causes the development of some complexes. It is impossible to constantly control facial expressions, and it is unnecessary. Today, in the arsenal of methods for combating mimic wrinkles, injections of special preparations are considered quite effective, which significantly reduce the activity of muscle fibers. In addition, they additionally moisturize and nourish the skin, filling the intercellular space and giving elasticity. In the fight against this type of wrinkles, special masks and other cosmetics, professional massage, special gymnastics for the face (facebuilding), contouring, injections of Botox, hyaluronic acid, Restylane, Dysport.

Cosmetics based on synthetic peptides, which should be applied to the surface of the skin, are quite effective. As a prophylaxis of mimic wrinkles, Aptos threads are good, which form a stable inner frame. To eliminate pronounced skin defects, hardware cosmetology (peelings, laser resurfacing) and plastic surgery(facelift).

You can eliminate mimic folds by filling them from the inside with a special biogel or adipose tissue. To resist such wrinkles, the use of creams with muscle relaxants (for example, argireline hexapeptide) will help. The composition of cosmetics includes in a small amount (2-3% of the active substance) an artificially synthesized molecule that has an effective effect. Although this effect is slightly weaker than Botox, it is distinguished by the absence of side effects and contraindications, and a pronounced effect will be noticeable after a month of regular use.

In general, in the fight against mimic wrinkles, the effect should be carried out in a complex way, only then the result will be noticeable.

Botox for mimic wrinkles. Injections of this protein preparation are considered an excellent and quite effective method of dealing with mimic folds. Botox prevents the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle fibers, providing long-term relaxation to the muscles of the face. Such injections perfectly smooth wrinkles on the neck, forehead and around the eyes (the so-called crow's feet), but it is not recommended to smooth nasolabial folds and creases on the chin in this way. This procedure can be supplemented with the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the area of ​​the deepest wrinkles. The effect of the procedure is maintained for six months. It is best if the Botox injection procedure is carried out by a cosmetologist with a medical education.

Today, the effect of the introduction of Botox can be obtained with the help of the use of medical cosmetics, which smoothes mimic wrinkles. Of course, the result will not be as fast as in the case of injections, but with not deep wrinkles, this cosmetic is quite enough to eliminate the problem. In addition, such cosmetics still serve as an excellent prophylactic against their presence.

Cosmetics against mimic wrinkles. Many cosmetics contain botulinum toxin, which affects the muscles of the face and nerve endings. But there is another group of cosmetics that act directly on the dermis and the collagen and elastin fibers in it. It is these fibers, constantly contracting due to the work of the muscles, that lead to deformation of the upper layer of the skin, which contributes to the appearance of visible wrinkles on the skin of the face. To prevent their formation, as well as to reduce existing ones, it is necessary to block the ability of the dermis to actively shrink. That is why special creams and serums have been developed that act on this principle. That is, when the muscles contract, the signals do not reach the dermis, or they reach more weakened, due to which the upper layer of the skin remains in a relaxed state. As a result, wrinkles not only do not appear, but already existing ones are smoothed out. Among cosmetic companies products with a similar effect are produced by Vichy, Givenchy, L'Oreal, Guerlain, M120, Lancome, Dior, Helena Rubinstein, Matis and some others.

Means for instant correction of mimic wrinkles. Today, cosmetic products are popular that allow you to correct mimic wrinkles in no time. These products include creams, gels and serums, which include peptides, which are organic substances that contain amino acid residues that have natural biological activity. Peptides have the ability to easily penetrate deep into the skin and have a significant impact on ongoing physiological processes. They stimulate the production of the necessary substances by the body, helping to produce them in the right amount. The use of such cosmetics contributes to the rapid restoration of the processes of self-regulation and recovery. Means of conventional action do not have an immediate effect, the effect is noticeable after a few days.

With constant use, such cosmetics can accumulate in the body. After the first application, the effect can last for ten hours, and regular use extends it to a month. There are no contraindications and side effects of such drugs, according to at least, they were not identified. Such funds can be used by women at any age.

Folk remedies for the prevention and elimination of facial wrinkles. Funds traditional medicine can be a great addition to the main beauty care against mimic wrinkles. It is always necessary to take care of your skin, starting as early as possible in order to keep it fresh and young for a long time.

Of course, completely remove such wrinkles folk remedies they cannot, but they contribute to the restoration of the cellular structure, normalize nutritional and oxidative processes, tighten the skin, making it elastic. With regular and timely use of non-native medicine recipes, mimic folds are noticeably smoothed and reduced. I will say right away that you should not expect a miracle from one procedure performed. Everything requires an integrated approach.

So, an excellent smoothing agent is natural oil(peach, olive, sesame, apricot, almond, linseed oil etc.). On problem areas of the skin, you should drive the oil with your fingertips for fifteen minutes, after which the remaining oil should be blotted. paper napkin. With the help of oils, you can also make compresses and masks.

Combine a teaspoon of carrot juice, sour cream and grapefruit pulp. Apply the resulting composition to problem areas, and after twenty minutes, rinse with warm boiled water and wipe the skin ice cube. Instead of sour cream and grapefruit pulp, you can also use cottage cheese and cream.

It is also effective to use this recipe: mix the pulp of one quarter of a grapefruit with a teaspoon of carrot juice, the same amount of sour cream and rice ground in a coffee grinder. Apply the resulting composition to problem areas. After thirty minutes, the mask should be washed off, and the skin of the face should be wiped with grapefruit juice.

Combine the pulp of one well-ripe banana with mashed boiled beans and add a little lemon juice. Apply the resulting mass to problem areas for thirty minutes. The procedure is recommended to be done twice a week. After a month, wrinkles will noticeably smooth out, plus the complexion will improve.

As a preventive measure, such a mask is very effective: pour a tablespoon of chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water and insist for half an hour. Mash several strawberries with a wooden spoon and combine with a tablespoon of any vegetable oil, a teaspoon of liquid honey and chamomile decoction. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply the resulting composition on the face. After twenty minutes, remove the mask with a cotton pad previously dipped in warm milk, then wash your face with cool water.

Mix a couple of drops of ylang ylang essential oil with a thimble of grape seed oil. Apply at night instead of your regular night cream. The result is noticeable immediately, the skin becomes smooth and velvety, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

Add a few drops castor oil in your night cream. Use twice a week. The mesh under the eyes disappears completely, and wrinkles are visibly smoothed out.

Lightly heat a spoon and dip it in olive oil. With the convex side, gently massage the skin of the face, especially problem areas, along the lines of least stretching of the skin, that is, from the center of the forehead to the temples, from the wings of the nose to the corners of the eyes, from the center of the chin to the ears. The procedure should be carried out for at least fifteen minutes, then wipe the skin with a decoction of mint or sage.

To get rid of wrinkles on the forehead, it is effective to use paraffin, paraffin-oil (7 g, spermaceti - 3 g, cocoa butter - 10 g, peach oil- 10 g), spermaceti (Spermaceti - 6 g, paraffin - 6 g, lanolin - 30 g, glycerin - 10 ml, vitamin A - 3 g, castor oil - 70 ml, apricot oil- 40 ml.) And a wax mask (wax, paraffin and lanolin in equal amounts). The ingredients that make up each of the masks must be melted in a water bath. After that, moisten a bandage or gauze folded in several layers in the resulting composition, wring it out slightly and apply it on the forehead. Keep this mask until it completely hardens. Then carefully remove the bandage, and wash your face with warm water. The procedure is allowed to be done no more than twice a week.

The paraffin mask is prepared as follows: heat 50 g of paraffin to 50 degrees in a water bath, add a teaspoon of cocoa butter and the same amount beeswax. Mix everything well with a wooden spoon. Combine a tablespoon of olive oil with half a tablespoon of grape seed oil, warm slightly and generously lubricate the previously cleansed skin of the face. On top of the oil layer with a special brush, apply the melted paraffin mixture in several layers. Put on top of these layers cling film and a terry towel. The mask can be removed after fifteen minutes, after which the skin should be wiped with a tonic and lubricated with a moisturizer. Paraffin therapy should be carried out twice a week. In total, ten to twelve masks are required, depending on the degree of the problem.

A mixture of two tablespoons of any natural vegetable oil, egg yolk and a tablespoon of crushed oatmeal will also help smooth wrinkles on the forehead. The mass is applied to the forehead, and after fifteen minutes it is washed off with warm water.

This method is also considered effective: put it on plastic bag composition of two tablespoons of cream, a tablespoon of brewer's yeast and boiled potatoes (one small tuber). Then apply it all in the form of a compress on the forehead for twenty minutes.

A very effective folk way to eliminate facial wrinkles is the use of bee venom. In addition to smoothing the skin, bee venom helps to increase blood flow in the tissues of the skin of the face and neck, which makes the skin velvety and hydrated, improving the complexion. Only when using it should be careful, there are contraindications. Apply in strictly metered amounts in the form dosage forms. Ointments based on bee venom can be used no more than once a day, preferably in the evening.

Elimination of "crow's feet" or mimic wrinkles around the eyes. Brew a tablespoon of chopped parsley with half a glass of boiling water and leave for fifteen minutes to infuse. Then combine a tablespoon of grated raw potatoes with two tablespoons of parsley infusion and a tablespoon of olive or other vegetable oil. Transfer the resulting mass to gauze and apply to the eye area for fifteen minutes. It is not necessary to wash after the procedure. This procedure should be carried out daily.

Grind one small raw potato on a fine grater. Take two tablespoons of potato mass and combine with the same amount of wheat flour and boiled milk. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed, which is applied to the area under the eyes and left for ten minutes. Later specified time wash off the mask with warm water.

Compresses based on olive oil have an excellent effect. Mix two tablespoons of olive oil with vitamin E (one ampoule) or five drops of lemon juice, apply such a compress on the area under the eyes for ten minutes, then remove the remnants of the product by blotting with a paper towel, and make light massage.

Grind one protein with one tablespoon of liquid honey and add a tablespoon of crushed oatmeal. Apply the resulting mass to the area under the eyes and leave until completely dry. After that, wash off the mask with warm boiled water.

Lubricating the skin under the eyes with freshly squeezed aloe vera juice at night will not only moisturize the skin, but also prevent the appearance of expression lines.

Mix a tablespoon of castor oil and a teaspoon oil vitamin E. Every evening, apply the resulting composition, preheated in a water bath, to the area around the eyes for fifteen to thirty minutes, making a light massage. After that, blot the excess with a paper towel. Store this oil mixture in the refrigerator.

A mask made from a mixture of milk, aloe juice and liquid honey will help get rid of deep wrinkles under the eyes. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions.

Pour three tablespoons of birch leaves into a glass cold water and leave for eight hours for the mixture to infuse. Then moisten cotton pads in the infusion and apply on the eyelids for fifteen minutes.

Combine oatmeal (three tablespoons) with four tablespoons of heavy cream. Put the mixture in gauze bags and apply as a compress on the area under the eyes for twenty minutes.

Mix two tablespoons of oatmeal with a tablespoon of strong brewed tea and two tablespoons of liquid honey. The resulting composition is heated to a warm state and applied to the area under the eyes for twenty minutes, after which the mask is washed off first with warm and then cool boiled water.

Flaxseed perfectly smoothes wrinkles and serves as an excellent prophylactic. Pour two tablespoons of flaxseed into 400 ml of water, put on fire and cook until a mushy mass is obtained. Transfer the resulting mass to gauze bags and apply under the eyes for twenty minutes. Rinse first with warm, then cool boiled water.

Combine 50 ml of milk with two tablespoons without top of wheat flour and add a small amount of yeast. In this composition, moisten a gauze cloth and apply to the area under the eyes. After half an hour, remove the mask and wash with warm and then cool water.

In order to prevent mimic wrinkles, always thoroughly moisturize the skin, preventing it from drying out, do not overuse tanning in the open sun, solarium and decorative cosmetics, keep active image life. Use scrubs, but gently and carefully, and after the procedure, be sure to nourish the skin.

There are quite a lot of methods for correcting mimic wrinkles today. Only the use of any of them should be carried out with the appointment of an experienced cosmetologist after a thorough examination of the condition of your skin. Only in this case the result will be maximum and will remain for many years.



As a result of active facial expressions, wrinkles may appear even at an early age. In order to prevent the appearance of mimic wrinkles, it is necessary to apply folk recipes for facial care.

Olive oil compress

Ingredients: olive oil 5 drops, lemon juice 5 drops, vitamin E 5 drops. Mix all ingredients. Apply not very thickly on the skin of the face. Cover with a paper towel after 15 minutes and pat lightly. Apply the procedure for 1 month, every 4 days. As a result of blood flow and hydration, mimic wrinkles will be smoothed out.

Parsley eye mask

Ingredients: fresh parsley 1 tbsp. spoon, 1 cup boiling water, finely grated raw potatoes 1 tbsp. spoon, almond oil 1 tbsp. a spoon. Boil parsley with boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Then strain the infusion. Take 2 tablespoons of the solution, add potatoes and butter, mix well. Apply this mixture to gauze and apply to the eye area. Keep 15 minutes. The mask nourishes and moisturizes, fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

Protein mask

Ingredients: 1 protein, juice from half a lemon, a little salt. Beat egg white, add lemon juice and salt, mix everything. Apply the mixture on your face and keep it on for 10 minutes. Repeat once a week. This option is more suitable for oily skin.

Yolk mask

Ingredients: yolk 1, castor oil 1 tsp. Mix ingredients, apply on face. Wash off with not very hot water after 20 minutes. Recommended for dry face type.

How to deal with mimic wrinkles

Causes of wrinkles, and what are they?

Wrinkles are usually classified according to the reasons for their appearance and depth. There are 3 main groups, depending on the etiology:

  • Dynamic (mimic) wrinkles;
  • Static (age) wrinkles;

dynamic wrinkles(which are called mimic), appear on the face due to the active contraction of facial muscles. Human facial expressions are very active due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of facial muscles. Their muscle fibers are attached to the skin itself, therefore, when the muscles contract, the skin moves after them.

Each person has his own unique facial expressions, someone likes to frown, and someone likes to raise one eyebrow. It is in such places of increased mimic load that by the age of 20 the first folds appear, which lead to the panic of young girls. As a rule, the appearance of dynamic wrinkles begins with the forehead, then the outer corners of the eyes suffer, by the age of 30, wrinkles on the eyelids and mimic wrinkles around the mouth begin to appear.

On the one hand, this creates all the diversity emotional manifestations of a person, and on the other hand, it contributes to the appearance of folds on the skin with age. And if they give a man outwardly some wisdom, then they absolutely do not suit women.

Static wrinkles also called gravitational age. They begin to appear after 40 years, regardless of the mimic load. The main reason for their appearance is age-related skin changes (aging).

In the skin, blood circulation slows down, the synthesis of collagen, elastin, and the content of hyaluronic acid decrease, which leads to a decrease in its firmness and elasticity. The skin becomes flabby and sags, soft tissues faces crawl and sink down (gravitational ptosis). These changes can also appear in young women, especially with the negative influence of such factors:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • skin dehydration;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • constant exposure to the sun;
  • improper skin care.

How to slow down the appearance of mimic wrinkles?

There are many cosmetics and cosmetic techniques, which allow you to slow down the appearance of the first mimic wrinkles.

Change facial habits

If you wondered how to remove facial wrinkles, then your actions should first be aimed at preventing the further formation of such folds. Naturally, it is unrealistic to stop smiling or frowning, because most of these reactions occur involuntarily.

But some habits, such as the habit of wrinkling the forehead, which contributes to the formation of horizontal wrinkles, can be easily eliminated. Poor vision is corrected by using glasses or contact lenses to eliminate the habit of squinting and the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes.

Skin care with cosmetics

Modern cosmetic industry offers a wide range of its products, which necessarily includes masks and creams for mimic wrinkles. The composition of such products is diverse, but you need to remember one thing - you need to select such cosmetics only taking into account the type of skin and age, individual tolerance.

Moisturizing the skin. The main reason for the tendency of the skin to wrinkle is its dehydration. As a rule, in cosmetology, hyaluronic acid, ceramides, elastin and collagen hydrolysates, extracts of algae, aloe and other plants, unsaturated fatty acids, various essential oils. When choosing a caring cosmetics, be sure to study its composition.

Stimulation of epidermal renewal. As we age, skin cell renewal slows down. To push the skin to rejuvenation, you need to make some efforts. To do this, use various cosmetic peels (both homemade and professional). Distinguish mechanical peeling and chemical (superficial, median or deep). Also, significant success can be achieved using the services of hardware cosmetology. It is especially important to monitor areas where mimic wrinkles have already begun to appear.

Protection skin . Mandatory component skin care is the use of cosmetics with UV protection elements, you need to protect your face from wind and cold.

Methods of dealing with mimic wrinkles

At the initial stages of the appearance of mimic wrinkles, you can effectively deal with them at home. Properly selected cosmetics, homemade masks for facial rejuvenation will help preserve beauty.

It will not be possible to remove medium and deep wrinkles with the help of some cosmetics and home masks and other procedures. Here it is necessary to use the entire arsenal of methods of modern aesthetic medicine. Nowadays, the correction of mimic wrinkles in most cases is carried out through non-surgical rejuvenation techniques. Here are the most effective and popular correction methods:

  • contour plastic - unique and effective method fight against age-related changes, use various biogels, which are administered by injection, than they achieve wrinkle smoothing;
  • Botox and Dysport injections are the main method of dealing with dynamic wrinkles, they act on the very cause of their appearance;
  • mechanical and chemical peels are effective in combating superficial and medium depth wrinkles;
  • RF-lifting, darsonvalization, microcurrent therapy, vaporization, photorejuvenation and other methods of hardware cosmetology have a positive effect with shallow changes;
  • biorevitalization - intradermal injections of hyaluronic acid, which increases collagen synthesis and promotes rejuvenation;
  • lipofilling is a unique procedure for smoothing even the most deep folds by introducing deep into the skin of the patient's own fat cells;
  • mesotherapy - the introduction into the skin of various nutrients that contribute to the activation of cell division and collagen formation;
  • 3-D modeling with mesothreads - the introduction of special threads under the skin that form a mechanical frame, and when resorbed, they stimulate the synthesis of their own collagen;

If you notice the appearance of the first wrinkles, do not rush to get scared. They are not always a sign of aging! Are you familiar with the habits of furrowing your eyebrows, wrinkling your forehead, squinting your eyes, making funny faces? It is they who lead to the formation of mimic wrinkles. Funny gatherings, quarrels, troubles - all this leaves its mark!

What are mimic wrinkles?

We experience and express a wide variety of feelings all the time, so the muscles in our faces are constantly contracting. In youth, the grooves that appear at the same time are smoothed out immediately after we relax the face. However, over time, traces in the form of small wrinkles begin to remain. Most of all, this problem worries those who have dry skin. Due to the lack of moisture, it is difficult for it to maintain firmness and elasticity, which means that over time, it becomes more and more difficult for the skin to recover from deformations, especially with active facial expressions.
Usually mimic wrinkles are formed in the corners of the eyes, on the back of the nose, in the forehead, in the nasolabial zone. Wrinkles at the corners of the eyes are a sign that a person often laughs. Wrinkles on the nose are called “tragic”, and vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows are called “stress”, because they occur when a person is very worried about something.

Why do mimic wrinkles appear?

Various factors contribute to their appearance:

1. Too active facial expressions. Using the same facial expressions leads to sad consequences. Try to get rid of them!

2. The habit of drinking through a straw. It's convenient, but harmful. If you repeat this gesture often, you can become the "happy" owner of many noticeable wrinkles around the mouth. It's hard to hide them!

3. Smoking, "thanks" to which you can earn the same wrinkles.

4. Neglect of sunglasses. They help keep you from squinting in the sun and protect you from harmful UV rays.

5. Due to a lack of nutrients, the use of low-quality cosmetics, bad habits, an unbalanced diet, metabolic disorders, negative external factors (wind, ultraviolet radiation, high humidity, etc.), mimic wrinkles deepen.

How to avoid the appearance of mimic wrinkles?

1. Give up the habit of violently shifting and raising your eyebrows, wrinkling your forehead.

2. Do massage and regular exercises for facial muscles. Open your eyes wide, then close them, rotate eyeballs clockwise and then against it, lightly massage with your fingertips. Press the skin near the temples with your fingertips, pull down and, using the occipital muscles, pull the forehead skin up. Stay in this position for 2-3 minutes, then relax your muscles. To keep the skin of the neck in good shape, make circular movements with your head.

3. Don't forget to "nourish" your skin. Arrange daily nourishing and moisturizing procedures.

4. Sleep in correct position. During sleep, the face should rest freely on the pillow. Under no circumstances should you dive into it.

5. Buy only quality decorative cosmetics. Cheap mascaras, shadows, eyeliners not only look bad (better without them at all!), but also cause considerable harm to the skin.

6. Lead, give up cigarettes and alcohol. Take a walk in the fresh air every day, avoid stress, do not torture yourself with overly strict diets, do not forget about sound, sweet sleep - and beauty is guaranteed to you!

Methods of dealing with mimic wrinkles

If you have the first wrinkles - calm, only calm! In no case do not panic and do not be upset - you do not want new wrinkles to be added to the wrinkles that have already appeared ?!

Do not immediately rush to the store for expensive advertised anti-wrinkle products. Start thinking about them after 30 years. And before that, the situation can be dealt with in simpler ways.

Most often, mimic wrinkles appear around eyes . The muscles in this zone are in constant tension. The skin around the eyes is thin, delicate and sensitive, so it needs special care.
Pick a good one for your age category, which will solve the problem of lack of vitamins and minerals.

One way to eliminate wrinkles is to turn to professional cosmetologist. The most radical method botox injections . The effect is enough for about six months, then you need to repeat the procedure again. This drug contains special substances that block nerve impulses, which means that facial expressions will change beyond recognition. You will have to forget about how you frowned or were surprised, the face will be more static. Of course, wrinkles will gradually smooth out, but what are the consequences? Weigh the pros and cons a hundred times before deciding on paralysis of the facial muscles. Perhaps you should try other means?

A few simple but effective folk recipes :

Egg mask. Mix an egg with a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of oatmeal, apply on your face for 20 minutes.

Strawberry mask. Mix a few crushed berries with a tablespoon of vegetable oil, a teaspoon of honey. Apply for 20 minutes, rinse with milk.

Mask for the skin around the eyes. To a tablespoon of grated potatoes, add 2 tablespoons of parsley broth and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Apply the mixture daily before going to bed for 15 minutes.

Do for eyelids lotions with herbal infusions chamomile, St. John's wort, mint. Apply a cotton swab soaked in the infusion to the eyes for 15-20 minutes. Green tea bags can also be used for this purpose. Such masks relieve fatigue and restore tone.

cosmetic oils. Well proven in the fight against skin aging grape seed oil, walnut, avocado, cedar, linseed. They can be used instead of night cream.

We all want to stay young for as long as possible. If you take care of your skin daily and try not to make a grimace once again, then this can be easily achieved! Ideally, the fight against wrinkles should begin even before they appear. Agree - it is easier to prevent a problem than to deal with it.

Good luck and smooth, radiant skin! Stay young and beautiful!

Wrinkles on the face are distinguished mainly by the nature, localization and mechanism of occurrence. Depending on the latter factor, they are divided into mimic, due to increased activity and high tone of the facial muscles of the face, and static, or age-related, formed as a result of gravitational ptosis soft tissues. The question of how to remove facial wrinkles around the mouth and eyes, on the forehead arises mainly in girls and women from the age of 25-30.

Causes of wrinkles on the face

A person's face to a greater or lesser extent reflects his internal experiences and external emotions thanks to the facial muscles, which are woven into the skin with their fibers. As a result of almost constant functioning (with emotional expressions), the contraction of the muscles that pull the skin along leads to a long-term increase in their tone and is the main cause of the formation of wrinkles.

They are formed in the direction transverse to the direction of the muscle fibers. For example, the muscles located on both sides of the nose along its back contribute to the formation of transverse wrinkles in the bridge of the nose, and with frequent laughter and smiles, the periorbital muscles contract and crow's feet form.

The most characteristic localization of mimic wrinkles is the forehead, the outer corners of the eyes, and the mouth. AT young age the skin is still able to withstand such a load, and they still disappear in a calm state. After 30 years, permanent causes are added to temporary causes, as a result of which wrinkles no longer disappear even with muscle relaxation. Their number increases, they become deeper and in some areas turn into folds.

Age-related changes appear primarily on the face, but they are only part of the natural process. biological aging. It is expressed in a decrease in the number of collagen fibers in the dermal layer and the formation of covalent bonds between them. This leads to violations of the connections of the dermal and epidermal layers, to the processes of degenerative changes in the elastic fibers in the skin. With increasing age, the violation of the tone of mimic muscles is even more aggravated. Age-related changes are also manifested in a decrease in tone in some groups of facial muscles and the predominance of spastic contractions in others.

Predisposing factors

Solving questions about how to get rid of facial wrinkles is associated not only with special techniques aimed at immediate causes and the mechanism of their occurrence, but also with the elimination (if possible) of contributing factors. The main ones are:

  • excessive facial expressions as a result of the habit of actively expressing emotions;
  • frequent psycho-emotional and stressful situations, leading to increased release of adrenaline and other biologically active elements into the blood, in connection with which the need for tissues to deliver oxygen through spasmodic blood vessels increases;
  • the influence of climatic conditions and excessive solar exposure, leading to photoaging of open areas of the body due to the destruction of intercellular structures, cell DNA, the accumulation of pathologically altered collagen and elastin, underoxidized metabolic products; these factors reduce the elasticity of the skin and its natural hydration, the strength of blood vessels;
  • influence ecological state environmental environment - chemical pollution of air and water, food quality, electrical appliances that are a source of electromagnetic radiation;
  • metabolic disorders in the body, hormonal imbalance and diseases of the digestive system, liver and kidneys, skin diseases of the face;
  • a sharp change in body weight as a result of the irrational use of various diets for weight loss;
  • non-observance of the correct mode of work and rest, smoking, frequent use of alcoholic beverages;
  • improper skin care and the use of low-quality cosmetics.

Methods for the correction and prevention of mimic wrinkles

The modern approach to the correction of destructive changes in the skin of the face takes into account:

  1. Violations of the tone of mimic muscles.
  2. Age-related decrease in the production of hyaluronic acid by the body, which provides volumetric functions of the skin.
  3. The phenomena of gravitational ptosis (sagging), which changes the architectonics of the entire face.

In order to prevent, eliminate and reduce the severity of wrinkles in aesthetic medicine and cosmetology are used various means and techniques.

How to remove facial wrinkles around the eyes, mouth and lips with cosmetics

Various companies produce cosmetic products in the form of creams, gels, oils, masks, serums, balms. All these drugs, depending on the mechanism of action, can be combined into three large groups:

  1. Moisturizers based on binding big number water molecules and replenishing its deficiency in the dermis. Cosmetic preparations with hyaluronic acid are more suitable for the prevention of wrinkles, because due to the large molecule, it almost does not penetrate the skin, but it moisturizes well and protects its surface from drying out.
  2. Preparations, the main components of which are elastin and collagen proteins.
  3. Preparations based on peptides, which are amino acid residues linked together into a molecule by peptide bonds in a certain sequence. Each peptide has its own spatial configuration. They are called targeted signal peptides. They (depending on the type) are able to launch programs of processes that block the transmission of nerve impulses to facial muscles, activate the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides, collagen, and others. The result is muscle relaxation similar to the action of botulinum toxin (but without their paralysis), restructuring of collagen fibers, a lifting effect and smoothing or reducing the depth of wrinkles.

Correction of mimic wrinkles with hyaluronic acid

Temporary gels based on hyaluronic acid, for example, “Restilane”, “”, “”, “”, “”, etc. are widely used in contouring and. These injection procedures mainly help to solve the problem of how to remove mimic wrinkles on the forehead, around the mouth, especially deep, nasolabial folds, less often - at the outer corners of the eyes, give volume to the lips and rejuvenate the skin.

Introduction to different skin layers improves the function of fibroblasts and the production of collagen and elastin, attracting water from surrounding tissues to these areas. It is due to water and its increase in tissue volume that wrinkles are smoothed and facial contours are improved. However hyaluronic acid does not affect the disturbed tone of mimic muscles. Therefore, in cosmetology, its use is often combined with the injection of drugs that relieve muscle spasm.

Carrying out the biorevitalization procedure
