Cool tasks for adults for the New Year. "Turnip: New Year's version"

When all your friends are already tired of waiting for the chimes to strike and just sit and miss you New Year's table, then it's time to start new game- forfeits on New Year 2017 with funny tasks for children and adults. We have new forfeits that are just right for the year of the rooster. Watch and play. And your guests will definitely not be bored this New Year's Eve.

How to play forfeits?
And it's very simple and fun to play. Write each task on cards and put all the cards in a bag. Guests take turns taking out one card at a time and reading out their task that they have to complete.

But you can play differently. For example, all tasks with numbers are written by the presenter. And in the bag there are rolls with numbers. The guests take out cards with numbers, show them and the presenter reads out his task.

Now let's move on directly to the forfeits themselves. We have a list of thirty tasks, and this will be enough for all your friends.

1. The happiest phantom - you can come up with any task for any guest!
2. Crow a New Year's song.
3. Show a satisfied rooster.
4. Show a scared rooster.
5. Tell a New Year's poem, naming only vowels.
6. Tell funny joke about the rooster.
7. Come up with 5 names for the rooster.
8. Say New Year's toast, where the main character will be a rooster.
9. Tell a toast about a small, but proud bird, which bears the name... rooster.
10. To perform a song in the forest, an opera-style Christmas tree was born.
11. Tell about your most interesting New Year's wish.
12. At five different languages wish everyone a happy new year.
13. Show shamanic dances to attract good luck in the year of the rooster.
14. Show the rooster dancing.
15. Make a craft from napkins and give it to the first passerby on the street.
16. Show only through actions how you went skiing into the forest to pick up a Christmas tree, how its rubles were, and so on.
17. The room is an ocean. Swim through it and visit every corner.
18. Walk around the room as if there was a lot of snow.
19. Show the rooster. Who saw grilled chickens roasting.
20. Show the cork that is opened on champagne.
21. Santa Claus has a team of three horses. Come up with a New Year's wish for each horse.
22. Show the rooster dancing.
23. Depict the chimes that are sick.
24. Show in slow motion how champagne is poured into a glass.
25. Say what kind of salad you would take with you into space and why.
26. Take any food from the table and dance a waltz with it.
27. Confess your love to a fried chicken wing (leg or just a piece of meat).
28. Congratulate all guests on the New Year, but say the words backwards.
29. Show a hut on chicken legs, which learned that the symbol of the year will be a rooster.
30. Whistle so that other guests ask you to stop.

Corporate party for the New Year


A prankster is a person whose sense of humor has crowded out all other feelings.

Fanta is fun game, whose participants perform certain tasks. If you want to play it on New Year's corporate party, then you should carefully prepare for it. Please note that an uncontrolled game of forfeits, for example, when tasks are invented by participants, can create many awkward situations that are inappropriate in a work environment.

There are several options for playing forfeits, but since at a New Year’s corporate party it is important to keep as many moments under control as possible, you should choose the most manageable one.

Preparing to play forfeits at a New Year's corporate party

  1. Create tasks and print them on cards. You need several more task cards than the number of participants planned. Try to come up with tasks that will not humiliate, offend, or harm anyone’s health. Please note that they should be physically feasible, interesting and take no more than 5 minutes.
  2. Prepare props, if any, to perform forfeits.
  3. Warn participants that at the New Year's corporate party a game of forfeits is planned, which will require small bills (if monetary fines are planned).

Rules for playing forfeits: an option for a New Year's corporate party

Task cards are placed in a box or bag. Participants take turns drawing a card and completing the task. The order is set in different ways. You can draw lots, you can wait for volunteers, or you can set the rule that each next player is nominated by the previous one.

If a player for some reason refuses to perform a forfeit, he must pay a fine. The amount of the fine is agreed upon in advance. A fine fund is formed from fines, which can be won by a participant who voluntarily performs a forfeit that someone else refused.

In principle, the fine may not be monetary. For example, a penalty glass or a penalty task.

Tasks for forfeits for the New Year's corporate party

  1. Draw your self-portrait (required props: Whatman paper or cardboard, felt-tip pens).
  2. Picture a boiling kettle.
  3. Picture a tractor in a field at work.
  4. Have a glass without using your hands.
  5. Sit on balloon so that it bursts (required props: ball).
  6. Shout from the balcony “People! I love you!".
  7. Draw a mirror (the point of the task is that everyone can look in the mirror, and the performer needs to copy his facial expressions and movements).
  8. Give a compliment to your subordinate.
  9. Reprimand your boss.
  10. Dance with Santa Claus .
  11. Dance with your boss (required props: music).
  12. Dance with the Snow Maiden (required props: music).
  13. Confess your love to the person sitting one chair away from you.
  14. Guess what kind of item you have in your hands by commenting on the process (required props: a scarf for blindfolding the performer, items for guessing, for example, a children's toy, dry pasta).
  15. Name 10 affectionate derivatives of the name of the colleague sitting across the table.
  16. Name your main shortcoming and tell us how you deal with it.
  17. Name your main strength and ask your colleagues if they agree with you.
  18. Within 15 seconds, remember 10 words starting with the letter “D”.
  19. Raising one leg and swinging your arms, jump to the opposite wall, shouting “I am a butterfly!”

The list of tasks can be continued endlessly. When coming up with them, do not forget about ethics.

Election of honorary Father Frost

After the bulk of the guests have had their fill, you can offer some more active entertainment. The presenter announces a competition for honorary Father Frost. Those wishing to take part in the competition are invited to the stage. The following competitions are held between them:

Each contestant receives a napkin and scissors. His task is to cut out a snowflake as quickly and accurately as possible. The authors of the best snowflakes receive prize points.

Frost Breath
For the next competition, players place their snowflakes on the table, and they themselves stand on one side of the table (if there are many contenders for the title of Santa Claus, you can move several tables). Their task is to blow away a snowflake from the opposite side of the table.

Participants try to do this as quickly as possible, but the prize point in the competition will be awarded to the player whose snowflake was the last to fly off the table. The host explains to the surprised players that this challenger has “the frostiest breath.”

Red nose
In this competition, participants are invited to drink a glass of vodka or other strong drink. After this, the audience chooses the contestant with the reddest nose. He gets a bonus point.

The candidate who scores the most prize points is declared an honorary Santa Claus. He wears a Santa Claus mask or a red Santa Claus hat. If several participants in the competition scored the same number of points, you can choose Santa Claus by drawing lots or appoint several participants to this honorary position at the same time.

All competition participants receive incentive prizes.
Despite the simplicity of these competitions, they are very fun in a certain festive atmosphere.

Election of the Snow Maiden

After the election of Father Frost, the presenter announces that it is necessary to choose a granddaughter for Father Frost, and invites everyone to take part in the Snow Maiden competition. The following competitions are held between the candidates:

New Year's song
The contestants take turns singing a verse of the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest.” Santa Claus and the audience choose the winner of the competition, who receives a prize point.

Santa Claus's request
Santa Claus names 5-7 items that he needs. The participant who finds and brings these items before others receives a prize point.

Items can be very diverse: fruit, jewelry, a glass of some drink, pieces of clothing (the intimacy of which depends on the looseness of the company) and shoes. Participants must ask other guests for the necessary things, find them on the festive table or among their own things.

Affectionate granddaughter
The contestants take turns complimenting Santa Claus. The winner of the competition can be the candidate who came up with the most words, or the participant whose words Santa Claus liked the most. The winner receives a bonus point.
The participant who scores more points than the others is declared the winner and appointed as the Snow Maiden. If several candidates for this role score the same number of points, the final word remains with Santa Claus.

All competition participants receive incentive prizes.
After the election of Father Frost and Snow Maiden, they can give all guests small memorable gifts(for example, boxes of chocolates).

Competitions and games

After the competitions, you can hold several games among those who wish. Simultaneously with the games, the feast continues; some of those present may start dancing.

North and south wind
To play, you need two participants and one snowflake, cut out at the Santa Claus competition. The snowflake is placed on the table, the participants take their places according to different sides table. At the leader’s command, the players begin to blow on the snowflake, trying to throw it off the table from the opponent’s side. The one who succeeds will receive a prize. After several pairs of participants try their hand at this competition, those who wish are invited to do the same, but blindfolded. The draw is that after the participants are blindfolded, the snowflake is replaced with a saucer of flour, on which the participants begin to blow.

If you are not sure that the participants will perceive such a prank with humor, it is better to limit yourself to the usual rules of the game. In any case, it is not recommended to involve women in the drawing.

Rehash about winter
This game is best played during a feast. Participants can be divided into teams. Each participant (or team) takes turns singing a verse of a song about winter. The participant who finds it difficult to make his move is eliminated. The last participant (or team of players) remaining in the game receives a prize.

31th of December
Also a game for feasts. Participants take turns naming any date starting from January 1st. In this case, the next participant changes the day or month in the date named by the previous participant, and the named date must be later.

For example:
1st player: “January 2.”
2nd player: “February 2.”
3rd player: “February 7th.”
4th player: “June 7th.”
5th player: “June 30”, etc.

Thus, the named dates are increasingly approaching December 31st. The participant who has to name this date loses and completes the penalty task assigned by the other participants.

Forfeits are a well-known and beloved game not only for children, but also for adults. Its rules are so simple that even the youngest participants can come up with tasks and play the game. new year party. The popularity of forfeits lies in the fact that this game is suitable for absolutely any society. Be sure, no matter what company you are in, be it friends, colleagues or relatives, you will spend the New Year 2019 unforgettable.

Reference! Forfeits were played several centuries ago. In some countries, this game was the most central event of any holiday. WITH German language the word "forfeits" is translated as "collateral".

You can play forfeits in different ways:
1.With the help of the presenter. All participants in the game give any item of theirs to the person chosen as the leader, preferably it should be small size. All items will be placed in a bag or hat. The presenter's assistant takes turns pulling objects out of the hat, and the presenter, without seeing this object, comes up with a task for the owner of the forfeit. If the owner of the item has completed the task, then his item is returned to him.
2.Using cards. You can play forfeits without a leader. To do this, all members of the exciting show write tasks on pieces of paper. Then the leaves are placed in an opaque bag or bag. They take out forfeits one by one. The one who takes the leaf out of the bag is the phantom. Tasks should be moderately easy and unusual, quickly executable. Don't come up with tasks that are too intimate or dangerous.

By the way! If the fan does not cope with the task, then a fine should be provided for him in this case. Which one is decided jointly. You can, for example, drink a glass of strong drink or pay a monetary “fine” to the general treasury. At the end of the game, the money will go to the most creative player.

3.By drawing lots. First, all participants come up with a task together, and the one who will carry it out will be decided by drawing lots. The lot can be a burning match, which is passed around in a circle. If this method is too dangerous for you, you can use a nursery rhyme.

  • Fanta for a group of children
  • Fanta for friends
  • Fanta on the street
  • New Year's forfeits with jokes
  • Fanta for colleagues

Fanta for a group of children

Make a child's New Year's celebration You can become original and memorable with the help of the game “forfeits”. As you already know, there are many options for building a game, but for children it is better to choose the simplest one - where there is an adult leader who will draw forfeits and assign tasks. Children will highly appreciate the game where you need to give your item to the presenter and wait with rapture for the personal item to appear from the hat. In addition, this version of forfeits is made easier by the fact that there is no need to require children to come up with tasks and write them down on pieces of paper. Children's tasks are not always feasible, and therefore it is better not to take risks with children's imagination.

Advice! You can use another way of playing for a group of children: cards with the names of the participants are placed in one container, and with tasks in the other. The leader first determines who will do the task, and then the task for him.

The main thing in the game of forfeits for children is to designate tasks that are suitable for the age of the participants. This game is not for difficult actions. Everything should happen quickly so that all participants have time to play and no one gets bored.
List of funny tasks for a noisy children's company:
1.Draw a portrait of one of the guests without using your hands (holding a pencil in your hands).
2.Tell about yourself from an immodest side. In this case, you need to look in the mirror.
3.Draw an animal in funny situation. For example, a pig near a trough or a cow at a watering hole.
4. Depict objects that make sounds (a boiling kettle, the whistle of a steam locomotive or ship).
5. Show some well-known scene using pantomime.
6.Draw a mirror: you need to repeat the actions of one of the game participants for a minute;
7.Depict six emotions - fear, joy, grief, fright, surprise, resentment.
8. Describe each team member.

9. It’s funny to “tell fortunes” to a person you choose yourself.
10.Eat a piece of cake without using your hands.
11. Burst the balloon with your butt.
12.Stay for a minute with a serious expression faces while other children try to make you laugh in every possible way.
13.Sing a verse of a famous song, only grunt or hum instead of words.
14.Eat a lemon and don’t wince.
15.Gather all the guests, seat them in imaginary carriages and transport them throughout the apartment.
16. Fulfill your neighbor's wish.
17. Find an object hidden in the room by other party participants.
18. Play the role of Santa Claus - with an adult male bass voice, taking a stick that acts as a staff, congratulate the children on the New Year.
19.Draw christmas tree with balls and garlands blindfolded.
20. Make your friends laugh with your causeless laughter.
21. Show a poem with your hands, which will be read by one of the company members.
22. For a moment, list the fairy tales, cartoons and films on New Year's theme.
23.Show the Snow Maiden or Snowman, who began to melt with the arrival of spring.
24.Make it for yourself new Year costume from improvised means.
25.Sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” in rap style.
26. Come up with funny nicknames to your friends and call them that throughout the game.
27.Say the players' names backwards.
28.Make funny photo to the entire assembled company.
29.Show the robot.
30.Name kind words such fairy tale characters, like Baba Yaga, Kikimora, Leshy, Vodyanoy, Koschey the Immortal.

Funny forfeits for drunken company

In the midst New Year's Eve, when the decibels of noise and laughter reach their limit, it’s time to play the game “forfeits”. This one is harmless and very appropriate for the occasion. funny game will help guests take a little break in the bustle of New Year's Eve and laugh heartily at the stupid and ridiculous, and sometimes vulgar tasks that the game participants diligently perform.
For a group of adult friends suitable option games using cards. Guests write funny (and not difficult) tasks on scraps of paper in advance, then put all the cards in a bag. The presenter brings the bag to each member of the game in turn, and he takes out the first piece of paper he comes across without looking, thereby assigning himself a task.

By the way! You can play this game in pairs. All guests are divided into pairs and jointly complete tasks that are determined either by the host or by drawing lots. Tasks for couples may be more complex, but in no case dangerous, compromising or time consuming.

List of funny tasks for a group of adults:
1. If the player is a man, take a saucepan and spoons, approach a lonely girl, drum and in a regular voice confess your sympathy to her.
2.Pester all the guests with stupid conversations, pretending to be an annoying fly. This can make an unpleasant buzzing noise. One of the guests might slap you.
3. Come up with modern style a fairy tale, it is possible for the main characters to be friends gathered at the table.
4.Using your hands and facial expressions, show one of the guests.
5. Show poses of seven different animals that are doing something at that moment. For example, a butterfly flies, a caterpillar crawls, a cow drinks water, a dog chews a bone.
6. Make a forfeit with the transition of the move. If such a forfeit falls to the driver, then he can give it to any participant.
7. Use your voice and posture to show mating games animals (growling, biting the withers, agitation of monkeys, ostriches, etc.).
8. Dress up as a woman if a man is playing (and vice versa) and seduce a guest of the opposite sex.
9. Dress up as Father Frost or Snow Maiden and congratulate your roommates.
10. Make a New Year's toast and drink a shot.

11.Draw a statue, while dressing up in a canopy (you can use a sheet). Take a photo with each member of the game, while changing your pose.
12.Have a drink with your neighbor at the Brudershaft, and kiss at the end. Guests kiss regardless of gender.
13.Place nuts or candies on your cheeks and at the same time pronounce a few tongue twisters that the guests will remember.
14. Depict how a chicken lays an egg.
15.Choose a participant and give him New Year’s makeup.
Cool forfeits with erotic overtones:
1.Massage the buttocks of the neighbor on the right.
2.If performed by a couple: hold an apple between their bellies and, without using your hands, roll it to your mouth and eat it.
3.Draw a pose from above. In this case, a person is selected as a partner by drawing lots.
4.Tell about your five wildest desires.
5. The person completing the task becomes the slave of his partner for five minutes (in this case, the “master” should not come up with humiliating or difficult to fulfill desires).
6.Tell all members of the game about what game you are playing role-playing game I would play.
7.Fulfill the wishes of each player.
8. Without using your hands, burst the balloon that is on the lap of your neighbor at the table.
9. Depict how a rooster takes care of a hen.
10. Answer honestly which option you will choose: hard BDSM or sex in a public place.
11.Play truth or lie: answer honestly frank questions game participants. If you don’t want to answer, you’ll have to carry out a stupid assignment.
12.Massage the neighbor on the left on the part of the body that he points to.
13. Dress as a doctor and cure a patient using erotic actions.
14.Take off your toilet item.
15. Voice an orgasm.

Fanta for friends

If a group of close friends (usually family) has gathered on New Year’s Eve, then the game of forfeits will exclude the erotic component, so as not to inadvertently compromise the participants when performing ambiguous tasks. More often, in a friendly company, tasks are simple, without intimate or negative connotations.
List of forfeits for friends:
1.A man should stroke his belly, imagining that there is a child there. At the same time, talk to the baby and anticipate the imminent birth.
2. Make the player on the left laugh with grimaces.
3.Draw a mad gopher.
4.Choose three girls and dance “Cancan” with him.
5. In a minute, remember 10 films about the New Year.
6.Eat a sausage with your partner without your hands.
7.Draw a mustache and walk like this for the rest of the evening.
8.Bow to three players using different poses.
9.Make to players delicious cocktails, make them drink.
10.Drink a glass without using your hands.

11. Pretend to be a beggar. walk with with outstretched arm until 100 rubles are collected.
12.Recognize by touch 10 different objects hidden in the bag.
13.Sing a popular song in another language.
14. Depict any profession using gestures. The rest must guess.
15.Guess the item using leading questions, which the guests wished for.
16.Talk about the life of penguins for one minute.
17.Draw a portrait of your wife (spouse) without looking at the canvas.
18.Call an unfamiliar number and wish Happy New Year.
19.Praise yourself as if you are trying to be your wife (husband).
20. Answer players’ questions for three minutes, but you cannot answer with clear words “yes” or “no”.
21.Tell your biography in five sentences.
22.Lapping an alcohol-containing drink from a saucer like a kitten.
23.Sing a nursery New Year's song, leaving only vowel sounds in words.
24. Explain to those present how to fry eggs. This must be done without the help of words.
25. Make a Caucasian toast.
26. Do now what you have wanted for a long time.
27.Talk about your main shortcoming and tell how you fight it.
28.Name a specific quantity New Year's words starting with the letter S.
29.Sneeze until one of the guests says: “Be healthy.”
30. Show any trick (for example, how you drink a glass of vodka without hands).

Fanta on the street

The game moves to another level when its participants become completely strangers. At the same time, the phantomers are all those participants in the New Year’s celebration. And random passers-by usually serve as the “object” of the action. Harmless desires with simple jokes are suitable for forfeits on the street.

Important! Before choosing an action to perform stranger, make sure he doesn't mind your tomfoolery.

List of possible tasks:
1. Make a wish difficult riddle three random passers-by.
2. Congratulate all passers-by on the New Year.
3.Organize a round dance of strangers around the Christmas tree in the city square.
4.Drink a glass of champagne with passers-by.
5.Stand under the Christmas tree and loudly congratulate all the people present in the square in a presidential manner.
6. Pretend to be a fortune teller. Pester all passersby to tell their fortunes.
7.Give out strangers sparklers. At the same time, kiss them on the cheek.
8.Meet 10 passers-by of different genders.
9. Pretend to be a pig (symbol of 2019), circle around the Christmas tree and grunt loudly.
10.Treat all children you meet with candy.
11.Receive compliments from 10 passersby of the opposite sex.
12. Dress up as Santa Claus and take various nonsense out of the bag, giving away gifts to passers-by (matches, toilet paper, candy).

13. Organize a mass flash mob around the Christmas tree, involving passers-by and children.
14. Build a snowman in 3 minutes.
15. Ride down the hill like a train with your friends.
16. Shout to the whole street: “People, stop drinking! The New Year has already arrived!”
17.Run naked into the street and ask a passerby for salt.
18. Portray a drunken Santa Claus. For ambiance, you can put lipstick on your nose.
19. Go around to all the neighbors in the entrance and congratulate them on the New Year.
20. Pretend to be a conductor. Waving your arms with feeling, leading the performers of the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” consisting of friends and random passers-by.
21. Organize a mass snowball fight.
22.Take phone numbers from 10 people of the opposite sex.
23.Interview passers-by, asking questions about their dreams and future.
24. Stop the car and congratulate the driver on the holiday.
25.Make a butterfly in the snow.
26. Throw yourself on the neck of the first person you meet, and then, as if nothing had happened, say: “Oh, I made a mistake.”
27. Sing a New Year's song at the top of your lungs. Maybe with some foreign accent.
28.Pretend to be a speculator. Stealthily offer to buy something, while hiding something under the jacket. Don’t forget to then admit to the passerby that you played a prank on him.
29. Pretend to be a foreigner and address passers-by, asking for directions to the embassy.
30. If a man is phantoming, then he should hug as much as possible at once more girls. If you are a girl, you need to hug men. In this task you need to be smart.

New Year's forfeits with jokes

This is a selection of tasks for a group of different ages that are easy to complete and at the same time “not fall on your face.” Simple, childishly naive and funny forfeits will amuse any guest not only on the New Year, but also on any other holiday.
Tasks for forfeits for the New Year:
1.Tell famous poem like you're a rapper.
2.Sing a New Year's song as if you were very drunk.
3. Show fireworks or sparklers using pantomime.
4.Use mayonnaise or ketchup to draw a portrait of a person sitting at the table.
5.Take a group photo, putting those posing in funny poses.
6. Let all the girls at the table paint your face with gouache.
7.Drink an alcoholic cocktail that the guests “collected” for you.
8.Predict the future for each member of the game.
9. Show with gestures what you do at your workplace.
10.Blindfolded, identify your wife (husband). You can make it more difficult: guess each person.
11. It’s funny to characterize all the guests using only positive qualities.
12.Dance a striptease while removing three items of clothing.
13. Count down the time remaining until the New Year. It is advisable to announce the time every 10 minutes.

14.Kiss the player opposite, wherever you want.
15. Stick your head out the window and shout loudly: “There it is, Turkey!”
16. How can you more convincingly confess your love to yourself, while looking with serious face in the mirror.
17. Play the role of a waiter: throw a towel over your hand, stand in the appropriate position and offer everyone coffee and tea. Prepare drinks for everyone who agrees.
18. For 10 minutes, pretend that you are a patient in a psychiatric clinic: constantly look around and repeat in a conspiratorial whisper: “Hush, hush, otherwise the doctor will wake up and we’ll have hell.”
19.Draw a bee collecting nectar from flowers.
20.Depict a student on the last day before the session.
21. Perform a belly dance while wearing the appropriate paraphernalia.
22.Depict one of the players, while the others must guess who they are talking about.
23.Tell everyone that you are not wearing underwear. Explain your action with a serious and calm look.
24.Dance a slow dance with the neighbor on the right, while the neighbor on the left chooses the music.
25. Show your childhood dream using gestures. Everyone must guess.
26. Spoon-feed three men, talking to them like little children.
27. Conduct a master class on erotic banana eating.
28.Depict capricious child, for whom they did not buy a toy. You can cry, be hysterical, ram your feet and hands.
29. Write a fine to any guest, at the same time come up with a punishment and dress like a policeman.
30. Propose to the neighbor on the right. Only instead of the phrase “Marry me,” you need to ask for legs, kidneys, a piece of liver.

Note! Make a bonus: let everyone present praise the person phantoming or name his best qualities.

Fanta for colleagues

For a corporate party for the New Year 2019, forfeits with jokes are suitable. True, these jokes should be neutral in nature and not affect the honor of employees. Usually a hired presenter works at corporate events. He collects from guests small items, which will serve as forfeits and starts the game.

Fact! This game is ideal for a group unfamiliar people. It has been noticed that it liberates the participants and makes them closer and more friendly.

Funny forfeits for a corporate feast:
1.You are a tangerine addict. Admit how withdrawal goes and how you cope with this problem.
2.Hug everyone present.
3.Imagine that you are a wizard. It is necessary to fulfill the wish of one of the guests.
4.Make players laugh using grimaces.
5.Eat two incompatible foods on the table at the same time.
6.Say a New Year's toast in the style of the President of Russia. Have a drink with everyone for the New Year.
7.Participants take turns calling words that come to their mind. The task is to come up with a rhyme for each word.
8.Sing Verka Serduchka’s song. In this case, you need to dress appropriately.
9.Draw a portrait of the player on the right, holding the pencil between your teeth.
10.Wish each player their wishes come true in the new year.
11.Blow kisses to all guests in different ways.
12. Conduct a master class on washing socks. At the same time, it is necessary to explain the entire technology of a difficult task.
13. Come up with a small one New Year's story, where all words will begin with the letter P.
14.Tell everyone about your election campaign. Don’t forget, you are running for the post of deputy of the Ecumenical Duma.
15. Tell fortunes by the head of the neighbor on the right.
16.Tell a joke.
17.Until the next move, clap your hands, killing invisible mosquitoes.
18. Convince everyone present to vote for you on next elections the president of the country.
19.Sit angry for a minute. At the same time, the other players should make you laugh. If you give in, take the forfeit.
20.Say any stupid phrase at random for 20 minutes. For example: “I am a talking bird. I’m distinguished by my intelligence and intelligence.”

21. In Drozdov’s voice, tell about mating season penguins.
22. Tell any poem on a New Year’s theme in the form of a tongue twister.
23. Show the pose of the phrases “I’m boiling.” Participants must guess. If you couldn’t, take a forfeit.
24.Film with your phone camera New Year's greetings as a keepsake for all players.
25.Imagine yourself as a doctor. Listen to the heartbeat of all participants in the game by pressing your ear.
26.Play a little counting game with the player to your left. The winner can refuse to perform his forfeit and the turn will pass to another player.
27. Show how the fish congratulate each other on the New Year.

New Year's Eve simply must be full of surprises. And, since everything is just beginning again in our lives, why not play an oracle-predictor or good old forfeits? Sweets, such as candies, are perfect for implementing these ideas. The action should be bright and not boring. And for this it requires a certain preparation and imagination.

What is inside?

Notes in candy can represent wishes and advice for coming year, predictions for the future or funny forfeits, which the participant who pulled it must immediately execute. All this can be mixed into one pile, or you can arrange several draws with a break for feasting and dancing. In the latter case, it is best to start with wishes, then do fortune-telling, and when the fun is in full swing and the guests have relaxed, arrange a draw for forfeits.

About the future - only good things!

Despite the fact that it is unlikely that all of us will have 12 months full of nothing but... happy events, on the eve of the New Year, we all believe that this will be the case. We will write about this in our wishes and predictions!

All of them should be non-trivial, cheerful, with a certain amount of humor. You can print them on a sheet of paper and cut them, or you can write them by hand - beautiful and intricate, for example, golden gel pen. And it’s better to choose bright candies, in golden wrapping. Or you can mix expensive sweets with caramels - and the elongated sweetness will also be a kind of prediction for the future. next year. Try to avoid below-the-belt jokes, especially when it comes to forfeits. This has long ceased to be witty.

Let them not be too banal. In addition, it is absolutely not necessary to wish and advise something global. It's the little things that make our lives - so let's remember this for the New Year! And let the wishes look like friendly advice - for example, like this.

  • Don't trample the rake!
  • Don't listen to stupid advice!
  • Don't be afraid to start again!
  • Save documents often!
  • Don't quit halfway!
  • Wear warm pants!
  • Don't rush to draw conclusions!
  • Enjoy the little things!
  • Train your memory!
  • Don't slow down at a crucial moment!
  • Don't slack at work!
  • Don't repeat yourself!
  • Finally, print your photos!
  • There is such a word - it is necessary!
  • Think again!
  • Clear out the old junk!
  • Stop being late!
  • Smile into the phone!

You can come up with hundreds of such tips, especially if you take into account the specifics of the company, its age and interests. And let everyone sit and think what the New Year's oracle meant. Come up with it - it will be interesting!

Second part of the Marlezon ballet

Let's move on to fortune telling. It is advisable to turn off the lights in the room, leaving them lit only Christmas garlands and candles. Predictions can be wrapped in candy, or you can simply put them in a box, from where everyone will take out their destiny. As we agreed, we will not predict anything bad. Let your friends and loved ones expect winnings, major purchases, significant meetings, the return of old friends and making new ones, trips to the sea and to exotic countries (and for some - to go to the village to pick potatoes at the request of relatives), a change of home (at least for one night in a train carriage), etc. Papers with fortunes can be put in cookies (by the way, they are sold for fortune telling and in ready-made form).

Read also:

  • We have such a tradition... 7 most important dishes of the New Year's table
  • Gifts with taste. Original ideas for sweet New Year's surprises
  • They treated themselves - they had fun, they counted - they shed tears. How not to go broke on New Year's Eve?
  • Gifts of the Magi: how not to go broke on New Year's gifts?

When the company is ready to get weird, you can get forfeits. By this time, sweets are usually difficult to eat, so you can use dragees or nuts. Having placed them on a piece of paper with a printed phantom, it is wrapped like a truffle and tied with thread. Now you can hang these bundles on one long ribbon and, one by one, blindfolded and with scissors in your hands, go up and cut off your task. If the guests are in such a state that the idea becomes unsafe, you don’t have to blindfold them or even come up with another way of drawing lots.

What types of forfeits are there? Funny, witty and easy to do. The kind that anyone can do, and at the same time everyone, including the main character, will find it funny. Here are some examples of such tasks:

  • draw a portrait of the guest opposite;
  • make the neighbor on the right an exclusive signature cocktail from everything poured into glasses in this moment on the table. If this fails, drink it yourself or share the fate in half;
  • dance “Lambada” or “Macarena” (depending on what the other guests can sing);
  • call a random number and sincerely congratulate the person who answers on the New Year;
  • kiss the drunkest guest on the knee;
  • pretend to be drunk dancing girl(for men) or a dancer (if the forfeit went to a woman);
  • create an unusual environment and take a group photo;
  • put a pillow on your head and convince everyone that you are Napoleon;
  • Without touching the banana with your hands, peel it and eat it;
  • for an hour, imitate everyone who laughs;
  • find the hidden guest blindfolded (you are allowed to change places, but not run away);
  • have a brotherhood drink with the one who got the previous forfeit.
