Development of human paranormal abilities. How to develop psychic abilities in yourself

It is quite possible to acquire psychic abilities! To do this you will need...

In this article you will find out!

1. What can psychic abilities give you?
2. What types of psychic abilities exist?
3. What helps develop psychic abilities?
3. Why intuition activates psychic abilities?
4. How to gain psychic abilities through meditation?
5. Testing psychic abilities in practice!
6. Recommendations for those who want to become a psychic!

What can psychic abilities give you?

  • find treasures and valuables,
  • find missing people,
  • learn the “history” of things,
  • read people's intentions
  • receive any information you are interested in,
  • find out the future
  • awaken in yourself hidden abilities and talents
  • telepathically read other people's thoughts,
  • inspire thoughts at a distance and influence people,
  • explore other worlds and travel through them astrally,
  • anticipate and prevent deception, lies, betrayal...

Think about what exactly you want?

What types of psychic abilities exist?

You can receive information in different ways from the information space that permeates the entire the world. There are four main psychic abilities:

  • clairaudience,
  • clairvoyance,
  • clairsentience,
  • clairvoyance.

There are others, but they are much less common and therefore little studied. Perhaps you have a predisposition to one particular superpower, or maybe you have several at once.

What helps develop psychic abilities?

The special techniques that you will find on this site have already helped many people develop their psychic abilities. However, as practice shows, best results people get it when the technique suits them.

Why does intuition activate psychic abilities?

Your intuition is the golden key that will open the secret door behind which your psychic abilities are hidden. The more you develop and use your intuition, the stronger it is. Psychic abilities can be trained, just like physical muscles your body.

A good way to develop your intuition is to listen to your feelings and thoughts throughout the day.

Of course, you can use special techniques and exercises to develop intuition¹, and devote time to your studies certain time, but it is also important to have constant contact with intuition, ask questions and consult with it on any matter.

How to gain psychic abilities through meditation?

Meditation is a universal tool for developing any superpowers. It calms the mind and harmonizes thought processes, relieves the brain of unnecessary information.

In a trance state, the vibration level increases, the brain is calm and relaxed, and therefore intuitive information comes more easily.

If it is difficult for you to practice any special techniques for developing psychic abilities, at least start meditating. It is enough to find a quiet place and half an hour of time.

In addition, in addition to activating superpowers, meditation has a beneficial effect on the state of your physical and mental health. She harmonizes nervous system, relieves stress, relaxes body muscles, eliminates energy blocks, and also promotes rejuvenation of the body by stimulating the production of hormones.

Testing psychic abilities in practice!

Everyone knows the saying: “Practice makes mastery”?

This is also true for the development of superpowers. You can study millions of books, know the theory by heart, but without practice this information will never turn into knowledge.

Only practice gives the necessary experience and skills, so those who want to become a psychic² should choose for themselves suitable methods and practice regularly. This will definitely give results!

To become a psychic, it is not necessary to have extraordinary abilities from birth. They can be developed!

Reading information from people, objects, receiving signals and messages from the subtle world requires large energy expenditures. You need to monitor your energy level and replenish it if necessary. Regular meditation, yoga, proper nutrition and will help you maintain your mood and maintain the correct state of mind and body.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ You will find powerful techniques for developing intuition

² Psychic - a person believed to have extrasensory perception abilities (

Many people now dream about this, because it is always nice to know more than others. Centuries of prohibitions have passed, information has become available, the topic of the unknown has gained wide publicity. Nothing is impossible, and everyone has psychic abilities, you just need to be able to notice them in yourself. You can develop extrasensory perception quite quickly, in a couple of months, if you try hard and believe in the result. The method is to increase sensitivity to subtle worlds, strengthening the etheric and astral bodies, which ordinary people atrophied, expanding perception.

To start working, you need to believe in the very possibility of a different worldview. Excessive skepticism comes from a reluctance to learn new things, from fear of it, and of responsibility for one’s views (it is easier to borrow them without checking them for correctness). Logical analysis does not take into account very many factors, while the soul, which has a connection with all living things, can “see them”, and possible result, to which the combination of these factors will lead. Moreover, these factors can be influenced by simulating events. Therefore, during practice, turn off logic, it will not give you desired result, since it operates only with physical sense organs and generally accepted patterns, or extremes, or incomplete, possibly incorrect information, it is impossible to learn new things with its help, it operates within already known, “fenced” limits.

First exercise designed specifically to disable logical analysis and self-control. It is done quite simply: you need to try to imagine what is behind the wall, or behind any other obstacle (in the closet, bedside table, behind the door, in the next apartment). Now it doesn’t matter how reliable this information is, the goal is to turn off logical, template thinking. Don't try to analyze and remember, just imagine the first thing that comes to mind. Easy and relaxed, without creativity and attempts to “draw” a picture artificially. You just need to imagine it. This is the basis of clairvoyance.

You can do the exercise as much as you like until you get tired and simply cannot suppress the desire to invent, imagine, remember, analyze. Most likely, this will be accompanied by anger and irritation. The practice must be completed and repeated after a few hours or the next day.

After this exercise you may feel headache, it feels like you took a long time to decide complex tasks. There will be spiritual fatigue, and this is very good - the soul also needs training. They also don’t become jocks overnight.

You need to repeat until you learn to “see” easily, without internal resistance. You may also be surprised by the high accuracy of vision with good concentration. The first success is already there, before full development psychic abilities remain to be consolidated and strengthened.

Second exercise designed to increase sensitivity to subtle bodies and concentration. It is also very simple to perform, it is a meditation during which there is no need to do anything other than listening to silence and contemplation. To do this, you will need a quiet place; an ordinary apartment in which you need to be alone is quite suitable. It doesn’t have to be completely quiet, the main thing is that there are no distracting sounds: a lawnmower, a track under the windows, music. This is just a start, then you will be able to maintain concentration even in very noisy and bustling places. Peace in the soul is necessary to perceive its urges. For the first time, it is better to use some room that is best lit by natural light, but not near a window - there it will be more difficult for you to maintain a state of peace within yourself. After several successful practices, you can already try on the balcony, from where you can better hear the sounds of the street, and perhaps see someone through the window (but you don’t need to set such a task for yourself).

The first part is done with with open eyes. Try to get rid of thoughts, free your mind. Turn off the internal dialogue (internal dialogue) for at least 10-20 seconds, gradually increasing this period. Do it easily, without aggression or irritability, just let go of the thoughts that force you to constantly waste energy on useless things. Listen to the sounds, but don't think about them, just listen. If this is a speech, don’t analyze it, don’t give in to thinking, just perceive it without evaluating it in any way. IN this moment It’s not important for you to know what some passerby is talking about, you simply let his words pass by without keeping them in your mind.

After a few minutes, you will already feel how everything around you is filled with light and love, you will feel lightness, as if the shackles have been thrown off you. You have freed yourself from the dictatorship of the mind, so far only temporarily, by clearing your perception of its distortions.

The second part of the practice occurs with eyes closed, starting from the point described above. Now you need to feel this light without eyes, use your inner perception. Imagine as if you clearly see everything around you, and sensations of objects will begin to come to you. The surrounding space will become part of you. This will indicate the success of the practice; your perception of the world has become broader.

This is very important practice. Through inner feeling world and the vision of inaccessible information is realized. If you did everything correctly and it worked out for you, then only a test will confirm the development of psychic abilities. It is easy to arrange it in Everyday life, without doing anything special for him: perform the first exercise together with the sensations of the second, somewhere in an unfamiliar environment, provided that you cannot know what is behind some door or wall, for example, at work, in a store , in the next house. Act naturally, without appearing to be doing anything unusual or looking for something.

You can find out information about people in the same way. Any clue will do: a personal item, a photograph, being nearby. Just like in the first exercise, just see what a person is interested in, what kind of character and problems he has in life, what he is interested in. Now almost everyone is registered in at least one social network, so there shouldn’t be any problems finding people to check. After the “scanning” you can chat with the person, and after a few days it will be clear whether you were right or wrong.

Third exercise is not mandatory, but it is extremely important for those who want to consciously develop further, benefit other people by helping them with their problems. This is self-initiation, or the first phase of awakening, as they like to say in various esoteric literature. Roughly the same thing happens during magical initiation, only this time collectively. The point is to change your attitude towards life completely, to start living by new rules. The opposite moment will immediately arise, and life will begin to help you along the way if your intentions are pure.

This is a continuation of the second exercise. You can use music and any form of meditation that suits you best. The main thing is to evoke sensations in your soul, to feel how power flows through you, how something awakens inside, filling you with limitless energy. Some chakras may well open, you will feel them as points of concentration of energy, and kundalini is a flow along the spine from bottom to top. These are more serious practices, read about them separately before you start.

The goal is to feel the love of this world that gives you limitless possibilities. It will fill you from the inside. No matter how exactly you achieve this state, there are a great variety of practices.

A significant success factor will be knowing in advance why you need it. Usually people begin to awaken because the time has come and they can no longer live in the old way. Or, what is much less common, a person himself suddenly begins to want to know more about the world, to see all its facets, to find answers to all his questions, without wasting his already short life on the expectation that someone will do everything for him.

After self-initiation, a number of other wonderful abilities may appear: you will begin to eat and get tired less, sleep less, spontaneously see the aura of people and objects, astral beings. But it’s not at all necessary; the consequences are individual for everyone.

Modern television is filled with many programs related to supernatural people, and this is what gives rise to questions among many viewers - is it possible to develop a sixth sense in oneself, or is the gift given from above? Are there exercises to develop psychic abilities? How to spot a psychic in yourself? How to determine Let's try to understand such complex issues.

A psychic is a person who has hypersensitivity. All people receive information from the world around them using logical reasoning and, of course, for some people, information itself appears in their heads. Almost every person can call these people, you just have to put maximum effort into your desire.
IN modern world there are many different books and teaching aids aimed at developing extrasensory abilities. What exactly needs to be done in order to learn extrasensory perception and develop unusual abilities?

First, you need to figure out what exactly the nature of the information that appears in the brain may be. It can be in the nature of pictures, all kinds of visions, some claim that they hear otherworldly voices, and even smell it. And sometimes it happens that a person is simply sure that this is exactly the case; this phenomenon can be called self-awareness.

Extrasensory perception should be clearly distinguished and not confused with hallucinations or wild imagination. Any information that appears in your brain should not be fictitious, but only reliable. All people have extrasensory sense from birth, but it should be developed. If this is not done, the abilities will gradually disappear under the influence of others, for example, logical abilities. In order to develop your abilities and explore your super senses, below are some tips and recommendations that will undoubtedly help you recognize the psychic in yourself!

Development of extrasensory abilities: boost of energy

In order to reveal psychic abilities in yourself, you need to learn to relax and also recharge your energy to the maximum. Yoga can be a great place to start; it is great for helping to get rid of negative emotions and thoughts. It is best to receive a charge of energy from the Earth and the Sun. When receiving their energy, you need to clearly imagine how this is done, feel how it spreads throughout the body.

Development of extrasensory abilities: filling the vessel of desires

It is possible to manage your life and fulfill it. To do this, you need to draw a circle and divide it into 8 equal parts. In each of these parts you should write one wish, sign on top your name, date and 2 phrases: “Without harming anyone” and “From a higher source.” Closing your eyes, say out loud your desires that you wrote down in your desire vessel. At the end of the ritual, ask that Higher Consciousness helped you and pushed you to fulfill your desires.

Having hidden your vessel of desires, do not forget to read out loud everything you wrote in it as often as possible. You will soon notice that your Higher Consciousness is helping and prompting you to right decisions in certain matters, thanks to which wishes begin to slowly come true.

Development of psychic abilities: dream diary

Developing ESP takes effort and practice. You shouldn’t think about the meaning of your dream, you shouldn’t analyze it either. Just describe. Place a piece of paper and a pencil near your bed so that you can always write down your dream, because you can forget it in the morning. It is in dreams that many people discover their psychic abilities.

To learn extrasensory perception, you undoubtedly need to read a lot of specific literature and, if possible, pass some tests in order to identify your extrasensory profile. But still, when you feel that your thoughts are capable of materializing, that you can predict a lot, you should think about what direction to direct your extrasensory abilities. You should be careful, listening to your sixth sense, and having new opportunities, do not forget about morals, manners, values ​​and honesty.

Surely, many of us were interested in numerous psychic shows, and perhaps imagined ourselves in the place of the participants. It seems that they - psychics - are given everything without special effort. I wanted to look into the future - please. Or, or even became a different person, reincarnated and was able to look into the soul.

Have you ever had such thoughts? Perhaps you have even wondered how to develop your psychic abilities? But have you experienced disbelief that it is possible to gain such almost limitless power over time and space?
You will be surprised, but everyone can develop. Not only Gurus from India with the gift of teleportation, or famous psychics. You are that very psychic.
The only one important point in how - constancy. Don’t think that you will wake up clairvoyant tomorrow just because you really wanted it. Unfortunately no. This is achieved through training - long, daily and focused.
Before developing psychic abilities, let's define the concepts. What is this? God's gift or is it all from the evil one?
In fact, it is neither one nor the other. Remember the fire. There were legends that it was stolen from the gods and given to people, for which Prometheus paid dearly. But fire is a common phenomenon caused by the combustion process and materials changing their properties under the influence high temperature. So are ours supernatural abilities are considered something out of the ordinary, because humanity has only just begun to learn about them. So far, for us it is the same as fire for us. But there is no mysticism in this.
If you don’t know how to develop psychic abilities, then start with the simplest. Meditation. Every person intuitively feels how to conduct meditation. You need to go somewhere in nature, in a calm environment and try to forget, or rather, not get hung up on problems today. Don’t set super goals for yourself, just first give the command to relax and not think about anything. When you start to succeed, you can complicate the task. Relax and give yourself a command that, for example, in a dream you will see something from the near future. Something from your day or from what your loved ones will be doing. Try to learn something from their life. I can say that it works. I tried to do this myself.
I didn’t specifically study how to develop psychic abilities, but I did something intuitively. Learning to step away from everyday problems, I set a goal - to find out something about my relative who lives too far away and with whom we rarely see each other. And one day I dreamed that he divorced his wife. Then it turned out that this is what happened.
Another exercise that will undoubtedly help is to learn to feel the aura. Try bringing your palms together, first with your eyes open and then with your eyes closed, feel the aura emanating from your palms.
Look closely at the drawings. Any. Pay attention to what this or that bend in the lines reminds you of. Even if he lives on his own and is not connected with the overall picture, but what does, say, the bend of the cloak in the painting “Unknown” remind you of?
And lastly, do not use the services of charlatans. There are now many schools that will make you a “psychic” for a fee. highest category first level "... Unfortunately, most of them are only interested in your finances, and not in psychic abilities. You can trust few people. In the end, arrange a check, ask the psychic to name something from your biography. Just not vague, like, “I see you had a more specific one. How many brothers and sisters do you have? Or show a photo of relatives, loved ones, friends and ask them to name the person who is no longer alive. This will also be an excellent test for those who claim to be your Guru.

Extrasensory perception is a mysterious and mystical area of ​​human capabilities that allows one to go beyond the traditional perception of the world. Not everyone thinks about the fact that he, it turns out, has hidden powers. You just need to learn how to develop them - and the world will truly open up before you. Magic world.

The word “psychic” comes from the Latin extra – “over” and sensus – “feeling”. That is, it indicates a person who is capable of feeling much more than those around him and has supernatural capabilities.

A psychic is able to receive information directly through the brain without using sight, hearing, smell or touch. These messages come to him as pictures, voices or other phenomena familiar only to him.

Psychic abilities usually manifest themselves through telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, or telekinesis. These people are also able to see the aura of people, animals or objects.

Most people believe that extrasensory perception can only be achieved by a select few. This is a wrong judgment, because any of us can become a psychic. Superpowers are hidden in any person from the moment of birth, but in most cases they remain undiscovered.

It’s sad, but most people, having matured, lose their potential, not finding ways to reveal their abilities in the modern world. But most young children are real psychics, capable of seeing and hearing much more than adults.

But don't be upset. If you are concerned about questions about the meaning of life and the Universal laws of the universe, then your time has come to comprehend the mysteries of extrasensory perception of the world and develop superpowers in yourself.

Manifestation of psychic abilities

Extrasensory abilities can manifest themselves as:

  • Clairvoyance is the ability to receive information about what is happening regardless of time without the participation of the organs of vision. It is an inner vision of something that goes beyond the real world.
  • Clairaudience is inner voice, obtaining knowledge about the Universe at the level of auditory vibrations.
  • Clairvoyance is the ability to receive information directly from Space, understanding the processes occurring in the Universe. A person receives the correct answer out of nowhere and cannot explain how this knowledge came to him.
  • Intuition is the ability to foresee certain events using clues sent by the world, dreams and premonitions.
  • Telekinesis is the ability to influence objects using the power of thought without any physical effort.

Very often, psychic abilities are revealed in cases where there is a threat to life or a person is in a critical situation and needs help. At such moments, some inner voice tells you how to act.

A person can also feel superpowers while in an altered state of consciousness under the influence of psychotropic or narcotic substances. Healers and shamans in various cultures knew this very well, and used the properties of certain plants to enter a state of trance and communicate with otherworldly forces.

How to determine if you have psychic abilities

To assess your ESP abilities, try asking yourself a few questions:

  • How light a sleeper are you?
  • Do you have developed intuition?
  • Do you feel someone's presence when you are alone in a room?
  • Are you lucky in life?
  • Are you superstitious, do you listen to various omens and signs that the world sends you?
  • Are there people in your family associated with magic, witchcraft, or healing?
  • Are you sensitive to the energy of people around you?
  • Try to spread your palms to the sides at a distance of about twenty centimeters. Do you feel the warmth that comes from your hands?
  • Do you think that you were “born in a shirt”?
  • Have you experienced a feeling of discomfort and fear in places where some tragedy happened, although you did not know about it before?
  • Do you communicate with inanimate objects?
  • Can you easily persuade a person to do certain things?
  • Can you help the patient and alleviate his pain when communicating with him?

The greater the number of affirmative answers, the more developed your extrasensory perception is. If you answered “yes” to more than 10 questions, you definitely need to develop your abilities, because you are a real psychic.

But having abilities alone is not enough to become a professional in this field. It is also necessary to develop your sensitivity and intuition through training and exercise.

Exercises that develop psychic abilities

For people who dream of developing extrasensory abilities, there are a number of exercises that expand the range of perception. These techniques activate dormant extrasensory abilities.

How to learn to feel the aura with your hands

If you want to learn how to perceive a person’s aura, do this exercise:

  • Sit comfortably on a chair, keeping your back straight.
  • Relax and stop the flow of thoughts, rub your palms together.
  • Move your palms thirty centimeters away from each other, keeping them parallel.
  • Begin to slowly bring your palms together until they touch. Repeat the exercise several times.

After some time, you will begin to feel the limits of your aura with your hands. There will be a feeling of warmth emanating from the hands, the palms will become elastic. After several workouts, these sensations will become not just subtle, but quite real and physical. In the future, you will also learn to sense the aura of others and sense its boundaries.

How to learn to see the aura

The exercise is performed in two stages.

At the first stage, you need to try for a couple of days to see the small lines that appear before your eyes when you peer into the space between your eyelids. Doing so better evening lying in bed. For this exercise, 15 minutes a day is enough.

In the second stage, proceed as follows:

  • Place an object in front of you - a jug, flowerpot or something else. It is advisable that the item be one color. Place it in the background white sheet paper to neutralize the background.
  • Start looking at the object, but not directly, but casually. Over time, a slight haze will begin to appear along the edge of the object. Next, you will begin to distinguish its color, depending on the color of the object. For example, a green object has a red aura, and a yellow one has a blue aura.

It is best to do the exercise before bed.

How to learn to have prophetic dreams

We all know about the phenomenon of prophetic dreams or the ability to foresee future events based on dreams. To see prophetic dream, you need to give yourself a mindset. Before going to bed, tune in to the fact that in your dream you should see how tomorrow will go. Do this every evening for a month. Gradually you will learn to see snippets of events that are about to happen.

Try to remember your dream in the smallest details and analyze it. So, over time you can develop own system dream interpretation.

Beginning psychics are advised to spend time in nature as often as possible, away from the bustle of the city. Try to spend more time in solitude and meditation, learn to hear the voices of nature and peer into the night sky. And then, perhaps, the Universe itself will begin to talk to you.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:
