Tattoos on the shoulder closing the scar for men. Scar Tattoo: Bide Your Time

Getting a tattoo on a scar may be the only way to restore the lost attractiveness of the body after injuries, operations and illnesses. In the article we will tell you how not to harm yourself and not provoke the appearance of tumors and new diseases. An entertaining selection of photos and sketches will help you choose the right pattern and see how easy it is to disguise any scar.

Can scars be tattooed?

Scars, scars and stretch marks are primarily psychologically unpleasant and give rise to a number of complexes. Not every defect can be removed with laser therapy or resurfacing, however, a tattoo will not always be the right solution.

Atrophic scars

Scars that are whitish in color (blood vessels may be visible) are below the level of the skin, and are soft to the touch. Appear after simple operations, burns or deep cuts, as well as after acne. This type also includes skin stretch marks that occur after a sharp weight loss, long-term use of hormonal medications, after childbirth.

A body pattern can be applied to atrophic scars, the main thing is to choose the right one. One of the popular tattoos on appendicitis scars is a feather or. Their curved shape follows the contour of the scar, and the depression gives a good volume to the picture. Men prefer to apply images that symbolize courage, physical and spiritual strength. However, it is worth remembering that the contour of the scar is long and slightly curved, so the head of a lion or eagle may not hide the defect, but highlight it even more. The silhouette of the picture and the color scheme need to be selected more carefully. Outrageous personalities emphasize the flaw with a wearable picture in the form of a wound sewn up with thick threads, with drops of blood, bullet marks and other “charms”. A zipper with a slider looks creepy, opening the circulatory system and tendons.

Girls for a tattoo on a scar from a caesarean section or appendicitis on the stomach often choose a composition of large flowers, when the scar is in the oblong middle, framed by petals. A skin defect can be presented as a shadow that falls from the stem of a creeper, sakura or. It is important that the paint can not be injected into the scar.

It will be more difficult to choose a picture for stretch marks, especially when the area of ​​damage is large. Due to the many small stripes, it will be difficult to choose a simple composition.

It is better to give preference to a more complex and voluminous picture with a small amount of small details, play with colors, shadows and transitions. Birds on a branch with leaves and flowers, a rose with wings, sakura look beautiful. Japanese-style belly scar tattoos will look good, especially for men. Dragons, abstraction, Celtic motifs, portraits are also suitable, you can use numerous shades of black and gray.

However, it should be borne in mind that stretch marks can increase and appear on other parts of the body, so it is better to consult a doctor before the procedure to find out the cause of such a skin defect. It is better to prevent the appearance of new ruptures of elastin fibers, otherwise the tattoo on the scar may be distorted, stretched.

Normotrophic scars

The scars are flat, several shades lighter than the skin, and are at its level. They appear after shallow cuts, minor burns, surgical interventions, when the operation takes place on the epidermis, cell-free layer is not damaged(basement membrane) and deep layers of the skin. Scars are almost imperceptible, but still affect self-esteem and beauty. It is much easier to choose a picture, but it is better not to apply monochrome pictures: the color may change. Leaves, butterflies, Celtic ornaments, birds - such tattoos on the scars on the girl's arm will look very attractive. Tattoos made with white paints look beautiful.

Hypertrophic scars

Dark scars protruding from the surface of the skin. They appear after serious surgical interventions, severe burns, severe injuries. Scars can form due to complications and suppuration of a simple wound, especially in the areas of joint folds, as well as hereditary predisposition.

It is undesirable to apply tattoos on hypertrophic scars, and if there is no other way out, then be sure to consult a doctor. Scar cells are able to absorb enough dye that very harmful to the body. To apply an image, you need to enter as much pigment as would be enough for 2-3 pictures! It is difficult to pick up a pattern, because the scar is above the level of the skin. The tattoo should go beyond its contours, it is best to use several colors with numerous shades: a tree with flowers and a hummingbird, a dragon or an overseas monster. An experienced master will be able to turn the build-up into dignity: the image will turn out to be voluminous and attractive.

Colloidal scars

Dense, like cartilage, formations, more like a tumor than a scar. They have a bumpy surface that is pink, reddish, or purple in color, which gradually increases and goes beyond the damage to the skin. They not only disfigure a person, but can also be accompanied by itching and irritation. The reasons for the appearance of such scars have not yet been studied. Most often, colloid formations are observed in people with a genetic predisposition, they can occur after minor injuries and cuts, piercings or a simple piercing of the earlobe for earrings, even after several years!

Most agree that tattoos on such scars are not recommended. If after long and successful procedures a scar remains, paint for wearable paintings can provoke the growth of a new formation and even lead to the appearance of malignant tumors.

Birthmarks and papillomas

Under these formations there are many blood capillaries. Any intervention in most cases provokes the appearance of cancer cells. A good master always bypasses such places, skillfully fitting them into the wearable picture. A tattoo on birthmarks is dangerous to health and life, but if you really want to, it is better to seek advice from an oncodermatologist and pass the necessary tests. Do not neglect the advice of doctors, even if you do not plan to completely clog the pattern.

Features of tattoos on scars

  • You can not stuff drawings on fresh scars, they must be completely tightened. After the wound has healed, you need to wait 6-12 months, it is best to get a tattoo in the second year. On a fresh scar, the picture may not work or shift over time, the procedure will be painful, there is a risk of complications.
  • When choosing a master, pay attention to the photos of tattoos on scars. Evaluate their quality, because it is undesirable to reduce wearable pictures. After the procedure, the scar may increase.
  • Scar tissues perceive pigments differently than healthy skin. The picture may turn out to be a completely different shade than planned.
  • Better get rid of the monochromatic image, and choose 3-4 colors and work on their shades. Thin transitions, penumbra, highlights and shadows well mask scars. You should not choose drawings among Polynesian, Indian motifs, inscriptions, hieroglyphs, small images in the form of hearts and stars. It is undesirable to apply too large compositions: the skin defect will be too noticeable.
  • The structure of the scar is heterogeneous, with depressions and irregularities, the paint may not adhere well, so the image will be ready in several sessions. The pigment on the affected area may lose its brightness earlier than on healthy skin, and will often have to be corrected.
  • In order not to regret a tattoo made on a scar, you need to take into account temporary changes in the damaged area of ​​​​the body, and read the recommendations of specialists. Since the nerve endings are located near the renewed epidermis, the procedure will be a little more painful than on healthy skin.
  • If there is no desire to fill a drawing for life, you can use a temporary henna tattoo. The ornament stays on the body for up to 3 weeks.
  • If doctors do not advise getting a tattoo, do not despair. The master can beat the flaw, make it less noticeable, focus on the drawing.
  • Scars may also appear after the removal of the wearable picture. It is possible to reduce a tattoo without scars only with the help of a laser.

Photo tattoo on scars

“Scars adorn a man” - many modern people can argue with this ancient saying. Nowadays, scars often disfigure rather than decorate, both men and women. If a scar or several scars are located on the face or any other noticeable and open place, the desire of the owner of such a “decoration” to get rid of it as soon as possible is understandable and absolutely natural.

However, the decision to cover the scars with a tattoo requires a thoughtful and balanced approach, as well as a careful selection of the artist. In many ways, the final result of such work depends on the talent and skill of the tattoo master.

Tattoo as a method of hiding scars

As a ritual art, tattooing has been used for so long that it is almost impossible to determine the exact time of its appearance. For a long time, a tattoo on the body, and even more so on the face, was considered to belong to savages, as well as some subcultures in a “civilized” society - sailors, pirates, bandits and robbers, as well as some religious groups. However, there is historical evidence that some noble and crowned persons did not disdain tattoos, but this was done secretly and was never officially recognized. Naturally, a tattoo on women was an absolute taboo and was perceived as a shameful stigma, equating a lady with a prostitute or a woman from the common people.

In a criminal environment, a tattoo was mandatory and was a kind of distinction. She gave a knowledgeable person all the information about who was in front of you, for what and how long he was sitting, even where he got a tattoo. For the "illegal" tattooing was severely punished - the offender had to independently cut off the skin with a tattoo, which he performed without having the right to do so. In some Latin American street gangs, this is still punishable by death.

Nowadays, the tattoo has lost its original ritual meaning and is mostly used for self-expression and decoration of one's own body. However, sometimes the tattoo serves for cosmetic purposes. If you do not touch on the actual cosmetic tattoo, then most often in cosmetology, a tattoo is used to mask a variety of scars and scars.

Most often, the use of a tattoo is justified in cases where there are a large number of superficial scars that are difficult to remove surgically due to the large area, as well as on burn sites. In this case, the master will literally need to master the needle, because a scar, especially a burn one, is not skin, but coarse connective tissue. Unlike leather, it has an uneven structure, an uneven surface and a different degree of “filling” with paint. Instead of masking scars, you can get an ugly blurred and shapeless colored spot, as well as provoke an inflammatory process.

A high-quality tattoo can successfully disguise scars that have arisen, for example, when injured by crumbling glass. Such cuts are usually numerous but superficial, scars and scars are quite thin and cover a large area. A talented master will apply the drawing in such a way that it will be impossible to notice terrible traces under it even upon close examination.

A tattoo may not be acceptable for technical, aesthetic, religious and medical reasons. Many people simply do not accept any drawings and inscriptions on their bodies, others are not able to endure pain, others are forbidden by their religion. For example, the Jews consider the body to be the temple of God, and any manipulations with it, except those prescribed by the Torah, are perceived as blasphemy.

"Colorless" tattoo on the scar

One of the most common and fairly simple methods of scar masking is to “paint over” it to match the body. This procedure works best on small and thin "retracted" scars, noticeable due to their dark color - purplish or bluish. If the tattoo is performed by an experienced master, he will be able to choose a combination of pigments in such a way that after the work is completed, the scar will practically disappear before our eyes. It can merge so well with the general skin tone that only those who previously knew about its existence and specifically looked for its location can notice it.

However, if the scar is very prominent and rough, such as a keloid, this masking method may not be practical or effective. In such a situation, it is more rational to try to excise the keloid surgically, and then try to get rid of the scar by other methods.

Another disadvantage of this method is the fact that in the summer this scar will become visible again, as the skin will tan, but the “painted over” scar will not. This method of hiding scars can only be used if the person does not sunbathe and constantly use sunscreen.

Toning of the scar area

Sometimes the scars are in the most visible place - on the face, chest, arms. They can create very serious discomfort and cause psychological trauma to their owner. Such scars are especially noticeable on the eyebrows, scalp, lips.

To get rid of such cosmetic defects, you can resort to tattooing - the introduction of special dyes with a very thin needle, which is used for cosmetic purposes. Using this method, you can carefully and imperceptibly fill in the “empty” places on the eyebrows, where hair does not grow due to the scar, as well as “paint over” the gaps between the eyelashes, where a scar has formed at the site of an injury or damage of any kind.

Color correction of the scar passing through the lips also gives a good result. A carefully selected shade can significantly improve the aesthetic side of the existence of a scar or scar. Thin scars literally disappear under the right tattoo. Using this method, you can carefully correct the scar, if it does not distort the shape too much, but only stands out as a noticeable spot against the background of a brightly colored lip border.

Before performing any surgery on a scar, it is imperative to seek advice from an experienced scar specialist.

Decorating the body with a pattern has been known to the human race since ancient times. Initially, magical drawings were a way to protect against dark forces, and also indicated the social status and position of the owner in society. Later, tattoos began to be applied as evidence of a bright, significant incident or event in a person's life. But quite often the human body has scars, deformities due to any incidents, surgical interventions, medical manipulations. In this case, tattoos on the scar can not only hide the scar from prying eyes, but also become an adornment of the body.

Scarred arm tattooed with a rose

Tattoo as a disguise for a scar

The presence of scars as a result of operations, burns, accidents, as a result of which mechanical tissue damage was inflicted, often causes deep complexes and interferes with normal life. Discomfort manifests itself at times when it is necessary to open a part of the body and show the scar. It is for such people that a tattoo will be an ideal option for masking an ugly scar or traces of surgical interventions. Despite the reasons for the damage, clients often choose designs for scar tattoos that correspond to the generally accepted symbols of beauty, openness, freedom and looseness.

bicep scar tattoo

When to visit a tattoo parlor?

If the body was disfigured by a scar or you have complexes from scars after operations, contact a tattoo artist and he will advise on the possibilities of masking an unpleasant mark by drawing a picture. When is the best time to cover a scar with a tattoo?


Be sure to consider the condition and degree of healing of the scar. The skin should regenerate. The wound should heal with a new layer of epidermis.

Is it possible to beat a tattoo on scars? The duration of the process of regeneration, wound healing is determined individually. Since the wound healing process depends on the state of the body's immune system, as well as the presence of chronic diseases. On average, the scarring process lasts up to a year. The condition of the scar tissues determines the degree of pain during the tattooing process, as well as the quality of the final result - the clarity of the pattern.

The strength and multi-layeredness of the skin cover determines the technology of applying the pattern. It should be borne in mind that the tissues of the scar differ from the healthy epidermis and are not the best material for the work of a tattoo artist. Only a real master will undertake such work, since there is a threat that the result may differ from the expected.


Before proceeding directly to drawing a picture, you must follow these recommendations:

  • complete healing of the scar;
  • choose a professional tattoo parlor;
  • choose a master who has experience in tattooing scars.

Tattoo scars on chest

The nuances of choosing a picture

A sketch of a future tattoo should be selected, taking into account the shape and features of the scar. Thus, it will be possible to use the "pattern" of the scar as an element of the picture. Pay special attention to the color scheme of the picture.


The connective tissue of the scar differs from normal skin and reacts differently to colored inks. This may affect the quality of the drawing.

Preparing a drawing to mask a scar requires from the master not only a creative approach, an individual solution, but also caution. In this case, previous experience helps a lot. The master will offer sketches, taking into account the wishes of clients and the features of the skin area that will be covered with a pattern. Only by combining all the moments, you can get a real masterpiece of art, which will become the pride of the client and the master performer.

The most popular is the overlap in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arms of the tattoo on the scars, the photo clearly demonstrates an alternative version of the tattoo to disguise.

Masters may suggest enhancing the effect of the scar by adding rich colors and expressiveness. This solution is more suitable for brutal men.

  • image of floral and plant ornaments;
  • butterflies, dragonflies, other insects;
  • birds and animals;
  • drawings symbols.


In order to mask large-scale scars, you will need to pick up large patterns or drawings. Therefore, if there is a need to apply tattoos on scars, the meaning of the pattern becomes secondary, although important.

The rose closes the scar on the stomach

Tattoo on the scar - the best solution

A beautiful drawing placed on a scar can not only restore the aesthetic appearance of the human body, but also solve many psychological problems associated with scars. Traces of the resulting injuries often remain for life, returning a person to the past, forcing them to live through terrible or unpleasant moments again and again.

Unfortunately, despite the development of medicine and cosmetology, scientists have not been able to find an effective way to quickly and efficiently remove scars. Laser resurfacing makes scars less noticeable, and therapeutic ointments and creams only improve the condition and appearance of the skin.

Taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and skin in particular, heredity and other factors, for some patients, covering the scar with a tattoo remains the only possible way to restore its former beauty and restore psychological health.

Scars on the stomach under the tattoo

Henna drawing - an additional option

An alternative option would be to apply a henna pattern. The advantages of this method are the painlessness of the procedure, the absence of skin injury and scars. The disadvantages include the inconstancy of the pattern. Henna will become lighter after a while, and then completely disappear. Therefore, you will have to constantly update the drawing if you want the scar to be permanently closed.

The main task of a tattoo on a scar in girls and boys is to mask a defect in the skin, for example, on the stomach from a cesarean or after an operation to remove appendicitis. Thanks to the spectacular pattern, such a flaw becomes invisible. The quality of the drawing depends not only on the master, but also on the condition of the skin, the degree of healing of the scar, and the general health of the client. You can hide under the picture not only a scar from a burn, surgery, but also stretch marks on the skin.

After the burns received, several traces remained on the skin. Unfortunately, neither creams nor expensive laser procedures help. A friend recommended me to the tattoo parlor. An experienced master very quickly found a suitable sketch to hide the ugly scar as much as possible. Now I have a beautiful flower in place of an ugly burn. There is no thought to hide this part of the body. So I want to put it on public display.

Lyudmila, Moscow

Scars are not always decorated. He underwent several operations, which, of course, did not go unnoticed not only for the state of mind, but also for the body. I would like to forget all these nightmares as soon as possible, but the scars now and then remind me of the experience. On the Internet, I came across the site of a tattoo parlor, where among the works I saw tattoos on scars. Why not? And a few days later I was sitting at the reception of the master. Thanks to the professionalism and experience of the master, my scars under the dragon tattoo gave me courage and courage.

Yaroslav, Kazan

Video: an overview of scar tattoos

Today, many tattoo parlors offer a service designed not so much for fans of drawings on the body, but for people who, for various reasons, have scars on their bodies and who would like to level these defects. In our review, there are 10 tattoos that have successfully masked various defects.

1. Roses

This woman decided to hide her C-section scar with a tattoo depicting a branch of climbing roses.

2 Salamander

The tattoo in the form of a salamander, symbolizing in alchemy the purifying power of fire and the philosopher's stone, was perfect to cover the scar from the operation to remove the mammary gland.


Having survived major surgery after a terrible accident, this guy got a tattoo on his back in the form of a spine. It perfectly covers the scar and is a reminder of what happened to him.


Even such a terrible scar as on the leg of this guy looks stylish with the right tattoo. That's what a sense of humor, fantasy and fine taste mean.

flame and wood

This owner of huge birthmarks acted in an original way. Thanks to the tattoo, they have become a canvas for a real work of art.


It would seem that there is nothing wrong with stretch marks on the body, but with a chainsaw tattoo it doesn’t even occur to anyone to focus on this defect.

Arcane Shield

The mystical shield favorably covers the multiple scars and welts on this man's arm.


The scar on the side is not visible under clothes, but its owner decided to put a cobra pattern on the body. It turned out the case when you realize that a tattoo is good.

The skull and snakes in symbolism means both death and immortality. But in this case, we are talking more about the second. A man was born again after a complex operation and decided to hide the scar behind the original tattoo.

sakura branch

After the fall, the girl did not dare to wear short-sleeved clothes for a long time because of the huge scar. Corrected the situation with a tattoo in the form of a sakura branch.

Illustrated Lady

The body of American Julia Gnuse, who got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most tattooed woman in the world, is 95% covered with colored tattoos. Scenes from favorite cartoons, portraits of popular actors and just funny pictures are drawn on it. True, Julia applied the drawings to the body not because of a whim, but to hide the disease of porphyria - a hereditary violation of skin pigment metabolism.

But even if there are no scars on the human body, a tattoo can be beneficial, like these.

A scar is a dense, altered formation consisting of connective tissue. Appears due to active tissue regeneration after injuries and injuries. It is impossible to get rid of the scar, it becomes paler and smaller. People experience psychological discomfort and hide the defect from prying eyes. To get rid of complexes and increase self-esteem, you can get a tattoo on the scar.

Until recently, a tattoo on the body was perceived in society as something shameful, absolutely unacceptable for a person holding an important position (or for girls). Today, the opinion has changed, and colorful images on the exposed parts of the body are considered a special art direction. People began to actively use the services of masters to mask skin defects.

Scars can be covered with tattoos, but subject to safety measures and contraindications. Use this feature is allowed only after complete healing of the tissues. At the final stage, collagen fibers are deposited and the vascular network is built.

Mature scars are flat and bright, and those that form cause pain and itching, redness forms around them.

When deciding to cover tattoo scars, you need to know a few nuances:

  • if paint gets into the healed tissue, there is a risk of changing the shade;
  • the surface of the scar has an extraordinary structure, and it takes a lot of time and sessions to work out;
  • the needle of the machine does not always penetrate to an equal depth;
  • increased sensitivity, pain in the injured area than in the surrounding healthy tissues;
  • the brightness of the pigment is quickly lost;
  • when drawing a picture, the boundaries between the scar and healthy skin can be seen.

To divert attention from an ugly education, experts recommend choosing colorful sketches, gray and black color focuses on bumps.

Features of the localization of scars and tattoos for them

When the wound has healed and stopped hurting, the question arises of how to remove the mark from it. In many cases, the victims manage to level the scar with the rest of the skin with the help of cosmetology. A qualified dermatologist or cosmetologist will select an effective correction method in accordance with the problem. Laser resurfacing or therapy has the greatest effectiveness. If the scar is not amenable to healing effects, the tattoo artist will help to hide it. In each case, an individual approach is required - not all scars can be “beaten” with a pattern.

Atrophic scars

They are white, soft and slightly lower than healthy skin. The following factors contribute to their appearance: surgery, a burn, severe acne, a deep cut, stretching from weight loss, weight gain, hormonal failure or pregnancy.

When choosing a pattern for overlapping, it is necessary to take into account the features of the scar and its location.

You can disguise a stomach that has spoiled appendicitis or with a flower arrangement, a feather, a sakura branch, a flock of birds, etc. If the seam goes vertically, then the sketch can go deep into the navel. For men, an image is recommended that symbolizes spiritual and physical strength, courage - an eagle, a dagger.

The stretch marks can be large, and it's hard to find a sketch to hide each stretch. A complex, three-dimensional picture with numerous small details and play of shadows and colors is recommended. Japanese motifs, Celtic crosses, a colored wing look beautiful.

Hypertrophic scar formations

This scar type protrudes above the surface of the skin and has a dark color. They are formed in the following cases: a serious operation, a severe injury, a severe burn. May come from suppuration of a small lesion that can be left by a cut or graft. In this case, the arm or leg at the bends of the joints is at risk.

Tattooing on hypertrophic scars is possible only as a last resort. The paint is actively absorbed into the cells at the site of the scar, which is dangerous for the body as a whole. To close a small area, you need a volume of dye, which would be enough for another 2-3 similar pictures.

It is difficult to pick up a sketch because of the bulge of the formation. It is desirable to "stuff" a pattern with numerous shades and beyond the boundaries of damage. Popular options are dragon, hummingbird, tree with flowers, monsters.

Normotrophic scars

Their tone is always lighter than healthy surrounding tissues, they are flat and even. Their development is facilitated by minor burns, light cuts, operations that do not affect the deep layers of the skin. Traces are hard to see, but can affect self-esteem.

It is not difficult to hide them, any option is suitable, but with a play of colors. Uniformity is not recommended due to the risk of changing the shade. Girls often choose for this purpose a variety of ornaments, butterflies, leaves, birds, an inscription. Spiders, beetles are suitable for men.

There is another type of scarring - keloid. They look like a tumor and tend to grow. It is painful and unpleasant to touch such, their appearance spoils the body. It is impossible to “stuff” a tattoo in place of keloid scars, any damage provokes their growth.

Scar Covering Technique

Before applying an image to the body, it is necessary to decide which option is more preferable: a permanent tattoo or a temporary one.

Going to the salon, you should know some features of the technician:

  • A tattoo in the deep layers of the skin, for the “stuffing” of which a machine with a needle is used. The paint penetrates the cells and stays there for life. Over the years, it can fade and lose intensity. Removal is possible, but only with an expensive laser.
  • Temporary tattoo. This is a beautiful pattern created by henna. The paint allows you to temporarily close the defect from prying eyes and decide whether you need a permanent picture. Henna is a natural dye applied to the surface and does not injure the skin and scar. Lasts up to 4 weeks and gradually brightens.

What kind of tattoo you want to see in place of your scar is up to you. You can try both options and choose the best and most reliable one.

Tattoo care and how long does it take to heal

The speed of healing and the degree of engraftment of the pigment depend on compliance with the rules of care.

  1. Immediately after the procedure, the drawing is processed by the master and covered with a film.
  2. The closed area cannot be wetted and opened on the first day.
  3. On the second day, you can take a shower, gently washing the wound with antibacterial soap. Don't rub!
  4. Apply wound healing cream.
  5. Avoid contact with clothing, there should be no friction.
  6. Before going outside, hide the fresh pattern from the sun's rays.
  7. Do not peel off the crust, it will go away naturally.

The tattoo at the site of the scar heals up to 2 weeks due to the low content of subcutaneous fat (and if a vein is affected). The chest, abdomen, shoulder, buttocks heal the fastest. Large pictures are applied in several stages, rehabilitation can last up to a month.

Contraindications for tattooing

Scar masking is prohibited in the following cases:

  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • diabetes;
  • menstrual bleeding;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pregnancy;
  • keloid scar.

In other versions, tattoos are allowed to be used to mask and cover scars.

In the photo of the tattoo masters, they look colorful and attractive, but only the owners know what they are hiding. People often hide behind made-up pictures, and in the case of scars, this is the best way. The right drawing can raise self-esteem and restore confidence in beauty. Do not be afraid to experiment: if you don’t like the tattoo, then a professional master will be able to “stuff” a new, more interesting and voluminous one on top of it.
