All Disney princesses and queens. Disney Princes: description and photo

(1937), the prince plays a purely applied role of the future betrothed of the main character and does not show any special activity. He first appears onscreen when Snow White is languishing in her stepmother's castle, the evil queen. The heroine captivates him with sonorous singing, so much so that the prince (his name is Ferdinand, but this name is never pronounced) falls in love with the girl at first sight: in the early works of the Disney studio, this model of relationship was a common practice. Once again, the prince will appear when Snow White lies down in a crystal coffin. After a saving kiss, the hero takes the resurrected beloved to his kingdom to the delight of the dwarves. In fairness, it should be noted that initially the role of the prince was spelled out much wider, but there were problems with his animation (in the drawings he turned out to be stooped). As a prototype of Ferdinand, animators took the movie star of those years - Douglas Fairbanks, and dancer Lewis Hightower, who was chosen for his "beautiful muscular legs", acted as a live model. He was the first dance partner of Marjorie Champion (née Belcher), the girl with whom Snow White was drawn. Later, they did a show together on Broadway, and then Lewis was drafted into the army, where he, unfortunately, died.

Charming from "Cinderella"

Photo: Walt Disney

Another vapid prince came from the Disney animators in Cinderella (1950). True, Charming (obviously, the creators of Shrek named one of their unpleasant characters in his honor) turned out to have a more memorable role. According to the plot, in honor of the return of the prince, the father-king arranges a big ball, at which the young man falls in love with Cinderella. How it all ends is known: a miniature shoe will find its owner.

Here, however, it must be said that in the triquel of "Cinderella" called "Evil Spells" (2007), which tells in the manner of the last "Terminator" about the creation of an alternative reality and a new time loop, the prince manifests himself much more actively. Yes, and in the recent game "Cinderella" (Richard Madden, Robb Stark from), he is also not a bastard.

In the original version of this character, Michael Douglas (another) voiced it, and the choreographer Ward Ellis, who began his career as a dancer in films of the 1950s, and later became an assistant choreographer in films such as The King and I until he left to perform on various television shows.

Phillip from Sleeping Beauty

Photo: Walt Disney

Eric from The Little Mermaid

Photo: Walt Disney

Conceived back in the 1930s as a short film from the Silly Symphonies series, The Little Mermaid (1989) marked the renaissance of the Disney studio in the late eighties. The prince (who is here called Eric) was no longer an extra. In general, all the characters in this story, which, fortunately, went away from the tragedy of Hans Christian Andersen, were incredible alive (what is worth Jamaican crab Sebastian!).

Eric owed his dazzling smile to actor Joshua Finkel, who starred in all scenes with the character. Now Joshua is 51 years old, he teaches acting, but he still remembers the role of the prince.

Adam from Beauty and the Beast

Photo: Walt Disney

A little more time passed - and in "Beauty and the Beast" (1991), the enchanted prince (it turns out his name is Adam) became one of the key characters. Actually, this cartoon is dedicated to the story of the careful building of relationships between him and the beautiful Belle: what was impossible to imagine in the 30s and 50s became possible in the late 80s and early 90s (it is not surprising that “Beauty and the Beast became the first animated film to be nominated for an Oscar in the Best Film of the Year category).

The role of the prince was played by actor Peter Hastings, who outwardly had nothing to do with the character, both in his human, and even more so in animal form. However, it was he who was responsible for the facial expressions and movements of the monster, the very appearance of which the animators sculpted from various wild animals. So, for example, the monster had the mane of a lion, the beard and head of a buffalo, the eyebrows of a gorilla, the fangs of a wild boar, the body of a bear, the legs and tail of a wolf. And only the eyes of the animators left this character human. By the way, both hypostases of the main character were voiced by Robbie Benson. However, in the scenes when he spoke for the monster, the roar of predatory animals was superimposed on his voice.

Ali Ababua from Aladdin

Photo: Walt Disney

Prince Ali Ababua is the only fake prince on this list. This is the alter ego of the protagonist of the story of Aladdin, who, with the help of Genie, takes the form of a royal person in order to woo Princess Jasmine. The girl, however, quickly bites him, and the evil vizier Jafar begins to weave intrigues against him. Initially, Aladdin in the cartoon was supposed to look like Michael J Fox, but in the course of work, the character's design underwent changes and acquired the features of Tom Cruise, rapper MC Hammer and male models from the Calvin Klein company.

Naveen from The Princess and the Frog

Photo: Walt Disney

If Adam was not lucky enough to turn into a monster, then Prince Nun - into a frog. The Princess and the Frog (2009) was the studio's first two-dimensional cartoon in a long time, but, alas, it did not live up to expectations. It's a pity, because the action in it took place in the most cinematic place on the planet - New Orleans, Louisiana.

Navin is the prince of the distant kingdom of Maldonia, who is so passionate about jazz that his path lies in New Orleans. Navin is an extremely spoiled and irresponsible young man, who, however, has a natural charm that can captivate the people around him. However, his tricks do not work on Tiana - a black waitress (and the first black princess in the Disney pantheon). The relationship between her and Navin develops according to the principle of classic rom-coms, when the characters at first cannot stand each other, but then they slowly get used to each other. Naveen was voiced by Bruno Campos, an American actor of Brazilian origin, best known for his role as Dr. Quentin Costa in the television series Parts of the Body.

The Disney film studio has created a huge world of fairy tales that many generations are in love with. Cartoon characters are very different from each other neither appearance nor characters. Below are the top facts about the Disney princes, their stories and photos.


The first film adaptation of the fairy tale about Cinderella was released in 1950, and the project has not lost its popularity to this day. Later, viewers saw two animated continuations of the story.

One of the key characters of the tape is one of the Disney princes - Charming. In the first animated picture, this hero was shown only a few times, so almost nothing is known about him.

We remind you that Charming is the owner of brown eyes and dark hair. The prince's skin is light, he himself is tall with broad shoulders. In the cartoon, he first appears in a scene with his father the king. He returned from a trip, and now his dad, the ruler of a fairy-tale land, asks Charming to think about the family. Soon he meets Cinderella at the ball.

One of the main features of the prince is the same attitude towards all the inhabitants of the kingdom, regardless of their status and position. The guy also believes in true love, which his parents had, so he hopes to experience such a feeling himself.

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

Disney princesses and princes are controversial characters in many ways. Often viewers criticize their actions, stories, accusing the creators of implausibility. A lot of mixed reviews received a couple from "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". This is due to the fact that the prince and princess did not know each other, but only saw each other once before he saved her from witchcraft.

We remind you that the prince first appears in the cartoon when Snow White sang near the well. He was driving past the castle and heard a beautiful voice that made him stop. At first he listened to the girl's song, and then he began to sing along. The appearance of a stranger frightened the princess, and she ran into the house. Then the prince began to sing a serenade for Snow White, which made her go out onto the balcony.

The name of the hero was never mentioned in the cartoon, but it is known that the prince's name is Ferdinand. He has blond hair and blue eyes.


Many are so in love with fairy tales that they buy dolls of Disney princes, princesses and other heroes. One of the most beloved and bright couples are the heroes of the cartoon "The Little Mermaid".

The beloved of the princess of the underwater world becomes a human prince named Eric. The guy has broad shoulders and muscular arms. He is the owner of thick black hair and blue eyes.

In everyday life, Eric looks the same as all ordinary sailors, which is very unusual for a prince. The guy differs from others with a sincere and kind character. For the first time he appears before the audience on the ship, where his birthday is celebrated. Soon a storm begins and the ship crashes. Eric rushes to save his dog, as a result of which he himself falls into a trap. This is witnessed by the little mermaid Ariel, who pulls the guy ashore.

"Sleeping Beauty"

Disney princes in cartoons are always very brave and ready to do anything to save their beloved. This is exactly what Philip is from Sleeping Beauty. He faced the terrifying witch Maleficent, battled her dragon and other servants in order to be with Aurora.

We remind you that the parents of the prince and princess agreed that their children would get married when they were still very young. After Aurora was hidden in a small house in the forest, the lovers never saw each other. A new meeting took place when the girl was preparing for her 16th birthday. Of course, they did not recognize each other, but fell in love.

Philip has brown eyes and blonde hair. Little is known about his character, but the cartoon shows that he is very stubborn, always standing his ground. In addition, he is incredibly brave and strong.

"The beauty and the Beast"

Not all Disney princes show themselves noble from the very beginning. Some were never kind, but were able to change for the sake of love. It's about Prince Adam from Beauty and the Beast.

The guy was always narcissistic and judged others by their condition. Once a poor woman came to his castle and asked for shelter, but, of course, Adam did not accept the beggar woman. Unexpectedly for him, the old woman turned into a young woman, who, as it turned out, owned magic. She turned Adam into a beast and all the courtiers into objects. The sorceress said that only sincere love can remove magic, otherwise the prince will forever remain a monster.

Adam completely lost hope of salvation, since there was almost no time to search for his beloved, the spell can only be removed until the last petal from the witch's rose falls. Despite the complexity of the task, Adam managed to change, and also achieve mutual love from a simple girl named Belle. We remind you that Adam has blond hair and blue eyes.

"The Princess and the Frog"

Another Disney prince who wasn't perfect from the start is Naveen from the cartoon story The Princess and the Frog. The guy's parents refused to give him money, because he did not know how to earn it, as well as manage it.

Meanwhile, the guy does not want to hear anything about work, he raves about music. One day, an evil sorcerer decides to deceive the prince. He promises him wealth, but instead turns Nun into a frog. Then the guy goes in search of the princess, whose kiss can bring him back to his former life. The prince meets Tiara, whom he takes to be a princess, and asks her for help. However, the plan does not work and the girl also becomes a frog.

Snow White, Rapunzel and Anna are the princesses created by the Disney studio who have won the hearts of hundreds of millions of girls from all over the world. It is these characters that annually become for them the standards of style, sophistication and beauty. You can name at least 10 princesses that are iconic in the history of cartoons.

Anna- This is one of the latest princesses, which was created by the Disney animation studio. She came to the audience from the cartoon "Frozen". The girl does not have sparkling dresses, like her own sister. However, she has something more important, this is a sense of style and taste. This allows the young Princess Anna to mix stylish bright shades of blue and burgundy in her outfits, which is quite difficult to achieve in real life. However, it is Anna, like a true professional stylist, who wears such a colorful outfit. And the green dress, which is also in the arsenal of the princess, allows you to create a thin and sophisticated silhouette, which always favorably emphasizes the fragility and sophistication of a girl, even from a cartoon.

- another fashionista from the world of Disney. There are three primary colors in her outfit. These are red, blue, yellow shades. It seemed that in the fashion world it is extremely difficult to create a stylish and elegant outfit from these colors. But Snow White does it with ease. And the collar with which her dress is trimmed only improves the image. It makes the outfit complete. It is these colors that make the ensemble of the princess and her whole image as a whole incredibly positive and cheerful.

It is exactly that cartoon girl character who wears exclusively a dress of a delicate pink hue. The uniquely long hair of the princess is considered her exquisite decoration and fashion accessory at the same time. It is Rapunzel in the Disney world that is an incredibly strong and feminine character. Her outfit in pink and purple colors not only does not irritate, but, on the contrary, emphasizes all the attractiveness of the little brave heroine.

Jasmine from the animated series "Aladdin" appears before the audience in seductive oriental pants, which were traditionally worn in the harem. The character is very sexy and colorful. Through most of her outfits, Jasmine reveals her tummy. However, due to the fact that she lives in a country with an incredibly hot climate, this does not look defiant or loud. The princess, on the other hand, is one of the most stylish Disney characters. In many ways, numerous accessories help her to create interesting images, one of which is a live, real tiger.

Aurora from the cartoon "Sleeping Beauty" is a truly happy princess. After all, she was lucky to have three godparents at once who love bright colors. That is why Aurora is not limited in choosing the most stylish, luxurious, feminine outfits. Despite the fact that many cartoon critics considered this picture frivolous, the princess was remembered by millions of young fashionistas who began to take an example from their favorite character.

Appears on the screen both in bright pink suits and in army uniform. And, everything goes to her unusually. The beauty of a princess is that she knows exactly how to wear and match clothes. The Chinese Girl is one of the most stylish Disney princesses, especially when it comes to creating and showcasing versatile everyday ensembles. Mulan uses a wide variety of colors and feminine, unusual accessories in her outfits.

belle from the cartoon "Beauty and the Beast", even being limited in financial resources, appears before the audience in a chic simple and concise blue dress that emphasizes her graceful waist. However, the golden dress becomes a landmark for the princess, which is incredibly luxurious and royally solemn. However, in it, Belle does not lose her naivety, attractiveness and cheerfulness. There are other elements in the image of the princess, for example, a cape with a hood. It also favorably complements the image of a girl and emphasizes her fragility.

Ariel, who is the most famous Mermaid in the world, can undoubtedly claim a place in the list of the most stylish cartoon Disney princesses. The heroine is distinguished by refined taste and sense of style. Ariel wears modern dresses, among which her purple outfit sets off her red locks especially advantageously.

Tiana from the cartoon "The Princess and the Frog" lives in the 20th century. She differs from all Disney heroines in that she has at her disposal a mass of the most modern and stylish outfits. That is why very often she appears in bold ensembles that are loved by little spectators. The princess is not afraid of experiments, which allows her to always remain unsurpassedly fashionable. Everything Tiana wears fits her perfectly.

- exactly the heroine from Disney cartoons who never ceases to fall in love with herself, even being in an ugly and old uniform, made in boring and gloomy colors. The secret of her attractiveness lies not only in the use of bright accessories and wearing incredibly colorful shoes. Her stunning appearance, sweet and shy, which strikes with openness and good nature, makes any Cinderella outfit stylish and incredibly beautiful. That is why this princess can be safely called one of the most beautifully dressed in the history of animation.

Perhaps there are no girls who would not dream of getting into a fairy tale and becoming a princess or a fairy? Parents try to do everything for this: they buy beautiful dresses for their daughters, take them to theater studios, where children play the roles of fairies or princesses. But sometimes, to get into a fairy tale, a little imagination is enough, which cartoons give us.

Especially interesting and beautiful are Disney cartoons that tell about a variety of princesses and fairies. And the best full-length cartoons of the studio about princesses and fairies give the child the opportunity to know the history of the heroines by heart.

The list of official Disney princesses initially consisted of 6 girls:

There are no fairies among them, but miniature flying men also delight many girls. Among the most famous fairies can be noted Ding Ding- the heroine of the animated series about Peter Pan. Modern cartoons have added to the list of princesses: Mulan(from Pocahontas) Tiana(from The Princess and the Frog) Anna and Elz a (from Frozen) Rapunzel and so on.

The most beloved and recognizable Disney princesses by girls

The cute black-haired girl was born a princess, but the evil stepmother was jealous of her charming beauty, so she sent her to the forest. The girl miraculously came across the house of the dwarves, who helped her escape from the incessant attacks of her stepmother and find love in the face of a handsome prince. Disney's Snow White costume is a yellow dress with a blue corset.

Interesting facts: Snow White is the youngest of all the Disney princesses. She is only 14 years old. She is the only one who wore short hair.

This young creature also suffered at the hands of her stepmother. Cinderella was forced to become a servant in her own home. Her assistant is the fairy godmother, who gave her goddaughter the opportunity to attend the ball. There Cinderella meets the prince, loses her shoe and returns home. The glass slipper is the symbol by which Princess Cinderella can be recognized. In the Disney version, she also wore a floor-length blue and white dress and had her hair up high. Cinderella's age is approximately 18-19 years old.

The most unusual princess from this list, the favorite of many girls. She was born a mermaid, but eventually became a man and, according to the law of the genre, married a prince. This is the only princess who put on a beautiful outfit only at the end of the cartoon. Disney animators "gave" Ariel fiery red hair and a charming smile.

The princess is not from a full-length cartoon, but from an animated series. Jasmine differs from the rest of the princesses in that she is not a key character, but rather a minor one. Aladdin is the main character of the animated series of the same name, and Jasmine is his faithful companion, the princess of the fictional Arab kingdom. Over the course of several episodes of the cartoon, the characters test their feelings for strength, getting into unexpected situations.

The hot climate of the Arab countries is reflected in the specifics of Princess Jasmine's costume: wide blue trousers and a short top. And, of course, blue-black hair adorned with a diadem is a hallmark of Aladdin's bride.

Her name means "beauty" in French. Belle is the only brown-haired one of the "official" princesses of the Walt Disney Studios. Her kind and open soul melted the ice in the heart of the evil and terrible Beast, which imprisoned the girl's father. Belle agreed to stay at the castle in exchange for the Beast letting her father go free. Thus began the love story of Beauty and the Beast, who later turned into a handsome prince.

Belle's charming smile and her yellow fluffy dress, in which the princess danced with the owner of the castle, makes the girls stare at the TV and watch the cartoon in one breath.

The least known of the above list of princesses. She was made famous by the Sleeping Beauty cartoons (there are several series and versions). A long pink dress, a golden crown on her hair of the same color and a rose in her hand - this is a portrait of Princess Aurora. She pricked her finger with a spindle and fell into an eternal sleep. But the kiss of the prince saved the sleeping beauty from the spell. The popular trio of fairies from the cartoon: Flora, Fauna and Meriwether.

The popularity of Disney cartoons

It is probably not without reason that Disney cartoons are so loved by adults and children. There are special signs with which Disney cartoons conquer boys and girls:

  1. Extraordinary brilliance. All Disney princesses and fairies are amazingly beautiful and at the same time different, unlike each other.
  2. The nature of the characters. Each of the princesses and fairies has clear facial features, posture, and moves well.
  3. Musical arrangement - the best voice actors, beautiful singing, pleasant music.
  4. A captivating plot, in which there is a place to think, and where to laugh or cry, and something to admire.
  5. Captivating, which is the result of all of the above signs.

Walt Disney Studios never ceases to delight girls and boys with their creations. More and more new cartoons win the hearts of children all over the world. Disney cartoons are surprisingly kind, they reveal the themes of friendship and love, loyalty and sympathy, and demonstrate the victory of good over evil. Every girl can become a princess. The main thing is to want and believe in a miracle.
