Interview of Olga Buzova magazine Caravan. Olga Buzova said that an unknown admirer gives her signs of attention

In an interview with the glossy magazine "Caravan of stories" Olga Buzova told what signs of attention she has a mysterious admirer.

As the telediva admitted to reporters, after a divorce and the loss of many pseudo friends, Olga reassessed her values ​​and began to appreciate completely different qualities in people. As for men, completely disappointed in her ex-husband, Buzova no longer attaches importance to "sweet speeches", but prefers to evaluate a man by his actions.

The telediva gave a good example, talking about her mysterious admirer. First, she was given 101 red roses after a concert in Dubai, which surprised the singer a lot, because she didn’t know who the sender was? On the day of the release of the solo album, Olga Buzova received five of the same bouquets of roses at once. This time the flowers were white. Again, the sender is unknown.

And not so long ago, a truck drove up to the house where the TV personality lives, and more than 3 thousand scarlet roses were brought into that apartment. And again the sender remained "behind the scenes".

“And he doesn’t brag about his actions, he just does it nicely. Whoever he turns out to be, as long as he behaves very worthily,” Olga Buzova noted, talking about the romantic actions of a stranger who is in no hurry to “light up” his floral gifts on Instagram, or brag in front of Olga, what a fine fellow he is, in anticipation of praise.

Also, the telediva told what kind of under "men" come across her way lately, who want to "hype" due to her popularity.

Olga Buzova gave a frank interview to the Caravan of History magazine, talking about the infidelities of her ex-husband Dmitry Tarasov. According to the singer, the football player is lying, claiming that he was with his third wife after they broke up with Olga. Buzova is sure: he cheated on her with a model.

I categorically do not understand a man who has been sleeping with his wife in the same bed for seven years, and the next day - bam - and there is already some woman from Rostov lying there! she wonders.

Olga also spoke on the topic of hatred. She is surprised why the haters of her work will not leave her alone.

It's a shame not only for myself, but also for my fans. Agree, if millions of people like my work, then there is no point in arguing about tastes. I do not allow myself to discuss other performers, although I have plenty of platforms for this: television, concerts, and Instagram. I prefer to take care of myself - what I wish for others. Apparently, many are afraid that I will take someone's place under the sun ... Or maybe I have already taken it? And the hour is uneven, soon I myself will decide who will sing next to me on the same stage, ”concluded Buzova.

Recently, information appeared in the media that Olga Buzova was marrying Comedy Club resident Timur Batrutdinov, however, in an interview, the star of Doma-2 completely denied this information, saying that only a long-standing friendship connects them with Timur.

By the way, Olga recently changed her image by growing her hair. “And who will get such a beauty?” - Buzova commented on her new image. The photo has collected almost 900 thousand likes. Many subscribers, however, began to taunt that Olga is trying to be like the new wife of Dmitry Tarasov. “Both the color and the length of the hair are like those of Kostenko, well, why substitute it like that?” some wrote.

Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova Olga Buzova and her ex-husband, football player Dmitry Tarasov broke up over a year ago. Their divorce proceedings were accompanied by scandals and public showdowns. The reason for the breakup of the couple was the betrayal of the athlete, who left the star of "House-2" for a young model from Rostov, Anastasia Kostenko, whom he recently married. This marriage was the third for Dmitry, and the first for his chosen one. According to rumors, Tarasov's new wife is already expecting her first child and will soon give the football player a baby. Buzova herself could not leave without reaction either the news of the engagement of her ex-husband and model, or their wedding celebration. The TV presenter noted that the whole country is laughing at the couple.

A post shared by Olga Buzova(@buzova86) on Feb 8, 2018 at 10:44pm PST

In addition to her personal life, Buzova also spoke about her career as a singer. She expressed her bewilderment that representatives of Russian show business did not accept her and in every possible way tried to offend her with caustic remarks. “It's a shame not only for myself, but also for my fans. Agree, if millions of people like my work, then there is no point in arguing about tastes. I do not allow myself to discuss other performers, although I have plenty of platforms for this: television, concerts, and Instagram. I prefer to take care of myself - what I wish for others. Apparently, many are afraid that I will take someone's place under the sun ... Or maybe I have already taken it? And the hour is uneven, soon I myself will decide who will sing next to me on the same stage, ”said Buzova.

After the family fell apart, I didn’t eat for a month, I didn’t sleep, I just couldn’t close my eyes - my heart was pounding. When I was dying, I told my mother: “Does he really care?” How could you refuse not only my love, but also my friendship?! The connection is broken completely, the bridges are burned...

I didn't know how to continue to live. The closest and beloved person abandoned me overnight! I was so killed by this news that I thought: now everyone will turn away, I will be left completely alone. There were two hundred people at my birthday last January, and then my mother remarked: “There are so many people next to you in joy, I wonder how many of them would be left if trouble happened.” This year, only twenty people came to congratulate - that's the answer. Many of those who fell off behaved ugly - they literally threw knives in the back. I stopped being surprised: I already experienced something similar both at school, and at the Dom 2 project, and in my professional activities. But when it comes to the personal, it hurts the most.

I always put love in the first place, so I perceived divorce as the worst thing that can happen to a woman. When I was twenty-five years old, my parents suddenly separated, and one day the cozy world of my childhood burst like a soap bubble, because I was sure that they were happy together. Moreover, both parents never divorced, my grandmothers were next to their husbands until their last breath, having lived together for fifty-five years.

I was often compared with grandmother Alla on my mother's side: she is a very open, sincere person, she continued to believe in people, no matter how much they deceived her. And in this naivety, I definitely went into it. And my purposefulness comes from my mother, Irina Aleksandrovna. She dreamed of becoming a doctor and after school she went from Klaipeda to Leningrad to enter the First Medical School, saying: “If I don’t do it, it will be the end of my life.” In her second year, the son of a diplomat from an African country, who is fluent in five languages ​​and dances beautifully in any style, wooed her. Mom was subdued by his education, but could not disobey her father, who was categorically against marriage to a foreigner, since her daughter's departure abroad was equated with treason and threatened to renounce her. As it turned out later, my mother could live in Paris, where the young man had a business and a house.

Photo: from the archive of O. Buzova

Dad, Igor Dmitrievich, was received by grandparents favorably: tall, smart, cheerful, handsome, and even played the guitar and sang. Well, what mother-in-law can resist?! My parents met in a construction team in Komi, where my mother was a doctor for students of the Aviation Institute. She always had an active life position and firmly believed in the ideals of that time. Already at the age of eighteen, she worked on forty-two looms (just likeLyubov Orlova in the movie "Shining Path", this star is my mother's landmark), the Communists of the Vozrozhdeniye factory accepted into their ranks. At the institute, my mother was the Komsomol secretary on the course and the main organizer of parties in the student hostel. She became a leader everywhere, including in our family, she always had the last word.

I was born in a rented communal apartment in Kronstadt, my parents called me Brilliant - that's how I was dear to them. And my sister Anya was born already in a two-room apartment in St. Petersburg, which my father had bought by that time. We lived modestly. Mom worked from morning till night, dad studied at graduate school, and we grew up in nurseries and kindergartens. Then dad went into business, but still they didn’t become rich: the parents had other priorities. My sister and I always wore things for the children of their friends, and my mother spent all the money on travel and our education. I did not have a beautiful pencil case or a backpack, but at the age of five I had already visited the Eiffel Tower and the Roman Colosseum. To be honest, at this age it was difficult to appreciate how great it was - trips were exhausting.

After the birth of my sister, I was already in demand as with the eldest. Mom thought that the sooner I went to study, the better, so she sent me at the age of five to the best paid St. Petersburg school at that time. To enter there, I studied English from the age of three, then German was added to it. My classmates were two years older than me - it was physically difficult to keep up with them. Mom stood over her soul in the evenings until I did all the homework. I still remember how I sobbed over a notebook, unable to figure out how one word was spelled correctly, and she demanded: “Olya, come on, what’s incomprehensible here ?!” Then I had to write so much that a tubercle appeared on my finger - “labor callus”. Then my mother admitted: "I shortened your childhood."

Photo: from the archive of O. Buzova

Parents were round honors students, graduated from institutes with honors, they had to comply. And what a shame it was when in the ninth grade they tried to kick me out of school! As a child, I first encountered uncontrollable self-hatred, moreover, of an adult and powerful person - the headmistress. We never had an open conflict, I noticed only her sidelong glances in the corridors. And all because from childhood I tried to stand out, not to be like everyone else. I always expressed my opinion in the classroom, and once I was kicked out of history for questioning the attack on Rus' by the Tatar-Mongols. I saw an interesting program the day before, but the teacher strictly adhered to what was written in the textbook.

And I also dressed very brightly. Five days a week we had to wear a jacket and trousers, and on Saturdays we declared a “day without a uniform” and all the teachers froze in anticipation: “What will Olya come in?” I put on fluffy bunny slippers, put my hair with gel like on a hoop at the Statue of Liberty and pasted over my eyebrows with star sparkles. At the age of twelve, on Valentine's Day, she sewed a red heart on her trousers in the buttocks area! Mom sewed well, and I learned how to use her sewing machine - that's how I expressed myself. Maybe if not for those childhood experiments, my design skills would not have resulted in a clothing line fromOlga Buzova .

But the headmistress did not see any creative inclinations here - in the ninth grade, my mother was called to school and informed that her daughter was not being transferred to the tenth. There were no objective reasons for this: I had only one triple, I studied well, I was friends with the guys, went on hikes, got along with the class teacher. But the director made a bunch of demands in the hope that we would give up: for example, she insisted on a certificate confirming my mental health!

Photo: Alexander Vasiliev

After this, I myself did not want to stay, sobbed and begged to be transferred to another school. But my mother was adamant: “If you leave now, you will lose, you will run away from those who drive you all your life. This is the best educational institution in the city, we paid for your education for nine years, and you will receive a certificate here!” I had to step over my offense and stay. Although there was already a biased attitude towards me: now, in order to get an A, I had to really work hard. And I proved that I was the best by graduating from school with a silver medal!

I maintained good relations with most of the teachers, but when, three years after graduation, I, already a member of the Dom 2 project, arrived at school with cameras, the headmistress forbade filming. Only Galina Nikolaevna, my English teacher, went outside and told me about me.

What the director thought was a disgrace for the school, the dean of the best university in the city - St. Petersburg State University - considered it a pride for the institute: he gave an interview about me and went forward when I combined my studies with a TV project. At the university, no one was embarrassed by how I express my individuality: for the first lesson, I appeared in the audience in flared jeans with such a low fit that panties were visible (then it was fashionable), with a bare navel, in a bright red short jacket, and crowned the image huge cowboy hat! My friends still remember it with laughter.

By the way, no one gave me money for clothes. If my mother sent to the store, she always demanded change strictly on the check, but on my father's behalf, I happily ran shopping, because he did not ask for change. As a teenager, I dreamed of burgundy corduroy jeans that cost a hundred dollars. Mom said: “If you want jeans, go to work.” And at the age of fifteen, I got a job as a counselor in a pioneer camp, cleaned with my mother in the hospital, swept the leaves on the street. In my first year, my model friends told me that I had a textured appearance. Although she did not consider herself a beauty, she believed them and passed the casting. Earnings from the shows were enough for beautiful things and gifts for parents. I was very fond of perfumes - in St. Petersburg there was a boutique where they were sold for bottling. I realized that I was even nothing when the boys began to vied with me to take care of me: they started fighting at school because of who I would be walking with.

Photo: persona stars

Mom controlled my every step. I have never slept with a friend in my life. “You are a princess, and princesses sleep at home,” my mother used to say. And at the age of sixteen there was a teenage rebellion: for the first time I fell in love and escaped from under the parental wing! Artyom met in the subway on the escalator, he stood one step higher. Just met eyes - and that's it, lightning! Dating began, and very soon we realized that we could not live without each other. I knew that my mother would not let him go. I am still ashamed in front of my parents that I just ran away from home without telling them anything, without even leaving a note.

I acted at the behest of the heart, which was unaware of the conditions in which I would find myself! I did not imagine that I would live in a communal apartment with a poor boy who is three years older than me, but does not work or study anywhere. For those few months we lived on my scholarship. But I had a feeling that I was ready to die of hunger for the sake of this person.

I only talked with my sister: she secretly fed us homemade dumplings and meatballs. Then Anya and I really became close. Before that, everything happened: in childhood, at my thirteen and her eleven, battles took place almost daily. If Anechka put on my blouse, I tried to rip it off, and she screamed and pinched me in response. "I hate you!" came from our room. Mom called out: “What are you doing, are you of the same blood ?!”

Sometimes it seemed that my sister was more loved and praised, but there was only demand from me. And now I still sometimes teach her as an elder, although I admire how beautiful and independent she has grown. And then I could only trust her: pride did not allow my mother to admit that my life with my lover was far from being so beautiful. On the contrary, when we met six months later and I saw her sad, tear-stained face, I tried my best to show that everything was fine with us: I laughed, lied that he provided for me and we constantly travel. And under the pit of my stomach ached from hunger ...


Our love turned out to be sick and crazy. Artem considered me his property, he said: “Even if you leave, no one else will get it - you are only mine!” When I told him that I was tired of the conflict with my parents, the hungry life and his jealousy, Artem locked me in the apartment. Then I called my dad (I was afraid to talk to my mom), he came and broke the door. That same night, his car was set on fire...

Artyom followed me for some time. He came to the house, stood under our windows and yelled at the whole block: “Olya, I love you! Come out!" I was ready to break free and run to him, but my sister kept me by force. The next day, my mother bought a ticket to Lithuania, and I went to my grandmother - so she hid me from our crazy love. It was hard to ask for forgiveness from my parents, but I stepped over my pride - and they forgave me.

When I was already on the project and we were touring with concerts, one day I saw Artem in front of the stage of the Palace of Culture on Narvskaya. He watched me sing, but did not dare to approach after the concert. We didn't see each other again.

At the age of eighteen, fame fell on me, which seemed undeserved. When people began to come up on the streets, asking for an autograph or a photo as a keepsake, I thought: wait, I haven’t done anything yet, I just happened to be in the right place at the right time, lit up in front of the cameras!

We heard about the casting of "House 2" on TNT, and Anya signed me up for it. She knew that I dreamed of becoming an actress. Mom herself introduced us to the theater, getting tickets for various performances, but when she heard that I was going to enter the theater, she dissuaded us. Like, what kind of profession is this?! I listened to her - I entered the Geological Faculty of St. Petersburg State University. However, when she found out that she had passed the casting for the project, she herself made the decision to go to Moscow. I didn’t suspect that I could become a leader, but the opportunity to appear on the screen brought me closer to the dream of an acting profession.

Photo: fotoimedia/TASS

Then my mother and I for the first time had a serious conversation about the fact that I myself am responsible for myself. And she understood this, insisted only on the need to graduate from the university. I was in wild nervous tension due to the fact that my whole life is under the gun of video cameras, that I need to build relationships with other project participants, and my mother kept pressing: “You won’t pass the exam, study!” For three years I dangled between St. Petersburg and Moscow weekly and received my red diploma! Now I understand that it was really important, at the same time I took my mother's admonitions with hostility.

When she began to meet on the project with Roman Tretyakov, her mother did not approve of him either. But again I followed my feelings. This is what hooked the producers at the casting: “You can’t calculate me, because I always listen only to my heart.” At first, it was not easy to bring all the most personal to the public, but then I got used to the cameras, stopped noticing them ...

On the first vote, seven out of eight guys were in favor of me staying on the project. But the girls disliked immediately - all the time they tried to survive. Viewers saved by sending SMS to support. Once I woke up at the place of execution: for the sake of a joke, they transferred me there from the bed. They could have pushed her into the pool... Somehow, in tears, she ran to the gate to leave the project. ThenKsenia Sobchak talked to me: “Ol, you are a person, and you will always be ridiculed. Learn to restrain your emotions, joke about yourself and emerge victorious from all situations.

Four years later, I decided to leave the project - a relationship began outside the perimeter and I chose love. Producers were warned about this in advance. But on the eve of my departure, they said: “Olya, from the twenty-fifth of December you cease to be a participant, and on the twenty-sixth you become the host of the project.” She was so dumbfounded that she didn't even immediately agree.

But my reaction cannot even be compared with the envy I saw on the faces of my former neighbors at Dom. But just now, some were crying and wishing good luck at the farewell party. And suddenly Ksyusha Sobchak announces that now I will be the host! I had to gain authority from the guys. And they arranged boycotts for me, they didn’t communicate, they didn’t listen, they snapped. She sobbed at night, but did not show her feelings in front of the participants. I involuntarily recalled my school history - again and again I had to prove what I was worth. Yes, "House 2" has become a real school of life for me.

I understood that popularity is passing: while you are in front of the camera, they remember you, and when the project ends, people will find new idols for themselves. And I always believed that they gave me fame in advance - the project was just a successful springboard, an opportunity to realize myself. Therefore, with such enthusiasm, I grabbed everything new. I wanted to try myself as a host, and an actress, and a fashion designer, and a DJ, and a singer ... Who said that you can be a professional in one thing?

And most importantly, fate nevertheless brought me to the theater stage! One day calledVitaly Gogunsky : "Rescue, Masha Kozhevnikova stuck in Spain, and we have all the tickets for the performance "Elegant Wedding" sold out! I was allegedly invited to a rehearsal, and when I arrived at the theater, it turned out that the performance would be in two hours! Klimushkin, Gogunsky and Gaidulyan begged to replace Masha. They didn't care that I didn't know the role and that I had never played on stage at all. I wanted to run away, but something inside told me: do not miss your chance!

We only managed to rehearse my lines twice. And then improvisation began: the actors pushed me onto the stage, prompted the words and just as unobtrusively took me backstage. But the audience was happy! Now I can already compare how desperate my act was: at the rehearsal of the play "Black Diamond", in which I played last year withDmitry Isaev And Igor Lifanov it took six months. Since then, episodic roles have appeared in the series "Univer", the films "Bartender" and "Take a hit, baby!". And then she received a big role - Olga Buzova in the sitcom "Poor People"! This is a cameo, however, I did not play myself, but a certain collective image of a glamorous blonde, for whom the main character must write a biographical book. Then I remembered Ksyusha Sobchak's advice that one should be able to laugh at oneself!

On Dancing with the Stars, I ran into intrigue. First, Andrei Karpov and I were expelled from the project, and then they also denounced me throughout the countryPhoto: A. Balakhnova /

On "Dancing with the Stars" I again faced intrigues ... Shortly before the final, our couple with Andrei Karpov was expelled from the project, because, according to the jury, we did not cope. I took it calmly, thanked the experts and the partner. Then another participantChristine Asmus , said that she was forced to leave the project for the sake of a new performance. And since a place was vacated in the dance rows, and the show must continue, they decided to leave us. But my vanity was already wounded - they either drive me back, then they call me back ... I decided that I should save face. And Andrei supported: they say, well done, I did not expect that you, out of principle, were able to refuse to air on the central channel. In general, I broke up with everyone correctly, without scandal, and then a story came out on television, where Buzova was put up as the most irresponsible participant: she allegedly missed rehearsals and my partner was always waiting for me!

Maksim Galkinaddressed live: “Olga, you are still a participant in the project by the decision of the jury. You have about an hour and a half to change your mind and still come. Your partner Andrey has sewn the costumes and is ready for the act.” Of course, no one warned about such a setup in advance. And Andrey, who previously supported everything in everything, solemnly spoke alone, “saving” the project! I saw the broadcast on the tape and sobbed from how I was disgraced all over the country. And again she remembered her mother, who said: “They are persecuting you, and you go with your head held high!” Especially when you know it's not your fault.

At such moments, relatives always supported me - my mother, sister ... And for some time I held a grudge against my father. My parents divorced shortly before I met my future husband. Dad left mom, and it was very painful for her: she sincerely didn’t understand what a man needed if he had such an amazing woman who looks great, works, doesn’t cut, lets go to the bathhouse with friends ...

Both mom and dad spoke to me separately - I agreed that it’s better for people not to torment each other if their paths diverged. They did it in a civilized way, managing to maintain good relations. Only dad is happy in a new family, and mom still hasn't met her man... The idea that life is unfair doesn't leave me, because I'm an idealist. Now I understand that, probably, our relationship with Dima was perfect only in my head - I wanted to see them like that, I myself came up with this fairy tale. And what the second person thought about this remains a mystery to me.

At the very beginning of my relationship with my future spouse, both my mother and my friends warned me: “Think, Olya, it’s not just that he divorced for the first time, left the child. If a man does this with one woman, he can repeat it with the next. I didn’t take Dima away from the family, but now, like no one else, I understand what his wife was like. We always hope that our love is real and can overcome everything. As usual, I only listened to my heart ...

When Dima proposed, the conversations subsided, everyone took this as confirmation that the person wants to live life with me. Maybe in our time it sounds naive, but I don’t understand: why then get married at all if you are not ready to keep your word given before the altar?

Now the ex-husband himself has already informed the press that he set a condition for me before the wedding: I must sign a marriage contract, according to which, in the event of a divorce, I do not claim his property and income. I went for it, because I was going to be with him until the end of my days, I didn’t even think about why he suddenly decided to protect himself? Probably shouldn't have done that. What are the conditions if there is love? This contract was a humiliation that I simply turned a blind eye to, because I loved blindly.

She began to faint. Throughout December of last year, I was daily on a drip to regain strength.Photo: from the archive of O. Buzova

It seemed that Dima and I went through all the difficulties that a young couple has to face: grinding characters, loud quarrels when I packed my bags and ran away from home. But then I learned to ask for forgiveness even when I'm not guilty - just for the sake of peace in the house! We found out that since childhood we have observed different family models: my mother was in charge of everything, and my husband's father was the main one. And we realized that we must build our relationship, regardless of how things turned out for our parents.

I did not deprive my husband of attention and love: I talked about her in my letters, shouted at every corner ... Maybe those who believe that happiness loves silence are right, but Dima never reproached this. We also had difficulties. Together we experienced the death of Dima's dad. Then four operations for Dima after injuries received on the football field. And he supported me when there were problems on the project. I thought we were a team that would overcome any adversity.

My ex-husband distributed comments in the press that supposedly one of the reasons for our separation was my passion for my career and my unwillingness to give birth. And I had big plans for the future: a house, children, another dog. I can say that I was ready to give birth for a long time, I wanted a child from him and we planned it. Even the day before we parted. So my world collapsed overnight!

It happened very abruptly - on that October night, I was confronted with the fact that our family was no more. At the same time, they didn’t really explain anything to me, they didn’t let me come to my senses. And they immediately demanded to leave the apartment. I didn’t understand anything: didn’t I really deserve to be talked to normally after six years of living together?

I am my own harshest critic. And I still ask questions: “What is wrong with me? For what? Do I have shorter legs or is my voice not so pleasant? After all, we agreed with my husband at the very beginning: if love passes from someone's side, he will honestly say about it. Humanly. It turned out that neither the oath nor the stamp in the passport really meant anything. There was a global reassessment of values ​​- it turned out that the rules that I followed can be crumpled up and thrown into the trash. God knows, I did everything to save our relationship with my husband, I was ready to forgive him, close my eyes to many things. But in love, a one-sided game is impossible.

My sister and mother helped to pack things: I didn’t take anything from our apartment except suitcases with clothes and my dogs. At first, my relatives tried to amuse me, distract me, they did not want to show their feelings. And when they left, they went down the stairs and cried. After that, my sister had an accident, and then a friend crashed her car after meeting me: my grief was like a virus!

I could not calm down in any way, conversations with psychologists did not bring relief. I could not speak - my lips and chin were shaking ... To recover, I went to a friend in Marbella for a week, sobbed there for days on end. And then I watched a video: someone filmed me crying on the terrace of the house and posted it on the Internet. Apparently, people from "House 2" are accustomed to perceive the events of my life as a show. It never occurs to them that I can suffer and die from betrayal, that there should also be a place in my soul for a secret.

Last fall, I was in wait for blow after blow. My personal correspondence was posted on the Web: communication with loved ones, withDmitry Nagiev , who supported like a friend ... It turned out that this was another betrayal of the closest person! She didn't recognize the man she married. But I have no right to give an assessment - everything that he and his family did towards me will remain on their conscience.

Photo: Alexander Vasiliev

I didn't know you could break a heart more than once. After the family fell apart, I didn’t eat for a month, I didn’t sleep, I just couldn’t close my eyes - my heart was pounding. She began to faint. Throughout December of last year, I was daily on a drip to regain strength. When I was dying, I told my mother: “Does he really care?” It is completely incomprehensible how it was possible to refuse not only my love, but also friendship ?! The connection is broken completely, the bridges are burned...

I remember I was sorting out things in a rented apartment and my mother said with a smile: “You are starting a new life.” It is symbolic that I received an official divorce on December 30 - so that all the troubles of the past year would remain in 2016. As the French teach: "If you want to change your fate, change your hair." I came to the hairdresser and unexpectedly changed my hair from blonde to brunette. If life is new, let my image be new!

For the sake of relationships, I refused many projects, probably, if I hadn’t done this, I would have achieved much more at the age of thirty-one. But, as usual, she chose love. And now I will catch up! Maybe with all these trials life is preparing me for something?

In the summer, she recorded the song "To the Sound of Kisses." I did not expect that in the fall her words would turn out to be prophetic:

Beautiful, no cheating
I will - I will
Naive but beloved
I want to be the strongest.

That is, everything was fine, but I sang that I want to be strong.

It's hard to imagine now that I'll ever trust a man again. It is unlikely that I can quickly recover from such a blow. But if this happens and I meet the person I love, I want him to hide me from everyone. The coast is like a rare flower. Too tired to be in plain sight - with her love and pain turned inside out.

The editors would like to thank the Interior Theater Design Center for their help in organizing the shooting.

Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova Olga Buzova and her ex-husband, football player Dmitry Tarasov broke up over a year ago. Their divorce proceedings were accompanied by scandals and public showdowns. The reason for the breakup of the couple was the betrayal of the athlete, who left the star of "House-2" for a young model from Rostov, Anastasia Kostenko, whom he recently married. This marriage was the third for Dmitry, and the first for his chosen one. According to rumors, Tarasov's new wife is already expecting her first child and will soon give the football player a baby. Buzova herself could not leave without reaction either the news of the engagement of her ex-husband and model, or their wedding celebration. The TV presenter noted that the whole country is laughing at the couple.

A post shared by Olga Buzova(@buzova86) on Feb 8, 2018 at 10:44pm PST

In addition to her personal life, Buzova also spoke about her career as a singer. She expressed her bewilderment that representatives of Russian show business did not accept her and in every possible way tried to offend her with caustic remarks. “It's a shame not only for myself, but also for my fans. Agree, if millions of people like my work, then there is no point in arguing about tastes. I do not allow myself to discuss other performers, although I have plenty of platforms for this: television, concerts, and Instagram. I prefer to take care of myself - what I wish for others. Apparently, many are afraid that I will take someone's place under the sun ... Or maybe I have already taken it? And the hour is uneven, soon I myself will decide who will sing next to me on the same stage, ”said Buzova.
