How to activate money energy. How to get rich: the energy of money

In the modern era of knowledge, almost no one doubts that everything around is basically energy. Spiritual practices, psychological books help to make sure of this. It has been proven that a lot depends on the mood of a person, and human thought can increase the likelihood of an event. Training develops sensitivity, and the practitioner can feel and begin to work with them.

How to manage the energy of money? Let's try to figure this out.

Getting started with the energy of money

The main thing when working with the energy of money is the feeling that even the poor are already rich, and will soon get richer even more. The basis is precisely the enjoyment of what is already given (even if it seems that there is nothing), and gratitude. Alive is good. Negative experience? Useful too! But you definitely can’t start with despair, complaints, envy.

And after all, it happens when even a rich man simply does not know how to enjoy, on the contrary, suffers from the “burden” of capital, does not give life to himself or to people out of greed and fear. Confidence is always important, even trust in the World - and money will come. Just as important is the ability to manage them. How many poor people, having hit the jackpot in the lottery, soon return to their usual poverty, ruining themselves! In general, in matters of money, the right psychological approach is important, but not only it, namely, work with monetary energies.

More about the energy of money

What is money energy? Fundamentally, money is just a medium of exchange. You can’t just want money, unless, of course, a person is a numismatist. Then coins and papers are significant for him. The rest is important, how much and what these units can buy. Dollars or rubles are just "clothes" for energy. After all, you can imagine a rich person who thinks in what form he needs money today: in bullion or in money orders. Now, with the spread of various energies, it has become easier to imagine.

And after all, every person had the feeling that he fell into a stream of good luck: everything turns out, he is lucky, he is filled with enthusiasm. This is the "connection" to the stream. Feels like money warm, thick, radiant. The most important place in its characteristics is occupied by color.

money energy color

Of course, everyone is free to paint monetary energy in colors according to their preferences and associations, but for the majority, the three winners are: gold, green, red.

Since ancient times, the energy of money has retained the color of gold. It is useful to visualize golden shining streams interspersed with precious stones, matte radiance of pearls. Modernity has added the green color of the dollar, which only improves the idea of ​​​​this energy, because it is the color of good, positive and development. Often this energy is dyed in rich reds and maroons. For example, a wallet is preferred in a deep red color to stimulate cash flow. These streams move according to their own laws, which are useful to know.

The energy of money and its laws

The first law of monetary energy is love. You need to love money, like everything in this world, without making it into a cult. If a person managed to earn money, then you need to rejoice, but without fanaticism. And if it turned out that he lost some amount, then not

The love of money is also expressed in a respectful attitude towards them. Such an inefficient attitude as “money is evil and dirt” is known. By itself, money can do neither evil nor good, it is only energy, and people will direct it. Yes, money, like, for example, alcohol, tends to reveal character, bring out the hidden to the surface, test a person.

Sometimes the very mention of money raises a wave of negativity. “They stole, honestly you can’t earn so much”, “That’s never going to happen to me”, and they will definitely remember the starving African children. Again, this is just the negative energy of money, and what words-thoughts it will be expressed with ... You need to accustom yourself to think well about money and rich people, look for positive, change the attitudes that family and society have invested since childhood.

And finally, literal respect - a careful and careful attitude to monetary units. A person has crumpled and torn pieces of paper and coins in all his pockets ... How much is spent, how much is earned? We need a beautiful wallet, where the money is neat, without extra pieces of paper, checks. Cute piggy banks will also come in handy - for little things and larger money. Well, if it saves up for something specific. Need a safe or hiding place. If someone says that there is still nothing to store, then the answer is: first you need to prepare a place for money, then they will come faster.

The Law of Movement of Energy

The first law of the movement of money is ... movement! That is why greed does not lead to anything good - a person blocks the flow, keeps money under his pillow, so they rush to leave him. Naturally, no one canceled frugality and reasonableness. No need to waste money right and left, or encourage freeloaders. However, it is necessary to put money into business, so that they bring more, so that they help people, create something. It is also important to set aside part of the income for preservation, and let some of it go to charity.

Barriers to money energy

The obstacles mentioned above are negative attitudes. A little more about them.

A person can confidently declare that he wants money. At the same time, he knows that if he has them, he will probably have to worry about how to distribute them, save them, he will need to monitor exchange rates, hire security. “What if people think they stole? Will they ask for a loan? Why do I need these troubles? .. I feel good already! - these are thoughts that you need to get rid of if you want wealth. You need to allow yourself to be rich - psychologically allowed.

If you tell a man that he already has a million, what will he do? Scared? "This is not for me!" Spend it here? Or just confused… Often people do not even know why they need a lot of money. You can make yourself a list of at least the first ten million. It is time to stop repeating that there is not enough money, that there is not enough money, that you cannot afford anything.

And often people of still modest income feel constrained in expensive stores, do not go to jewelry stores, so as not to “get upset”. But, on the contrary, you need to get used to luxury, admire expensive things, feel them, go to boutiques - inhale luxury. Sometimes afford something chic - at the expense of future wealth.

Terrible barriers are greed, pettiness, the pursuit of "freebies" and eternal discounts. Especially dishonesty in money matters!

Attracting money

By removing barriers, you can think about attracting monetary energy.

To begin with, a person needs to understand himself: does he really need money, how much, for what, what he is ready to sacrifice ... You need to take a sober look at the current situation and the environment.

If friends and acquaintances have not achieved anything, but only spread negative thoughts, then it is worth limiting this influence. It is not an option to try to remake everyone, here you can only set your own example. To do this, you need to introduce more successful, positive people into your environment. At least watch movies and programs, read books about the rich.

And what is important is the proper management of the energy of money. You need to set goals and be sure to feel them: see and feel. Not “I have a new car”, but “how do I feel driving my new white Audi? The answer is desirable such: "Excellent!" And it would be good to prepare for the gifts of life. For example, if a person wants a car, then it's time to sign up for a driving course! You can flip through car magazines. Apparently, this is what helps to believe that this is a completely feasible desire, and not just a fantasy. And most importantly, not only man, but also the Universe begins to believe in this. Details are important in visualization, but you don't need to get attached to them. “I had a red car in my dreams, but this one is blue!” It is important not to miss the opportunity, the chance is not always given twice. Reasonable risk is also important for attracting money. There is no need to set the conditions of the Universe, money can come from an absolutely unexpected source - a person often does not see the simplest. And even if everyone is talking about the crisis, then this should not be frightening.

Accumulation of money energy

The energy of big money is accumulated not only in the wallet (even with special talismans - coins, mouse-spoons), but also in a special sector, which is calculated according to Feng Shui methods. This zone in the apartment (for example, a shelf on a bookcase) is usually decorated in red colors, there are golden coins, a money tree “grows”. There can be various symbols of wealth: oranges, netsuke, a valuable vase, a figurine of a Chinese frog ... Everything is decorated with love, and order is always maintained.

Get charged with money

How to recharge the energy of money? Understandable methods - think positively about money, about your present and future wealth, love luxurious things. A more subtle work is to select and listen to mantras. In India, the elephant-like Ganesh and the beautiful Lakshmi are considered the patron saint in financial matters. Less well known is Namsarey, a deity on a snow-white lion. In China, they revere the Laughing Buddha (the larger his belly, the greater the wealth) and the Empress of the West, and in Greece, the "fertile" Demeter. The ancestors of the Slavs praised Veles as the patron of wealth.

The most important thing is that the mantra should be pleasant to listen to.

Even more subtle work is to compose affirmations and repeat them confidently (the best time is after sleep and before bedtime in order to quickly “reach out” to the subconscious). You can offer several statements, but still it is better for everyone to make an expression for themselves. For example, money:

  • a divine gift that we accept with gratitude;
  • flow to us easily and freely;
  • in abundance in the Universe, everyone takes as much as he internally allows himself.

Another way is to look at the collage of wealth, which is made in advance and with soul.

Nowhere without visualization of the goal, without meditation. You can imagine how golden streams fill the body - to a feeling of joy and confidence. You can return to your source - to a magical city where all dreams come true.

One of the money meditations

How to attract the energy of money into your life? Here is one of the common meditations that is often cited as a method to achieve wealth. You need to relax and imagine yourself in a respectable bank. You need to choose your suit so that it is like a millionaire's - comfortable, chic, beautiful. Be sure to feel confident! You need to approach a bank employee and say that you need to receive money. And then you need to calmly write yourself a check for not too small, but not too much. Pick it up, put it in your wallet, bag, suitcase (depending on the amount) and calmly go out.

One of the money rituals

Attracting the energy of money can be carried out with the help of certain rituals. Working with space at home is of great importance. And this, for starters, with the right installation! It is necessary to get rid of the "blockages", to give things that are not used to the poor, to put things in order, to fix the broken, to throw out the broken. Ventilate well, buy some beautiful thing, turn on pleasant music, bring fresh flowers and fruits into the house - symbols of wealth: oranges and grapes. Only by creating such a base, you can move on.

Precautions in working with the energy of money

Naturally, you should not use any "black conspiracies" or wish that someone's property was transferred to someone. Yes, it can act quickly, but just as quickly the pendulum will swing in the opposite direction, and the "conspirator" will lose more.

You need to notice the effect of positive thinking. It could be an unexpected return of a debt, for example. It is important here to rejoice at the beginning of the money movement, and not to say that this is a trifle.

Of course, you need to open the way for money, for example, start your own business. To avoid it, as in that joke about winning the lottery: "At least buy a ticket."

A variety of methods of working with the energy of money

This article shows different techniques that are very popular now:

  • "metapower" - about the energy of money;
  • "fantasy" - monetary affirmations;
  • "wealth is about monetary deities."

Without any doubt, there is still a lot of information - about working with the chakras that are responsible for abundance, about the “sumoron” technique, about prayers read according to certain rules, even about money drinks, not to mention baths. In general, a wealth of techniques!

The first rule is to choose your own. Or even create it... Patent it and get paid for it.

Now you know what the energy of money and its laws are. Learn to manage it and be happy!

Money is a very important, simply integral part of our life. With the help of them, our existence, development, education, protection, broadening of horizons, recreation and much more is possible. Without money, of course, nowhere. But still, do not forget that it is impossible to buy everything with money. However, trying to live without them is simply stupid, and unrealistic.

The energy of money is one of the most powerful and powerful on earth. Only the energy of love is stronger than it. The energy of love and money often find themselves in confrontation. For example, when one person tries to achieve the love of another with the help of expensive gifts, material means. But sometimes they can be in opposite ways: love helps to solve all financial difficulties and problems. Money, like any object in life, has a physical shell and energy. It is the latter that will be discussed.

How to attract the energy of money into your life?

Follow a clear order in handling your money. Keep a journal of income and expenses. Make a plan according to which you will spend your income. For example, a part for current expenses, a part for unplanned expenses, a part for a piggy bank. It is bad if for some reason you take money from the accumulated. After all, they have already formed their own energy, in which you literally make a hole in this way. Therefore, as soon as possible, try to return them to their place.

As already mentioned - count money more often. So you attract the monetary energy of new receipts and do not let the existing one stagnate.

Esotericism, the energy of money also implies one more condition: constant movement. Money has to work. Even if you save them, then let them lie in the bank at interest. Daredevils can invest in business, any projects.

The energy of big money can be attracted by so-called donations. A very popular rule of tithing is to give a tenth of your income to those in need, for donations. Believe me, they will return to you multiplied.

Let there be paper bills and coins in your house and wallet. Metallic ringing will attract monetary energy. It would be nice to have a piggy bank with change at home.

When something went wrong...

If everything was fine with your money, but suddenly you began to experience material problems, then the energy of money simply left you. How to return the energy of money? To begin with, review your actions and actions lately. What can cause the money energy to leave you?

  • The desire to get something, "grab" for free.
  • The constant pursuit of discounts in stores, at sales. And it's not about household savings. Today there are many people who are literally obsessed with discounts and are ready to kill each other.
  • If you find something valuable (a large amount of money, an expensive phone) and keep it for yourself. Believe that in this case, monetary energy will bypass you.
  • If you gamble for money. In such situations, there is a place only for negative energy, and not for money.
  • Greed and pettiness also repel money energy. Remember that the miser pays twice!

Attract money feng shui

A well-known Taoist practice is based on the search for favorable energy flows to be used for the benefit of man. Moreover, this blessing is both spiritual and material.

According to this practice, the purse must be brown, yellow, black or silver. The fact is that the color of the energy of money is just that. These colors are also called shades of Earth and Metal. In no case do not buy a wallet in green, blue and blue. These are the colors of water, which means leakage of monetary energy. You can decorate your wallet with red silk ribbons, and put three Chinese coins inside. The size of the wallet should correspond to that of the largest bill. Do not bend or wrinkle paper money! It is better if the wallet has several compartments. So cash flows will be easier to penetrate.

What can not be stored in a wallet?

  • Photos of loved ones and relatives.
  • Unnecessary paperwork.
  • Checks.
  • Receipts.

These things will not allow money energy to come and stay with you.

Keep your wallet neat and tidy. Threads sticking out, broken fasteners, holes, cracks are not allowed. Then you won't have to wait for money!

Now let's talk about the place where you live - a house or an apartment. Let's start with the front door, which should not creak and close poorly. This means that it will be difficult for money energy to enter you. Be sure to fix all plumbing issues: no dripping faucets! Money flows with them. Also eliminate all paintings, photo wallpapers depicting all kinds of waterfalls.

And now about activities to attract monetary energy. Determine where the southeast zone is located in your house. It is she who is "responsible" for material well-being. Therefore, there should be symbols and attributes to attract the energy of money. One such symbol is a three-legged toad with coins in its mouth. It will also be good to put a plant called Dracaena Sander, “money tree” (crassula) in the south-east of the apartment.

Of the general rules, this is regular cleaning of the house, getting rid of old or unnecessary, as well as damaged things. Take out the garbage in time, ventilate the rooms.

With the help of such simple but effective actions, you can significantly improve your financial situation and tame the energy of money!

Money energy attraction codes, full version.

The secret of how to manage monetary energy and get maximum benefit and wealth from its flows is revealed. This method was hidden from people for a long time, but recently became known thanks to one person.

Out of 100% of the world's population, only 10% have unlimited power to receive money. Only the chosen ones are given the opportunity to change the flow of their monetary energy and direct it in the right direction - to prosperity and prosperity. In the past, only the elite were able to do this, who had their own personal formula for attracting money. And now, by a happy coincidence, you can touch the secret knowledge forever.

money energy

How often have you noticed that many people are lucky in money? They literally fall from the sky to them, while some try in vain to earn overwork. These processes depend on monetary energy, which resembles the water element.

Monetary energy is like water: it can flow in a thin stream, or it can beat in a powerful stream. For many, monetary energy seeps through their fingers, depriving them of prosperity. And some create energy dams that are able to retain and increase income.

It usually looks like luck or bad luck with money. Some people can find, walking along the road, a large bill, while others are constantly surrounded by unnecessary spending and small incomes. As it turned out, this does not depend on fortune at all: you yourself are able to unintentionally put blocks and lose the flow of monetary energy. Fortunately, this problem has long been subject to change. Viktor Nikolaevich will share with you.

The Secret Formula of Freemasons

Freemasons possessed secret knowledge that could improve human life. They taught their followers that the acquisition of money is the result of influencing the universe. Faith, opportunities and desires are able to manage monetary luck. Freemasons believed that in order to obtain wealth, the ability to correctly receive monetary energy is necessary. To do this, each of them had their own personal secret amulet, which freed them from energy blocks and brought prosperity.

In the early 90s, Viktor Nikolaevich accidentally got an old book that was marked "Secret". The translation of scriptures changed his life forever. As it turned out, the book belonged to Freemason Pascal Beverly Randolph, where he described by hand a secret study that was not included in any of his works, which described the creation.

What is the use of such an amulet

The amulet is made from a one-dollar bill, endowed with a powerful force that can change a person's energy and harmonize relations with the Universe. Secret signs are applied to the banknote according to the Masonic formula: for each person they are individual.

Viktor Nikolaevich, depending on your problem, lifestyle, character. It is possible to write a Masonic formula only after analyzing your horoscope and the layout of the Tarot cards. Otherwise, it will be simply impossible to feel compassion for your problem and find out which signs are able to attract monetary energy into your life.

With the help you will be able to attract success, prosperity, enrichment into your life. Your money channels will begin to work, new opportunities will appear that were previously hidden from you. Inner instinct will suggest how profitable it is to put money into circulation. You will learn how to spend money correctly and feel cash flows, forever forgetting about laziness and apathy.

However, the teaching of the Freemasons says that nothing can be received for free - only by spending your own strength and means, you will be able to increase them. Therefore, Viktor Nikolaevich has to take for his work, not out of need, but only so that you can get more.

Do not miss the opportunity to use the ancient and effective teachings of the Masons to your advantage. Rich people do not reveal the secret of getting money, although it is known that each of them has his own amulet. But with the help of Viktor Nikolaevich, you can, charged with your bioenergy, which is able to attract and save your cash flows. Be rich and happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.04.2017 03:44

Financial problems are familiar to everyone. Often they are the main obstacle to happiness, ...

12.10.16 145 551 0

How to manage the energy of money

6 best ways

Working for money is for losers. Truly rich people know that it is always possible to become financially independent: even if you work for an uncle.

Igor Almaz

financial astrologer

The main thing is to understand the laws by which monetary energy works, and to manage it correctly.

If you know the simple laws of the energy exchange of the Universe, money will flow into your pockets like a full-flowing river. Here are 6 methods that are guaranteed to help attract cash flow.

Tuning for money egregor

Each of our desires is a charge of energy. It feeds the energy field, and the powerfully charged field begins to contact the fields of other people and change the reality around you. For example, they remembered an old acquaintance - and suddenly he calls you. Or they wanted to change the situation for a while - and the boss sent you on a business trip.

This also works with money, but the charge must be frequent and positive. Many people dream of becoming rich, although they believe that all rich people are criminals. This is the wrong message, it deforms your energy field. A deformed field does not enhance the fields of others, and you will not get anything. Better think like this: “I attract wealth to me. Money is the power that will help me become happier and fulfill all my desires. Egregor of money, let's be friends!

Egregor is a large energy field created by a group of people. The oldest and most powerful on earth are the egregors of religion and money.

Money egregor loves active

Some charlatans advise to go to expensive restaurants, luxurious neighborhoods, large banks more often to feed the egregor. But this is a passive interaction with an egregore, it does not attract a money avalanche. Money egregor loves active and enterprising.

If you want to really make friends with a money egregor, go to action. Ask your boss for a raise or if you are self-employed. The money egregor resonates with bold desires and decisive actions, attracting new flows of money in your direction.

The money egregor reacts not only to the settings for receiving money, but also to any settings for their preservation and increase. The study of financial instruments gives you a constant connection with the egregor of money.

Negative thoughts, modesty, indecision and thoughts like “I have enough of this already” destroy your connection with the money egregor and block the energy of money.

“They will definitely notice me and raise my salary”

“I want to get so much from your company. What should I do for this?”

Negatively affect the money egregore

“We are friends, so, of course, I will leave the old prices for you”

Have a positive effect on money egregore

“I won’t feel comfortable continuing to work for this money.”

Negatively affect the money egregore

"How much does it cost? Expensive, of course. Okay, what can you do"

Have a positive effect on money egregore

"How much does it cost? What discount do you have?

Feng Shui and environmental energy

The Chinese believe that energy flows can be controlled through the environment. They build houses, offices and apartments in such a way that good chi energy moves around the room without obstacles and accumulates in areas that are associated with health, love, success and other areas of life, and bad sha energy does not affect.

According to Feng Shui, the southeastern part of the dwelling is responsible for wealth. To find it in your home, determine where north is and overlay the bagua grid on the apartment plan. It may turn out that due to the peculiarities of the layout you do not have this sector. Then hang a mirror on the wall that “cuts off” it.

It is bad if there are protrusions in the dwelling or office - sharp corners enhance the sha energy. Sharp corners can be partially neutralized by bright lighting and a wind chime pendant. Maximum protection - cover sharp corners with furniture or redevelopment.

Focus on the place that is responsible for your work and financial decisions. At home it will be an office, in the office it will be a desktop. Provide it with bright lighting - the main generator of "chi" energy. If there is a window in the room, place the workplace closer to it, but make sure that the glare from the sun does not interfere with work: too much qi energy can upset the energy balance.

If you are working seated, you must have a comfortable chair that will not block the right energy from flowing through you. Watch your posture: the spine is the main route of the "chi" energy. If you slouch while working, the “chi” energy does not enter the brain chakra, which is why you tend to make wrong decisions, and your performance decreases.

Free your workspace from blockages and rubbish: these are sources of bad energy that interferes with concentration and making the right decisions. If your faucet is leaking at home, be sure to fix it, but to isolate negative energy, and do not do it yourself.

Such a table attracts only bad energy "sha", which prevents you from concentrating and making the right decisions.

The right workplace attracts good chi energy, which energizes you to make the right financial decisions.

Ritual "Sacrifice to the young moon"

On the first lunar day of the month, take 1/10 of your salary and save for the future. How exactly - it does not matter: any place that you will not look at for a year will do. The ritual works equally well for cash and non-cash money, but keeping cash in the house can attract the energy of thieves, so we recommend saving money non-cash.

The ritual goes like this:

  1. Open the internet banking website.
  2. Transfer the required amount to your savings account.
  3. End the ritual with the spell "I'll save for life, I'll save for joy, I'll save for happiness. Month-month, help, save money!

The ritual account can only be used a year after the first installment, otherwise the energy of the accumulated money will not be strong enough. You can’t skip ritual days, otherwise a hungry young month will suck the energy of money from your account.

After a year, it is better to invest the accumulated money in areas closely related to the monetary egregor: securities, long-term deposits, real estate, work tools, advanced training or the development of a new specialty.

If you do not have time to conduct the ritual yourself, you can set up auto payment. But then the first ritual must be carried out as correctly as possible so that the effect is preserved for all future auto payments

Ritual "Repentance to the Pharaoh"

The energy of money flows away from you every time you show weakness: skip a workout, eat sweets at night, drink too much. All these actions negatively affect your ability to attract money. You will notice that the richest people lead an athletic lifestyle, drink little and eat right - for this very reason.

Every time you have shown any weakness, be sure to perform the ritual “Repentance to the Pharaoh” on the same day.

The ritual can only be performed with gifts and symbolic representations of money, so in modern conditions only Internet banking is suitable:

These ritual accounts can be used eight months after you performed your first ritual. However, the longer you keep money in the account, the more energy accumulates there. Eight months is the minimum.

The money that you have accumulated through this ritual is charged with the energy of gifts. Use them to buy a gift for someone close, but in no case for yourself: the energy resonance from the money you have accumulated can incorrectly anger the money egregore. The best option is a gift to a spouse or parents, because their money energy is always in antiphase with yours.

Ritual Savings Account for Missed Workout

Three-Phase Wealth Visualization

Usually in the professional literature they talk about two-phase wealth visualization. In fact, the correct effective visualization takes three phases, and just the third one is the key to financial well-being.

The first phase is the "Money Wagon". Sit in a quiet place and think about how much you need to be completely happy. Present it as a number on the page of an online bank or stacks of money. How much space do they take up? table top? room? Concert hall? This is the first part of the visualization.

The second phase is the "Desirable Item". Provide a list of everything you will buy with that money. If this is a house, then decide where it is located, what surrounds it, what kind of interior it has. If it's a car, what brand is it? How does her engine sound? And so it is with everything you want.

The third phase is "Attracting Reality". If you skip this phase, then the visualization will not work. The task is to perform some action in order to attract a new monetary reality to yourself.

For example, if you dream of an iPhone, open Avito on your laptop and look for an iPhone. If you dream of a house - open a real estate website and look for the right house. Your task is to find people who sell what you want.

This technique reaches its maximum effect when you draw up a savings plan: a table that shows how much you need to put aside per month in order to buy the right thing. Lena Glubko uses a similar technique for her children to teach them how to save.

Be careful of scammers who offer too low a price - you do not need to use their energy in your visualization.

Most likely they are scammers because the price is too low. Beware of their negative energy

Items that attract money

Surround yourself with items that can bring you money. They will fall into three categories:

We wish you success and patience in dealing with the egregor of money. May the cash flow energy be with you!

The energy of money is one of the types of energies that exist in the universe. Thanks to it, the exchange of human efforts is possible, which is expressed in buying or selling, and there is also the possibility of life achievements.

As statistics show, people of a non-standard type attract money energy - strong, smart, practical. There is a well-known pattern: the financial security of a person depends on his internal capabilities, his strength. The better your condition, the more successful your work, life, and the higher the financial reward. If a person is pursued by periods of breakdown, this will certainly affect his financial viability.

Money, like people, has not only a physical, but also an emotional essence, as well as a mental component. The physical basis of money is bills and coins. They love it when favorable conditions are created for them, neatly stored, kept in a beautiful wallet, and not in a pocket. Money should have its own house, banknotes should not be allowed to wrinkle, or even worse, tear. A bundle of banknotes tied with an elastic band, like a "noose" - a dead bundle, in this form, money tends to quickly disappear.

The emotional body of money feels our attitude towards them. Like other entities, money "sticks" to those who treat them with respect, appreciate them. In addition, any money loves an account, so it is recommended to recount it from time to time.

Money knows our thoughts. This is due to their mental body.
How to create powerful energy of money?

Depending on the length of the period during which you maintain the correct energy attitude towards money, they will quickly or gradually come to you. The energy of money and your thoughts about money are connected. Develop the mindset that you love and deserve money, and that money loves you. Your thoughts form the very energy that accumulates around you. What is attracted to us from the outside world is what we are ready to accept, what is inside of us.
How to set your mind to attract money?

1. Money password

One of the most effective ways to attract money can be a daily ritual. What is your password for logging in to your computer? Perhaps it has nothing to do with monetary concepts. Have you thought about creating a password to attract material well-being? For example, translate the word "wealth" into English and enter it as a password, thereby setting up your brain for an influx of money.

2. Visit places of wealth

Another way to attract money energy is to visit places of wealth. Such places seem to be shrouded in luxury, which is gaining strength under the influence of the energy of money. By visiting such places, people bring monetary energy along with their presence. Allow yourself to be surrounded by rich people, absorb the atmosphere of prosperity, abundance, let it become part of you. Breathe in the smell of money, let it penetrate inside you, thereby increasing your own monetary energy. Embrace the symbols of wealth by staying in places where rich people congregate.

3. Gratitude for money

A minimal gratitude in relation to money will provide you with an even greater influx of money. Someone will become a new client, a deal will please you, you will find lost money, you will receive an unexpected surprise - for all this, be grateful to the Universe, rejoice in every little thing, like a small child, in whatever form the money comes into your life and into your home. With the increase in money energy, your energy field will begin to attract money to you more intensively.
4. Money affirmations

To take place in relation to money at the energy level, say affirmations daily to attract material wealth. Through such methods, your mind will learn money thinking. If you happen to travel by subway or car every day, use that time to make positive affirmations. After a while, this will happen more and more naturally. The subconscious mind will perceive your wish and begin to realize it in your life. You can try the following affirmations in practice:

I am the air of abundance
I am the ocean of wealth
I am money light

How to influence income?

Money lingers where a "home" is prepared for them, that is, a special place or wallet. The more attractive this house looks, the more money it will accumulate. It is best to prepare different containers for storing money for different purposes. For current expenses - one house, for vacation expenses - another, for business development - the third. In this case, your income will accumulate more efficiently, and income will increase.

An important point: if you take funds from one house for other purposes, then borrow! Agree with the money, for how long you will take it, what percentage you will be required to make up, and then repay the debts on time. Become your own banker.

This way of attracting money is easy to explain. If we use some amount of money that is not intended for purchase, then we break the promise we made to ourselves. This has a devastating effect on the energy of money. An energy hole is formed through which our cash flows disappear.

In the case when we borrow money from ourselves at interest (the higher it is, the better), then we do not destroy, but strengthen our monetary energy. The best percentage is 100! Try it and you will see the money increase with your own eyes.

If you can't get your money back on time, negotiate with your money from the lodge again, acting in accordance with the bank's notions and enrichment schemes - raise the rate.

Banking is a proven and effective way to increase capital. Keep a record of the money you put aside, regardless of the need for it. Do not allow other people to do this, because they will take away part of your monetary energy. A person who counts any money, his or someone else's, strengthens his own monetary energy. One who does not neglect the count of money is usually a good banker!
