How to decorate a dress Shining beauty: decorate the dress with rhinestones

You can decorate any dress in absolutely different ways, it all depends on your taste preferences.

Today it is already very difficult to surprise someone with an interesting style or unusual fabric. As "carbon copy" sewn dresses filled shops and boutiques. They filled not only real, but also virtual spaces. But if a little imagination appears, then even the most boring model can be made unusual and unique. To do this, you need simple decor items that can be found in any store.

Modern fashion even has a separate direction - customizing. His main idea is based on the reworking of old things. This method allows you to give an old thing new life and enjoy it for years to come. Even worn things can sparkle with new colors.

How to decorate a dress yourself

To make a beautiful dress and add personality to it, you don’t need to be a skilled needlewoman at all. As a rule, to create a real masterpiece you need not more skills than for sewing on a button. If you have ever held a needle and thread in your hands, then this task will be up to you. Purchase necessary materials and free one evening. See step by step photo below.

The most important thing is to imagine how the dress will look at the final stage. It is also better to listen to the old proverb: "measure seven times, cut once." Remember. that in most cases it is almost impossible to remove decor details.

To avoid mistakes, get a small piece of regular soap or crayon. In addition, traces of them can be removed with a normal wash. For work, you will need scissors, textile glue and an iron. All these components are easy to find.

You can decorate a dress with your own hands in many ways. The most difficult of them is painting on fabric. In this case, artistic skills will come in handy.

If you are not very good with a brush, then it is better to make a stencil of the desired pattern. As for paints, it is better to purchase specialized ones. conventional paints not suitable for painting on textiles. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to wash your creation.

How to transform a simple dress

Remember that your final work should not look stupid or sloppy. Everything should be beautiful and as professional as possible. For this reason, take a close look at the decor used by fashion designers around the world. Repeating creation is much easier than it seems at first glance.

One of the main trends is beautiful lace, it is used almost everywhere. If you want to decorate your outfit with such a beautiful detail, then purchase ribbon lace. It is sold in any specialized store. But remember that you need to calculate the footage in advance. To do this, make a preliminary sketch of the decor.

To date, both contrasting finishes and tone-on-tone are popular. Ruffles all over the hem, lace cuffs and neck trim look great. AT winter models often decorated with sleeves and side seams. It is worth noting that the last take is very slim and stretches the silhouette.

Look at the photo, how an ordinary dress is decorated with exclusive lace trim:

Before finally fixing the lace, be sure to attach it with pins to the right place and try on the thing. So you can understand if you guessed right with the decor. You can fasten the lace to the fabric using special glue which must be worn very carefully. It is applied in small droplets every five to ten centimeters. Also produce this procedure can be done with a thread and a needle. You do not need special skills for this, the main thing is to be able to sew with free stitches. It is necessary to perform manipulations from the inside along the edges of the lace ribbon.

Another affordable way a decor that is very often used to create avant-garde urban images is zippers. It is worth noting that they look great in both conservative and casual outfits. Such decor can dilute even the most boring thing and add new colors to it.

See how black dresses are effectively decorated in the photo:

But if you choose this decorative element, then it is important to understand where to place the "lightning". It directly depends on your image and style. Remember that the final result depends on the initial idea. It is also very important to measure required length to purchase the required amount of lightning. Today there are special decorative tape "zippers". You can attach this decor in exactly the same way as lace. But many experts advise giving preference to glue.

How to ennoble a dress with rhinestones

If you want to make a thing not only beautiful, but also elegant, then the best way for you - trim with rhinestones. In this case, you do not need a needle and thread, get only an iron. If you do not have time to collect rhinestones into single compositions, then you can buy ready-made applique. It can be a variety of flowers, butterflies and stars.

But there is more original way which will help interesting to use rhinestones. If you want to decorate light fabrics then use colorless jewelry options. Colored rhinestones are better to use tone-on-tone with clothes. This finish looks very relevant and stylish.

It is better to start decorating a dress with rhinestones by preparing a sketch. To do this, lay out the item on the ironing board. After that, lightly apply the drawing in the right place. It can be all sorts of lines, geometric figures etc. Turn on your imagination and be creative. The "starry" scattering of rhinestones, which resembles the night sky, looks extremely impressive.

At the final stage, lay out the rhinestones and heat the iron well. The temperature at which you usually iron things is enough. Next, turn on the steam function and glue the rhinestones through a small piece of fabric. Remember not to press the iron too hard. So the glue, which is applied to the back side, will be fixed in just a couple of minutes. After that, let the composition dry. And your thing is ready, you can try it on. In addition, such an outfit can be washed in the usual way and not be afraid that the rhinestones will fall off. It is for this reason that such decor lasts for a very long time.

Elegantly, as in this photo, you can decorate a dress with rhinestones in just a couple of minutes:

Autumn leaves in dress decoration

If you need to create nice outfit for theme parties, children's party or carnival, then give preference next technique decoration. Its principle is quite simple, this is how expressive and voluminous decor elements are created from materials that are in almost every home.

We will tell you how to decorate the dress autumn leaves. So, for starters, you need edible gelatin and multi-colored shreds of fabric. It is good if the fabrics differ in texture, but match in color. good combination can become organza with viscose or cotton. Instead of organza, you can use mesh or tulle.

While the gelatin dissolves in the water, carefully cut out the leaves from the fabric. To do this, you can use a template or do everything by hand. If you are creating a costume for a child, be sure to involve him in the process. The resulting blanks are impregnated with gelatin. They should be in the solution for at least five minutes, then let them dry.

To fix the leaves on the fabric, it is better to use special glue. You can attach literally with one stitch, but this decor will not last long. Remember that the leaves are best placed in artistic order. The composition should resemble a real leaf fall. This is the best way to convey the autumn mood.

As well as leaves, you can decorate a dress with any other elements. It could be snowflakes New Year's costumes or flowers for spring holiday. It all depends on your imagination, show it to the fullest. It is worth noting that this method It is used not only for decorating children's costumes. If you want to appear in a spectacular and original outfit, then this technique will definitely help you.

How to decorate a knitted or knitted dress?

In most cases, knitted dresses have a minimal amount of decor, as they are bought for no season. So these beautiful and comfortable things get bored very quickly and seem absolutely boring. If you are familiar with this situation, then the following recommendations will come in handy.

It is not difficult to transform a knitted dress, the main thing is to show a little creativity. Dresses made of smooth knitwear are most often decorated with lace. It is better to arrange it vertically so as not to add excessive volume. In this case, you will not only make a new dress for yourself, but you will also look much slimmer. Experts advise giving preference to finishing a tone darker than the canvas of the main fabric. So you will achieve a wonderful effect, without much effort.

Same knitted dresses can be decorated with sequins, rhinestones and biker "rivets". Such a light outrageous today is very relevant. Pay Special attention on those elements that are attached with just a couple of stitches. The thing is that wool and knitwear do not tolerate glue very well.

This is especially true for models that have a complex texture. Such dresses are very popular of the season and are found in the collections of many famous designers.


If your favorite leather or suede handbag has gone out of style, you can give it a new life with an appliqué. As a starting point material is suitable old glove or any other unnecessary piece of fabric. Cut out any shape you like from the material. Remember, the more abstract and openwork it is, the better. You can use beads, beads and other miniature additions. They will only make your thing more interesting. You need to work very carefully so that everything looks aesthetically pleasing.

Show a little imagination and your dress and accessories will sparkle with new colors.

A new wardrobe is a useful and necessary set of activities for the purchase and repair of clothes.

However, at the same time, this is not the most budgetary occupation.

Our new review will tell you how to update your wardrobe, and at the same time save money on the process done.

1. Bright insert

To decorate a boring plain dress or slightly expand your favorite thing that has become small, an insert of bright fabric, sewn exactly in the center at the back, will help. It is worth noting that such an alteration can be made only with a semi-fitted dress or a dress with an even cut.

2. Jeans painting

Simple geometric pattern at the bottom of the trousers will help cool cool appearance old jeans. To do this, you will need several shades of special fabric paints, brushes and masking tape.

3. Body

The bodysuit is not only extremely stylish and sexy, but also very comfortable. By the way, to make such a necessary item women's wardrobe you can do it yourself, correctly cutting a regular T-shirt.

4. Tulle skirt

multilayer fluffy skirt, long just below or up to the knee - this is a thing that this spring should be in the wardrobe of any self-respecting fashionista. It's hard to believe, but such a skirt can be easily made with your own hands. True, this will have to be spent on enough a large number of tulle and durable high-quality elastic band. The existing tulle must be cut into strips and carefully tied with an elastic band in a circle.

5. Mitts

The beginning of spring is the time to change warm gloves or woolen mittens for light and beautiful mittens, which can be made from clean plain socks and high-quality lace. In addition to lace to decorate such mittens, you can use beautiful buttons or brooches.

6. Off Shoulder Shirt

If you have a shirt lying around in your wardrobe, the style of which is, to put it mildly, outdated, feel free to take scissors and proceed with its fashionable transformation. To do this, you need to measure and carefully cut off the collar part and upper part sleeves, and after sewing an elastic band - it will work stylish tunic With open shoulders. Of course, sewing skills are required to carry out such an alteration. If there are none, just take the shirt to the tailor.

7. Sweater with an original back

Incredibly, a monochromatic boring sweater can be easily turned into an original, provocative and very sexy thing by decorating it with a single slit and a few pins. To do this, the sweater must be turned inside out, cut exactly in the center of the back, securing the edges of the cut with sewing needles, carefully stitched and connected with large golden pins.

8. Lace top

Every girl in the closet, for sure, has one or even a couple of bras that have lost their appearance and have not been worn for a long time. These bras are perfect for creating trendy crop tops that can be worn with high skirts, jeans and shorts. In addition to a bra, to make a top, you will also need high-quality lace, threads or glue. Carefully cut out the lace motifs and fasten them around the perimeter of the bra with glue or threads in random order.

9. Shirt with lace insert

Refresh old shirt a translucent lace insert on the back will help. To acquire which is not at all difficult and within the power of any girl who has minimal sewing skills. Just turn the shirt inside out and draw a triangle on its back - the place of the intended cut. Carefully cut the fabric along the contour, process the edges and sew on a pre-prepared piece of lace. You need to wear such a shirt for release with any jeans or shorts.

10. Color insert

Refresh a boring black dress with a colored insert from any light fabric. To do this, on the side of the dress, outline and cut out a triangle, and sew a piece of colored fabric in its place.

11. Collars

With the help of stencils, paints and embroidery, you can coolly transform the collar of an office shirt. Simply shape the collar to your liking with a stencil, then brighten it up with embroidery or painting.

12. Sweater with ribbon

Refresh the look of an old plain sweater will help satin ribbon, started up on its center and sleeves. Such a trick will make it easy and without special costs get a completely new exclusive thing.

13. Bags

Do not rush to throw away the outstanding views, stretched sweaters, because they can be turned into exclusive stylish handbags. To do this, in addition to sweaters, you will need a non-woven lining, fabric, hard handles, a sewing machine and the ability to work with it.

14. T-shirt

A small strip of high-quality lace will help turn a nondescript plain T-shirt into an exclusive one. designer thing. Simply sew or glue the lace with special fabric glue to the center of the item and around the edges of the sleeves.

15. Coat with lace hem

Refresh light coat and to give it a mysterious dramatic look will help a wide strip of lace sewn to its hem.

16. Romantic shirt

top of the old denim vest can be used to create a trendy romantic shirt. To do this, you need to sew the bottom of a light plain blouse to the denim top.

17. Top with print

Any plain t-shirt or top can be turned into a stylish item. To do this, you need a stencil print with the desired image and textile paint.

18. Skirt with feathers

Plain knitted skirt- an excellent basis for creating a trendy skirt with feathers, which has already managed to win the sympathy of fashion bloggers and celebrities. To get such a skirt and not spend a fortune is not at all difficult. Simply sew strips of faux feathers all around old skirt and get ready to catch the admiring glances of others.

A new wardrobe is a useful and necessary set of activities for the purchase and repair of clothes. However, at the same time, this is not the most budgetary occupation.

Our new review will tell you how to update your wardrobe, and at the same time save money on the process done.

1. Bright insert

Dress with a bright insert.
To decorate a boring plain dress or slightly expand your favorite thing that has become small, an insert of bright fabric, sewn exactly in the center at the back, will help. It is worth noting that such an alteration can be made only with a semi-fitted dress or a dress with an even cut.

2. Jeans painting

Jeans with a geometric pattern.
A simple geometric pattern at the bottom of the legs can be a great way to freshen up the look of old jeans. To do this, you will need several shades of special fabric paints, brushes and masking tape.

3. Body

Stylish and comfortable bodysuit.
The bodysuit is not only extremely stylish and sexy, but also very comfortable. By the way, you can make such a necessary item of women's wardrobe with your own hands, correctly cutting an ordinary T-shirt.

4. Tulle skirt

Tutu skirt made of tulle.

A multi-layer puffy skirt, just below or knee-length, is a thing that should be in the wardrobe of any self-respecting fashionista this spring. It's hard to believe, but such a skirt can be easily made with your own hands. True, for this you will have to spend on a fairly large amount of tulle and a strong, high-quality elastic band. The existing tulle must be cut into strips and carefully tied with an elastic band in a circle.

5. Mitts

Lace mitts.
The beginning of spring is the time to change warm gloves or woolen mittens for light and beautiful mittens, which can be made from clean plain socks and high-quality lace. In addition to lace, beautiful buttons or brooches can be used to decorate such mitts.

6. Off Shoulder Shirt

Off-the-shoulder shirt.

If you have a shirt lying around in your wardrobe, the style of which is, to put it mildly, outdated, feel free to take scissors and proceed with its fashionable transformation. To do this, you need to measure and carefully cut off the collar part and the upper part of the sleeves, and then sew in an elastic band - you get a stylish tunic with bare shoulders. Of course, sewing skills are required to carry out such an alteration. If there are none, just take the shirt to the tailor.

7. Sweater with an original back

Sweater with an open back.
Incredibly, a monochromatic boring sweater can be easily turned into an original, provocative and very sexy thing by decorating it with a single slit and a few pins. To do this, the sweater must be turned inside out, cut exactly in the center of the back, securing the edges of the cut with sewing needles, carefully stitched and connected with large golden pins.

8. Lace top

Cropped lace top.
Every girl in the closet, for sure, has one or even a couple of bras that have lost their appearance and have not been worn for a long time. These bras are perfect for creating trendy crop tops that can be worn with high skirts, jeans and shorts. In addition to a bra, to make a top, you will also need high-quality lace, threads or glue. Carefully cut out the lace motifs and fasten them around the perimeter of the bra with glue or threads in random order.

9. Shirt with lace insert

Shirts with lace inserts on the back.
A translucent lace insert on the back will help to update an old shirt. To acquire which is not at all difficult and within the power of any girl who has minimal sewing skills. Just turn the shirt inside out and draw a triangle on its back - the place of the intended cut. Carefully cut the fabric along the contour, process the edges and sew on a pre-prepared piece of lace. You need to wear such a shirt for release with any jeans or shorts.

10. Color insert

Black dress with bright insert.
Refresh a boring black dress with a colored insert from any light fabric. To do this, on the side of the dress, outline and cut out a triangle, and sew a piece of colored fabric in its place.

11. Collars

Original collars.
With the help of stencils, paints and embroidery, you can coolly transform the collar of an office shirt. Simply shape the collar to your liking with a stencil, then brighten it up with embroidery or painting.

12. Sweater with ribbon

Sweater decorated with ribbon.
To freshen up the look of an old plain sweater, a satin ribbon running down its center and sleeves will help. Such a trick will allow you to easily and at no extra cost to acquire a completely new exclusive item.

13. Bags

Original knitted bags.

Don't be in a hurry to throw away those stretchy sweaters, because they can be turned into exclusive stylish handbags. To do this, in addition to sweaters, you will need a non-woven lining, fabric, hard handles, a sewing machine and the ability to work with it.

14. T-shirt

T-shirt with lace stripe.
A small strip of quality lace will help turn a nondescript plain T-shirt into an exclusive designer item. Simply sew or glue the lace with special fabric glue to the center of the item and around the edges of the sleeves.

15. Coat with lace hem

Coat decorated with lace.
To update a light coat and give it a mysterious dramatic look, a wide strip of lace sewn to its hem will help.

16. Romantic shirt

Denim vest redesign.
The top of an old denim vest can be used to create a trendy romantic shirt. To do this, you need to sew the bottom of a light plain blouse to the denim top.

17. Top with print

Short top with original print.
Any plain t-shirt or top can be turned into a stylish item. To do this, you need a stencil print with the desired image and textile paint.

18. Skirt with feathers

Fashionable skirt with feathers.
A plain knitted skirt is the perfect base for creating a trendy feathered skirt that has already won the sympathy of fashion bloggers and celebrities. To get such a skirt and not spend a fortune is not at all difficult. Just sew strips of faux feathers around the perimeter of the old skirt and get ready to catch the admiring glances of others.

Surely every woman at least once in her life faced with an urgent problem - there is nothing to wear, even though the closet is full of clothes. love for new and beautiful things inherent in us by nature, but, unfortunately, too frequent shopping is not the most reliable ally of the family budget. In this case, it is worth remembering another female natural skill - needlework. Indeed, thanks to the variety of modern fittings and accessories, the question of how to decorate a dress, if it is tired or not interesting enough, can be solved without much difficulty.

5 ways to decorate a simple dress with your own hands

The dress is the most versatile item in the wardrobe of the weaker sex. Surely every woman has a simple plain dress in stock. straight cut which is perfect for a business look. And although strict things are the best complement to a work dress code, they do not always accurately convey our mood. To revive the dress a little, while not going beyond the business image, you can use the following details:

1. Lace

Thinking about how to decorate a plain dress, you should seek help from fashion designers, who have repeatedly emphasized that one of the trends of this season is lace.

The easiest way is to decorate the dress with lace yourself, sheathing the hem, the edges of the sleeves or the neckline of the product with it. If the dress is dark in color, then it is better to use lace. contrasting colors. For decor light dress black lace, fashionable this season, will do.

Lovers of needlework can try to make a lace insert on the dress. To do this, you need to cut a small section on the back or sides of the dress and sew on the wrong side of a suitable openwork material. To make the lines look neat, you can decorate them with a satin or lace ribbon, as well as a ribbon with rhinestones.

In addition, as inserts on the dress, you can use another fashionable material - leather - smooth, textured and even perforated with various patterns.

2. Beads, glass beads, rhinestones, stones

Clothing decorated with beads or glass beads looks both strict and festive. It is interesting to decorate the dress with beads by sewing it on the neckline of the outfit. For such decoration, beads should be chosen larger and sewn on with a wide strip. In a similar way on the dress you can make a beaded collar. To do this, you must first draw the shape of the collar, then in a dense row sheathe its surface with beads or glass beads.

And, of course, one of the most popular decorations for dresses are rhinestones and stones. To quickly and beautifully decorate a simple dress, you should buy an appliqué made of rhinestones in the accessories store. As a rule, on the back of the application is thin strip glue. In order for the glue to adhere well to the product, you need to apply the application to the desired area, cover it with a thin cloth and iron it with a steam iron. However, in order not to spoil the dress and jewelry, this must be done very carefully, barely touching the fabric with an iron.

If, having set yourself the task of decorating a dress with rhinestones, you feel a desire to create, you should try to create a drawing yourself. However, rhinestones as decoration do not have to create a specific pattern. On plain dress rhinestones glued in a chaotic manner look very nice.

3. Fur

Fur is another undeniable fashion trend. Simple strict dresses will take on a completely unique look if their bottom and sleeves are treated with fur inserts. For convenience, it is better to use special fur tapes that are sold in hardware stores.

4. Flowers

to one little flower under the power to transform any, even the most simple and inexpressive dress. Similar decoration you can buy it at any sewing store, or you can make it yourself using felt, organza, satin, etc. Organza flowers, for example, are made very simply - just cut a few circles out of the fabric different diameter, gently singe their edges and sew to each other, creating the shape of a fluffy flower. A similar decoration can be sewn along the edge of the neckline or along the hem of the dress.

5. Satin ribbons

If you do not know how to decorate an old dress with a ribbon, refer to the images of Jacqueline Kennedy, who decorated each dress with a huge bow made of satin or silk ribbons. In addition, you can decorate the dress with ribbons by laying them on the bottom of the product in free waves. In color, this decoration can either perfectly match the shade of the dress, or contrast with it. For example, a contrasting ribbon at the waist or under the bust, tied into an elegant bow, will add romance to the look. This technique is often used by brides, decorating their red, blue, pink or gold ribbons.

How to decorate a plain knitted dress

Knitted dress is best base to create an original and exclusive outfit. The easiest way to decorate such a dress is to sew on it a variety of knitted applications, for example, flowers.

Various buttons also look original. For example, you can sew a wide fabric insert on a dress and decorate its surface with beautiful large buttons.

To create more festive image you can decorate the dress with a variety of silk ribbons, ogranza appliqués or multi-colored braid.

Several ways to decorate a black dress in an original way

A black dress in the style of Coco Chanel is a symbol female beauty. However, sometimes it needs additional decorations. The easiest way to transform a black dress is to loosely tie a scarf around your neck. If the model of the dress allows, a long and narrow scarf can be used instead of a belt.

Beads are a good decoration for a black dress. different size. They can be sewn along the neckline, at the seams, at the waist, at the bottom of the sleeves or at the hem. Pearl jewelry looks especially stylish and interesting on a black dress.

You can also decorate with lace. A lace cape or lace inserts of the same color will look very nice on a dress made of light fabric. In addition, simple and spectacular way to revive the dress is to decorate the edge of the neckline with a lace ribbon.

Many people are afraid to decorate outfits on their own, believing that this process requires certain skills and talents in the field of cutting and sewing. But in fact, the question of how to decorate a dress entirely depends on your preferences. Sometimes one small detail is enough to turn an everyday outfit into an exclusive one.

It is very easy to look stylish and modern when you have a gold credit card that someone is constantly topping up and you only dress in branded and fashion stores. But if you have an average salary and a closet littered with long-outdated clothes (but still in excellent condition), then becoming a “cover girl” is very difficult. Is not it?

In fact, there is a secret that can even turn dad's t-shirt into a stylish top from latest collection Alexander Wong. And for this you just need a little imagination, scissors, a needle and old things.

We offer 35 ideas on how to turn unfashionable, old, boring things into stylish novelties like girls from fashion blogs.

1. Denim skirt #1

We will need:

Long denim skirt with buttons or buttons. You can easily buy it in second-hand stores.
piece of cardboard
chalk or soap

First of all, we decide how long our skirt will be. Depending on this, wrong side carry out horizontal line.

Cut out a template with a rounded edge from cardboard. The width of the template depends on the width of the bottom of the skirt (we have 10 cm). On the wrong side of the product, applying a template to the line, draw semicircles along the entire length of the skirt. Cut the fabric with sharp scissors, following the intended pattern.

If desired, we can rub the rounded edges with a pumice stone to make a fringe, or leave it as it is.

Voila! Stylish miniskirt is ready.

2. Denim skirt #2

We will need:

The bottom that's left of denim skirt on buttons
sewing machine or needle and thread

This is a more difficult option. We measure how long we want to make the skirt, and cut off the extra top. We measure our waist, hips and cut off the excess fabric along the side seam line, and then neatly stitch or sew.

We outline the undercuts and sew them with a regular needle and thread. Then we make a small lapel at the waist and sew it up or sew it by hand. We fasten the skirt in front so that there is a large slit at the bottom.

The second minimalist skirt is also ready!

3. Stole skirt

We will need:

A large stole (scarf) of a rectangular shape, preferably from a light fabric that does not fray.
thin lace
sewing pins
needles with thread

First of all, we measure the circumference of the waist. Now a little math, but not too complicated)))

Add to this number half of it. This extra length will give us the opportunity to gather the skirt to the waist, it is easy to take it off and tighten it back. Then, we divide the figure by 3.14. This will be the diameter of our circle, which we draw on paper. We draw on it two lines crosswise, which pass through the center, so that we get 4 sectors of the same size.

Here is the formula for perfect waist at 60 cm.
60 + 30 (waist plus half of that)
90: 3.14 = 28.5 (circle diameter)

Cut out a circle from cardboard. Then, fold the fabric in half twice. We apply one sector of the circle to the inner corner of the fabric, circle it and cut it out. We bend the edge of the skirt (along the waist) by 2 centimeters and harden it with pins along the entire length. We cut holes along the bend line at a small distance from each other (5 cm). We pass a lace through all the holes. At the end, we tie knots so that the lace does not accidentally slip out.

And we have a brand new skirt ready!

4. Miniskirt from a stole or scarf

We will need:

Long tippet or scarf

Wrap the scarf around the hips once. Then, turn it over twice in front and continue wrapping it around you. We hide the end inside.

5. Black dress with a sexy neckline

We will need:

Old high neck dress
leather cord
needles, thread and pins
sewing machine

We draw a line in front, right in the center of our dress, to make a V-neckline. We draw a line from the cutout straight to the seam seam waist. The neckline can be made both low and high, depending on your modesty. Our version is definitely not for work.

Cut with scissors along the line. We bend the fabric to make a cutout, and harden it with pins. We decide where we want to start our lacing, and from this point we divide the entire length of the neckline into five parts. We mark the points with chalk.

Cut the leather cord into 10 small pieces. We fold them in half, in the form of a loop, and attach them with pins along the cutout on both sides in the places that we marked with chalk. Sew the edges of the neckline to secure the fabric and attach the loops. This can be done manually or sewing machine.
After all the loops are securely sewn, we take a long cord and begin to twist it from the bottom up. We finish the lacing with a small elegant batik.

sexual Evening Dress ready!

6. Short T-shirt dress

We will need:

Big T-shirt
needle and thread

Lay the t-shirt on a flat surface, cut off the sleeves, and then cut in a straight line right under the neckline.

From the sleeves cut out two rectangles of the same size. This will be the top of the dress. We measure the volume of the chest and the length of the rectangles, if necessary, cut off the excess.

We connect the upper parts with the lower ones, and then we sew the dress on the sides.

We sew an elastic band under the bust, at the junction of the parts.

And summer Short dress ready!

7. Stylish dress with side slits

We will need:

Big T-shirt
needle and thread

First of all, cut off the sleeves from the T-shirt, and then cut it horizontally just below the chest. We take into account that the bra does not look out.

Then, on the top of the dress in front, we make a small hole. On the lower part of the dress (near the waist) there is a small slit. We put the ends into the hole and sew or just tie.

Voila! The slit dress, very fashionable this spring-summer season, is ready!

8. T-shirt beach dress in 30 seconds

We will need:

Large long t-shirt

We put on a T-shirt through the throat. We put the left sleeve on the right side of the chest, and the right one on the left side. It turns out a cute beach dress with bare shoulders.

9. Beach dress from an old skirt

We will need:

Old skirt and t-shirt
needles and threads

Lay the skirt on a flat surface and cut off the elastic at the waist.

We attach a T-shirt to the skirt and cut along the contour of the armhole and neckline.

We sew the straps with a needle and thread. You can use a sewing machine to be safe. Tie with a belt and the dress is ready!

10. Stylish cocktail dress with a cutout on the stomach

We will need:

old dress
sewing machine
needle and thread

First of all, cut off the sleeves and shorten the length of the dress. We bend the armholes and the bottom by 1-2 centimeters, smooth it with an iron and sew it, or sew it by hand blind stitches.

We cut out a small triangle from cardboard and trace around the contour in the front central part of the dress. Cut through the bottom of the triangle, then make a perpendicular cut up. We bend the fabric and sew all sides of the triangle with small stitches.

Most of the work falls on the sleeves. You need to work hard on them. And then, a chic and fashionable cocktail dress is ready!

11. Dress with a fringe

We will need:

Short dress
floss threads of different colors (on average five flowers that match the color of the dress)
bright thin belt

We choose such a dress so that the fabric does not crumble. Preferably monochromatic. We make small holes along the entire length of the hem and sleeves, at a distance of 5-10 centimeters from each other.

Then, we cut the floss threads into small bunches, of the same length, so that they easily pass into the holes on the dress. We stretch the threads into the holes, alternating colors. We carefully tie each bundle with a thin thread so that it does not fall apart.

We tie the dress with a bright belt and cheerful summer look ready!

12. Skirt and top

We will need:

Long maxi dress
needles and threads

First, we turn the dress over so that the front becomes the back. Then we carefully grind out unnecessary decor elements using nail scissors (a pocket and a braid with buttons). We cut the dress into two parts along the seam line at the waist.

We mark how long we want to make the top and hem its edge manually or with a sewing machine.

We take an elastic band, preferably wide, and bend the top of the skirt, according to its width. Then we hem the belt so that we can populate the elastic inside.
Having attached the elastic to a pencil, knitting needle or stick, we stretch it through the loop until it comes out through the other side. After that, we sew the ends of the elastic band and carefully sew up the hole on the belt.

Voila, the flight suit is ready!

13. Balenciaga white top

We will need:

White elongated T-shirt with wide straps. Choose from thick fabric so that it does not crumble, and the edges do not curl
needles and threads

The first step is to cut the back of the T-shirt so that its length is a few centimeters below the clasp of our bra. Cut out, slightly retreating from the line of the side seams.

Then flip the shirt front side and mark the middle. Cut along a straight vertical line from the cutout to the very bottom.

We put on a top. We wrap the long ends around the waist and tie them at the back. The upper edges of the neckline can be folded under the bra or hemmed.

The result is exactly the same top as from the latest Balenciaga collection.

14. Short white top

We will need:

Large T-shirt (several sizes larger)
needles, thread or sewing machine
a piece of chalk

Cut off the sleeves from an old t-shirt. Then we proceed to the cut. At this point, you need to determine how thick the straps we want and how deep the neckline. Depending on this, cut off the neck of the T-shirt.

Then, on the wrong side, draw a horizontal line at the level where our top will end, and cut it off. Top edges can be hemmed. To do this, you first need to make an overlap of 1 centimeter on all sides. If the fabric is soft and begins to curl a little, leave the top as it is.

Voila! Light and cute top is ready. Can be worn underneath bright swimsuit, bra or other T-shirt. Ideal for summer holidays or playing sports.

15. T-shirt with a heart

We will need:

Plain T-shirt a couple of sizes too big
old t-shirt or a piece of cloth to cut out a heart
sewing machine
a piece of chalk

First, cut off the collar to make a wide-necked T-shirt that falls off one shoulder.

Then, turn the shirt inside out and draw a heart. Draw lines inside the heart, at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. Cut them carefully.

From the wrong side we sew a piece of bright fabric on the heart. Then, manually, we sew each strip of the heart, using threads in the color of the fabric. Trim off the excess and stylish t-shirt ready!

16. T-shirt with bows on the back

We will need:

plain t-shirt in size
a piece of colored fabric or a bright old t-shirt
sewing machine
needle and thread
a piece of chalk

Lay the t-shirt upside down and mark the spot where we want to make the cutout. Carefully cut with scissors. The neckline can run from the throat to the very bottom. So it ends in the middle of the back, depending on personal preferences.

We make from colored matter required amount bows (minimum 4). Their size directly depends on the width of the cutout on the back. When the bows are ready, manually sew them to the T-shirt, while not forgetting to bend the edges of the cutout 0.5-1 centimeter inward. Then carefully sew all the seams.

17. T-shirt with original mesh

We will need:

Wide T-shirt
a piece of chalk

We lay out the T-shirt on a flat surface, turn it inside out and draw 10 vertical lines on both sides of the neck at the same level (1-2 cm wide). We cut them and connect the strips in a checkerboard pattern with the help of rivets. Then, we make a vertical cut of 20-30 centimeters below on one side of the T-shirt. We tie the edges with a knot.

Voila, the t-shirt is ready!

We will need:

Big T-shirt

We lay out the T-shirt on a flat surface and cut off the sleeves to make large armholes; cut off the throat deep neckline, and shorten the bottom of the T-shirt. We do not throw away the lower border, we still need it.

At the back we make a cutout a little larger than at the front. Then we tie the fabric between the shoulder blades on the back with a thin ribbon and wind the border on top, which we cut off from the bottom of the T-shirt. We make an inconspicuous knot and cut off the excess. We shorten the bottom of the T-shirt in front and a beautiful summer T-shirt is ready!

19. Cutout denim shirt

We will need:

Jeans shirt
needle and thread
sewing pins

Turn the shirt inside out and use a pen to mark a horizontal line where we want to cut.

Cut the fabric along the seam lines.

We turn the shirt inside out and fold a few millimeters of fabric inward. We pin with pins and sew with invisible stitches. We iron it and the original shirt is ready!

20. Black cutout shirt

We will need:

Black shirt (or any other color with turn-down collar and placket with buttons)
a piece of chalk
sewing pins
needle and thread in the color of the shirt

First of all, we put on a shirt and stand near the mirror to mark with chalk where we want to make holes. It is necessary to take into account their location so that our bra does not peek out. Once we've marked the hole on one side of the shirt, we need to copy the pattern onto paper so we can transfer it to the other side for a symmetrical look.

We cut the fabric, retreating 1 centimeter from the intended pattern. We make small cuts along the entire edge of the resulting cutout. To avoid wrinkles, it is best to sew on a mannequin or put a shirt on a pillow and stab it in the back with pins. Sew with blind stitches along the entire length or glue with glue if you don’t want to sew. At the end, iron the edges with an iron and the shirt is ready!

21. Backless shirt

We will need:

voluminous shirt
needle and thread

We turn the shirt inside out and mark the line where the neckline will be. Carefully cut with scissors along the line from one shoulder to the other.

We bend the edges by 1 centimeter and sew or sew with threads by hand. We retreat on both sides by 5 centimeters and make a few stitches to fasten the upper and lower back of the shirt together.

Voila! Stylish thing ready!

We will need:

Plain button-down shirt with turn-down collar
beads of at least two colors
needle and thread

We lay out the shirt on a flat surface and sew the beads to the collar in a chaotic manner.

23. Sweater with an open back

We will need:

Sweater or sweatshirt (we select from a material that will not stick around and crumble)
Velcro or button
needle and thread

Fold the sweater in half vertically and mark the middle. Then, cut it on the back in a straight line. We sew Velcro or a button on top so that the sweater does not unbutton itself. If desired, you can tuck the edges, iron them and sew with blind stitches.

24. Original sweater

We will need:

colored tape
sharp scissors
needles and thread

First of all, we cut off the throat from the sweatshirt to get a fairly deep neckline that falls from one shoulder.

Then, using scissors or a cutter, we make about 15 rows of small holes at a distance of 1-1.5 centimeters from each other. The holes must be at the same level. Their number gradually decreases, reaching the lower rows.

We populate the tape in the holes. The ends must be sewn with a few secret stitches to the sweatshirt or simply tied in a knot.

That's all!

25. Sweater with patches on the elbows

We will need:

shiny fabric or sequins
needle and thread
paper and pen

Use your hand as a template. We circle it on paper, forming an oval and cut it out.

Apply the template to shiny fabric and fix. Cut out patches. We make sure that they are the same shape.

Attach the patches to the sweater with pins to make sure they are in the right place. With inner stitches, carefully sew the patches to the sweater.

Patches can be of any shape and from any material.

26. Stylish T-shirt scarf

We will need:

Old T-shirt (the larger the better)
a piece of chalk

Cut off the bottom of the T-shirt. Then we draw horizontal stripes on the wrong side, 2-4 centimeters wide.

We get many rings, which we stretch one by one until they begin to twist inward.

Cut the hem of the T-shirt to make long ribbon. Gather all the rings together and wrap the ribbon around the hem several times to secure the scarf. We tie it into a knot, cut off the excess, and tuck the ends under the ribbon.

Unusual scarf is ready! Looks great with long hair or careless bun.

27. Bright jeans #1

We will need:

Pair of jeans
fine brush
paint or corrector

First of all, we decide what kind of pattern we will apply to the jeans. We outline the places where the pattern will be located. Then we cut a stencil out of paper. We apply it to jeans and very carefully paint over with paint or corrector so that it does not spread beyond the borders of the stencil.

28. Bright jeans #2

We will need:

Pair of jeans
wooden plank

We lay out the jeans on a hard surface and outline the places where we want to make scuffs. Then using sandpaper, lightly overwrite these places.

We put a wooden board inside the leg so as not to cut through the jeans and arm ourselves with a chisel. Making horizontal cuts different lengths at a distance of a few millimeters from each other. At the end, we paint over the threads with a regular marker, in a bright color.

29. Fashionable skirt, shortened in front

We will need:

Long non-pleated skirt
needle and thread

Fold the skirt in half so that the fold passes through the center of the front. We put it on the floor and cut out a piece so that the mini-part smoothly goes to the bottom.

Each time we put on a skirt and see what happens. If necessary, we level, because it is always better to undercut than to cut off too much. After we were satisfied with the long and curved line, we fold all the edges by 1 centimeter and smooth it with an iron.

Then we sew the edges of the hem with small stitches, using threads to match the fabric. At the end, we again go through all the seams with an iron.

Stylish skirt ready!

30. Denim jumpsuit

We will need:

Denim overalls

We measure the overalls and note how long we want to make it. We cut off the legs not in a straight line, but with a slight rise to the top. Then carefully cut off the pocket on the chest.

To make the jumpsuit look modern, remove the buckles. We shorten the harnesses and make a hole for the button at the end. If desired, the edges of the shorts can be hemmed.

31. Gladiator sandals

We will need:

Sandals in the finger
long leather cord or thin tapes(4 meters)

Sandals will look much more natural if you thread the lace through an existing hole.

We cut the cord into two even parts of two meters. We stretch it through the hole and glue it from below if we do not want it to slide in different directions.
Then just weave around the leg tightly enough so that the lace does not fall down, and symmetrically so that the sandals look beautiful. Weave as high as we like and finish with a small bow at the back.

32. Shoes-cats

We have to:

Ballerinas (preferably solid color with a round toe and plenty of room in the front)
black paint (acrylic), black marker
masking tape
white paint and white marker

First, we tape the shoes with tape, hard enough so that the paint does not seep through.

We paint the socks with black paint to get an even color, without light gaps. When the paint is dry, remove the tape and draw small triangles for the ears. You can also use painter's tape for this if it's not very smooth by hand.

To draw the eyes, use white paint, highlighter or corrector. With it, we draw a thin mustache and nose.

And voila! Last fashion trend appeared in our wardrobe!

33. New flip flops

We will need:

A couple of the most ordinary flip flops
ribbon, in the color of shoes
beads and beads suitable color
needles with thread

We wrap the flip flops with tape, and sew the tip from the bottom so that the tape does not unwind.

We sew beads and beads in a chaotic manner with a thread of the same color as the ribbon.

In half an hour, stylish flip flops are ready!

34. Freshen up black shoes

We will need:

A pair of black shoes, rounded or pointed
masking tape
white and neon yellow acrylic paint

Cover the shoes with masking tape. We carefully smooth it so that the paint does not leak under the bottom.

First, we make one layer of white paint and let it dry for several hours. Then paint yellow. We remove too pronounced strokes and let the shoes dry a little.

Wet your fingers with water and run them over the paint to smooth out bumps and lines. We remove the masking tape when the paint is not yet completely dry, and then leave the shoes on all night.

Voila! And you get trendy shoes from your old, boring pair.

35. Sports bag

We will need:

T-shirt with bright print
sewing machine

Cut off the bottom edge of the T-shirt and remove a little on the sides. We sew all sides on a sewing machine.

It turns out beautiful sports bag or a bag for shopping.

36. New hat from an old sweater

We will need:

unwanted sweater
ready-made hat (for a template)
· scissors
thread, needle

Choose a sweater with elastic at the bottom edge. We cut the blank from the bottom of the sweater so that the elastic falls on the forehead, and one of the edges of the cap falls on the seam of the sweater.

Using the finished hat as a template, cut off the top of the workpiece. Sew the top and side edges from the inside with a triangle.

Don't throw away your sweater! You can make a lot more out of them.

37. Sweater boots

We will need:

· sweater
· slippers
· sewing machine
glue gun
· decorations

Take measurements on the leg and cut out blanks from the sweater. Sew the side and top edges boots on the machine.

Passing the slippers into the bottom of the blanks, glue them with glue gun.

Finished boots can be decorated to your taste. For example, buttons or embroidery.

38. Ballet tutu (without sewing)

We will need:

unwanted tapes
wide elastic band

Make a rubber band. We pass the ribbons, tying them on the belt with a knot.

To make the pack more magnificent, we make several layers of ribbons, repeating the rows.

We will need:

Long T-shirt or T-shirt
· scissors

Cut the bottom of the T-shirt into equal strips. We tie the strips, following the sequence in the photo.

40. Bag from old jeans

I really love denim clothes. Breaking through a couple of bags of old jeans, you find a whole source of inspiration for creating new things. Strong material (which, by the way, does not go out of fashion) makes pretty wallets and bags. Here is one of the options for creating a unique jeans bag.

We will need:

· jeans
Thread with a needle
trouser belt
a piece of colored cloth

Cut off the top of the jeans with pockets.

Sew fabric from an unnecessary colored dress or skirt to the bottom edges. Stitch the bottom of the bag. We make handles from the belt.

41. T-shirt fringed beach bag (without sewing)

We will need:

· T-shirt
· scissors
· ruler
crayon or marker

After straightening the T-shirt, cut off the collar and sleeves.

We make cuts on the bottom of the T-shirt. You can use a ruler and crayon to draw the same stripes.

We tie the fringe as tightly as possible so that nothing spills out of the bottom of the bag.

42. Tie maxi skirt

You can make a long hippie skirt out of old ties.

We will need:

· sewing machine
a belt from an unnecessary skirt

We sew the ties with one end to the belt and sew the sides of adjacent ties together.

43. Tie miniskirt

We make a miniskirt in the same way as a maxi. You just need to cut the ties to the required length.

Voila! Sexy bright skirt is ready.

44. Fancy decoupage shoes

Using the decoupage technique, you can hide scuffs and cracks on your favorite shoes.

We will need:

· shoes
· PVA glue
· scissors
drawing paper

We cut out the necessary figures from paper.

We apply PVA on the surface of the shoes (you must first clean and dry the shoes).

Since PVA dries very quickly, do not glue all the shoes at once. Apply it in fragments. When you finish laying out the drawings in one area, move on to the next.

When the pictures are dry, you can show off at parties in unusual shoes.

45. Light summer sundress made of scarves

We will need:

two large scarves or pareos
· ribbon
· sewing machine

We form a blank from scarves by folding them properly. For example, by forming a bodice from the corners of scarves.

We sew ribbons to the corners, the ends of which we fix on the back. We sew the sides of the scarves.

46. ​​Sock gloves

We will need:

pair of socks
· scissors
Thread with a needle
· decorations

Cut off the toe and heel of the socks.

To prevent the fabric from unraveling, we sew the places of cuts with threads. We tuck the edges - the gloves are ready.

You can decorate them with bright appliqués, embroidery or beads.

47. Stylish summer dress from a baggy sundress

We will need:

old sundress
・fitted dress
· scissors
· sewing machine
· a piece of chalk

Choose from the wardrobe a dress that fits you perfectly. Using it as a template, attach the dress to the front of the sundress and trace with chalk. We repeat the steps with the back.

Cut out the edges and sew the edges.

From the leftover fabric, you can form a belt, bow or fake pockets that will decorate your new dress.

48. Maxi dress (without sewing)

We will need:

· long skirt
original belt

We put on a skirt at chest level and tie it with a catchy belt. Ready!

Plus of the dress: it quickly turns into a skirt.

49. Plaid poncho coat

We will need:

· plaid
· plate
· blade
Thread with a needle
· belt

Lay the blanket out on a flat surface and fold it in half.

Attach a plate to the neck and mark a semicircle with chalk. Cut out excess fabric. Overcast the collar with a thread so that the fabric does not diverge.

At waist level (only at the front of the blanket), mark two cuts with chalk and cut them with a blade. Cover the cuts with thread.

Insert the belt into the holes. The coat is ready!

50. Burberry scarf coat in haste

Burberry is fashion fabrics with original check pattern. It won't be hard to get a scarf like this.

We will need:

scarf "Burberry"
· a piece of chalk
Thread with a needle
· blade

Throw the scarf over your shoulders and mark with chalk the places where you want to sew on the buttons. Sew on the buttons and carefully use a blade to make holes for them on the opposite side. To prevent the fabric on the cuts from dispersing, overcast the edges with a thread.

The advantage of this coat is that it is a transformer thing. With a flick of the wrist, the coat turns into a scarf again!

We will need:

· sweater
Thread with a needle
· a piece of chalk
· decorations

Turn the sweater inside out. Straighten the sweater, put your hand on the side and circle it with chalk. Repeat with the other hand on the opposite side of the sweater.

Blanks should be a little more required size. Cut out the blanks and sew the edges.

After trying on, cut off the excess edges and turn the mittens inside out so that the seam is inside. Ready-made mittens can be decorated to your taste.

52. Fancy dress scarves

We will need:

· dress
· scissors

Cut off the hem of the dress. Cut strips on the bottom of the fabric.

Tie the ends of the strips at the bases into knots. However, this is not necessary, because the scarf already looks original.

The new thing can be decorated with a brooch or other jewelry.

53. Sundress and T-shirt dress

We will need:

Thread with a needle
· wide belt

Cut off the top of the sundress and sew the hem to the T-shirt.

Wide belt not only complement the outfit, but also emphasize your waist.

The top can be decorated with a bow from the remnants of a sundress.

54. Sexy underwear from a simple bra

Prices for beautiful underwear can cause depression. And so you want to always be on top. Well, do not rush to despair, you can make an erotic bodice with a minimum of effort.

We will need:

Packing of rivets for fabric
Pliers or manicure set

Pierce the bra fabric with the sharp edges of the rivet so that the point comes out on the opposite side.

Gently bend the ends of the rivet with pliers.

Form the desired pattern.

55. Mesh from an old tunic

We will need:

tunic (cotton)
· scissors
hot water bowl

Cut out circles of fabric from the tunic.

Soak in hot water(from which the edges of the cuts will wrap up and the material will not spread). Keep in mind that this can only be done with clothes that sit on you freely. Cotton shrinks in hot water.

Dry - done! So easy and fast plain tunic turns into a seductive author's outfit.

Don't be afraid to experiment and be bright!
