Where to start learning hypnosis. The simplest is the hypnotic gaze method.

Hypnosis is a mystical manipulation that can subdue the mind of any person. No wonder so many people want to master it. After all, having such power, you can achieve unprecedented heights. At the same time, it can be used both for good and for evil.

But let's leave the considerations of humanity and morality behind and focus on how to master hypnosis. For beginners this a big problem because not everyone knows where to start. So how do you become a hypnotist?

What is hypnosis?

First, let's understand a little about what hypnosis is. After all, this is the basis of all knowledge, and without it, further studies will simply be useless. And although this concept can be interpreted in different ways, we will still focus on the most common of them.

Hypnosis is a special technique for manipulating a person's consciousness, capable of putting him into a trance. At the same time, the hypnotist himself can give commands and instructions that must be impeccably executed.

However, not all orders can be executed. If a person is physically unable to follow instructions, then the effect of them will be zero. It is also necessary to take into account the power of suggestion of the hypnotist, as well as the psychological resistance on the part of consciousness.

How to become a hypnotist?

There are many ways that can lead to the desired result. But still the best option will attend hypnosis classes for beginners. After all, live training will help you master all the techniques much faster. In addition, classes will be supervised. experienced craftsman capable of right moment advise and correct.

The trouble is that not all cities have schools that teach hypnosis for beginners. And, in fact, even knowledgeable people can not always count on the fact that they have such an institution nearby. As an option, it remains only to take a course in another city, temporarily renting housing there.

Hypnosis. Tutorial - fact or fiction?

Now there is a lot of literature on this topic. It is quite natural that people have a question about how effective all these sources are.

Well, according to such books it is quite possible to master hypnosis. The tutorial is step by step guide capable of replacing a mentor in some way. And if the reader will exactly follow all the instructions contained in it, then his chances of becoming a hypnotist are quite high.

But, as always, there is a catch - not all books are equally good. Moreover, some of them are even written by charlatans who do not understand anything about what hypnosis is. For beginners, buying such a tutorial can turn into a big disappointment.

Therefore, before buying a certain product, find out everything about its author. That's just you need to look for information not on his official website, since there, most likely, fake comments are presented, but on third-party resources, since they are now great amount. And only after all doubts disappear, make a purchase.

Choosing a Hypnosis Technique

One of the most important points in training is the choice of hypnosis technique. Indeed, in the world there are a huge number of techniques that can immerse a person in a trance.

So, some use the power of the voice in order to penetrate into the mind of a person and give him the necessary settings. Others, on the contrary, use sign language or use foreign objects such as pendulums, clocks, pendants and so on. There are also behind-the-scenes hypnosis techniques that can imperceptibly lead a person into a trance.

Having chosen a specific direction, you need to tirelessly follow it until the first results appear. And only after that start trying other methods. After all, as the well-known proverb says, if you chase two hares, you will not understand a single one.

Hypnosis for beginners can be quite challenging, and with good reason. But the process training will take place much faster and more enjoyable if you follow a few simple tips:

  • The main weapon of a hypnotist is self-confidence. Without it, it is almost impossible to drive a person into a trance.
  • Appearance is very important. The more attractive the image of the master, the easier it is for him to enlist the trust of the consciousness of the “victims”. It also improves contact and speed of immersion in hypnosis.
  • Practice is the foundation of all learning. You can read hundreds of books and not become a hypnotist, but it is worth implementing workshops, as the result will immediately appear.
  • Do not stop there, because there is no limit to perfection. For hypnosis, this statement fits perfectly, because the hypnotist always has room to grow.

How to learn hypnosis? This question is often asked by people of all ages: some out of pure curiosity, under the influence of a television program they have just seen, others out of a desire to help their loved ones who have become slaves to bad habits.

Be that as it may, but interest in hypnotic effects on human consciousness has never dried up. What is hypnosis?

From the history of hypnosis

Everything related to this practice was surrounded by an aura of mysticism and mystery, since it belonged to the category of secret knowledge available only to a limited circle of specially dedicated persons.

  • The term "hypnosis" appeared in the first half of the 19th century thanks to the English physician James Braid, who conducted experiments to change the human consciousness when fixing the gaze on a shiny object. The resulting special state of a person has received the definition of "hypnosis". Prior to this, in practice different peoples and cultures this phenomenon was designated differently.
  • First Scientific research hypnotic influence were carried out in the 70s of the XIX century by the French neurologist Jean Martin Charcot. The subjects were patients suffering from hysteria. As a result of the research, the stages of hypnosis were studied and methods for its clinical application were developed. However, the Charcot school believed that a person enters a trance state under the influence of various physical factors: music, light, heat.
  • A diametrically opposite point of view on the nature of hypnotic influence was defended by the head of the Nancy Institute of Hypnosis, Hippolyte Bernheim. He argued that the hypnotic trance is due not to the unnatural essence of hypnosis itself, but to the power of suggestion emanating from the person using hypnosis.
History of hypnosis - video:

  • A huge contribution to the study of hypnosis was made by domestic researchers Tokarsky, Nevsky, Petrovsky, Bekhterev, Platonov and many others who became interested in the physiological mechanisms of hypnosis. In the process of their research, the belief was formed that hypnotic trance is the result of a specific effect of a hypnotist or purposeful self-hypnosis.

Modern researchers believe that hypnosis is a whole complex of specific verbal and sound techniques that purposefully influence the human psyche in order to immerse him in an artificially created state, in which he unconsciously performs various actions and commands.

This inhibited state resembles drowsiness (it is often called pseudosleep). It is believed that trance is a specific mode of brain functioning.

The physiological mechanism of hypnosis

hemispheres human brain, ensuring the coordinated work of the body, at the same time perform different functions and have their own specialization.

  1. The left, rational, hemisphere is responsible for carrying out logical operations and knowledge about the world around, since it controls the work of all the senses.
  2. The right, "unconscious" hemisphere analyzes information coming from the left side of the brain, guided not by the data of the senses, but by imagination, intuition and creativity.

During hypnotic exposure to monotonous stimuli left hemisphere the brain, not receiving information from the senses, loses the ability to process it, and the right half of the brain comes into action, unable to exercise control and analysis.

A person immersed in a trance, despite external lethargy, does not fall asleep and remains internally active: he only stops analyzing information coming at the subconscious level. Hypnotic influence, as it were, turns off the left hemisphere of the brain and activates its right half.

Can you learn hypnosis on your own?

How to learn to hypnotize people? Can you learn hypnosis on your own?
These questions are very relevant for people who set out to master the art of hypnotic influence on the human mind.

Methods of hypnotic influence, introduction into a trance and its management are available to every person. Anyone can learn hypnosis (subject to regular classes and reading special literature).

Most easy way prey necessary information at home - access to Internet resources, because we live in an era of developed information technologies. What are the ways for this?

  1. You can find it on the Internet absolutely free to download books of famous researchers(Platonova K. I., Pirogov A. G., Richard Bandler and John Grinder), who studied different aspects hypnotic effect on the human psyche. All these books contain such useful and accessible information that after reading them, you can immediately begin to practical application acquired knowledge.

    The "book" method is convenient in that in 1 day it makes it possible to obtain a huge amount of invaluable material for teaching hypnosis.

  2. Can be a good help videos and articles posted on various sites. The advantage of such rollers is the visibility and speed of material supply. In almost 5 minutes, a person who has watched the video manages to master information that would have taken him several hours to search for and assimilate. Secrets of hypnosis - video with real facts:
  3. Communication on the forums with people who are well versed in this subject, can enrich any beginner with a mass of unique knowledge, which is sometimes very difficult to find.
  4. Virtual communication on the Internet sometimes easily develops into real contacts with like-minded people, which is very useful for a person who is going to seriously study hypnosis.

Homeschooling is only good for those who decide to learn hypnosis from scratch. Those wishing to comprehend all the secrets of this mysterious process will inevitably have to enroll in courses and attend practical classes, purchase books and video lectures by leading experts in this field.

All these actions require considerable expenses, but without this it will be impossible to achieve mastery in mastering hypnosis.

Technique for entering a trance

Every person is familiar with the state of light trance, because he experiences such sensations several times during the day.

Many will surely remember that from time to time they sink into a kind of oblivion, fixing their eyes on one point, without thinking about anything.
An outside observer will immediately notice such a person by his absent appearance and fixed gaze. Such a deep immersion in oneself is a state of trance.

Intentionally inducing a trance, cultivating and deepening this sensation - this is the task of teaching hypnosis at the first stage of its development.

Here instructions for entering a light trance:

  • If you are going to experience a trance state, you need to take comfortable position in a chair or on a bed.
  • In this case, you need to achieve maximum relaxation.
  • It is necessary to abstract from the internal dialogue (there should be no mental conversations with oneself at this moment).
  • And to carry out this step, the concentration of the imagination is required. You can mentally imagine either a graphic picture or some vivid visual image. Imagining yourself on the top of a mountain or on the sea coast, you need to achieve inner feeling presence at that particular point in space.
Self-hypnosis and active self-hypnosis - lessons in the video:

The main task of immersion in a trance is to focus on the internal, and not on external state person.

After several such workouts, you can quickly and easily fall into a hypnotic state.

How to learn hypnosis on your own

How to learn to master hypnosis on your own? It should be said that there are two types of hypnotic influence:

  • open (when a specialist plunges a person into a trance with a glance and he knows about it),
  • closed (when the patient does not even suspect that he has become the object of hypnosis).
How to learn hypnosis - lesson in video:

How to learn hypnosis with the eyes? There are many techniques for putting a person into a trance. To master them on your own, you need to do training lessons every day. At the same time, you must comply two prerequisites:

  1. The hypnotist must have good manners to position the patient.
  2. The patient must feel the absolute certainty of the person about to hypnotize him.

Methods of open hypnosis

  • Lesson 1

  • Second phase

At the next stage of learning hypnosis, you can easily learn how to put a person into a trance with the help of small shiny objects (this can be a mirror or a metal ball).

By placing an object at the level of the patient's nose, the hypnotist plunges the interlocutor into a trance (the automatic reduction of both eyes to a single point, which inevitably occurs in this case, facilitates this task).

The effectiveness of the session will increase if you use music for relaxation and dim the lights.

  1. To learn hypnosis, you need to pronounce the words of instruction in a calm and even voice, as well as work on the ability to stare, almost without blinking, into the eyes of the patient.
  2. Be sure to learn how to correctly bring the patient out of the hypnotic state. Plunging him into a trance with your conversation, at the very beginning of the session, you should warn the person about exactly how he will wake up.
  3. A hypnosis session usually ends with a loud handclap.

A little about covert hypnosis

Milton Erickson - the creator of this method of hypnosis - argued that the most effective hypnosis using psychological methods impact on the patient's subconscious.

Erickson hypnosis. Trance induction formula and other techniques - video:

  • To learn hypnosis, capable of putting a person into a trance against his will, it is carried out at the closest possible distance.
  • Coming close to his interlocutor, the hypnotist begins to non-stop copy his gestures and postures.
  • Having achieved physiological attachment, he finds out what type (kinetic, auditory or kinetic) of thinking his patient has, after which he uses different methods for his final conviction.

Erickson's hypnosis recent times given a lot of attention.

Frequently asked Questions

Hello everybody! We ourselves periodically, and sometimes daily, plunge into a trance, for example, in line or on the way to work. You can immediately recognize such a person, he seems to have a mask on his face, his eyes are open, but his eyes are fixed on one point, the pupils are dilated, there may even be involuntary shudders. Such a state arises from routine work or a long wait, a person “goes deep” into his thoughts, physically seems to be present in the present moment, but consciousness is somewhere in the past or future.

That is, as you understand, this is easy to achieve, the main thing is to know how to properly and profitably dive into a trance, and today I will just talk about the basics of hypnosis so that you can control your mind and program yourself for the desired result.

About hypnosis

Hypnosis, by its definition, means an altered state of the psyche, when a person is awake, but at the same time he has signs of sleep, during which he observes dreams. In this altered state, he perceives information without judgment, not being able to filter or reject it, that is, it turns out that he can be instilled with anything. There are such stages:

  1. cataleptic stage . The tone of the cerebral cortex begins to decrease, the eyes are motionless, breathing and other processes in the body slow down.
  2. Lethargic. A person becomes insensitive to pain, and his limbs freeze in one position, this is a state of deep sleep.
  3. Somnambulistic. At this stage, the subconscious begins to work actively, speech is turned off, the ability to think the same way, and the level of suggestibility is as high as possible, in addition, a connection is established with the one who hypnotizes. After awakening, a person does not remember what is happening during hypnosis at all. You can about the subconscious.


  1. Classic or Directive , that is, when a command is given, an order. It is considered a very harsh way that can harm a person. Education classic look it is better to go with professionals, without risking experimenting on your own. The fact is that attention is paid only to the symptom itself, and not to the cause of its occurrence. For example, a hypnotherapist decided to save another person from smoking, put him into a trance and gave the appropriate setting. Yes, now he doesn’t smoke, but the problem is that he used to satisfy some of his needs with the help of cigarettes, for example, relaxation during stress, but now he has lost this method, and his psyche is naked in front of negative events, which will bring him more more harmful than nicotine.
  2. Hidden . Usually this is neuro-linguistic programming, or the so-called Ericksonian hypnosis. The impact on the psyche occurs without directive instructions, sometimes even hidden, a person may not realize that he is under the influence. Great for beginners because it's easy to learn manipulation techniques that, by the way, surround us on a daily basis and are widely used in advertising, politics or business.
  3. Gypsy . It is used mainly by scammers who, with the help of distraction, plunge their victim into a trance in order to gain some benefit. A person after this method usually may not remember the events that occurred in the process of communicating with a street hypnotist.
  4. Medical . Helps to get rid of addictions, for example, drug, alcohol, gambling, gambling and food. It is possible to cure psychosomatic diseases, that is, migraines, ulcers, breathing problems, neuroses and even sexual disorders.


So, let's move on to the most important thing, namely the question of how to learn hypnosis.

The simplest is the hypnotic gaze method.

It can be used in cases where you need something from another person, for example, his consent to something. Initially, practice concentrating your attention, contemplating something, I described this method in detail about meditation. Also train your gaze in front of a mirror. When you feel confident in your abilities, try it in practice.

To do this, it is important to sit about 30 cm from the interlocutor and carefully look at him in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bridge of the nose, just above the eyes. During communication, repeat his postures and gestures, but not too intrusively, but as if by chance, thus adjusting to him. Your speech should be calm, quiet and slightly monotonous. When you notice that the interlocutor is relaxing and his reactions are slowing down, you can start a conversation about what you need from him. The main thing is to do without a particle of "not" in circulation. For example: "I'm sure you can help me..."

The next technique is called "Overload"

It is just actively used by gypsies and scammers. It may be useful for you to practice, or use in an emergency when you are asked for an answer that you cannot give. It is carried out very easily, it follows, judging by the name, to overload the consciousness. A person is able to assimilate a sentence, which consists of seven words, if the limit is exceeded, he simply loses the thread of the conversation and the meaning of what was said, trying to mentally return to the beginning of the phrase in order to still understand what it is about. When you notice that the interlocutor is completely confused, insert the necessary suggestions into your quick text.

Easy to learn and practice method, is basic - "5-4-3-2-1"

You will need a volunteer to complete it. He sits comfortably in a chair and listens attentively to you. To begin with, it is necessary to give him those suggestions that are obvious and confirmed. For example, that now it is snowing outside, and the rumble of passing cars is heard in the room. These statements, which are immediately verifiable, help build trust between you. Then, to reinforce it, pay attention to the sounds that usually accompany us, but we do not track them, for example, the ticking of a clock. After that, start using statements about his internal state, for example, that in this moment he is calm. When the contact is established, which is called rapport, you can go directly to the cycles themselves:

  • Tell him 4 real phrases, that is, what he really sees at the moment (you, a window, curtains or a closet in front of his eyes), and a fifth phrase with an inspiring meaning (that is, what you want to inspire him).
  • Next, say 4 phrases about his physical, motor sensations (that warmth is felt throughout the body, each muscle relaxes, he feels how heavy his eyelids are, etc.), and the fifth about internal state calmness.
  • Now three phrases about real perception, and two about the internal state.
  • Two real suggestions, and three suggestions.
  • And the last cycle, in which you use one sentence of a real nature, and four aimed at sensations. After that, you can begin to speak only suggestions.

Getting out of hypnosis

It is also important to get out of the state of hypnosis, for this you should say at the end of the action: “Now I will wake you up, I will count from 5 to 1, and you will gradually come out of the trance state. When you open your eyes, you will feel full of strength and energy, as if you were sleeping soundly and sweetly.

It may happen that the subject after waking up will experience nausea or heaviness in the body. To eliminate these consequences, it is necessary to hypnotize him back, only to give instructions about improving his well-being. Or, there are times when a patient, a volunteer, just fell asleep sound sleep. Do not disturb him in this case, and do not be afraid, let him satisfy his physiological needs, and after waking up, ask questions about what happened to him during the session. Pay attention to what wording slips through his speech, and in next time, to enhance the effect of suggestibility, use them.


That's all, dear readers! Experiment and you'll be fine. Finally, I want to recommend reading my article ... It describes the ways in which it is possible to find mutual language with your subconscious mind and give it the necessary setting in order to achieve success as quickly as possible. If the article was interesting to you, you can add it to your social networks. networks (the buttons are at the bottom), it will be useful for you, and I am pleased to know that the article was useful. See you soon.

Hypnosis lessons

// Psychology // Hypnosis

Draw a circle the size of a penny on a white sheet of paper. Hang a piece of paper on the wall so that the dot is level with your eyes when you sit in a chair.

Start staring at the dot.
As if you are going to burn her with your eyes.
Watch until the tears come.
Stop the exercise. Move it to the evening if you did it in the morning, and vice versa.

When you look at a dot, imagine how rays come out of your eyes - they should converge in the center of the dot. At the same time, feel yourself, feel the full power of your calving, invest yourself in these rays.

The purpose of this exercise is the ability to focus on one point.

Wherever you are, in whatever circumstances you find yourself, look with a close, concentrated look at one point.

Look without blinking, otherwise the "flow of fluids" will be interrupted and the look will lose its power.

The people and animals around you will feel such a look even with their backs. Many people will find it difficult to take their eyes off yours.

However, you must not

simply goggle, but charm like a snake. So put feeling into your eyes.

Now this is your look, the look of a hypnotist.

Sleeping by passes

This is one of the oldest methods of hypnotism. It is also successfully used for therapeutic purposes, both by professional healers and amateurs. Its modification is called non-contact massage.

Passes are called monotonous slow movements of the hypnotist's palms along the body of the hypnotist or patient from head to knees. The palms are located at a distance of several centimeters from the body, they move smoothly and gently, without sudden movements, they are in a relaxed state, the palms seem to be there, and at the same time they seem to be gone.

This is very important feeling for a hypnotist or psychic, which is achieved with practice. The method is based on the bioenergy effect of the hypnotist (healer) on the hypnotist (patient). The more powerful it turns out to be, the more effective the result will be. Hands in this case turn out to be a tool and a conductor of bioenergy, for this they must be properly prepared.

The unconditional requirements for hands are:

* the absence of rings, bracelets, watches, chains, rubber bands and other things on them, which makes it difficult for blood to flow;
* their ideal purity and dryness;
* warming up to heat before the session.

How are hands warmed up? There are several ways to do this. The simplest is the vigorous rubbing of the palms - one another. In order for the palms to become hot, more than two dozen movements are required. The speed of warming up is individual for everyone, it depends on the temperament and condition of the Hypnotist (healer), the pace and strength of movements, the time of year and day.
You should not conduct a session being unhealthy, in an unimportant physical form unsure of their abilities. This can lead to depletion of bioenergetics, null results or even harm to the hypnotist (patient).

Another common way is the following. Fingers and palms are brought together at chest level and at the same time tightly pressed against each other. Then, with resistance, leaning on the fingertips, they spread their palms to the sides. In the recess between them, feel an elastic lump or ball. Spread your palms slowly to the sides. In this case, let the lump or ball remain in place.

It is useful to accompany these actions with self-suggestion according to the following scheme: "My fingers are filled with warmth. Warmth appears in the center of each palm and the tips of all fingers. There is more and more heat. It burns my hands. Warmth begins to drain from my palms and fingers."

Over time, the need for self-hypnosis and manipulation of the palms and fingers may disappear. It will be enough to quickly bring your hands together in front of your chest by 5-10 cm and imagine a lump or ball between them. This will be followed by a feeling of warmth in the hands. Some, instead of a lump or a ball, represent a multi-colored tourniquet like a rainbow. Chinese qigong masters, for example, may make the tourniquet visible to outsiders.

Another way is to rub your palms on energy-bearing parts. own body. Such parts can be hips, sides, head, chest, forearms... Each person has such a part of the body that has the highest bioenergy potential. It can be determined experimentally. The appearance of a tingling sensation in the fingertips and palms is the goal of hand warm-up training. In this case, one should not forget about the concentration of attention on the palms. After warming up the hands, you can start the lulling session.

Lay the hypnotic on the couch or seat him in a chair in a position that is comfortable for him. Invite him to relax and calm his thoughts. If they are difficult to stop, then let them flow freely in the head, like water in a pipe or a river. Announce that you will now euthanize him. Slowly, without saying another word, run your palms along the body of the hypnotic, starting from the head and down to the knees. The hypnotic should feel through the clothing the warmth emanating from your palms, the movement of air, a slight tingling and, probably, something else unknown to us.

These weak stimuli in ten to fifteen minutes will lead to inhibition in the cerebral cortex, slowing of blood circulation throughout the body and an altered state of consciousness. You can be convinced of this by the expression of the eyes of the hypnotic, slowed down facial expressions, even breathing, like that of a sleeping person. You can also raise his hand and fix it in a vertical state for 1-2 seconds. If it remains in this position, then the desired state is already close.

Lesson #3
put to sleep shiny object
About 20% of people who claim that they are not subject to any hypnosis are put to sleep by fixing their eyes on a shiny object. What can we say about the hypnotizable people, who are enough around us? Seat the patient on a chair, in an armchair, put on a sofa. With faith in yourself, in a decisive tone, tell him that now he will look at a shiny object for five minutes. Warn him that after a while he will feel his eyelids begin to grow heavy, a pleasant languor will spread through his body and a dream-like state will arise.

You can make an additional suggestion for muscle relaxation and general calm. Some time later, in a confident tone, say that the shiny object attracts the eye more and more every moment. It becomes difficult to look away. The eyelids are filled with heaviness. There is a growing desire to forget in a dream ... deep sleep... Give the hypnotized person the opportunity to look at a shiny object for another five minutes. Almost everyone will close their eyes during this time and fall asleep imperceptibly. If this does not happen, close the patient's eyelids with soft and careful movements yourself and say: - Sleep... Sleep calmly... You are falling into a dream... just a dream... Deep, refreshing sleep.. .

Speak slowly, clearly, quietly, confidently, trying to convey your feelings of sleep and imagining the patient sleeping. The stronger your feelings and the brighter the "picture", the better the result will be.

This ancient method of sedation has many varieties. They are connected with the object of fixation of the patient's eyes - a shiny object. And what can they be? Anything, as long as it shines brightly with even light and reflects the gaze. Gold Silver, gems, in part, therefore, have an attractive force. For the same reason, it is not easy to look away from a bright star or planet, a river sparkling under the sun, a moonlit path on the sea, etc. Everything that sparkles fascinates and enchants. This is due to the fact that the appearance in the field of view of a luminous surface with a brightness exceeding the brightness of the background causes a disruption in the functioning of the eye. Contrast sensitivity, visual acuity, speed of perception, stability of clear vision, etc. are violated. Glitter is blinding to some extent. There is a need to close your eyes. A with eyes closed not far from sleep... This phenomenon was successfully used by the magicians of antiquity, it is successfully used by practicing doctors and healers.

The best results are achieved if the shiny object is a metal or glass ball the size of egg or smaller, it is best if it is a round, polished crystal ball with a diameter of about eight centimeters. Using such a ball, Nostradamus composed his famous quatrains, and Cagliostro arranged sensational clairvoyance sessions. The count gathered children from seven to fifteen years old, introduced them into a hypnotic state and asked them questions about absent people, events taking place on far distance, future, etc. The accuracy of the answers received amazed contemporaries and has not yet found a satisfactory explanation, even the most inveterate skeptics could not and cannot prove that this was a fraud.

A relative of crystal is quartz, magicians consider it to be a frozen light. Shamans love him and never part with a piece of roughly processed stone around his neck. It is believed that the shaman will lose strength if he loses quartz. Quartz crystals are growing. To contemplate the process of their growth is to be an eyewitness of another life, because it is believed that on our planet there are two forms of being - protein, to which people, flora and fauna belong, and silicon ... Role magic crystal and quartz can perform and our eyes. Staring intently, unblinking, with bleed out of them psychic energy colossal force, they make an irresistible impression. There are probably no people in the world who, at least once in their lives, have not experienced the power of such a look or have not themselves had an impact on anyone. To others, such a view is given by nature. But it can also be worked out in the ways that have already been mentioned.

Lesson #5
Sleeping according to Trout
Here is another method used at the end of the last century "The patient is seated: in a chair, they make him look into his eyes for several seconds and in general no more than one or last resort two minutes and tell him in a loud and confident, but somewhat monotonous voice that everything is going great with him, that his eyes are already getting wet, that his eyelids are getting heavy, that he feels pleasant warmth in the legs and arms. Following this, he is forced to fix the two fingers (thumb and forefinger) of the left hand (hypnotist), which are then imperceptibly lowered little by little, in order to perform the lowering of the eyelids.

Everyone knows about the existence of hypnosis. However, only a few are interested in how to learn hypnosis on their own. If you fall into this small category of people, today's article will be interesting.

Hypnosis - influence on human psyche. People who are fluent in this art use special techniques and sound effects to introduce the client into this state. The impact brings a short-term stop of the activity of consciousness, which changes the behavior of a person. While in this state, it can execute various commands.

There are three types of hypnosis. I will briefly describe each. I note that the impact on consciousness can be harmful and beneficial.

  • Classic hypnosis . It provides for the impact directly on the human mind using clear guidelines and formulations. Classic variety Hypnosis is used on stage and in medicine, it helps to normalize sleep, treat phobias and neuroses, fight addictions. Classic variant helps to stop drinking and smoking.
  • Hidden hypnosis . It implies an indirect effect on the psyche and consciousness. A covert form of hypnosis is used in business, advertising, and politics for a specific benefit.
  • Psychotropic hypnosis . It is based on the use of various narcotic and psychotropic substances and drugs that strongly affect the psyche.

Hypnosis is a procedure in which a person is under the influence of medications and monotonous stimuli plunges into a trance. In turn, trance is the concentration of attention on the stimulus of the internal or external character. Being in this state, a person cannot rationally analyze and control the information that enters his consciousness.

Where to begin

There are a variety of reasons why people want to learn hypnosis quickly at home. Some like experiments with consciousness, others are attracted by a pleasant state of trance, which helps to solve mental problems.

  1. If you really decide to learn hypnosis, first of all, understand that while comprehending the basics of this art, you will put yourself in danger. There is a possibility of falling into a trance, from which one cannot get out without the help of an expert.
  2. Read on to reach your goal. thematic material, learn to strengthen and fix the state of trance. Remember, the ability to fall into a trance without help will only come with time.
  3. Some people do not need to be trained, since they can subconsciously hypnotize others from birth. Remember merchants who provoke a client to buy unnecessary things.
  4. If you want to become a professional hypnotist, believe in yourself. It is recommended to develop this feeling gradually, trying to protect it as much as possible.
  5. The ability to hypnosis detract from some qualities. It's about insincerity, nicotine or alcohol addiction, regular consumption of coffee and other stimulating drinks.

You've got the first idea of ​​how to learn hypnosis on your own. Over time, gain experience and master complex versions of the impact on consciousness, including waking suggestion. This technique is like magic. With its help, you can hypnotize a person without immersion in a state of sleep, it allows you to penetrate into the subconscious, overcoming consciousness.

How to learn hypnosis at home

Hypnosis has been around for a long time. It used to be an element of occult science, and is now considered part of psychotherapy. In ancient times, any information relating to putting a person into a trance was considered secret knowledge owned by a select few. Nowadays, everyone can learn to hypnotize people if they learn how to learn hypnosis at home.

Studying hypnosis at home has many advantages - it allows you to independently set the training regimen, choose the training system and trance technique.

  • Find out what can get in the way of learning hypnosis. This is about various forms dependence, irregular use of stimulating drinks, inconsistent activities and lack of self-confidence.
  • Any specialist must possess certain qualities, and the hypnotist is no exception. A hypnotic person is a reserved and confident person, characterized by the ability to concentrate and control himself.
  • As you move towards your goal, develop the listed qualities. As a result, this will have a positive effect on willpower, concentration and self-control.
  • Literature will help speed up learning. Books and printed publications are sold in specialized stores. It is enough to look into the nearest book store and get some tutorials.
  • To obtain the result, theoretical knowledge is not enough. Exercise regularly of varying complexity to help you master your skills.

I shared short instruction how to learn hypnosis at home. Before you begin to actively act, decide whether such abilities are needed. If you are guided by curiosity, you will not get good result because it requires perseverance and constancy. However, this will allow you to become smarter and increase intelligence.

If you intend to master the technique of manipulating people, I'm afraid you will be disappointed in the end. The fact is that such skills, coupled with great knowledge, are accompanied by great responsibility. Therefore, when studying hypnosis, strive for self-development for the benefit of society.

Secrets of hypnosis with the eyes

A look can attract, suppress, bewitch and even burn through. Any serious hypnotist is fluent in the technique of hypnosis with the eyes. It is safe to say that the look is the strongest tool of influence.

According to experts, only a person who is able to concentrate, focus and transmit thoughts at a distance can hypnotize people with their eyes. Such a skill will not appear on its own. It must be trained and developed.

The method of hypnotizing people that I will share is in old days gained immense popularity in Europe. Even modern experts use it widely. To master the technique will require patience, perseverance, a couch and an assistant.

  1. The assistant needs to sit comfortably on the couch, and the hypnotist needs to bend over his head and look into his eyes. All thoughts should be concentrated on the assistant's sleep. Carry out the procedure in complete silence.
  2. If you want to master the technique, prepare yourself for the fact that in order to achieve the result you will have to sit over the subject's face for several hours. In most cases, the result is shown after thirty minutes of exchanging glances.
  3. Initially, the helper may resist. But, after a few minutes, you will notice that his efforts gradually weaken. He will eventually fall asleep.

Gaze Concentration Exercise

Speed ​​up learning hypnosis with a look will help effective exercise. On a piece of paper, draw a small circle with a diameter of about three centimeters. Fasten the sheet in front of the eyes when you take a sitting position.

Having taken comfortable posture on a chair, carefully look at this circle. During the process, imagine that rays come out of your eyes, which close in the drawn figure. Keep exercising until tears appear. Do the exercise for several days in a row.

With the help of this exercise, master the technique of focusing your gaze at a certain point, which is important for achieving your goal. Remember, a focused eye can even be felt in the back. You don't even have to become a psychic.

History of hypnosis

The history of hypnosis is as interesting as the history of the New Year. Therefore, I dedicate the final part of the story to her.

The discoverers of hypnosis are ancient shamans who lived on the planet many centuries ago. In those days, people widely used the technique of immersion in trance. This state was used by shamans for various purposes.

With the help of trance, they raised the morale of warriors, treated the sick and predicted the future. At the end of the 19th century, the study of phenomena related to hypnosis acquired a scientific character. Among the people who made a huge contribution to the development of hypnosis, there were also scientists from Russia.

National history hypnosis was accompanied by ups, downs and high-profile scandals. For example, in the middle of the 19th century, a visiting hypnotist named Gensen was popular. The cost of the session, which was held in a small apartment, was 200 rubles - at that time a huge amount of money.

Domestic scientists in the field of neurology and psychiatry, who managed to visit the sessions of a specialist, strongly criticized him. Later, public hypnosis was banned. Medical advice. It was allowed to use the technique only for healing people, provided that another doctor was present at the session.

Since that moment, the development of hypnosis in our country has slowed down greatly. According to patients, they did not seek help from specialists, since they had to pay for the services of two doctors at the same time.
