Possible dangers and risks. Medical recommendations and advice on the lifestyle of the expectant mother at this time

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman feels a great responsibility for the baby she carries under her heart, radically changes her usual way of life and strives to create all the conditions for the full growth and development of her unborn child. The first trimester of pregnancy is the most responsible, because it is during this period that the formation of the fetus occurs. At this stage , the woman is already getting used to her position, while the baby himself will not let her forget about herself, who from time to time will kick her mother in the stomach, giving her pleasant sensations. In the second trimester of pregnancy, namely at the 23rd week, a period of calm begins for a woman. Hormonal changes in a woman's body make her more attractive, but not yet big belly does not cause much discomfort. It is believed that it is the 23rd week that is the most problem-free time for a young mother, who enjoys her condition and no longer suffers from toxicosis. Despite the fact that at this stage the woman feels well, in her body, as before, there are changes that are reflected in her well-being. In addition, the expectant mother is wondering what happens to the baby at the 23rd week of pregnancy?

23 weeks pregnant, how many months? According to the obstetric pregnancy calendar, 6 moon month pregnancy. During this time, the fetus is already fully formed and there is very little left before meeting with the mother.

What changes await the expectant mother

Despite the fact that many believe that the 23rd week of pregnancy proceeds calmly, changes still occur in the woman's body that are noticeable in her appearance. Some women get a good rest during this period, while for others this period can be overshadowed by various unpleasant sensations. And so, the 23rd week of pregnancy, what happens in the body of a woman and what sensations does the expectant mother experience?

Training bouts. The uterus begins to prepare for childbirth, so a woman may be disturbed by false contractions or Braxton Hicks contractions, which manifest themselves as mild spasms in the uterus. Such a condition should not alarm the woman, but nevertheless, with intense contractions or the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Increase in body weight. At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the uterus rapidly increases in size, and at the same time, the amount of amniotic fluid increases, which is displayed on the woman's weight. Some expectant mothers have an increased appetite at this time, which can also affect a woman's weight.

Feeling of heaviness in the legs. At this time, the woman begins to tire more and more, by the end of the day, heaviness in the legs is felt, swelling appears. The cause of this phenomenon is considered to be both an increase in body weight and water retention in the body. At this stage and until the end of pregnancy, doctors recommend expectant mothers to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Phlebeurysm. An unpleasant condition, but still often disturbing a woman for a period of 23 weeks. The disease develops against the background of the fact that under the influence of hormones, the venous walls relax, which leads to a violation of the outflow of blood.

Haemorrhoids. Enough unpleasant disease in which inflammation occurs hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can be caused by: frequent constipation, and impaired blood circulation to the pelvic organs. In most cases, getting rid of hemorrhoids is possible after childbirth.

Dark spots. On the background hormonal changes, a woman's skin becomes too sensitive to ultraviolet light, so even a short interruption in the sun can cause age spots on the face.

Vaginal discharge. At the 6th month of pregnancy, the nature of vaginal discharge depends on the microflora of the vagina. If a woman has mucous membranes, slightly light discharge no smell, no worries. When such allocations are bad smell, we can talk about pathological secretions. Dangerous are discharges that have a brown, greenish tint or are mixed with blood. Such discharge may be a sign of infection, premature birth or placental abruption. In such cases, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Pain. 23rd week of pregnancy - pain should not bother a woman, but still pregnant women may complain of mild discomfort in the lower back, pain in the legs. In cases where pains appear in the lower abdomen, there is also no need to hesitate to visit a doctor, since such a pain syndrome may be the first sign of internal disorders.

Heartburn. One of the most common companions throughout pregnancy. At a period of 23 weeks, heartburn appears against the background of the ingress of gastric juice into the esophagus. In order to reduce the manifestation of heartburn, you must follow a diet, avoid overeating.

Change in gait. At 6 months of pregnancy, posture and gait begin to change. The cause of such changes is the divergence of the pelvic bones, which also occurs against the background of hormonal changes in the body. Given that the body of each pregnant woman is individual, the expectant mother may also face other difficulties, so if you are worried about something, you should definitely consult a doctor.

How the fetus develops

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the child begins to rapidly gain weight. The skin of the crumbs is quite thin, bones and blood vessels are visible through it, there is practically no fat layer. At this stage, the fetus begins to distinguish the voice of the mother, some sounds of the external environment. At the 6th month of pregnancy, the following changes occur in the child's body:

  • A fatty layer forms under the skin.
  • The child begins to gain weight rapidly.
  • The baby becomes more active.
  • The formation of the digestive system ends.
  • Eyes open.
  • The central nervous system and the brain are rapidly developing.

At this stage, the baby has the opportunity to dream, and also perfectly feels the voice of the mother, reacts to noise and calms down if the mother sings a lullaby or strokes the baby on the tummy. Strange as it may seem, but already during this period the baby can hiccup, which causes a slight twitching in the woman's stomach. At 6 months, there is an accumulation of pigments, which allows the skin to turn red, but still the skin of the little one remains wrinkled.

The weight of the fetus at the 23rd week of pregnancy is about 550 grams, with a height of 28 cm. Starting from this period, the little one will rapidly gain weight, so a woman needs to pay special attention to nutrition, which should be healthy, and the products themselves are natural.

What to be afraid of at 23 weeks pregnant

Pregnancy at 23 weeks does not always go smoothly. At this stage, a woman may experience various complexities, but if they are detected on time, there is every chance to keep the pregnancy. Obstetric pathology at 23 weeks of gestation can manifest itself in the following conditions:

  • polyhydramnios;
  • chronic placental insufficiency;
  • intrauterine fetal hypoxia;
  • gestosis of pregnant women;
  • premature detachment of the placenta;
  • premature birth.

Any of the above pathologies can threaten the life of the fetus and the health of a woman, but if a pregnant woman regularly visits a doctor, she gives everything necessary examinations, undergoes ultrasound, monitors his health and quickly responds to disorders that have appeared in the body, it is possible to determine the pathologies of pregnancy in advance and take measures to eliminate them. Basically, if a woman's pregnancy occurs with complications, she needs a doctor's supervision, so inpatient treatment is recommended for such women.

What examinations will the doctor prescribe

Throughout pregnancy, the expectant mother must regularly take laboratory tests undergo an ultrasound. During the entire pregnancy, a woman goes through 3 planned ultrasound, but if there is a risk of pathology or pregnancy occurs with complications, the doctor may prescribe several of these procedures. Basically, ultrasound for a period of 23 weeks is not carried out, since it is recommended to do a planned one at 21-22 weeks. If for some reason screening was not carried out, then the doctor may prescribe this procedure at 23 weeks. An ultrasound examination allows you to accurately assess the development of the fetus, measure its height, weight, identify the slightest violations in its development or possible risks. The doctor also evaluates the placenta, blood vessels, and measures the amount of amniotic fluid. With the help of ultrasound, at 23 weeks, you can get a photo of the baby, find out its gender.

Throughout pregnancy, a woman needs to monitor her health and week 23 is no exception. In order to reduce all sorts of risks and difficulties, the expectant mother must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Periodically visit a doctor who is in charge of pregnancy.
  • Submit everything promptly necessary tests and undergo examinations.
  • Inform the doctor about the slightest suspicion or ailments that bother or cause discomfort.
  • Spend as much time outdoors as possible.
  • Pay attention to your nutrition. All products used should be healthy, tasty and natural.
  • Do not take any medication without first consulting your doctor.
  • Avoid contact with sick people.
  • Avoid overeating. A pregnant woman should eat 5-6 times a day, while the portions should be small, and the food itself should be tasty and healthy.
  • Drink as much water as possible, at least 1.5 liters. in a day.

At a period of 23 weeks of pregnancy, sex will be useful, but only in cases where there are no contraindications. Observing simple rules, you can reduce the risk of complications, endure and give birth to a healthy and strong baby. Pregnancy for a period of 23 weeks is a period when there is very little left before the birth, so the woman can already prepare for the upcoming birth.

Here comes the 23rd week of pregnancy. The baby continues to develop and delight his mother, who gets used to new sensations. In just a few months, the little one will be born, and the long-awaited meeting will take place.

Pregnancy Control Necessary thing
phase change
how many products are in the liquid
who will help

The 23rd week of pregnancy pleases with the jolts of the baby, which begin to be felt more and more. The baby greets her mother and makes herself felt. This is an incomparable feeling, which usually gives mom a lot of pleasure.

When pregnancy reaches 23 weeks, the uterus is about 3.7 cm above the navel. At this time, the girl's figure is noticeably rounded. The weight gain is about 5 to 7 kg.

Impressive shape and size of the abdomen

Mommy's New Feelings

Perhaps, at week 23, every mom wants to find out what is happening in her body. This is a very favorable period, so most girls feel good and enjoy their position. It is easy to calculate how many months is the 23rd week of your pregnancy. This is the beginning of the sixth month, which is marked by the following sensations and changes.

  1. At week 23, the weight of the girl begins to increase markedly, as the fetus develops, respectively, the uterus continues to grow. At the same time, the volume of amniotic fluid increases and the placenta increases.
  2. Quite often, contractions appear, which are expressed by slight spasms in the uterus. It's quite normal phenomenon, so no need to worry. The uterus is simply preparing for the upcoming birth. If you put your hand on your stomach, you can feel muscle contractions that were not there before. Thus, the uterine muscles begin to train. Later, contractions may intensify, so it is important not to confuse training with regular ones. In the latter case, they bring pain.
  3. During the 23rd week, your baby is already actively kicking, so you can feel kicks in the lower or middle of the abdomen. He changes his position several times a day, may start to hiccup, so girls often feel pulling pain especially if the body is in an uncomfortable position. Try to sit or lie down in a different way, and the pain will quickly pass. At this time, pain in the symphysis area may be disturbing, the gait often changes, as the pelvic bones diverge, preparing for future childbirth.
  4. Your legs may feel pain or heaviness. old shoes often becomes tight because the foot lengthens due to sprains and weight gain. Static flat feet may develop. You need to be very careful when choosing shoes. Leave your heels on and wear comfortable sneakers or boots. In winter it is recommended to wear shoes with flat heels. Get special insoles to keep your feet comfortable.
  5. Sometimes develops varicose disease. At week 23, hormones affect the walls of the veins, so they begin to relax, and the uterus squeezes the veins of the small pelvis, so the outflow of blood through the veins is often disturbed.
  6. It is not excluded the appearance of hemorrhoids, which may be accompanied by unpleasant constipation. In this case, pain in the rectum, bleeding are often felt. Self-medication is very dangerous, because it is not easy to cure hemorrhoids. Entrust this problem to specialists.
  7. Limit sun exposure. The skin of pregnant women is sensitive to ultraviolet rays due to advanced level hormones. Tanning sessions can bring age spots.
  8. During this period, the nipples begin to darken, a dark strip appears on the abdomen from the navel to the pubis. Don't worry, it will go away after the baby is born.

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, you can watch a video about this period of bearing a baby. An educational film will tell you that a girl is often worried about nausea. This is due to the enlarged uterus, which puts pressure on the bile ducts and disrupts digestion. You can cope with the feeling of nausea after eating if you take a knee-elbow position. This pose is also good for the kidneys as it improves urine flow.

At 23 weeks, the girls continue vaginal discharge. AT normal condition they should be odorless and colorless. You should not worry, because this is a completely natural process that occurs due to hormonal changes. female body. You need to be wary if the discharge is bloody and smells bad. The consequences can be quite serious: from infections to placental abruption and miscarriage.

Monitoring the development of the baby

If brown or bleeding urgently need to call a doctor or ambulance. Look on the Internet for photos of such secretions, so as not to be mistaken if they appear at the 23rd week of pregnancy.

You should be concerned if the discharge has acquired an earthy, greenish, yellow smell, and its consistency has become like a curdled liquid or flakes. You will have to urgently take a smear for a laboratory test. Keep in mind that some harmful microbes can infect the fetus while still in the uterus, so timely treatment is necessary.

How the fetus develops

By the 23rd week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus is already 520 g, and its height is 30 cm. The little one continues to grow and gain strength. There are several main points in its development.

  1. Subcutaneous fat is actively growing. It is thanks to him that the skin of the fetus will soon begin to straighten. While it is red in color and very wrinkled. Fat is formed quickly, so the skin simply does not have time to adapt to it.
  2. During the 23rd week of pregnancy, you need to track how often your baby starts to move. For now, he pushes very gently, but mom already feels this movement. In 12 hours, the fetus should move about 10 times. If you feel that the tremors have become too frequent or rare, you need to call your doctor.
  3. The digestive system is almost formed. At the 23rd week of pregnancy, your long-awaited baby swallows up to 500 ml of amniotic fluid, after which it is excreted in the form of urine. By this time, meconium begins to form - the original feces, but it will be removed from the body of the crumbs only after childbirth. AT amniotic fluid hair fluff, lubricant particles are present. The child can swallow them with liquid.
  4. The central nervous system is actively developing. Scientific research showed that at this time the baby can dream, because the activity of his brain is about the same as the activity of newborns.
  5. The peanut's eyes have opened, so it distinguishes between darkness and light. The baby may be frightened if the light is sharply directed to the stomach.
  6. The organs of hearing are well developed, the baby already distinguishes the voice of the mother.

If you are carrying twins, then the weight of children at 23 weeks of gestation may be less than when carrying one child. Each of the babies weighs about 500 g, and their height is about 28 cm. But these figures are very individual.

Necessary thing in bearing a child

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, you need to do an ultrasound, if you have not done it before, to track the development of the baby. It is necessary to undergo diagnostics in a timely manner in order to identify possible pathologies fetus. This will allow you to quickly take any action.

Visit regularly women's consultation At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the specialist will track the process of abdominal enlargement, reveal the height of the uterus. The weight is measured and blood pressure girls, heart rate crumbs contraction. In addition, on the eve of the appointment, mommy must pass a general urine test, after which the doctor examines the results.
Try to move moreIf you have a sedentary job, you need to get up every hour and walk a little. It is advisable to place a small bench under your feet and sit on a chair with a straight back, a hard seat and handrails. These measures will avoid stagnation of blood in the pelvis and legs.
Eat RightThe 23rd week of pregnancy is sometimes accompanied by the development of hemorrhoids. To prevent this from happening, you need to carry out prevention. One of the main measures is the use of products with great content coarse fiber. Also consume enough vitamins and plain drinking water. Consider the tendency to nausea, constipation and heartburn when you plan your menu. Eat in small portions, but 5-6 times a day. Keep in mind that it is very easy to gain weight during this period, so you should not overeat. Eliminate foods with dyes, high fat content. Try to eat more lean fish, meat, fresh vegetables, fruits. Observe the drinking regime.
Careful with sexAt 23 weeks, you can continue to have sex, but be careful. The choice of positions is increasingly limited, so it is best to consult your doctor so as not to harm the baby. Sexual intercourse is even useful because the girl gets positive emotions, and they affect the baby.

Pregnancy is not only happy, but also anxious time, which is associated with various difficulties and problems. To survive it safely, you must follow the doctor's recommendations and monitor your health. And for this you need to clearly understand what happens to your body in a particular week of pregnancy. After all, in this way you will be ready for all the changes and will be able to notice the problems that await you and your unborn baby in time for nine months. Today we will talk in detail about the 23rd week of pregnancy. What happens at this time with mom? How does the baby develop? What foods should be included in the diet? We will consider these and many other questions in this article.

Brief description of the twenty-third week

So, you have successfully overcome early toxicosis, experienced the first changes in the figure, ailments and approached the sixth month, or 23 obstetric week pregnancy. What happens to the body of the mother and baby during this period? Any woman in a position listens to herself with great interest and gladly perceives all the changes that are taking place, because literally every day her baby is getting bigger.

The main thing that happens at the 23rd week of pregnancy is the growth of the baby and the active development of his brain. The baby begins to move very actively, sometimes he performs real circus somersaults in the womb. However, they do not cause her absolutely no discomfort at this time. Rather, on the contrary, such movements are very pleasing to the expectant mother, they give a feeling of some kind of unity with her child.

Every month, the baby gains weight, and this becomes especially noticeable at the 23rd week of pregnancy. What's going on with appearance baby? How does it change? During this period there is an active accumulation subcutaneous fat, due to it, the thin skin begins to gradually level off. However, the little one is still more like a wrinkled old man, moreover, rather thin.

Its weight is no more than four hundred and fifty grams, and its height reaches twenty centimeters. The baby's nails are getting stronger, and you can already distinguish the hairs on the head. If he swallows a large amount of amniotic fluid at the same time, he begins to hiccup. Mom feels it by rhythmic movements inside the abdomen, sometimes hiccups happen even several times a day.

Sometimes a woman is faced with painful sensations associated with a growing uterus and abdomen. They are usually short-lived and pass quickly. The belly at this time is not yet so large as to interfere with the expectant mother from doing household chores and walking. Therefore, she must adhere to the regime of maximum physical activity. Unless, of course, the doctor has given other recommendations.

23 weeks pregnant. What is happening with the baby?

If we divide all the changes that occur with the crumbs at a given time in order of importance, then the first will be an increase in brain mass. In the first months of pregnancy, he weighs no more than two grams. But by the twenty-third week it becomes much harder - twenty grams. However, this is far from the limit, because before childbirth it will increase another ten times. Therefore, if you start asking the doctor what happens at the 23rd week of pregnancy with your baby, then he may well answer that the baby is rapidly getting smarter.

In order for the process of brain development to go on as usual, the baby must receive enough oxygen. For this, a woman needs daily walks in the fresh air. It is best to do this in the evening and in a pleasant company. Stress is also contraindicated. They can cause vasospasm, which will lead to oxygen starvation. Try to avoid any situations that can provoke negative emotions.

By the beginning of the sixth month of pregnancy, the baby has already fully formed digestive system. It works the stomach, large and small intestines, as well as the pancreas. Amniotic fluid, entering the stomach, reacts with sugar, which starts the process of digestion. Gradually, meconium (original feces) accumulates in the intestines of the crumbs. To show what happens to the fetus at the 23rd week of pregnancy, a planned ultrasound can also be done. At this time, the doctor will most likely name the gender of the unborn baby. This will allow parents to choose suitable name and start buying baby dowry.

What is the baby doing in the tummy?

Sometimes, in order to understand what is happening with the development of the baby at the 23rd week of pregnancy, it is enough to listen to the feelings of the mother. After all, they will immediately give out what exactly the baby is doing at a time when he is not sleeping. Although in a dream the baby spends most of the day - about twenty hours.

It is noteworthy that by the sixth month the child begins to see the first dreams. And this indicates the active development of his brain. During periods of wakefulness, the baby is quite active. He studies everything that surrounds him. Often grabs the umbilical cord and seems to ride on it. Many kids even push off and roll over, at these moments mothers feel their stomachs shaking. Often, the baby does these somersaults before going to bed, when the woman is relaxed and getting ready to go to bed.

The most amazing thing that happens to a baby at 23 weeks of gestation is breathing training. Despite the fact that his lungs are not yet functioning, the baby is actively exercising, rhythmically swallowing and spitting out amniotic fluid. He can do this up to sixty times a minute. After birth, the developed skill will help him breathe for the first time.

Features of the development of the child

Every obstetrician knows that there are a number of features that manifest themselves in the 22-23rd week of pregnancy. What happens to such an unusual little one? First of all, all his bones become denser. They are actively deposited calcium salts. This process will continue during the following months of pregnancy. At this time, it is activated and the immune system baby. All viruses and bacteria that enter the mother's body are carefully remembered by her and will be easily recognized as enemies in the future.

The baby's heartbeat is already perfectly audible with a conventional stethoscope. Perhaps it surprises moms that at the doctor's appointment a large tube is applied to the stomach. With its help, the obstetrician determines the heart rate. The sense organs by the sixth month of pregnancy are also improved. Your baby perfectly distinguishes between the voices of mom and dad. He likes to listen to them, and a lullaby or an ordinary affectionate conversation can even calm an actively kicking baby.

23 weeks pregnant: what happens to mom?

Many doctors write that this period is the most auspicious time for the expectant mother. Her stomach still does not bring her discomfort, the movements of the baby cheer up, and various ailments quickly pass. Therefore, a woman must adhere to healthy lifestyle life, so that in the following months you will feel just as good. If you still can’t deny yourself chips, pickles or store-bought crackers, then now is the time to do it. In the future, an abundance of salt can provoke edema, which is an additional burden on the body.

If you already have swelling, then limit yourself to fluid intake. Especially do not drink at night, so as not to give a load on bladder. In any case, it is necessary to report swelling to the attending physician. He will determine how dangerous it is in your case and give recommendations. In connection with hormonal changes, the appearance of age spots is noted just at the 23-24th week of pregnancy, which usually occurs almost imperceptibly. You should not be afraid of this, because after a couple of months after giving birth, the hormonal background will normalize, and women will forget about unpleasant pigmentation.

Health Issues: Constipation

All ladies who are in an interesting position know that a child at 23 weeks of gestation (which happens to everyone without exception) is actively growing. Along with it, the uterus also increases, which gradually occupies more and more free space. By the sixth month of pregnancy, she begins to put pressure on the intestines, and women face such a problem as constipation. The hormone progesterone, which is actively produced during pregnancy, can also cause them. You can cope with this problem through physical activity and diet. Try to walk at a leisurely pace every day and include vegetables, fruits and vegetables in your diet. dairy products. If you do not normalize the situation, then in the future constipation will become commonplace and can lead to the appearance of hemorrhoids.

Let's talk about heartburn

What happens at 23 weeks pregnant? Ultrasound photos can fully reveal physical state mother at this time. Note that during this period, most women in an interesting position are faced with heartburn. Burning in the esophagus is characteristic of people prone to fullness. They often experience similar discomfort. Also, heartburn is also familiar to athletes in whom it occurs when performing exercises related to lifting the body. However, the situation is different for pregnant women. The cause of heartburn is the compression of the internal organs by the uterus. In addition, the muscles of the esophagus during this period are extremely relaxed, so they cannot restrain the release of acid.

Of course, heartburn is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, but it does not harm the development of the child. Therefore, you should not immediately try to relieve the burning sensation with drugs sold in pharmacies in your city. Although drugs such as Maalox and Rennie are considered harmless to pregnant women, doctors still advise against their use. After all, they can affect the baby, which is always indicated in the instructions enclosed in the package.

Do not get carried away and folk remedies for the treatment of heartburn. For example, soda, which is often considered a real savior from heartburn, only enhances this process and causes swelling. Herbal decoctions recommended by grandmothers may also be far from safe. Doctors constantly warn expectant mothers against their uncontrolled use, because this or that herb may be contraindicated for use during the period of bearing a baby. If heartburn causes you serious discomfort, then try to eat very small portions. Avoid spicy and salty foods, and get rid of bad habits.

false contractions

Many women experience painful muscle spasms accompanied by a hard stomach. This process is considered quite natural and even got its name - false contractions. However, for most expectant mothers, these new sensations are frightening, and they begin to fear a miscarriage at 23 weeks of pregnancy. How do false contractions occur and what causes them? Let's figure it out together.

For the first time, false contractions were described at the end of the nineteenth century. They resemble in nature the real process of contractions, but without uterine contractions. Usually they are accompanied by painful sensations, which are easiest to endure when lying on the left side. At the same time, it is important to carefully monitor this process. If within an hour the pain becomes stronger, then you should immediately call a doctor and go to the hospital.

Many obstetricians believe that training contractions prepare the uterus for future childbirth, improve blood flow and curb women's fears of the birth process. There are several reasons for false contractions:

  • stress;
  • unrest;
  • overfilled bladder;
  • strong physical activity;
  • orgasm;
  • violation water balance in the body.

Usually, training contractions last a few minutes, but do not confuse them with real harbingers of childbirth. They are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • drawing pains in the lower back and back;
  • copious discharge from the vagina;
  • discomfort, reminiscent of menstrual pain;
  • pressure in the lower abdomen.

If you do not experience anything like this, then you can be calm - nothing threatens your baby.

Planned ultrasound

By the twenty-third week, a pregnant woman should undergo a second ultrasound. The doctor not only determines the gender of the unborn baby, but also carefully monitors the level of his development in order to identify pathologies in time.

During ultrasound the specialist performs a series of manipulations:

  • determines the size of internal organs;
  • measures the volume and condition of amniotic fluid;
  • examines the location of the placenta;
  • determines the weight of the child and so on.

If during the ultrasound the doctor reveals pathologies, then the woman is sent to genetics.

Multiple pregnancy

If a woman is carrying twins, what happens at 23 weeks pregnant? We also could not ignore this issue. After all, mothers who are expecting the birth of two babies or more require special control by doctors. First of all, experts observing such a pregnancy definitely recommend regular intake of vitamin complexes by the beginning of the sixth month. Two crumbs in the womb of matter doubly need an influx of nutrients, and an organism exhausted by pregnancy cannot provide them to babies.

It is also worth considering that moms expecting twins begin to experience false contractions much earlier than twenty-three weeks. Indeed, due to the load on the body and a strong stretching of the uterus, pregnancy ends before the prescribed forty. It is also worth bearing in mind that a rapidly growing belly contributes to the appearance of strong stretch marks. Therefore, a future mother pregnant with twins cannot do without special creams and products. With multiple pregnancy at the twenty-third week, you will have to go to the antenatal clinic more often. Now meetings with the doctor will take place once every fourteen days. This is due to the fact that the risks of miscarriage and early birth increase.

By the beginning of the sixth month, the overall weight gain in future mother can be seven to eight kilograms. However, from now on, the baby will be very actively gaining weight, so a woman does not need to be overweight. To avoid this problem, she must carefully monitor her diet and exclude certain foods from her diet.

At the twenty-third week, pregnant women should completely give up sweets. They do not give anything useful to the baby and mother, but contribute to weight gain. The basis of the diet should be lean meat, vegetables and fruits. If you cannot do without dessert, then choose dried fruits and nuts. Moreover, they need to be consumed in limited quantities, since these products have a high calorie content.

We must not forget about calcium. Its deficiency causes problems with teeth, hair and nails, and also leads to seizures. Therefore, be sure to include dairy products in your diet. Do not forget about the fluid that should be ingested by the pregnant woman in sufficient quantities. And it's best to drink clean water, it is she who is most useful for a woman.

In conclusion, I would like to say that at the 23rd week of pregnancy it is very important to follow all the doctor's recommendations and maintain a positive attitude, which will definitely be passed on to your baby.

The content of the article:

The second trimester of pregnancy is usually well tolerated. Now for the expectant mother, a pleasant and serene period has come. At the 23rd week, it is already possible to clearly distinguish the movements of the child by placing a hand on the stomach. A woman rejoices at these sensations and feels truly happy.

23 weeks pregnant is how many months

There are exactly 4 weeks in one obstetric month. And this means that 23 weeks of waiting for a baby is 5 months and another 3 weeks. At this time, the age of the fetus from the moment of conception has already reached 21 weeks.

Not typical for this period. rapid change in maternal organism. The uterus gradually continues to grow in size and puts pressure on the internal organs (bladder, intestines, stomach). Now it is located 4 cm from the navel. And the distance between the uterus and the pubic bone is about 23 cm.

At 23 weeks, hypotension begins to worsen digestive tract. Such changes are usually not abrupt and unexpected - they grow smoothly. However, the manifestations of hypotension of the intestinal muscles are rather unpleasant. Expectant mothers have problems with bowel movements, i.e. constipation occurs during pregnancy.

There are other unpleasant digestive symptoms. Because of the grown uterus, the stomach is squeezed. It moves back and up, pressure grows inside it. The value of the angle of connection of the stomach and intestines changes. There is a reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus, which is why expectant mothers often suffer from heartburn.

The reason for gaining excess weight at this time may not be the accumulation of fat, but excess fluid in the body. The arms, legs, thighs, and sometimes even the abdomen may swell. In this case, they speak of obvious edema. But there are times when excess fluid is distributed evenly throughout the body. At the same time, edema is imperceptible, but the function of many internal organs is disrupted. If dropsy of pregnant women is ignored and no treatment measures are taken, blood pressure will begin to rise, and protein will appear in the urine. And this is already late toxicosis, which in some cases is very difficult and can lead to serious consequences.

Feelings of a woman at 23 weeks pregnant

Symptoms of toxicosis, characteristic of the early stages, are already behind. A woman feels a surge of energy, she has more strength. But doing the usual household chores is no longer as easy as before, because the grown tummy gives the expectant mother some discomfort. And it increased noticeably by this time, because the fetus develops quickly, raising the bottom of the uterus by 1 cm per week.

The movements of the pregnant woman become awkward, changes in posture occur. Due to the shift in the center of gravity, the stomach begins to bulge, and the shoulders, on the contrary, are laid back. At this time, a woman can walk a little "waddle" due to the appearance of pain in hip joints, pubic articulation and in the region of the sacrum.

The behavior of a pregnant woman also changes. The expectant mother is so absorbed in thoughts about her child that she begins to show absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. Do not reproach yourself for forgetting to call someone or not turning off the kettle on time. This condition is normal for this period. The people around you should treat your actions with understanding and not be too demanding.

At the 23rd week, unusual sensations may occur in your body: numbness of the hands, numbness, goosebumps. These phenomena are caused by the fact that nerve endings are squeezed due to excess fluid. Due to the lack of calcium, muscle cramps can occur from time to time.

Often, women feel unpleasant tingling and pain in the lower abdomen. They are associated with the movements of the muscles of the uterus, which periodically contract and relax, preparing in advance for the upcoming birth. At this time, it is better to lie down, relax and rest. After 15 minutes, the pain will subside. Good vacation will benefit the whole body, so do not overwork and sleep more - your sleep should last at least 8-10 hours.

The movements of the child are now perceived by the woman as something familiar. The sensations from them are sometimes unpleasant, but the discomfort does not last long. If the baby shows excessive activity, mom needs to have a snack with something sweet. Thanks to this, the fetus will receive more glucose and stop showing anxiety. If you feel tension in the uterus, relax and gently stroke your stomach. This will help relieve the spasm. Remember, if discomfort is caused by fetal movements, they should not be accompanied by suspicious discharge or other warning signs.

Discharge from the genital tract at 23 weeks pregnant

By the nature of vaginal discharge (which largely depends on the microflora and hormonal background) can be judged on how the pregnancy proceeds. Normally, the discharge is not abundant, their color is milky, the consistency is homogeneous. Their smell is mild, slightly sour.

If a woman notices that the discharge has become strong, clots, impurities of mucus and pus have appeared in them, you need to consult a doctor. These symptoms most likely indicate the presence of an infection.

Most warning sign- vaginal discharge with blood. In this case, the woman needs urgent medical diagnosis. Especially dangerous situation becomes if spotting is combined with abdominal pain. In this case, doctors talk about the threat of premature birth. The fact is that too intense uterine contractions lead to placental abruption and damage to its blood vessels. But blood may not always appear at the same time - if the place of detachment is far from the cervical canal, then the discharge usually does not appear. The only symptom of the threat in this case is pain.

Bright spotting is often due to placenta previa, especially if this pathology is combined with isthmic-cervical insufficiency or uterine hypertonicity. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency is a condition in which the cervix gradually opens, and the blood vessels of the placenta are destroyed, which is why blood appears.

Belly at 23 weeks pregnant

It is too early to estimate the average circumference of your abdomen, this can only be done in the last trimester. In the meantime, at each examination, the doctor will measure your weight and volume of the abdomen in order to monitor these indicators in dynamics.

HCG rates at 23 weeks pregnant

Starting from the 18th week of pregnancy and up to the 23rd, the hCG levels continue to fall and are in the range of 4720-80100 mIU / ml.

Weight at 23 weeks pregnant

By the 23rd week, the total weight gain from the start of pregnancy should not exceed 8 kg. If body weight is growing too fast, think about your diet and review your diet. Also, one should not forget that overweight may be caused by latent edema. Therefore, it is advisable to undergo additional examination.

Fetal development at 23 weeks gestation

This period is characterized active formation baby's respiratory organs. Alveoli form in his lungs, and the synthesis of a specific substance, surfactant, begins. The accumulation of surfactant continues until the end of the term. It is he who prevents the fall of the lung sacs of the child when he begins to breathe. If this substance is not produced in sufficient quantities, the alveoli can stick together, due to which the newborn develops severe respiratory failure.

By the beginning of the week, the child already has all the basic life skills. He is already swallowing, sucking, “drinking” and “eating”. He also makes "breathing" movements and regularly reminds his mother of his presence with tangible jolts (on average, once every 10 minutes).

In addition, the child often urinates - up to 10 times a day, while supplies are regularly updated. amniotic fluid. Sometimes at this time, meconium (original feces) is already excreted from the baby's intestines. But such a phenomenon is not considered the norm at the 23rd week, but speaks of intrauterine suffering of the fetus. Meconium excretion before the baby is born can lead to dangerous complications, since there is a danger of it getting into the lungs from the amniotic fluid.

The rapid development of the central nervous system continues. The process of functioning of the cerebral cortex is activated. By this time, all its layers had already differentiated.

The fetus is located head up, but can turn around its axis, raise and lower the head. An increase in motor activity is associated with the formation of a mechanism in the inner ear that is responsible for balance.

The baby's eyes are open. He is able to distinguish light from darkness and respond to changes in lighting. In addition, the baby already responds well to sound stimuli.

Nails on tiny fingers by this time had almost completed their formation.
The thickness of the placenta at the 23rd week reaches 24.52 mm.

During this period, the accumulation of amniotic fluid is bequeathed. Soon the growing baby will begin to experience a lack of free space. His movements will be more constrained, and the tremors will become much more noticeable. It will be impossible for him to turn over. But all this is yet to come, and now the baby can move freely and roll over in the uterine cavity.

The pancreas continues to produce insulin. The spleen begins to function actively. It produces monocytes and lymphocytes, and also regulates the quality of red blood cells, screening out defective red blood cells.

The layer of subcutaneous fat is still building up. Reserves of glycogen and brown fat are formed, which will be necessary for the baby immediately after birth.

In the process of the formation of the nervous system, the behavior of the baby becomes more and more complicated, and all his actions are evaluated on a special scale. In the activity of the baby, the following periods are clearly defined:

phase slow sleep when movements are not fixed;

phase REM sleep when certain movements are noted;

calm wakefulness;

a period of pronounced activity - the child moves.

Most of the day falls on sleep - up to 80% of the time.

Weight and height of the fetus at 23 weeks of gestation

By the end of the week, the fetus already reaches 29-31 cm in length. Its mass is approximately equal to 530-600 g. The diameter of the abdomen is 57.6 mm, chest- 56.5 mm, heads - 56.3 mm.

Fetal activity at 23 weeks gestation

At the 23rd week, the expectant mother can already clearly feel the movements of her baby. He flips, often moves and pushes. Normally, a woman feels about 10 movements in 12 hours (with everyday look life). But this is an average value, in fact, everything is individual. There are very active children, they cause women a lot of anxiety and cause pulling sensations in a stomach. And, on the contrary, there are quiet kids who do not make frequent and strong movements. This should not cause alarm. It is worth worrying if the nature of the movements has changed suddenly, when mobile child suddenly reduced activity.

Possible complications at 23 weeks pregnant

A serious nuisance for a pregnant woman can be too rapid weight gain. After childbirth, obesity and the appearance of metabolic syndrome are possible. In the most severe cases, this leads to the development of type 2 diabetes.

At this stage of pregnancy, there is a risk of a serious pathology, which is called "cervical failure". It leads to hit amniotic sac into the cervical canal and its contact with the external environment, which can adversely affect the health and development of the baby. Fortunately, this complication of pregnancy is rare.

In many pregnant women, signs of varicose veins become noticeable at this time. Some face even more an unpleasant problem- hemorrhoids. Due to calcium deficiency and hormonal changes, the walls of blood vessels weaken. Moreover, the veins are compressed by the enlarged uterus. Women prone to constipation begin to feel pain in anus, bleeding occurs, and prolapsed nodes occur.

In the 23rd week, the risk of infections, especially influenza, increases. Under the influence of viruses, various disorders in the development of a child can occur, primarily it concerns his nervous and cardiovascular systems. For more information on the treatment of colds, read the article on our website.

Pay special attention to pain these days. So, for example, severe pain, in whatever organ they arise, is the reason for medical examination. First of all, you need to make sure that they are not caused by vascular, cardiac or surgical factors.

Often women are concerned about muscle cramps. Their cause is a lack of calcium, which goes to the formation of fetal bone tissue.

Features of nutrition at 23 weeks of gestation

A complete and varied diet is the key to the health of a pregnant woman and her baby. At the 23rd week, the expectant mother should consume approximately 3000 kcal per day. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the rate of weight gain. It is desirable that the weight is added smoothly, without going beyond the limits of the norm.

The placenta continues to grow along with its vascular bed, and there is a need to increase blood volumes. That is why the proportion of the liquid component of blood - plasma - increases. And this means that the body needs more fluid, that is, a pregnant woman should not lack a drink. But in some cases, against the background of changes occurring with blood circulation, the body can accumulate a certain amount of excess fluid. Sometimes dropsy even develops, and then the amount of fluid drunk per day has to be controlled.

If you notice even slight swelling in yourself, try not to consume more than one and a half liters of fluid per day (this also includes first courses). It is also not recommended to abuse salt. Try to keep it to a minimum, or even replace it with soy sauce. However, a sharp decrease in the amount of fluid consumed is highly undesirable. Because of this, gestosis develops when the fluid leaves the bloodstream, and its excess is collected in the tissues.

by the most healthy drinks for the expectant mother will be: ordinary purified water, mineral still water, unsweetened compotes and kissels, juices.

During this period of pregnancy, vital elements - phosphorus and calcium - are actively consumed. Therefore, the diet must be designed in such a way as to regularly make up for their deficiency. So try to use such products more often: feta cheese, cheese, nuts, poppy seeds, wild rose, sesame halva, eggs. Legumes are also very useful in this regard, but they must be used with caution, as they can lead to constipation and flatulence.

Taking vitamins

It is desirable to obtain the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body in a natural way, by properly compiling your diet. Substances contained in natural food are better absorbed. It also reduces the risk of overdose. But it is not always possible to get everything you need with food. Therefore, many pregnant women are prescribed calcium and vitamin D supplements. This is necessary for the prevention of rickets in a child and varicose veins in a woman. In some cases, the doctor may recommend that the expectant mother take special vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant. With reduced hemoglobin, iron and folic acid are often prescribed.

Physical activity at 23 weeks pregnant

Because of the growing belly, even everyday work is difficult for a pregnant woman, so there can be no talk of full-fledged sports. But this does not mean that a woman should lead a sedentary lifestyle. Physical activity is very important to keep the body in good shape. Complete absence physical exertion can lead to excess body weight and vein thrombosis. Therefore, try to regularly go for walks, enjoying nature and fresh air. It will also be useful to learn exercises designed specifically for pregnant women. For example, sign up for fitness or yoga for expectant mothers. You can also attend aqua aerobics classes and even go to special dances.

Sex life at 23 weeks pregnant

At this time, many women may increase sexual attraction. At normal course Pregnancy lovemaking is not prohibited. But if there are problems (inflammatory diseases, spotting, placenta previa, isthmic-cervical insufficiency), it is better to abstain from sex. Also, lovemaking is undesirable in multiple pregnancies.

If there are no contraindications, then sex will only benefit. But for sexual intercourse, you need to select positions that exclude too deep penetration and pressure on the stomach.

Taking medication at 23 weeks pregnant

The placenta has already formed and performs its function well - it protects the fetus from the influence negative factors. But this does not mean that a woman can take medicines without a doctor's prescription. Many components of medicines easily penetrate into the blood of a child. The gynecologist determines the treatment regimen, taking into account the benefits for the woman and the possible risks to the fetus. If there is no need to start therapy urgently, it is better to postpone it until the baby is born.

The list of allowed drugs is getting wider. A woman may take some of the drugs to improve blood circulation and reduce its viscosity. Blood pressure medications are also allowed. Antibiotics are still prohibited because they can severely damage the formation of a healthy microflora in the fetus. Of the anti-inflammatory drugs, non-steroidal drugs (for example, ibuprofen or paracetamol) are the safest. Their use is acceptable in some cases.

Important to remember! Even those medical preparations, which are considered relatively safe, can harm the health of the baby. Therefore, never self-medicate - taking any medication must be agreed with the doctor.

Examinations and tests at 23 weeks of gestation

From laboratory research at this time, it is enough general analysis blood, urinalysis, and blood tests for electrolytes. Special attention is given to the level of phosphorus and calcium. The normal content of these elements is 1.53 mmol/l and 4.1 mmol/l, respectively. The albumin fraction of proteins at this time decreases to 28 g / l, and the level of ASAT and alkaline phosphatase, which indicate the state of the liver, rises somewhat.

Ultrasound at 23 weeks pregnant

At the 23rd week, a planned ultrasound is not performed. It is prescribed only for special indications, when additional monitoring of the course of pregnancy is necessary. So, if there is placenta previa, the woman should undergo ultrasound diagnostics once every 4 weeks.
During the examination, the doctor will assess the development of the fetus, examine the condition of the placenta. Normally, its thickness at the 23rd week reaches 23 mm, and the degree of maturity is zero. In addition, the doctor pays attention to the heart rate of the fetus. If it exceeds 180-190 beats per minute, you can suspect oxygen starvation. In this case, a Doppler study is used to assess placental blood flow.

Indicators can be:

BPR - 52–64 mm;
LZ - 67–81 mm;
OG - 190–224 mm;
Coolant - 160–201 mm.

Features of multiple pregnancy at 23 weeks

With multiple pregnancies, childbirth occurs somewhat earlier, so babies develop faster. At this time, the children are slightly behind in weight, but this is a natural phenomenon.

The expectant mother may experience tangible back pain associated with an increase in the load on the organs. Therefore, during this period, a woman needs to devote more time to rest.

Features of IVF pregnancy at 23 weeks

At this stage of IVF pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to take special vitamin complexes. She is also often prescribed iron supplements. Women with multiple pregnancies will need prevention of miscarriage, placental insufficiency and preeclampsia.

23 weeks pregnant: video

23 weeks of pregnancy https://www.kalendar-beremennosti-deti.ru/23-weremennosti-beremennosti/
Read more - photo of 23 weeks of pregnancy

The baby is 23 weeks old. It weighs from 500 to 560 grams, the size in a sitting position reaches twenty centimeters, and the length of the whole body is thirty centimeters.

What's new?

Our baby is already big. It can be placed in a baby bucket. He is full, satisfied and constantly increasing in weight and size. The baby's face acquires typical family features. He clearly looks like someone else. Maybe for dad? Or for mom? We can see a well-defined nose, brow ridges, pretty ears and a neck.

But now the fetus is gaining more in mass than in size. There is an intense accumulation of fat. On ultrasound, it is clearly seen that the baby has a nice roundness of shapes. You can even determine what color his hair will be. The fluff darkens and takes on the shade of its natural pigment.

The weight of the brain, meanwhile, has increased tenfold and now its mass is 24 grams. The process is in full swing. At the beginning of the third trimester, his weight should reach 100 grams. For you, this means one thing - you need to help the fetus oxygenate the brain. Be more often in the fresh air, do special breathing exercises.

Doctor's advice

To determine the amount of oxygen and its lack, focus on the activity of the fetus. Excessive baby movement is a signal for you! So you need to get ready for a walk.

Internal changes in the fetus


By this time, the entire gastrointestinal system is almost ready for its functions. Of course, the intestines, esophagus, stomach and liver are very tiny in size, but they look the same as in an adult. intestinal tract already producing primary feces (mecconia).


Improved endocrine system. The metabolic process in the baby occurs due to the production of hormones. All development and growth now depend on the internal processes occurring in the body of the fetus.


It already performs the functions of protecting the body. This is, first of all:

  • production of lymphocytes;
  • production of monocytes;
  • quality control of red blood cells for bone marrow production.


Do you know how many breaths the fetus makes in one minute? Don't believe me. About sixty. The baby, thus, trains his lungs. But his lungs will open only after childbirth.

Nervous system

We can already talk about the formation of this system. The baby quickly reacts to all sound and light stimuli. Moreover, he confirms his reactivity with funny facial expressions and movements. Some researchers suggest that the child already has dreams at this time. Why? This conclusion is drawn from the specific eye movements in the studies. After all, the movements eyeballs characteristic of all people during dreams.

What is the dream of the baby?

Perhaps these are echoes of the memories of those sensations that they experienced during the day? Or something different? It is difficult to say, because in his accumulated experience so far only sounds, light, his own various movements and swimming in the amniotic fluid. But this is already a lot!


Note that thumb sucking is now an important and complex process for a baby. He used to just put his fingers in, but now he tastes them and studies his tactile sensations. All this is necessary for the development of facial muscles. The muscles must be ready to suck on the mother's breast.

Each appointment with a gynecologist for a future mother is also a mandatory calculation of the height of the uterine fundus. The measurement is in centimeters. This week, the uterus is located 4 centimeters above the navel, from it to the pubic bone - 23 centimeters.

There is no need to worry about your weight. Of course, there are prescribed general parameters based on the woman’s height and gestational age, but all the same, measurement should be approached from the point of view of an individual approach.

Each expectant mother has her own conditions and features of bearing a fetus. The standard is just a kind of paradigm for the average version. Women in different regions of the planet are different in all respects. Nevertheless, in order not to gain excess body weight, try to control it with a well-chosen diet and sufficient physical activity including daily long walks.

belly is growing

You notice a daily increase in the volume and weight of your abdomen. You can see how the skin is stretched. This is an inevitable process.

In addition, for many women, the skin becomes excessively dry. The consequences of this are itching and rashes on the abdomen. We hope that for the prevention of stretch marks and for the purpose of moisturizing, you have been actively using special creams for pregnant women for a long time. If not, get it now!

Hair Growth

For some women, the appearance of hair on the abdomen, and sometimes even on the face, back, legs and shoulder area, causes anxiety and even shock. Don't worry about this. This is a temporary phenomenon. All excess vegetation will disappear soon after childbirth, and you will return to normal. Now growth hairline carried out due to the activity of hormones and increased blood flow. Hair follicles during pregnancy are fed in an enhanced mode.


It is especially annoying in the second trimester. You may even develop a rash from excess sweat. In this case, we recommend that you use antiperspirants, but without alcohol, deodorant creams, pieces of sea salt, and even ordinary vinegar. active action All of these products are aimed at eliminating unpleasant odors and fighting bacteria.

Note. You can also use baby powder to relieve irritation. It is safe and suitable for all pregnant women.


The amount of blood in the total volume of circulation continues to increase. Plasma plays an important role in this respect. But the risk of anemia also increases. You need constant medical supervision.

Signs of pathology:

  • weakness;
  • dyspnea;
  • dizziness.

In the event of such symptoms, consult a doctor for effective help.

For you during this period, sudden movements and fast walking are contraindicated. You may experience discomfort in the lower abdomen due to stretching of the ligaments that support the uterus. Pain on the sides of the lower abdomen is typical for most pregnant women. To avoid them, we advise you to learn the smoothness and slowness of movements. Take a course of muscle relaxation exercises in a group for expectant mothers in the second trimester.

Remember that your body has begun to prepare for childbirth and therefore trains all its systems and organs. In the uterus, these processes also occur. You may sometimes feel some kind of contractions, manifested in spasms and pain. Put your hand to your stomach at this time - the sensations will intensify. This is fine. That's the way it should be. However, your doctor should be aware of this phenomenon. Go see him for a consultation.

Also pay attention to the tension in the uterus that sometimes appears. This is usually a reaction to your sudden movements, coughing, incorrect body position, climbing stairs, or baby activity.

What to do with uterine tone? Advised by a gynecologist

To relax the uterus, straighten up, adjust your breathing, take a position of the body in which there will be enough space for the stomach. Remove tight clothing. If such procedures help you, then this is enough. But if the tension of the uterus bothers you with frequent frequency, seek help from a gynecologist. Most likely, you will need a small course of special drugs to relax the muscles of the smooth muscles.

What to do when contractions occur?

Training contractions can be quite uncomfortable. To relax, we recommend that you simply lie down on the couch in the “on your side” position and wait for the contractions to end.

The regularity and soreness of such manifestations, with the addition of symptoms such as trembling and fever in a woman, is the reason for an immediate visit to a doctor for diagnosis and immediate action. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of premature birth.

Sex organs

Watch for secretions from the genital tract. Your vaginal flora during the second trimester is especially vulnerable to unwanted bacteria. Moderation and uniformity of discharge in the presence of a sour smell are signs of a properly proceeding pregnancy.

Note. Changes in the microflora should be a signal for you that painful processes are taking place in the genitals. If the smell, color and composition of the discharge has changed, consult a doctor immediately.


The increased mass of the abdomen inevitably changes the center of gravity, and hence the posture of a pregnant woman. When walking, this is manifested in the fact that she pulls her shoulders back, and her stomach forward. Such walking is called "duck".


By this time, cramps in the muscles of the legs also appear. Be prepared for this, especially at night. The appearance of such symptoms reminds you that it is time to replenish your body with calcium, magnesium and vitamin E.

You may be assigned vitamin complexes to stop cramps and relax muscles. It is an integral part of the second trimester of pregnancy for almost all women. The lack of vitamins and microelements is often impossible to overcome without special dietary supplements.

You don't have to complain just yet. You feel all the internal movements of the fetus, which still has a spatial reserve for somersaults and various movements. But when the child reaches the limit of growth, then he will be limited in movement. His movements within you will become more noticeable and painful for you.

Average movement scale

During the day, mom should feel about ten movements in her stomach. This is the mean figure. The number of movements may decrease or increase, depending on how active your life is on that particular day. A toddler, for example, may force you to change position with jerks due to the fact that he is already tired of your lying position on the couch. And during the walk, on the contrary, it will calm down and sleep. Over time, any pregnant woman will learn to be sensitive to all such changes in the activity of her baby. She herself will know when everything is in order, and when to worry.

Are you distracted and forgetful? Don't be surprised if you can't solve even the simplest life task, forget words, names and cannot add several numbers together.

Such phenomena are especially disturbing for those expectant mothers who continue to work or engage in business activities. It seems to them that their active business life and reputation suffer significantly from this.

Priorities. Psychologist tells

Our advice is to prioritize! You are now, first of all, the "bearer" of a new life in yourself. You depend not only on external conditions and predestinations, but also on internal natural processes. It is this that now orients your physical and nervous activity in the right direction. This fact should reassure you and direct all your forces to where it is needed.

Understand that now your brain is focused on ensuring that your baby is safe and comfortable inside you, so that he has enough vitamins and minerals for the development, and his mother does not waste extra energy on secondary things. Your main and only goal is to endure and give birth to a healthy and happy toddler.

Sleep as much as you want. Listen to your body. He knows best what he needs most now. To do this, organize the daily routine in such a way that at any moment you can lie down and relax. The approximate time for sleep per night is from eight to ten hours.

You may need periodic blood pressure measurements, urine and blood tests. Have you had an ultrasound screening yet? Then hurry up to see a specialist. You need to record for control the weight and size of the fetus, the dynamics of the structure of its body and internal organs, compliance accepted norms development. It will also determine the gender of your baby and exact date pregnancy.

Sometimes, among other things, a pregnant woman is prescribed a Doppler study of uteroplacental blood flow.

The problem of citrus fruits. Pros and cons

Many pregnant women prefer not to eat oranges, lemons, grapefruits due to the fact that their child may develop diathesis.

Let's hasten to dispel such ridiculous notions. Diathesis threatens your child only if you absorb them for dozens of a month or two after childbirth. Such allergenic products include nuts, peaches, cherries, strawberries, chocolate, etc. But for the manifestation of allergies in children, there must be a certain genetic predisposition or at least compromised immune defenses. This is possible with a sudden change in power, for example.

So, for example, in the future you will need to be careful when transferring a baby to artificial mode nutrition. At this time, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the child to a new type of food in order to protect him from possible allergic problems.

For breastfeeding mothers, the so-called hypoallergenic diet is prescribed (at least three months). This is the gradual introduction of various foods into the diet in order to identify allergic reactions.

The main rule regarding the choice of food for the entire period of pregnancy and after it is moderation and reasonableness. Mom should not deny herself anything! Limited only in quantity. Do you want an orange? Please, but ten, but one.

Dad got tired of waiting

Your husband by this time is already showing noticeable fatigue. He increasingly says that you see nothing but your pregnancy. You will have to make every effort and explain to him that this is far from the case. That it is for him that you carry your child and in general - he is a torch for you and the goal of your whole life at the same time. Believe me, he will really like the conversation in this vein.

Husband's Responsibility

It increases exponentially as you get pregnant. It should control for you:

  • diet;
  • time and quality of walks;
  • level of physical activity;
  • medication.

Husband needs to be made clear simple thought that the observance of all the above points lies entirely on the conscience of the father of the unborn child.

All the hard work around the house should be taken over by your husband. But for such a difficult task, the husband will have to be led through thorns and through lengthy complex negotiations. When determining his new duties, lay the main emphasis on the specifics of logical constructions, and not on abstract moaning about your difficult fate.

It is best if you simply and clearly tell your husband point by point what he needs to do today, and not tomorrow, so that everyone is happy.

In every man there is not only a husband, but also a caring father. He will be happy to show diligence in this role, which you quietly offer him. The husband will enthusiastically take care of you, run to the grocery store, make sure that you do not overcool in the fresh air. He will no longer need to be persuaded to walk through the park. He himself will be the first to offer you such a necessary walk.

In general, try to captivate your husband with a new role so that the whole mechanism family relations already worked without your intervention. You will be very surprised when the father of the unborn child approaches you with the look of a teacher and sympathetically asks if you took vitamins today, if you need to cook scrambled eggs, or when you would like to be ready for the evening promenade.

But what if the husband is too carried away by such a role?

In this case, you have a trump card - your gynecologist, who will explain to your husband what he needs for the new conditions and in the light of medical decisions to agree to reduce stress and soften the regime for himself and his beloved wife. Believe me, after talking with the doctor, he will follow fresh instructions with renewed vigor.

The main postulate in this case will be the precious health of his wife and unborn child.

Read all about diabetes during pregnancy and the problems of analysis. Also ask your doctor for all necessary information about the risk of miscarriage during pregnancy.

Review all aspects of nutrition, taking into account the new conditions. Do you have enough? What products should be added to the consumption list?

Buy comfortable sandals, shoes or boots on a low platform, chest cream, belly and legs.

Listen to more relaxing music.

Make sure you have maternity seat belts in your car.

You have already purchased tights for prevention varicose veins veins? Don't delay your purchase. It's about your health. Perhaps you also need a prenatal bandage? Ask your doctor about this.

We hope that you have already bought underwear and clothes for pregnant women. Then you just have to opt for a new pillow for a healthy sleep.

But with the purchase of a feeding bottle and pacifiers, you can not rush. Better tune in to long-term breastfeeding, which is much more beneficial for your future baby.

Be healthy!

We try to provide the most up-to-date and useful information for you and your health.
