The eye tattoo on the stomach is the meaning of the zone. New blog by Oleg Lurie

Arkady Bronnikov is considered the leading expert in Russia on the study of prison tattoos. For more than thirty years he was a senior specialist in the criminalistics department of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

As part of his official duties, Bronnikov visited many correctional institutions in the Urals and Siberia, where he interviewed and photographed thousands of convicts. The forensic expert has repeatedly helped solve criminal cases throughout Russia, using his unique collection of tattoos, identifying criminals and unidentified corpses.

Criminal tattoos

We present to your attention excerpts from the book by Arkady Bronnikov " Tattoos and their forensic significance».

As soon as ordinary prisoners enter the mass population of the "zone" (prison or camp), they understand that thieves have a special authority and responsibility. ZK copy thieves' tattoos and mannerisms in an attempt to elevate their status. For self-defense, the prisoner must show himself to be an exceptional, experienced, courageous and hardened person. In addition to fear, respect and obedience to friends, ZK tattoos are designed to demonstrate the desire for self-assertion and gaining authority in a criminal environment.

The tattoos on the body of this prisoner describe the most authoritative symbols: zk tattoos show that the wearer has assumed the "fate of a thief". However, there are no “thief stars” on it, which means the person is not a “thief in law” and therefore does not have any real power among thieves.

This tattoo is a variation on the theme of the myth of Prometheus, who, after being deceived by Zeus, was forever chained to a rock as punishment. A ship with white sails means that the wearer of the zk-tattoo does not participate in normal work, he is a vagabond thief and prone to escape.

The inscription on the knuckles is a tattoo of the female name Nadia. The “ring” on the index finger means: “Trust no one but yourself”, “Kid” is one of the most privileged criminal tattoos among prisoners of the penitentiary. On the middle finger there is a tattoo of pickpockets - "the cross of thieves". Ring finger: “Served in full”, “From beginning to end”, “Served without the right to parole”: the prisoner served a full term in the colony, without transferring to a free settlement on parole. The little finger tattoo: "Dark Life" indicates that the wearer spent a lot of time in the punishment cell. The skull and crossbones, pistol, knife and the letter "K" (Iller - ed.) stand for the killer.

  • Read more about deciphering ZK tattoos on fingers in the material

On the right leg of the prisoner, the abbreviation "ELEPHANT" is stuffed: WITH small L no ABOUT days H happiness, which implies a difficult and difficult life from childhood. The inscription below reads: "That's what" (kills us - ed.). The dagger, cards, and money are a variation on the popular "Things That Kill Us" tattoo. The inscription in the upper part of the left leg reads: "Few roads traveled" - the thieves' path is not over yet. Text on knee: "Love". There is a tattoo on the shin: “This leg walks around the zone” - all actions in life are of a criminal nature. The theatrical masks on the right leg represent happiness (before prison) and sadness (after prison).

Snake around the neck is the status symbol of the addict. Stars on the collarbones and epaulettes on the shoulders show that this prisoner is a crime boss. The Madonna and Child is one of the most popular tattoo designs and can have multiple meanings. One of the symbols is loyalty to a criminal gang, another symbol is that the wearer believes that the Mother of God will be able to drive away evil from him, or in some areas such a tattoo indicates that the owner has been behind bars from an early age.

Stars on the shoulders show that this prisoner is a crime boss. St. George's crosses - awards that existed before the revolution of the 17th year, are signs of antagonism and defiance towards the Soviet regime.

Eyes an active homosexual is indicated on the stomach (the penis forms the nose of a virtual face).

This man is a Muslim, his tattoos also indicate that he is not Russian: on his stomach (left) - mosque with a crescent. He is not a reputable thief, but tried to imitate with a tattoo to improve his position in prison: Lighthouse on the right hand means the desire for freedom. Fetter each wrist indicates more than five years in prison.

This ZK is a victim of syphilis and suffers from severe facial scarring. In prisons and colonies, male or female inmates suffering from venereal diseases are known as "bunchies" - carriers of the "bouquet" of venereal diseases. They also bear the nicknames of military ranks, depending on how far their fortunes have progressed; for example, a prisoner suffering from the second stage of syphilis is known as a "colonel".

There are cases of people contracting syphilis, AIDS, hepatitis or tetanus while getting tattooed due to unsanitary conditions in prisons. Tattooing is prohibited in prisons and camps, for which there is prosecution and severe punishment from the authorities. The one who breaks these rules acquires more status, as he "goes underground." tattoos tigers on the shoulders of this ZK symbolize the special ferocity of the owner.

Devils on the shoulders of this ZK symbolizes hatred for the authorities and the prison structure. This type of criminal tattoo is known as the "grin" - the exposure of the teeth in relation to the justice system. Such tattoos are sometimes accompanied by anti-Soviet or anti-human texts.

The inscription on the hands: "Thank you dear Motherland for our destroyed youth." Dagger through the neck shows that the perpetrator committed the murder in prison and he is available for the next murders. Drops of blood can mean the number of murders committed. Tattoos with portraits of Lenin and Stalin on the chest of the ZK were considered in the USSR to be protection from the bullets of the Chekists, since they would not shoot at the image of the leaders.

The text on the chest reads: "He who is not with me is against me." Swastika and Nazi symbols may mean that the owner has sympathy for fascist tendencies, although most often swastikas are made as a protest and a manifestation of aggression towards the prison or camp administration. During the Soviet period, the authorities often removed these tattoos by force, either surgically or by etching. Tattoo mermaids may indicate a term for rape of a minor, or child molestation. In prison jargon, the nickname for a person who commits this kind of crime sounds like “Amurik” (meaning “cupid”), “furry” or “Earth is round” (the inevitability of retribution). The thieves' community greatly "lowers" such people in status.

The numbers 1488 can be found on tattoos of the white race / Nazi prisoners. The numbers 14 and 88 can also be used on their own. This can be confusing, as the Nuestra Familia prison crime organization also uses the number 14 in their tattoos.

In the case of Nazi prisoners, 14 represents 14 words. 14 words from a quote by Nazi leader David Lane: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children" 88 is the symbol for the eighth letter of English alphabet twice - HH, which stands for Heil Hitler (Heil Hitler). These tattoos are stuffed on any part of the body, except for the forehead, as shown in the pictures below.

The web is a very popular tattoo now among people who were not convicted. But the web is definitely a prison tattoo. People in prison make webs for themselves to symbolize a long prison term.

The symbolism lies in the fact that just as a spider captures its prey in a web, so the criminal is trapped behind bars. The web is a prison. Often this tattoo is on the elbows because it also represents a lot of the time the prisoner spends sitting with his elbows at the table. The web is also applied to the neck. If you see a multi-colored execution of such a tattoo, then its origin is unlikely to be prison, since there is practically no access to colored ink in this place.

A tear
One of the most recognizable prison tattoos is the teardrop. But its meaning depends on the geographical location. In some places, a tear means a long prison term, in others - that its owner has committed murder.

Sometimes tears are empty. This may symbolize an attempted murder or that one of the prisoner's friends has been killed and they seek revenge. Rappers and other celebrities popularized the tear. If you are planning to get yourself such a tattoo, keep in mind: If you suddenly go to jail for the first time with a fake tattoo, you will make many enemies for yourself in a short time.

Crown with five points
A golden crown might seem like an interesting tattoo. But if there are five dots on it, then this is a prison tattoo. The five-pointed crown is the symbol of the band of Latin kings.

The Latin Kings are one of the largest Hispanic gangs in the US based in Chicago. A crown tattoo is often accompanied by the letters ALKN, which means Almighty Latin Kings Nation (Almighty Latin Kings Nation). Why 5 dots? Because the Latin Kings are the fifth street gang of the People Nation. The color of the dots on the crown can be different and has its own hidden meaning.

Three dots
Three dots are a very common tattoo in prison, which symbolizes "mi Vida Loca" or "my crazy life." This is not a symbol of any particular gang, but rather a way of life for the gang. Usually such tattoos are found on the arms or around the eyes. The three dots can also carry the religious meaning of the Holy Trinity.

five points
The five dots are sometimes called a checkerboard pattern and represent time spent in prison. The four dots at the corners are the walls of the cell, and the fifth in the middle is the prisoner. Five dots is actually an international prison tattoo, usually pricked on the arm between the thumb and forefinger. On other parts of the body, this tattoo can have a completely different meaning.

The image of a clock without hands is a symbol of a long prison sentence. The prisoners prefer not to count the time, so the clock is a meaningless thing for them.

Aryan brotherhood
The Aryan Brotherhood is the largest white racist gang in the US penitentiary system. They make up less than 1% of the prison population, yet they account for 20% of homicides in US prisons. Their tattoos are usually shamrocks and/or the letters "AB", as well as Nazi symbols such as the swastika and SS bolts.

These tattoos represent the Neustra Familia street gang. Their tattoos include the word Norteño, Nuestra Familia, their sombrero symbol, the letter N, or 14.
The Norteños mainly derive their income from the smuggling and distribution of cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine. They identify themselves with red bandanas.

MS 13
If you see someone with "MS13" or just "MS" or "13" tattooed, they are members of the Mara Salvatrucha gang from El Salvador. Tattoos can be anywhere, but more often it is in a conspicuous place - the face, neck or arm.

La Mara Salvatrucha was formed in Los Angeles by Salvadoran immigrants. There are currently 13 MS chapters throughout the United States and even Canada. This gang has over 70,000 members and is known as one of the most violent gangs in America. Their illegal activities range from drug trafficking to child prostitution. The US Department of the Treasury has declared MS-13 a transnational criminal organization!

Playing cards
Playing cards or card suits generally indicate a prisoner who enjoys gambling. For them, life is like gambling.

In Russian prisons, each suit of a deck of cards has its own meaning. Spades symbolize the thief, while clubs symbolize criminals in general. Diamonds indicate informers and this tattoo is usually applied by force. The heart symbol (worms) represents someone who is looking for a romantic partner in prison. This is another one of the suits that can be forcibly applied.

Cross on the chest
In Russian prisons, a chest tattoo with a cross symbolizes a thief. This is the highest rank a convict can achieve. There are a lot of criminal tattoos in Russia, and each has its own meaning.

ACAB is an acronym that stands for All Cops Are Bastards and is very common on the bodies of British prisoners.

Some with an ACAB tattoo claim that it means Always Carry A Bible. Now many young people in England who have never been to prison have an ACAB tattoo to show their willingness to go to jail for their gang.

Prison tattoos can be safely called a whole subculture that has existed for many years not only in our country, but throughout the world. In all countries, not only prisoners, but also gangs of certain mafia groups “decorated” themselves with prison tattoos, in order to somehow mark their belonging to the criminal world, and also so that, if they get into places of deprivation of liberty, other prisoners would know who they are dealing with.

The photo shows the tattooed hands of a prisoner - it is by these signs that it is easy to determine how much and for what crime a person is imprisoned

Prison tattoos in Russia

It so happened that we have a rich history of prison-themed tattoos. But, as many people know, prison tattoos, the meaning of each of them is very abstract and does not lend itself to a simple logical explanation: it is a whole language, a set of symbols and images that can tell the life story of one person. And in the USSR, in prisons, each tattoo of a prisoner was registered so that in the event of an escape, the criminal could be identified.

The photo shows a prisoner with an unusual tattoo on his face

Methods of applying tattoos among prisoners

The methods of applying wearable drawings are strikingly different from the method in the salons: it is precisely to this action that the verb “prick” is more suitable than any other. However, even here there are several options:

  1. The easiest way. Needles tied together, on sticks or matches, are dipped in ink or ink and dotted into the skin without a pre-printed pattern. In some variants, the needles are replaced with mop wire or any other thin object that can be sharpened on a stone.
  2. Stamping is a more complicated way. A special pattern is applied to the board, along the contour of which needles are driven in. The stamp is applied to the skin, pressed sharply, piercing it, after which ink or any other coloring matter is rubbed into the wounds. This method is convenient in that an unlimited number of people can use the stamp.

Often, instead of carcasses, a special paste is used, made from soot with sugar diluted in urine. But a tattoo, if desired, can be done even with ink from a pen and gunpowder!

The most common tattoos in Russian prisons

  • Crown or skull surmounted by a crown. power seeker tattoo
  • Crown tattooed on the back. sign of humiliation
  • Snake. Sign of involvement in the "higher" prison caste
  • Stars. Symbol of defiance and rebellion
  • Executioner. Indicates a criminal thief (more about thieves' tattoos).

Tattoo inscriptions, meaning of abbreviations

Abbreviation tattoos are quite common among prisoners. Like standard tattoos with images, they carry a special meaning and often complete some body design. Here are some of them:

  • CAT - “how difficult it is for one” or “indigenous inhabitant of the prison”
  • ELEPHANT - "death by a cop from a knife"
  • BLITS - "cherish love and value freedom"
  • SOS - "save from judgment"

In addition to abbreviations, ordinary inscriptions are not alien to prisoners in the zone, usually these are the names of family or friends who remained at large, phrases about life in the wild, love and fidelity. But sometimes there are more unusual options.

Did you know? Prison tattoos, sketches of which are drawn directly on the body, look unprofessional due to the conditions in which they are made and because of the wrong materials. However, this style has become one of the most advanced in recent times, and many famous tattoo artists imitate it.

Prison tattoos in the West

In the United States, there is also a whole cult of prison tattoos: inside the prison, as a rule, their own gangs are formed, and tattoos can easily determine who belongs to which gang. In US prisons, the gradation is usually as follows:

Hispanic prisoner tattoos

  • Nazis. They wear tattoos with fascist attributes: eagles, swastikas and much more.
  • African Americans. As a rule, they make inscriptions on the back of the hand, knuckles, use tribal ornaments as a tribute to their roots.
  • Latin Americans. Religious tattoos prevail among this group: Madonna and Jesus, a rosary, a rosary, crosses and scenes from Biblical stories, as well as portraits of family members.

Did you know? Often seen in international news chronicles, prison tattoos can tell a lot about a criminal. For example, among Hispanics, tattooed tears on the cheeks mean that while the offender was in prison, one of his relatives died at large. A tear can only be tattooed along the contour - this means that someone not from the closest people has died. And if the tear is painted over in black, it means that someone from the family or relatives has died.

The photo shows a prisoner belonging to the Nazi group, the so-called White Power

I love prison-themed tattoos - they seem incredibly stylish! I'm planning on getting a "movie-like" tattoo, NORTH on the back of my hand.

Elena, St. Petersburg

Tattoos in the East

In Japan, a tattoo is still considered not the most decent type of body decoration - even in such a metropolis as Tokyo, not all ordinary people will be allowed into the gym if they have tattoos on their bodies. This happened historically: in Japan, the mafia dominated for many decades, and by tattoos it was possible to distinguish which group their owners belong to. What is remarkable: even family members who were not involved in the criminal business wore decals on their bodies that indicated their origin and immunity.

In the photo, representatives of the Yakuza mafia

Important! If you are going to a Japanese sauna and have a tattoo on your body, be prepared for it to be covered with a band-aid.

Most recently, my girlfriend and I went to Japan and went to the sauna. I have a tattoo on my shoulder, not very big, but big and bright enough to be noticed: it shows a skeleton on a motorcycle with eyes that glow red. When we arrived, they began to stick a plaster over my shoulder - I did not expect this and was confused, but rules are rules. Only later did I find out what was the matter.

Dima, Moscow

Video: tattoos of Russian prisoners

The fashion for decorating one's body through tattoos today has spread to all sectors of society, while earlier it was an advantage for people in the criminal world or the world of prisoners. This article will reveal the topic "Prison tattoos and their meaning."

A bit of history

It is worth saying a few words about the world of prisoners and their foundations. So, in Russia, this is actually the second power, which, of course, is an anti-system, an opponent of the current managers of the country. It will be interesting that this alignment of things exists only in two other countries - Papua New Guinea and South Africa. As for Russia, it dates back to the 18th century, when the criminal hierarchy was formed in response to the restoration of the Prussian bureaucratic system. So, in order to be different and have their own designations, the thieves and the criminal world came up with their own language, which they borrowed partly from small merchants - ofen, and partly from the Jews, who at that time were also an oppressed people. And, of course, the place in the criminal hierarchy of any prisoner is determined by his tattoo.

Types of tattoos

Studying prison tattoos and their meaning, it is worth saying that they are all divided into three main types. First: regular drawings, which make it possible to distinguish a person of the highest levels of the prison hierarchy. It is worth saying that not everyone can apply tattoos on the zone. Such an honor must be earned, or it will be a forced drawing. The second type is porters. These are drawings that were made by prisoners on their own from various improvised means, by self-taught and not specialized craftsmen. And the third type of tattoo: impudent ones, which were stuffed as a certain shameful sign to the prisoner solely under duress. These are prisoners of the lowest hierarchy, who are convicted according to certain laws or did not follow the principles of the prison world.


So, we consider the topic "prison tattoos and their meaning" further. First of all, I would like to say that the prisoners could fill themselves with inscriptions of any type. But basically, these are not full phrases, but their shortened version, understandable only to the underworld, which was deciphered by capital letters. As an example, on the body of those who have served time, you can see the words “HORN”, which stands for the first letters of what is written: the state doomed them to slaves forever, “CALL” - know the thieves, they will teach very cool, “CAT” - the native inhabitant of the prison or “BREAD - I will keep love forever. There are many such inscriptions, some of them may disappear due to their irrelevance (for example, inscriptions about Soviet power), while new ones appear from time to time.


Prisoners may use their entire body. So, prison tattoos are often placed on the legs. The first drawing, which seems very important to many prisoners, is that they are also commonly called “stars of lawlessness”. Their variations are different, but the meaning is always the same: "I will never kneel before anyone." This is a freedom-loving tattoo, to which the convicts say that they are rebellious and independent, no matter what. However, not everyone will be able to fill this picture, such an honor must be earned by “correct behavior” from the point of view of convicts in places of deprivation of liberty. If a person has such a tattoo, but he gave a slack, they can simply cut it off with skin from the knees of a delinquent criminal. Also, the prisoners were very fond of putting various chains and shackles on their feet, which meant that even if they were free, they still consider themselves prisoners. The image on the leg of a police officer's epaulette, pierced with a dagger, meant "the urine of the cops", but did not define the prisoner according to his place in the hierarchical structure.

and shoulders

It is also worth considering the meaning of prison ones. So, the first of them is an epaulette, which is placed on the shoulders. They were worn by people who distinguished themselves well, this is a sign for certain services to the community. It is very difficult to deserve such a tattoo, but it raised the prisoner to a certain level in the criminal hierarchy. The subclavian stars were also important, which deciphered ambiguously: they could mean both a thief in law and a “denier”, a person who opposes prison orders. Pickpockets applied drawings in the form of beetles to the hands. You could also write the word "BEETLE", which meant "I wish you successful thefts." Next, it is worth considering the meaning of prison tattoos "spider", "cat with a key", "bat". The spider also denoted a person from the world of thieves (sometimes a drug addict). If the spider crawls up its web, this means that the person will continue to steal, if down, he “tied up with theft.” Burglar thieves drew cats with keys on their hands. Well, another symbol of the thief was Lenin, or rather his profile, which could be drawn on the shoulder or on the chest. Everything comes from the decoding of the word: "VOR" - the Leader of the October Revolution. Night thieves drew bats on their bodies.


It is also important to consider the meaning of prison tattoos on the fingers, because these are special drawings that can be used to determine the status of a person who was in prison. So, the most important drawings on the fingers are rings. There are a huge number of them here, but some of them may seem very similar to an unknowing person, in fact they distinguish people from completely different criminal castes. Drawings on the index finger of the right hand distinguish the train thief who commits thefts on the road, special drawings can tell how cruel he is and what methods he uses. So, for example, a black triangle indicates that a person is particularly cruel. Thieves in law, special criminals, repeat offenders put drawings on their middle fingers. People are respected in the criminal environment, leaders draw tattoos on their thumbs, this can also distinguish a specialist in a certain field or an expert. A rhombus in a square on the ring finger distinguishes a criminal of the lower stratum, who is considered low for certain actions, can be forced into sodomy, that is, “lowered”. If a person is corrected, the rhombus can be shaded, which will indicate that the person was punished according to criminal laws. The letter "C" on the middle finger is forcibly applied to those persons who are commonly called "stuffed", that is, those who cooperate with law enforcement agencies. For such a tattoo, you can suffer severe punishment not only in the zone, but already in the wild. In special schools, guys can tattoo themselves in the form of a diamond, in the upper corner of which there is a dot, and at the bottom - a cross. This means authority among adolescents, one of the highest in the adolescent hierarchy. This is not a complete list of finger tattoos, there are a huge number of them for each member in the criminal and prison environment.


Considering prison tattoos and their meaning, it is worth saying that very often prisoners inflict drawings with religious meaning. So what do they mean? The Mother of God, applied mainly on the back or chest, can mean a talisman against any evil, or that a person has taken the path of a criminal too early, even at a young age. Of great importance is the stuffed church on the body of the criminal. So, the number of domes means the number of walkers per zone or the number of years spent in prison. they applied crucifixes of various sizes to their bodies, this distinguished a prisoner of the highest criminal hierarchy, and it is a great honor to deserve such a tattoo. Prisoners could also stuff bells for themselves. This meant that the person served his entire term in the zone, that is, “from bell to bell.” They could also draw monks who write. It meant a scribbler thief who could scribble any letter with no problem, or it meant a person who skillfully worked with sharp objects such as a razor or knife.


Prison tattoos could also be extremely simple. So, the dots stuffed on the prisoner's body are of great importance. What could they mean? The five-point tattoo is very popular, four points along the edges indicate the prison walls, and the fifth, in the center, the prisoner himself. They stuffed it mainly between the index and middle fingers, which meant that the person had visited the zone. Just three full dots can mean a person who enjoys leading a life of crime and perceives himself as a bandit. If the person who filled such a tattoo is religious, it can mean the Holy Trinity.

A tear

Considering further the meanings of prison tattoos, one cannot fail to mention the tear applied to the area around the eye (however, this drawing is mainly of European and American prisoners). It has several meanings. So, first: a person received a term for violating the law, that is, he simply ended up in places of detention. Second: the tear symbolizes the killer. If it is not painted over, this may mean an attempted murder or that a friend of a prisoner has died and retribution will follow.

About love

The prison meaning of the rose tattoo will seem interesting to many. So, this is the ruined youth of the seated one. And since it is a flower of love, it is not difficult to guess what else a rose can mean. So, if it is drawn next to a dagger, it means blood for treason. Furry thieves, that is, those who are imprisoned for rape, can simply stuff their hearts on themselves. The one who vowed to avenge the desecrated heart, pierced by one or two daggers.

Animals and birds

The prison meaning of the wolf tattoo is very interesting. The abbreviation alone can tell you what it means. "WOLF" - a thief's breath, a cop's cover. Distinguishes people who hate the servants of order and are ready to deal with them at any time. If a prisoner stuffs a tiger on his body, this means that he is angry at everyone, especially at the authorities. It can also distinguish a person who is very cruel and evil. The painted cat is a symbol of thieves. If he also has a bow with him, this means that the person sold himself to the cops, for which he can be punished from time to time by the inhabitants of the world of prisoners. The profile of a bull denotes a person who is a fighter and can act on behalf of the main authority in various fights. Also, this picture distinguishes a cruel person who quickly becomes enraged. What does a scorpion tattoo mean? The meaning of prison has several different options. So, it can simply denote the sign of the zodiac, but this is its most harmless meaning. Such a tattoo can identify a former commando. If the claws of a scorpion are open, then the person was a participant in hostilities (which is welcome in the zone). The scorpion is also stuffed by those who were in solitary confinement. If the scorpion is drawn at gunpoint, this means a person who participated in the hostilities in Chechnya.

Other drawings

The masks stuffed on the prisoner's body indicate the mood of the person himself before and during his release (joy and sadness). Pirates are stuffed by people who are in jail for robbery. A joker or cards are drawn on the body by gambling people who have fallen into the zone for the same reason. A knife in the neck will tell others that a person cut someone, while a swastika or Nazi symbols are stuffed by those who do not agree with the modern government.
