Greedy husband real stories. Two sweets, two cloves

Real stories male greed">

Two sweets, two cloves. Real stories of male greed

Greed can be stupid, vile, forced, and not greed at all. And sometimes it's just plain stupid. You will remember later and you will not understand - what was it? We asked our readers to tell about cases of completely absurd greed on the part of their boyfriends and men.

We shared an orange

Once my husband bought home a couple of oranges and a lemon. In the evening, my dad came to see me on business and told me that my mother had caught a cold, and I gave him an orange and a lemon for my mother. When my husband returned from work and saw that there was only one orange in the refrigerator, he made a scandal to me: “There is nothing to squander the food I bought.”

As a result, at night, in winter, I ran around not the most calm area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city in search of night fruit stalls in order to calm my husband.

Is it necessary to say that the husband is now an ex?


My boyfriend once wouldn't let me buy water in the heat because he didn't have any money. When I finally bought it (“What am I supposed to suffer because you don’t have money?!”)… I begged for 10 rubles from the change!

The second was a boyfriend not only with me and was famous for the fact that he did not buy anything from a single lady. Once, while leading a friend past an ice cream stand, he gave out “I would buy you ice cream, but you are coughing!”. The girlfriend was, of course, healthy.

You don't have a heart

Not my story, but a relative's. A young man wound up with her, quite pleasant, seemingly decent, with some kind of good job. She really liked him, and she already dreamed of how well their romance would develop.

He called her, and almost always it turned out that she was very busy with work and could not answer. Therefore, she threw off his calls, and then called back. They talked, arranged a meeting, met, and so on. In general, everything is fine.

And once he called her at a moment when she was completely free, and she answered his call. And after that she listened: “Why did you answer? Why didn't you call me yourself? If you called back, my money would not be taken from my phone! And so my money for the call will be removed from the phone!”


My Freund somehow regretted 50 euros for perfume, but gave me 15 bottles of eau de toilette for 3 euros. Saved, they say, there are more of them. Everyone went to the trash, Freund too.

You have to be able to choose, darling

One of my young man had his own small firm, that is, he did not live in poverty. On one of the walks, I asked him to buy me a chocolate bar. He bought. I had to go home soon. For some reason public transport did not go at that moment, and I asked to call me a taxi. To which he replied that since someone bought a chocolate bar, there was no money for a taxi.


It was a long time ago, but still. He looked after me alone, and in order to get to know my whole family, he asked for it on my grandmother's birthday. Came with two nails. WITH TWO, CARL!!! For an old man's birthday!!! When asked, he answered that it was inconvenient to buy one carnation, they would not consider it a miser, and it would be a little expensive to buy three. Especially since I'm not even his wife yet. And then I didn’t, of course.

How valuable are you, fool?

One stroke on the first date said that flowers must be earned. It also became the last.

It's your day, dear!

Not my story, but I can't resist.

March 8. The doorbell rings, a friend goes to open it and is surprised to see her friend on the threshold. He has a box of chocolates in his hand.

If he had come dressed in a spacesuit, or rode in on a camel, she would have been less surprised. The young man was greedy, to put it mildly. And then he came with sweets and delivered a heartfelt speech: congratulations on the eighth of March, I wish you happiness and success (I don’t know if he wished to remain sweet and feminine, but these are already details).

After that, he opened the box, gave her two sweets and went on to congratulate other familiar ladies.

But honestly

My sister broke up with a guy, 30 years old, by the way. They lived together for six months. Leaving, he neatly divided all the donated towels, pillowcases, tablecloths; took one of the two cups of cola won and, straight from the freezer, an open pack of dumplings. Well, where in independent life an adult man without half a pack of dumplings!

Sign for the bus

As a student, I went with a classmate for an internship in Spain. There, from time to time, they hung out with a local friend - they just hung out, without any flirting there. And once he threw us five euros, there wasn’t enough for the bus or something like that. And then, after a while, before our departure, he seriously persistently tried to agree on how and when we would return the money to him - by bank transfer or something else. A well-to-do intelligent boy…


As a prelude, we went to take a shower together. Undressed, kissed, wet, hot ... She reached for shower gel to erotically smear with foam. And then he seriously says: “Why are you squeezing out so much gel? A couple of drops for foam is enough, I checked. If I had a penis, then he would have fallen to the floor.


My boyfriend was very wealthy (in the eyes of a student), he could spend three of my monthly allowances per night at a disco - about 9,000 rubles, 15 years ago it was decent. Somehow we were going to arrange a romantic meeting with me and unromantically drove into the supermarket. Buy wine, sausages. Suddenly I see such tennis balls in the package, 3 pieces, they cost 130 rubles. And I just read in some magazine for girls that you need to wash a down jacket with them. We bought products for about 5000, and the balls for me turned out to be too expensive for him !!! How it pissed me off!!! Well, we didn't get anything. Not because of the balls, of course ... Or maybe because of them.

Not a sponsor

I was 19 years old, my then boyfriend was 31 (I note this, because I would probably forgive a poor student). He bought me a cream and a make-up remover milk - something like a modest Garnier. And then he said that he bought it so that I could only use it at his house, because he does not intend to be a sponsor.

The article was prepared by Lilit Mazikina

Photos: Shutterstock

Oh, yes, girls, you rounded my eyes with your stories.)) Wow, what rednecks! " what can you give me? how can you surprise me?" - it is an absolutely female prerogative to ask such questions, and even then! - not everyone will ask them.

I had a history of a roommate. A simple turner, but handy. I then just got a job as an ordinary manager. First s/n-tears. Cruel economy, in the first year of our relationship, saved up for him on the phone, on the DR, the anniversary. For my DR, the gift was so modest that I didn’t even remember it.)) I gradually turned around, climbed career ladder, and he was still a turner, of some kind there. I bought him a second phone (already latest fashion). Purchased for his apartment household appliances, furniture, clothes, food, soaps, etc., etc. His dog fell ill, which became mine. He didn't care. And I treated. Prostatitis, cancer, heart cough. In a month, 3-5 thousand flew out for medication alone (excluding trips to veterinarians, tests, etc.). My "friend" thought that this was a waste of money (for 10 years the dog was his friend !!!), "such an age." We had a separate budget. He spent almost nothing and was genuinely amazed and happy when he once took a printout from his salary card: "WOW! Nevermind, I have 40 mowers accumulated!" This is despite the fact that at that time he had a salary of 17 thousand. Then the crisis, he was out of work for six months, again I supported him, only now in general "from and to", at first I just supported, then I began to press that it was time to leave out of depression, you need to pull yourself together and work! Little by little I started. To be honest, then recent times I was already kept next to him only by our "common" dog. He was already infinitely ill, he chose me as his mistress and I simply could not leave him. She asked me to give the dog to me, but my roommate blackmailed her and did not give it back. The dog was buried and I left. Left everything. Without false modesty, I am generous and always make an effort to make the nest comfortable, and always leave with the words "I will buy everything for myself!" And this time I took only my clothes and my plants. But I am still, endlessly amazed by such stinginess, when you are not ready to give the last penny for a dog who has been your friend for so many years when he feels bad and hurts. When you gladly accept that your woman contains you. Once she suggested that he re-lay the linoleum in the kitchen. In response: "Well, you are a business woman with us, so order the material, workers!" We weren't even married, why should I do repairs in his apartment?!

And that's what I had. I recently found out that he was happily married and had a daughter. I'm happy for him.) I'm only a little sorry for his wife. And so, every person deserves happiness.

I have a couple of stories. Stories from life, but not mine. Stories on "speculate".
I'll tell you one.

Foreword to be clear:
Relatively small hotel with 100 rooms. The owner of the hotel is Jamaican. The hotel owner's brother has his own bus fleet and drivers. By mutual agreement, these drivers walk around the hotel and offer tourists to go on excursions.

Now the story:
One Driver took a Canadian Couple on an excursion, they became friends and even began to correspond. When the couple was going to Jamaica again, the Driver offered them to book the same hotel, but at a discount. He, as a local, is supposed to. The couple agreed and sent Driver money for the hotel.

Suppose a hotel room costs $200 per night. The discounted driver booked the same room for, say, 150 per night. And Pare said that for 160 (On the one hand, Pare is fine, they got an excellent discount. On the other hand, the Driver did fuck them, but friends are the same).

The couple arrived, brought the Driver a bunch of gifts (it's so common here), like cool speakers on the bus, watches, toilet water for his wife, some clothes and other things. Then the couple wanted a tour, but asked for a discount, as friends. The driver refused the discount, explaining that the bus was not his, and you had to pay for the bus (Actually, he could make a discount. Pay for the bus, gasoline and tickets, but take nothing for his work. Well, friends. Especially, gifts brought in. But he wanted to earn money, and not waste the day for nothing).

The couple took offense at the Driver and suggested that he was simply cheating them for money and generally deceiving them. And for some reason they decided to check their suspicions. We went to the hotel manager and asked how much their room cost. And, of course, they found out that the cost is less than they were told. For 10 bucks a day.

The couple went to the Driver, made a scandal and demanded a refund of the difference in price. The driver began to excuse himself that the difference went to the bank’s commission for transferring money (Here he almost didn’t lie, our bank takes 25 dollars of commission. If the hotel was booked for 3 nights, then 30 bucks is just almost a commission to the bank. But the hotel was booked for 3 weeks, which means that the Driver appropriated about $ 200).

The couple called the police and said that the Driver stole a bunch of thousands of dollars from them and did not want to return. The driver was taken to the bullpen.

Several days of checks, including the bank account, and the Driver was released, because. he didn't steal anything. The couple claims to have sent money to his bank account twice: to pay for the room and then a bunch of thousands of dollars. And according to the papers from the bank, there is only one transfer: to pay for the hotel.
There is also a smart payment for the hotel was made. Those. The driver received money in the account, he booked a hotel room, paid everything from this account at 160 per night, and then received his commission of 10 per night in cash at the hotel.

The couple is relaxing in the hotel, and at the same time tells all the other guests how they were robbed by the Driver. Well, the Brother of the Hotel Owner fires the Driver "just in case". So that the reputation is not affected.

And now attention, the question: who is right in this situation and who is not?

Let's start with the fact that the locals have many such "friends". And if all "friends" do everything for free, then where do they get the money from?

However, in my opinion, the Driver acted like an asshole. They brought him gifts, they treated him well. And he fucked people.

On the other hand, the Couple got a decent discount. Which they would never get on their own. And the fact that the Driver was given a commission for them is none of their business.

On the other hand, since they are "friends", I could say about the commission.

In general, both are wrong, but the Driver is more to blame. I wanted to make money on "friends", I was greedy. I would give them a discount on the tour and everything would be ok.

Now about the dismissal. The Brother of the Hotel Owner could have simply asked the Driver not to come for the rest of the time while the Couple was resting at the hotel. Well, don't get fired. So it's not the driver's fault.

On the other hand, the Driver would have continued to mow, and the reputation of the hotel - to fall. So quitting is the only way out.

Conclusion: greed does not lead to good.

The girls told what miracles of greed their men showed and how to adequately get out of unpleasant situation without appearing to be a mercenary person.

Polina, 28 years old, obstetrician-gynecologist:

“I often met girls complaining about greedy guys on the forums. And it seemed to me something out of a fantasy series - I always met kind and generous guys. And not necessarily suitors. In our common company, it was never considered shameful if a guy paid for a girl - even if not for his own. But I also met a miser along the way of life. Worse than that that I fell in love with him. Everything happened spontaneously, we met - it started to spin, and a month later they began to live together. I have. And here all the most interesting began. The rent, all household expenses, grocery shopping fell on me. And the expenses increased sharply - I used to eat alone and a little, and then a man appeared in the house. By the way, the guy worked, and seemed to earn good money. But everything was justified by the fact that he needed to pay off the debt - just a couple of months and he would become free. I waited. And a month later he bought a new expensive foreign car and moved out. He saved money so much, sitting on my neck and living at my expense.

Photo: Cavan Images/ Cavan/ Getty Images

Ekaterina, 26 years old, sales assistant:

“My friend recently divorced her husband. They didn't part well. The husband was the initiator. The apartment is his, and he felt like a full owner. A friend called me to collect things for the company - together and calmer and the support is still moral. So her ex-believer followed us on our heels: everyone was afraid that we would take too much. I counted the plates! He didn’t allow me to take anything from equipment at all - although they bought it with the general money. Both laughter and sin: I left my friend's apartment with a blanket and pillow, my friend herself with a suitcase of personal belongings and a tea set. Which then, by the way, we smashed to smithereens, celebrating a divorce!”

Maria, 34 years old, artist:

“I am not a mercantile girl. I earn money myself, and the wealth of a man has never been in the foreground. I dated a guy for six months. Everything was going great. Due to my busy schedule, I didn't see each other as often as I would like to visit exhibitions. But still, they have already begun to make plans for a common future. And then he suddenly invited me to Thailand. And presented it as a surprise. I, of course, was delighted and agreed. And in the evening he came ... for money. For my half trip. I was even confused and somehow felt ashamed - now, I think, a fool, I thought it was a surprise gift. I hesitated a bit ... because I didn’t even have the amount I needed at that time. He got so angry. Like, why did she agree, if there is no money, and he has already signed an application for a vacation. Then, so to speak, he relented - they say, you will pay as soon as we return from Tai. I hope he didn’t like to rest alone.”

Olga, 22 years old, student:

“It was very unpleasant when a young man who actively sought a meeting with me was no less actively bargaining with a flower seller for a bouquet. For me. In front of my eyes. It all ended with the fact that I paid in my hearts the right amount and handed the bouquet to him. And she left. How the saleswoman laughed!”

Marina, 30 years old, lawyer:

“I met a man on a dating site. We made an appointment at a cafe. To the question of the waitress: “Have you already brought the menu?” replied, “We don’t need to. We'll only be coffee." My self-esteem plummeted. Two options: either I was not impressed, or the guy is just a miser. The date was exactly 5 minutes. Under the pretext of powdering my nose, I just ran away. Then he called, but did not pick up the phone.

Tatyana, 26 years old, tourism manager:

“For my birthday, a former young man gave a strange set - shampoo and shower gel. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, of course, but it's still not best gift for the girl you love. But I soon forgot. Until I saw the same package at a friend's house. As it turned out, they were handed out for free at the presentation. cosmetic brand where my ex worked as a sound designer. Smart greedy!”

Photo: Westend61/ Royalty-free/ Getty Images

Alina, 23 years old, nurse:

“Somehow I hinted to the guy that I dream of a new smartphone. It was a couple of months before my birthday, and I was hoping to receive it as a gift. I am not at all mercantile, in my defense I will say that on his name day I gave him a watch that he dreamed of. I spent my entire paycheck. And I didn’t regret it a bit, I just wanted to please my beloved. Literally a week before the holiday, I get the coveted smartphone. Joy and gratitude knew no bounds. Until he asked when I could give him the money. He had no intention of giving it away. You can probably imagine the look on my face…”

Nadezhda, 32 years old, entrepreneur:

“I am a self-sufficient girl, I know the value of money, I earn money myself. Yes, and I can stand up for myself and I won’t get into my pocket for a word. But I forgot all the words when an adult man, who claims to have some kind of relationship with me, invited me on a date and offered to take a walk in the park. In February, at minus 25! After an hour and a half of festivities and my assurances that I would die from the cold right here, he tied his scarf to me and asked: “Is it warmer?” What a cutie, damn it! And then just as nicely offered to take me to the tram stop. Fortunately, my frozen fingers did not let me down, and I was able to dial a taxi number on the phone. And forward - home, in the long-awaited warmth and away from this idiot.

Ekaterina, 27 years old, manicurist:

“I recently quarreled with a guy with whom we have been living together for three years. My best friend is getting married and invited us to the wedding. And my told me that we will not go. Because this is spending on a dress, a suit, and so on - one; cash gift young - it's two! And it is very expensive for our overall budget. But it's not every day that your best friend gets married! He won't let me go alone either. After all, there will still be expenses!

Oksana, 29 years old, designer:

“An unpleasant, but even comical situation happened to me at one of the presentations for designers. After the seminar, a banquet awaited everyone - Buffet. My colleague and I decided to go a little later so as not to be crowded. When they arrived, the number of empty plates significantly exceeded the number of full ones. We slowly moved towards the table when, practically shoving us aside, a young man flew by. And straight to the plates. He began randomly throwing the leftovers into the plates. We even rushed. We were completely taken aback when he pulled the canapish practically out of my hands. In general, we went crazy to drink coffee. On the second part of the seminar we met him again. Sad, with a slight green on his face ... Apparently, the canapeshka went wrong. That's how someone else's greed saved me from poisoning!

Liza, 30 years old, teacher:

“I was shocked when I saw a friend hiding children's books in a closet. When I asked why she was doing this, she sadly replied that she was hiding purchases from her husband. He strongly swears if it goes beyond the budget. And in order to pamper herself and the child, a friend was forced to say that she had been reduced in salary. And with this stash, she makes unplanned purchases by her husband.

Anna Tok, editor of the He and She section:

There are men whose greed can be compared to a disease. They are greedy in everything, buy groceries on sale, wear one shirt for 15 years and wonder why they go to the cinema when you can watch a movie at home. Only a psychiatrist can change such people. Run without looking back, or humble yourself for a century.

And there are men who save only on women. They can easily please themselves with expensive new clothes, go on an expensive tour with friends, but they prefer to save money on you. With pleasure, he will split the bill in half, the gifts are extremely practical, useful and preferably at a seasonal discount. No flowers, diamonds or new handbags. These men are used to living only for themselves, they are spoiled female attention and do not consider it necessary to surprise and conquer. They were spoiled by the strong and independent women who can do everything themselves and reach for the bill on the first date. If you come across a similar instance, then you will have to spend time and effort on its rehabilitation. The main weapon in the fight against his greed is confidence in yourself and that you deserve the best.

Remember Plushkin from " dead souls"? Was he greedy or thrifty? Covetous or thrifty? Even if the man you got is really greedy, he will never admit it. Moreover, his greed (in his words - "economic", "care for tomorrow"," not wanting to spend money on trifles, "underline as necessary), he will put it up as an indisputable advantage: he is not some kind of spendthrift, every penny knows his account. Below are two stories (although there is only one hero in them; different heroines), think for yourself who Zhenya is.

Eugene met with Tanya. He is a successful programmer, she is a medical student, worked part-time in free time, plus Tanya's parents helped. In fact, they lived with them. Everything was fine until Tanya offered to move to a rented apartment: after all, living with her parents, no matter how wonderfully understanding they may be, is not entirely comfortable. Here she first met with Zhenya's misunderstanding: what's the point of paying for a rented apartment if they and their parents live well? Plus - Tanya's mother cooks so deliciously, but Tanya herself does not cook ... Then the question arose about the vacation. Tanya had long wanted to go abroad, which Zhenya knew about and, in general, shared her desire. Tanya ran out of the travel agency in tears and was all red. She shouted that SUCH, which Zhenya (the cheapest hotel, only dubious breakfasts, no excursions) she didn’t need for nothing. For a week they either put up, then swore, in the end they decided the following: they pay for the tour in half, and at the resort itself, everyone pays for himself personally.

Bottom line: the whole vacation, Tanya and her group went sightseeing, visited local markets, looked at souvenirs, and Zhenya lay by the pool or on the beach, reading a newspaper left by one of the tourists. Upon arrival, they parted, and Zhenya did not hesitate to ask Tanya's parents to return the money he paid for repairs gas stove in their house. To offer money for everything that he ate without buying himself, he apparently forgot.

A year later, Zhenya meets Olya on a dating site. They started dating: open skating rinks (both had their own skates), bicycle rides(bicycles were borrowed from friends), picnics in the forest or on the banks of the river (Olya, like Zhenya, not only eats like a bird, but also does not accept alcohol at all. As you understand, this significantly reduces the cost of such walks), in in general, romance. A year later they got married. At the wedding, their friends sadly fingered the wilted parsley twigs and thought about when it would be possible to leave here: the young people didn’t spend much either on music or on treats. Eventually musical accompaniment there was a rumbling coming from the stomachs of the guests.

Now Olya and Zhenya are happily married. They go to night sales in shopping malls. They plan their own trips (why pay a guide or a travel agency?), order household appliances on Chinese websites (of course, you have to wait a long time, but what a benefit!), dress in second-hand clothes (there are also completely new things, right with the labels!). True, they still cannot have a child: they believe that they cannot afford it. Children are very expensive.
