Liquid leather for shoes before and after. Liquid leather for leather sofas

jacket from genuine leather in the most prominent place "decorates" a large scratch.
Is it to be thrown away?

Or, for example, he bought new shoes and on the same day caught on a nail ...

If a tint cream or varnish is not able to correct the situation, you need to connect heavy artillery. To be more precise, to make “liquid skin” with your own hands.

Don't be alarmed, it's much easier than it looks, but there are limitations, which we'll talk about later.

"Liquid skin" for repair

AT modern understanding, « liquid skin"is a polymer mixture based on alcohol and water. The composition of the product includes an adhesive base, rubber resin and dye. You can use the finished product.

By the way, “liquid leather” SAPHIR is best suited for shoes - the full name of the regenerating cream is “Renovatrice”

But here difficulties may arise. Firstly, such a remedy still needs to be found, and then it may turn out that there is no “liquid skin” on sale. desired color.
And why pay for the whole bottle if you need to repair one scratch?

Let's try to make a "liquid skin", which is ideal for your product. Shoe repair shops used this method long before ready-made "liquid leather" appeared on the market. It can be said that this professional secret shoemakers :). We are armed!

How to make "liquid skin" with your own hands

You will need

  • acetone solvent
  • pipette for applying the solvent (suitable and cotton swab)
  • donor - a piece of skin of the same quality
  • sharp knife and a spatula (or knife-spatula)


1. Search for a donor
Puzzling over where to get a piece of leather of the desired color and texture? You don't have to go far - choose an inconspicuous place on your shoes, jacket or bag. This can be the wrong side of a bag or boot, lapels on a jacket, the back of a sofa.
When the "donor" is found, drop a liquid with acetone from a pipette onto this place. Wait a couple of seconds and gently scrape off the material. A little dissolved coating should remain on the tip of the knife.

  1. Defect fix
    Apply the resulting coating to damaged areas where scratches or scuffs need to be repaired. Smooth with a spatula, let dry and polish with a soft cloth.

Watch the video tutorial carefully shoemaker explains in detail all the subtleties of making "liquid skin".

It must be said right away that this the way is fine only for small scratches.

Fixing major damage

If the damage has a significant area, as on this collar, you will have to use the purchased "liquid leather".

You will need

  • liquid skin of the desired color
  • tassel
  • alcohol for degreasing
  • sponge to eliminate excess
  • soft cloth


1. First of all, remove all protruding pieces of skin.

2. Degrease trouble spot alcohol or other degreasing liquid.

3. Then apply the first layer of "liquid skin" over the entire defective surface.

4. Without waiting for the “liquid skin” to dry, walk over its surface with a sponge to remove excess product.

5. After 10-15 minutes, repeat the procedure again. If necessary, a third layer can be applied.

6. Wait for complete drying.

Now you know how to hide scratches on leather goods. If you do everything carefully, no one will even notice that there were defects on the boots, purse or jacket.

Leather items: shoes, bags, purses, raincoats, gloves - are in the wardrobe of almost every person. This traditional material has been used by people for centuries. In the process of wearing any item, a scratch or abrasion may appear. How to restore the novelty, the former appearance of a thing, repair the damage so that it is not conspicuous? The agent tested is liquid skin. But first - about the qualities of the material itself.

Features of genuine leather

This unique natural material mankind has been using for centuries. Despite the reliability, products must be treated with extreme care. The following are actions that are undesirable during operation:

  • expose mechanical influences, since this entails the loss of the original form and appearance;
  • wet through and twist - this will lead to deformation and hardening;
  • accelerate drying near hot heaters, iron with an iron, blow with a hairdryer;
  • long-term storage in the sun.

From interacting with aggressive chemicals on the leather things spots and whitish stains appear, the color changes.

Several folk methods for restoring the surface layer

In some cases, it is required to eliminate the consequences of accidental damage (scuffs, small cuts) on the surface of the leather product. To independently solve such problems, there are several proven tools, including the so-called liquid skin. With your own hands, you can quite decently repair knocked-down socks near boots or a scratch on a jacket.

The method of repair largely depends on the hardness, quality, thickness of the base, as well as the nature of the damage. Ordinary abrasions are easily painted over with nitro paint from an aerosol can. The main thing here is to choose the right color and carefully, in a thin layer, spray the composition over worn out places. Full painting of the product is recommended to be carried out in a specialized workshop.

Homemade liquid leather will help close up a thin scratch. With my own hands on reverse side products or a piece of the same skin with a pipette drip a little acetone. Immediately scrape off the dissolved paint with a small spatula and gently cover the cut with it. This method has long been known to shoemakers and restorers of shagreen products. Its disadvantage is that it is suitable only for the restoration of minor, small damage. You can only get rid of through cuts with the help of a more complex procedure using special adhesives and substrates.

DIY liquid skin

What solvent to use for self-production the right remedy? Commercially available professional formulations are made on the basis of alcohol, water and polymer dyes. The mixture is easily absorbed, filling the damaged areas of the product.

It is extremely difficult to obtain exactly the same composition without a chemical laboratory. However, you can use the appropriate color instead. It is important to remember that liquid skin is not adhesive composition. The substance paints and decorates minor defects on the product, filling the damaged area. If necessary, after drying, you can apply a second layer of the mixture.

AT different occasions used liquid skin:

  • (knocked down toes of boots, scratched heels) with its help everyone can spend;
  • for the restoration of furniture (scratches from the claws of a cat);
  • for the purpose of restoring bags and gloves (cuts or scuffs);
  • when sealing needle punctures;
  • to mask other minor annoyances.

Obtaining a relief texture on thin lycra

Not only liquid leather is used to care for leather products. They apply special putties, sprayers and putties with their own hands. One of the features of all these tools is the ability to use only on a smooth surface.

To restore the texture front side pre-create a drawing template. Plain paper napkin with a small amount of substance applied to it is applied to the undamaged place of the product. The resulting stencil with printed relief is removed for several hours to dry completely. When working on the restoration, the template is pressed against the damage for a few seconds immediately after applying the second coloring layer. This technique will make the repair site invisible.

Don't Expect Miracles: Liquid Skin

With your own hands, you can prepare shoe creams, special softening mixtures. The substance called liquid skin is just a thick polymeric cream. This putty will not glue a large "wound" on a bag or jacket. It will help to close up small random defects on the front surface of the thing, being a restorer of the upper pigmented layer.

To fix more serious problems with a thing apply "Moment" or polyurethane water-soluble glue. Through "wounds" are closed with a substrate, in several stages, of which the last is staining.

No matter how long leather things serve, troubles happen to them: cuts, scuffs, burnt places spoil the look and force you to buy new ones. If you are planning to buy another leather sofa, shoes or clothes, wait, because they can be patched up by liquid leather. With its help, damage disappears without a trace. From now on, you, not time, will decide how long your things will serve you.

What is liquid skin

The substance that repairs damage to leather is paint. It has a very high adhesive power, easily penetrates the surface. After drying, a single integral coating is formed with the original material, so it returns previous view: it is elastic, durable to the touch. If we are talking about the restoration of a natural coating, then delamination with the surface is completely excluded. Leatherette, leatherette and other artificial finishes are not covered by this warranty.

Skin Restorer is available in sets of 7 colors. One jar contains about 20 grams of paint, which is enough to repair 100 square centimeters if applied in a layer of 0.2 mm. Consumption depends on the size and depth of damage: somewhere you can limit yourself to applying in one layer, somewhere you will have to cover several times. On average, the entire set is enough for the restoration of 30 to 100 items.


The paint, which discreetly seals holes in the skin, is a heavy-duty polymer based on water and alcohol. In addition, the composition of the liquid skin includes rubber resin, emulsifiers, dyes. By appearance the liquid resembles gouache, and after application it is completely absorbed into the surface and forms a single coating that does not peel off and is in no way inferior to natural in strength.

How to use

Repair of leather products begins with cleaning: it is necessary to remove all dirt and degrease the surface, and then the color is selected. The color palette included in the set will help you create any desired shade. How to use liquid skin? It depends on the nature of the damage:

  • Scuffs. They need to be painted over with a thin layer of paint, then leveled, lightly pressing with a dry sponge (this gives the new coating the same relief), and left to dry. If necessary, repeat.
  • Cuts and cracks. For their disappearance, tightly connect the edges and apply the composition with a brush, then align. Leave a little to dry, repeat the procedure.
  • Deep cuts. If possible, it is better to turn the product inside out, then connect the edges. On the furniture you will have to fill the place with foam rubber. Apply paint on the front side in small portions, using a brush and remembering to level the surface and blot it with a sponge. You can repeat the procedure several times.

It is important to remember that the substance begins to set very quickly, after 10-30 minutes, so the jars must be closed immediately. The paint can dry completely in 2-3 hours in an open container. After completion of the work, the composition is absolutely safe. During the repair, you should try to limit contact with the skin and especially with the eyes. If the dried coating needs to be removed from the surface, wipe the place with alcohol - and everything will come off.

Liquid leather

One of the most popular products of this type is liquid leather. Russian production:

  • general description: available in individual tubes of 125 ml or in sets (7 tubes of 20 ml), the range is represented by 7 primary colors.
  • Characteristics: the polymerization process occurs after 20 minutes, complete drying is observed from 2 to 8 hours;
  • Pros: easy to apply, dries quickly; repairs penetrating damage.
  • Cons: small color palette.

Liquid Skin Saphir

Competing with other similar products is liquid leather Saphir Creme Renovatrice. It is produced in France, the main plus is in a highly effective resin composition:

  • General description: color range contains 50 colors, available in 25 ml tubes.
  • Characteristics: Contains fluorocarbon resins for long lasting color.
  • Pros: the most extensive range of colors.
  • Cons: expensive.

Bradex liquid skin

Israeli liquid leather Bradex is a worthy competitor to other manufacturers, providing all the conditions for a successful repair:

  • General Description: Available in packs of 7 different colors, the weight of the jar with the composition is 8 grams.
  • Characteristics: drying time - from 8 to 12 hours.
  • Pros: repair kit includes everything necessary accessories(spatula, embossed paper to simulate a leather surface, vinyl flap, lining fabric for holes).
  • Cons: small selection of colors, takes a long time to dry.

liquid skin price

The leather repair product is sold in sets of several colors, in individual tubes of the desired color or as a spray. Black and white are very popular beige colors. The price of liquid leather will depend on the brand, the country of manufacture, the number of grams. The spread of prices for the 3 most popular brands specializing in the release of funds ranges from 100 rubles.

Good afternoon dear friends.
Leather items: shoes, bags, purses, raincoats, gloves - are in the wardrobe of almost every person. This traditional material has been used by people for centuries. In the process of wearing any item, a scratch or abrasion may appear. How to restore the novelty, the former appearance of a thing, repair the damage so that it is not conspicuous?

The agent tested is liquid skin. But first - about the qualities of the material itself. Features of genuine leather. Humanity has been using this unique natural material for many centuries. Despite the reliability, products must be treated with extreme care. Below are actions that it is undesirable to allow during operation: subject to mechanical stress, as this entails the loss of the original shape and appearance; wet through and twist - this will lead to deformation and hardening; accelerate drying near hot heaters, iron with an iron, blow with a hairdryer; long-term storage in the sun. From interaction with aggressive chemicals, spots and whitish stains appear on leather things, the color changes.

Modern household chemicals, of course, it offers such a thing as liquid leather, which is designed specifically for repairing leather products.
But they can difficulties arise. Firstly, such a remedy still needs to be found, and then it may turn out that there is simply no “liquid skin” on sale. desired shade. And why pay for a whole bottle if you need to repair a tiny scratch?

Several folk methods restoration of the surface layer. In some cases, it is required to eliminate the consequences of accidental damage (scuffs, small cuts) on the surface of the leather product. To independently solve such problems, there are several proven tools, including the so-called liquid skin. With your own hands, you can quite decently repair knocked-down socks near boots or a scratch on a jacket.
The method of repair largely depends on the hardness, quality, thickness of the base, as well as the nature of the damage. Ordinary abrasions are easily painted over with nitro paint from an aerosol can. The main thing here is to choose the right color and carefully, in a thin layer, spray the composition over worn out places. Full painting of the product is recommended to be carried out in a specialized workshop. Homemade liquid leather will help close up a thin scratch.

Verified a method used by shoe repair shops long before the sale of such a product as "liquid leather". This is a real professional secret of shoemakers! We are armed.
You will need:
+ acetone-based solvent,
+ pipette for solvent application,
+ "donor" - a piece of leather from a leather product or an inconspicuous place directly on a leather product,
+ sharp knife and spatula (or spatula knife).

How to apply
1. Take a piece of leather that matches the color or find an inconspicuous place on the product. It can be the wrong side of the boot, the wrong side of the bag, inner part lapels on the jacket, the back on the sofa. In general, any place that will be invisible when wearing the product or its operation.
2. Put thinner on the skin, scrape off the dissolved paint with a knife and apply it to the damaged areas - where you need to repair scratches or scuffs.
3. Smooth the paint with a spatula, let it dry and polish the product with a soft cloth.

Minus its in that it is only suitable for repairing minor, small injuries. You can only get rid of through cuts with the help of a more complex procedure using special adhesives and substrates.
Liquid skin with your own hands. What solvent to use to independently obtain the desired product? Commercially available professional formulations are made on the basis of alcohol, water and polymer dyes. The mixture is easily absorbed, filling the damaged areas of the product. It is extremely difficult to obtain exactly the same composition without a chemical laboratory. However, acrylic art paints of the appropriate color can be used instead. It is important to remember that liquid skin is not an adhesive. The substance paints and decorates minor defects on the product, filling the damaged area. If necessary, after drying, you can apply a second layer of the mixture.

Liquid skin is used in different cases:
- do-it-yourself shoe repair (knocked toes of boots, scratched heels) with its help can be done by everyone;
- for the restoration of furniture (scratches from the claws of a cat);
- in order to restore bags and gloves (cuts or abrasions);
- when sealing needle punctures;
- to mask other minor annoyances.

Receipt relief texture on thin lycra Not only liquid leather is used to care for leather products. They apply special putties, sprayers and putties with their own hands. One of the features of all these tools is the ability to use only on a smooth surface. To restore the textured front side, a pattern template is first created. An ordinary paper napkin with a small amount of a substance applied to it is applied to the undamaged area of ​​​​the product. The resulting stencil with printed relief is removed for several hours to dry completely. When working on the restoration, the template is pressed against the damage for a few seconds immediately after applying the second coloring layer. This technique will make the repair site invisible. No need to wait for miracles: liquid leather You can make shoe creams with your own hands, special water-repellent impregnations softening mixtures. The substance called liquid skin is just a thick polymeric cream. This putty will not glue a large "wound" on a bag or jacket. It will help to close up small random defects on the front surface of the thing, being a restorer of the upper pigmented layer. To fix more serious problems with a thing, Moment or polyurethane water-soluble glue is used. Through "wounds" are closed with a substrate, in several stages, of which the last is staining.

Liquid leather for the repair of natural leather goods and items made of different types leatherette, gluing the damaged surface of furniture and renovating shoes - this is a reliable, innovative, regenerating agent. It can be purchased at affordable price and easy to use at home. This does not require special equipment and tools. No special skills needed. Let's take a closer look and discuss different parties useful and affordable skin cream in this post.

Characteristics of liquid skin

What is liquid skin?

In the modern sense, liquid skin is a polymer mixture based on alcohol and water. The structure of the product is such that it fills the surface of leather and substitute products. After treatment with liquid skin, the surface becomes integral. The polymer firmly sits on the base, forming a practical and elastic matter. The repaired product does not crack and looks like new.

Ingredients Liquid Skin

The product contains adhesive sticky base. Rubber resin has also been added. And another important component is the dye. Each jar is different. Thanks to the rich palette, you can choose a cream to match the color of the repaired items.

Where is liquid skin sold?

Products for small home repairs are produced by many manufacturers. household chemicals and offered in the respective outlets. Most easy way- is to place an order in the online store, then you do not have to look for quality goods throughout the city.

What does liquid skin look like and how much does it cost?

The cost of the kit is an average of 700-800 rubles in Russia. The product looks like a creamy mass packaged in plastic jars or iron tubes. The price and form of release depends on the brand. Multi-colored packages with the inscription Liquid leather resemble gouache.

Liquid skin storage

Storage information is important and can be found on the packaging. Usually the essence proper storage product comes down to keeping it in an environment where the temperature is necessarily above zero. In the right climate, tightly closed containers remain usable for as long as 2 years from the date of manufacture.

Safe Application of Liquid Skin

When the product is completely dry, it is completely harmless to humans. The main thing is not to lean non-dried areas treated with an adhesive polymer against human skin. Be sure to work carefully by wearing gloves. For example, buy medical gloves at the pharmacy. Under no circumstances should the substance come into contact with the eyes. This may cause bad consequences. If it happens that your hands touched the leather cream in an uncured state, then wash them with soap and water as soon as possible. In general, contact with any mucous membranes is unacceptable. Swallowing the product is life-threatening. Be sensible and keep your leather cream jars out of reach of curious pets and small children. If the product gets into the eyes, rinse them thoroughly with a stream of water, avoiding chemical treatment. It is advisable to consult a doctor. If a child accidentally swallowed a polymer mass, a visit to the hospital is required.

The qualities of hardened skin

It is necessary to say about what properties liquid skin acquires when the product dries. So, the composition hardens, thereby it acquires the same qualities as genuine leather. At a glance, it is indistinguishable. If the leather cream is correctly applied, completely dry, then you can wrinkle the product and it will immediately restore former form. No creases remain. By the way, the surface is completely water-repellent. The product will be elastic. The optimal temperature range for the operation of such things is -35-+70 degrees. Liquid skin breaks down gradually, a natural process that can take up to 35 years. From all this, the conclusion follows that you have in front of you an overly practical material for home repairs.

What products are updated with liquid leather?

Most often, leather cream is applied to these natural products:

  • clothes - mostly jackets and raincoats, less often trousers;
  • leather shoes;
  • accessories - for example, gloves, bags;
  • leather home and office furniture;
  • leather surfaces in the car;
  • wallets and purses.

As you can see, the composition can be applied to any thing and thereby extend their service life without spending money on new ones.

What is the purpose of liquid skin?

The purpose of the product is a cosmetic repair of leather items and leatherette products. Thanks to liquid skin, you can mask worn areas, eliminate small cracks and cuts that spoil the look. Instead of gaps and defects, you can see a uniform, completely smooth surface.

How much liquid skin is needed for restoration?

Standard jars have a volume of 20 ml. One package will serve perfectly for processing 100 square meters. cm, if the layer is 0.2 mm. By purchasing a kit consisting of 7 colors, you can provide yourself with an extensive repair practice, perform from 30 to 100 jobs. In fact, it is easier to estimate the consumption on the spot - it depends on how many layers will be applied, how thick they are.

Color variety of liquid skin

Before repairing products, try to accurately select color solution liquid skin. The tone of the patch should be close to the main color of your damaged item. To facilitate the choice, you can use the table, which shows the results of mixing colors. It often happens that a leather cream is applied to the surface, and it becomes clear that this is not the right color. You can easily get out of position while the polymer is not cured. Take a damp cloth and wipe off the applied layer. If the liquid skin has already seized, try to remove it with alcohol or some kind of alcohol-based product. When the shades differ little and problem area small, then do it easier - put on top of the first one more layer, more suitable in color. This approach makes repairs more practical by strengthening the connection.

Drying liquid skin

It is important to know that liquid skin can change color when completely dry. If the original color of the wet product was light, it will become even lighter, dark tone usually dark. Big role plays the layer thickness. It is best to test liquid skin by applying a small amount to an inconspicuous area, and dry. If the resulting shade does not suit you, then you need to dilute the glue with other colors so that the final color matches the base one. You can dry the applied polymer cream faster if you heat the layer with a moderate temperature hair dryer. But do not put products on the battery and electric heaters. Liquid leather packaging can be left open for a short time, but not longer than 30 minutes, otherwise the product may dry out, which will adversely affect its properties.

Where and how is liquid skin applied?

In principle, you can apply a layer of liquid skin to any damaged area. True, some features must be taken into account. Focus on those areas that are expected to be loaded in the process of using things. The fact is that the polymer itself is not designed for pressure and may not withstand it. To make a semblance of reinforcement, put gauze under the liquid skin. Thus, it is possible to strengthen large areas and make them more durable, they will not tear during operation.

liquid leather masks damage on products made of genuine leather or leatherette

How to use liquid skin for restoration?

Liquid leather for leather goods repair

The main material for which the composition is designed is genuine leather. It is restored without problems. Leather Products Looks just like new after processing.

Liquid Leather for PU Leather Products

As practice shows, it is good to use the product on leatherette, vinyl. Although the manufacturer does not promise full adhesion of the adhesive to the surface. This means that the connection may be unstable and short-lived. It is worth going for the restoration of artificial matter using liquid skin when there are minor areas of damage. For example, there are minor scratches and scuffs. It is advisable to mask such places on artificial materials where no load will be placed.

Liquid leather for the restoration of shoes and boots

It would seem that liquid skin is an analogue of shoe polish. In fact, the composition and action are different. You can effectively cover damaged areas in a visible place on boots and boots, as a result they will become like new. The method of application and drying is not at all the same as with shoe polish. The fact is that liquid skin is coloring composition with enhanced adhesive effect. The composition is not designed for long-term repeated imposition. Cover imperfections in shoes with liquid leather, but don't try to smudge leather surface for shine and clarity. All details of use are indicated on the packaging.

Liquid leather for leather sofas

Leather sofas look great in the interior and make it solid. True, such furniture is easily damaged by pets. Liquid skin helps to cope with such a problem. The sofa becomes aesthetic again. Small scratches and abrasions are especially effectively hidden. If there are stains that are difficult to remove, then a thin layer of liquid skin is applied to the sofa, this helps to even out the color. Updating furniture occurs due to the impregnation of the top layer. When the composition dries, it forms an integral matter with the base. On sofas, it is advantageous to use this particular restoration method, since liquid leather has a soft structure, it eliminates peeling, which often occurs after applying glue. Of course, the polymer patch can delaminate, but this happens after a long time, along with the aging of the furniture.

Liquid leather jacket repair

Black or color Leather Jacket- a long-serving piece of clothing, it is always fashionable and practical. True, with a favorite thing, it can make you part with the fact that defects appear from wearing. If you use liquid skin of the desired shade, then tears and scuffs will be completely eliminated. It will be impossible to see the place of repair with the naked eye. Follow the instructions on the package. If the jacket is made of leatherette, then there is no guarantee of durability of the connection. Liquid leather can crack over time. The patch will just peel off - in worst case. Best of all, the material is kept on natural leather.

Liquid leather for bag repair

Unfortunately, the bags of city people often break down. Due to minor damage, you have to change the accessory. If you repair a bag with liquid leather, you can significantly save money and continue to use your favorite thing. Cracks or other defects may appear on the body or handles of the bag. You just need to apply a thin, but moderately thick layer of liquid skin with a spatula, wait for it to dry. As a result, the material forms an elastic film similar to skin. Also, the patch can look like vinyl.

Liquid leather for car interior repair

After a long period of use, the interior is easy to update, for this it is not necessary to remove the seats. Degrease the surface first. If there are places where the material has been burned or torn, then you need to cut off the edges. It is important to choose the right color so that these places do not stand out against the background of the overall picture. There is liquid leather for cars, there is a whole set of multi-colored jars. By mixing colors, you can get desired tone. For example, there are sets of 7 containers on sale. We apply liquid skin in an even layer, pressing it with a dry sponge or napkin so that a small relief appears. One procedure may not be enough. If the result is not satisfactory, then carefully apply another layer. Wait until completely dry, then you can touch. Unsuccessfully applied liquid skin can be removed with a solvent, it will come off in 30 minutes. We advise you to wipe the interior of leather or leatherette with soap and water and ammonia, then castor oil this will add shine.

Leather steering wheel repair

To upgrade your leather steering wheel, purchase liquid leather in a tube. We degrease the steering wheel with solvent or gasoline, apply the substance with a sponge. And we're waiting for it to dry. You can also refresh the gear shift knob. The skin layer will stay on without problems for a couple of months, then it can be renewed.

Car seat repair

With the help of liquid leather, you can return the car seats to a new and attractive appearance. First you need to find all the places of damage, then apply the product as usual, press a little and wait at least 30 minutes. A thick adhesive substance fits tightly on the shabby seats and their surface becomes homogeneous, gets a little shine. The composition of automotive liquid leather is standard - it contains dye, glue and rubber resin. Can be glued together leather cases seats and give the surface a natural relief. For seats, we recommend non-professional brands Color Road, Salamander and Sapphire - these are inexpensive proven products. professional tools are needed by car repair shops, and the user for one-time application There are more affordable options available as well.

Liquid Skin Brands

Liquid Skin Flexstep

A repair kit costs from 860 rubles. The box contains 7 cans of liquid skin in different colors. The product perfectly copes with frayed areas and even cuts on leather clothes and shoes. It is easy to work with furniture, updating it. By mixing colors - yellow, black, rich brown, white, green, red and blue, you can create any shade that will best suit the product. Products are created on European equipment, stored for a year, inside there is an instruction for the user.

Liquid leather

The cost of the set is from 550 rubles. The product lays down amazingly, creating a brilliant elastic film without cracks and folds. The kit includes a container for kneading liquid skin, a spatula and a foam rubber sponge. In a set of 7 colors - yellow, classic black, brown, white, green, red and blue. These are the most popular colors, they can also be mixed. For convenience, there is an instruction and a table for the correct mixing of colors. Using everything that is in the kit, you can repair any, even very damaged, leather product at home without experience and effort.

Liquid Skin Saphir

Convenient tubes of 25 ml. Convenient for disposable. A rich color palette includes burgundy, blue, gray, blue and dark blue, purple, black, beige and light beige, beige-pink, white, brown, dark and light brown, red and pink. In total there are about 40 tones. By mixing colors, you can achieve any color that is not available. Tubes are sold in packs of 4, each costs from 450 rubles. The drug is able to restore the top layer of the skin of any kind and quality. With this miracle cream, you can restore anything without special tools and skills. Be it clothes, shoes, furniture or car accessories. The elastic mass fills cracks and forms a film resistant to damage.

Video - how to use liquid skin

We've told you everything we know about liquid skin. And you try it in action if you have an aged leather clothes, shabby chairs and car steering wheel braid, damaged shoes or a sofa scratched by animals.
